Our main issue is that corporate America and the Democratic Party speak with one voice. And the MSM amplifies it. I'm a Gen X'er and never have I seen anything like the nonstop propaganda we've been subjected to since George Floyd ascended into heaven/descended into hell (circle one.)
That this corporate/political combo demonized and discriminated against healthy people on the basis of "vaccine" status was positively chilling. That politicians, public figures, celebrities...the frickin' POTUS castigated fellow human beings for being unvaccinated signaled to me that the old world is over. Couple that with a decade of openly anti-white animus and lots of people should be getting real nervous about what awaits. Those of us who have an interest in studying history know where such paths have led in the not-too-distant past.
Biden wasn't selected just to dispose of Trump. We are living through a slow-motion revolution.
First and foremost: talk about what's going on. Many intuit that something is off, but are afraid of vocalizing it. Let them know they're not alone.
Next, I think you have the right idea: move to a Red area and curbstomp every Leftist idea that tries to make an inroad into the community. Moving to Florida was a great decision, Ryan. These Red areas will be more resistant to the tyranny that's coming...I have no doubt that forced injections/passports are still in play, perhaps within a few years when the next "pandemic"
If people are tied to a Blue state, at least move to a Purple or Red part or suburb, even. Do not live in Deep Blue cities in Blue states.
Take advantage of the Second Amendment.
Finally, pray. I genuinely find it impossible to explain this all-encompassing evil without resorting to the spiritual dimension. I am not sure if you are a man of faith, Ryan, but I would encourage you to keep an open mind, at least. I was an atheist at one point so I know how annoying such pleas can be.
Finally, stay hopeful. They will lose in the end. Much suffering awaits us in this decade, but hang in there! God bless you and your family, Ryan.
"Move to a red area" - ok, but what about states that are entirely red EXCEPT for the cities? That's most states. So leave your already-red area because the major cities in your state are insane? There has to be a way to not have to uproot 50%+ of the population to FL and TX. Because honestly - where else is there?
Seriously, there are all kinds of places you can still choose apart from Texas and Florida. In fact, those might be among the worst places. Look for red states that have few representatives. Low population density is a pretty good predictor for how sheriff's departments will view the coming gun control, which is an excellent proxy for how well you will be able to weather the coming spiciness.
Major cities provide the "votes" that will eliminate your rights...even in the Red burbs and boonies. Flee if you can, but if you must stay, implementation of tyranny depends on local LEOs. Red areas will be far more selective in enforcing decrees by Democratic satraps. They may even ignore them.
The 87,000 IRS agents will shake down money from the middle/upper middle class, and national Dem leadership will distribute it to inept, bloated Blue states/municipalities.
It seems to me that destroying small business owners and middle class people is central to what's going on. Bezos, whose Amazon regularly avoids paying taxes, was onboard for a mandatory 25% tax on business. He will take the hit for a few years, smaller competitors will go under.
I am an original Californian. I lived in a few other states over the years but East Tennessee and the rural areas are such a better fit for me. I’ve been here 20 years. During 2020, the more rural you went, the less craziness you got. We get beautiful seasons without extreme snows or extreme humid/heat. If you’re an outdoors person, bike/hike/kayak/golf, etc. it’s wonderful. We’ve had a lot of folks move here, prices have gone crazy but it seems like it’s slowing down.
I have lots of friends/family who have moved from NY/NJ/CT to Tennessee. Not one of them regrets it. And, perhaps not surprisingly, people from the NE use any excuse to come down and visit. They all had worries about distance, new friends, etc. But everyone pretty happy. And more continue to make the choice -- it is interesting to see grandparents moving down (who have never left NJ...lol) to be near their grandkids and then thrilled they moved.
So cheer up -- it is not as far as you think, really. And a day's drive if you have to make it north every once in a while.
We need an electoral college for every state. The masses of cities should not rule over the rest of the state. Look at NY, or CA. The majority of counties are completely red. Only NYC and the upstate cities are blue. Yet they rule over us in every election. I hate democracy. I hate majority-rule. The founding fathers knew this - a republic with an electoral college system is the only fair way.
the problem is the blue urban areas. This map of NY shows a red and pink state with a couple of small areas of blue.... and yet the whole state is blue. I'm outside Dallas and our suburb has turned steadily to bright blue in the last ten years. it's become unrecognizable from BigD. Time for the electoral college on the state level????
then looking at this map of Nevada... it's solid pink over the entire state with the hedonistic Reno & Las Vegas light blue, yet the governor's race is a virtual tie! Shouldn't we stop the heavily populated cities from overpowering the less populated rural areas?
Concerning elections: many people state what is wrong oftentimes when they joke about voting "the evil of two lessers." I wanted to see a red wave yesterday for no other reason than to see if such an eventuality led to change.
Here's are a couple thoughts. First, one has to admit when facing the election, that there version of reality is often informed by what it is they consume. Republican sources saw a "red wave" coming and even the mainstream media was doing some version of damage control. But there could also have been psychology involved. If there is one thing that 2016 has taught us and that is the pushback to "nobody tells me how I have to vote." so because so much of the media was speaking of the red-wave, don't underestimate a tribal response to that inclination.
Even if there had been a huge red wave, I am very cynical of that since there have been other times in our history when both parties have dominated all branches of government only to show that government, in an inevitable fashion, continued to get larger.
I will admit to a time when I held two opposing viewpoints at the same time, my version of Cognitive dissonance. I thought at the same time that government was ineffective and should be more effective, and that at the same time I asserted that less government was better than more government.
In reality, if I agree that the principle is "less government" is ideal, shouldn't a consolation prize be "ineffective government?" Dumbing it down, I would rather have government leave me alone as much as possible, barring that I would like it being as ineffective as possible in messing with me.
Regardless of color, I want the state with the least amount of government. As of late it appears that red states are more like the Coca Cola Lite of Governments. They also contain sugar, just not as much sugar as the regular states. I don't want a state with artificial sweetener, I want a state that has little to no sweetener at all. A lot of red states, in spite of being mouthpieces of less government, I imagine, just have "artificially sweetened" government. It's still a type of sugar, just people don't recognize it as such.
I am in Georgia and outside of the major cities, it is "red" Determining the governmental temperature of a state by the vote is suspect and has been for sometime. There is voting fraud going on, the question is how much, is it of consequence, and does it matter when much of the power is wielded by unelected bureaucrats?
The best we can do is act as if voting is not aligned with the will of the people and act accordingly. Pressure local officials to gain more autonomy, and in so doing also fighting for the liberty of its area. The more liberty the better. Make your little part of the world a little bit freer.
Not sure about evil. But I do recognize the tyranny of caring as espoused by CS Lewis. I also recognize how collectively people can be supplanted by propaganda which is what I think is one of the principles behind "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." How many of us found friends and family at odds with us, and intermittently a lot of their dialogue with us was broken down to mantras and slogans?
I do meditate and pray, but I confess to being more agnostic than I was twenty five years ago. Was it because of losing faith, or being angry at God for taking my parents too early in my life, I leave that to God to decide. All I know is, while I do confess a bit of an agnostic take at life, I am very mindful of not dissuading others from faith, because I know of it's importance and grace, kindness, charity are great virtues. regardless of how they are arrived at.
