Very few people had the courage the first time around to not wear a mask when it was 'mandated'... which was really just a test of social pressure. I never wore one and got in everywhere I needed to go. I pray that if the rhetoric gets ramped up again people will be able to refuse this time - Mass Non Compliance is the ONLY solution to what is very obviously a psyop.

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I'm ashamed to say that in the early days I often did wear the muzzle when required. As time wore on, though, that became tiresome. During the most recent mask mandate I simply refused, and on only one occasion - a local bagel store at which I had been a regular - did the proprieter demand I mask up. I haven't set foot in the establishment since.

The only other time anyone gave me a hard time was when waiting for a friend in a train station. I let the guard have it and made a giant scene, not because I thought it would get me out of wearing a mask, but because the more painful it becomes for minions to enforce nonsense the less inclined they will be to try.

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I reasoned that it was not a matter of "courage" but of "finessing" - I never wore one outside; avoided almost all indoor settings; (had the exact same experience response at a "local" deli -) - I had a sense that in grocery stores (where I did wear) the staff were mask Nazis principally because they had to wear them on 8 hour shifts (so the damn customers damn well are going to wear them too) ... besides, in some sense, they are my neighbors and I didn't see much point in nasty - "painful" for both - arguments. In short, I wore a mask a countable number of times - generally no more than 20 min - in the 14 months of the mask mandate; not sure how I will respond to the next mandate. The vax was the more significant red line.

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Yep, same for me - the jab was a line I would not cross, and I was clear about this with myself from very early on.

I do wonder how many people got jabbed due simply to have gotten so used to compliance, though. That was the other function of the masks and all of the rest of the ridiculous mandates - compliance tests. "Can you pass me a water?" escalating to "let's fuck."

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Same here, and perhaps partly due to the early recognition that the injection was the payload of the scam. The masking and social distancing and lockdowns were just to make us miserable enough to get the shots. Those were intentional acts of bullying that should be resisted on principle, but at the end of the day it didn't matter much to us individually whether we submitted to them or not. Refusing to be poisoned, though, that was essential.

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I agree, albeit with the nuance that resistance early in the game may have given more people the courage to say no at the crucial moment. Perhaps if more of us, and I include myself in this, had been willing to push back and refuse to comply right from the beginning, fewer would have taken the jab. At this point all we can do is hope that the long term results are merely bad and not horrific.

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Agreed, and that's why I emphasized "individually". For the greater cause and the good of other people, it was important to resist the bullying, and some of us did resist as we could. At the time, there just weren't enough of us who understood, and cared.

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I never wore a mask either, not once, and it never stopped me going places. If a store or restaurant insisted on masks there were always other places to go that did not. Those stores and restaurants continue to get my patronage and dollars, the others do not. No one criticized me, at least to my face. I only really got into a brief discussion about it twice, both at medical facilities. A poor employee low on the totem pole came rushing up to me with a mask at the emergency room entrance, I just gave a firm "NO" and walked on in, sans mask. No one else said anything. The other was at a medical supply store. Another mask waved in my face, that time I said, "If you believe those work then you are incompetent," turned around and went elsewhere for what I needed. Be ungovernable!!

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Love it! - great approach ... ... however "always other places ... that did not" suggests you are in a red state, a mask-mandate-lite state? - surely not Europe, ANZUS ? ... the thing about the deep blue states is that (just about) everyone became an enforcer, and escalation to violence was not entirely rare and there were virtually zero venues that "did not" require it. Yeah - if I were personally more feisty, I would have been more aggressive; I argued for the "finessed" mask accommodation below - but I felt crappy every time I pulled it over my face - never a N95, by the way - genuine 3M "household dust mask" was my brand (other uses "may adversely affect your health" printed right on the front!)

