When I'm honest with myself, I recognize that my fear at this time is not that I will outright starve or end up in the gulag (I can hit food with a rock from my back porch - I might feel differently in a city), but the loss of comfort and bourgeois luxury to which I feel entitled at my age and station based on my background. And I know that my parents felt some degree of the same, when their two-income two-child household could not afford to standard of living that both of their families of origin had achieved with only one parent working. The camp, the boat, the retirement plans - where's my stuff?

So if I recognize that as the bullshit tough breaks of the fiat corruption that invades every corner of culture, from the contents of the Louvre to your asshole boss, and acknowledge that I may not end up walking through the rose garden no one actually promised me, then I look at what *really* matters, and that is, what kind of world can my children, or my children's children, hope to live in.

That's where the good news get loud. Many say the internet is killing us - I think it's saving us. It took SIXTY years for the Soviets to fall. A whole generation given lifespans under communism (especially with Lysenkoist surgeons). But the Covid authoritarian putsch started falling apart after 12 months, and has crumbled utterly (death throes notwithstanding) in 28. The flywheel is moving fast; may these new Dark Ages be a memory before I'm in my grave. The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st will not age well in the history books.

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The thing is, summer camp one generation, no home ownership next generation, dissident camp the next.

It's a process. Just because it's incremental doesn't mean it isn't real or going in the direction people fear it is.

There were plenty of outlying examples of the really bad shit in just the past two years.

Don't minimize this as being about the middle class whining about comforts. People died and went to jail. People will freeze and starve soon.

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Jan 6 visitors to the capitol, invited in by the guards, are still rotting in jail.

I was shocked, after always hearing how much more "civilized" socialist Europe is compared to "wild west" US, to read Eu has huge #s (thousands, 10s of thousands) die every winter from cold. And this winter they are expecting it to be hundreds of thousands, courtesy of US attack on nordstream.

Forget them coming for your "comforts." US is ~1 year behind Europe.They are coming for our lives.

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This is right on the money. Ignoring distant reality (Europe freezing, starving, and being impoverished by their insulated elites) is whistling past the graveyard. If the Nov 8 election is stolen and the Dems retain control of congress (see another distant reality in Brazil's Smartmatic'ed first round election), it's going to be one hell of a lot more than discomfort that spreads across America. How many households are already in arrears in their energy bill payments? How many households have near zero savings? The question is how submissive will the post-WWII generations be in the face of the political outrages? If our Covid response offers clues, the answer is not at all comforting.

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There are a few big differences between the US and Europe. I don't know if they have a history of being "vigilantes" like we have had at times in the US. I also think that most of the people there have been defanged because they don't have a 2A.

I think that if they keep pushing "death/disease" they will keep a portion of the population scared and obedient. However... the big problem is that many minorities did NOT take the vaxx and some have a history of angry protests and/ or general violence. So even if a large portion of the population is scared and does nothing, there is another portion that could very well get angry and violent.

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True that Europe has been defanged physically, but we just witnessed the US masses defanging themselves in the face of tyrannical, unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates imposed by bureaucrats and politician decree (as opposed to legislation by the people's representatives). Maybe the point will be reached where we are pushed too far, but if we are counting on any kind of political opposition leadership to galvanize action I would be against it. The GOP is at least feckless and perhaps even full-on complicit. So, yeah, violence could erupt spontaneously. Unless the police and newly-woke military join in (or at least stay out of it), what is the end game for that violence? Descent into chaos doesn't sound like much of a relief valve against tyranny.

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Dying from cold is fine. Dying with covid is verbotten.

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The EU was a very bad idea and continues to ruin Europe!

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Initially it was a good idea - it was about eliminating the obstacles, physical and many bureaucratic for conducting business and trade. Much careful planning was done. It was working well. Then the tweaking began, that was supposed to be limited after all, because the Byzantian bureaucracy is what strangled European trade and prosperity in the first place! And the Byzantine ethos was blown full

again, with even more ambition

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It was created and presented as a wonderful idea of unified world to foster peaceful coexistence but, in fact it was a huge part of the plan to have one global governance excersising total control. It is one big game and we are not the players.

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Everything like the EU, Nato, WHO, many of our agencies....certainly our entire government in the US) is eventually corrupted due to power and money hungry individuals. Best to decentralize and be somewhat nationalistic to save your own country.......unless of course that is not important to you.

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The machine does hideous damage; it always will. The question is, what do *I* do with the time I’m given? And I’m honest with myself. I know they can take my children, I know they can imprison me. I also know how little control I have over that. If I’m not honest about what feels like the immediate threat, my responses will be wrong. I’m more worried about food and fuel than concentration camps, at the moment. This travesty of the past two years was not a consequence of good people doing nothing. Many tried, and were silenced. I have to recognize how they manipulate *me*.

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>> I know they can take my children, I know they can imprison me. I also know how little control I have over that.

Untrue, and stop telling yourself that.

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Oct 3, 2022
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You can edit your post. Click on the three little dots under your post.

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US is ~ 1 yr behind Europe.

Not so sure of this claim. Mebbe, but Europe has ~ ZERO energy resources (North Sea, I guess, and some coal).

We have puh-lenty. And we ain't afraid to use 'em. After we kick JB and ilk to kerb.

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Zero energy resources? Sweden alone was self-sufficient for power until we joined the neoliberal construct called the european power market.

We still have a couple of reactors and we have hydroelectric power together covering about 80% of our power consumtion. And Sweden has her own uranium deposits.

We could quite easily become self-sufficient again.

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"We could quite easily become self-sufficient again". As could the US, Canada, Australia, and many other countries. But do they, or we, have the political will?

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Fair enough, but can Sweden (1.3% of Europe's population) supply power to Germany, France, Spain and Italy? I did write EUROPE. And yeah, I am discounting nuclear cause ending that is part of the German suicide pact.

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like button not working but it will.... ....

It is going to be very very very hard to turn this train around in the US

People are being cancelled or murdered if they do not agree with the maniacs

Look at California.

I just cannot see how, with all of the brainwashing (more like waterboarding into submission) we get from the paid operations.

There is no undo

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It looks worse than it is.

We can win. Grab the momentum, cuz we haz it NOW.

We are winning.

Question is: can we organize the resistance to strike the vital points of the enemy.

Dust off your Sun Tzu texts. We have work to do.