"Dumbing it down, I would rather have government leave me alone as much as possible, barring that I would like it being as ineffective as possible in messing with me."
The problem is that you have the wrong axis for "ineffective".
It's not that a large, ineffective government won't be able to mess with you because it'll trip over its own feet, it's that it WILL be able to mess with you but do it wrong, do it hurtfully, do it lawlessly, do it without considering secondary effects.
I think there comes a point where you have to regard what is going on around you as you would a force of nature. "When the hurricane comes, one must seek shelter." Prepare the best you can, join some kind of 'circle of trust' (like-minded people that know they can rely on one another), and wait for the storm to blow over.
I suspect that when things really start to disintegrate, what will go along with everything else will be the infrastructure necessary for the kind of control these people have in mind.
"This country, in my lifetime, has died by a thousand cuts."
That phrase needs to be carved in stone somewhere where it can be read and re-read and never forgotten. Et tu, Brute?
I do remember fondly the arrival of Reagan and how he led us out of the darkness of the late 1970's malaise. I also remember the loathing in which the left regarded him even to this day.
While Trump is no Reagan. he was at least the first POTUS with balls we've seen since. He certainly restored America's preeminence on the world stage after the Messiah's dreadful reign of apologies peppered with passive-aggressive warmongering, and at least kept the baddies at bay. Baddies who now see us as nothing more than a paper tiger. And yes, a falling empire.
" I'm a Gen X'er and never have I seen anything like the nonstop propaganda we've been subjected to since George Floyd ascended into heaven/descended into hell (circle one.)"
Case in point of the moral inversion taking place in our society is this lifelong criminal, whose final act on Earth was to defraud a store, being depicted in wall paintings with a halo and angel wings.
Completely agree Doc! Historically democracies run about 200 yrs then disintegrate. America is well over 200.. and yes Dems are the most aligned with this US Corporation Nation.. Big Brother actualized... We Can reverse this.. Yep
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage"
I remember the same thing. But it is odd to see all these things aligned together. Back when we were growing up it was Corporations and the wealthiest people aligned with the GOP. Because of that, money kept the left in check who were mainly the ones in Hollywood and a bit in academia. But then something changed. Probably modified through the educational system, kids came out of school, and were part of corporations and that in turn aligned thinking in all other areas. So it's The Government/Media/Educational System/Corporations all aligned. Very interesting indeed.
Certainly control of education is a key. kids come out of school not understanding how a free society really works. they believe the the constitution is obsolete, because that's how they've been taught. The universities have gone wacko in a different direction: back in my day the university was no better aligned with reality, but the fantasy world of academia was about true diversity of thought and tolerance. "Live and let live", peace, love over hate, all that. I had history teacher in jr. high school who explained censorship as "the key is who gets to decide" and college professors who would teach the mental traps in doctrine while encouraging challenging what "everybody knows". The dangers of government control were openly discussed. Nearly every college student had a shirt that said 'question authority'.
Today it's almost completely opposite. Challenge the doctrine and you are "denying science". The new academic fantasy world is one in which socialism has not failed every time it's been tried, where China and the USSR are good places where justice and fairness prevailed, where tolerance means accept only the approved viewpoints, and those that defy authority are evil.
Corporations have changed. Perhaps because of the indoctrination via education. Part of it is the rise of tech giants, which have a new means to control information flow. But even "traditional" corporations e.g. automotive and utilities have become "woke" (but arguably only because they must to survive politically). We have a new kind of billionaire, too. Several of the largest corporations are headed by guys (mostly white males) who have no experience in real life. So surprised they have no concept of what the rest of us deal with?
But don't think the most powerful people in these new corporations are unaware of the dangers of the politics they support. I don't think so. Historically, the "utopias" fail, and become tragic for most people, but those with control of the wealth benefit from the suffering. While you look at $10/gal diesel fuel, doubling of food prices, shortages of staples, etc. they are living like, well, billionaires. Royalty. And post record profits, getting richer still. And the politicians that do their bidding live very well, too. This is how corruption works - very good for a few.
We were subjected to it for much longer than George Floyd. The non-stop machine has been rising for years. I think it accelerated after 2016. But if you keep going back you can see how one event built upon another. Maybe they have been tweaking and adding final touches to the manipulation for years. At this point, it's like blind folding a diver...dropping them down into total darkness, and then releasing the blindfold and asking them to figure out which end is up.
Good point. I tuned out all media over a decade ago, so I was completely taken aback by the gaslighting about the Floyd riots. Living in an area where mayhem abounded, I was astonished by MSM lies.
I stopped watching media...but I have a Facebook account, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and so I received a lot of the narrative that way. Plus anytime I heard a narrative, I would hunt down sources, do some of the "research" that everyone ridicules. You know what is ridiculous, buying a narrative where you may not even find a dissenting view on the "first 20" search responses. I feel the same about my thinking on a subject. If I think that the pandemic is way overhyped and overblown in how horrible it is, I want to read the rationale on why it is horrible. I was open to many nurses POV's during my stay in the hospital last year from October to February.
Well, of course the law-abiding abide by the law. Very few politicians have been assassinated by the law-abiding.
And, while being no expert on firearms, I'd have guessed that shooting someone requires rather less proximity than dispatching them with a steak knife.
The lawless always find a way...and at the point where you're publically disliked? I'm going to say it's quantity over quality. There's a reason we still mention peasants with pitchforks...
As someone who's familiar with firearms who is also a martial artist, I can tell you that while proximity may be a factor, nerves degrade accuracy on a projectile only capable of traveling on the path it was originally forced upon. Objects which can be manipulated ,re-targeted,realigned, and well...knives ( etcetc) are nasty business.
Let's just be ok with defending ourselves and others, and doing our best to align the malcontents toward help early, and jail if that isn't possible or hadn't been a deterrent.
We ain't so special in the cosmic scheme of things. Rome always falls. Civilizations before it fell regularly.
The thing I always enjoyed seeing when I was a kid? Those weeds, poking through and breaking the cement sidewalks. You can't stop the cycle. Life isn't linear.
Wow. That Harper's article is - investigative journalism, and, a thorough testament to the blind hypocritical farce that is that same team branding any election - questioners as insane, dangerous, hateful, domestic terrorists.
That Harper article is 10 years old and very slanted left. It’s like no dem in last 20+ years cheated cuz voting machines managed by republicans. Those companies take $ from anyone. Education. Academia & press seem to be democratic.
Of course that article is written from the “red team bad” perspective. But I take it with that large grain of salt and look at it from the broader perspective of “both teams cheat” and therefore all elections are merely theater.
I don't need a quote to support my thinking, just view reality. There are two things I know, I have seen elections come and go and from my perspective, very little has changed in some regards, and yet at the same time...massive changes were made in the last three years and there were no votes involved. Were we asked about our thoughts on lockdowns? Was there are vote of vaccination policy? Was there a referendum on mask use and social distancing? Did we have a town hall meetings about what was considered an essential business?
