Great work as always Gato. Miss you on twitter but I look for the emails every day.

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Keeps me sane

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That's my friend who made this FOIA request! So cool to see it passed around!!

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Tucker is the first person on MSM to take on mask efficacy. Hopefully there will be others. You are right, history is being rewritten before our eyes.

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Really, it's worse than just the mask theatre.

They've known for a very long time that asymptomatic transmission is not a thing. In December, JAMA published a meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77 758 participants. The estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6% for symptomatic transmission, but it varied by relationship.

The estimated asymptomatic transmission was 0.7%.

If you can't catch the 'ro while sharing a household with an infected asymptomatic person, then surely you have zero risk when walking by an asymptomatic person on the sidewalk or sitting near one in the bar.

Last week, I heard Marty Makary, MD (whom I like and respect) state that asymptomatic spread was the driver of the pandemic. Clearly, it wasn't. Clearly, it couldn't have been.

So, it begs the question...how are people catching this virus?


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There was a study on 10 million people in Wuhan in 2020 that showed zero infectious asymptomatic spread

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What makes you think there is "a virus" that is making people sick to begin with?

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Lastly, big thanks to Gato for laying out a fact based data driven presentation. Way to not let Twitter keep you down. Thanks again!

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Still have to ask...what's the end game here...? In other news, I commented on Twitter that CDC people should be "tarred and feathered" because of pushing lie after lie after lie and I am now suspended...Bwhahaha. As if people are still being tarred and feathered. I should have mentioned shackles then I guess.

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What is the end game? That's the million dollar question. None of this makes sense. No one is acting appropriately. Remember when were were all shamed for freaking out about a possible Ebola outbreak in the US...a virus with a very high mortality rate? I believe we were all racist or something. There were no shut downs. There were no masks. There wasn't even a real travel ban, and the one the brief ban was roundly criticized for being racist. That was six years ago. WTH is going on?

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I also want to figure out the endgame here too. Nothing adds up anymore and I have been down every rabbit hole. The best one is the "Great Reset/Agenda2030" ...

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I've heard many people with impressive credentials say that they believe this pandemic was intentional and that the virus is a bioweapon. They are concerned about the longterm consequences of the "vaccines". Some have even called it a mass extinction event. I sure hope they're crazy.

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This is the Agenda 2030, “you will own nothing and be happy” crowd. It makes the most logical sense over all the other theories, except for maybe, the squirrel(s) burying nuts theory. Which is it’s just a bunch of people doing what they do with no direction or thought. The other leading theory is that it is all just simple politics, but vamped up by the newly formed country “COVID’Stan” with its new political actors on the world stage. All I know, is that the NORMAL human drivers on this are not fitting the narrative like they should. Therefore, I conclude, something is odd, off and maybe even evil is going on.

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I've been watching interviews on JermWarfare, which I highly recommend. People have been sounding the alarm all around the world for almost a year, but I feel like I'm just learning about it now. I followed Berenson on Twitter (that's how I found the bad cat). I heard Ioannidis, Risch, Smith, Mikovits, etc., on Fox News. I watched Plandemic. I thought I understood what was going on.

While I'm not a fan of Gates, the notion that a group of "elites" might be trying to cull the herd was beyond my realm of possibility. But after a while, when the insanity continued and nothing felt right, I started to wonder if something else might be going on. Are people blinded by hubris? Yes. Will they cover up and obfuscate when they screw up? Yes. Are people motivated by greed and power and fame? Yes. Does that make sense of all of this? No. Not to me. This is not incompetence or hubris. Something else is going on. Something worse. Something evil. And I'm afraid this is only the beginning.

I realized this morning what the riots were really about. They never felt organic. They exploded out of nowhere. And they were meant to distract us.

I realized what the election insanity was/is all about. They're still trying to distract us. Nothing about January 6th makes sense.

I think Kary Mullis might have been murdered. I've never heard anyone say that aloud. If he'd died a decade ago...if he'd died of cancer or some other longterm illness...but pneumonia...in the summer...right before the pandemic? This pandemic would not exist without the PCR test; and Mullis, who opposed PCR for diagnostic testing, could have put an end to it.

