Truly amazing how many vaxxed people are now making excuses for the vaccine not working, instead of getting upset that they were sold a product that straight up didn't work. The intellectual dishonesty is stunning.

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They've been priming the people for this for years with the flu shot. I think the highest claimed efficacy in the last 10 years is 52%, by the CDC stats, and it has been as low as 19%

And they really push the "your symptoms will be milder" narrative with the flu shot. I know a woman in her 30s, who several years ago had a bad case of flu A and a bad case of flu B within 12 months, and a bad case of bronchitis in between. She wrote something on social media after recovering from the second flu about how ill and miserable she had been, ending it with, "I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if I hadn't had the flu shot!" The idea that the shot she takes every year didn't help at all simply didn't cross her mind.

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Many years ago I used to get the flu vax regularly but when I skipped it for a few years, I didn't see any difference in my frequency of getting the flu. So I just stopped getting it and actually haven't gotten the flu in years. Just a lil' anecdote.

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You know, with the poison Koolaid/jim jones thing, i heard that the way they got compliance was to only put the poison in a final batch of Koolaid, that many times before that, the Kool Aid wasn't poison. Simple trick, and what I think about the flu shot is the same....at some point, they COULD just poison you. Well, they did.

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The 'flu shot never took off here in NZ.

Only with people over 65 years for whom the taxpayer pays.

So we were not primed for that.

We don't have many childhood vaccines either.

But generally a very high level of trust society.

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Never got the flu jab never got the flu. I have a perfect record.

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Ditto until I got mandated to get flu vax by job I will soon be leaving due to this reason. Had to get it the last two years. Makes me sick. I didn't want it or need it and I believe it's ruining my immune system which has successfully fought off the flu for decades

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This is the type of non-compliance we need people to do if they can, in order to stop this medical tyranny.

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I’ve never had flu shot, had a bad bug for 4 days 18 years ago, don’t know if it was flu

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Same here. I once heard a stat that 20% of the population might be immune to all strains of influenza. And I elementary school, surrounded by epidemics all the time.

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We already knew that Rose. ;)

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Yeah, I'm about to find out! I have taken the flu shot every year since the Swine flu one (but not this year).... and, sure enough, I have not contracted the flu. Was it because I took a flu shot, or was it because I am extraordinarily healthy?

I guess I'm gonna see :-)

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prepare too!....Keep fresh (not powdered) ginger on hand, cut it up, make tea or juice it....powerful antiviral and so nice on the tummy....food medicine is the first medicine. Stephen Buhners' books Herbal Antivirals and another Herbal Antibiotics (latest ed. include C19 plants) are great essential reference books for me, enjoyably written, meant for laypeople.

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Even Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food."

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I've never had a flu shot and last contracted the flu in 1957. Is it because I haven't had the flu shot? I am healthy but not extraordinarily so.

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LOL - you got the '57 pandemic flu? I think it was called the Hong Kong Flue at the time. If you age adjust the population, the '57 flu and '68 flu killed roughly as many americans as covid (% of population above 75 has skyrocketed over the last 50 - 60 years).

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You know, this made me think. This may be the influenza I caught ('57 flu).. I was roughly 8 years old and very, very sick. But I never caught it or anything like it again, and it was <whenever the Swine flu showed up> before I ever took a flu shot. I only did it then because my husband at the time was immunocompromised and I wanted to make sure I didn't make him sick.

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I have innate immunity to the Hong Kong flu as I was born at the beginning of that pandemic.

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Who knows? It’s impossible to guess. The only reason I say I am extraordinarily healthy is because I haven’t even had a common cold in close to 20 years, much less anything else.

As a child I was deliberately exposed to chicken pox several times; nothing happened, and same with mumps too. I’m 72 years old and never had the mumps! (At least I had the “good grace” to get measles and get it over with :-)

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There is no flu

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Don’t let the CDC know that. They make $4 billion a year in patent royalties from the annual flu vax. With your information you could really crush their annual holiday party budget.

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We used to get the flu shot regularly also, starting in 2001 or 2002. Then in 2009, my husband and kids got H1N1 swine flu right about the time school started in August, before there was even a vax for it. In spite of continuing to get the yearly flu shot, they got flu each of the next three years. Didn't seem any milder, either.

That was when I decided we weren't going to keep doing something that obviously didn't work, and stopped getting the shot for the kids and me. "Coincidentally," they've only had the flu about once each in the following 10 years.

When I got the flu almost 4 years ago (first time in 25 years I'd had it), it was so mild I wouldn't have believed it was flu if the test hadn't been positive. Only went to the doctor because the fever had hung on for several days, to make sure it was just a virus. Doggoned if the doctor didn't try to push antibiotics at me to "prevent a secondary infection."

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Never got the flu shot except 1 time because I was working in healthcare (that didn't last), and haven't had the flu in 27 years.

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It's a guess as to which virus will be prevalent when it arrives. The vax is notoriously wrong as to the specific virus that is circulating so it has very little effect.

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Same here!

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My experience with the flu shot is similar. I don’t think Ive had one in 8 years

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Sickest I've ever been with the "flu" was *after* getting a flu shot. Did it once years ago because the shot was "free" at work (who doesn't like free right?) NEVER AGAIN.