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It will take unrelenting ruthless prosecution of our "war" to take our country back - the midterms are the turn-the-tide-decisively test of whether it will be 10 years or 50 (if America exists that long). The Biden E.O. on elections is still partially redacted. Biden said those parts will be revealed October 25th. There is a FOIA suit being litigated demanding the admin policies and plans to "get out the vote" that were required of federal agencies to be submitted within 60 days of the E.O. in March 2021. USG has been stalling, so the requestors have had to litigate every single claimed exemption USG claim to releasing those. I believe that we have to anticipate the October 25th reveal involves hard and probably armed federal intervention to "protect" the integrity of the midterms.

The latest security "emergency" meetings have been all about "Russia Russia Russia" being a threat to all of the U.S. networks - be they political, energy, water, transportation and military (some of that here: https://publicintelligence.net/dhs-russia-cyber-threat-overview/)

Of course, amped up claims now, that Russia has armed their nuclear weapons, naval and submarine carriers of nuclear missiles and is positioning them because of the success of the referendum to annex Ukraine's Eastern province/states - the rhetoric is to ultimately justify the U.S. launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

So, the midterms are in great danger because Rusia wants to throw those to the unwashed American Populists - We The People.

Our USG will ultimately drop low level nukes on our major cities, blame Russia and abscond to run and govern in exile in NZ from mansion bunkers. They will direct the military from its bunkers and tunnel systems here - which was always the plan but Trump winning delayed that (Hillary's cabal reigning plan was going to blame NoKo).

The elitist globohomopedo satanist cabals can't decide how long they want to bleed the middle class of wealth with the health problems inflicted by jabs plus repeated epidemics of omicron "mutations" that is causing accelerated dementias, cancers, HIV-1, Diabetes-1 and immune dysfunctions (FDA approved record numbers of cancer, HIV, Alzheimer's, ALS, diabetes and other therapies in the last year.). Parts of the Cabal consortium is getting impatient - they want depopulation, wealth and power more and faster. With Marxism and martial law in response to an "emergency" it is easier to round us up and inter us in camps to be "sheltered," and or starved or executed, while negotiating the handover of U.S. infrastructure, military bases and hardware intact with the CCP. Establishment is welching on the deal, they DO want to keep more goodies than the original "deal" however, when has the CCP ever kept a treaty, a business or trade agreement? Hong Kong was supposed to be a 40-something year process, the CCP was supposed to buy more American farm products, they bought our excess corn but not the soybeans, wheat etc.

There are 250,000 Chinese troops in Central America right now, CCP navies with Russian participation have been having "exercises" around South American shores and spotted in the Carribean. The CCP is also busy colonizing South America. They have CCP federal paid employees in Canada's government. Then DNI John Ratcliffe stated in 2020 that the CCP had infiltrated the CIA all the way to the top and the FBI, so that is why DOD did not involve either agency in the defection of a top CCP general.

However, making things more complicated is China's financial crisis, the Xi "Zero Covid" policy, plus the real estate/construction sector that in typical CCP business style is overleveraged and due to crash - up to 25%+ of China's GDP.

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Oh 😕

This is discouraging information.

I am pretty concerned about Obidens 97000 taxmen

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Easily? I don't think so.

It will take a few years to restore our energy levels. We don't have enough refining capacity. Xiden shut down new drilling leases.

We rely on Europe & Asia for manufacturing. They go down; se follow

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yeah, That disgusts me.

We are living in shit filled times.

Correct, the europeans live on top of each other, ride bikes, own nothing and they are happy, dammit

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I’m not minimizing anything. I’m saying the long term looks up, and I have to be clear about what my goals are.

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60 million starved and instead we were all reeing about a shop teacher's fake boobs. I'm not the one minimizing this. A bunch of right-wing populist a-holes with no understanding of what the word freedom means managed to play into the script that was written for them. I watched it first hand.

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Do you need a hug?

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No. I need you to be a better human and question the ideas, the heuristics, really, that give you comfort. And the failure to do that is both Empowering the Woke to do the same and gave rise to demand for them in the first place.

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Read the room. You are on a weird hobby horse with weird specific chips on your shoulder writing long screeds that are irritating rather than illuminating and wrap each one in screams at the reader about generational warfare with generalized blame festering in each sentence.

Telling complete fucking strangers "I need you to be a better human" outside of a university safe space is pretty much guaranteed to make them dislike you and immediately dismiss you.

You have no right to demand anything here, of anyone.

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Responding by paragraph:

First paragraph: If I read the room, I would've taken that privilege-seeking bioweapon. Fortunately I don't respond well to peer pressure. But I am indeed responding to screeds about generational warfare with generalized blame festering in each sentence, so being a human being, I tend to prefer reciprocity.

Second paragraph: I don't want to be hugged by a disingenuous narcissistic fake who thinks the room is more important than reality. Speaking of narcissistic fake-love bombing guaranteed to make me immediately dislike and dismiss you. Maybe don't use Stalinist tactics of questioning the mental health of people mal-adjusted to a fundamentally sick society.

Third paragraph: So by your logic, you were demanding to hug me. You asked me what I needed. I told you. Because you were a disingenuous child instead of recognizing that rigging the economy and pushing bullshit models of human sexuality brought to you by the people who told you sugar was a diet food was not an invention of the woke blue-hairs, but rather the regressive blue-hairs. The woke just have their own brand.

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Right again Lass! Our 'lifestyle' was never "sustainable" (in an economic sense), but the food and fuel shortages brought about by the deliberate, insanely rapid destruction of all that was just and good, is going to result in a Holodomor level disaster. For us. Soon.

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Canadians shit on Trump every chance they got. I find most of them acted and still act "holier than thou" when it comes to Americans and our love of 45. I know this because I was born in Canada but am now a naturalized American. I still travel to Canada (or did before the "pandemic") and have lots of family there. Now I laugh to myself when I think back on how smug they were about Trump......treating us as though they knew so much better. The joke is on them. Trudeau is the antithesis of Trump. A dictator who is out to ruin Canada. Narcissistic piece of excrement that he is. Stop voting for liberals and you might survive the insanity that has taken over your government. Oh and climate change is a load of bullshit!!!!


A Pureblood

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There are always going to be threats to security (in older age and otherwise) and some people have been pretty destroyed by this “movement”. I’m aware I’m a sample size of one, but I’m encountering more and more people in daily life who are willing to badmouth this crap I’m getting more optimistic. The bureaucratic machine is always behind “the times” due to its very nature so I’m with Gato that this is on its way out. And they want you to be worried so I try to not be as much as possible. That’s where much of their power comes from.

