We passed that line in May 2020, AT THE VERY VERY LATEST.
Ironically, when you bring this up to 'normies', you hear the same thing as with VAERS -- "That data is all fake", to which I respond "Then how is the CDC monitoring adverse reactions?
I had a cordial catch-up chat with my cousin last night. You guys will never know the self-control it took not to scream to the heavens when she did that "it would've been much more severe if [so and so] hadn't had the..." I said in my most reasonable, carefully modulated voice that that was a misapprehension. My cousin is double-boosted by now, and that didn't surprise me, but I had to grip myself by all four limbs when she said her first-grade age granddaughter got the vax.
I understand totally. My younger sister is totally brainwashed, refuses to consider any glaring evidence and her children as well. My respect for her at an all time low. I wonder that even if one of them were harmed in an apparent manner would they still deny how it happened. There fear is so great.
The worst part (IMO) is how the CDC sat on this data (and ignored VAERS) for months and months while telling the public it was 'safe and effective'. This is what I wrote about this story a couple months ago:
.....a large chunk of these people were healthcare workers who were at the front of the line during the rollout. People who had been dealing with covid patients ON the frontline for nearly a year at this point, many of which already had acquired immunity.
Nearly 8% required medical care.
Is it any wonder that doctors and nurses balked at vaccine mandates? They had seen FIRST-HAND the effects of the jab — and then their jobs were threatened if they spoke out about what they saw OR refused to get the shot themselves! (I distinctly remember screaming into the void about this as it was happening!)
And the CDC has had this data the entire time, while calling it all ‘misinformation’ and relentlessly attacking anybody who dared bring it up. Through all the mandate discussion and mandate implementation, the CDC repeated “Safe and Effective” like a well-trained parrot.
The CDC knew very well before they launched the jabs there were going to be horrible adverse reactions. There isn't one animal study over the past thirty years that had any success. The studies have all ended badly. This is why I take great exception with doctors and veterinarians rolling over for this absolute crap.
And let us not forget: by the time the rollout of the "vaccinations" began, it was quite clear to a lot of us who had initially been concerned, that this was NOT the emergency they had earlier portrayed it to be.
There are a lot of "ifs," but IF we had reasonable agencies performing oversight and critically thinking leaders, don't you think this rollout would have been more cautious and not pushed so hard with the carrot and the stick -- as in, "let's just inject every single human on the planet with something experimental and see what happens, and if you think this is a dumb idea, then you're a selfish idiot."
And squelch and censor every single voice of dissent.
Yes, and do you remember how they tried to blame adverse reactions on "anti-vaxxers" who caused so much stress to the vax-lovers that it messed up their hearts?
If this were a real problem it would have been known long before covid and would be YET ANOTHER reason to not just jab everybody.
I have a very good and long memory. Shit got real when they started jabbing as many as possible. Extra real when my loved ones fell for it, took the poison injections and -- yes -- blamed and hated on me for awhile.
I want to know how we caused them stress when they wouldn't even speak to us OR they were the ones screaming in our faces. Doesn't that put the stress in our lives, not theirs?
if only all those health care workers who didn't want the shot had had the courage to walk away from their jobs, this would have been over a long time ago. the hospital system would have collapsed utterly with that many people walking off the job and they would have begged them to come back.
going through the courts is a much slower process.
We're still dealing with the walkouts of doctors and nurses here in OR/WA, and from the look of the hospitalization utilization page, NY is having massive problems as well.
As far as I know, none of these states are considering hiring back fired personnel.
I expect Oregon to get worse considering Tina Kotek's stance on masks/jabs - she required vax cards for anyone attending her election night party. So, as far as I'm concerned, the fight to keep my stubborn and in-denial Gen Z ("all my vaxxed friends are fine") kids off these damn shots is not over at all.
It is OR/WA. They will never admit defeat. And ID will just keep on bulging with their citizen refugees.
Their voter rolls will be filled with only the dead, crazy blue and screaming "liberals" who are anything but. And...Brad "Little" Nazi will keep pandering to the blue areas of Idaho, like Ketchum and Eagle/Boise and keep on being bought and paid for by TPTWB.
Yes. It shows how people will cowtow to fear and pressure, but can not bring themselves to rally against that pressure. Things have to be so egregious before the masses wake up, and then we finally move towards the tipping point needed to stop it.
Have many doctors/nurses ever 'fessed up that treating Covid with R & R (i.e., Respirators and Remdesivir) contributed to or caused thousands upon thousands of deaths?
Very, very few.
And when they nixed efficacious alternative treatments, all their mistakes always went in the same direction.
Too many people (including Dr.'s and nurses) were literally part of the "Corona Coronation" that once they were deemed "little king's/queen's" they were never going to look back.
Combine that with the "greater good"/"morality traps", etc. and you can see how easily people abandon ethics.
Gosh....I wonder how the Holocaust happened right under the eyes of the German people?
Now: In the long exchange between Sam Harris and Bret Weinstein, as in the long exchange between mRNA vaccine promoters and mRNA vaccine skeptics, the Sam Harrises — performative “expert” cultural actors — were signaling status. They were saying [current high-status thing], the thing that was discussed approvingly in the New York Times and in government conference rooms. Their statements were aligned with cultural and political power, which made them important. They were lawn signing. “I support Current Thing.” They performed the right ritual.
The Bret Weinsteins, being scientists and non-performative experts of the I-know-actual-biology type, were talking about history and experience and their knowledge of previous vaccines, and about the science of vaccine development.
So the Bret Weinsteins warned about the possibility of antibody dependent enhancement, say for example, and the Sam Harrises didn’t have that in their script, so they were outraged by how irresponsible the Bret Weinsteins were being. It wasn’t [current thing]. The Huffington Post didn’t say to say that!
This afternoon I listened to part of a BBC radio play about the rise of Hitler . Every time the Jews were mentioned as Hitler whipped up hatred for them and support for himself I couldn't help substituting " unjabbed" . I have seen how easily people can be turned against others. My perception will never be the same again..
