If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.

They needed the lockdowns. They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."

The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.

The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether. They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.

All talk of so-called efficacy of these poison injections are meaningless distractions and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.

It’s blackmail on a global scale.

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I mean.....like this could really happen? Oh wait....it HAS happened in China. Their whole social credit score tyranny. Good post.

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Agree the global Covid response is not about health. It is about reorienting society such that the individual is more firmly regulated by the power and authority of the state. Schumpeter's "Creative Destruction" is a real threat to the establishment. The establishment's answer is to destroy the freedom of the individual to mount a serious threat to their institutions.

Notwithstanding the conspiracy, the establishment will fail. Freedom is too powerful to be denied.

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And the irony is that any nation that succeeds in regulating the "creative destruction" is only limiting themselves. Free enterprise has been the greatest source of growth and wealth, repeatedly, throughout history.

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I hope you're right.

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God I hope so. What a wild ride.

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Great summary. Lifted to my blog.

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Allen - Wonderful post and I couldn't agree more with your very astute description of what has been going on for nearly two years.

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Your analysis makes more sense than most things I've read thus far. The actual public health aspect of covid has never added up to anything logical, and this is a more reasonable explanation for all that we have been experiencing and seeing. Very diabolical. Yet a lot of it was right there in front of us for many years and we didn't pay attention to what they were saying and doing in preparation for the big theater of covid.

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Very well said. 👍🏼

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Hats off 🎩

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Great comment - perfectly put.

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You're probably right, but it occurred to me that by talking up a new variant, they're setting up the excuse for vaccine failure this winter (a role formerly played by delta this summer).

"It's not that the vaccine doesn't work, it's the variant, and here is a new concoction to be injected with".

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And don’t forget the unvaccinated are to blame

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They may be worried not about the vaccine failure, but about the vaccine making things worse. Thy sure know about ADE, but they don't know yet whether this variant will trigger it. In a sense, this variant appeared too soon, before 100% vaccination rate was achieved, so if ADE indeed occurs in the vaccinated, the difference between them and the unvaccinated will be apparent.

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Yes, they certainly seem desperate to be rid of the de facto control group.

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That’s exactly what I thought based on that Mail headline. A new variant is a convenient explanation for the vaccine’s failure.

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Where are the new concoctions for Delta? So much is blamed on that variant, but no Tweeks to the shot? Smells like week-old fish.

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We are aware of this but sadly the majority of population are not. Soo, they will dutifully line up for whatever the narrative tells them to do.

Governments, unelected public health officials and the MSM control the data and language, so they control the narrative. We need to take that away from them but how with all the gaslighting and censoring of honest scientists and experts like Atlas, Kuldorff, Bhattacharya etc?

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Exactly 100% what I saw when I read it. Big pharma must be drooling. They get to do it all over again.

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Well that wouldn't be a lie entierly. The lie is pretending it's come as a surprise.

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I read something (I think in the Wall Street Journal) where BioNTech rep stated (paraphrasing) if our vaxx doesn't cover this variant, we can have one that does in a month to six weeks.

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Yes, wasn’t that the purpose of the mRNA delivery system? They basically invented a reprogrammable “vaccine”.

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Of course, They're just anxiously rubbing their hands together hoping for that.

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Get ready for talk about lockdowns just after the holidays are over.

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I think it may be talk about lockdowns before the holidays are over. They are that bold and most people who have bought into the entire narrative will comply.

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A 40 percent reduction in vaccine efficacy! (SCARY)

The very dangerous vaccines lose up to 40 percent of their antibodies monthly, and exactly zero all cause mortality - morbiditie studies have shown them to be anything but net deadly or harmful.

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How can reporters write "new symptomless Covid strain 'more infectious than Delta'" with a straight face? WTF, OMFG, and GTFO.

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Did you not just laugh? They have been telling this nutcase story for 2 years now. Almost all cases are symptomless. 80 % of the cases are. Tested with the super duper PCR test ! Now they will have a new test and find that probably 99 % are symptomless ! Get the boosters ! You might be sick but you don't know it !

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Maybe the boosters are so people will know they're sick. Can't have all these people running around feeling well during a 'pandemic', now, can we?

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Yes, Ingrid, I did laugh as soon as this most "dangerous mutation discovery" was aired on every television news station, google feeds and every main newspaper in Canada. It's too bad that all the so called experts didn't listen to the real experts such as Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Byram Bridle and Luc Montagnier to name just a few.