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I had to get real with myself about the fact that it was loss of comfort that I fear. Admitting that took away a lot of the power, because *that* rather than imprisonment, is what they are threatening people with. Reading “A Gentlemen in Moscow” was a redemptive experience.

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This is the crux of it. The System relies upon this fear. For too long "liberty" has meant negotiating against our own interests in exchange for the trappings of material comforts while the real culture, heritage, familial bonds, and generational wealth of a people have been leveraged away.

"Covid" woke many up to this passive exchange, the financialization of everything as we traded what mattered most for what felt best, the incremental imprisonment of our minds and souls as that collateral increasingly shifted from our own labors to the indebted servitude of our grandchildren.

And yet it also cemented in so many of those "awakened" that conditioned resistance to any discomfort. So much so that their ire is not about resisting evil systems propagating this, but rather the pricing of the exchange rate of those comforts and the rapidly dwindling quality of same.

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I think it takes great courage and personal insight to admit to this fear. I applaud you and your confession forces me to examine my own fears. I've seen "A Gentleman in Moscow" referenced several times in the last week - it's going on my reading list.

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Read Live Not By Lies, by Rod Dreher.

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Yes to all of that. But will the next round of elections be stolen too?

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Mostly, probably, but who knows?

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Yeah, whatever.

We had a great run, eh?

That's about how I view it now. Just get my kids to adulthood unjabbed and teach them how to survive in a post-consumer society, I guess.

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I’m not that nihilistic. I have a sense of what is in my control, and deep faith that everything is at it should be. But that can get rattled on the surface. If I put my energy into protecting my comfort (including from ending up in a gulag bunk), then I’m missing the point, because that’s not where I have a lot of power. I’m free because I know I am.

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Well said, but I am less optimistic over how this will be recounted in history books, as they are written by the Priests of the Cathedral.

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This goes one of two ways. Either fiat is killed or restrained, which chokes the life support of the beast, or it isn’t, and we end up in a technocratic nightmare. I don’t think the latter is a sustainable course, although it can do much damage on the way.

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Very prescient! I worry about just how much more pain we’ll have to endure before enough people wake up and stop this madness! Dismantling most everything we know and have become accustomed to will be very difficult, albeit necessary. I don’t worry for me but I am very worried for my children! This craziness has been constant since the sixties though conservative voices have been drowned out for as long as I can remember. It’s true- Media is the virus. Shoot your TV!!!

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I keep thinking the same thing. I’ve got a couple of young kids and I just keep thinking what a shame it is to see the standard of living go down from one generation to the next. I’m homeschooling them and going through the classical education model. What really fascinated me about that model of education was the focus on history, language, and beauty. There’s simply nothing beautiful in wokeness. It’s a religion with no beauty, wonder, art, music, God or heroes. I’m hoping that I leave my children that legacy - that there are heroes, there is beauty, there are things worth fighting for that mean much more than our current materialism.

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When you take God out of everything it has to be replaced with something. The Left replaced it with wokeness and other similar bullshit over the years. Progressiveness is a disease. Far leftists are mentally ill. Convince me otherwise......anyone.

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We are entering a world run by spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children with zero self-awareness, zero understanding or curiosity for how things work, a work ethic you couldn't find with an electron microscope, who believe the world owes them everything... and who consider themselves the all-wise all-knowing arbiters of what you are allowed to say, think, act, feel, and do...

What could go wrong?

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The frightening part is that there are parents who created these monsters! Who support and defend their mental insufficiency. On the positive side most of them don’t believe in procreation so...

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Parents didn’t create them. For the most part, they are the products of the indoctrination of schools, media, and woke corporations. Parents who are focused on real life assumed that our institutions act in good faith, especially with respect to children. Unfortunately, they are learning that that is not the case.

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So these parents watched what was happening to their children and did nothing about it? They didn’t see the changes beginning in, most likely, middle school and allowed it to continue, fester and grow? So then, parents created them by their lack of action in not doing something as soon as they saw what was going on.

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I know some reasonably solidly based parents who didn't realize it until too late that their kids were being indoctrinated in school and from media- the warnings didn't hit until their 14-15-16 year olds started blurting mantras and Marxist jingles while having losing ambition and strangely little curiosity to look at things. I am encouraged by some young people who I have met that do see it and are very hungry to talk to adults who "get it."

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One of the challenges I see is that teens and people in their 20s are really susceptible to peer influence. This woke stuff in particular really pulls in girls and women. I don't have kids but have observed the youngsters in my family. As an example, my niece in high school has gone woke. The irony is my brother is super MAGA. He talks with her but she is in a teen rebel stage where everything her parents say is considered lame. My cousins' daughters in their 20s got pulled in to the woke during college. They think my cousins and their grandparents are not with the times. You just hope the red pills everyone in the family is dropping take effect. The boys in the family have resisted woke indoctrination somehow (ate least so far).

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YES, extremely susceptible! Keeping secrets is a huge part of it - keeping a secret under society thanks to another Marxist technique.

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they are so anti-Christian, anti-morals, anti-ethics, anti-character, etc, that they gladly jump on the gay, trans, drag-queen, weed, hook-up band wagon so they can enjoy their porn, hookups, weed, drunken lifestyles. They are happy for the state to take care of their children so they can party their life away. feelings are much more important than character.

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People act like all this nonsense is a new thing. That it just sprung up a few years ago. It’s been in the works for over 60 years!! Destroy the nuclear family. Separate children from their fathers. Abort a million babies a year. Devalue life. Devalue hard work. Attack the church. Push pornography into the mainstream. Etc. etc. etc. None of this should be surprising. When a few generations of parents allow the schools systems, the television networks and the internet to raise their children this is exactly what happens.

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That might be true of some parents, but I believe (but do not know) that most parents simply were not aware of the extent to which the education agenda had changed.

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Paul is not Christ. What you're seeing is a generation reacting to your hypocrisy. They're not getting it right either, but this is what binary choices often do.

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Yes, but people are busy and most Americans trust others to act in good faith. Because of that trust, they assumed that that the schools and other institutions were providing an education or entertainment like they had received. More and more Americans’ eyes are now open.

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You know what happens when you assume, right?

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Maybe they didn't create them but, did they give them enough guidance? Were they vigilant enough?

