If there was the slightest thing I could do about any of it, I'd have done it decades ago.

I vote. Speak out. Defy unlawful mandates. Educate myself and offer to educate others.

I have absolutely no power or influence over this in any legal manner.

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I know how you feel. Try sitting in the greater Toronto area where I live. It is a full on mass psychosis of fear. Parents queuing up to get their 5 year olds inoculated. I have never felt stronger about being on the right side of history. This is full on medical tyranny, aided and abetted by the MSM. Where are the constitutional lawyers and evidence based whistleblowers? That said, would it even matter at this point?

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Every effective voice is censored or smeared by corp media and it spans the full spectrum of issues relevant to democratic government. Much of the "independent media" has been co-opted too. Whistleblowers face the worst fate and there are many whose names are barely known while Assange is tortured and prosecuted in a case than can effectively criminalize journalism because he published evidence of war crimes as Bush & Blair enjoy celebrity and freedom. Unlike the war lies that touched very few the vaccine injuries will be undeniable and affected will spur revolt.

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There are people suing. For instance Thomas Devore in Illinois is suing over vaccine mandates and lock downs.

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I hope you are right,

Pamela but I am not

confident given governments/public health & their accomplices in the MSM control the language and the data. We need to seize control of both but how?

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Whether we prevail or not is a question for history but how we fight is one by one, day by day where we can. Knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on and truth has a funny way of enduring in the long run. For me it's been decades fighting the same covert cabal and the most heartening part is that for once in my life a vast percent of the public see our ruling class for the greedy tyrants they are & corp media as accomplices. None of us can change the world but each of us can do small things to help find a better direction. Buy local, support local business, grow food or join a co-op and smile we only get one ride so enjoy it! :~)

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Too many can't differentiate between science & political science.

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Fellow GTA prisoner here, where 24/7 fear is pumped out to keep the sheep scared and ready to be told where to line up for their next shot. Almost everyone I know has taken their 2 jabs and thinks I am crazy for questioning the rhetoric and -- NOT hesitant -- but absolutely rejecting it. It is taking a monumental effort to keep my 2 young adult kids from capitulating, it's exhausting but I'm fighting like hell to keep them safe until we find out more about medium- and long-term effects (we already know several people who have suffered minor and major injuries from the damn shot).

I believe Rocco Galati and his Constitutional Rights Centre www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca has started some legal action, and the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms www.jccf.ca offers resources to fight this insanity. And don't forget Reiner Fuellmich is fighting on an international level...

Like I said, it is exhausting but there are many doctors, scientists, lawyers, etc., who are fighting against the narrative and they give me hope we can overcome this monstrous government overreach.

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that is how totalitarian liberals work!

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This is clearly too down WEF playbook. Build Back Better is another way or saying Great Reset. I guess the objective from my perch is to destroy western societies first and then build back better in the image of the elites. Red states can’t fall. If they do, we will all be living in an Orwellian dystopia

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It starts with a lie and then builds from there. No one elected this demented, pedophilic, pathological, ice cream-eating, China indebted clown to anything.

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Well said. It is like they start with 2+2=5, then state that that (non-existent) 5 x 3 = 17. And then they want to argue with you whether that (yet again non-existent) 17 plus 2 is 19 or 20? The lies and misinformation are stacked so deep that all logical analysis becomes impossible. All that seems to be left to do is to wait for them to start getting caught in their lies as reality drifts inexorably off script for them. The effectiveness and safety of the injections may be one such bearer of reality. But the civilised world will disinterested in the process. If I have to blame one single party in all this, it would be the media. The truth is always just one or two honest press conferences away. But politicians are shielded by a class they crafter and paid off for several decades already. A Harder time is coming…


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100% on the media In this entire surreal, dystopian reality that we're living through, the biggest evildoer is the media and their Big Tech brethren. We've gone from First Amendment to censorship in a blink of an eye and yes, the politicians are corrupt and serve a Chinese master, but they couldn't have done so without the helpful abetting of the Fourth Estate.

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StrikerMalone, that is a really helpful analogy for me. The entire PREMISE they are arguing is wrong, but that is several layers below the current argument (for example, support for vaccine mandates are built on lie upon lie to the public) but we can't untie all the lies and so really we feel like we are fighting a swirling mist. In personal relationships, when someone does this to us, we end the relationship and stop engaging with them in illogical and circuitous arguments. But when it's our entire government approach I don't even know where to begin. As another commenter said, I vote, I try to politely share where I stand, I sign petitions, I even financially support some of these efforts. But I am left with a sense of resignation.

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They should really be wearing ski masks or nylon stockings over the face during a heist.

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Best MoC mask comment ever!

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"...when the Marxists say, 'Well, that wasn’t real Marxism', what it really means, and I thought about this for a long time, it’s the most arrogant possible statement anyone could ever make.

