I've been a broken record on this, but the only possible way of making sense of this is through the lens of ideology. The ideological battle line is "collectivism vs individualism" (left vs right, east vs west). I can't say for sure, but it appears which side you fall on is hard-wired, maybe from birth. Thus, you have differing sides …
I've been a broken record on this, but the only possible way of making sense of this is through the lens of ideology. The ideological battle line is "collectivism vs individualism" (left vs right, east vs west). I can't say for sure, but it appears which side you fall on is hard-wired, maybe from birth. Thus, you have differing sides within the same family. Plus "conversion" seems vanishingly rare, which should tell us a lot. Your sister sounds exactly like my older brother, embracing and enforcing the collectivist narrative. Like many, my older brother had a lot of anxiety about the virus, right out of the gate, which makes no sense (he was an F-15 pilot). I suspect the virus was merely a "trigger", but the fundamental cause of the anxiety is much deeper. Perhaps fatigue from a seemingly meaningless individualistic, decadent, incessantly competitive meritocracy? He's effectively an atheist (I'm not), which might factor into the "meaningless" aspect, although plenty of atheist/humanist individualists on our side, so this clearly isn't the full story. Still lots of unanswered questions.
Mike, I am not sure about the hard-wired. I was liberal when I was young, now lean conservative and will stay here but am an Independent. I see value in both individual and the collective pending the topic and believe they can work together at the exact same time. Left and Right can coexist well as a balance to one another, like yin and yang. Then again, on a bell curve, I am probably an outlier so there you have it.
And for what it is worth, your brother served our country and was very brave in his chosen profession. I thank him for his service.
I hear you, although I don't think liberal vs conservative is the issue. I don't see liberal vs conservative as "hard-wired", but more like a situational bias. Liberal vs conservative is the stuff of political bickering. True ideology is the stuff of wars.
It's been fascinating seeing people (particularly on Twitter) who identify as "liberal" and lifelong democrats come out on our side, showing their primary ideological spirit. Plus, I don't think people are all or none. We're clearly a mix. In regards to collectivism vs individualism, it seems like we have a primary spirit and a secondary spirit. I suspect people resist this view because they like to think they fully chose their position based on intelligence and virtue. Getting away from this is difficult and takes the fun out of it.
Yes, I do agree a situational bias and yes, most of us are a mix.
When did we allow life to get so complicated. Do we not all remember the KISS method? I find the most intelligent among us are many times those without the highest levels of education...they have retained common sense, moderation, escaped indoctrination, and apply the art of compromise with great deftness. If everyone looked in the mirror and were real honest, there are an infinitesimal few that can make the boast that they live virtuous lives consistently. I know I will never be remotely close to a Mother Teresa or Gandhi.
I remember the old line "If you're not a socialist when young, you have no heart. If you're not a libertarian when old, you have no brain.". It makes me laugh because it's true of you me and a lot others.
The idea of helping and looking out for each other strikes the idealism of youth. Once they get some experience with the "WTF?" moments they realize both sides are mostly bought and paid for.
I like the folks and goals of both the "legit left" (RFK Jr, Max Blumenthal, etc) and the "real right" (all states who've outlawed vax passports (all red so far). Despite their differences they still have the idealistic goals, just different ways to achieve them.
I could not agree more TRM. If only I had the wisdom in my youth that I have now. I would have been a force to be reckoned with. Only time and experience can give us clarity, insight and wisdom. Love RFK Jr. He is very informative. I don't mind right or left but would like them to live in the middle, fanatics need not apply!
I've been a broken record on this, but the only possible way of making sense of this is through the lens of ideology. The ideological battle line is "collectivism vs individualism" (left vs right, east vs west). I can't say for sure, but it appears which side you fall on is hard-wired, maybe from birth. Thus, you have differing sides within the same family. Plus "conversion" seems vanishingly rare, which should tell us a lot. Your sister sounds exactly like my older brother, embracing and enforcing the collectivist narrative. Like many, my older brother had a lot of anxiety about the virus, right out of the gate, which makes no sense (he was an F-15 pilot). I suspect the virus was merely a "trigger", but the fundamental cause of the anxiety is much deeper. Perhaps fatigue from a seemingly meaningless individualistic, decadent, incessantly competitive meritocracy? He's effectively an atheist (I'm not), which might factor into the "meaningless" aspect, although plenty of atheist/humanist individualists on our side, so this clearly isn't the full story. Still lots of unanswered questions.
Mike, I am not sure about the hard-wired. I was liberal when I was young, now lean conservative and will stay here but am an Independent. I see value in both individual and the collective pending the topic and believe they can work together at the exact same time. Left and Right can coexist well as a balance to one another, like yin and yang. Then again, on a bell curve, I am probably an outlier so there you have it.
And for what it is worth, your brother served our country and was very brave in his chosen profession. I thank him for his service.
I hear you, although I don't think liberal vs conservative is the issue. I don't see liberal vs conservative as "hard-wired", but more like a situational bias. Liberal vs conservative is the stuff of political bickering. True ideology is the stuff of wars.
It's been fascinating seeing people (particularly on Twitter) who identify as "liberal" and lifelong democrats come out on our side, showing their primary ideological spirit. Plus, I don't think people are all or none. We're clearly a mix. In regards to collectivism vs individualism, it seems like we have a primary spirit and a secondary spirit. I suspect people resist this view because they like to think they fully chose their position based on intelligence and virtue. Getting away from this is difficult and takes the fun out of it.
Yes, I do agree a situational bias and yes, most of us are a mix.
When did we allow life to get so complicated. Do we not all remember the KISS method? I find the most intelligent among us are many times those without the highest levels of education...they have retained common sense, moderation, escaped indoctrination, and apply the art of compromise with great deftness. If everyone looked in the mirror and were real honest, there are an infinitesimal few that can make the boast that they live virtuous lives consistently. I know I will never be remotely close to a Mother Teresa or Gandhi.
I remember the old line "If you're not a socialist when young, you have no heart. If you're not a libertarian when old, you have no brain.". It makes me laugh because it's true of you me and a lot others.
The idea of helping and looking out for each other strikes the idealism of youth. Once they get some experience with the "WTF?" moments they realize both sides are mostly bought and paid for.
I like the folks and goals of both the "legit left" (RFK Jr, Max Blumenthal, etc) and the "real right" (all states who've outlawed vax passports (all red so far). Despite their differences they still have the idealistic goals, just different ways to achieve them.
I could not agree more TRM. If only I had the wisdom in my youth that I have now. I would have been a force to be reckoned with. Only time and experience can give us clarity, insight and wisdom. Love RFK Jr. He is very informative. I don't mind right or left but would like them to live in the middle, fanatics need not apply!