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I don't like "free" when it comes with such a heavy cost.

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A physician admitted to me some years ago that it was only 10% effective (flu shot).

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It has low efficacy and lasts very short. Cochrane has a good summary… it basically doesn’t work. USA is obsessed with flu shots. Most countries aren’t.

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The pnemonia vaccines are helpful and you hardly great about them at all. Totally insane

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hey that's still more effective than covid vaccines are against infection -- the number in Ontario (Canada) today is 4.5 % (seriously)

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Might stop a cold but will cause a heart attack

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The only times I (and my kids) ever got flu were the few times I (we) got flu shots. Did some research and found they're basically useless and their record is really dependent on selection bias. Never took it again.

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I taken the liberty of amending part of your last sentence and hope you don't mind.

"...the idea that the shot she takes every year didn't help at all simply didn't cross her tiny mind."

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Recently I spoke with an 81 year old fellow at our gym. He's vaxxed and I presume boosted as well at this point. He mentioned getting his yearly flu shot last year, and how he later got the worst flu he'd ever had, so clearly his flu shot was a failure. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him at the gym for over a month, and he used to go 3x a week religiously. I hope he didn't have bad effects from a booster.

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This is very true of the population of Ireland, I believe, where doctors come to the office for flu shots once a year. I have marvelled at this for years, having come from South Africa, and am amazed at the willingness and compliance.

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Had the flu 2X and started getting the shots intermittently after episode #1. Rode that out and it was terrible even in early 40s. Second time I went in and got a pos test for strain B. Straight to Rx for tamiflu and was 75% better the next day. Never again without tamiflu ASAP. That’s how you do it.

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flu A and flu B?...sorry but WTF are they pulling over on people? flu's don't have names (at least not sensibly)...they try to name covid too, ridiculous

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"The mind is a terrible thing. And it must be stopped in our lifetime." - comedian whose name I've forgotten

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Intellectual self-delusion. Nobody likes to admit they bought a sack of merde.

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Once they feed into the delusion they can’t get out. Kinda like The Emperor’s new clothes.

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I've used this Emperor's New Clothes analogy a few times now. Why are they pretending something is true, when it obviously isn't?

I think it has to do with tribe more than science. If you are a Blue Dog Dem, you must BELIEVE, regardless of the evidence of your eyes. Or respiratory system.

If your child was fully vaccinated against mumps, got mumps, then lost their hearing; would you think the vaccine worked? No. You'd be effing pissed.

If your child is double vaccinated against COVID, gets cardiac symptoms (which may be permanent), then gets COVID anyway; did the vaccine "work?"

"Oh, but they didn't die of COVID."

There is a 99.99% chance they wouldn't have anyway, and now the lining of their heart is inflamed. Congrats.

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"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” - William Casey, CIA Director

They've been programming us for a long, long time...

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(with sarcasm of course), ...but it was just a "little" or "mild" heart attack.. And, as I heard the testimony of one mother after her 8 year old had a "little" heart attack, "I'm so glad he got his vaccination." Mind boggling!

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Someone told me a parent of a child killed by the vaccine said, "it's for the greater good" and would do it again. People have become utter monsters.

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They push it for others because misery loves company...

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"I've fallen (for the covid hoax) and I can't get up!!!" - lol.

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Oh no. This is who they have been all along.

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cognitive dissonance is how fascism keeps going.....

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I obey therefore I am.

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'earning' social credits is life......

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And they get mad at us for pointing it out, even though we actually do wish them to be healthy, unlike the assholes lying to them and using them as guinea pigs. They just can't be angry at the right people.

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'Thankfully, I only died. Without the vaccine it would have been so much worse.'

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Yeah, proves the vaccine works.

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They parrot the talking points like robots. “I am grateful I am not sicker” ROTFLMAO

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Hahahahaha! Imagine having your brains that gone. I am starting to believe there are really prions in the jab.

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How could this arrogant, vicious loudmouth backtrack and say he was wrong? He wants us to die, backpedaling from that position will be very rare.

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Cognitive dissonance works EXACTLY this way

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They appear to have been brainwashed into believing that the shot prevented them from getting extremely sick, and that the shot prevented them from dying.

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Don’t forget.....we’re still told that the vax reduces your symptoms such that you likely won’t die even if you’re hospitalized. Unless of course you catch Covid and then end up dying “with” Covid. That’s only happed to over 90% of the Covid patients that died. That’s the part “they” don’t tell you.

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between 1 and 2 percent of the dead with covid were otherwise healthy!

98 to 99 percent of the decedents had 5; 11' of their 6' graves already dug!

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And wearing “banana peel” slippers to boot.

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Does everyone vaxed and boosted now automatically have covid?

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It's sure looking that way. I've heard about so many boosted having positive tests lately, it seems to be the rule, not the exception.

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Let's not forget that just because the PCT finds someone has some remote strand of DNA in them does not mean they are sick or infectious. That is the scam that manufactured and is keeping the pandemic ruse going. There is the issue of alot of vaxxed people ending up in hospital recently, despite how they tell you the vaccines do not prevent infection or spread, but will KEEP YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. Hmmmmm

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Wendy - we know. But let us enjoy these people getting hoisted on their own petard.

My golly did these people make their bed or what?