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Yes, I am fortunate to be in a red state that left mask mandates up to the cities and towns, so there was always a town or suburb I could drive to that didn't mask up. If I had lived elsewhere I am not sure what my choices would have been but I did have a plan, if I was ever stuck in a situation where I HAD to mask, to go with a black full widow's hat and black veil where they couldn't even see my face....hahaha. It's all theater anyway so why not cosplay?

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I live in a blue state just dripping with pretentiousness no matter how stupid and unsuccessful our public policies. But I walked into stores without wearing a mask and simply went about my business. The only places this didn't work were municipal offices which, being hive centers of pointless authority, were willing to aggressively assert pointless authority and make anyone coming through the door wear a mask.

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I live in Oregon also

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I'm on the other coast. But, yeah, you guys would be right up there with us.

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Are you preparing for execution

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It is sad that so many of us gave into it. Heck, during the first year and nine months of the pandemic, I didn't wear a mask. Then I got cellulitis, had my leg amputated, and all that changed. I have to have my wound looked after, so I have to wear a mask on Uber (until recently) and I have to wear a mask in the doctor's office.

Some people say that masking is political, but I have those close to me who are conservative and liberal, and they have shown up to visit me wearing masks. The thing that they have in common is both of them have government jobs. So if you have a connection to the state, regardless of party affiliation, chances are you are masked and vaxxed depending on your standing in the political machine.

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Jesus, man. That's rough. My heart goes out to you.

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Thanks. an amputation puts things in perspective. Would a mask have helped me during Covid? No, but losing weight and managing my diabetes would have helped me immensely on both the Covid front and the amputation front. That being said, I believe I had Covid twice...once in February of 2020 and again in December that same year.

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People were actually killed over masks.

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by the way - re: my "finessing" approach below; I certainly respect your courage and willingness to take on the mask enforcers; that was a valid and necessary approach; my point was more that a mix of resistance strategies were available, particularly regarding the less than lethal mask assault. The vax was definitely an either / or challenge: you submit or you do not - period - un-vaxing is not an option. (Tho practitioners holding out that hope are making large sums of money!)

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Exactly. You can take a mask off when you leave the store. You can't unjab. The compliance cost is much, much lower for masks.

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'The compliance cost is much, much lower' and the propaganda value is much, much higher. You wore the mask. You supported the stupidity.

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We still have masks on public transport here in Spain. I go without these days an no one says a thing. This country is lost.

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And will they let the Vax mandate go for tourists in Spain?

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I don't know. We still have masks here in doctor's offices, they just got rid of the mask mandate on Uber rides. I think our responsibility is to be honest about it.

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Never wore a mask. Never got swabbed. Never got jabbed. Saved my dignity.

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Gumby!!!!!! ❤️ And your comment was good too. 😄

(Gumby was my nickname in high school).

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The beatings will continue until morale improves. Our caste system is now the free fun people here, the enthusiastic slaves, and their abusive masters.

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These same people are griping about the overturning of roe v Wade, claiming my body my choice, and saying there was no vaccine mandate 🤡

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Mandates are still in force for NYC and actually expanded in 2022. While it seemed impossible to have a more corrupt moron than DeBlasio for Mayor we got Eric Adams who fired another 1,200 city workers last month for refusing the jab & expanded mandates to volunteers.

After years as a NYC Parks photographer my participation is now officially prohibited. No doubt millions of residents and visitors are safer because my pics can't be uploaded to official Flickr accounts.

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It’s really unbelievable. It’s hard to believe this is all really happening. Dystopian novels come to life

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Mandating jabs after it is known that the vax does not prevent illness or transmission is in and of itself a social disease. It isn't based on any science at all. It is based on a severe mental illness on the part of politicos and party loyalists. These are some very sick people. They are irrational.

I am reminded of a character description in Marcel Proust's, Remembrances of Things Past.

"His actions, like that of most, was generally dictated by previous actions, the main reasons for which had already ceased to exist."

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Never read Proust, so thanks for that line. I may just give that a read, before the book-burners get to it.