This was all foretold in the word of God. Now let us ask two questions. Who is the beast? And what does this have to do with our current situation?
"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Re 13:2–4.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Re 13:16–17.
The beast is the AntiChrist. In greek "Anti" means opposite. He is a replacement Christ for those who did not put their faith in The Living God. Those who hated Him. He will come and create a one world system in which all will be made to worship him. He will come as an angel of light (as Lucifer did) but his power will be given to him by Satan himself. He will be Satan incarnate. And the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. There is no truth in him. He is the father of lies!
It is telling you call this country Rome seeing as the founders modeled it after Rome. And "Rome" must fall, the old empire must pass away for the new system to be created. See that The Word of God talks about this too.
In Daniel 3 King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a golden statue made of different metals. The statue represents different kingdoms that would rule the world, starting with Babylon. The feet of this great statue is iron and fired clay. This represents the last kingdom.
The legs of the statue (representing the Roman empire, many scholars agree) were also made of iron.
And so this final empire will be much like the Roman empire, but divided. This is because iron and clay do not mix together.
The beast will rule over this empire. He will set himself against the Most High. He will make war with all who worship any other God but himself. In the last days there will be hunger and strife. Wars and catastrophe. Many, many, many will pass away because of the wrath of Almighty God being poured out on Earth. And The scriptures tell us that "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened." Mt 24:22. But the chief cornerstone, the Rock, Jesus Christ will set up a kingdom that will never pass away. One which will rule over Heaven and Earth forever. Rejoice!
Put your faith and trust in Him while there is still time! God bless you!
I am not american nor live there. But after Florida-2000 it is ridiculous to make analyses about the american elections. They are stupid. Seriously guys, the "we found an USB-stick with more votes in a drawer in an office" was too much.
Since 2000, Floridian election vote counting systems got improved. This year the statewide vote was reported 5 hours after polls closed. The system seems fair and transparent. We can improve!
Agree. That was a very cynical, and unjustified, thing for the bad cat to say. I don’t believe “Arizona will always be Arizona”. We just had a ballot initiative for election integrity aimed at mail-in voting issues, and if Kari Lake squeaks in she plans to turn things around as well.
Here the votes are counted by regular citizens. Every election the govt calls random (I hope) people to count the votes. At the end everything goes to a computer, so numbers could be easily modified.
But, there is an interesting story about that. Since it benefited Bush I didn't care. It is not that I liked him, but he made the left nervous and I DO like that.
Lesson: analyze facts regardless who gets the good part because that will most probably change in the future.
You can't just walk into a polling place and be allowed to vote on behalf of your neighbor and the nursing home down the street, but that's entirely possible - and routine with mail-in votes.
The only way you can get rid of mail-in votes is for the Supreme Court to rule that they are unsecure and potentially violate the voting rights of others. The problem there, is how to limit such a decision to just mail-in votes, or how to admit federal jurisdiction over that issue but not elections in general.
Ultimately, it boils down to the character of the people themselves and I don't see that reversing itself. We are in a doom spiral to becoming Latin America, where one party rules the country and plunders its wealth and bribes the peasants just enough to keep the system in place.
^ “We are in a doom spiral to becoming Latin America, where one party rules the country and plunders its wealth and bribes the peasants just enough to keep the system in place.”
While the Demorats continue to put up sick, disgusting candidates & continue to win???
I live in “ILL”inois - don’t kid yourself - the “Chicago Way” in now nationwide, mail-in ballots or not & the populace is too enthralled with their “smart”phones to understand the country is lost to whoever counts the votes ...wins.
The demoralization continues with the mainstreaming of fraud the past twenty years. Acknowledge it and you're a domestic terrorist. Celebrate it, and you're part of the "democracy." Pay attention to it as if it even matters how your "team" does, and they have you right where they need you.
I am glad the farce is over. Having worked my local poll, I saw the people who voted. The populace has changed. Be it the pandemic, the gene shots, the indoctrination, the lies, the poor choices, what have you. DeSantis won big because so many conservatives moved to FL in the past two years. The rest of the country has been infiltrated with the Covidians, border crossers, and college graduates. I don't think the players needed to cheat like it was 2020 again. This time the kids voted. Now we see what we have and can continue fighting or give it up. Personally, I just want to buy a place in Denial, Ignorance, 010101. Ready yourselves for what is coming and warn those who might be interested. Only God from here out.
I've said it before: TRUMP HAS TO GO. Or there is no chance Republicans can claim the presidency in 24' - even if they do everything Gato has pointed out.
He will split the party and may be the reason this country never recovers.
He served his purpose. He has zero to offer this time around.
Time to look forward. Choose wisely as our author often points out.
Not sure I want the part of the party that's left if Trump leaves ~ just more of the same corrupt "do nothing" GOPe/RINO/UniParty. They aren't going to save us ~ they're in on it.
I love what DeSantis has done for FL and wish more governors would follow his lead. He is being set up as an alternative to Trump, which on the surface is fine. His massive war chest is impressive, but as the following articles explain, because of that war chest, he will be beholden to the GOPe/RINO/UniParty part of the GOP, not to those of us in the Populist or America First wing.
I'm with Martha here. The GOP left us. Whatcha got? Mitch McConnell? Mitt Romney? Liz Cheney? Pshaw.
Yes, you can name 3 inspiring people, but they will be cut off at the knees by the leftoids whenever it suits their purposes, and then you and your ilk will toss them overboard like they were Orange.
I do worry that maybe OrangeMan is getting to the point that Poopypants was while he was campaigning. There was no reason for Biden to challenge people to pushups or to say, "Listen, Fat!" or any of that. Pretty common sign of advancing impairment. If "Dr." Jill cared one whit about Joe, she would have convinced him to fade off into the sunset with people thinking him nothing worse than an amiable dunce, not an evil bastard.
But as I thought with Biden, it should be Melania and Don Jr and Erik and Ivanka and Tiffany and Barron who take the keys away before things get worse.
Hochul, who stole the vote, had unilaterally enacted a quarantine camp regulation. One amazing lawyer took it on herself to fight it on her own dime. When Hochul’s regulation was ruled unconstitutional, she vowed to appeal the ruling. She’s one of the most dangerous people imaginable. https://truth613.substack.com/p/ny-quarantine-camps-on-trial-and
And crime is up almost 60%. Droves of lifelong democrat voters worked to unseat Hochul and go Republican this time instead. And yet she won over someone very likable who campaigned on solid policies. No, it doesn’t make sense.
Hochul is as nasty as they come - Long Island surprisingly went quite red this time - Zeldin was stellar for people of integrity in NY. The problem
Is there are so many folks who lack integrity now & responsibility. Good grief...our three Branches of govt are now full of them because of this. It’s like trying to clean rats out of a cellar. Don’t get me started on the meanstream media or CNN & Faux Noise included.