I fully expect to enjoy this week watching all of this.

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ME TOO🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏🎄

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Yeah, they create casedemics. Hospitalizations have always been closer to 1% or less for more healthy people. And that's with them doing all they could do to keep preventative treatments and early treatments silenced.

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Yes, the PCR tests are a joke. And they are going to be done with in 10 days, replaced by what? Something that scares people even more, is my guess.

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Yes! Because the new test also identifies the flu... Heaven help us.

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IT's probably just as useless, but at least people will stop bringing Kari Mullis up...

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So, of the roughly 200 people whom the global media cabal are portraying as the first victims of Covid, only 7 had samples of lung fluid tested. The PCR test, of course, found genetic material floating around in the samples. After all, these people were exhibiting pneumonia-like symptoms, therefore, there must have been a shit ton of white blood cells and exosomes in those samples.

In any event, the PCR tests revealed that there was genetic material in the samples. Now, it is crucial to note that the PCR test cannot distinguish between the genetic material of one cell/virus from another; and so the test cannot tell us whether the genetic material found in each of the patients' samples had a common source. The "Chinese" (who knew Fauci was Chinese?) "scientists" (because their methods are so scientific), nevertheless, claimed to have discovered a highly infectious and dangerous new virus. It was an assumption; a total shot in the dark.

Whether Covid truly exists or not is irrelevant. If it does exist it is no more dangerous than the flu. Anyway, all these draconian "prophylactic" measures have nothing to do with protecting us peons. The health of the masses has not been a concern of the medical industrial complex since a long time ago. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. It was always all about mass vaccination, and the vaccination campaign is about control: population control (via the sterilization of the young and extermination of the immuno-compromised) and mind control (hello, self-assembling graphene oxides nanoparticles).

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Yes, nailed it

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The entire blue check media class in Washington is getting it and they are just flipping their shit.

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Oo. Do you have a link on this? I'd love to throw this up in people's faces.

The very people filling you with gov't propaganda have firsthand knowledge that vaccination isn't working

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Look at Berenson's recent post on Chris Cillizza

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Same here. I know two people who got boosted, both tested positive for Covid. One gave it to her husband who died. I wonder.....

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My sister is a huge jab fan, and posted on our family site that she knows many people who got sick and many of them had been boosted. And then proceeded to say how everyone needed to run out and get boosted. The disconnect just isn't there in their minds. Even if they get sick and die, somehow it is better if they got boosted.

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It is mind boggling, the thought process (or lack thereof). I am always flabbergasted when I hear people say this....literally speechless.

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It’s a loyalty reward scheme. You get points with each jab, when you collect enough you get a free CoVid and set of steak knives.

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Except it seems they've run out of steak knives

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And plastic knives are now being banned.

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hahaha. My Brother in Law said last year when we drove by a "fast food" joint, "I wonder if they'll give me a 10% discount if I show my mask?" With as far as this injection madness has gone, I sure wouldn't be surprised if a knife is going to be included down the road... to slit your own throat because of the feeling of hopelessness.

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It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, I mean it is beginning to look that way😂😂😂

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It's a free bonus!

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Pretty much yeah.

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yes they changed the PCR https://www.who.int/news/item/26-11-2021-classification-of-omicron-(b.1.1.529)-sars-cov-2-variant-of-concern

health care staff are all being sent home positive

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Yes, Jim Cramer is concerned AS EVER about me. I did not realize he was filled with so much love.

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Jim Cramer’s love for us little people is limitless. When he’s not begging us to hold the bag for dead investment banks, he’s shilling medical products that don’t work

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So much love Charles he supported sending the military to your home to show that love to you.

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Dec 20, 2021
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They’re now giving out cocaine as a reward for taking the killshot? Because that would explain it!

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tee hee hee

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I have to admit... the free hamburger just about had me convinced to go risk the kill-shot since they are trying to get rid of meat on the menu... ;-)

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How about the vaccinated who seem happy that they've had heavy side effects post-vaccine because that means "it's working"? Always weird and baffling to hear comments like that.

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And when they get super sick right after the killshot it’s because they’re “mounting a huge response”.

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And it's a worse response than I got with actual COVID (headache, slight cough, felt a bit tired).

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Dec 20, 2021
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Maybe the scotch?

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The Blood clots and myocarditis really do mean the vax is doing it's thing.

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Funny how myocarditis has been relegated to a mild side effect.

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Yeah. Mostly mild!

I like the fact that small children hare having diminutive heart attacks as well.

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Am guessing "mostly mild" is like "mostly peaceful?"

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Mostly mild is they didn't die there and then, but hey how long have these kids got?

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I died, vaccine works! I'm immune forever because dead can't get sick!

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I remember very well one of the Atlantic reporters discribing her husband very sick in bed, screaming 'it is working, The vaccine is working' At the time we already knew only 1 in 100 people get so sick of the virus. This was when I already knew I would not take the vaxx. But that confirmed my decision.

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On the other side of this are the people who are taking Ivermectin and Hydroychloroquin


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Studies on nih site show it works so why not? One was on an entire city in brazil. One was on health care workers. 74% prophylactic efficacy

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Pediatricians for years have sold severe side effects as in the shot is working…. As in oh it means your immune system is responding! With a 40 c fever…

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When you're dead, you really know it's working!

