Stand strong and just say no to Medical Rape! Also refer to mandatory vaccination as medical rape wherever possible. We need to identify the position of supporting mandates with supporting rapists. Making these idiotic Leftists the clear Bad Guys is the only way forward.
Stand strong and just say no to Medical Rape! Also refer to mandatory vaccination as medical rape wherever possible. We need to identify the position of supporting mandates with supporting rapists. Making these idiotic Leftists the clear Bad Guys is the only way forward.
I’ve been listening to a podcast on YouTube called Debra gets red-pilled. The premise is this guy, Adam, and his mother in law, Debra, have a talk every week (with guests of all kinds) and he exposes her to stuff she had never questioned or didn’t even know existed. Debra’s your typical nice, don’t rock the boat, go along to get along, cnn-watching hippie-era Democrat. Sweet but naive and also the type of person that’s the reason we’re facing the danger we’re in: they don’t bite or fight back. They can’t believe anything truly bad is happening at all until the day they’re watching a loved one get dragged away and put in a boxcar for not getting the vax.
In the episode I watched last night, things come to a head. It has been building up for a while. Adam wants to know where she stands now that he is about to lose his job. Debra still thinks that the easiest thing is to just get the vaccine even though she’s against the mandates.
For me, the peak comes when he asks her “I’m going to get graphic here. Im being raped and you’re asking me to just give in”
“Wh- what?”
“I’m being raped and your advice is to give in, to make it consensual.”
I think that was a pivotal moment for her.
It’s not a podcast for everyone and at times it’s a bit slow, but I find value in it.
In any case, medical rape is a very accurate analogy.
I can’t find the specific exchange I mention but it’s in the second hour. The first 41 minutes are skippable. The “hard truths” part begins at 41:15
It’s a hard episode to watch, this one. Very uncomfortable for Debra. For the viewer too. And Adam is not the type of person to mollycoddle her throughout the difficult moments. He keeps a deadpan face. I like him though. I like them both. It’s obvious the podcast has deepened their relationship but oh god, this one was so hard. (I recommend speeding it up a bit to 1.25.)
Their episodes are normally not like this one (I mean, who would put themselves through it if it was just constantly being put on the spot?) and they’ve had some very entertaining guests. It’s a good ride watching Debra discover and react to MK Ultra, mud flood, cryptozoology, Boston marathon, ufos and other fringe subjects.
Thanks! Amazingly, when I was scrolling through the episodes of this show (which I had never heard of prior to you mentioning it here) that exact episode is the one that piqued my interest. I’m already a good half-hour into it and fascinated by the interaction.
I’m very happy that you’re finding it interesting! 😊
btw he recently changed the podcast title to Into the apocalypse which is a great rockin’ name - I think it means he’s letting Debra a little off the hook, she’s been such a good sport throughout ... which is exactly what she shouldn’t be! It’s all so messy when you’re human. Cats are way better.
Stand strong and just say no to Medical Rape! Also refer to mandatory vaccination as medical rape wherever possible. We need to identify the position of supporting mandates with supporting rapists. Making these idiotic Leftists the clear Bad Guys is the only way forward.
I agree with this so much.
I’ve been listening to a podcast on YouTube called Debra gets red-pilled. The premise is this guy, Adam, and his mother in law, Debra, have a talk every week (with guests of all kinds) and he exposes her to stuff she had never questioned or didn’t even know existed. Debra’s your typical nice, don’t rock the boat, go along to get along, cnn-watching hippie-era Democrat. Sweet but naive and also the type of person that’s the reason we’re facing the danger we’re in: they don’t bite or fight back. They can’t believe anything truly bad is happening at all until the day they’re watching a loved one get dragged away and put in a boxcar for not getting the vax.
In the episode I watched last night, things come to a head. It has been building up for a while. Adam wants to know where she stands now that he is about to lose his job. Debra still thinks that the easiest thing is to just get the vaccine even though she’s against the mandates.
For me, the peak comes when he asks her “I’m going to get graphic here. Im being raped and you’re asking me to just give in”
“Wh- what?”
“I’m being raped and your advice is to give in, to make it consensual.”
I think that was a pivotal moment for her.
It’s not a podcast for everyone and at times it’s a bit slow, but I find value in it.
In any case, medical rape is a very accurate analogy.
Would you mind sharing the name of that episode?
It’s this one
Confronting Debra:Hard Truths for Hard Times
I can’t find the specific exchange I mention but it’s in the second hour. The first 41 minutes are skippable. The “hard truths” part begins at 41:15
It’s a hard episode to watch, this one. Very uncomfortable for Debra. For the viewer too. And Adam is not the type of person to mollycoddle her throughout the difficult moments. He keeps a deadpan face. I like him though. I like them both. It’s obvious the podcast has deepened their relationship but oh god, this one was so hard. (I recommend speeding it up a bit to 1.25.)
Their episodes are normally not like this one (I mean, who would put themselves through it if it was just constantly being put on the spot?) and they’ve had some very entertaining guests. It’s a good ride watching Debra discover and react to MK Ultra, mud flood, cryptozoology, Boston marathon, ufos and other fringe subjects.
Thanks! Amazingly, when I was scrolling through the episodes of this show (which I had never heard of prior to you mentioning it here) that exact episode is the one that piqued my interest. I’m already a good half-hour into it and fascinated by the interaction.
I’m very happy that you’re finding it interesting! 😊
btw he recently changed the podcast title to Into the apocalypse which is a great rockin’ name - I think it means he’s letting Debra a little off the hook, she’s been such a good sport throughout ... which is exactly what she shouldn’t be! It’s all so messy when you’re human. Cats are way better.