Well, either there are more Hochul lovers than everyone realized or she cheated her way to a win somehow. If there are lots of NY'ers who suspect she didn't come by her win honestly, they can't remain silent Or can they? Or will they? I find it shocking that both she and Whitmer won. The Dems are of course claiming it's all about abortion rights (no one cares about the economy, right?), which is odd because aren't Michigan and NY no problem for the abortion lovers? Stupid California had a measure on the ballot merely to "reaffirm" California's right to abortion any time during the 9 months. It was already available, but they just wanted to remind people how wonderful the nation's abortion capital is, I guess.
Kill, kill, kill! NY has the crown in killing babies. The 'Ho was reelected because of NYC and the upstate cities. Mob rule, always and forever. If the mass murderer cuomo was on the ballet, he would have won too.
There's a lot to be said about weak GOP candidates. All we have to do is talk a bunch of smart, young, articulate candidates into torching their families and careers by throwing themselves into the meat grinder of under-funded, under-resourced, futile campaigns. Where are those smart, attractive folks that are willing to be rabidly attacked and destroyed by the entire Dem-corporate media complex, Big Tech sitting on the scales, and GOP establishment neglect?
Don't get me wrong. I have no effing idea how a weirdo like Oz floated to the top in PA. Maybe it was because David McCormick was just another rich, Bushie hedge fund guy and Kathy Barnette was just a freshly spawned Delta smelt--primed for getting sucked into the pumps? How did GA pick Walker (and was he really so much worse than the wife-beater Warnock?)? How does WV keep returning the waste of space Manchin to the Senate? How does SC re-elect the idiot neocon Graham? How does UT send carpetbagger loser Romney? How does KY re-elect McConnell? How does AK keep sending anti-Alaska Murkowski?
How? Easy. The GOPe has the winning formula for electing designated losers. They run house-broken milquetoasts who have been trained to accept their role as the Washington Generals. They will never upset the status quo. The GOPe self-selects to be losers that go along to get along (and wealthy). Just once, I'd really like the people who lament the poor quality of insurgent GOP candidates to identify some real, live potential candidates in lieu of the vacuous, amorphous category of "compelling alternative candidates." Instead of arm-waving and bullshitting, show me the people who are willing to torch their lives to save their country and I'll show you people who look a lot like the slate of 'losers' to which all the I-told-you-so people are now pointing.
There is no doubt that the Dems play the electoral game on an entirely different level than the GOP. Part of this is that until this cycle, the GOP was prohibited by a 40 year consent decree from participating in election day activities. The Dems owned the field of play. But it's bigger than that. They internalize and adapt via lessons learned. The Covid rule changes (never mind the illegality of many of those rule changes) forever changed the game. The Dems ran with it. The GOP complained that the courts didn't stop the illegality. Dem donors are also smarter than GOP donors. Soros has been funding Secretaries of State and DAs--roles that control the real world levers of power. The GOP still thinks that controlling Congress is a thing--and perhaps it could be if the GOP voted monolithically in lock step as do the Dems. The GOP congressional caucus virtually never votes as a block against even the most egregious ideas or people.
Next up: the youth of America are lost to the Dems. They have been mal-educated, thoroughly indoctrinated, and bribed into being good little Dem voters. We allowed it to happen by ceding K-12 education to the Dems / teacher's unions.
Final thought: all of this is likely too late to salvage. If you thought the last 22 months were bad, wait until the real pain comes. If (when) the USD loses reserve status the US government will blow up. Trillions of USG spending will go away--no more printing dollars. You can bet that war is going to be the go-to tactic of the DC / Davos class for keeping their necks out of the hangman's noose.
"Final thought: all of this is likely too late to salvage. If you thought the last 22 months were bad, wait until the real pain comes. If (when) the USD loses reserve status the US government will blow up. Trillions of USG spending will go away--no more printing dollars. You can bet that war is going to be the go-to tactic of the DC / Davos class for keeping their necks out of the hangman's noose."
This is the key and in my opinion why politics really seems more no holds barred these days and things are getting more intense.
That and i firmly believe that the economy has been shrinking since 2008. As the pie shrinks people feel more pressure, and things get more intense. People do feel an existential dread, they may not be able to verbalize it but they know things keep getting worse year after year. We can't talk about it, because the finger would be pointed at the corporate overlords who rule us. We'd demand new corporate overlords, or GASP possibly a restructuring of the economy. So we fight the culture wars as a nice distraction. What other explanation can one really make about all the extreme lifestyles which we all tolerate but are shoved in our faces as a cause (a short lived one which will be discarded as soon as they no longer play a role) but really only furthers the divisions and keeps people from truly understanding whats going on. The economy is going to shrink no matter what we do because we've reached the limits to how much we can grow on oil, and only that cheapish easily accessed form of energy is what has kept us from each others throats. We need to recognize this and make peace with our fellow serfs, rally around the flag of freedom and take this shit back from the corporate overlords!
Also this website explains it much better then i ever could:
Our main issue is that corporate America and the Democratic Party speak with one voice. And the MSM amplifies it. I'm a Gen X'er and never have I seen anything like the nonstop propaganda we've been subjected to since George Floyd ascended into heaven/descended into hell (circle one.)
That this corporate/political combo demonized and discriminated against healthy people on the basis of "vaccine" status was positively chilling. That politicians, public figures, celebrities...the frickin' POTUS castigated fellow human beings for being unvaccinated signaled to me that the old world is over. Couple that with a decade of openly anti-white animus and lots of people should be getting real nervous about what awaits. Those of us who have an interest in studying history know where such paths have led in the not-too-distant past.
Biden wasn't selected just to dispose of Trump. We are living through a slow-motion revolution.
Agree John. 90% of Republicans do not truly understand this.
We are here because of complacency. This country, in my lifetime, has died by a thousand cuts.
Lord knows where we'd be if Reagan hadn't stopped the madness for awhile.
What do you think we should do, other than prepare?
First and foremost: talk about what's going on. Many intuit that something is off, but are afraid of vocalizing it. Let them know they're not alone.
Next, I think you have the right idea: move to a Red area and curbstomp every Leftist idea that tries to make an inroad into the community. Moving to Florida was a great decision, Ryan. These Red areas will be more resistant to the tyranny that's coming...I have no doubt that forced injections/passports are still in play, perhaps within a few years when the next "pandemic"
If people are tied to a Blue state, at least move to a Purple or Red part or suburb, even. Do not live in Deep Blue cities in Blue states.
Take advantage of the Second Amendment.
Finally, pray. I genuinely find it impossible to explain this all-encompassing evil without resorting to the spiritual dimension. I am not sure if you are a man of faith, Ryan, but I would encourage you to keep an open mind, at least. I was an atheist at one point so I know how annoying such pleas can be.
Finally, stay hopeful. They will lose in the end. Much suffering awaits us in this decade, but hang in there! God bless you and your family, Ryan.
"Move to a red area" - ok, but what about states that are entirely red EXCEPT for the cities? That's most states. So leave your already-red area because the major cities in your state are insane? There has to be a way to not have to uproot 50%+ of the population to FL and TX. Because honestly - where else is there?
Pray for SMOD.
