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I went to a lecture a few months ago in the Bay Area (conservative groups do exist there lol), and one of the speakers was a parent told us her journey with her twin girls. How the San Jose school groomed them, prepared them, and then called her and told her that one of her daughters student had something important to say to her. She was nervous, didn't know what her daughter was going to say, until she came out as a trans boy. The mom, blindsided, talked to other family members, friends, and neighbors. What she said was astounding was the SUPPORT. People where like "trust your daughter, she knows." She was 14. The mom wished that someone would just tell her NO. Don't support it. HELP the girl, don't affirm. After a year, she pulled her daughters out of the school and homeschooled till they graduated. The "trans" kid , away from groomer influences, realized her mistake and stopped calling herself a boy after a few months. She's now a healthy 20 something with a boyfriend.

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I know of a similar story of an 8 yr old girl in the San Diego area. Parents grabbed their four kids and moved to North East Florida. We met them at church. Go figure. Beautiful kids and all are well now.

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The horror is that they are working to make it legal for the state to take your child under those circumstances. Out of state children who come to California can now become wards of the state and be kept from their parents if they claim their parents oppose them receiving gender related treatments.

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Washington state just passed this rediculous law that they can take your kid and put them on puberty blockers without informing parents! No vote- nothing from our communities ! Our state goverment is so upside down!!

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All I think now when I hear about these initiatives is that there seems to be a very strong desire to sterilize children. All the additional money for psych treatment, meds, surgeries and whatnot seem secondary. Even though they are definitely a path to profit, it doesn't explain the relentless and tireless efforts to push this agenda into everywhere possible.

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I think its just one more piece of the depopulation agenda.

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It is also to unmoor language from any real meaning. If something as fucking simple as male/female is corrupted in meaning, you've already thrown a huge spanner into human cognition. Never mind tracking all those tiresome pronouns.

I agree with the depop, but this is about control on a very deep and anti-evolutionary level.

My crackpot theory of the week is that the Aliens won the Dulce war and our governments are terraforming the planet for their use. The collaborators get Virtual Reality, those nifty bunkers that stretch for miles under Wal-Marts everywhere, and an AI for a best friend. Little do they know that 'To Serve Man' is a cookbook...

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Yup. Tyranny starts with the laws of grammar.

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lol i read that as 'tranny starts' 😎👊💥

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Yeah and it ends with boner disowners....whoops

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Well, that too.

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OMG. I wonder if Verbs think Nouns are narcissistic shitlords.

"Oh, all proper are you and I'm 'irregular'..."

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I totally want THAT T-shirt!

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Great Twilight Zone reference!!

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Yes. Big Money from Big Agendas.

I think we need to stop using the word Gender, this nouveau self-identity. It's a Marxist slight of hand, on the common terms. You know you can't question how one self-identifies, because then you get labeled, that bad guy:

Ray Cyst.

He lives everywhere, that guy.

One has a Biological Sex.

So sorry about your feefees and oppressor narratives. That Bullsh*t doesn't work on me. Have a great day 😋😆

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How any child would rather be a ward of the state is beyond me. Sometimes in more cruel moods I think to myself: have at it and see how you feel in a few years. Not every child listens when you tell them the stove is hot. Though maybe we should require reading Dickens in schools just in case.

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Here's a test: ask those advocating this governmental power if the child should be allowed to choose to stay with their parents in this situation. The answer will be no, they don't have the judgment to know what's good for them. Exposing the argument for what it is. They are arguing that the child has the judgement to choose medical procedures that permanently alter their bodies? There is the fundamental flaw.

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Exactly. I see this at my kid's middle school. They treat the kids like adults when it suits them and when it doesn't they are mindless pawns who have to follow the rules because the school said so. Can't get through to the administrators though, it's always the fault of the bureaucracy.

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The primary purpose of bureaucracy is to avoid accountability and responsibility. That is why the French invented it ;-).

I point out logical inconsistencies. To suggest a child in primary school has sufficient judgement to make an informed, responsible decision regarding permanent physical changes via surgery or hormone therapies while then assert the same child lacks the judgement to make an informed, responsible decision about what to eat for lunch is a logical inconsistency.

I noticed at a young age (Jr. High) that school administrators do not know how to handle logic. Pointing out the illogical (and irrational) policy assertions got me suspended several times and expelled once. Though at least one of those suspensions it might have been the delivery terminology (when pointing out a logical and/or factual error by a teacher, the term "bullshit" is apparently unacceptable from a 7th grade student, well it was 50 years ago at least ;-).

