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Schools and colleges actually have in their mission statements that they want to create activists, either overtly stated, or through more subtle language.

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activist socialism is inherently anti-social.

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Gato = Cult Slayer.


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Don't you think he'd be a lot cooler if he gave like a 15 minute heads up before he posted such incredibly important essays?...;)

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cats are ambush hunters, ryan.


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I have Rex kitties and they jump on your shoulders in a snap. No warning ever. So.... yeah. Hubbs and I are just aware of it, but we do warn our friends when they come over.

Our kitties like warm bodies and hairy heads and necks and faces etc

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Apr 27, 2023
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And let us not forget the small matter of these barbarians murdering some 150 million people just in the last century in their endless quest to "transform" the rest of us into whatever idiotic utopian ideal du jour inhabits the impenetrable, poisonous fog wafting about between their ears.

This lot has destroyed every society, polity and economy they've ever seized control of, from the new world colony of Jamestown to the carcass of Venezuela, and after a century of progressivism, the US is a top contender for next up to bat.

Not so long ago, polls showed that a plurality of Democrats favored once again marshaling the cattle cars to transport "anti-vaxxers" to parts unknown, with a solid majority advocating house arrest for we pesky infidels.

This is the "progress" in "progressive".

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Well said!

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I think this all stems from declining testosterone levels over the last 70 years.

I'm serious.

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Funny how the madness coincides with massive use of BCP (hormones ... with little research on long-term effects) plus the exponential increases in childhood jabs. Now compare US to another part of the world where those things didn't happen.

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Yeah and it's a positive feedback loop.

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Definitely in universities and corporate settings, the masculine form of competition and combat has been replaced by the feminine

form, which while less physically violent are protracted, passive -aggressive and rely upon psychological manipulation and ostracism. Most men can accept losing on merit rather than losing by Kardashian. Rather get punched in the face than die by one thousand administrative maneuvers.

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"losing by Kardashian" Great turn of phrase!

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When they castrate your brain in grade school, testosterone levels will naturally decline.

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Apr 29, 2023
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I agree. And how many colors of chemtrails are there now?

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Some decades ago I was a member of the local school board. The administrators never failed to refer to the district’s goal of turning out consumers. Consumers are passive. Clearly times have changed and now they mean to produce activists. Also bad.

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The problem is that these administrators are in the position to decide what to "turn out" in the first place. They're engaged in self-interested social engineering at the expense of the public's happiness, health, and stability.

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I wonder how many administrators there are per student now vs let's say the 70's?

I think that might be revealing.

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In a local district, always asking for and receiving HUGE donated bucks, I watched it go from one principal per school, to two; plus two added assistant principals; the district went from one head to three. Why? To handle the tech challenges of transforming to a fully online district. Meantime, within every five year span, another vote for another bond to pay for the "poor teachers who will get pink slips if this bond doesn't pass." No joke. And they fool 'em EVERY time. Same district that applauds, and provides police escorts for the kids, as they march through the streets chanting anti-establishment tropes.

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Gosh. Unreal.

I used to make fairly meaningful donations to my alma mater for 20+ years and then they kicked me off campus for being OUTSIDE without a mask on during the summer if 21'.

I wrote a letter to the dean and the alumni association excoriating them and told them they'd never see a dime from again.

I should've done it 6 years ago when they allowed the campus to be destroyed by BLM rioters and elected a Trans as homecoming king!

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Our little town built a new high school – sixty years ago. To accommodate 250 students. (When the population was over double what it is today). A gymnasium, a large, very well equipped, woodworking shop, a teaching kitchen, with 18 stoves & sinks, a library, of course, a science lab, and a dozen classrooms. Truly a state of the art educational facility when it opened in 1963.

Our new school was well staffed too! We had a principal, a 'secretary', and a 'custodian'. Our shop teacher did double duty in facilities maintenance. And there were twelve or thirteen teachers, depending on enrollment. (Which varied between 190 and 220 through the 60s and 70s). So the total staffing requirement, for 200 students, was fifteen. Two [2] of whom were administrators. Staff to student ratio 13:1. One staff person for every 13 kids.

Our school is still there. For now. The teaching kitchen is long gone. As are the Home Ec programs it supported. Turned into a breakfast/lunch room so the school can “ensure the children have healthy meals”. The shop is still there. The ten of thousands of dollars of equipment idle, except for the rare occasions when school district workers use it for maintenance projects, or their personal hobbies. The library, inexplicably, is gone. Turned into an unused “computer lab”. Replete with antiquated electronics. (The kids i-pads and phones are MUCH more up to date!)

And the stats are different. Very different. Our school is no longer a high school. Some years ago, we tore down the elementary school and combined everything into a single “K-12 facility”. In spite of which, enrollment, for the last decade, has seldom reached 100. Last year was about 90. Which has resulted in staffing challenges.

We still have a principal, and a 'secretary', (who is now an “administrator”). And who now has an assistant. So we have three [3] full time administrators. Custodial services are contracted. Maintenance is performed by school district personnel, from 70 miles away. When they can schedule it. And there are the teachers, all six of them. And the five “support staff”. So we have a staff to student ratio of 6.5:1. One staff person for every 6 kids.

My experience as an 'educator' was some time ago. At the college level. So I may not be technically qualified to comment on the relative quality of “education” today as opposed to that of 50 years ago. But I am a parent, grandparent, and great grandparent. I have actively participated in home school activities of three generations of children. And I'm not at all convinced that by doubling up on staff in our public schools that we are adequately preparing our kids for an ever less certain future.

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Activists consumers is the ultimate goal until depopulation can be completed.

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Apr 27, 2023
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I’m trying to come up with a pithy reference to Bi but having trouble formulating.

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k. 1st sentence on linky: Our global work has four areas of focus— justice, equity, expression, and climate justice.

Did someone assault the climate? jeez. poor guy. Gets him Justice!

"Sore rose" funded.

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