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The final confirmation.

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On the tombstone: "It WORKED! Thank God!"

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Yes, but less serious.

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Yes! There was even an article in an online mag earlier this year (I can't remember which one) that stated that deaths meant that the "vaccine" was working! I couldn't believe what I was reading...

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When you're dead, you can no longer spread covid!🙀

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Although you are still quite capable of voting.

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I saw that too. Sure you never will get sick. And that without any more boosters !

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Correct: if the medicine doesn’t taste vile it can’t be any good.

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Death is the final confirmation, that everything is working as intended,

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Dec 20, 2021
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It is something to ponder and it seems the more formally educated one is, the more indoctrinated into a neoliberal world view, although that is a generalization.

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From the vaxx I got I only had a bad reaction to pox, but too small to remember. If I were to be sick in bed like some I certainly would not go for a second. That is why I hope a few family members, who ended up having to loose a couple of work days, will understand that it might be better to take the virus than to take the boosters.

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Ah yes, the duality of the vaccine religion:

"I am very concerned for the unvaccinated."

"Ugh, filthy unvaccinated, why won't they die."

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Very difficult to have grace and compassion for those who were rooting for compulsory vax and mandates and the financial and social destruction of everyone that refused to blindly swallow what the “experts” were selling.

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Are, not were, as it is in Europe at present 😑

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Too many people are making a dangerous assumption: that what they’re being injected with now is the same stuff as previously (eg if you had Moderna in April, your Moderna booster is more of the same).

It’s entirely possible you’re now getting something completely different.

I say that because studies of VAERS by four independent & clever people reveals around 1% of batches of each makers product causes thousands of adverse events. Most of the other batches look relatively benign, which is odd, but that’s the data.

The degree of difference is so extraordinary that I’m certain it’s deliberate.

It’s categorically impossible to have this much difference in product performance by normal manufacturing variation. Even given more leeway by FDA, you can’t get close to 1000X variation.

It’s not product degradation either. That usually results in loss of activity. For three produce from three makers & two technologies to fail toxic is not faintly plausible.

So, no: it’s not accidental. Therefore it’s deliberate.

Whether that was the intention, to cause mass harm, I can’t know, but at least two makers are top flight mass manufacturers. Pfizer & JNJ are steeped in regulatory manufacturing skills are the people involved are extremely good at what they do.

The only conclusion is they know exactly what they’re doing.

This constitutes CONSPIRACY TO MURDER across all the states of USA.

Someone ought to feature this.

Contact me for details.

Best wishes


Ps: this information is also in the hands of people on our side in the public domain, but more people speaking out can only help spread the word that criminal activity is explicitly evidenced in VAERS.

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I have read about the analysis of batch and lot numbers of the VAERS data and I'm concerned about:

- enormous amount of time involved in analysis of the data.

- the computer power needed.

- the Impact of CDC allowing mixed booster from different companies.

I'm at a loss to understand why CDC would leave this obvious trail towards criminal activity.

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I agree, but the very existence of VAERS has allowed the alert to conclude that all covid19 vaccines should have been recalled by end-January 2021, if not sooner!

The mountain of deaths is a great deal more obvious than the batch variability issue.

Most people won’t get near the latter. I’m nowhere near competent to do this. Steve Kirsch on the other hand would find it a breeze.

But you’ve to notice a problem ot be looking for one even to get as far as Craig Paardekooper.

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Thanks for your insight. It all looks criminal for sure. Love this guy's name. All I can think is: party in my mini-cooper!

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It is a particularly brilliant name!

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Paarde - horse, kooper - seller, so at some time in the past, there was a dealer in horses in the family... It's Dutch.

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I watched a presentation last night by Dr. David Martin in which he traced the history of key players in this “Pandemic” and sent them to numerous attorney generals demanding that they do their jobs of bringing charges for murder, treason, and malfeasance.

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I hope some will attempt action, but recognise many institutions have been bought or threatened.

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And they've always been keeping track of lot numbers. This is, after all, a clinical trial, so it's not a surprise that there are different effects seen. But in any case, these vaccines do not stop spread, so from an epidemiological standpoint, they're worthless - in some cases, worse than worthless. I'd be glad to share the info on my page.

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Dear @DrMikeYeadon - Could it otherwise be that it IS the same stuff, but having MORE of it could be the problem? Meaning third+ doses...

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I don’t think so, because plenty of people report having had three injections with no side effects at all.

In truth, there’s so much we don’t know.

After 30+ years in this industry, I can’t adequately explain what it feels like to have numerous certainties stripped away.

That companies would deliberately permit dangerous product to be shipped; or having learned of such serious problems, to do nothing about it; that regulatory agencies are supine & corrupt, and it goes on.

Worst of all, there are people I know & have worked with, who are inside these companies.

Either they don’t know anything, or they do & don’t protest / resign.

My sincere hope is it’s the first, but I know I’m kidding myself that this could apply to all of them.

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Are there codings that can identify each batch of each manufacturer? God.... this is worse and more malefic than simply the producers played with the trials...

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I’m not sure. There is a definitive list of batches but we don’t have it.

This is a lead in to what we’ve found.