Seriously, there are all kinds of places you can still choose apart from Texas and Florida. In fact, those might be among the worst places. Look for red states that have few representatives. Low population density is a pretty good predictor for how sheriff's departments will view the coming gun control, which is an excellent proxy for how well you will be able to weather the coming spiciness.
Sage advice.
Major cities provide the "votes" that will eliminate your rights...even in the Red burbs and boonies. Flee if you can, but if you must stay, implementation of tyranny depends on local LEOs. Red areas will be far more selective in enforcing decrees by Democratic satraps. They may even ignore them.
It will also gut the blue cities. If they lose a chunk of their revenue that may force them to shift?
The 87,000 IRS agents will shake down money from the middle/upper middle class, and national Dem leadership will distribute it to inept, bloated Blue states/municipalities.
It seems to me that destroying small business owners and middle class people is central to what's going on. Bezos, whose Amazon regularly avoids paying taxes, was onboard for a mandatory 25% tax on business. He will take the hit for a few years, smaller competitors will go under.
Not sure, Texas cities are heavy blue. And, overwhelmingly supported a now three time Loser Loser Loser.
I am an original Californian. I lived in a few other states over the years but East Tennessee and the rural areas are such a better fit for me. I’ve been here 20 years. During 2020, the more rural you went, the less craziness you got. We get beautiful seasons without extreme snows or extreme humid/heat. If you’re an outdoors person, bike/hike/kayak/golf, etc. it’s wonderful. We’ve had a lot of folks move here, prices have gone crazy but it seems like it’s slowing down.
This is myhusbands choice. But it's SO far away. Everyone we know is in the northeast. I"m struggling with this. :(
I have lots of friends/family who have moved from NY/NJ/CT to Tennessee. Not one of them regrets it. And, perhaps not surprisingly, people from the NE use any excuse to come down and visit. They all had worries about distance, new friends, etc. But everyone pretty happy. And more continue to make the choice -- it is interesting to see grandparents moving down (who have never left NJ...lol) to be near their grandkids and then thrilled they moved.
So cheer up -- it is not as far as you think, really. And a day's drive if you have to make it north every once in a while.
We need an electoral college for every state. The masses of cities should not rule over the rest of the state. Look at NY, or CA. The majority of counties are completely red. Only NYC and the upstate cities are blue. Yet they rule over us in every election. I hate democracy. I hate majority-rule. The founding fathers knew this - a republic with an electoral college system is the only fair way.
In the meantime:
the problem is the blue urban areas. This map of NY shows a red and pink state with a couple of small areas of blue.... and yet the whole state is blue. I'm outside Dallas and our suburb has turned steadily to bright blue in the last ten years. it's become unrecognizable from BigD. Time for the electoral college on the state level????
then looking at this map of Nevada... it's solid pink over the entire state with the hedonistic Reno & Las Vegas light blue, yet the governor's race is a virtual tie! Shouldn't we stop the heavily populated cities from overpowering the less populated rural areas?
Concerning elections: many people state what is wrong oftentimes when they joke about voting "the evil of two lessers." I wanted to see a red wave yesterday for no other reason than to see if such an eventuality led to change.
Here's are a couple thoughts. First, one has to admit when facing the election, that there version of reality is often informed by what it is they consume. Republican sources saw a "red wave" coming and even the mainstream media was doing some version of damage control. But there could also have been psychology involved. If there is one thing that 2016 has taught us and that is the pushback to "nobody tells me how I have to vote." so because so much of the media was speaking of the red-wave, don't underestimate a tribal response to that inclination.
Even if there had been a huge red wave, I am very cynical of that since there have been other times in our history when both parties have dominated all branches of government only to show that government, in an inevitable fashion, continued to get larger.
I will admit to a time when I held two opposing viewpoints at the same time, my version of Cognitive dissonance. I thought at the same time that government was ineffective and should be more effective, and that at the same time I asserted that less government was better than more government.
In reality, if I agree that the principle is "less government" is ideal, shouldn't a consolation prize be "ineffective government?" Dumbing it down, I would rather have government leave me alone as much as possible, barring that I would like it being as ineffective as possible in messing with me.
Regardless of color, I want the state with the least amount of government. As of late it appears that red states are more like the Coca Cola Lite of Governments. They also contain sugar, just not as much sugar as the regular states. I don't want a state with artificial sweetener, I want a state that has little to no sweetener at all. A lot of red states, in spite of being mouthpieces of less government, I imagine, just have "artificially sweetened" government. It's still a type of sugar, just people don't recognize it as such.
I am in Georgia and outside of the major cities, it is "red" Determining the governmental temperature of a state by the vote is suspect and has been for sometime. There is voting fraud going on, the question is how much, is it of consequence, and does it matter when much of the power is wielded by unelected bureaucrats?
The best we can do is act as if voting is not aligned with the will of the people and act accordingly. Pressure local officials to gain more autonomy, and in so doing also fighting for the liberty of its area. The more liberty the better. Make your little part of the world a little bit freer.
Not sure about evil. But I do recognize the tyranny of caring as espoused by CS Lewis. I also recognize how collectively people can be supplanted by propaganda which is what I think is one of the principles behind "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." How many of us found friends and family at odds with us, and intermittently a lot of their dialogue with us was broken down to mantras and slogans?
I do meditate and pray, but I confess to being more agnostic than I was twenty five years ago. Was it because of losing faith, or being angry at God for taking my parents too early in my life, I leave that to God to decide. All I know is, while I do confess a bit of an agnostic take at life, I am very mindful of not dissuading others from faith, because I know of it's importance and grace, kindness, charity are great virtues. regardless of how they are arrived at.
"Dumbing it down, I would rather have government leave me alone as much as possible, barring that I would like it being as ineffective as possible in messing with me."
The problem is that you have the wrong axis for "ineffective".
It's not that a large, ineffective government won't be able to mess with you because it'll trip over its own feet, it's that it WILL be able to mess with you but do it wrong, do it hurtfully, do it lawlessly, do it without considering secondary effects.
Which is why, my main principle is to have government leave me alone as much as possible.
Good luck with that.
Thx John. Excellent response. Likewise to you and yours.
I think there comes a point where you have to regard what is going on around you as you would a force of nature. "When the hurricane comes, one must seek shelter." Prepare the best you can, join some kind of 'circle of trust' (like-minded people that know they can rely on one another), and wait for the storm to blow over.
I suspect that when things really start to disintegrate, what will go along with everything else will be the infrastructure necessary for the kind of control these people have in mind.
"This country, in my lifetime, has died by a thousand cuts."
That phrase needs to be carved in stone somewhere where it can be read and re-read and never forgotten. Et tu, Brute?
I do remember fondly the arrival of Reagan and how he led us out of the darkness of the late 1970's malaise. I also remember the loathing in which the left regarded him even to this day.
While Trump is no Reagan. he was at least the first POTUS with balls we've seen since. He certainly restored America's preeminence on the world stage after the Messiah's dreadful reign of apologies peppered with passive-aggressive warmongering, and at least kept the baddies at bay. Baddies who now see us as nothing more than a paper tiger. And yes, a falling empire.
Pass me my fiddle, will you?