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We do have some people with brains, but unfortunately that are not the ones the government listens to. There is also DR De Smet who analyzes very well where this panic attack came to be. In the meanwhile the Greek alphabet is running out, and it would be kinda neat if they continued with Arabic, Russian, Georgian or Armenian. (They probably cannot read these LOL)

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Here in the U.S., we have the hurricane naming system which first goes through the alphabet. Alternating feminine and masculine names (Anna, Brian, Charlotte, etc). In years when there are more than 26 “named” storms, they continue with the Greek alphabet.

I was thinking after the “variants” run through all 24 Greek letters, maybe they’ll pick up with English names? 🤔

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Yes, I'm aware of the uselessness and fraud of the PCR 'test,' and the fraudulent nature of 'symptomless spread.' The question is, are the reporters who write things like this? Mental deficiency, or malevolence? (With the reporters, it might be even odds. The higher up you go, the more it slants toward the latter, of course.)

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I worked at an assisted living facility/adult home for the last five years, up until two weeks ago, when NY state's vaxx mandate got me fired. We were testing all through 2020, twice a week for a long time there, and still once a week until a couple months into 2021. Our false positive rate (by which I mean a positive result and no symptoms--I'm aware that even with symptoms, it could be any coronavirus, or almost anything at all) was 75% or more. We shifted testing labs several times; our second lab immediately started returning us many more positives.

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Get on Gab if you are not there already. They have a group with job offers for normal humans. All the best, and stay strong!

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Sorry you’re in that spot, but you were right in standing strong against medical rape! The job market also couldn’t be better right now. Best of luck!

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I'm sorry you lost your job sunhawk :( what a crime. Sending prayers to God for new better doors to open to you and your dreams!

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Best of luck to you. I hope have your courage when my time for choice arrives.

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From a quality of life consideration, it would take me much more courage to take the jab than get fired. There are other jobs, but neurological symptoms, autoimmune disorders, blood clots, cardiac arrest and stroke, failing immune system and weak resistance to all viruses, ADE, and cancer three years down the road scare the shit out of me.

However! With regard to health, my ex-wife, who sees the pseudopandemic just the same as I do, says that if we are forced to take the injection, we have to believe that our body can handle and deal with it. Our bodies are amazing. We need to trust and have no fear, only love. This is a woman who, three years ago, had an eight centimeter melanoma, and by the time she went to the operation to have it removed, had shrunk it down to one centimeter by only her attitude and some acupuncture. It was no longer cancerous either, when they checked it. Her doctors were flabbergasted.

There are of course other very good reasons beside health to refuse the jab, in my estimation. I myself will be injected over my dead body, and probably their dead body, too. But one might do alright with the jab if one's vitamin D level is good--that means taking a few thousand IU every day for a long time (take vit. K2 also). I'm seeing black seed oil being suggested as a natural ivermectin (see the covid19criticalcare protocol https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/ ) Taking that for a few weeks before and after will probably help. Add vitamin C, maybe quercetin and zinc, and one might be fine, at least in the short term.

Sending you good thoughts.

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Been asking this for months and months. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the ineptitude or malice of the MSM,

can’t quite decide. Case in point, here in Canada 17 children under the age of 18 died with/from Covid over the last 21 months, which is a number that is dwarfed by deaths in the same cohort from flu/pneumonia in prior years. Hard to get the data but it seems that most had other comorbidities or entered hospital for other reasons. Most recently in Alberta, public health tried to claim that a teenager with an inoperable brain tumor died of Covid only to back down when the famiy went to the press and threatened legal action. This is the part of all of this that triggers me most and keeps me up at night. What is it all about? The WEF 4th industrial revolution just seems like an impossible task to pull off but then again, here we are getting tenderized with more propaganda so that we more easily digest the next public health diktat. I am exhausted!

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I have been struggling with this question for months. I used to phrase it "Well, are you stupid or are you lying?" Then I read Jody Wilson-Reybould's report on a meeting with Justin Trudeau- "He was either complicit or he was incompetent."

Now I understand my error- the question obscures the truth, because the conjunction should be "and", not "or."

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“‘Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.”-Friedrich Hayek

That’s what’s happening here. Parasitic politicians and bureaucrats are manufacturing or exacerbating emergencies and exploiting irrational fears in order to augment their own power at the expense of our liberty. That’s the story of the last two years.

Is the Reichstag Fire stratagem. We could also call it the Tony Fauci strategem.

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Wasn't it supposed to be mid December sometime? My daughter gets tested 2x week because she has refused the vaccine (thank GOD!) and her work place only has enough rapid tests until mid December and hasn't been able to purchase any of the "new" ones. Will be interesting.....

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My daughter is a nurse and got covid a year ago. Since her recovery, probably beginning in late December or early January, she has gotten tested 2x a week the whole time. She only got one false positive, all other tests were negative. She has been around a lot of people who supposedly had covid. Or not.