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Thank you

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Could it be spectacularly lax manufacturing controls in sub contractors? No way it should ever happen of course, and it’s no excuse.

Also, I’m sure I read early on when it came to limits on manufacturer’s liability, that they were on the hook for negligence when it came to manufacture (but not failure to conduct proper studies and provide full safety package). Do you know about that? It may be the way to bring them down.

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It wasn’t me but a lawyer who pointed out that their indemnities won’t cover breaches of federal law relating to adulterated product, made much worse by taking it across a state line.

Remember the mobsters weren’t jailed for murder, but tax fraud!

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Mike Yeadon has covered this point and the answer is no.

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Every one of these people are so thankful that the jab saved their life. They seem to believe they would have died without it. It doesn't matter that the jab failed to keep them from getting sick. It doesn't matter that the data on the jabs is looking worse and worse every day.. They don't bother to look at that.

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To be fair, if I had been gaslighted into taking the killshot, I would do my utmost to avoid the knowledge that I had taken a ticking nano-bomb too: wouldn’t want to help it along through the hypochondriac anxiety that goes with “I read about it and now I have it.”

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I think that explains most of the weird reactions, like a drop needle silence when you mention dangers of the jabs, triple jabbed sick and dying etc. The gasp on the phone. Then the immediate change of subject. I think most know unconsciously that they have a deadly poison inside their bodies, but don't want to know.

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Yeah I'm going to stick to an anti cancer diet for maybe the next five years ago? I can see a lot of blue check narcissists not being willing to swallow that kind of humble pie.

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Yes, because:


"Only 8% of U.S. adults gave correct answers [to a poll question about how many people had been hospitalized with COVID] for the unvaccinated population and 38% for the vaccinated population ... For unvaccinated hospitalization risk, 2% of Democrats responded correctly [with the answer of less than one percent], compared with 16% of Republicans. In fact, 41% of Democrats replied that at least 50% of unvaccinated people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19."

For any Republicans out there feeling smug though,

"By contrast, Democrats were more likely to estimate hospitalization risk for the vaccinated population correctly: 42% of Democrats compared with 33% of Republicans correctly reported that less than one percent of vaccinated people have been hospitalized"

tl;dr people's reactions make sense if you understand that their intuitions about the risk of COVID is wrong by orders of magnitude. The polls probably aren't representative, but they aren't totally wrong either. If you thought that without a vaccine you had a 1:2 chance of going to hospital and then you didn't need to go, you'd be thanking the vaccine too.

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I was having a conversation with my sister at a Christmas party this past weekend. She is a nurse (BSN and masters) in a large community hospital outside Philly, and a very good one too! I told her how my trainer at the gym is a 22 year old who is very concerned about healthy lifestyle and eating, etc, and that he will not get the vaccine because of the risk involved in this new technology and that I agreed with him. She said "well he's going to get very sick". I told her that from my understanding of the statistics of the disease, he is much more likely to have a serious car accident, vs getting very sick from covid. She told me to "believe what I want" and asked me if I am an antivaxxer. I have 4 young adult kids now, we followed vaccine schedule per pediatrician and I get the flu vax sometimes. I can't say I don't have some doubts about whether this was the right way to go with all that now that I see the spin and the lies with the pandemic... But that's water under the bridge. However, I really can't figure out how a smart professional healthcare worker like my sister doesn't seem able to judge relative risk here... Oh, and she votes R.

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They can’t. It’s the brainwashing. MD in my family thinks anyone who isn’t vaccinated and gets rona will be severe case. Child adult grandpa. All same. Said person even made up a case of a supposed healthy 30 year old in the ICU to scare me (I found out it was a lie). The brainwashing goes this far: to lie to loved ones to coerce them to the vaccine.

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Yeah, when a couple of doctors were sharing stories that dozens of healthy 20 year old kids in both of their respective hospitals died. I pulled up the county numbers on my phone and showed them they are claiming to have seen more dead then all the country hospitals combined in the age group for the entire year. They then say the county is under reporting. LOL

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Wow! Now THAT makes me sick!

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I can counter another RN who works in respiratory drug research. She said that a regular drug with the history of these CV vaccines would never be licensed

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I have worked for years in the pharma sector. She is 100pct correct…unless this were a drug for a terminal condition where other therapies left much to be desired. Certainly not an acceptable profile for a vaccine to be used in healthy individuals to prevent what is almost always a mild and self limiting illness, and for which there are plenty of available therapies that show a degree of efficacy.

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Vioxx caused a handful of heart attacks and maybe a death or two, it was pulled. Huge settlements paid out. No liability protection for therapies, so let's call these shots "vaccines." 🤨

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Young parents have been brainwashed into thinking they had to get their children "vaccinated" for everything on earth. I don't think it was your fault Ms Nancy. You did what you thought was right and the pressure put on young parents by "doctors" is incredible. The guilt etc they shell out to get people to shoot up their kids is criminal. What's crazy, is my grandparents had NO "immunizations" and I'm a Boomer and had 3. Grandparents lived into their late 80's and one grandmother till 102. And I'm still alive. The mantra out there has seemed to be, "live the way you want, eat what you want, be sedentary as much as you want!" We have a pill or a shot for that! If we get through this, I have a feeling that there is going to be a huge segment of the population that will go back to making food their medicine. It's amazing what a few vegetables and a salad can do in the human body. (Unless "Doctor" Bill Gates gets his way and convinces people it's illegal to grow and eat anything besides what he and others like him say we can eat... for the earth of course.)