Well, before the shots were even available, remember all of these massive media campaigns singing praises of nursing staff? These are the people who normally stay up all night wiping poo and getting yelled at, so suddenly being the central heroes of an epic drama unfolding worldwide was too nice to put aside. Of course people are going to step up into the role that was sculpted for them to enjoy: the heroes of the savior vaccine.
maybe, just maybe you would like to look into that last questionable question, because it's a very interesting and extraordinarily complex topic.
If you would like to go at it whole hog, you could watch the ten hour documentary "Europa; The Last Battle" or the also long, but not quite as much, "The Greatest Story Never Told".
If you want a sober version of why one might start wondering about it at all, perhaps you might read Ron Unz's blog about how he started to wonder himself, as an American Jew, he had never thought to before.
But whatever you do, don't remain ignorant of how complex the question is, because it's a very unbecoming look on a substack reader, although still very common.
They won't fess up on their own, because then they have to realize they most likely committed murder using the wrong treatment while willfully ignoring treatments that are proven to work.
We saw firsthand what the shots were doing to people because they were made available first to hospital workers here, so you had hundreds and thousands of employees getting it day after day, and of course they'd be in a healthcare setting surrounded by experts when the adverse events hit. Then we'd get an email every so often: "Do not come to any vaccine appointments: we are stopping the vaccines until important questions are answered and we do not know if we will be starting them again – please stop calling us to ask for your vaccine!" Then after a few weeks they'd hesitantly start poisoning people again. Meanwhile the emergency rooms are fighting to keep people alive with VITT or deal with stroke / venous sinus thrombosis in young people – so these medical specialists were fully aware of what was happening and nevertheless went forward with it.
I wouldn’t let these motherfuckers lick the sweat off of my balls if they were dying of thirst.
yep, exactly. I am one of those doctors who said "no thanks". Realize I am a 30 yr military vet who always did my duty and stood up for the shot. But that when medicine was normal.. not insane like today. see more at bobfeldtman.substack.com
It's been a source of agnst and anger in my home as my husband and I tried desperately to talk our Gen Z kids (18 & 20) off the toxic jabs. Fortunately, The 18 y.o. track athlete is not interested but the 20 y.o. college student made an appt at Walgreens and almost took the F***ng jab. To this day, neither one of the is CONVINCED about the dangers that I keep sharing via emails/texts. Why? Because their "friends are all fine". I'm so exhausted but this is the hill I'll die on. Keeping MY beloved and deeply misinformed (social media and the 24/7 CDC propaganda to blame) kids from harming themselves. My greatest worry now is a young niece who'll be moving from the FREE state of Florida back to Puerto Rico where the evil Dept of Health has included the C19 jabs as requirement for school attendance. Her babies (2 & 4) would need to get jabbed in order to attend pre-school. This is freaking CRIMINAL!! Yet NO ONE is standing up to fight back and have these jabs removed from the PVAC form. I pray for all of them and I'm very direct in educating all of them. She knows about the harms. I pray but also fear for ALL the young people of Puerto Rico. This is genocide, pure and simple.
Well, the hard thing is that a number of people I do actually respect for their general intelligence and thoughtfulness continue to feel that getting vaxxed and boosted was a choice they do not regret. I don't argue with them, because it's done now and what use is it to them for me to be a crier of potential doom? I just do a lot of personal internal extremely earnest and persistent supplicating of the big Unknowable in the Somewhere.
I have family too that are completely inside the bubble, lined their 3 yr old up a few weeks ago for this shot. I found out about it after the fact, what could I even say or do at that point? It's in the child now, the best hope is that she suffers no ill effects.
I curse the medical community for this, I'll never trust them again.
Oh lord, I can identify. It is probably just as well most of them passed well beyond this time. My mom would be glued to Fox and MSNBC and my sister would be taking her cues from NPR and her professional organizations.
If they were not dead, it likely would still be the same. Me and my son against the world.
I feel ya. Hubby's adult daughter who is vaxed boosted up the kazoo has covid. In talking with his also boosted niece she said she was so glad that her cousin was up to date on her vax. Rather than start releasing a string of curses I went upstairs and did chores. I'm sad to think what lies in store for these two who bought the lies hook, line, and sinker.
As I said when the jabs started rolling out, the idea was for people to get jabs until they got covid anyway, then continue getting jabs they didn't need afterward. (Though it turns out that maybe getting the jabs mean you can't beat the virus the old-fashioned way)
I think, in regard to your last sentence, that we must try to maintain a certain strength-of-hope that the great majority of people will be mostly fine.
With acceptance by the unharmed -jabbed, injectables will be endlessly accepted and society will continue on the path to segregation,restricting freedoms for all especially the noncompliant.
Mostly fine in what sense? That they won't die of things connected with the jab? They will, of course, eventually die of something. They won't be mostly fine, though, because they weren't mostly fine before all this. They were primed or had primed themselves for years to believe the sort of horse manure about other human beings and society that made them perfect targets for the sort of public health campaign and subsequent medical tyranny that this entire wicked business, going on three years now, has been. They are mostly fools.
Reading the comments threads of a variety of Substacks leads one to observe that a very considerable number of people, regardless of where they land on this issue, believe things other rational human beings may well regard as foolish too.
I got that from two of my docs a year ago. It was obvious that this was the narrative that they were told to spread. I can also understand their concerns about their careers, but it's time now to own up that horrendous mistakes were made, and deliberate lies were spread. Now, the CYA has started in a big way, since the lethal adverse effects are too numerous and awful to hide anymore.
I feel that if they suddenly see what is truly happening the guilt will be too intense for many to bear. So they keep the blinders on. It is definitely a collective and divisive issue.
And what's worse - there really isn't any way for those docs to "make it right", even if they really want to. They can stop promoting jabs, suggest alternate therapies, but they can't at this time fix what's broken in their affected patients. Can they tell patients that they are potentially damaged? - imagine the repercussions. They will have to say something like "long Covid". They are backed into a bleak corner.
I just don't think they are capable of thinking other than in very narrow ways. They tested well in school. They ticked the right boxes. Look at the other absurd things they almost certainly believe about "society" and you will see how little capable they are of genuine reflection. Very few of them are worried about the criminality of their actions at all. Doctors, by and large, are some of the most truly sophomoric people I have ever met. The same is true, in different ways, with lawyers, scientists, and humanities professors. Their thinking is almost entirely conventional and narrow, even when they have high IQs.