It means, 'If I would have been in Stalin’s position, I would have ushered in the damn utopia instead of the genocidal massacres. Because, I understand the doctrine of Marxism and everything about me is good.'

Well, think again sunshine! You don’t understand it. You don’t understand it, and you are not that good. And, if the power was in your hands, assuming you had the competence, which you don’t, you wouldn’t have done any better, and even if you had, there would have been someone else waiting right behind you to shoot you the first time you actually tried to do anything good. And that is what happened to all the old guard who ran the damn Revolution. Stalin rounded them all up and shot them, along with their families and millions of other people.

So, even if you do happen to be that Avatar of moral purity that you claim implicitly, the probability that you’d act out your goodness in relationship to those possessed by your ideology is zero."

—Jordan Peterson on the "it wasn't real communism" argument

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Speaking of Jordan Peterson, who I highly respect and have followed for years, I was disappointed at how very very slow he was to begin highlighting the evils and totalitarian nature/slippery slope of the various COVID restrictions, particularly vaccine mandates. He has finally started gently mentioning that they are not a good idea.

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As I understand it, “15 days to slow the spread” was beginning right around the time his family wasn’t sure he would even be alive in 15 days. What many of us have been watching happen with eyes wide open from the very beginning, Peterson has had to spend months catching up on because he was literally on death’s doorstep for the first several months of this. I’m just so grateful he managed to survive and get back to a measure of health, I’ll happily give him a pass for being a little slow to catch up.

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I think he did have a fair reason for it, that being that his own recent illness was at its absolute worst as the lockdowns were going into effect.

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Jordan Peterson got the jab: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1439239619770519555 - how can anyone respect a person who gets the shot after learning this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwR7natWqLk

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Not really sure what more I can do. As a physician I have tried to speak with people locally other physicians etc. and even the ones that seem two see what I am saying will not speak out. It’s like they vaccinated and now they don’t want to admit they were wrong.

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Exactly. It’s a form of a sunk cost philosophy, or the avoidance of the pain of seeing the error of your ways. “If I was this wrong about something this important, how can I ever trust myself (or “authorities”) ever again. All that is too much to take in and accept. Better to keep the blinders on and hope that wishful thinking will make this all ok in the end. The Ash conformity experiment on a large scale.

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Except that they could've stopped with the kiddos and teens. I am against all mandates but particularly angry at the push to jab our kiddos who have borne the brunt of all lockdowns and mandates. It's evil and criminal. They KNOW what they're doing is wrong and immoral. Yet, they lie through their teeth about it. What they call public health measures are just attacks in an undeclared war.

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And they aren't prepared to lose the freedoms they still have by saying no thanks to the booster.

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Thanks for your advocacy. I know with the pressure coming from medical associations and federal government agencies, it must be like rolling a stone uphill. As for those who are fully vaccinated for now until the 3rd shot is mandated as per Israel.

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Good news: This insanity will end very soon and humanity will establish a stable equilibrium with nature that will persist for millenia

Bad news: We have to go through absolute hell first

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humpty dumpty said "words mean exactly what i say they mean"......

"bi partisan" part of the infrastructure bill is to link it to the 3.5T 'destroy american capitalism' reconciliation (flim flam names) bill.

3.5t more federal (on top of $5t squandered on dumping trump lock downs) squandering worsened by expropriative tax increase (that will not raise a fraction of the money they are wasting) is designed to destroy the private sector, make the middle class poor and sow totalitarian liberalism, aka a soviet style with massive election fraud.

who accepts the fake ballots and counts the votes......

the only thing saving the us dollar is euro socialism, and xi's central planning, are so broke it makes the us' totalitrian liberalism seem worth lending to.

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Yup the proverbial best house on a bad street. Hold the line, US, Canada is lost

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I'm sure that giving subsidies...er I mean welfare....to journalists in this infrastructure bill will lead to much higher journalism. Afterall, it isn't like if you subsidize something you get more of it.

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And that's from Google. If you look at another search engine you'll find even more subsidies. And it has "bipartisan" support. The ministry of truth is getting more funding.

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Hey bad cat! I know you visit Park City occasionally. If you are so inclined, the Utah legislature is having a public meeting to discuss the federal mandates October 4th. It will also be available online, but I think having as many citizens as possible writing the elected officials will help get our message across.

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Well put!! I have a hypothesis that a lot of the labor force has decided to go under ground. In a traditional W-2 job, compensation can be garnished. If someone has not paid their rent for 18 months, and/or they are anticipating judgements to be filed against themselves in a collection effort, then they will seek cash employment in an effort to delay and hinder collection. Going to be hard to build back anything.

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Also those of us that are unvaccinated may have to resort to getting paid under the table. That sounds horrible to me. I would never plan on doing that. Even as I wrote it, it feels wrong. But if I have to feed my family, and no normal company will hire me .... what are the other options....? And btw, those of us losing jobs over the mandates are probably among the most principled people in the country. Interesting.

