Truly amazing how many vaxxed people are now making excuses for the vaccine not working, instead of getting upset that they were sold a product that straight up didn't work. The intellectual dishonesty is stunning.

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Does everyone vaxed and boosted now automatically have covid?

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Yes, Jim Cramer is concerned AS EVER about me. I did not realize he was filled with so much love.

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How about the vaccinated who seem happy that they've had heavy side effects post-vaccine because that means "it's working"? Always weird and baffling to hear comments like that.

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Ah yes, the duality of the vaccine religion:

"I am very concerned for the unvaccinated."

"Ugh, filthy unvaccinated, why won't they die."

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Very difficult to have grace and compassion for those who were rooting for compulsory vax and mandates and the financial and social destruction of everyone that refused to blindly swallow what the “experts” were selling.

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Too many people are making a dangerous assumption: that what they’re being injected with now is the same stuff as previously (eg if you had Moderna in April, your Moderna booster is more of the same).

It’s entirely possible you’re now getting something completely different.

I say that because studies of VAERS by four independent & clever people reveals around 1% of batches of each makers product causes thousands of adverse events. Most of the other batches look relatively benign, which is odd, but that’s the data.

The degree of difference is so extraordinary that I’m certain it’s deliberate.

It’s categorically impossible to have this much difference in product performance by normal manufacturing variation. Even given more leeway by FDA, you can’t get close to 1000X variation.

It’s not product degradation either. That usually results in loss of activity. For three produce from three makers & two technologies to fail toxic is not faintly plausible.

So, no: it’s not accidental. Therefore it’s deliberate.

Whether that was the intention, to cause mass harm, I can’t know, but at least two makers are top flight mass manufacturers. Pfizer & JNJ are steeped in regulatory manufacturing skills are the people involved are extremely good at what they do.

The only conclusion is they know exactly what they’re doing.

This constitutes CONSPIRACY TO MURDER across all the states of USA.

Someone ought to feature this.

Contact me for details.

Best wishes


Ps: this information is also in the hands of people on our side in the public domain, but more people speaking out can only help spread the word that criminal activity is explicitly evidenced in VAERS.

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Every one of these people are so thankful that the jab saved their life. They seem to believe they would have died without it. It doesn't matter that the jab failed to keep them from getting sick. It doesn't matter that the data on the jabs is looking worse and worse every day.. They don't bother to look at that.

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😹 Ah, but that’s because Stockholm Syndrome was a precondition rather than a side effect.

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Thank you sir. May I have another?

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Not sure if it's catchy enough, but earlier this morning I was thinking the same way and labeled this phenomenon "Vaccine Gratitude Syndrome."

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Amazing. Jim Cramer might be stupid.

CP24 up here in Toronto has a headline today saying people who recover from a breakthrough infection, may achieve "super immunity".

I don't know how these people can walk.

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Another event going on is most likely Mass Formation (psychosis). It has happened all throughout recorded history.

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I just can’t fathom allowing someone to inject me with a mystery substance. (I mean, that’s what throat punches are for, right?)

Because a politician tells me it will help?

Because a broken and toxic medical establishment says it’s ok?


Anyone who’s been jabbed and doesn’t now have buyer’s remorse is truly a captive—with Stockholm syndrome.

And the old Neil Young song “The Needle and the Damage Done” is the lament for them. (At least the junkies got high.)

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This is the first vaccine which causes exaggerated Fear of Others as a psychological effect. It's common enough that it should be on the warning label.

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Please show your support for this fine doctor who was fired by UC Irvine for refusing the vaccine.

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This is called a SUNK COST BIAS

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Cramer is a grifter with a platform built on his lies.

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Jim Cramer is an easy target because he is a demonstrable fool and charlatan. But this is representative of how prevalent the spread now is among the vaxxed and/or boostered ruling class community...... and anecdotally it matches everything I see happening in my own sphere. None of my unvaxxed friends and family are getting it. Pretty much all of my vaxxed friends are.

My favorite part is they've all been given and repeat the same talking point. Thank goodness they were vaxxed and/or boostered because they didn't get really sick or die. No awareness at all that their chances of getting really sick or dying was about as low having been severely injured or killed in a car crash over the same period had they not been vaxxed. Still, they attribute the fact they came through it fine entirely to the vaccine. It's insane, but a great and frightening example of mass confirmation bias. Nobody wants to admit the choice they made, which came with its own risks, was either useless or dumb. It was definitely a wise decision and it saved them....even though they were shocked to learn it didn't work as expected.