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Oct 3, 2022
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Don't rejoice yet, like their Paulite Parents, they're massive hypocrites and also probably overstated the amount of jabs they took.

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In 1967 people probably said we are entering a world run by spoiled, smelly, longhaired, drugged-up perpetual children with zero self-awareness. But the hippies were just *visible*, not a majority.

Now that the Boomers are mostly retired and starting to die off, the world will -- for a while -- actually be run by cynical, put-upon, self-sufficient GenXers, who never had the Boomer sense of moral superiority, who are likely to listen through Millennial moral blackmail and say, "Yeah, that's nice. You're fired."

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I was a high school senior in 1967, living in Sacramento, CA. Hippies were a curiosity but we didn't really see any yet. We knew their habitat at the time was San Francisco, and they were more of an oddity to most of us. I went on a school field trip to San Fran that year and one area we visited was Haight Ashbury, which was hippie central within the city. I remember finding the whole thing kind of revolting, dirty and messy, nothing to admire from that bunch and they really seemed like total idiots.

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Oct 3, 2022
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Media made sure of it!

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Such clever turns of phrase! The electron microscope/work ethic is priceless.

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Most of those aren't running much. Look at the young people who are actually successful -- for the most part they are "normal."

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are the spoiled, unskilled, trans, queer, gay, nose-ringed, tatted, hair dyed perpetual children really in charge or are they just pawns, being used to push an agenda by the WEF and elite?

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The WEF are also pawns. So are you. Eugenicists hate trans people about as much as you do, so they're happy to have you as their useful idiots.

For proof, see Nazi Germany, 1934 and the Hirschfeld Institute, where the RESEARCH WAS BURNED, Late 1970s-Early 80s America, where CIA-Asset Gloria Steinem helped organize insurers against the provision of transition medicine, or the New York law that sparked the Stonewall Riots, which was also a genetics-based clothing mandate.

It's very-obvious to the elite that the present system is failing, so they need to pose as the saviors to their own problems in a way that makes you think you won. They don't like trans people being able to buy chemicals their own body makes either, so they've managed to keep the Allopathic Cartel in business with the reaction.

Imagine hating a sexual minority so much and insisting they're so unnatural that you decided to keep a biosecurity state in business to stop them from doing what they'd do if only the supplements that help them weren't kept under lock and key.

You wanted to beat the elite. You're only going to beat up their wrestling heels and some marginalized people, and the elite know that was always going to be enough for you to call it a day.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

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You are so correct!

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Most of the Kids that I know personally are fine human beings. I don't see a generational problem. It is the utopist left that is the problem.

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I sympathize, but disagree:


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For forty years, "The Science" said that if you wanted to buy estrogen and were trans, you had to wear high-femme clothing (i.e. dresses and makeup) for a year, give or take and people like you said nothing or cheered.

Wonder where they got the idea to gank Ivermectin in the mail...

Forty-one years ago, we discovered that when someone male-assigned lactates, it's nutritionally equivalent to cisfeminine breast milk. How often has that paper been cited since? ONCE. ONCE IN FORTY-ONE YEARS. Meanwhile Ryan Cristian (who normally at least sounds objective) was like, "hmm... should I look up that paper? Should I talk to the endocrinologist who gave their trans patient prolactin-stimulating drugs so that they could breast feed and did it actually cure their child's jaundice that arose due to insufficient lactation from the other parent? Nah, I'm pretty sure a feminist lawyer and post-natal docs understand what hormones do to the human body better than a doctor whose specialty is what hormones do to the human body."

The Last-Credit Premium has been largely unchanged over your lifetime (I took political economy not a privilege-theory discipline, though through the lens of the former, I see why the latter caught on, and how it's getting gamed), and the outsized rewards given to it (and real estate, in a manner that's caused us to remain underbuilt and exacerbated housing crises across the West) have slowly turned us into a pack of technocratic fascists: In the US the last 2.5% of a University Degree is associated with 70% of the increase in income. You have no problem with credentials identifying as education so long as the field fits your politics.

Congrats that the biggest issue you have with the 2020s is how gay the ruling class is, Workfare Queen.

You want to talk about zero self-awareness? Seems like you're considering yourself the arbiter of what someone should think.

THIS is why the Fake Left stays in business: Because you fail to see any culpability with the ALSO-pseudoscientific garbage that was pushed in the childhood of this generation you now deplore, which they are, quite reasonably reacting to. YOU did this. YOU got us here. And are the solutions my generation's pursuing crap? Oh definitely. That's what happens when you present people with a binary choice.

It already went wrong, it's just that the things you were happy to let government do to more-marginalized people are now happening to you.

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Oct 3, 2022
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I have two fantastic Conservative daughters with Conservative bfs. They're all wide awake, unvaxxed, and hard-working. Hopefully, they'll produce scads of Conservative grandkids for me, while their woke counterparts are all eschewing reproduction.

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me too! as is often the case when we portray groups (blacks, whites, Italians, lesbians, Midwesterners, Southerners, etc.), we are over influenced by a loud, conspicuous minority of those groups. mass media reinforces this telescope effect. the world looks awful if all you see is video of "sanfransicko" homeless tents.

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Totally agree. The kids are fine, I really like my childrens' freinds.

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Mockery ad infinitum is the only way out.

And much in the same vein...

Every high school boy should be claiming they are trans and create an all boys girls team. And then they can battle it out with other all boys girls teams.

It's the only way to save women's sports....

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Give them more of what they can’t handle. I like it,

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Yes, showing absurdity by being absurd is the only way to blow through this. Our reaction to being "cancelled" should be to claim intersectional victimhood. You don't understand, I am the the victim of a tyrannical patriarchy, the product of backward ideals and the peccadillos inherent from my skin tone and gender. Can I be responsible for my actions if I am afflicted with toxic masculinity? What about the genetic malware that is part of my whiteness? Despite the great Wokination, I still am a victim of white privilege. I somehow believe in facts and antiquated principles that guide my thought processes. I have an anachronistic belief that merit and hard work will somehow guide success. unable to realize that one person's succession is another's marginalization. After awhile, this putrid morass starts to write itself.

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I like your verbosity and intellect as a strategy, but I'll be dunking on bigoted straight women half my size. And I'll get a locker room all to myself.

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Remember when "conservatives" knew Title IX was distortive and harmful to deserving athletes, and kow-towing to Legacy Feminist narcissism?