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Not to mention children are not allowed to go to school without the jabs. Such a shame. Children must go to school but in order to do so they must be damaged. Poor american children. If I had any I would move to another country

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We'd all like to think that nurses and doctors would have a better grip on the probabilities involved than the average person but there's no real reason why that would be true. They don't need to know these things for their job after all.

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From the beginning it has been obvious that the people are being deliberately provided with bad information and prevented from getting accurate information. This itself is the key information.

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fear and mass formation

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😹 Ah, but that’s because Stockholm Syndrome was a precondition rather than a side effect.

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In the year 2030, predisposition to Stockholm Syndrome will be seen as a significant predictor of heart inflammation.

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send that to the CDC. i hear they are hiring.

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Yeah, and they’re probably one of the agencies with an exemption to the mandate.

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All federal workers are eligible for medical and religious exemptions.

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and if they get a shot it probably is saltine solution anyway

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I believe that's a typo, but I think saltine is hilarious 😂

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yeah, from what I understand the batches that have caused severe adverse reactions and death have been traced and found to be a small percentage....so far. But once the boosters become required every three months, the roll out of sickness and death with increase exponentially.

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Thank you sir. May I have another?

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Not sure if it's catchy enough, but earlier this morning I was thinking the same way and labeled this phenomenon "Vaccine Gratitude Syndrome."

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typical needle worshipers

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I like that.

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Amazing. Jim Cramer might be stupid.

CP24 up here in Toronto has a headline today saying people who recover from a breakthrough infection, may achieve "super immunity".

I don't know how these people can walk.

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Belgian press prints that a booster will give you super immunity. They have not read the news LOL

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Another event going on is most likely Mass Formation (psychosis). It has happened all throughout recorded history.

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Definitely. You know it when you talk to them. They used to be able to have a conversation. Not anymore.

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I just can’t fathom allowing someone to inject me with a mystery substance. (I mean, that’s what throat punches are for, right?)

Because a politician tells me it will help?

Because a broken and toxic medical establishment says it’s ok?


Anyone who’s been jabbed and doesn’t now have buyer’s remorse is truly a captive—with Stockholm syndrome.

And the old Neil Young song “The Needle and the Damage Done” is the lament for them. (At least the junkies got high.)

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This is the first vaccine which causes exaggerated Fear of Others as a psychological effect. It's common enough that it should be on the warning label.

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Smugness is a SE too 😂

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Please show your support for this fine doctor who was fired by UC Irvine for refusing the vaccine.

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This is called a SUNK COST BIAS

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yeah, but if i get to 6 boosters, i get 100 free shares of bear stearns!

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Cramer is a grifter with a platform built on his lies.

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Jim Cramer is an easy target because he is a demonstrable fool and charlatan. But this is representative of how prevalent the spread now is among the vaxxed and/or boostered ruling class community...... and anecdotally it matches everything I see happening in my own sphere. None of my unvaxxed friends and family are getting it. Pretty much all of my vaxxed friends are.

My favorite part is they've all been given and repeat the same talking point. Thank goodness they were vaxxed and/or boostered because they didn't get really sick or die. No awareness at all that their chances of getting really sick or dying was about as low having been severely injured or killed in a car crash over the same period had they not been vaxxed. Still, they attribute the fact they came through it fine entirely to the vaccine. It's insane, but a great and frightening example of mass confirmation bias. Nobody wants to admit the choice they made, which came with its own risks, was either useless or dumb. It was definitely a wise decision and it saved them....even though they were shocked to learn it didn't work as expected.

Finally, you constantly are bombarded by the case and hospitalization IFR's that allegedly show the unvaxxed are still getting it and being hospitalized with it at much higher rates than the vaxxed. These figures defy everything we are seeing and experiencing in the real world, they do again support what they all want to believe. Never questioned is the difference in the way the data is gathered between vaxxed and unvaxxed. How the entire metric has been intentionally skewed to get the desired result through very different testing protocols for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. Confirmation of this happening appears in the statistical impossibility we've been seeing where the most highly vaxxed and boostered populations are experiencing pandemic highs in cases and hospitalizations now. The "pandemic of the unvaxxinated narrative and data is statically incongruent with lack of correlation between vaxx rates and case/hospitalization rates. Both simply can't be true at the same time.

In fact, it appears what we have now is a pandemic of vaxxed confirmation bias that is supported by goal sought metrics via intentionally discriminatory measuring protocols.

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It's a MIND VIRUS, a disorder of the psyche spread through gaslighting and brainwashing. I have now seen it referred to as Mass Formation Psychosis. Yuri Bezmenov understands these ideological subversion process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA

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Just imagine how "positive" he would have been without all the jabs? Horrifying to think about it. Right Jim? Cramer is a massive POS. Having been in the investment biz (among others) for 25 years, I can still remember when as a hedge fund manager he made money by screwing every day investors. Basically illegal activity which he has admitted. He used to call analysts and market makers and move the market in a stock he was either long or short, then dump it or cover the short. But he is concerned about your covid status now. Really he is.