When I try to talk to my 5 shot mom, she says "I don't know where you get your information" I respond, "I know where you are not getting yours". I try to not bring it up, but when they do, it's all I can do to not Scream ! but as the Commander said, it is "Into the Void"
Saying nothing and not getting your emotions involved is better for you. You may have to separate yourself from these people.
No, my cousin had no malign intent. The extensive variety of idiotic things she's done and said to me, I've accepted they are part of her extremely peculiar charm. But we are in touch extremely rarely. We ain't got nothing in common except the bloodline.
You’d be surprised! Call it ‘extremely peculiar charm’ then. But please know that people that are not particularly happy in their life, are always trying to pull others down to their level, even without knowing it.
My cousin asked why I'd chosen not to get the vax, and I said it had no short- or long-term safety track record yet, and she said "we took our chances because we were so afraid of the [Plague)."
Sure, grownups, take all the chances you want. But your little kids? This is the Cliff Notes nano-version of the utter collapse of civilization.
We all need to have the OpenVAERS redbox report on our phones saved… As soon as someone asks why we didn’t take the kill shot… Just show them the red boxes.
1. Explain what VAERS is… (began in 1991, our canary in the coal mine)
2. Explain how the majority of people that post this information are medical personnel…
Oh I agree with you! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 But they can be a tool in our tool belt… Especially since this younger generation is so wrapped up in their phones and computers… my point is having it right there to show someone immediately…
“Be ready always to give an answer, with gentleness and respect…”
I’m using 1 Peter 3:15… i’m obviously using this out of context but I do think the thought fits here…
Have a wonderful day and blessings and prayers to you and yours! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😌
And it is not a happenstance that all of the media's and government 's messaging was focused on making people as fearful as possible so they would do what they were told to do. Unprecedented at the level seen and coordinated. I am not a religious person, but at this point after 3 years I can't see how the malfeasance does not have evil intentions at its core.
Yes, I mentioned quite a number of revealed truths, including over-diagnosis and dreadul protocols pushed by China, but of course the damage is done already; for the average person now a retrospective is of little use; the horses have galloped off into the blood-red sunset. They are not temperamentally fit to seek justice in its most stark and necessary form.
I've reached a point of cynicism that I believe that entities behind this covid scam had every intention of terrifying and deluding as many people as possible, even to the point of a certain percentage of the shots were harmless, to obfuscate the ones that weren't.
How many people rebut the argument that the inoculations are or could be deadly or of great harm by claiming that they haven't suffered any consequences, nor has anyone they know. You can't convince them, no proof is good enough, their minds are made up because otherwise how could they sleep at night. 🤦♀️
Sounds like the same convo I've had with my family members. My nieces; ages 6, 7 and 10, have all been vaxxed. I tried to tell them there is no risk for children, but I'm not an "expert," so they didn't believe me. The fear was just too overpowering for them.
I know your pain, may those pushing this insanity get what they deserve soon. God, to think we could not save many of our loved ones from obvious demented, murdering evil. Prison, exposure for what they have done and execution where it is still in the law books. Then record in the history books their names as the most evil murderous people there ever was.
I tell them that I've had the virus twice, it was a cold for me. And then state that anecdotally I have observed a lot of people I have spoken to who were vaccinated often speak of continued sickness, or recurring issues.
It's getting further out in the weeds out there, the reasons people got the vaccine and wear the masks.
I don't want to be an evangelist for anything. With those closest to me I discuss the remedies I know have always worked for me with any infectious illness.
The rest is society-wide--refusing mandates, refusing masking etc. But as with anything else in life, we learn best from hard lessons.
OH my God that has to be the worst when they tell you they got the child jabbed. We went through that when the daughter said the grandmother gave them $200,0 to get a flu shot for her and the grand son and she did it. I won't say what I said especially after warning the daughter of the dangers.
I wonder exactly who invented that raygun that demolished healthy skepticism so thoroughly. In all my extended family I'm the least educated, but I guess I got double rations of common sense. Maybe that led me to not get so educated.
My response to that charge is “ So, VAERS is a government bureau under the aegis of HHS and it’s “all fake.” Why would the CDC or FDA not shut it down if a government health agency was “ lying?” Yea, it’s fake alright,,, the statistics are about 10% of what they actually are.
Agreed. It’s a bureaucratic maze. No surprise. I attempted to report my Vaccine effects and gave up. And my doctor saw no need to record my post vax symptoms.
Her.. my symptoms ( indicative of possible blood clots) started 16 days after my second Pfizer... so according to her “ didn’t qualify” by definition. Yes, if I didn’t live in a town with a serious doctor shortage, I’d be shopping.
Interesting. So more than two weeks after the shot, by definition, the shot is not to blame. Less than two weeks after the shot, and, by definition, you are not vaccinated.
I'm going to say that CDC passed that line in 2005, when they decided to hide all information about a previous Biolab disaster, Morgellons. Many of you are familiar with the technology used to splice and combine various genetic sequences into viruses, which are now causing the morbidity and mortality following Spike exposure – via contagious Covid or via shot in the arm. Well this same technology used recklessly unleashed a nightmare disease on tens of thousands of families back in the early 2000's: if you're not familiar with it, do an image search for 'Morgellons fibers'.
Patients petitioned the CDC for years – reporting this unknown disease and requesting help to study what these fibers were. Hundreds of bleeding, unhealing lesions covering the body that sprout various colored fibers. Fibers growing under unbroken skin. Severe neurological problems, fatigue. Lives destroyed.
So finally in 2005, 2006, the CDC agrees to do an "investigation". They call in the Air Force (why not) and Kaiser Permanente. What is the result of their clinical investigation? That's info for them, but not for the people they serve: Just like today's V-Safe data, they never told the patient groups anything. Patients don't even know how their disease is transmitted to protect their loved ones. Instead, the CDC orchestrated a massive cover-up campaign, bombarding all media and online sources with a strong smear campaign against patients: Morgellons officially did not exist – it was a delusion experienced by "stay-at-home-moms" who were "uneducated", "drug-users", and "middle aged". Nevermind that the first patient was a 2-year-old boy, and that people's pets were also covered in lesions. You can still see this language on e.g. Wikipedia, and in many fraudulent publications put out by them at the time. Same tricks that are being used today – except this time they can't claim that athletes toppling over dead are 'delusional'.