Agree. Trump was necessary. And I'll vote for him for a 3rd time if necessary.
Pass me the fiddle....lmao. You're good.
"What do you think we should do, other than prepare?"
That's what I'm trying to figure out...
" I'm a Gen X'er and never have I seen anything like the nonstop propaganda we've been subjected to since George Floyd ascended into heaven/descended into hell (circle one.)"
Case in point of the moral inversion taking place in our society is this lifelong criminal, whose final act on Earth was to defraud a store, being depicted in wall paintings with a halo and angel wings.
Goes so much farther back than Floyd, but yes.
Chinagate was the first catastrophic inroad. Not the first. The deepest.
Completely agree Doc! Historically democracies run about 200 yrs then disintegrate. America is well over 200.. and yes Dems are the most aligned with this US Corporation Nation.. Big Brother actualized... We Can reverse this.. Yep
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage"
- Alexander Fraser Tytler
Things are getting very interesting, Curt.
Again, really interesting to an old guy who remembers when it was the largest corporations and wealthiest people aligned with the GOP.
Things have changed.
I remember the same thing. But it is odd to see all these things aligned together. Back when we were growing up it was Corporations and the wealthiest people aligned with the GOP. Because of that, money kept the left in check who were mainly the ones in Hollywood and a bit in academia. But then something changed. Probably modified through the educational system, kids came out of school, and were part of corporations and that in turn aligned thinking in all other areas. So it's The Government/Media/Educational System/Corporations all aligned. Very interesting indeed.
Certainly control of education is a key. kids come out of school not understanding how a free society really works. they believe the the constitution is obsolete, because that's how they've been taught. The universities have gone wacko in a different direction: back in my day the university was no better aligned with reality, but the fantasy world of academia was about true diversity of thought and tolerance. "Live and let live", peace, love over hate, all that. I had history teacher in jr. high school who explained censorship as "the key is who gets to decide" and college professors who would teach the mental traps in doctrine while encouraging challenging what "everybody knows". The dangers of government control were openly discussed. Nearly every college student had a shirt that said 'question authority'.
Today it's almost completely opposite. Challenge the doctrine and you are "denying science". The new academic fantasy world is one in which socialism has not failed every time it's been tried, where China and the USSR are good places where justice and fairness prevailed, where tolerance means accept only the approved viewpoints, and those that defy authority are evil.
Corporations have changed. Perhaps because of the indoctrination via education. Part of it is the rise of tech giants, which have a new means to control information flow. But even "traditional" corporations e.g. automotive and utilities have become "woke" (but arguably only because they must to survive politically). We have a new kind of billionaire, too. Several of the largest corporations are headed by guys (mostly white males) who have no experience in real life. So surprised they have no concept of what the rest of us deal with?
But don't think the most powerful people in these new corporations are unaware of the dangers of the politics they support. I don't think so. Historically, the "utopias" fail, and become tragic for most people, but those with control of the wealth benefit from the suffering. While you look at $10/gal diesel fuel, doubling of food prices, shortages of staples, etc. they are living like, well, billionaires. Royalty. And post record profits, getting richer still. And the politicians that do their bidding live very well, too. This is how corruption works - very good for a few.
We were subjected to it for much longer than George Floyd. The non-stop machine has been rising for years. I think it accelerated after 2016. But if you keep going back you can see how one event built upon another. Maybe they have been tweaking and adding final touches to the manipulation for years. At this point, it's like blind folding a diver...dropping them down into total darkness, and then releasing the blindfold and asking them to figure out which end is up.
Good point. I tuned out all media over a decade ago, so I was completely taken aback by the gaslighting about the Floyd riots. Living in an area where mayhem abounded, I was astonished by MSM lies.
I stopped watching media...but I have a Facebook account, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and so I received a lot of the narrative that way. Plus anytime I heard a narrative, I would hunt down sources, do some of the "research" that everyone ridicules. You know what is ridiculous, buying a narrative where you may not even find a dissenting view on the "first 20" search responses. I feel the same about my thinking on a subject. If I think that the pandemic is way overhyped and overblown in how horrible it is, I want to read the rationale on why it is horrible. I was open to many nurses POV's during my stay in the hospital last year from October to February.
"Our main issue is that corporate America and the Democratic Party speak with one voice"
It floors me that the Dems are still screaming about Citizen's United.
I'd hate to be a publicly-unpopular politician in a gun-totin' country...
Why? We law- abiding folks don't just go around shooting people here.
You might as we say " I'd hate to be a publically-unpopolar politician where people have access to steak knives..."
Well, of course the law-abiding abide by the law. Very few politicians have been assassinated by the law-abiding.
And, while being no expert on firearms, I'd have guessed that shooting someone requires rather less proximity than dispatching them with a steak knife.
The lawless always find a way...and at the point where you're publically disliked? I'm going to say it's quantity over quality. There's a reason we still mention peasants with pitchforks...
As someone who's familiar with firearms who is also a martial artist, I can tell you that while proximity may be a factor, nerves degrade accuracy on a projectile only capable of traveling on the path it was originally forced upon. Objects which can be manipulated ,re-targeted,realigned, and well...knives ( etcetc) are nasty business.
Let's just be ok with defending ourselves and others, and doing our best to align the malcontents toward help early, and jail if that isn't possible or hadn't been a deterrent.
If you’re still talking about elections you’re doomed. Start preparing for the fall of Rome folks. Not all of you are going to make it.
We ain't so special in the cosmic scheme of things. Rome always falls. Civilizations before it fell regularly.
The thing I always enjoyed seeing when I was a kid? Those weeds, poking through and breaking the cement sidewalks. You can't stop the cycle. Life isn't linear.
Read this article Tessa Fights Robots linked to:
Even remotely pretending elections have anything to do with the “will of the people” is ignorant.
At least we won’t have to play along with the whole voting sham much longer:
FYI, the martin armstrong interview is really interesting.
Wow. That Harper's article is - investigative journalism, and, a thorough testament to the blind hypocritical farce that is that same team branding any election - questioners as insane, dangerous, hateful, domestic terrorists.
That Harper article is 10 years old and very slanted left. It’s like no dem in last 20+ years cheated cuz voting machines managed by republicans. Those companies take $ from anyone. Education. Academia & press seem to be democratic.
Of course that article is written from the “red team bad” perspective. But I take it with that large grain of salt and look at it from the broader perspective of “both teams cheat” and therefore all elections are merely theater.
You write that like it's a bad thing.
I mean, ultimately, Russell Crowe took one to the gut, and I don't think he even saw that coming.
You're acting as if it hasn't already started.
if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. - emma goldman
I don't need a quote to support my thinking, just view reality. There are two things I know, I have seen elections come and go and from my perspective, very little has changed in some regards, and yet at the same time...massive changes were made in the last three years and there were no votes involved. Were we asked about our thoughts on lockdowns? Was there are vote of vaccination policy? Was there a referendum on mask use and social distancing? Did we have a town hall meetings about what was considered an essential business?