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Never read Proust but what a great quote. Being shanty Irish my own reference comes back to the story of Nanny's famous pot roast recipe. Step one was to cut off both ends and lay the meat in a square which was followed for years by the extended family.

At some gathering with the famous pot roast one of the little kids asked why it had to be done that way. Nanny answered it doesn't, she cut the ends to fit her square pan. *smirk*

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May 9, 2022·edited May 9, 2022

Messed up. What a load of crap. I’ve been told it’s not just the mayor but the people of the city want mandates, want everyone jabbed. I can almost believe it. Talking to an old friend the other day, she said, “when millions of people were dying everyday we couldn’t wait to get the shot and spent days looking for availability.” millions, millions of people a day. Yea okay. And what has the shot done for you today. Oh right, kept you from getting very sick.🙄

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" I’ve been told it’s not just the mayor but the people of the city want mandates, want everyone jabbed. I can almost believe it."

Over 17 million people live here, more than some States so we have every opinion among the broader population. We also have one of the most aggressive and ongoing ad campaigns peddling COVID fear, masks and jabs on top of the massive censorship.

Photography is a lifelong love and street shooting a favorite so there's plenty of albums with feet in the street opposing mandates & collection of some of the subway/street ads which does not include TV spend that's relentless.

Official Propaganda Signs


Official New Yorkers assortment - Times Square - City Hall - Columbus Circle




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No matter that 99% vax ed on cruise ships get Covid outbreaks.

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Thank you for sharing the links!

Some I know talk bs, maybe makes em feel better. See we did this…everybody wants this. All my ny relatives have been jabbed. Part of the payoff: getting into the garden, a lottery, free beer, free joint, their job.

I look forward to more time viewing your pictures. Subways look surreal.

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Only thing that makes me happier than taking pics is sharing them so you made my day thanks!! Here's the link for the albums so you can scan and see what's of more specific interest. There's like three pages of albums that go back to Occupy Wall Street if street actions are your thing and lots just wandering the city. All are free to download or share some of the flower series are great screensavers. :~)


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Thank you!

In 2019, I was sitting in a coffee shop window having a coffee and muffin and sharing conversation with a stranger. Someone walked by and snapped a picture of the store front (had a camera!”, not phone). It happened really fast and I hope it was a good photo! I’m really camera shy.

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Wow, that's rough. If you can possibly manage it, I'd move. Screw them.

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Yes screw them, but my heart and life is here and I'm staying and fighting. :~)

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I totally understand.

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My father still says there was no mandate, even though if you did not comply you lost your job. If that is not a mandate I don't know what is.

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That's the funny thing. Retired people (some of them, anyway) think there was no mandate because after all, they didn't lose their pension if they didn't comply. The pressure was highest for the young and middle aged who needed to go to school and/or work. So, pressure to take the shot was inversely proportional to the actual COVID risk.

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Man I forgot about most of these- but thanks for the brain shake up- I only wore one on planes so I could visit elderly relatives and newborn grandsons. Got "looks" and yelled at- funny how 6'2" hubby never did. Punks- all of them.

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Here in Illinois we get commercials to take the vax. We have friends who are quadruple vaxxed who are afraid to eat at a restaurant during normal eating hours. I have to wonder what’s the point of insulting your immune system for a vax that doesn’t work?

What is up with those children with hepatitis?

What is up with the 10,000 page Pfizer document dump?

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You know when the CDC says immediately that it 'was not the vaccine!' (in the kids/hepatitis) that it is definitely the vaccine. Every headline should be taken in the opposite.

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I wondered that too. Though aren’t the sick kids too young to be vaxxed?

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I’m wondering if their mothers were vaxxed and breastfed their babies. I don’t mean to disparage the mothers or suggest it’s “their fault”, even if it is the case (spike proteins passed through breast milk); no, I’d blame the doctors and drug manufacturers who should know better.

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Interesting theory on moms milk.

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You make a good point. This outbreak is very odd and alarming since it seems to be worldwide.

