Great work as always Gato. Miss you on twitter but I look for the emails every day.

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That's my friend who made this FOIA request! So cool to see it passed around!!

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Tucker is the first person on MSM to take on mask efficacy. Hopefully there will be others. You are right, history is being rewritten before our eyes.

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Really, it's worse than just the mask theatre.

They've known for a very long time that asymptomatic transmission is not a thing. In December, JAMA published a meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77 758 participants. The estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6% for symptomatic transmission, but it varied by relationship.

The estimated asymptomatic transmission was 0.7%.

If you can't catch the 'ro while sharing a household with an infected asymptomatic person, then surely you have zero risk when walking by an asymptomatic person on the sidewalk or sitting near one in the bar.

Last week, I heard Marty Makary, MD (whom I like and respect) state that asymptomatic spread was the driver of the pandemic. Clearly, it wasn't. Clearly, it couldn't have been.

So, it begs the question...how are people catching this virus?


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Lastly, big thanks to Gato for laying out a fact based data driven presentation. Way to not let Twitter keep you down. Thanks again!

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Still have to ask...what's the end game here...? In other news, I commented on Twitter that CDC people should be "tarred and feathered" because of pushing lie after lie after lie and I am now suspended...Bwhahaha. As if people are still being tarred and feathered. I should have mentioned shackles then I guess.

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One more thing, there WILL NOT be any RCTs performed in regard to Covid and mask efficacy. The know it will disprove everything they have preached for the past year. That is the only reason RCTs haven’t been carried out. They don’t need the Danish study, they already have known, it’s why they cherry pick lab data and corrupted timelines (rain dance studies without control groups).

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They "were aimed that the general public," is true, but they were designed to give so-called journalists a "news" peg to hang headlines on, which amplified entirely manipulated data. Same trick used to shit can HCL plus z-pack. Two studies in which end-stage covid patients are given near toxic doses of HCL and all of them die, are trotted out so media can amplify the narrative, and then the studies are retracted two weeks later, thus denying people access to meds. Crime against humanity.

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To vaccine or not to vaccine? We are lost on this. Holding out at this point given it’s a trial drug, lots of $$$ at stake, new mechanism, and being pushed so hard by the same players who pushed masks, shutdowns, and distancing. But what are we learning? When should consider the vaccine? Terrified of the idea of a passport.

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Okay, serious question and I don’t want absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why?

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