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And thus a new religion was born! The Covidians. Life would be so meaningless without yearly punishment from a Covid season! Taking out the unclean ones! It would be so much worse without the yearly Holy Vaccines!

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Just once a year? I'm thinking more like once a week. Hell, why not?

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And on the seventh day Fauci said, prostrate yourself before me and take in this elixir of boostness. And the sheep did and it was good.

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Rhymes with Davidians. Hmmm.

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My son works at a company that allows unvaxxed, but he must test twice a week and wear a mask at all times. And he works outdoors! When I asked him what his company says they’re afraid of (since they’re all vaxxed) he says they say “we’re trying to keep YOU (him) from being hospitalized, since the unvaxxed get much sicker”. Ugh. Talk about vax derangement syndrome…….

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Can you even believe this way of thinking is so prevalent?! When I first mentioned Stockholm Syndrome a few months ago, a fair few members of my family were furious. 🙄 At least my husband and son are rational beings! We just stick to ourselves now in our little team reality bubble…

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I have my husband, son, stepson, BIL, my best friend and her husband and son in my reality team. I basically ignore everyone else for my sanity.

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You are fortunate.

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I am really lucky as well. The only person in my family that has drank from the poison well is a cousin who is boosted to the hilt... even *after* she almost died after the second shot. It really saddens me that people fall for this.

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I have plenty of family members like that. Fortunately, they live in different states, so I rarely interact with them.

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Isn't it a shame? I have one brother who was seriously injured after his second shot and needed a pacemaker. He is the ONLY one who believes it was a result of the "vaccine"! Even after that other relatives are signing up for their boosters. But also tragic that his doctor insists it had nothing to do with the Moderna shot... :((

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I despise the doctors turning a blind eye.

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“If you’d like to lessen the chance of getting very sick, I think you should get vaccinated,”

Umm...unless you get prompt multi-drug therapy like I did when I caught Covid from a fully vaccinated superspreader. I was barely sick for two days and I didn't wreck my immune system with triple vax therapy like this moron Cramer has done to himself.

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I am so glad to hear what you did. It is my plan too. All my colleagues are vaxxed and superspreading it to everyone. I have my meds ready to go.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂oh I am sorry Jim, just had to have a little giggle at your expense. For the guy who wanted to what? Imprison the unjabbed? Oh dear looks like we are going to have to consider imprisoning the gene altering takers because they are dropping like flies. Newsflash, three US Senators test positive for you know what today. All three of them drank the koolaid. One of them just happens to be ms. Elizabeth Warren. Gosh this isn’t looking good Jim.

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Jim Cramer is a shameless shill. I always despised his delivery but now I can add his message. They should have to disclose their benefactors.

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"Buy, buy, buy!"

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Dear Jim. FOAD. Best love. xxx

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Read the book "Operation Paperclip" and you'll understand what;s going on.

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I haven’t read the book but saw one of her book-promo talks on YouTube a few months ago https://youtu.be/HHs5M3pyd3Q and a while back it occurred to me that welcoming all those nazi scientists must surely have something to do with the current “eradication through medicine” situation.

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The vax ensures that you become part of the internet of controlled people. Sounds great! This is a hard read but tells us what it's all about.https://corona2inspect-blogspot-com.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=es

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Nothing is beyond belief anymore. “They” sure do want us all vaxxed, is it because 1. they care about us, 2. they want to make even more money, 3. They want to kill us or 4. They want to control us with nanobots?

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Will do, thanks. Anything “paperclip” is a big red pill.

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Biden's Final Solution to be announced tomorrow. Expect complete vaccine tyranny. The phrase "Dark Winter" is ominous and refers to a Bioterror Simulation in 2001 that Biden was involved in.

Here is the official government report. "Dark Winter" appears 27 times and "Biden" 15 times.


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interesting....held just 6 days before 9/11 attack.

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Thank you, I did not see that.

Another viral coincidence

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I thought he was a nut the first time I saw him. That had to be 25 years ago.

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we had little choice - between a big nut and a bigger nut...

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There is a pandemic of hypochondria. The only explanation why people keep getting tested, particularly when they’ve been vaccinated.

Why doesn’t the idiot just have a metered vaccine drip set up, like those morphine drips, so he can give himself a hit every time he feels a positive test coming on?

But it certainly is a relief to know that there is vaccine which will make an already less serious disease, ‘less serious’.

Concern for not vaccinated seems misplaced as they are the ones not getting CoVid.

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Can someone explain how COVID-19 displacing the flu is evidence for masks and social distancing working, but omicron displacing delta leads to totally different conclusions?

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It is no coincidence that Biden will speak on December 21, 2021, the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. His “Dark Winter” speech will assert that the unvaccinated are “facing a very bleak and dangerous winter.” Using fear and dishonesty he will promote vaccines and boosters as means to stem the scourge of the Omicron variant. But among my circle of family and friends more are beginning to wake up and take notice that his rhetoric empty matches the clothes he wears. Here's my take on the Hans Christian Andersen tale.


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Thrice jabbed and once boosted, and he still got it! That's rich.