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Correct, kids were not necessary age eligible for Covid mRNA vax.

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Saw this last week, no source confirmed but an interesting claim:

"by AC – investmentwatchblog –

The recent and sudden rise of liver damage and hepatitis in children seems to be affecting those between the ages of 1mo – 4 years of age.

What they arent telling the public is that the majority of the cases are those under 4 years of age who are breastfed and who have been actively breastfed (within the last 12 months). The children are unvaccinated, but the breastfeeding mothers (in 100% of the cases) have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses.

The incidences of hepatitis is also hitting the 11 – 16 year old age group, with the majority of the cases in that group having been vaccinated with at least one dose.





News headlines and mainstream media titles are stating that unvaccinated children are getting hepatitis and liver damage from an unknown cause (or speculating adenoviruses as the cause) but fail to mention that actual case data shows that the WHO classifies children involved in this issue fall under the ages of 0 – 16 years of age, that the majority of cases are in the 1 month – 4 year old age group, and that 100% of the cases in that age range are being active breastfed (or have been breastfed within the last 12 months) by fully vaccinated mothers.


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Well spotted. I was kind of sceptical on the vaccine causing hepatitis because of the age range, but if this is true, could well be via breast milk

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Theorize an adeno virus caused hep. In children. Could it be adenovirus from the j&j adenovirus vector vax?

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I've heard that it may be DOGS causing that hepatitis in children. Yes, you read that right. DOGS. (Don't tell Kitty). What on earth will they invent next?

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Oh no. How can that be? Will this be an excuse to come for our dogs? Dreadful.

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As we slowly return to normal, I find my social circle has been reduced considerably. Sad, but also illuminating: I never realized so many 'good people' would have turned in Anne Frank.

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The "turning in Anne Frank" analogy is perfect, and one I've been saying for a while myself. It's amazing that people don't draw the line between what's going on today and what went before. It helps to learn a little about history.

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Nothing was lost. I also feel less social pressure and conformance. It's quite liberating. Thanks god my wife was amazing and stood with me in the dump up to the neck.

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First picture (the newspaper):

EVEN GERMANY is considering mandatory vaccination. EVEN GERMANY. Let that sink in.


Just in case you don't get it: "Hey! Even Germany is building concentration camps!"

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I think dogs have been getting higher meme visibility of late on gato's posts. It's nice to see.

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we're a big tent here at bad cattitude.

and let's face it, most animals are both smarter and possess superior moral grounding to humans.

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I really enjoyed seeing the unruly dog! :D

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The Creeps and the Goons have been revealed. I will NEVER forget who they are.

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"he has identified with the aggressor and sought safety and status by aiding and abetting abusers. and then has the gall to tell you that it was your fault."

Sadly describes almost every blue check tweeter and most of our politicians. Jimmy Dore has described it like an entire culture behaving like adult children of alcoholics who accept blame for somehow triggering the abuses of the parent. It is a very effed up mindset.

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Living on a farm far away from humanity with pigs, cows, horses, and lots of cats is sounding better and better every day.

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I recommend it highly. It has changed my whole world over the last 13 years. Not lots and lots of cats, tho'. Just a barn cat is fine. And, a beautiful, large, white, male Great Pyr.

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I already do…..trust me, it’s the best.

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A friend of mine recently asked what I would do since schools are likely to require masking and vax in the future and I realized I had subconsciously decided that, based on the lockstep back-peddling on these issues earlier this year, it was over and done with. Many people think it is over because it has become "obvious" that masks don't work (so therefore can never really come back) and that the vaccine is now obviously ineffective and more data about the safety (lack thereof) emerges every day. But I don't think that's the case. I think it is most certainly about elections and more than likely, we will see a resurgence of idiocy afterward. Because I am STILL reading about the benefits of masking, the dangers and unfairness of restriction rollbacks, and how the vaccine still really works well. The narrative is still going strong even if downplayed most recently/less pervasive in mainstream media. Now is not the time to get complacent (message to myself).

