blurring the lines of the woke joke
a self defeating ideology reaches endgame and the world begins to heal
consider the possibility that when the sincere advocates of a movement can no longer be discerned from outlandish parodies of the same ethos that this may represent proof that the movement itself is a joke.
perhaps trail blazed by the groundbreaking uber-troll “titania mcgrath” who fished in so, so many of the woke and anti-woke alike and set off huge arguments about whether this account was or was not real (before finally being discovered to belong to british comedian andrew dolye) the trend of super high quality parody accounts on social media has proliferated and flourished.
more so than anything else, what has become manifestly clear is that the best way to parody the woke movement is to see how closely one can mimic it.
is this account sincere or tongue in cheek jest? honestly, without poring over “her” tweets, would you really be willing to wager much either way on “activist or comedian”?
even the tweets themselves take near impossible discernment to distinguish. i would wager that with very little work, one could find dozens of sincere tweets that express precisely this sentiment in very nearly these words.
this one happens to be parody.

the lesby account is a masterful collection of sly humor and digs at the wardens of wokedom that draws its savage social criticism from apt imitation. and this has become quite a sizeable movement. and the effects are fascinating.
how can one take seriously a movement where parody cannot be discerned from activism without strenuous effort or knowledge of a speaker’s priors?
the whole ecosystem has become un-parseable.
widespread imitative parody has essentially rendered “wokespeech” impossibly ambiguous and underlined the stark and gaping gap between positions, rapidly isolating a small minority of the rabidly radicalized whose claims to social prominence look ever more illusory.
and most of us are getting a good laugh while doing it.
the fact that simply saying the same things that they do but cocking a snook while so doing provides not only such cutting critique but evokes such explosive anger from team tantrum that any would DARE to (gasp) repeat the very thing that they themselves have said is too telling to ignore.
this is not a group that can survive sunlight or widespread assessment, to say nothing of ridicule. they are the most unfunny bunch in living memory. these guys make ceausescu look like robin williams.
choosing, chasing, and exploring one’s own identity is well and good. have at it, good luck, and i hope you find your best self, but as it turns into proscriptive programs to force accession of such views onto others, especially children, it’s going to evoke backlash.
and the unending fury that is unleashed upon folks like “libs of tiktok” who simply find and post content created in schools, by teachers, at story hours etc and allow the images and speakers to speak for themselves seems more than a little dispositive.
if having your own words and images shared seems like an attack upon you, precisely what are we to conclude about the nature of your activity?
the desperation of a tribe to prevent its own core messages and practices from becoming known and attacking and seeking to cancel those who simply bring them to prominence smacks of manipulation and mendacity because so much of what they are selling is rancid.

when major publications are acting like the smollettown gazette and fabricating stories that boston children’s hospital was evacuated over a bomb threat because of a LoTT tweet (this never happened) we’re getting into some unpleasant water and when the author of the false smear then goes on to actually blame LoTT for not correcting their fake story the irony is thick enough to stand a spoon in.
it’s just never their fault, is it? always the victim, the crybully class is singularly vicious as they oppress while claiming oppression.
these arch bullies demand to play “punch, no punchbacks” while throwing no holds barred attacks of utmost savagery at the enemies they other and vilify and then exploding into sputtering indignation should anyone so much as ask “what the heck was that all about?”
your intrinsic existence can be called offensive, but the intrinsics of others create entitlement. and only we get to choose.
this is a joke, but people cannot tell because the real joke is that there is so much content just like this but dripping with self-satisfied sincerity that this whole movement has become its own critique.
and that reveals the farce.
ultimately, it’s like some sort of predestination practice that implies that “everyone but we were born in sin and must make amends and contrition for the grievous transgression of having come into this world outside our intersectional cults of complaint.”
oh, but you’re the racist one!
this essentially amounts to a messiah complex.
and the offshoots of such are never good.
“my violence is justice and much to be encouraged, but your words are violence and may not be allowed” is a rotten mantra.
it’s false, fake, and self-indulgent and the sort of shock and awe blitkreig with which it has overtaken america is degenerating into ever more livid craziness and overreach.
and that is why it’s about to end.
you can only iterate the “ intersectional aggrievement derby” so many times before those you are elevating as “most marginalized and oppressed” are flat out lunatics. the lie gets too big, too obvious, and everybody just plain does not wanna play anymore.
they are tired of stupid games, stupid prizes, and of each new appeasement leading to ever more intense demands.
and they start to think, you know, we used to have a better way to do this…
and nature begins to heal.
the power of woke comes from the power of silence. a tiny few really believe it, the rest are simply afraid to speak against it. you do not accept, you fear. it is nothing like a majority, but it is made to appear so by monopolizing speech. it is very much soviet in this regard.
the vast majority of the russian people were not believers in communism or marxism or their “great leaders.” they knew it was crap. they knew it was rancid to the bone and naught but penury and persecution imposed by elites who failed to practice anything resembling what they preached. they kowtowed in public and spoke against it in private (but very, very carefully because soviet cancel culture had guns and gulags attached and was not in any way afraid to use them.)
but you cannot stop private thought.
an the longer it goes on, the more you inevitably land here.

the pent up unexpressed feelings of just wanting normal back have become simply enormous. we’re all trapped a game that almost no one likes.
and it’s about to end.
you can feel it coalescing.
the groups and circles of trust and ability to speak one’s mind are growing by exponents. networks are linking. and so the oppressive omerta starts to fail: first a trickle, then a torrent for each new free utterance evokes 2 more to follow and “cancel culture” evaporates, overrun by people all realizing as one that nobody wants to do this anymore.
the great unwokening will, of course, evoke some histrionics and accusation, but it’s coming and nothing can stop it now. there is too much criticism free in the wild and a movement that cannot survive even the expression of its own ideas in open agoras will never withstand this.
once the momentum falters and the leaks start in earnest, the realization of wrongness and recognition of the deep undesirability and unpopularity of this movement will emerge.
and we will retake our societies from it.
When I'm honest with myself, I recognize that my fear at this time is not that I will outright starve or end up in the gulag (I can hit food with a rock from my back porch - I might feel differently in a city), but the loss of comfort and bourgeois luxury to which I feel entitled at my age and station based on my background. And I know that my parents felt some degree of the same, when their two-income two-child household could not afford to standard of living that both of their families of origin had achieved with only one parent working. The camp, the boat, the retirement plans - where's my stuff?
So if I recognize that as the bullshit tough breaks of the fiat corruption that invades every corner of culture, from the contents of the Louvre to your asshole boss, and acknowledge that I may not end up walking through the rose garden no one actually promised me, then I look at what *really* matters, and that is, what kind of world can my children, or my children's children, hope to live in.
That's where the good news get loud. Many say the internet is killing us - I think it's saving us. It took SIXTY years for the Soviets to fall. A whole generation given lifespans under communism (especially with Lysenkoist surgeons). But the Covid authoritarian putsch started falling apart after 12 months, and has crumbled utterly (death throes notwithstanding) in 28. The flywheel is moving fast; may these new Dark Ages be a memory before I'm in my grave. The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st will not age well in the history books.
We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, a work ethic you couldn't find with an electron microscope, who believe the world owes them everything... and who consider themselves the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, act, feel, and do...
What could go wrong?