Now Matt Walsh is demanding more CAMABs die to subsidize cisfeminine athletics. That's your "Objective Reality". Clown World now has two clown armies fighting eachother. GJ.

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Oct 5, 2022
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Stonewall was started by trans women, speaking of cisGLBs taking something that someone else fought for and having turned it into a disgrace.

You have your sequencing wrong on the ADA, as trans women were competing in women's sports long before it's passage, never mind the recent court challenge to the Helms Amendment (see, I actually know what I'm talking about) but it's worth noting that the reason Senator Helms specifically amended the ADA to exclude sex dysphoria was that it is a disabling condition... Because disability does not refer to incapability.


Disability refers to PERCEIVED INCAPABILITY, not actual incapability. There MAY be actual incapability in a Disabling condition, or it may merely be the failure of employers and others to recognize their duty to accommodate. Let me give you an example:

Think of a business that requires its staff to stand, giving some veinous conditions, despite the absence of any data that shows that workers who are always standing are doing their job better.

The requirement to stand at all times in many retail positions is an ableist job requirement. Many of the people disproportionately affected by that requirement are not seen as legitimately disabled, even though they're being asked to do something unnatural that their bodies don't do as easily as others that's not actually related to the business interest of the firm making this requirement (but boy does it make a District Manager feel important and give him something to evaluate).

A bunch of people regularly feel free to publicly declare that women like me are deluded and sexually incontinent. When I was thinner and I blended better and they'd say it infront of me, thinking I was a cis*woman. That seems evidence of PERCEIVED incapability to me.

Anyway, thanks for your statement that identified as a question.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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I would add we need to also create a counter force of peer pressure.

If we could mobilize both it would bring a quicker demise to the woke warriors.

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" a quicker demise to the woke warriors " would be for more businesses large and small stand up to the woke nation. Look at Goya Foods CEO Bob Unaue, he's not afraid of being canceled! He doesn't give a f#ck! I'm not afraid because I'm retired, you can't hurt me! People like my wife (close to retirement) has to walk the tightrope or get reported to woke HR dept. We need more small business to give a big F#ck you! To these bastards and in IMO they will be greatly rewarded! It didn't hurt Goya Foods, it didn't hurt many small businesses in my neighborhood who stood up to covid mandates. Those businesses PROSPERED!!!!!!

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That was the thing that mobilized the woke warriors to question the entire system as illegitimate, corrupt, and antidemocratic in the first place. They got taken over by grifters too, because that happens...

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Its not about being on the girls team, its about waving your dick at girls in the changing room. Until boys realize that they wont get into the girls locker room even if they wear a dress every day, we will keep having this happen.

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Well it's not just about that, it's about dudes who are not great in sports against their own gender not having the dignity to accept defeat, but instead cheat. Reminds me of when I was a kid and played street hockey in our neighborhood and one of the kids parents came to play, and of course was beating all of us kids up, down, and all around the cul-de-sac and body checking all the kids. Only the difference is, the adult didn't get a trophy at the end of the obvious slaughter, this "woman" did.

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There's a trans man who's ranked 300th in men's cycling among many other elite transmasculine athletes who undermine this narrative. If that was the case, and it was all a delusion for attention, and it's really as straightforward as you say they should just detransition and run rampant over all of women's sports.

Also, maybe you're just conflating biology with social stricture. I don't think it's grip strength that makes chess grandmasters male-assigned at a 50-1 ratio.

PS: Remember how artificially subsidized women's sports became and how many marginalized kids lost scholarships because of it? I guess Title IX doesn't matter anymore.

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You did see that "dudes" was used in the example yes? And there was never an assertion of "all." The context of the comment was in regards to biological men competing as a woman against other biological women in sports. There was no mention of all the myriad reasons why men transition to women or vice versa. This was a comment on why some men who identify as women are competing in women's sports.

In regards to biology vs. sociology, chess is not based on physical prowess or athletic ability but on intellectual skills. It would be interesting to see the outcome of a man transitioning to a woman or vice versa and then competing with the opposite gender's competition.

In regards to Title IX, like many things, it would be better that the Federal government was not involved in athletics.

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Brains are pretty biological. So are the C-cup breasts I grew in high-school. You don't know what a biological male is, you were just told by a guy in a lab coat what it is.

How's that been working out for us?

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I didn't need to be told by a guy in a labcoat what a biological male is.

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Yes, what we are witnessing is the application of 'agree and amplify' writ large. When presented with the myriad lies of the inversion of Truth, the best way to affront the increasingly absurd humiliation rituals is to accept them at face value (agree) AND then apply their moral holiness spiral directly at back them (amplify).

They are then confronted with the paradox of trading in lies. They can't admit that their false premise is actually false or else the whole thing collapses. Nor can they devalue someone presenting that premise in its (current) glorious highest form without devaluing the currency (the fiat moral righteousness). And so the pretty veil of the lie drops and the ugliness of the lie is on full display.

Much of Progress relies upon a defect/cooperation market continuing, even when it is plainly clear that cooperation is suicide.

We have this now with the normal working, living, law-abiding American Citizen, who suffers the perpetual abuses of being the target of all that is wrong in the world from those who benefit from harnessing our productivity and goodwill. And then suffering more abuses as their mutant pets they animate as social, economic, and political weapons against us and our heritage and values - that just happens to underpin that very productivity and goodwill, are made into our betters and masters to whom we are increasingly required to submit and obey and defer.

Meanwhile, we will replace you so stop with the conspiracy theories about being replaced and embrace your fate, which you deserve, because reasons.

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Long-time fan of Titania McGrath here. Yesterday, my husband read me her “Menstruators” poem, and we were laughing so hard, we could barely make it through:


Here's the first stanza to get you going:

We bleed

Like florets of pity, deadened into burly clams

Twice solely gobbletossed by a scrumping leper

As beefcurtained strap-on dreams of selfhood

Wrench the damaged crablouse

from its hairy home.

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I liked it better when menstruation was not talked about period.

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Good one 😹

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Andrew Doyle is brilliant. Just finished reading his latest book, "The New Puritans"

He is not nearly as optimistic about the outcome of the culture wars as the bad kitty.

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that's because ¡EL GATO!'s Puerto Rican. / he may be a unique "Puff the Magic Dragon" kinda Puerto Rican (as am i), but from that one thing alone he's got a baker's dozen of histories takes perspectives going on in there so he's gonna always be able to run ahead to the front of The Line and jack up our simplistic assumptions terrors and fears with another sign another direction.


p.s. plus ¡EL GATO! mocks but also TEACHES. it's one thing to smirk knowingly from the back of the room or in secret, but when you TEACH, elucidate others, inspire new reactions, you inoculate yourself against the inevitable and eventual blithe cynicism of your own clever humor simply falling to the floor like raw slippery useless liver.