What else did the CDC do after their "investigation"? They quietly moved the gain-of-function biolabs overseas – to places like Wuhan and Ukraine. Not that that matters to any of our lives today, right?
The point being here,
If the CDC had done the Right Honorable Truthful thing way back in 2005: listened to people, investigated the illness, STOPPED the dangerous technology that they were playing with, informed doctors of the mechanisms –– if they had done the right thing, none of this that is happening today would need to have happened.
If you personally know anyone who has died of Covid or of complications following exposure by Spike, if you know anyone who has lost a pregnancy after those shots, if you know people who have been forced to leave their jobs, if you have kids who have been forced to confine at home:
All of this hangs on the shoulders of those CDC "public servants" who were dishonest, conniving, immoral, self-serving cowards back in 2005.
Thank you for reading and helping to keep this part of medical history known.
I couldn't agree more. As you say, at the very, very least. As soon as I looked into masks (which creeped me out so much I was almost obsessed with studies), I realized almost immediately that not only were they useless, they were also harmful, as were even more obviously the lockdowns and other measures. And there were countless highly qualified experts worldwide shouting from the rooftops about this. It hit me in the gut that if I (who am not much schooled in these matters and up to then wasn't paying a huge amount of attention) could see this, surely the "public health" authorities could, so the only rational conclusion was that they were *intentionally* working to harm us. Everything I've learned since has only shown that things are darker and more malevolent than I ever could have imagined.
I wrote Dr. Marc Siegel ( FOX) and internist at Langone Medicine a probably too long letter yesterday. My main point was basically what you just posted. Everything “they” ( highest ranking govt health officials) told us we must do has turned out to be wrong and that in the cases of masks and lockdowns, the opposite was true! How did staying inside and being sedentary ever make sense to anyone!!!! ???
It didn’t to anyone with half a brain. Same with wearing a mask outdoors. Yet people did it. Probably 99% compliance. Taping off playgrounds,beaches and park benches. Arresting and ticketing people for surfing and kayaking. It was sheer madness, and it can happen again if we let it. Do not comply.
I remember walking down the street in Chicago in the spring of 2020. I was not wearing a mask. This women started screaming at me to put on a mask. I chuckled and kept walking. At that time, I would wear one inside, but I was never going to wear a mask outside. It was beyond absurd.
But now that childhood obesity is even higher, thank goodness (heavy sarcasm) the American Academy of Pediatrics proclaimed pills and surgery are the $olution!
May of 2020 was a turning point for me. Up to then I was very suspicious but when the CDC admitted that the infection fatality rate was 0.3% that was proof positive. No interventions other than early treatment were required and yet they did lockdowns, curfews, masks, injections ALL of which didn't work.
My turning point was about two weeks after the shutdown in my neck of the woods, so probably early April. Up until then, the discussion in the news had seemed at least plausibly adult. But once everybody was largely divided, it was suddenly all condescending preaching and control tactics, as if we were all kindergartners to be instructed in hand-washing and basic sanitation. Before then, I was skeptical of the overblown scare, but after that it was obvious that the scaremongers had taken over, and that it was really a matter of authorities using the covid scare to establish tyranny over the rest of us.
They have an answer for everything. But it only flows in the direction of the narrative. Ask them about VAERS, and they say that it's all fabricated. Ask them about falsifying death certificates saying they were Covid related, and they will claim that all that data is true, it is the claims that are fake.
We fix everything by harnessing the power of Direct Democracy and using it as a weapon towards the people who are doing the corrupting.
Yeah, we know. Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner is a direct democracy. But America was also built on the idea of a direct democracy - just a limited one. We need to keep it limited by the Constitution and courts. However, we need to be represented once again.
Right now all of our systems have been corrupted. We can fix it. Ignore the WEF talking points on direct democracy and think for yourself.
I like to think I at least played a role in a few people saying no to boosters. Before that I was all about freedom of choice and my choice was no. That’s all I cared about. Oh and the kids. I was always a hard and vocal no about the kids.
Here's something to remember regarding the people who were upset you were not jabbed.
Many were awful and behaved reprehensibly. There is no excuse for that.
However... many people we all knew are convinced that if you don't get jabbed, you will get c0vid and die. And they did not want you to die. They really believed you were risking your life if you didn't do this.
I was lucky. I wasn't really treated badly, but was lectured about the dangers of not being injected. I had c0vid and I'm have natural immunity.
I didn't want them to be injected "and die," either.
I will never forget the night my elderly parents wept and begged me to please get vaccinated, because they were so fearful that I might die.
We love each other, and they are brainwashed and jabbed 5 times each, and I am not. We are all still here today, still standing and perhaps none the worse for wear. Maybe they got actual saline? If a sixth were offered tomorrow, they'd be first in line. But they no longer fear that I will die because I am unjabbed. Thank God.
I will never forgive the perpetrators for putting my relationships in this kind of situation, where we are so fearful for each other -- I'm afraid they will die from their lethal injections, and they were afraid I would die from catching COVID.
More than likely it was where they were vaccinated. Big events where vials got warm or people mixing and shaking them could destroy them. There were some manufacturing problems where most of them only contained 50% or less of a dose. And finally the skill of the person giving it where they didn't check to see if they were in a vein. You can check how many adverse events were reported to vaers from a batch at this link. http://howbad.info/
So, the 'How Bad is my Batch?' website....does this ever get updated? Question for a friend. If this friend got the jabs in Panama and no one in Panama knew to report an adverse reaction or death, does that mean that the stats for that particular batch are incomplete or non-existent?
same here. Those that would loose their jobs (and probably their home and even their children) can hardly be blamed. But those that blindly ran, so much for them. If you jump off a cliff you want to die. If you want to be a lab rat, your choice.