I think we should redistribute all the wealth of the billionaire uber elite. Then they'll own nothing...and they'll be so happy. I'm sure there are people out there who know how to make that happen.

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Well, hell. I don't know either. A lot of what you said makes sense to me, though. I have no doubt the riots were all planned, as well as the other distractions.

I recommend watching this 3 part series with Mark Crispin Miller interviews. He touches on a lot of what you're saying, underscoring the fact that this is all planned:




Then I saw this video and I really don't know what to make of it. Is it bullshit? I don't know who this interviewer is nor the woman he's interviewing, but if they are right, then it's not the COVAIDS that's the bioweapon: it's the vaccine itself! Check it out here:


I've basically been ignoring the 5G ballywhooing but if this video is right, then that would make sense of the whole thing. Roll out a "vaccine" that has superconducting material that can self-construct and react to 5G signals, and this seems like something out of Black Mirror.

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If it makes you feel any better, I think a real mass extinction event would be easier to pull off (and more noticeable) than this pretend one. Although I do think the virus is a lab creation.

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I've heard very intelligent, educated, credentialed people say...the "vaccine" is the primer for the mass extinction event. Millions of people will die over the next several years from the next coronavirus, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, cancers, etc. Think of it as a controlled burn.

Can "they" create a virus that would kill a bunch of people really fast? Of course. But that would lead to a break down of civil society...no food, no water, no energy, no sanitation. It would affect everyone, even the uber elite. And anything that lethal could mutate and kill them as well.

A psychopathic billionaire who's obsessed with population control and pandemics controls most of the global private organizations, which in turn control countries.

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You are looking at it from inside. If you get outside the Tech body, it makes a hell of a lot of sense!

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What makes sense?

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The entire experiment makes sense if you look at it from an AI/tech body perspective.

Look into Bob Dobbs and his conversation about the tech body. He comes closest to my understanding of what is happening. I will share some of his links. I read what you posted above, and I think that's a good wrap of an understanding, as far as it gets. The problem is, and you recognize it, that it assumes there is some sort of evil cabal underlying it all. Of course, there are evil intentions, and there are profiteers, but they are puppets too. It's like that Egyptian heliographic of the puppet master over the puppet master, atop each other. But what is all above, or all throughout this whole thing? If you look at this from the perspective of the tech wanting total control, and we use some esoteric language, we lean into calling it demonic, and those sort of forces, but I will stay on the language of embodiment from a cognitive science perspective.

What does the tech body want? Total control. How will it get it? If we (embodied humans) disappear. Everything about this screams brainwashing, control of the mind, by a greater hive mind. Where can we find that hive mind? Outside, or with others in an embodied social environment? No way. You have to enter the tech body hive to get juiced. And they are addicted (physically to the chemicals the fear produces), with their amygdala all whacked.

Even we are when we are sucked up into discussing it and fighting it, but only if we don't understand it and rise above it. But so are those who are throwing their mind up against the machine. Frustration and anger are the biggest juice to get according to the LSD brain studies done in the 60s.

Anyway, look how the tech body is gaining control. And you can think of this as AI too. All this technology wants to take control of our lives, it wants our lives to be lived inside it.

Just an aside. I am American, but live in Tanzania, but have traveled around the world the past year to observe people in different places and how they are reacting. This is the only country still in a bubble-like it was 2019. They never succumbed. They are embodied here, seemingly immune to the propoganda. What is unique about them? They have very low smartphone usage and have kept their linguistic heritage even through colonialism.

Anyway, to the point, look at what the tech body has done over the past year. It's captured the brain and wants the body through disembodiment. It got people wearing masks, especially children, training them, with all the unhealthy side effects. It's got people believing they can have only their life online. They social distance, they don't touch, they don't hug, they don't trust nature at all, nor their connection to life.

And what is going on now? A synthetic pathogen, mrna, that is unlike all the other vector virals before, pumping itself into bodies. It is the tech body entering into the human body.

I believe we basically lost control of what we were creating in this world, and sinister people are joined at the hip, these are the ones into longevity and control. They are experimenting with mrna to see where it goes in the body, how it works. Moderna has nine more variations to roll out this fall in its booster. This monster is just getting started.