Finally, you constantly are bombarded by the case and hospitalization IFR's that allegedly show the unvaxxed are still getting it and being hospitalized with it at much higher rates than the vaxxed. These figures defy everything we are seeing and experiencing in the real world, they do again support what they all want to believe. Never questioned is the difference in the way the data is gathered between vaxxed and unvaxxed. How the entire metric has been intentionally skewed to get the desired result through very different testing protocols for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. Confirmation of this happening appears in the statistical impossibility we've been seeing where the most highly vaxxed and boostered populations are experiencing pandemic highs in cases and hospitalizations now. The "pandemic of the unvaxxinated narrative and data is statically incongruent with lack of correlation between vaxx rates and case/hospitalization rates. Both simply can't be true at the same time.

In fact, it appears what we have now is a pandemic of vaxxed confirmation bias that is supported by goal sought metrics via intentionally discriminatory measuring protocols.

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It's a MIND VIRUS, a disorder of the psyche spread through gaslighting and brainwashing. I have now seen it referred to as Mass Formation Psychosis. Yuri Bezmenov understands these ideological subversion process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA

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Just imagine how "positive" he would have been without all the jabs? Horrifying to think about it. Right Jim? Cramer is a massive POS. Having been in the investment biz (among others) for 25 years, I can still remember when as a hedge fund manager he made money by screwing every day investors. Basically illegal activity which he has admitted. He used to call analysts and market makers and move the market in a stock he was either long or short, then dump it or cover the short. But he is concerned about your covid status now. Really he is.

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And thus a new religion was born! The Covidians. Life would be so meaningless without yearly punishment from a Covid season! Taking out the unclean ones! It would be so much worse without the yearly Holy Vaccines!

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My son works at a company that allows unvaxxed, but he must test twice a week and wear a mask at all times. And he works outdoors! When I asked him what his company says they’re afraid of (since they’re all vaxxed) he says they say “we’re trying to keep YOU (him) from being hospitalized, since the unvaxxed get much sicker”. Ugh. Talk about vax derangement syndrome…….

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Can you even believe this way of thinking is so prevalent?! When I first mentioned Stockholm Syndrome a few months ago, a fair few members of my family were furious. 🙄 At least my husband and son are rational beings! We just stick to ourselves now in our little team reality bubble…

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“If you’d like to lessen the chance of getting very sick, I think you should get vaccinated,”

Umm...unless you get prompt multi-drug therapy like I did when I caught Covid from a fully vaccinated superspreader. I was barely sick for two days and I didn't wreck my immune system with triple vax therapy like this moron Cramer has done to himself.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂oh I am sorry Jim, just had to have a little giggle at your expense. For the guy who wanted to what? Imprison the unjabbed? Oh dear looks like we are going to have to consider imprisoning the gene altering takers because they are dropping like flies. Newsflash, three US Senators test positive for you know what today. All three of them drank the koolaid. One of them just happens to be ms. Elizabeth Warren. Gosh this isn’t looking good Jim.

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Jim Cramer is a shameless shill. I always despised his delivery but now I can add his message. They should have to disclose their benefactors.

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Dear Jim. FOAD. Best love. xxx

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Read the book "Operation Paperclip" and you'll understand what;s going on.

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Biden's Final Solution to be announced tomorrow. Expect complete vaccine tyranny. The phrase "Dark Winter" is ominous and refers to a Bioterror Simulation in 2001 that Biden was involved in.

Here is the official government report. "Dark Winter" appears 27 times and "Biden" 15 times.


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I thought he was a nut the first time I saw him. That had to be 25 years ago.

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There is a pandemic of hypochondria. The only explanation why people keep getting tested, particularly when they’ve been vaccinated.

Why doesn’t the idiot just have a metered vaccine drip set up, like those morphine drips, so he can give himself a hit every time he feels a positive test coming on?

But it certainly is a relief to know that there is vaccine which will make an already less serious disease, ‘less serious’.

Concern for not vaccinated seems misplaced as they are the ones not getting CoVid.

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Can someone explain how COVID-19 displacing the flu is evidence for masks and social distancing working, but omicron displacing delta leads to totally different conclusions?