After vaccine + 1 booster, I feel fortunate/blessed at this point to be alive n kicking! :-) God knows what lies ahead (i.e., being out of the woods re spike protein, etc). Understand the relief of those who didn't and the regret of those that did.
If you search "spike protein detox" there are things you can do right now that may-- or may not-- eliminate the spike protein. As far as I can see, these are not in themselves harmful, and I don't think it would hurt to try them.
My wife says it’s her proudest moment, not bowing to pressure from her boss and the mass formation psychosis. He threatened her job, she stood her ground...she still works for the same dentist.
FABIEN: Dear Doctor [?] I am just recording that I'm just getting out of Revelstoke hospital right now, twice in a few days I get there. I got pericarditis. I'm 40 years old. I'm a hiking guide, I'm a back country cook. I'm healthy. I eat organic, I grow my food. I don't do any drugs. I'm ski touring, I'm going hiking. I'm in a good shape. I got the vaccine a bit more than a week ago. I didn't want to get this vaccine. Under pressure, under [?], I did not have the choice. I got this amazing job [?] in the mountain as a back country cook. And now I have pericarditis and I'm not able to go do my job. You did not let me the choice, I had to do it, and now I'm sick. I'm going [?] inflammatory for months, heavy doses of inflammatory for months, and you're putting my health in danger. I understand you have to do things as a doctor and a health officer, but not leaving the choice to people and people are in trouble for that? I'm freaking pissed right now. I'm not happy. I'm really not happy. Have a good day.
# # #
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: The text accompanying the video:
"Fabien Pfizer 26th November 2021 Severe Adverse Reaction: Pericarditis Diagnosed 6th December 2021
Fabien has two children that he cares for on his own. He was told he must be vaccinated to be employed as a backcountry chef, but has just lost his ability to work due to a vaccine injury. He is now trying to recover from pericarditis, which he has been diagnosed with on December 6th.
Written 10th December 2021 by Fabien and a Video Message:
Since the 26/11/2021 first Pfizer shot: Thursday 2/12 afternoon start of short breath /chest pain Friday the 3/12. First visit at emergency room. Week end in bed. Few hours of moderate activity Sunday afternoon, it was already too much. Monday (second break, had a nap) I had to go in Emergency Room for a second time, that's when i got diagnose after 5h with Pericarditis
I am in pain, I am so tired and also scared. I don't know what's happening next. The Pericarditis should be 3/4 weeks for recovery/healing. I've got diagnose by Dr Brown and a cardiologist on Monday the 6/12/2021.
They have told me it 100% sure the first shot of vaccine and the cause of the Pericarditis.
I have done the first shot only my province made it mandatory for people working with guests. My job as a cook in the back country was important for my mental health. After 2 years of depression. I've taken care of myself alone, now I am afraid my condition can trigger it again. I've finally found peace for the last year.
I had people arguing with me for the vaccine those last few days, with my condition arguing is dangerous. I try to stay emotionally neutral as it is too hard to laugh, cry, speak, argue.
But I need to speak, this is not ok to push people to put their health in danger for a medication i didn't need
Absolutely criminal! There it is for anyone to see! The coercion, the angst, the physical and psychological harm. How many folks are going through this?
You said it: the coercion. I know there are those of us who resisted, refused. But each person's circumstances are different. In the U.S., we do not have a national mandate. What is the situation January 2023 in Canada?
My employer (I am still employed by this employer) at the outset (thank God) stated, essentially, that they would stop short of mandating it, but they put tremendous pressure of all kinds on us (incentives, rewards, punishments, peer pressure, scolding lectures). I am the only one who is still unjabbed. Not everyone has obvious (or any?) health issues, but I am aware of one previously healthy 60-ish man who has newly-diagnosed cardiac issues after the third shot -- which is what woke him up. He was "fine" with the first two. Now, he and I talk about it because I am the only one who understands. I've thought of leaving this job, but to be honest I'm a bit concerned about any potential employers' mandates. This is the devil I know.
While sure, I congratulate myself for holding out, like many people I am the only unjabbed person I know in real life. I have angst about my loved ones who have taken this poison and are now frequently ill with "very bad colds" and sometimes they test positive for COVID. I only ever get rare, mild colds. Are they gonna die suddenly?
I have dystopic nightmares where I am the only one left alive in my family and community. While I'm brave and strong and all that, I'm also traumatized.
I well remember the pressure during the roll out and up through the boosters, it was crazy-intense. I think in the future it may be difficult for many people to fathom. I hear you.
DOUG CAMERON: My name is Douglas Cameron. Prior to April 5th 2021 I was a very healthy, physically active 64 year old when I received the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine at my workplace. I was encouraged by my employer to get the vaccine. The day after the vaccine on April 6th I started experiencing side effects I believe were related to the shot. I lost bladder control. Suffered ED. My legs felt odd. I had a sinking sensation in my hips. Over the next few days my symptoms worsened and I became alarmed, so I went to the ER, explained that I'd gotten the vaccine and what was happening. I was tested for covid, and tested positive. Blood work and an MRI were done and I was sent home.
Three days after that I told my wife, I felt like I drank poison. My whole body felt different. I went to bed at 10 o'clock at night, I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning paralyzed from the diaphragm down.
I was transported to the hospital and admitted to the covid 19 unit. Took several days to figure out what was happening. The doctors were uncertain how to treat me. They'd never treated anybody with these problems before and they could not decide on a diagnosis. Eventually they found out I had a blood clot in my leg. My entire spine cord had swollen and hemorrhaged. I aspirated on water. Placed on a ventilator, I was in ICU for two weeks.
I was worried, concerned. My wife panicked about my condition. My life as I knew it was gone. All total I spent 105 days in St. Luke's Regional Hospital, Saint Alphonsus Rehab Center in Boise, Idaho, and the University of Utah's Craig Neilsen's Rehab Hospital.
I have had multiple MRIs, CAT scans, EKGs, X-rays, spinal angiograms, spinal taps, autoimmune blood tests, muscle biopsies. Everything has come back negative in an attempt trying to pin my paralysis on my body and not the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Today I am unemployed paraplegic who is learning an entire new lifestyle. And the only thing I did between full health and my current condition is take a shot. I am real. My symptoms are real. And my life forever has changed. And that is real.