Not a fan of Goldman (she advocated and attempted violence) and neither her or Twain actually said that, the truth is kind of interesting IMO https://marktwainstudies.com/the-apocryphal-twain-if-voting-made-any-difference-they-wouldnt-let-us-do-it/
This was all foretold in the word of God. Now let us ask two questions. Who is the beast? And what does this have to do with our current situation?
"Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Re 13:2–4.
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Re 13:16–17.
The beast is the AntiChrist. In greek "Anti" means opposite. He is a replacement Christ for those who did not put their faith in The Living God. Those who hated Him. He will come and create a one world system in which all will be made to worship him. He will come as an angel of light (as Lucifer did) but his power will be given to him by Satan himself. He will be Satan incarnate. And the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. There is no truth in him. He is the father of lies!
It is telling you call this country Rome seeing as the founders modeled it after Rome. And "Rome" must fall, the old empire must pass away for the new system to be created. See that The Word of God talks about this too.
In Daniel 3 King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a golden statue made of different metals. The statue represents different kingdoms that would rule the world, starting with Babylon. The feet of this great statue is iron and fired clay. This represents the last kingdom.
The legs of the statue (representing the Roman empire, many scholars agree) were also made of iron.
And so this final empire will be much like the Roman empire, but divided. This is because iron and clay do not mix together.
The beast will rule over this empire. He will set himself against the Most High. He will make war with all who worship any other God but himself. In the last days there will be hunger and strife. Wars and catastrophe. Many, many, many will pass away because of the wrath of Almighty God being poured out on Earth. And The scriptures tell us that "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened." Mt 24:22. But the chief cornerstone, the Rock, Jesus Christ will set up a kingdom that will never pass away. One which will rule over Heaven and Earth forever. Rejoice!
Put your faith and trust in Him while there is still time! God bless you!
I am not american nor live there. But after Florida-2000 it is ridiculous to make analyses about the american elections. They are stupid. Seriously guys, the "we found an USB-stick with more votes in a drawer in an office" was too much.
"USB stick in a drawer" is just a modern version of "Box of ballots in my trunk".
Or box of ballots underneath a table.
Since 2000, Floridian election vote counting systems got improved. This year the statewide vote was reported 5 hours after polls closed. The system seems fair and transparent. We can improve!
Agree. That was a very cynical, and unjustified, thing for the bad cat to say. I don’t believe “Arizona will always be Arizona”. We just had a ballot initiative for election integrity aimed at mail-in voting issues, and if Kari Lake squeaks in she plans to turn things around as well.
Here the votes are counted by regular citizens. Every election the govt calls random (I hope) people to count the votes. At the end everything goes to a computer, so numbers could be easily modified.
Where is "here", may I ask?
Scytl was a Spanish company after all.
Also in Spain, el bicho palo
But, there is an interesting story about that. Since it benefited Bush I didn't care. It is not that I liked him, but he made the left nervous and I DO like that.
Lesson: analyze facts regardless who gets the good part because that will most probably change in the future.
Lot of dead and maimed people in destroyed countries cared a lot.
now the left is all for nuke war with putin.....
follow the money if we survive!
Yes, election integrity should matter to all parties.
You can't just walk into a polling place and be allowed to vote on behalf of your neighbor and the nursing home down the street, but that's entirely possible - and routine with mail-in votes.
The only way you can get rid of mail-in votes is for the Supreme Court to rule that they are unsecure and potentially violate the voting rights of others. The problem there, is how to limit such a decision to just mail-in votes, or how to admit federal jurisdiction over that issue but not elections in general.
Ultimately, it boils down to the character of the people themselves and I don't see that reversing itself. We are in a doom spiral to becoming Latin America, where one party rules the country and plunders its wealth and bribes the peasants just enough to keep the system in place.
^ “We are in a doom spiral to becoming Latin America, where one party rules the country and plunders its wealth and bribes the peasants just enough to keep the system in place.”
Sounds AWFULLY familiar…
Isn’t this where we are now?
The other problem there which you conveniently ignored is getting the court to decide upon it in the first place.
So the Repugnants need better candidates?
While the Demorats continue to put up sick, disgusting candidates & continue to win???
I live in “ILL”inois - don’t kid yourself - the “Chicago Way” in now nationwide, mail-in ballots or not & the populace is too enthralled with their “smart”phones to understand the country is lost to whoever counts the votes ...wins.
the left stealing elections is protecting our democracy, the right protecting democracy is terrorism.
The left calling for political violence is free speech, the right calling for free speech is political violence
It's not about voting. It's about collecting mail in ballots. Ballots and votes are not the same.
This is true. Those ballots are just sitting there waiting to be used if the right person can get ahold of them.
And afterward we can't investigate to determine of that ballot at the bottom of the box is a legal vote.
This is an integrity hole large enough to steal all the elections.
I look at US politics and just feel like I'm being trolled.
The demoralization continues with the mainstreaming of fraud the past twenty years. Acknowledge it and you're a domestic terrorist. Celebrate it, and you're part of the "democracy." Pay attention to it as if it even matters how your "team" does, and they have you right where they need you.
I am glad the farce is over. Having worked my local poll, I saw the people who voted. The populace has changed. Be it the pandemic, the gene shots, the indoctrination, the lies, the poor choices, what have you. DeSantis won big because so many conservatives moved to FL in the past two years. The rest of the country has been infiltrated with the Covidians, border crossers, and college graduates. I don't think the players needed to cheat like it was 2020 again. This time the kids voted. Now we see what we have and can continue fighting or give it up. Personally, I just want to buy a place in Denial, Ignorance, 010101. Ready yourselves for what is coming and warn those who might be interested. Only God from here out.
It is so worrisome for my children. I keep telling my husband, what have we done?
Yup. Go ahead and vote, but it doesn't really matter in the end.
I've said it before: TRUMP HAS TO GO. Or there is no chance Republicans can claim the presidency in 24' - even if they do everything Gato has pointed out.
He will split the party and may be the reason this country never recovers.
He served his purpose. He has zero to offer this time around.
Time to look forward. Choose wisely as our author often points out.
Not sure I want the part of the party that's left if Trump leaves ~ just more of the same corrupt "do nothing" GOPe/RINO/UniParty. They aren't going to save us ~ they're in on it.
You don't think DeSantis can make a difference?
Maybe he can redirect the faults of Republicans. You know; like Reagan.
He won every county except 5! He won by nearly 20 points! He won Miami-Dade County! He won with people who have post graduate degrees!
My wife and I live in Florida and have been to a few of his events.
We are impressed.
I love what DeSantis has done for FL and wish more governors would follow his lead. He is being set up as an alternative to Trump, which on the surface is fine. His massive war chest is impressive, but as the following articles explain, because of that war chest, he will be beholden to the GOPe/RINO/UniParty part of the GOP, not to those of us in the Populist or America First wing.
The Republicans have the reputation of getting them all to get along like herding cats.
Lake...Kari Lake is perhaps our look-to!
Love her. If we can move Trump out to pasture, then a DeSantis/Lake ticket would kill it imo.
That and paper ballots. I don't care about ego's fancy algorithms...bad batteries or power outages dash that ...kinda like crypto.
Read that earlier and, as usual, Emerald is spot on!