But, of course, I get the point. Were he not thrice jabbed and once boosted, he'd be really sick or, perhaps, even dead. The fact that none of the data (not even the falsified data coming out of Johns Hopkins and the CDC) bear that point out is irrelevant. The sheep determine the truth of a message solely on the basis of the source of the message. If the information comes from a "trusted" source, it is taken as Gospel.

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If this was a psy-op from the start, or/and if governments have hired legions of behavioural psychologists to convince us - which no doubt they have - then we are up against very clever and probably ruthless minds with highly-honed skills in brainwashing.

If we did not possess a well-developed bullshit-meter flashing red, quite early on in this saga, and if we never read, and if we use Google to search, and if we use Facebook, and if we believe that sacred vaccines alone have saved our species from every sore and scab and nasty-nasty-germy-thingy that human flesh is heir to - then we, too, might be waiting in line for the next Fauchie-Owchie.

We are privileged with knowledge, and we have a duty to use it. to convince those who are not beyond help.

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I heard they are safe *and* effective. ;-)

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Yes, at elevating pharma company EBIT

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I keep hearing that, so it must be true.

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You know, with the poison Koolaid/jim jones thing, i heard that the way they got compliance was to only put the poison in a final batch of Koolaid, that many times before that, the Kool Aid wasn't poison. Simple trick, and what I think about the flu/covid shot is the same....at some point, they COULD just poison you. Well, they did. Too risky to allow any injections given this.

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Experimental mRNA injection side effects= A.D.E.= omicron "variant."

Only mentally deranged people believe in mandatory poisons.

It's the height of insanity to believe a healthy person requires a product full of unhealthy chemical ingredients in order to maintain his or her health.

Look at what people have been programmed to think.

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On CNBC this morning, Jim Cramer ranted that the failure of BBB shows we do not have a :functional democracy." and he's "old school" so thinks a Senator from West Virginia should not have so much power. Cramer's historical ignorance (we don't have a "democracy--read the Federalist Papers, Jim) and arrogance (get out of NY and your Keynesian bubble--massive more government slush funds and entitlement programs will only fuel inflation and inhibit long-term growth) long ago blinded him to the innovation and opportunity and enhanced lives that an unleashed private sector can bring.

CNBC--isn't it time to retire Jim Cramer?

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I think they should hire Seinfeld actor Mike Richards and change the show to a “Kramer vs Cramer” format where every economic discussion ends in some sort of non lethal violent exchange between the two of them as they roll the credits.

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LOL what about a Senator from WV AND the entirety of the other party - which is half the Senate?

Back in the day the 'leaders' used to try to create bills the other party would vote for.

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I just love how they scream about a loss of democracy when there is a 50/50 split in the Senate and just one of the Dem 50 exercised his right of democracy to say NO and not vote in lockstep with his party.

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This is a document Dr Trozzi is sending out to hand out. Trying to get it around.

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The narrative has been changing to, "The vaccine makes me have less severe symptoms when I do contract COVID" for some time now. This is why there's so much push for the unvaccinated to pay full freight hospital costs, assuming they're even allowed to receive care... Because the hospitals need to serve the vaccinated lest someone get sued for malpractice.

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And yet they still claim the vax passports are to stop the spread and Biden just a couple days ago again said the vaccines stop you from getting Covid.

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According to this "study", Jim Cramer now has "super immunity".


I think this will be the new tactic to get (and keep) people boosted.

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Is producing more antibodies always a good thing? I'm not a scientist and this may not be related to number of antibodies produced, but one of the things initially concerning to me about covid was the cytokine storm-- the idea that if the immune system launched a disproportionately strong response to covid, it would be your own system killing you, not covid.

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Yes, I'll take my natural immunity all day long, over three jabs and covid on top.

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Oooh that meme. Stealing. Cramer has a lot invested in this so I'm guessing he is trying really hard to be the bestest covid death cult member he can be, for social credit, OR he's being paid handsomely to push the narrative. Seems coordinated between some of those people with big audiences (like Howard Stern). These people are seriously greedy and deranged, and history will not smile on them.

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I wonder how soon it will be before we start seeing some thoughtful recanting of the ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine refutations? Some soul-searching "perhaps we ought to revisit this" discussions? With previously-reviled studies suddenly cracking the peer-review nod? Just in time for these vile creatures to start dosing themselves. And everyone will start nodding sagely. Anyone willing to take bets?

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Actually, why am I kidding myself. The fuckers will have their stockpiles already, and their willing patsy doctors lined up ready to minister to them hush-hush.

(I have now officially cast aside my British-colonialist reserve and am happy to throw every choice expletive in my repertoire at their poxy heads.)

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This is beyond belief! He gets vaccinated and boosted. And he tests positive for SARS-COV-2 (he does not say he was sick, guess he did the test just because he was scared shitless...). And he is so concerned about us unvaccinated!! How sweet of him.

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Very much on his own side. I am not concerned for him whatsoever. Whatever...

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Wonder how long your "luck" will last, Jim. Don't you worry your pretty little bald head about us unclean folks. We'll be fine.

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El Gato, is there any data about reinfection and omicron? Eric Ding is saying alpha/delta do not “neutralize” omicron. He’s not the first I’ve heard say this.

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Isn't this the same guy advising us to buy Bear Stearns the week before it tanked? Just checking...

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