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With the inflation that this out-of-control spending is inevitably bringing, it’s probably wise to begin setting up alternative forms of payments with those willing to work with and hire the unvaccinated. I’d much rather be part of a robust system of trading goods and services than end up with no avenue to feed and shelter my family because my under-the-table salary cannot cover the cost of a loaf of bread.

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The whole thing is just awful. Small business not subject to the fines are getting crunched too. Not sure if it is an option, but the Southeastern states may be a good location.

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"gerontocracy of grifters" :)

Yes...Biden, Pelosi, etc., are fossils...but the build back better crowd is not.

Where...who...does this messaging come from? Does anyone really believe this is a global game of copycat?

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seems like a mix. klaus is. merkel is. draghi is. but like any good sith lords, they all have apprentices like trudeau and marcon.

they even have a jar-jar binks in AOC...

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That’s hilarious gato

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"Meesa AOC!"

But then there's the niche fan theory of Jar-Jar as a Sith apprentice...

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Oct 4, 2021
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Yes, which is the basis for the fan theory that Jar-Jar is also a Sith Lord.

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No question Trudeau is all in. He is an empty vessel and is a perfect puppet because he wants so badly to be a part of the cool kids. Commonwealth colonies like Canada are sitting ducks for the build back better crowd because these countries have been granted their freedoms. Also no 2nd amendment in any of these countries including Australia where they are under the boots of their lords.

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The ones who are so wealthy we aren't even allowed to know their names or their net worth. They don't appear in Forbes top "X" lists. They send their middle-management poodles to Davos, Bilderberg, and the WEF. They are the ones who have the CIA/MI6, Epstein, etc. at their disposal.

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In my daydreams, I envision draining all of their bank accounts and holdings into some cyber black hole. Poof. It's all gone. You're poor. Now, get out of my house.

Sadly, it's beyond my abilities...but it would be amazing. :)

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Where IS Anonymous during all this? Oh right, they were controlled posers in the first place.

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Absolutely not. Anonymous is an idea and collective that has waged some of the greatest asymmetric power challenges in modern times. My own activism includes deep involvement with the collective.

Anonymous has had dozens who were involved in cyber protests and leaks of toxic corp material prosecuted and jailed globally. Hell the Obama DoJ tried to extradite Laurie Love from UK where he was never charged w any crime for US suspicion of involvement in OpLast Resort against Aaron Swartz death. Dozens of others who were active in those Ops were charged and jailed.

The PayPal DDoS in defense of WikiLeaks was an historic turn of the tables with random users bringing corp titans to their knees crashing their servers and killing their revenues.

What changed is the flamboyant LulzSec era which was an FBI honeypot anyway. Now folks liberate material and stfu about who did what and the info sharing power of Anonymous is alive and well.

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Well, we global citizens need an Anonymous- type media takeover. V for Vendetta style I suppose.

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Abso-frigging-lutely right and legions are working on systems and platforms because the best among them in cyber-skills, like Julian Assange saw this coming over a decade ago. Most folks in Anonymous have no hacker skills but excel at media ops. November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day globally & look for #MMM Million Mask March hashtags to find a local gathering. It's nice way to chat w like-minded & meet the local under-cover cops too! lol

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Something I have also wondered for some time now.

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How in the hell can the dystopian madness going on be called socialism? Its straight up collusion of corrupt capitalists and corrupt politicians ie fascism.

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"Everyone else did it the wrong way."

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Calling it the Build Back Better bill was really an extra kick in the nuts because they know they can.

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I would add "incompetent." A crew of geriatric, mendacious, liars with exactly zero interest in the welfare of the people they rule over. Incompetence can go a long way toward mitigating the long terms costs of this project, but, of course, the short term costs willbe staggering.

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Praying those bills fail.

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I wrote this In November 2020. (Hint: the headline has the word "scream" in it).


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Oh and this. Sorry. I just feel so many feelings about this.

"In the olden days, kings and aristocracy worried less about the opinions of the peasants. They did just as they pleased—and conspired primarily amongst themselves, poisoning each other left and right. Today’s culture prescribes a need to “manufacture consent”—although, after just a few decades of relative peasant prosperity and freedom—we are getting dangerously close to the olden days."


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You're lucky all you want to do is march. I just want to 🤮

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May the “gotten hurt” part come soon! In the meantime, sharpen claws.

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Texas lawyer Sidney Powell is doing some suing and getting the word out about the COVID fascists. EL GATO you have the best kitty photo jibes!! The laughter keeps me from going crazy.

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well said--and loved the visuals!!! thanks for the moment of sanity!

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Love it

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Alright, Washington is officially more depressing and morbid than a Gantz battle at this point.

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