This has affected, these stories you're listening to, has affected husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, friends. Please pay attention. Thank you.
Did they diagnose transverse myelitis? Treat you early w/ steroids? Shame on the bastards. I am so sorry. I hope you speak out loud and clear forever. I hope you are getting help for hopeful more recovery w/ FLCCC.net telemed docs. I see ppl suffering similar very often and deeply grieve them. Consider react19.org. The founder was an orthopedic surgeon who suffered transverse myelitis from the clot shots and had to stop his surgical career and now runs react19.
IFR data clearly evidenced that COVID posed no meaningful mortality risk for the vast majority (zero for healthy youngsters) very early on. And VAERS reports set off a continually blaring alarm, as per design of the system, again very early on. There is no excuse for failing to understand the virus was not particularly dangerous and COVID injections are in fact dreadfully dangerous. But we must understand DC and many state governments are infested with self serving megalomaniacs who saw an opportunity to control everyone else, and controlling everyone else is how they gratify themselves. They are not mentally well (megalomania is a mental disorder) hence they are profoundly destructive to human society once in government positions.
I’m going to let you in on a secret, here. We’re not dealing with a climate crisis any more than we were dealing with a covid crisis: what we’re actually dealing with is a CONTROL crisis. Specifically, there are people out there who really, REALLY want to control you. There’s a depressing amount of people whose jobs DEPEND on controlling you. And they’re not interested in the reasons you don’t want to be controlled.
The last couple years, you saw these people as ‘public health’ officials, computer modelers from ‘non-profit’ organizations, politicians, and anybody who got rich on the covid free cash giveaway (which continues to this day). They declared you were non-essential and said that it was illegal for you to go to work. They said your business was non-essential and ran you into the ground without a care.
And these are the same exact class of people who are telling you what must be done to combat the climate crisis. And they care exactly as much about your desires as they did during covid. You will be told how much energy you can consume. You will be told where you can travel. (Spoiler alert: nowhere) You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs.
Authoritarians are like mold spores, there are always some floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester. The solution is to prevent those conditions from developing. Our Constitution served that purpose for quite some time, but I fear it is now failing.
Indeed the earth has been in a warming trend, with glaciers melting big time, for thousands of years; a cycle which has repeated many times through earth's history. And atmospheric CO2 has only increased by about 1.5 parts in 10,000 since humans began burning fossil fuels (a trace amount). There is no reason to believe the increase poses a threat and every reason to believe the climate change narrative is just another manipulative political narrative meant to control credulous masses through baseless fear.
Yeah. The idea that government even knows Earth's "optimum" temperature is far-fetched. The idea that government can get AND KEEP the planet there with enough money and power -- that's pants-on-head stupid.
Given the glaringly inept level of competence shown by government "scientists" the past few years, having any of them try to "fix" climate just sounds like the makings of a global catastrophe Hollywood summer blockbuster.
Earth's climate has at times changed very rapidly, absent human activity. By way of example at the location of the Space Needle in Seattle 17,000 years ago (an eyeblink in earth's history) there was a sheet of ice five times the height of today's landmark. Now of course there is no permanent ice at the location. In fact there is seldom even temporary ice. Furthermore the climate changed so fast that the massive ice sheet disappeared in just 800 years (research the Vashon Stade).
I dislike the cold. I'm thinking the Roman Climatic Optimum sounded rather nice. The Minoan Warm Period sounded a bit much-ish...but people and plants flourished!
You are spot on. Control Crisis should be the new catchphrase. All one has to do is watch the WEF in action up at Davos. They preach a good game then get in their gas powered limos to go a few blocks to their next event in Davos! They even create traffic jams on the main strip. If it were not so destructive to sovereign nations it would be a great comedy skit.
The nudge to control has been happening for decades. These elites need to be laughed off the world stage.
Watching John Kerry and Al Gore speak about climate change is beyond nauseating. These guys are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world. They have no shame. They are absolute 🤡's.
Well, Yuval Noah Harari spells it out in his books. The vast majority of folks will be made redundant due to AI. There will be no use for them, no purpose, just taking up space. I believe he even used the term "useless eaters." And the folks that will get hit the hardest will be the poor and dependent.
The older I get and the more I read the less patience I have for weakling drama queens who just can't seem to be able to help themselves and always have excuses for why they can't. These people are not going to know what hit them. If your life is full of chaos due to bad decisions to the point of spiraling downward, the world Harari and others envision will not be kind to you. And unfortunately most of the folks I personally know that are trapped in bad situations are Christians, or at least they talk about God a lot. Funny how God can do this and that for them but cannot seem to be able to help them escape their problems. While the people who talk about God the least seem to have their shit together. Perhaps it is because they don't believe in some magical sky deity that is going to rescue them that they don't get into these situations in the first place or if they do, they don't stay there long.
That's not what I am talking about. I am well aware that there were people of all stripes who were sounding the alarm over how this pandemic was handled including the shots.
What I AM talking about is that there are people who find themselves seemingly trapped in dysfunctional situations, and who are not able or willing to do what it takes to get out of that situation. Yet they talk God, God, God, all day long, God answers my prayers, God does this for me, God does that for me. If you point out all the dysfunctions in their lives that God is NOT dealing with, they do not like it. I will give you an example. I know someone who lives within walking distance of a grocery store and is quite capable of walking there with a small wagon, yet they were crying to me that they were "forced" to eat an item they didn't particularly like because--wait for it--they had no way of getting to the store! They even said to me, what am I going to do, starve to death? THIS is the kind of Christianity I have no use for. And yes, if you look for it, you can find ways that this kind of thinking is enabled.
I agree with your remark the poorest will be hit the hardest.
I fully disagree with your comment on Christians conditioned to be sheep.
I am a proud Christian who does her best to live each day with the LOVE of God in my heart. You are correct we all have to be responsible for our own life, that is called free will and God wants that for us, it should be the essence in all of us, to make our own decisions, including whether you believe in God or not. The bible is a history book to help you best decide.
“God so loved the world he gave us his only son”
If you are a believer then this quote is very meaningful.