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I know, right? You have to imagine the Operation Mockingbird peeps all gathering together (over Zoom, I guess) and just howling with laughter:

"Well, they fell for that whole 'pandemic of the unvaxxed' bit, whattaya bet they'll fall for THIS--a 'symptomless' variant!"

"Oh, totes, 'symptomless variant'? They'll swallow that one hook line and sinker. We're literally telling them to be afraid they will die from something that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to them. It's genius."

"But don't you think they're getting bored of the verb 'surge'? Shouldn't we change it up, like, 'as the new variant TEARS through the nation'? 'With the new variant DEVASTATING the population?"

"That's above your pay grade. Stick to your last--adjectives."

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And after that, they gather while everyone is on lockdown, in a very expensive restaurant and kiss each other on the cheek

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LOL Perfect!

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Everything going down the rathole we have experienced for the last 2 years follows from the one big lie premise of asymptomatic transmission of a largely fatal respirable communicable disease. Which has never happened in human history. Lie from get go for nefarious ends.

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This is a god send (or maybe just preplanned) for pharma. Now they can blame the failing vaccines on the nu variant. It doesn’t matter whether the variant is actually vaccine resistant or benefits from ADE, they now have an excuse. Plus, Pfizer and Moderna can whip up a new formulation for their mRNA vaccines and convince everybody they need another vaccination whether they had bought into the booster shot or not.

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It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that the alleged “SARS-CoV-2” virus even exists, that it causes a disease called “Covid-19”, and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. That only fortifies the narrative by implying that any extra-ordinary response was ever necessary, that a single one of their “public health” diktats was legitimate, and that any of these poison injections are designed to protect anyone from anything, let alone the absurdity that they’ve saved a single life.

This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen. It is a global conspiracy by the worlds transnational ruling class which was planned out and war-gamed at the WEF, the central bankers summit in Jackson Hole, and at Event 201. It’s all right there for anyone to look up and see for themselves. It is about radically transforming every aspect of society in response to the final crisis of capitalism, which was no long profitable or sustainable, transitioning to the new digital financial system, implementing the technologies of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, and exterminating and sterilizing broad swathes of the “useless eaters” and now-surplus labor/population, who in old crises would be sent off to war, which is too risky today with weapons of mass destruction that could blow up the world a hundred times over. Today they’re accomplishing the same thing through the bio-medical weapons of mass destruction of “covid” measures (isolation, medical malpractice, sedation, ventilation, manufactured unemployment, neglect, austerity, etc.) and poison injections.

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and they've turned it into a never ending game of simon says for data collection. After each simon says (e.g. simon says wear your mask), I imagine they collect their data to determine what works and where, what doesn't work, what to try next, etc. To date simon is winning!

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They aren't collecting any data. It's a simulation. That's just one more proof that this is a giant scam.

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As usual, follow the money. Those who profited from the whole thing, and the common man, who paid for it.

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agree except for the WMD. nuclear is a fake as virology.

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That is exactly the plan. But I am beginning to wonder how many people are going to run into their narrative. I see comments on several news sites, where a few go into the story, but most ask themselves (and the readers) how often this game will repeat. Several already say no more boosters, two was enough. And everyone sees the rocketing numbers of Positives... and sick and dead in the vaccinated. Be very afraid. The virus is pumped into your veins and can never leave....

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How many times can they cry wolf? People are starting to suspect that....finally.

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Most may not run but they will walk and dutifully get their booster or the new and improved spike protein therapeutic

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Yes indeed. I think there are 5 ways the vaccinated are more vulnerable when the normal flu season comes to their country:

1) waning vaccine effectiveness

2) ADE

3) original antigin sin https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/original-antigenic-sin

4) natural immune system not returning to normal, low N antibodies, making them susceptible to all kinds of infections. https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/ukhsa-efficacy-stats-death-watch-2ba

5) pathogenic priming https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/pathogenic-priming-in-belgium-100

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It was planned months ago, globally coordinated campaigns like this don't just happen organically.

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I'm surprised how no "upgrades" to the vaccines have made....

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As the kitty mentioned a while ago, it sure is strange that they had the OG jab ready to go after 2 days, but we still can't hammer down a delta jab......

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Not necessary. The needle worshipers run anyway. Told my dad to check if they got the 'new and approved' Pfizer. No, they were still using up the old ones. Which were outdated and never helped to begin with.

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But if there indeed is ADE, then the difference in outcome severity between vaccinated and unvaccinated should become apparent, because they did not yet get to 100% vaccination rate, right?

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How about the government want to shut down the vaccine program because it’s dangerous. They can’t say we are shutting it down because of side effects but they can say they are shutting it down because new variant renders vaccines ineffective.