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It is no coincidence that Biden will speak on December 21, 2021, the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. His “Dark Winter” speech will assert that the unvaccinated are “facing a very bleak and dangerous winter.” Using fear and dishonesty he will promote vaccines and boosters as means to stem the scourge of the Omicron variant. But among my circle of family and friends more are beginning to wake up and take notice that his rhetoric empty matches the clothes he wears. Here's my take on the Hans Christian Andersen tale.


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Thrice jabbed and once boosted, and he still got it! That's rich.

But, of course, I get the point. Were he not thrice jabbed and once boosted, he'd be really sick or, perhaps, even dead. The fact that none of the data (not even the falsified data coming out of Johns Hopkins and the CDC) bear that point out is irrelevant. The sheep determine the truth of a message solely on the basis of the source of the message. If the information comes from a "trusted" source, it is taken as Gospel.

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If this was a psy-op from the start, or/and if governments have hired legions of behavioural psychologists to convince us - which no doubt they have - then we are up against very clever and probably ruthless minds with highly-honed skills in brainwashing.

If we did not possess a well-developed bullshit-meter flashing red, quite early on in this saga, and if we never read, and if we use Google to search, and if we use Facebook, and if we believe that sacred vaccines alone have saved our species from every sore and scab and nasty-nasty-germy-thingy that human flesh is heir to - then we, too, might be waiting in line for the next Fauchie-Owchie.

We are privileged with knowledge, and we have a duty to use it. to convince those who are not beyond help.

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I heard they are safe *and* effective. ;-)

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You know, with the poison Koolaid/jim jones thing, i heard that the way they got compliance was to only put the poison in a final batch of Koolaid, that many times before that, the Kool Aid wasn't poison. Simple trick, and what I think about the flu/covid shot is the same....at some point, they COULD just poison you. Well, they did. Too risky to allow any injections given this.

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Experimental mRNA injection side effects= A.D.E.= omicron "variant."

Only mentally deranged people believe in mandatory poisons.

It's the height of insanity to believe a healthy person requires a product full of unhealthy chemical ingredients in order to maintain his or her health.

Look at what people have been programmed to think.

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On CNBC this morning, Jim Cramer ranted that the failure of BBB shows we do not have a :functional democracy." and he's "old school" so thinks a Senator from West Virginia should not have so much power. Cramer's historical ignorance (we don't have a "democracy--read the Federalist Papers, Jim) and arrogance (get out of NY and your Keynesian bubble--massive more government slush funds and entitlement programs will only fuel inflation and inhibit long-term growth) long ago blinded him to the innovation and opportunity and enhanced lives that an unleashed private sector can bring.

CNBC--isn't it time to retire Jim Cramer?

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This is a document Dr Trozzi is sending out to hand out. Trying to get it around.

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021

The narrative has been changing to, "The vaccine makes me have less severe symptoms when I do contract COVID" for some time now. This is why there's so much push for the unvaccinated to pay full freight hospital costs, assuming they're even allowed to receive care... Because the hospitals need to serve the vaccinated lest someone get sued for malpractice.

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According to this "study", Jim Cramer now has "super immunity".


I think this will be the new tactic to get (and keep) people boosted.

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Oooh that meme. Stealing. Cramer has a lot invested in this so I'm guessing he is trying really hard to be the bestest covid death cult member he can be, for social credit, OR he's being paid handsomely to push the narrative. Seems coordinated between some of those people with big audiences (like Howard Stern). These people are seriously greedy and deranged, and history will not smile on them.

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I wonder how soon it will be before we start seeing some thoughtful recanting of the ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine refutations? Some soul-searching "perhaps we ought to revisit this" discussions? With previously-reviled studies suddenly cracking the peer-review nod? Just in time for these vile creatures to start dosing themselves. And everyone will start nodding sagely. Anyone willing to take bets?

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This is beyond belief! He gets vaccinated and boosted. And he tests positive for SARS-COV-2 (he does not say he was sick, guess he did the test just because he was scared shitless...). And he is so concerned about us unvaccinated!! How sweet of him.

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Very much on his own side. I am not concerned for him whatsoever. Whatever...

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Wonder how long your "luck" will last, Jim. Don't you worry your pretty little bald head about us unclean folks. We'll be fine.

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El Gato, is there any data about reinfection and omicron? Eric Ding is saying alpha/delta do not “neutralize” omicron. He’s not the first I’ve heard say this.

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Isn't this the same guy advising us to buy Bear Stearns the week before it tanked? Just checking...

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