(ask me how i know)

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How do you know?

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Okay, okay, now I have to read it too!


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My my. That's really pushing some buttons. But I suppose in-your-face must be done to arrive at final logic - ad absurdum. I also saw Unherd take on "the change". Not that I could ever be capable of that momentous time myself but supporting my fair lady in her journey.

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hilarious and disturbing at the same time!

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About a week ago, swedish journalist and author Katerina Janouch (daughter of a czech who managed to get out from behind the Iron Curtain) was convicted for malicious slander/libel for having revealed that a teacher had forced children to write "I'm a moslem." and parts of the moslem confession of faith.

However, this was not a fabrication by Janouch. The teacher and the school did not deny this. Instead they admitted it and filed a report for harassment and malicious slander with the police.

Swedish law on slander/libel is a bit much to go into, but in short, it doesn't matter if the material published is true or not, only if it (as assessed by prosecutor, not the court) has cause distress to the person in question.

Example of our law, which your Democrats, liberals, progressives and so on wants to copy:

"The average IQ of Ethiopia is at the same level where the bar for mental retardation is" is a crime, despite 1) I'm using it as an example only and 2) I can cite scientific sources, and 3) I make no value judgement whatsoever, nor am I advocating criminalised acts.

But it's still a crime.

I apologise for being off-topic, but I want to help keep the alarms ringing regarding what is happening here in the EUSSR.

If a foreigner may, I'd urge to to be ready to use the 2nd to defend the 1st.

Edit: "Peter Sweden" covers this in more detail on his stack, named after himself.

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>> it doesn't matter if the material piblished is true or not, only if it (as assessed by prosecutor, not the court) has cause distress to the person in question.

That's incredibly fucked up.

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It gets worse. We don't have jury trials. Courts are manned by politicians, plus one judge. Verdict is reached by the court voting on it.

Sweden has in years past been given citations by the UN for violating the human rights charter regarding both our justice system and our voting system.

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>> It gets worse. We don't have jury trials.

FUCK me.

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Our Anglospheric notion of adversarial trials of fact before an impartial judge with the decision given to a jury of lay people do not carry over to the Continent. Their systems are almost entirely comprised of tribunals of judges with independent investigative powers, and they don't even always have innocent until proven guilty protections.

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Ehm, we do have presumption of innocence.

Except in tax cases and tax law, there it's the opposite: you have to prove if audited that there's been no foul play. At best if you can't, you get hit with fees and a remainder to pay, at worst you get convicted of tax fraud.

Which, since people committing "suit and tie"-crimes go to minsec or just get a bracelet, is akin to living at a guest lodge. You can even keep regular work hours if you behave, in effect just having to be present at taps and not leave before reveille to borrow military terms.

Also, judges investigate squat, generally. It's the prosecutors and the police investigators who does the that job, presenting their case before the court. Judges adjudicate that precedings and procedure follows law and praxis (the latter being very important in swedish law, the idea being "same for same" re: crime and punishments).

It is rare, but it does happen, that judge objects to the politicians' verdict. Though, as all juges are political appointees, that can have consequences career-wise depending on connections.

Our system as it was initially set up after major overhauls during the 1940s worked very well, as long as it was ours: by swedes for swedes. After four decades of suicidal migration and the socialist party clinging to power with greater and greater desperation, not so much.

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"It's such a good system that failed for completely external reasons and those external reasons were totally not the creatures of the system at all."

I think you have nostalgia more than objective data that your system was working. It seemed like a recipe for political capture and government-by-expert, and had a bit to do with the destruction of Julian Assange, among others.

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I'm generalizing for all of Europe, of course, drawing from comparisons learned in American law school back in the late '80s, and reinforced by things like that French libel trial where the reporter had to prove that he *hadn't* libeled the plaintiff. By "investigatory power" I mean systems where the judges don't have to just accept the parties' case, they can demand "what about X".

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How did globalization impact trial by judge? This isn't a system I know anything about beyond Japan's flavor of it.

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Sweden is hardly a barbaric nation. Legal systems differ. I don't know all the details, but the big split (in the West) is English law vs. Napoleonic Law. Although I generally like being an American, allow me to point out that one flaw of our jury system is that the jury, in practice, is a bunch of ill-informed fucking idiots. For Europeans, it may seem hard to believe, but a jury is typically chosen to be so! The last thing either side, especially prosecution, wants is to have a juror who knows how the legal system works and/or the background of a case. Now when our nation was young, that jury "of one's peers" would have been highly educated men. Today that's about the last thing that would happen. Long story short, a jury system is not without its problems.

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You are correct. In fact, in jury selection if you come across and too informed they don't want you on the jury. Ignorance and low information rules the day.

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The one US jury I was allowed to serve on ended up agreeing with me that the accused should be acquitted. That, although in the jury deliberations the other jurors paid no attention to me, probably because I was obviously highly educated. My feelings were hurt in that they paid no attention to me, but it was more important that we reached the same conclusion. Justice was done. I ended up with a high opinion of the jury system.

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I never get past the first filter for jury selection because I have 2 engineering degrees. We former engineers like to argue and I would probably have the entire jury convinced I was correct with facts and data presented instead of pure nonsensical conjecture.

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Honestly had no idea about all this. Learning more every day on Substack.

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it may be f'd up, but it's also the leftist way...

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Well Swedes are fucked up! Look what they’ve done to their country!

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Unreal. So the "stress" inflicted on the defenseless children is a-ok. But the *stress" suffered by the abusers from revelation of their abuse is a crime.

And here we always heard Sweden was so great. 😵

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Emphasis on "was".

I'm old enough to have lived as adult when we were great.

95%+ of the population was swedish. 99.9% was white. There's your answer as to why we were great.

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Yes indeed. It comes as a shock to those who fancied themselves Woke, or Egalitarian, or race-blind, or call it what you will. There are many ways to "prove" or at least, get an inking that there's a correlation. Look up the ten most (or least) prosperous nations in the globe. Then check the detailed demographics of each one. Or, if you live in a good sized nation, do the same for major cities and compare crime rates, education attainment, and so on. Certain patterns begin to emerge.