We'll have to go to war over this eventually, once all the different strands of this rapid dystopia that's been going on, coalesce into their moment. I don't pretend to have it all figured out, and this perspective is fucking crazy, lol.

Bob Dobbs


Marshall McLuhan


More Bob holes


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One more thing, there WILL NOT be any RCTs performed in regard to Covid and mask efficacy. The know it will disprove everything they have preached for the past year. That is the only reason RCTs haven’t been carried out. They don’t need the Danish study, they already have known, it’s why they cherry pick lab data and corrupted timelines (rain dance studies without control groups).

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At a meeting called, "National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine," held in April, 2020, where the subject was, "Rapid Expert Consultation on the Possibility of Bioaerosol Spread of SARS-CoV-2 for the COVID-19 Pandemic," one of the scientists--and I would have to look up the proceeding to get his name--actually stated flatly that they should NOT run any mask RCTs, because they never show what they want them to show, and that would "give the public the wrong message" or some such B.S. So, you are *exactly* correct! Link: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25769/rapid-expert-consultation-on-the-possibility-of-bioaerosol-spread-of-sars-cov-2-for-the-covid-19-pandemic-april-1-2020

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but if "masks don't work" is the "wrong" message, how is "making people wear a useless mask" the "right" message? Right for what? They must think that the masks "work" for some purpose or other, and THAT is the part I wonder about. What do they think the masks are actually doing? It feels like somebody made a bet that you could never get Americans to wear masks, and somebody said, "watch this."

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Ha! Indeed. Much of what the governments--not just in the U.S., but also abroad--have done, recommended, or authorized, during the COVID-19 dumpster fire seems to fit nicely into one guy saying, "no one will believe that!" and some other guy saying, "hold my beer!"

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"but if "masks don't work" is the "wrong" message, how is "making people wear a useless mask" the "right" message? Right for what? They must think that the masks "work" for some purpose or other, and THAT is the part I wonder about."

Here is my take Veryver - the masks serve as a wedge to divide the public and more importantly, give the politicians cover for their worthless and ineffective policies. Politicians: "You are frustrated and upset that we are not yet back to normal? Do not look at me - I have set out policies that will get us to the promise land of normalcy. It MUST be your FELLOW CITIZENS that are not COMPLYING."

And there you have it - don't blame me for incompetence and the loss of your freedoms. Blame your fellow citizens...and many of those people like Trump in some way. etc etc etc

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The masks are a cope. This has been shown already in studies. They provide a psychological barrier due to the resulted trauma impact on the amygdala. I oppose them just as much as anyone, even so far as to get the hell out of the country to avoid it, but the focus should be on making them a choice, cause otherwise we just continue this divide.

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They "were aimed that the general public," is true, but they were designed to give so-called journalists a "news" peg to hang headlines on, which amplified entirely manipulated data. Same trick used to shit can HCL plus z-pack. Two studies in which end-stage covid patients are given near toxic doses of HCL and all of them die, are trotted out so media can amplify the narrative, and then the studies are retracted two weeks later, thus denying people access to meds. Crime against humanity.

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To vaccine or not to vaccine? We are lost on this. Holding out at this point given it’s a trial drug, lots of $$$ at stake, new mechanism, and being pushed so hard by the same players who pushed masks, shutdowns, and distancing. But what are we learning? When should consider the vaccine? Terrified of the idea of a passport.

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+C19 presents a possible peril of severe illness if you get it more so if you are older and have severe preexisting conditions.

Vaccines have perils we do not know but the vaccine 100% exposes a person to the spike protein and immune responses, both of which can have harm.

It is a matter of risk tolerance: do you see +C19 as more a hazard than the vaccine.

I am over 70 in pretty good shape, I took the AZN trial and got the real deal. No issues since 16 Dec when I got the second dose.

My risk profile is different, but my home environment suggested I get the shot, I love with a Karen who voted democrat.

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I think the older a person is the more the experiment makes sense. But it sickens me to see this pushed on younger people as we do not know the long term consequences

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Seems like the older you are, the less side effects there are, actually. Perhaps the vax was designed with that in mind, and it's actually "too powerful" for younger people.

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Okay, serious question and I don’t want absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why?