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Ha ha nice!! I am busy pointing out the logical inconsistencies of school desiring my bilingual child to be on campus for a first period English class (when she has already passed the final exam) but then allowing her to sit in the library and study alone, citing that all children must receive a minimum number of hours of instruction. She is not in fact receiving any instruction, so why does she have to be there? She’s a straight A student. Given the time, she teaches herself all kinds of stuff. She is currently learning American Sign Language for her own pleasure, but really so she can talk shit with her friends! She’s following a philosophy course at school that is not required merely because she respected my opinion that it would be much more beneficial to her than English as a second language when she is a native speaker. So she is above the minimum hours of instruction anyway. But getting her excused has been a months long exercise in talking to brick walls who don’t see the lack of logic, don’t see her for who she is and has turned us all off this school. If we keep up the good work we might get expelled too!! One can only hope. Meanwhile it’s perfectly fine for the school to pull kids out of class to evangelize for the sterilization of children. As they say here, even if you beat me to death I could not explain it. I remember the first time I really understood how bureaucracy is a cover for accountability: while reading the grapes of wrath in my twenties. And so an early hatred of bankers was incubated. Even reading such classics would be better for us all than sitting in bullshit classes. I have had to spend a lot of money buying said classics because they don’t read them in school anymore! Sigh

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Apr 29, 2023
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That’s really sad. Of course it must happen. Maybe I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that most kids who want to transition are not coming from that type of situation which is why I made that comment.

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Similar to our situation.... our son trans Id @17 during Covid, mostly with think he has been taught all through school that being a white straight male is the worst possible thing to be. The cult has turned him into a good little activist and abhors everything his father and I believe. It’s very sad.

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There is definitely a vibe of getting kids to hate the fathers most of all. I watched five kids grow up. Four out of five have serious problems with their dads. All different circumstances.

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Just an FYI, not all fathers are great guys.......not all men are great guys.

Not all people are great. Period.

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This is true I think.... in my sons case to look at his father is to look at everything the cult has told him to despise.

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There are probably a lot of fathers who deserve it.

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I’m so sorry for you and your family. Hopefully you have a support network. There is a Substack called Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans that may have resources.

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Apr 27, 2023
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They are absolutely not anti-religious, this search for the sacred Trans child is deeply religious, maybe more totemistic or animist or gnostic than monotheistic, but deeply religious all the same.

Social Justice is an ideology founded on the worship of the pain of "the marginalized", which is why when a child utters the magical incantation ("I was born in the wrong body") the true believers drop to their knees and proclaim the child sacred and infallible.

We are not dealing w an absence of religious needs, beliefs or impulses, these have just been shifted into the realm of the political.

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Agree with your comment CP. May I offer a wee suggestion re "these have just been shifted into the realm of the political". Might that not be more appropriately worded, "these have just been shifted into the realm of the stark, raving, fucking mad".

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one led to the other ;)

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Your point I think is that secularism has become a religion. Yes.

It is politically powerful and powerfully intolerant of any other religion of belief system.

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Apr 27, 2023
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im sorry! i know...cheers!

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Bay Area native here. I am actually quite leftist and historically I have been quite open to people who are transgendered because I've had a few close friends who are and more or less, I believed them.

Whatever this is, it's completely different. Kids spend tons and tons of time trying to figure out who they are and go through many phases of identity. To try to ideologically capture kids in the middle of their identity formation processes as a product of their own natural development (e.g., figuring out what gender is and how it works) is profoundly sick.

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Do you recognize the Left anymore?

What about freedom of speech and all the censorship. How do you feel about those issues?

Seems to be the most important principle for liberty. You can't have one without the other.

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This is a beautifully insightful comment

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I know some people with a daughter who decided that she was a boy. Her parents were all about "supporting" her. Luckily they didn't go so far as approving irreversible procedures, because the phase only lasted a few months. She is back to "girl" now.

Now their other daughter says she is a lesbian because she is dating a boy who says he is a girl.

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“she pulled her daughters out of the school and homeschooled till they graduated” When the girl got HEALTHY attention, she felt better, stronger, and more “whole”. Competing in the Victim Olympics is driving young people crazy, especially girls.

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So sad. I thought I was Mr. X (the wrestler) at 5, Spider Man at 6, Batman at 7, Alan from "Space 1999" at 7, and Ken Dryden at 8. Then I kind of grew up I guess. Wanted to be "as good as" Benny Goodman at 13, "as muscular as" Arnold at 19 and so on. There must be something wrong with me because as a male I never wanted to be a mom. We homeschooled and our kids thank us for that approach.

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Alan was cool.

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