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Oct 3, 2022
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When your own words distress you, it is not the words that are distressful, it is that you have lost control over who is speaking your words. Islam will not tolerate the kafir doing what only muslims are permitted.

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Yeah, I'm not worried about what I'm permitted to do by Islam.

Like, at all.

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Freedom or Valhalla, my dear. Either way no worries except maybe for Futuremouth.

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That there wasn't entire-Western-world outrage at the massacre at Charlie Hebdo should've frozen everyone's blood in their veins.

And by the time of that attack, how many had already happened? The journalist in the Netherlands? Wasn't there an attack in Sweden too?

I have an ex-cousin-by-marriage living in Dearborn, and she told me at least 20 yrs. ago what's routinely ignored by the school system and child welfare authorities. No longer, really, an American city.

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There's been several here actually. The largest and most recent ones were the Easter Riots this spring with over a hundred police officers hospitalised as moslem women cheered on children under ten joining the adults in lobbing ricks and firebombs at ER crews.

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Importing cultures rarely works out well.

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Blaming natives for the failure is also a big non-starter.

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By design I might add. Political correctness was always going to kill this country. Bill Clinton exacerbated it during his Presidency. He's such a PIG!

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10 years ago, Sweden was still requiring all trans patients to be sterilized as a condition of treatment, by law.

At some point you will have to recognize the intersection of cisfeminism with globalism, or you will get more of this cycle that you claim to hate. These people tried to call a trans woman's existence rape of women's bodies. They believe our rights end where their feelings begin, and it's not hard to see we've been infected by that idea... for example, it seems that when the left does a relatively smart thing like, "hey, we know that it's power-imbalances that are the key predictor in whether or not kids get raped and that repressing the shadow leads to the shadow manifesting, so we came up with this term for people who experience attraction, and are going to be honest about it, so that fewer kids get raped," people who haven't bothered to learn that there's a word for sexually interfering with children (i.e. Actual Crime) that's distinct from a word for experiencing attraction to them (i.e. thoughtcrime) lose their shit.

Doesn't matter if it's true, only if it causes distress? Par for the course.

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"if having your own words and images shared seems like an attack upon you, precisely what are we to conclude about the nature of your activity?"

I think part of it is because many younger people have not had to defend the beliefs they adopted in college.

Case in point: I have a stepson in his mid 20's. When he would come over for dinner, he would occasionally say things I considered asinine. So I would gently ask him to explain why he thought that. In many cases, he had never examined his beliefs, and really couldn't. Over a very short period of time-- about six months or less-- by questioning these uber liberal beliefs and getting him to explain them, [and with the help of Joe Rogan] he's done a solid 180 and is now pretty conservative.

Also... I think many younger people are super sensitive, and will get upset if you simply ask them to explain their views. I think it's the "special snowflake" effect. I'm lucky. I don't have to deal with that.

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i think there is a great deal of truth to this.

when "debate" is just yelling "shut up, you are not entitled to speak" your whole intellectual armamentarium and landscape are untested. you have no idea if any of it is valid as it's never been challenged and you lack the tools to engage in debate or resolve differences because such tools are a learned skill and you have never learned it. (by being forced to, often in unstructured peer relations as a child)

this gets much worse when these ideas become more than just ideology but identity. that makes any critique of them into a personal attack on your very being.

and this is why this whole group is so perpetually touchy and unfunny.

"if you can't laugh at yourself, scream "oppression" and bully people" is a rotten motto.

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I think the key to it is that I'm something of an outsider; I recently married his father, so I'm not an adult he's grown up with, and I do it in a sincere, non- condescending way. "Non-hostile conversational debate" as opposed to "let me tell you why you're stupid." I've worked with a lot of younger people over the years; perhaps that makes it easier.

What's funny is that at no point did I try to convince him of my opinion; we just talked about different ideas. He also go into Joe Rogan, which helped a lot. The really funny part is that he had a former friend who was heavily SJW and he can't even bear to talk with her at this point. So... there is hope with the right approach.

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"Ann is a national treasure." -S.A. Tyre

"...abandoned his blackness and became a "lowercase b" black, aka white-adjacent bigot."

OMG...I just snorted.

Ann Lesby is my hero.

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the thinking man's Babylon Bee...

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Reminds me I need to call my birthing parent.

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Have you tried the cricket flour cookies? They’re just like Birthing Parent used to make.

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Birthing Parent paradigm is a relic of oppression. Our only parent is the State. Humans are fallible and corrupt, so all love, loyalty and devotion is due to the State.

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"Parent" implies hierarchy of power which means oppression, so there can be no parents and no children. We must all be broth ... oops, that suggests that there are gender categories, so one category must be above the other, which also means oppression.

We must all love Equally-Sized Sibling.

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Went to visit mine this weekend. She's had a lot of recent vaxxes, so I make sure to see said parent as often as possible, because I can no longer count on her continued existence 😰

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😰is right.

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It's a classic revolutionary cascade. The more people visibly oppose the insanity, the more other people reach their revolutionary threshold and feel brave enough to join in opposing it. It becomes a virtuous cycle.

As proof of this, I present the diminishing number of people including their pronouns on their email signatures and LinkedIn profiles. I have no hard data, but my empirical observation is that there were a LOT more pronoun signatures a few months ago than there are now.

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I think you are right. My company (big aerospace) announced the option to include pronouns in bios that automatically show up on emails, webex, etc. around a year ago. I'd estimate less than one in fifty actually took them up on it, and there's been no growth since it was first announced. And those that did were completely predictable, a very strong correlation with hyphenated last names, ridiculously spelled first names, and mask wearing.

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I think you're correct. And people unwilling to offer up information on their vax status.

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People are STUPID basically. A bunch of sheep following each other right off a cliff!

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I've started to conclude that people are stupid because they just find it too damn challenging to actually THINK. They prefer that others do the thinking and then tell them what to think. Reminds me of a country song called something like "I've got a thinking problem." Yep.

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It's ironic, because pronoun declarations aren't actually helping trans people. They're a form of self-flagellation that forces people to reiterate an identity that's coerced in the first place... oh, and also promoted in the SCUM Manifesto.

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Woke is an industry. A profitable one with full support of the government.

Two front battle imo.

The government "prints" woke and the private sector monetizes it. That's going to require a lot of work to decouple.

I view it as a tightly tangled ball of yarn...not a loose thread in a sweater.

But you do have me feeling a skosh more optimistic this morning.