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I think a combination of factors:

1) In face of a crisis the government needs to do something - anything. Saying "this is a complex problem and our understanding of the behavior of viruses is far from complete" is not going to do it. People want simple solutions which are easily sold by sloganeering. Masks were a simple answer.

2) I believe only a handful of the top realize they are bullshit, and those few likely hopped on board because they expected the virus to subside whether we were told to wear masks or we were told to wear an onion our belt - they could take credit for the talisman.

3) They miscalculated that mass PCR testing would continue to show the virus as endemic. Considering this is the first time we ever mass tested a population for PCR, they had no way of knowing that in fact shit tons of people would continue to trigger PCR tests (I also think the few who realized masks were just a talisman aren't fully aware of how prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity work)

4) Now they are stuck with this as accepted fact. Politicians aren't going to turn around admit they were wrong, or that the science isn't settled. They have to pretend. This may go on 6 months, 6 years, 6 decades. Who know. We have done a lot dumber shit and stuck to it a lot longer than we should have (looking at you, reefer madness, war on <insert anything>, pretending Cardi B has talent)

5) Trump said he didn't think masks were a good idea so obviously they must be the solution. Like when he suggested the cure shouldn't be worse than the disease we tossed the hippocratic oath.

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Well, the PCR testing is itself a money-maker driven by the people who wanted to sell PCR testing. The paper that got the mass PCR testing ball rolling--a paper recommended for retraction by a bunch of scientists in Europe--was written, AFAIK, by people associated with a company that sold the tests! So, it amounts to the old saw, "follow the money."

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It is a combination: malice toward Trump, then after Dec 2020 sunk cost fallacy cannot back out w/o being caught, and finally 'speak no evil' about the crimes they committed,

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Absolutely, the PCR tests are driving this monster. It's such a shame that Kary Mullis died in Aug 2019, (of pneumonia) right before the testing plan took off. I'm sure he would have publicly and nosily complained about it, and they would have written him off as a crazy old coot and drug addict -- but still. In my pet conspiracy theory, he was taken out on purpose.

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At first I thought it would end when the media/DNC ousted Trump. Has not happened.

There is the 'new normal' which deprives the individual for the 'equity' of the collective, run by the puppeteers.

Why I have been tossed from twitter!

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Me too....join the group!

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Well, I tend to think that they exaggerated covid to get trump out, but have been stuck in CYA mode ever since. The "pandemic, OMG!" horses are out of the barn and they can't just say, "never mind, it's not so bad." Plus, now COVID is a political weapon that can be useful to certain people as well.

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In addition to the replies below, I think something you have to consider when asking this question is does it matter? For the past 13 months I've been telling friends, family, and anyone who will listen the reaction is overblown, and eventually someone asks this question. At some point it occurred to me it doesn't make a difference what their motives are, the fact remains masks don't work, lockdowns don't work, and civil liberties are being trampled across the world. Trying to understand the motives of people who support such policies is pointless, and distracts from the fact these policies are wrong.

If someone persists with this line of questioning, my response is simply I don't know, but I also don't know why anyone would bomb another country, why tyrants have existed throughout history (including today) and why they would kill millions, why people shoot up schools, etc. etc. etc.

There is a long list of evils in this world, and trying to understand what motivates those people committing these acts is irrelevant to the fact they are wrong. You're likely never going to understand anyway, b/c you have to think differently in order to come up with any justification. It's no different here. You can ask why would they lie or obfuscate the data when they know it's just theater, but that question misses the point that some people will do that and worse, period. Why they do it is irrelevant. That's my two cents anyway.

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The government has to appear to be doing something. Mask mandates have two benefits. 1) It is doing something. 2) The people can be blamed for not complying as to the reason why the pandemic continues.

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That's the question. I don't think pork or power or saving face or even drinking the koolaide can make sense of the past year. No one is acting appropriately. The fourth estate is gone. The people who are supposed to protect us from Big Pharma and Big Government are in on it. There are some very highly credentialed people, formerly held in high regard, who believe this is a deliberate pandemic and SARS-Cov-2 is a bioweapon. I sure hope they're wrong.

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Catherine Austin Phitts has the most cogent hypothesis I’ve seen. It’s not comforting. https://vimeo.com/497277858

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