the abusive spouse beats his partner senseless then blames her.
“why do you make me do this to you!?!”
it’s a pathology so common, it’s a trope.
and yet it’s one people fall for. over and over.
alienate them and tell them that this is their fault and that they made me do this and the gaslighting starts to take.
the “rules” start to seem like something objective and needful instead of something capriciously inflicted upon them.
“well, yeah, but i’d never fall for that!”
oh really?
this same manipulative game was just played out at societal scale across the globe.
and most of society knuckled under and fell for it. they participated in it, enabled it, or at the very least, allowed it, went along to get along.
for years, very few stood up. because that’s how abuse from powerful entities works.
and it’s why we need to understand it.
so that it cannot be pushed upon us again.
stop and really examine this framing.
“they put us all at risk of more restrictions” so it’s ok to persecute them.
this literally casts the issue as one of self defense. they are putting us in harm’s way so we get to attack.
even leaving aside the manifestly clear issue that the vaccines have not worked to stop spread in the slightest and are almost certainly making it worse, this framing is still completely false.
they are not putting anyone at risk of restrictions (and note this this is what was chosen as the risk, not covid, state sponsored sanction).
the unvaxxed do not want restrictions nor do they have the power to impose them. that power lies with the state. and THAT is who is threatening people.
therefore, andrew’s argument is nothing like self defense and possesses no moral justification to abridge rights.
the government threatens andrew and so andrew feels justified in persecuting other citizens also being threatened while trying to assign the blame for that threat upon them.
there could be no clearer cut case of blaming the victim.
those choosing to be unvaxxed did not break any social contract nor infringe upon the rights of others. they simply asked to be left alone.
it was the state that broke the contract and that seeks to take rights and liberty and for this crime of government, andrew gleefully wants to declare the other victims outlaw.
“it’s time to punish the refusniks”
this man is the chairman of “the spectator” newspaper.
and he’s the worst kind of collaborator and simping bully. he gets bullied from the top, and instead of pushing back or taking a stand, he turns on the other victims and attacks them to curry favor and seek status and privilege.
he is, literally, that craven older brother who, when dad comes home drunk, tattles on you for watching TV and gleefully goes to get father his belt to give you a thrashing and then stand by enraptured while you catch a beating.
he has identified with the aggressor and sought safety and status by aiding and abetting abusers.
and then has the gall to tell you that it was your fault.
these people are deeply sick. their morality is twisted and toxic.
it’s what happens when you take the dark triad traits and intersect them with congenital cowardice.
they love blaming you and seeing you punished. their profession of love and of sadness to have to do such things has the sincerity of crocodile tears shed over a hyena laugh track.
and this is why there is no place in a civil society for them.
they live for this.
their hands are held not by morality or empathy or decency but from fear of consequence.
they always wanted to do things like this, torture animals, children, neighbors; punish them.
but people would (rightly) have called them monsters and this is low status. they fear loss of status more than they crave the delicious dark triad delights of being beastly to people.
this is why covid revealed so many so thoroughly.
it removed the check, displaced the balance.
being beastly became high status and so they went for it with gusto. they could act upon these naughty narcissistic needs and claim them as virtue. they could side with the abusers and blame the victim, perhaps even to claim to champion the victim.
this was simply too tantalizing a temptation to pass up. your masks were forced on, but theirs came off. self-interest and other-oppression were on naked display.
and when such people come candid and tell you who they truly are, you would do well to believe them.
and do better to remember.
because never in living memory have so many truly amoral and vicious people from political demagogues to the overwrought media enablers who shudder ecstatically as they amplify such messages shown their true colors, live and in glaring 8k.
unchecked by opprobrium, they vilify as they victimize.
but look at the interviewer. she is leaning in, she LOVES this. she cannot wait to be told who it’s OK to hate and to be awful to, who we should not tolerate.
she wants to watch. she wants to help.
an entire ecosystem has been revealed to us.
and so we have been given a gift here.
it’s like every pirate in the caribbean ran up the jolly roger at once and professed their desire to plunder and slit throats. (this is, in all honestly, unfair to pirates, many of whom were far more decent than these people)
and we all got to see it.
and now the world is becoming ours again.
and we must not forget.
not ever.
we must not forget who these people were and what they said and what they tried to do when they thought they could get away with it.
we must not forget the pleasure they found in power and the joy in suppressing others.
because people like this do not change. they don’t learn, heal, or get better. they just get better at finding means and pretext to work woe unto those around them.
they certainly never believed a lick of it themselves.

and so we should never believe a word from them again.
these people need to be run out of town on a rail.
we’ve literally elected dexter to run our lives.
and enabled a media to simp and simper for him.
i mean, how did you think that was going to go?
and more importantly, what are you going to do about it?
unlike theses feckless fascista, we need no violence to assert our aims.
this is about principle, not power politics and to become that which you purport to despise in order to fight it means you have already lost.
peaceful. implacable. and ungovernable.
our way must be separated from theirs and our liberty taken for and defended by we the people, not they the would be tin hatted despots.
change does not simple happen.
change is made.
and this is how it starts.
Very few people had the courage the first time around to not wear a mask when it was 'mandated'... which was really just a test of social pressure. I never wore one and got in everywhere I needed to go. I pray that if the rhetoric gets ramped up again people will be able to refuse this time - Mass Non Compliance is the ONLY solution to what is very obviously a psyop.
The beatings will continue until morale improves. Our caste system is now the free fun people here, the enthusiastic slaves, and their abusive masters.