Roll out magic pill.

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This would mean the Govs actually care about killing people.

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Mercies magic pill is ready. 30% effective. Watch for lightening speed approval.

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I would not mind if it was 3% effective. Anything that stops government etc from harassing me to take a vaccine I don’t want is a blessing. Obviously I don’t know if that is the case. But I just want to be left alone at this point.

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I'm voting for magic pill!

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The spike protein mutated, you say? Geez, sounds like we need a form of immunity that targets the nucleocapsid, not the spike. If only our bodies had some way of learning to do that.

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Firstly, love your handle and its appropriateness. I'd MUCH rather have Covid than Spattergroit, which sounded very painful and gross in the book.

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Here's the schedule of variants straight from the WEF if anyone wants to plan ahead! https://www.bitchute.com/video/cxKuKRssSru0/

Looks like they got a little off course, but not to worry, I'm sure they'll make up for it by doubling and tripling up on the variants in the coming months.

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after they run out of greek letters they might just start with arabic ones ! Or maybe names, like hurricanes.

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😆 The possibilities are endless!

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preferably something the collective consciousness of humanity can actually recognize as myth, as opposed to names by which we have no conscious recollection, thereby perceiving them as a new and scary 'risk'

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i want one called the unicorn...

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>> i’m starting to worry that we’re caught in some kind of groundhog’s day time loop.

For the first time in my life, this year I have seriously considered the "this is all a simulation" and that we're witnessing a cascade failure where limited assets are being recycled with increasingly less and less fidelity.

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"...a cascade failure where limited assets are being recycled with increasingly less and less fidelity." I think this is what is going on in the brains of the politicians and 'health' officials.

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My general sense is that a good many people have reached an exhaustion point with the nonsense, even in they were masked alone in a car a year ago. Don't think this will get much purchase in the US outside of the ultra woke metros.

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Sadly, I don't agree. I've gotten two emails from concerned relatives this morning... Fear is fear, and they are whipping it up good.

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Hopefully you can help be a voice of reason and enough other people do the same.

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Same thing happening here. Very few masked, I think even if there came a lockdown, hardly anyone would follow up anymore.

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All I know is - I’m not shutting down, I’m not wearing a mask unless forced (workplace mandate) and I’m not getting another shot.

They can peddle the pandemic porn to Democrats. This humble Gato-lover isn’t buying it.

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As I recall, it was Matt Hancock just a year ago yammering on about a new variant that would (1) motivate a rush to jab up every living breathing creature on earth, and (2) justify moar shutdowns! Here we are, with a different clown, but the same PR campaign. Note that the spawn of satan, otherwise known as the Pfizer CEO, is out today promising a new vaccine in 100 days! (warp speed 2.0!). This is NOT a sudden reaction to a new emergence, it is a retread of the same old psyop to put everyone back in masks, lockdowns, and jabs 3, 4, 5 & 6 by April. Fortunately, a good part of the US has moved on and midterms are looming with a historic defeat of the dim dems, and the ability to hold congressional hearings (Fauci and probable Walensky does not survive those … so look for him to retire by the summer, as for her … well … prison term? One can dream). Europe, on the other hand, is lost unless there is a proper revolution that shuts the economy down over the winter. Unless the marchers move from casual strolls through town to shake their fists at the empty government buildings on Saturday to direct action blocking infrastructure (trains, highways, and ports) then there is no hope and the region is lost to Xi's and WEF minions.

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"nonsense for nonces", that's a keeper.

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I find it hilarious that there are people who are frightened by a variant with a higher asymptomatic rate.

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Someone I know caterwaled last year on Facebook that she got coronavirus and, oh dear, she was asymptomatic. Someone replied and said, "Asymptomatic? Oh, no! That's the worst kind."


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I had a friend like that, too. He was terrified of the virus, got it anyway, and got over it in 2 days.

He remained terrified to do anything in case he 'catches it again'.

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oh, FFS! lunatic!

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Zigackly. I'm here in the South and they're losing their panties about it. Just mention "variant" and everyone's in a tailspin.

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A reason for this latest coordinated fear mongering is to officially write-off the original vaccines. The jabs were ineffective against Delta but the authorities could not admit that. Now with this new-new variant they can obsolete the original shot and prepare the new formulation.

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Exactly. Whole 'new' Nu so a whole 'new' vaccine because the already jabbed weren't all that interested in a booster so it has to appear novel again. Wake up Idiots.

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Panic porn

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"But this one affects KIDS! No seriously! We mean it this time!"

Just in time for 5-11 vaccine mass rollouts

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This is what they’re going for. It’s painfully obvious in the EU at the moment. I’m trying to save as many as possible, but it won’t be enough.

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