I'm with Martha here. The GOP left us. Whatcha got? Mitch McConnell? Mitt Romney? Liz Cheney? Pshaw.
Yes, you can name 3 inspiring people, but they will be cut off at the knees by the leftoids whenever it suits their purposes, and then you and your ilk will toss them overboard like they were Orange.
Maybe you're right.
Being too optimistic is a double edge sword.
I do worry that maybe OrangeMan is getting to the point that Poopypants was while he was campaigning. There was no reason for Biden to challenge people to pushups or to say, "Listen, Fat!" or any of that. Pretty common sign of advancing impairment. If "Dr." Jill cared one whit about Joe, she would have convinced him to fade off into the sunset with people thinking him nothing worse than an amiable dunce, not an evil bastard.
But as I thought with Biden, it should be Melania and Don Jr and Erik and Ivanka and Tiffany and Barron who take the keys away before things get worse.
I’m in NY and it’s clear to us that our literally life-or-death election for governor WAS stolen.
Hochul, who stole the vote, had unilaterally enacted a quarantine camp regulation. One amazing lawyer took it on herself to fight it on her own dime. When Hochul’s regulation was ruled unconstitutional, she vowed to appeal the ruling. She’s one of the most dangerous people imaginable. https://truth613.substack.com/p/ny-quarantine-camps-on-trial-and
And crime is up almost 60%. Droves of lifelong democrat voters worked to unseat Hochul and go Republican this time instead. And yet she won over someone very likable who campaigned on solid policies. No, it doesn’t make sense.
Hochul is as nasty as they come - Long Island surprisingly went quite red this time - Zeldin was stellar for people of integrity in NY. The problem
Is there are so many folks who lack integrity now & responsibility. Good grief...our three Branches of govt are now full of them because of this. It’s like trying to clean rats out of a cellar. Don’t get me started on the meanstream media or CNN & Faux Noise included.
Bobbie Anne Cox is awesome! Great paywalled interview at The Epoch Times:
She also has a free Substack: https://attorneycox.substack.com/
Well, either there are more Hochul lovers than everyone realized or she cheated her way to a win somehow. If there are lots of NY'ers who suspect she didn't come by her win honestly, they can't remain silent Or can they? Or will they? I find it shocking that both she and Whitmer won. The Dems are of course claiming it's all about abortion rights (no one cares about the economy, right?), which is odd because aren't Michigan and NY no problem for the abortion lovers? Stupid California had a measure on the ballot merely to "reaffirm" California's right to abortion any time during the 9 months. It was already available, but they just wanted to remind people how wonderful the nation's abortion capital is, I guess.
Kill, kill, kill! NY has the crown in killing babies. The 'Ho was reelected because of NYC and the upstate cities. Mob rule, always and forever. If the mass murderer cuomo was on the ballet, he would have won too.
There's a lot to be said about weak GOP candidates. All we have to do is talk a bunch of smart, young, articulate candidates into torching their families and careers by throwing themselves into the meat grinder of under-funded, under-resourced, futile campaigns. Where are those smart, attractive folks that are willing to be rabidly attacked and destroyed by the entire Dem-corporate media complex, Big Tech sitting on the scales, and GOP establishment neglect?
Don't get me wrong. I have no effing idea how a weirdo like Oz floated to the top in PA. Maybe it was because David McCormick was just another rich, Bushie hedge fund guy and Kathy Barnette was just a freshly spawned Delta smelt--primed for getting sucked into the pumps? How did GA pick Walker (and was he really so much worse than the wife-beater Warnock?)? How does WV keep returning the waste of space Manchin to the Senate? How does SC re-elect the idiot neocon Graham? How does UT send carpetbagger loser Romney? How does KY re-elect McConnell? How does AK keep sending anti-Alaska Murkowski?
How? Easy. The GOPe has the winning formula for electing designated losers. They run house-broken milquetoasts who have been trained to accept their role as the Washington Generals. They will never upset the status quo. The GOPe self-selects to be losers that go along to get along (and wealthy). Just once, I'd really like the people who lament the poor quality of insurgent GOP candidates to identify some real, live potential candidates in lieu of the vacuous, amorphous category of "compelling alternative candidates." Instead of arm-waving and bullshitting, show me the people who are willing to torch their lives to save their country and I'll show you people who look a lot like the slate of 'losers' to which all the I-told-you-so people are now pointing.
There is no doubt that the Dems play the electoral game on an entirely different level than the GOP. Part of this is that until this cycle, the GOP was prohibited by a 40 year consent decree from participating in election day activities. The Dems owned the field of play. But it's bigger than that. They internalize and adapt via lessons learned. The Covid rule changes (never mind the illegality of many of those rule changes) forever changed the game. The Dems ran with it. The GOP complained that the courts didn't stop the illegality. Dem donors are also smarter than GOP donors. Soros has been funding Secretaries of State and DAs--roles that control the real world levers of power. The GOP still thinks that controlling Congress is a thing--and perhaps it could be if the GOP voted monolithically in lock step as do the Dems. The GOP congressional caucus virtually never votes as a block against even the most egregious ideas or people.
Next up: the youth of America are lost to the Dems. They have been mal-educated, thoroughly indoctrinated, and bribed into being good little Dem voters. We allowed it to happen by ceding K-12 education to the Dems / teacher's unions.
Final thought: all of this is likely too late to salvage. If you thought the last 22 months were bad, wait until the real pain comes. If (when) the USD loses reserve status the US government will blow up. Trillions of USG spending will go away--no more printing dollars. You can bet that war is going to be the go-to tactic of the DC / Davos class for keeping their necks out of the hangman's noose.
Has anyone else ever noticed how the Dems always seem to have the initiative and the republicans are always just reacting?
"Final thought: all of this is likely too late to salvage. If you thought the last 22 months were bad, wait until the real pain comes. If (when) the USD loses reserve status the US government will blow up. Trillions of USG spending will go away--no more printing dollars. You can bet that war is going to be the go-to tactic of the DC / Davos class for keeping their necks out of the hangman's noose."
This is the key and in my opinion why politics really seems more no holds barred these days and things are getting more intense.
That and i firmly believe that the economy has been shrinking since 2008. As the pie shrinks people feel more pressure, and things get more intense. People do feel an existential dread, they may not be able to verbalize it but they know things keep getting worse year after year. We can't talk about it, because the finger would be pointed at the corporate overlords who rule us. We'd demand new corporate overlords, or GASP possibly a restructuring of the economy. So we fight the culture wars as a nice distraction. What other explanation can one really make about all the extreme lifestyles which we all tolerate but are shoved in our faces as a cause (a short lived one which will be discarded as soon as they no longer play a role) but really only furthers the divisions and keeps people from truly understanding whats going on. The economy is going to shrink no matter what we do because we've reached the limits to how much we can grow on oil, and only that cheapish easily accessed form of energy is what has kept us from each others throats. We need to recognize this and make peace with our fellow serfs, rally around the flag of freedom and take this shit back from the corporate overlords!
Also this website explains it much better then i ever could:
This was very interesting: