Shit man, my friend just sent me a video of her boys joining the Convoy. I’m so proud of these people fighting for our rights!!! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏Support them in any way you can!

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The little shitweasel just claimed he's been exposed to someone who was tested positive for covid. He says that he has tested negative but needs to isolate for 5 days. He's supposed to meet with the truckers in 2 days, so I guess he thinks he just got himself off the hook. Think again. He's triple vaxxed, so I guess he now doesn't believe in the vaccine.

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Give him 5 or 6 more boosters, to be sure. Moderna, double-strength. That should protect him.

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You guys seen the videos of him getting the shots? Looked a bit off in how it was done and many professionals in this area suggested it was not the method that should have been used - of course if your just getting saline then it would be fine!

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I believe they are faked.

Newsome, they punished him

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Trudeau should be very afraid then - they can easily do away with Trudeau (who has been messing up everything anyways) the WEF have Chrystia Freeland as a deputy PM as back up - should Trudeau have a 'sudden heart problem' after his boost

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We need the org chart of NWO....

I personally believe in Prophecy of Great Catholic Monarch coming out of France... killing commies everywhere.

I'm 61 and am ready to go help.... 1st France. Then England. He'll be killing commies around the world.

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I shudder to think, what if those vaccines are actually harmful and risky?

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though SmithFS quotes nurse on BitChute proposing the jabs were saline.

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He lied about being vaccinated, seems even Klaus Schwab's WEF "Young Global Leader's" program graduate, Trudeau, is privately scared of the vaccine:

Certified nurse confirms justin trudeau and wife sophie faked vaccination on live tv:


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Won't work. Toronto will be clogged with trucks. Expect something will happen.

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Trudeau, along with Newsom, Buttigieg, Jacinda Arden and many other politicians were students of the Davos World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab. They literally studied how to take control over the people. You can Google a list of WEF alumni. This takeover has been in the works for decades. It’s happening now because all of these “students” are finally in place- as leaders of the world in most of the biggest countries.

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It's exactly the same tactic as employed by Soros to get all (or most of anyway) the DA's in the US replaced by his acolytes.

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Exactly--and this is a very long-game, strategized plan. It's going to take a heavily funded concerted effort at the tiniest local level all the way to the federal executive to derail the madness and re-set the re-set.

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There isn’t any money involved, is there ?😂😂😂😂😂

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Manchurian Candidates

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Yup: "We penetrate the cabinets." That's exactly what they have been working on for the past 40 years. And they are now in place.

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The prince of this world is satan

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Joining friends on Saturday, and taking my little family down to Ottawa to stick it to "Trudeau the Tyflocrat* Terrorist" with the Truckers!!!!

*Ode to The Ethical Skeptic ; )

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Of course, and just as one might expect, our "leader" will be watching from the comfort of his home...


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"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." - Optimus Prime, an actual truck

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Oh man. That's the best laugh I've had all week. Thank you.

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Justin just pulled the “I’ve been exposed” card and declared he is negative but isolating haha. If this fringe movement is so small - how did they raise over 5 million in small donations.

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over 6 millions now :) and still going up...don't think we will reach 7 millions but let's see

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Hadn’t checked in a day sweet geebus, more money than all three national parties collected last election … fringe hahaha

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How do you donate? I'd love to help support this! Do you have a link?

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Thanks for the link. I just donated. First time ever. Feels great! I hate tyranny!

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Me too! I do a lot of GoFundMes but I think this is the first time in $CDN!

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Thank you sooo much from Canada <3

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Thank you sooo much from Canada <3

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I think they’ve frozen the money. At least that’s the last I heard because there’s no clear method to distribute it,

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No they made an arrangement. Money will go to fuel companies for the truck.

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Oh good. Thanks for the update.

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It won’t let me post a link for some reason

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Look up “freedom convoy 2022”

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We raised more than 6 millions by now and the amount is still going up :) so proud ...

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No... they temporarily suspend the donations to contact the owners and make arrangements on how they would distributed the funds to avoid any case of frauds. Gofundme always does that when the funds are reaching a couple of millions. It has NOT been suspended. It's fully back right now.

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That’s great news! I am so proud of everyone involved.

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Thank you for creating a better summary than any Canadian media outlet.

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If you want the 'true dope' on what's happening in Canada, see rebelnews.com -- stuff you won't see on CBC or the Liberal-owned press... they also cover things in Australia and a bit from the UK.

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Bless you, el gato, for this bringing more attention to this incredible effort by our amazing truckers. I will be heading out shortly to join the crowd at a local overpass.

I was really losing hope this country had any guts to push back against the idiotic ramblings of justy trudope the man-child, but it warms my heart to see Canadians pulling together to donate to keep them afloat and cheer them on.

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I’m heading to an overpass too. Waving my flag.

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Anybody who does not feel their skin crawl when they hear words like "misinformation" and "disinformation" and phrases like "unacceptable thought" aren't paying attention.

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Parliament: “place of discussion”. And we’ve had none on these mandates. Zero.

Executive order: “expert”, unidimensional decree by government fiat. And we’ve had plenty, unending fiat and decree.

Trudeau is not a king.

By LAW, by our Charter, Parliamentary discussion of vax pass mandates is required.

So, our courageous truckers are now speaking DIRECTLY to parliament. It’s called civil disobedience. It’s legal. And Canadians, and the planet, are responding.

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I was just doing some research on the D-Day invasion during WWII, and I was reminded that not only were Americans storming those beaches, but huge numbers of Brits and Canadians too. All of us took incredible losses.


I'm a hockey player (US born) and know the Canadian national anthem by heart. I've been to Canada many times, and truly love your country. I used to take my girlfriend across the border at Niagra Falls when I was underage in the US so we could drink, lol. Simpler times.

But just like much of the US anthem, it's hard to hear the CA national anthem and not cringe at what has happened to your "Glorious and Free" land. You have a beautiful anthem, and I pray that one day we see it become true again.

O Canada! Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all of us command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! where pines and maples grow,

Great prairies spread, and lordly rivers flow.

How dear to us thy broad domain,

From East to Western sea.

The land of hope for all who toil,

The True North strong and free!


O Canada, glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! beneath our shining skies,

May stalwart sons, and gentle maidens rise.

To keep thee steadfast through the years,

From east to western sea,

Our own beloved native land,

Our true north strong and free!


O Canada, glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Ruler Supreme! who hearest humble prayer,

Hold thy Dominion in thy loving care;

Help us to find, Oh God, in thee,

A lasting rich reward.

As waiting for the Better Day,

We ever stand on guard.

O Canada, Glorious and free! Amen

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Nothing but respect and love for our truckers


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As ever, Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45” captures this period in history to the letter:

“This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”

“Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.”

These heroic truckers and all who bravely stand with them are doing precisely what we must do to reclaim our freedoms—RESIST THE BEGINNINGS:

“Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings.”

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Woo, that last paragraph! Perfect.

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From a Canadian, BRAVO!

My great hope is that this convoy really is every bit as large, larger! than it's being presented on social media, and that it will stay, and stay, and STAY, until the job is done. Anything less will be a surrender. If Trudeau walks away from this unchastised, if Ottawa gets to just ride out a couple of days of disruption and then go back to normal, then our overlords will just flush the whole thing down the memory hole, ram a big serving of "Insurrection! Like Jan. 6!" down our throats with it, and double down (triple down? or should I say triple jab?) on the demonization of anyone who speaks against them.

I genuinely do not know if Canada can be saved from itself. We are not unlike California. Progressives run this country, run it badly, and run it with that terrible smugness knowing that nobody will stop them. We have a simpering coward of an opposition leader who won't voice any support for the convoy and hasn't voiced any opposition to any mandates at any point in time, so scared is he of being condemned in the MSM, who are all in bed with Trudeau and his ilk anyway.

This really may be it. Our last, best shot. Pray for us.

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When I think of how bad our President is.. Trudeau says... "hold my beer". Competing for the worst, New Zealand and Canada. I mean if you are my age, Canada was a place to escape to for freedom, but dang times change in the strangest ways.

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I’m pretty sure Trudeau and Jacinda are twins separated at birth 😉

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She got all of the teeth, I see.

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At some UN meeting was it Trump who thought that Cindy was Trudy's wife? Maybe I am misremembering.

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Now I'm thinking of escaping to Montana LOL.

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Right?! As a hostage in Canada, Florida is looking rather appealing now.

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I’m rooting for the truckers and everyone supporting them. We must do this in America!!

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Could work for Australia?

Plenty of grunty big rigs.

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Cdn here…happy to eat bread and water in order to starve our brain dead population. I pray they put the fear of god in us. Otherwise..canada is doomed. Btw- turd eau announced today he is “ self isolating due to covid exposure” 😂

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So convenient isn't it?

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Same here, I've stocked up and we'll make do if we have to.

I'm at the starting point of one of the segments of the convoy: the atmosphere is electric! Thousands of people here, all cheering on the wonderful truckers.

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I was just cheering the convoy on this morning as they passed through Hamilton, ON on their way to Ottawa. There were hundreds of people and a sea of Canadian flags on the overpass and along the whole roadway. I'm getting reports that every single overpass from Niagara to Burlington was packed with people. This country has come alive in a way I've never seen before and I'm 50 years old.

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Trudeau claims to be speaking for all peoplekind, but he's not. He's lying moistly!

In all seriousness though - lots of things I can't stand about Trudy, but his total lack of moral imagination is the top of my list. Every time there is a position he disagrees with, his response is not, "Well I disagree but I as your Prime Minister will do my best to understand your position and serve all Canadians to the best of my ability." No, it's "You're position is unacceptable. People like you are not welcome in this country." His Overton window is not a window, but a single point, that he uniquely is standing on.

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He's lying moistly!

LOL! I remember what you're referring to.

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Stood proudly with freedom loving Canadians on an overpass today, cheering on the convoy. A tremendous uplift to my depleted spirit. 🇨🇦

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The Lone Star is loving the Maple Leaf. Bravo Canadians!!!

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Me too, and me too!

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Go Canada! Will be flying a Canadian flag this weekend in Ohio! Thank you, truckers!

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"it’s one of the most arrogant, lunatic, self-important things i have ever heard a western leader say. sorry, but you say something like that about people simply asking for freedom and you are unfit for office. period. the whole notion is, frankly, disgusting. he’s using every scummy trick in the book. straw manning, othering, vilification, and outright lies to attempt to shift the blame here. trudeau stands for totalitarian fascism and submission. he stands for mandatory accession to a regime of medical treatment that people do not want and for the denial of basic human rights and agency to those who refuse. he wants ID to track you and he just told you point blank who he thinks is the judge of what views it is “acceptable” for you to hold.

that’s a tyrant and a demagogue."

Would he be so bold and blatant if Canada had the equivalent of a Second Amendment?

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Biggest problem for Canada is that there is no viable alternative. The NDP who were historically the party on the side of labour have already condemned the truckers.

A few Conservative MPs are making the right noises but their party has gone along with everything Trudeau has done until now. People's Party gets my vote but they've yet to win a single seat.

On a positive note, the GoFundMe campaign has raised over $6M

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To whom does the GoFundMe money go?

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the truckers for food, fuel, hotels etc. They will donate any excess to veterans organizations.

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It's supposed to pay for fuel, food, and lodgings for the truckers/protestors. I have no affiliation whatsoever, but apparently GoFundMe have confirmed it's legit.

More info here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/taking-back-our-freedom-convoy-2022

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Yup! I just got back from cheering on the Fort Erie contingent of the convoy. It was glorious! There were so many of us just on one overpass cheering them on, so many people honking and waving approval long before the convoy passed through. We are fed up! Enough is enough. True North strong and free! Trudeau isn't a Canadian, he hates us and everything we stand for and he has got to go. Go truckers!

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"even if you missed that, the minute they denied natural immunity and claimed that only vaccines can stop spread, you knew proof positive that this had nothing to do with a virus."

That was the turning point for me.

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Trudeau heads a minority government. The Liberals are only in power because of the NDP. In the last election they received around 30% of the vote and were elected only because of gerrymandering of the Greater Toronto area (GTA) seats, where most of the new immigrants reside, who have been handed out largesse by the government. Trudeau has illegally suspended Parliament for much of the last 2 years. He fired a female Justice Minister because she was going to expose more corruption. Who is the misogynist in that equation?

There is no meaningful Opposition. The Liberals have gutted Parliament and over the last 15 years have gradually shifted power from Parliament to the Prime Ministers Office. They are now in the process of stripping the Canadian Charter of Rights of any meaning. Let's not forget that the Charter opens with the words: "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law":

Note the colon. Everything else that follows in the Charter is governed by that opening statement.

The Governments (federal and provincial) have abandoned both the supremacy of God, and the rule of law. They have turned against their people. Maxine Bernier (PPC leader) is absolutely right when he said that "When tyranny becomes law, revolution becomes OUR DUTY".

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I wonder which Canada would survive better: 1 month without Justin Trudeau, or 1 month without truckers.

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Quote: "this is not “let’s march and carry signs on sunday and go back to work on monday".” this is “let’s bring this place to a dead stop until you stop vilifying and attacking us and trying to take our rights away.” (end quote)

Very true. Multiple counties in Europe have had weekly marches and it has done zero good, if anything those in power are doubling down. Singing songs, doing the wave, and chanting clever slogans has zero impact against totalitarians. People think these "leaders" are decent people like us that would change their minds only if they understood why people are upset. Completely wrong, at best they are corrupt beyond our imagination, more likely they are sociopaths.

The only thing that will stop them is to grind the system to a halt that enables them.

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You would be surprised at how effective none violent direct action can be in resisting tyranny. At a very minimum it is a sign of solidarity with other people. It tends to gather momentum over time as the tyranny pushes back. It’s a sign that you still have human agency and is a lot better than doing nothing.

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It also forces the tyrants out into the light. Example: Police arresting an unvaxxed child at a museum.

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Actually, much of Europe is starting to back down.

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My late brother was a long-haul trucker. (Brother trucker jokes okay, if you wish—humour of any sort is welcome these days.) I'm pretty sure he'd be on his way to the Canadian border if he were alive.

By the way, I chipped in a little money to the effort. BUT—I also just saw that GoFundMe had frozen the account. Is that true? If so, I suspect chicanery and coercion.

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No, they were investigating to make sure the funds are being distributed properly but afaik you can still donate.

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If someone calls you an antivaxxer, a racist, a mysoginist, or a science denier, just tell them ‘thank you.’

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I used to say, “who voted for that asshat,” until we got Biden so I shut up now.

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Sad to say I did the first time around. His campaigns promises were mostly lies, and now we see his true colours. Many of us have felt duped for a few years. He promised change and gave us the same tired garbage.

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Some comments on other boards were saying "It's only 50-100 trucks" LMAO. Check out how long highway #1 is across Manitoba. The convoy was entering Ontario as the last trucks entered the west of Manitoba. That is a province wide convoy.


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There are a few dirty tricks going on with not allowing trucks to stop in one town to get food and activating ALL the weigh stations along the route.

The elite and their media whores don’t have a clue as to the reckoning that is coming their way.


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when your head of state starts talking about a minority community's "unacceptable views" threatening the rights and freedoms of everyone else, you're gonna have a bad time.

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Oh, the fear in Castro Jr.'s eyes is simply delicious.

I wonder if this was covered in Klaus' class "Effective Dictatorship 101" at the WEF's Young Totalitarians program?

Want to see some serious slimy leftist spin on this? Enter 'canada truckers' into the geobbel and see what comes up.

"Canada police fear violence at trucker vaccine protest."

"'Fringe minority' in truck convoy with 'unacceptable views' don't represent Canadians: Trudeau."

The great unwashed are approaching the target airspace. Pop up some corn and enjoy the show.

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Nice work and exactly true.

I find it amusing when I hear some entitled millennial who makes 1/4 million a year trash the blue collar mindset. They also bitch when they get their plumbers bill. They have not made the connection that people who work in the real-physical world possess power & knowledge that make water come out of a spigot, or poop go down the toilet. The light bulb will begin slowly to illuminate for many of them soon.

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But wait -- doesn't that light bulb, to operate, also need the skills of real-physical world people to work? Hell hath no fury like an Orange County housewife who flips the switch, and the lights don't come on. Time is coming when the only useful work being done in this country (US now, Canada until March 4, 2019) will be done by the trades, truckers, etc. All these 'knowledge workers' will find themselves learning to garden and raise goats.

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Every time I see Trudeau, I see a snake. I used to do a lot of psychedelics back in my heyday, and one of the things they do is present people in animal forms. One friend of mine was a big teddy bear. Another was a frog.

I don't need acid to see that Trudeau is an absolute snake. Maybe a snake/weasel combo. He is a construct, a bot, a well-groomed useful idiot, but a dangerous one. Like any dangerous, cornered animal that's frothing at the mouth, he must be put down.

To be clear, I'm not calling for violence. But he must be removed by all peaceful avenues possible. And then, that vacuum must be filled by someone who doesn't have a mind implant and has a real live human heart.

We are...


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I think snakes and weasels are a very high life form compared to turd-eau!

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I support this, being in Canada but I deeply hope it stays peaceful. The second someone crosses the line is the second the government has all the justification they need to crack down on everyone there. It's the moment when those who support it are forced to turn their backs on the entire movement.

Stay Peaceful and we win. Become violent and we lose.

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Yes, the danger is that TPTB have plenty of time to gin up some false flag activity and insert subversive actors to make this thing go off the rails.

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"Unacceptable viewpoint" Nothing to see here.

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I read today that the convoy stretches across Manitoba. By my calculation, that's 200 miles!

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All I can say at the moment is Thank God for the truckers and for Jordan Peterson, who seems to have recovered from his illness at the right time.

If you havent seen this, it is worth the hour to listen to it.


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70+ kilometers/42+ miles? Imagine a truck convoy from:

Empire State Building to West Point Academy.

Miami to Boca Raton

Boston to Manchester

Almost the entire length of Cape Cod, from Long Point Light to the Sagamore Bridge

San Juan to Arecibo (although traffic sucks so bad generally that a 50-mile convoy would actually be less annoying)

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Why is this not happening in the US? I’m a SAHM already committed to homeschooling - I’m not sure how to make a statement. But if there was a convoy, my 3 year old and I absolutely Hit. The. Road.

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As a Canadian, this convoy has been the most hopeful development I’ve witnessed in 22 months. I was shocked Trudeau won again. I was further disillusioned by the Tories agreeing with our bio-fascism rules. These truckers are awesome. I donated $50 to their gofundme. I may donate more. For an elected leader in a free country to tell his citizens they “hold unacceptable views” is disgusting. We need to get rid of him.

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Trudeau has gone into hiding under the guise of a potential Covid exposure. The guy is a poster boy for Dunning Kruger effect. Apparently his handlers don’t trust him to manage this situation.

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Go Canada! We support your stand for freedom! Do not go gently into the night of totalitarianism.

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When is the US convoy heading to DC? Will be happy to support it.

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Only the freshest cream and finest caviar for our Gato Malo!!!

Go Truckers Go! Nice touch, Canadians, with the fireworks!

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"unacceptable views"


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I can't stop crying watching all the videos. I'm so proud of these truckers :)

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