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i'm not so sure about "profitable."

"go woke go broke" has been in full effect lately. netflix has pivoted HARD. disney got creamed on buzz lightyear. "maverick" dominated the box.

woke is dying because no one save government will pay for it and the captive audience like schools are rapidly demanding more transparency, choice, and parent say.

joe is looking to back unions and push ESG hard in schools, but the backlash is already too great. i think this is gonna blow up in his face and drive the move to "fund students not systems" that we need.

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Yeah. I agree over the intermediate term. I'm thinking it unfolds over the next 5-7 years...but builds pace.

I have a hard time seeing a "revolutionary" collapse. If we had a big enough axe then we could chop up the roots and choke off the woke fast.

I do think we have a "million" little hand axes now. So I think we're on our way.

My only two data points that give me pause are:

1. The racist claims component. It's very powerful.

2. If you look at climate change it has become viewed as a fact by 20&30 somethings. I fear that some of the woke tenants could become "entrenched" like that in the younger crowd.

I try to view it through the eyes of the millennials and Gen Z. They've been surrounded by it their whole lives. Folks of our age see this for what it is....we remember a time before.

We need to equip the younger people with hand axes. We can not allow them to just accept this nonsense as the "cost" of doing business.

At the end of the day the people our age will be probably be short in the tooth by the time we can take back our country. IMO it is incumbent upon us to give it momentum. The youngins' will probably have to push it over the finish line.

All that said; I do believe we're at a tipping point. I view this period of my life as an opportunity to take advantage of this crossroads. Often there is a fine line between the tipping point and the point of no return like now.

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You're right about 'builds pace,' but personally to me it looks like things will happen a lot sooner than 5-7 years. This will create a HUGE Narrative Whiplash for those involved. Like watching a dam collapse: starts out slow but then it's over in a brief moment.

Climate change will be consigned to the dustbin of history once its proponents are thoroughly discredited. This happens once the Normies start to wake up, which happens when everything else they thought they believed, turns out to be lies.

In times such as these, even once-established 'facts' like 'climate change' are tossed aside as soon as they are inconvenient.

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Well, the Federal Reserve it doing a pilot test with 6 large banks to test ESG banking:


Not necessarily giving up on ESG in terms of "social credit" and "banking." This was discussed on the Clay and Buck show today at length, which I think was a good thing.

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The UN is calling on the Fed and other central bankers to loosen credit. Yes, a UN mouthpiece is jawboning national bankers! The world gets sillier apace.

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Gosh Gatito Malo Malo, I hope you are right...sincerely I do. It just seems like the American people are competing to see who can disappoint me the most by going full-retard. I truly want a light at the end of the tunnel. One that is not the train bearing down on me. In my former life, we always talked about finding ourselves standing knee deep in alligators and hand grenade pins.

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Box Office isn't how a Woke (read: Social Neoliberal) company makes its money. Rent-seeking and Regulatory capture are. You are completely immaterial to them, other than the perception that their product may be able to shape your views.

There is a difference between those political actors who try to place themselves inside the Overton Window and those who try to move it.

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I was trying to figure out something to bring you up even more today, but all I have is this: Today is my birthday. I hope that makes you feel better. You are welcome.

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Cheers me up. Happy Birthday mrhounddog! Cheers to you!!

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Am I falling for a joke?

Oh shoot I don't care.

Happy birthday Hounddog!

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You gotta come down to Florida. I'll take you out to do some tarpon fishing.

There's some monsters down here.

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Is there a way to send PMs on this platform?

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I'm eager to hear how NPR et al pivot to we knew this was bad for you and America all along.

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You won't hear it. It will just happen. One day, you'll wake up and say -- hey, is this NPR? Sounds more like the Epoch Times...

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Your writing is fabulous Gato, thanks. You are a supreme cultural commentor.

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And the cool thing is, society will probably come through it with some antibodies against it.

Not perfect ones, of course. But like natural immunity we'll recognize some of this the next time we see it, and say, "nope, not doing New Coke again, get the fuck out of here with that."

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You're more optimistic than me about that. I haven't been impressed with societal memory.

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We need to clone more of our generation if there's gonna be real hope.

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Working on it!

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Should I save that stuff on my hairbrush in the furtherance of your goals?

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I hope you are right and the walls are crumbling. I have sacrificed almost every relationship I have with my vocal pushback against wokeness, cancel culture and the official narrative.

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Judith, take solace in knowing that those relationships were not worth having in the first place. If they were family, at least you got the good genes.

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As my husband pointed out they sacrificed me not the other way around. Fortunately family is ok. While not red pilled and all multi vaxxed they are for the most part able to set aside our differences

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Hmmm. I agree with your POV, but the "Lesby" account is quite obviously parody. The issue is that a significant portion of the population cannot see parody even if it is quite obvious--there is something missing in their brains. Ever since social media has existed people have been getting in high dudgeon over things that are meant to be funny, but they fail to spot the joke. So no, I don't think we've made any progress against wokeness.

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i would wager that i could find several real accounts that you would also assume had to be parody.

unless you have seen how ridiculous the real thing is, the assumption it must be a joke is perhaps more natural.

if i find the time, perhaps it's time for another "woke vs joke" compilation to see who can guess which is which.

it may be more difficult than you suspect.

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That would be fun. I retired from academe, however, so I may be more used to seeing real woke insanity than a lot of other people.

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My favourite is a paper written for the Parkland Institute by Angele Alook and Ian Hussey:

They argued that disproportionate Oil and Gas employment was proof of Male Privilege, because it was high-paying... AND that disproportionate Oil and Gas employment was proof of Indigenous Disprivilege, because it was hazardous work... In the SAME paper.

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But how could one differentiate the authentic from the fabricated? The stoked woke bloke vs. the farcical radical? The bona fide trigendered guy from the droll troll on a roll?

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Political Economist and turncoat culture war veteran here: I am here to take you up on your wager, and I wrote for the Queer Voices Section of Huffington Post.

Bring me six accounts, otherwise, I'll have to remind you of what Christopher Hitchens said: That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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I think that the populace sees the parody, but they believe it is in bad taste to find it funny. Wokism is very Victorian.

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Good point.

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Ha ha ha. So funny. I guess we'll laugh all the way to the gulag while we help normalize their idiocy with our jokes and don't realize we're in an actual war. But hey, that's fine. We're winning the meme war and having a good laugh while we're at it.

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