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We have a provicnial election in Ontario right now and one candidate is publicly advocating adding C19 to the vax schedule and putting masks back on kids.

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It's pretty incredible. They are going to push it no matter what. Same here in CA-crazy proposed legislation. I spent 4+ hours on the Senate Judiciary Hearing last week on SB 866 which would allow 12 year old to be vaxxed without parental knowledge or consent. I should have tallied exactly, but I would estimate that in the time allotted for response, there were 300 opposed and 15 in support. Sen Weiner who proposed the bill was audibly angry saying they had MANY supporters but the opposition "drowned" them out. It was pretty incredible to listen to the lies and so clearly adamantly opposed.

What happened? "State lawmakers voted to move SB 866 forward" so 12 year olds can "move closer to autonomy." My 12 year old would choose a jelly bean and gummi bear sandwich over turkey if I gave him the choice. The whole thing is ludicrous.

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Oh they did that already here. It's insane. And they have ice cream trucks at vax clinics - no coercion there at all!

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Nope. No coercion. Not even if you want to fly within your own country…never mind wanting to escape it without the poison shots.

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It's utterly criminal and out in the open.

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Oh, I know…but, seriously? Didn’t Ontario just change its fully vaxxed definition to 2+booster(s)? It’s absolute lunacy.

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Vaccine mandate for public places was withdrawn in San Francisco but is still in effect across the Bay Bridge (Oakland):


Also many “nonprofit” venues across the Bay Area still require it, even for children:



This is particularly disgraceful for, as many know, these vaccines cannot be required for schoolchildren because they are not FDA approved (only EUA).

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Completely agree AL. It will all come back soon

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They are preparing the way for Round 2 of vilifying the unvaxxed in Canada: https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/fiction-disguised-as-science-to-promote?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F60901543-dr-byram-w-bridle&utm_medium=reader2&s=r

Canadian press, dutifully, posted headlines warning the good citizens about the dangerous unvaxxed.

Amazingly, they are trying to smear the unvaxxed by ascribing their refusal to be "vaccinated" with poison to possessing Dark Triad personality traits. A commenter on substack linked to a story helpfully explaining why these evil people do not roll up their sleeves; I regret not bookmarking it.

Prepare yourselves, folks. The show's just getting started.

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Fisman has taken a lot of heat for that piece of crap "study".

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Did it get retracted? Someone mentioned it had but I’m not sure.

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I hope so, would explain why he's so quiet on Twitter these days, lol

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Can only imagine, the universal kill shot. Only a persona non grata can refuse.

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Correcting my comment to “universal flu vaccine” or the “universal protects against all virus vaccine” what will stop them from mandating these in the future.

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Andy Slavitt is the worst kind of human being there is. He ran a Twitter campaign of chicken little fear porn starting in March 2020. This was all the average person needed to see that proved this was not about a virus. The Scamdemic was about power and control and getting a puppet (their puppet) elected.

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Going to nominate Justin Trudeau in that category too. That quote is only one of his diatribes against anyone who dares to disagree with him

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Just a bit on Andrew Neil, for those of your readers who might not recognize him.

For several decades, he's probably been the UK's biggest political 'pundit'. Has his own tv show, writes for big papers and mags, and is quoted widely.

I've actually met him, and once chatted with him at length at a business conference where we both were invited.

Believe me, he is exactly the sham you would expect from glancing at the newspaper article you pictured. A very vain, very bombastic fellow. Sharp, but not nearly as sharp as he thinks. Desperate to impress everyone he meets. Unfortunately, though, because he assumes the persona of an intellectual bulldozer, much of his audience does in fact get bulldozed and gives him credence.

Expect there are many like him in every country on the map. Way of the world.

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Wonderful article as ever El Gato. They're all disgusting. Particularly Andrew Neil. I cancelled my long standing Spectator subscription because of this, & I told them in no uncertain terms why.

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