The beauty of our short time on earth is free will. You do not have to be a Christian to enjoy that benefit, but God’s love reigns supreme compared to those fools that belong to the WEF.
Don't believe that Christians are conditioned to be sheep? Read your Bible! What does Jesus call himself? I am the good (fill in the blank)? And what does He call us? Certainly not CATS!
Jesus is the lamb of God, it is a metaphor. Before the arrival of Christ, lambs were used as a sacrifice. God sacrificed his only son to forgive all our sins.
Again, you do not have to believe, because of our God given right to choose.
Many people due to fear chose to be injected, they come from all backgrounds and have different belief systems. Fear was the driver for most.
I wish you well and hope you have a wonderful life. This will be last reply to you.
So well said! My most spiritual friend said to me today: we have been conditioned to believe a savior is coming to help us whether it’s Jesus or Superman so that we never get around to saving ourselves. Wow.
Really? Not among the Latin Mass faithful. A lot of alert and anti-statist folks can be found there. In fact, 2 years ago one of my extremely devout friends forwarded a video of a well-educated (immunology background) Catholic lay brother videoing himself walking in his robe and whispering in the darkened, abandoned streets of Rome (I think he felt safer videoing there) warning of the dangers of the shots. Convinced me.
Oh, I've seen some of this among Latin Mass faithful as well. I think people have misunderstood what I have said. I am not talking about being educated, I'm not talking about the virus or the shots, I am talking about people whose personal lives are a mess, but who are in denial about this. People who claim to have a close relationship with God, who are always talking God this and God that, yet go from one crisis to another. IF you recognize yourself in what I am saying, take a good look at yourself before opening your mouth about "the Lord". Because it's not a good advertisement for Christianity. The non-Christian has the right to push back and ask hard questions. The impression I get in dealing with such folks is that God seems to pick and choose what kind of prayers He answers--He'll heal something small like a headache but not a major debilitating illness; He'll send a little bit of money to pay an overdue bill but won't do a major financial overhaul, etc. Seeing that, the non-Christian has every right to say, You know what, I can do better on my own.
Got it. Now, if your personal life is a mess, there is an exceedingly high likelihood that you have violated one/some of the 10 commandments and haven't properly atoned.
Oh, but that is EXACTLY what these same people say to ME about MY life, when I point out that when I get in a fix God gives me a kick in the ass and says take care of it yourself. And yes, I have violated one or more of the 10 commandments and haven't properly atoned. But my personal life isn't a mess, at least as far as I can tell. I don't live crisis to crisis, my rent is always paid on time (or early), I may not have much but I don't have to rely on food pantries or social services. And I am extremely, extremely, extremely choosy about who I decide to have a relationship with. I don't do drugs or hang about with those who do and I am careful when it comes to alcohol--when in doubt, I don't. I think those two things have made all the difference. That's not a matter of religion, it's a matter of common sense.
If you look at the Myers Briggs Type Index (which some say has been discredited), about 46% of the population are classified as perceivers. They don't like making decisions. At all. They actually like being told what to do.
So really, those people are not against Big Brother telling them what to eat, drink, say or do.
Scary is right. Note the Nazis never had more than 37% popular support, albeit rabid support, yet they managed to seize dictatorial control of a well developed society.
Couldn't agree more. Need I point out that government schools have been on a mission to control the population through the mechanism of dumbing down the kids to be nothing more than mindless worker ants serving the government, no questions asked because none are thought of.
CDC had to have known about the innumerable case reports & series that started appearing almost immediately in the academic literature after the vaccine rollout started
Compilation of 2,752 Vaccine-Associated Injury Case Reports - Spreadsheet
Unless they hid the data even from them. Or only showed part of it. If truly was a DOD operation, it says, they weren't invited to the meetings. Of course this could be a play to let the CDC retain their grip on future pandemics if they were to actually control things "next time".
Hey sorry we gave you bad eggs on your plate, we weren't in the kitchen. But next time..NEXT TIME, .. We will definitely be in the kitchen and be better about where we source our eggs.
Our CDC equivalent certainly knew about it from reports from hospitals who were having their young colleagues drop left and right with stroke and severe blood reactions, even death cases. During the first launch of the shots before they were available to the public.
Lawyer Aaron Siri has a 4-part Substack series on the V-Safe debacle. He didn't just have to go to court to get the check-the-box portions released. He had to go through two lawsuits, legal demands, etc. CDC is willing to pay lots and lots of lawyer fees to keep information covered up.
"my base prior when assessing government agencies is always “incompetence.” it’s usually the simplest and most parsimonious explanation."
But it's not accurate.
That notion speaks of some expectation that the CDC would do something other than what they are doing or are just a bunch of "bumblers" who repeatedly just "can't seem to get it right."
Of course that's not the reality of the situation and never has been. Kickbacks, corruption and scandal define the CDC. The CDC's rap sheet stretched back decades and defines the CDC’s existence. To think "they are just incompetent" is dangerously naive and flies in the face of the historical record.
They are part and parcel of the criminal enterprise. They are doing exactly what they are purposed to do- same with the FDA.
Thinking that the CDC is just "making mistakes" as it furthers the "Covid" criminal enterprise is akin to thinking the Pentagon and military bureaucrats are just inadvertantly bombing the crap out of the Iraqi people.
The CDC is the chief vaccine sales and marketing agent for Big Pharma buying, selling and distributing vaccines even as the agency has direct conflicts of interest by holding multiple patents on vaccines and various aspects of vaccine technologies.
While the CDC does not sell vaccines directly, it does receive royalties from companies who acquire licenses to their technologies.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) plays a major role in this scheme. The 12 member ACIP Committee has extraordinary influence on the health of virtually all US citizens as it is the body tasked with “adding to and/or altering the national vaccine schedule.”
The CDC and various members of this committee, in what can charitably be called ‘conflicts of interest’, currently own and have profited from an array of vaccine patents. These include vaccine patents for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Anthrax, West Nile virus, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and several other diseases of note.
Other patents held by the CDC encompass various applications of vaccine technologies including Nucleic acid vaccines for prevention of flavivirus infection, aerosol delivery systems for vaccines, adjuvants, various vaccination testing methods, vaccine quality control and numerous other vaccine accessories.
Fraud and racketeering is what the CDC does and it has a long history to prove it.
What would be really surprising is if the CDC acted on behalf of the health of the people in the US- but that is not its job, has never been and will never be. Plan accordingly.
My comment (above) about the previous biolab escape, Morgellons, fits in perfectly with your comment here. CDC purposely hiding their findings and lying to the public about that, then quietly transferring the dangerous gain-of-function labs to Wuhan and Ukraine, is the direct ancestor to what is happening today with Covid.
For the vast majority of the staff at the CDC, I am sure that they think they are doing the right thing. They believe without question that “vaccines are safe and effective” and that a primary goal of their job is to fight “vaccine hesitancy”. Therefore, they will cover up and fight any information that might stop people from getting vaccinated. It’s that simple.
Gato, you were much more charitable than I early on. From the 1st or 2nd week of the “flatten the curve” BS, I thought it was malevolent, never incompetence. The corruption was global - not just for the jabs & resulting adverse events, but also the locking down, masking, plexiglass, aisle arrows, school closures, “passports”, crushing dissent & debate, demonizing anyone defiant of the narrative, closure of businesses, tanking economies, forcing people to choose betw providing for their families or being forced to have poison injected, not allowing weddings, graduations, funerals, sports & other celebrations / gatherings, & cruelly forcing the elderly, sick & dying to be isolated & sicken or die alone. Incompetence would never have gotten an almost-3 year shelf life. I will never get over it because it was all so deliberate. As someone else here mentioned, the only incompetence was in the cover-up
Don't forget the CHOP/CHAZ riots of 2020, which a blind eye was turned to while anyone protesting lockdowns was called a killer and lectured via nurses.
We passed that line in May 2020, AT THE VERY VERY LATEST.
Ironically, when you bring this up to 'normies', you hear the same thing as with VAERS -- "That data is all fake", to which I respond "Then how is the CDC monitoring adverse reactions?
You can find and play with the hard data here:
I had a cordial catch-up chat with my cousin last night. You guys will never know the self-control it took not to scream to the heavens when she did that "it would've been much more severe if [so and so] hadn't had the..." I said in my most reasonable, carefully modulated voice that that was a misapprehension. My cousin is double-boosted by now, and that didn't surprise me, but I had to grip myself by all four limbs when she said her first-grade age granddaughter got the vax.
I understand totally. My younger sister is totally brainwashed, refuses to consider any glaring evidence and her children as well. My respect for her at an all time low. I wonder that even if one of them were harmed in an apparent manner would they still deny how it happened. There fear is so great.
The worst part (IMO) is how the CDC sat on this data (and ignored VAERS) for months and months while telling the public it was 'safe and effective'. This is what I wrote about this story a couple months ago:
.....a large chunk of these people were healthcare workers who were at the front of the line during the rollout. People who had been dealing with covid patients ON the frontline for nearly a year at this point, many of which already had acquired immunity.
Nearly 8% required medical care.
Is it any wonder that doctors and nurses balked at vaccine mandates? They had seen FIRST-HAND the effects of the jab — and then their jobs were threatened if they spoke out about what they saw OR refused to get the shot themselves! (I distinctly remember screaming into the void about this as it was happening!)
And the CDC has had this data the entire time, while calling it all ‘misinformation’ and relentlessly attacking anybody who dared bring it up. Through all the mandate discussion and mandate implementation, the CDC repeated “Safe and Effective” like a well-trained parrot.
The CDC knew very well before they launched the jabs there were going to be horrible adverse reactions. There isn't one animal study over the past thirty years that had any success. The studies have all ended badly. This is why I take great exception with doctors and veterinarians rolling over for this absolute crap.
And let us not forget: by the time the rollout of the "vaccinations" began, it was quite clear to a lot of us who had initially been concerned, that this was NOT the emergency they had earlier portrayed it to be.
There are a lot of "ifs," but IF we had reasonable agencies performing oversight and critically thinking leaders, don't you think this rollout would have been more cautious and not pushed so hard with the carrot and the stick -- as in, "let's just inject every single human on the planet with something experimental and see what happens, and if you think this is a dumb idea, then you're a selfish idiot."
And squelch and censor every single voice of dissent.
that, to me, is proof right there of malfeasance.
In late 2020, I saw the FDA page on POTENTIAL mRNA side effects before it was memory holed. It was all there, including death.
They knew.
Its located here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XTiL9rUpkg&t=9219s slow it WAAAAY down, as they hit this slide and then switch to the next in about 1/5 of a second.
And yes, note the date... Oct 22, 2020 - BEFORE the "vaccines" rolled out.
Fuck yeah. What killed the ferrets?
they sure did
Yes, and do you remember how they tried to blame adverse reactions on "anti-vaxxers" who caused so much stress to the vax-lovers that it messed up their hearts?
If this were a real problem it would have been known long before covid and would be YET ANOTHER reason to not just jab everybody.
I have a very good and long memory. Shit got real when they started jabbing as many as possible. Extra real when my loved ones fell for it, took the poison injections and -- yes -- blamed and hated on me for awhile.
I want to know how we caused them stress when they wouldn't even speak to us OR they were the ones screaming in our faces. Doesn't that put the stress in our lives, not theirs?
Exactly. All of this technology had been tried, tested in animals and failed miserably. No professional can claim that they didn't / couldn't know.
if only all those health care workers who didn't want the shot had had the courage to walk away from their jobs, this would have been over a long time ago. the hospital system would have collapsed utterly with that many people walking off the job and they would have begged them to come back.
going through the courts is a much slower process.
This would all have been over in May of 2020 if just 20% of the public refused to wear a mask.
We're still dealing with the walkouts of doctors and nurses here in OR/WA, and from the look of the hospitalization utilization page, NY is having massive problems as well.
As far as I know, none of these states are considering hiring back fired personnel.
160,000 nurses short. They have said. hell no, not me.
I expect Oregon to get worse considering Tina Kotek's stance on masks/jabs - she required vax cards for anyone attending her election night party. So, as far as I'm concerned, the fight to keep my stubborn and in-denial Gen Z ("all my vaxxed friends are fine") kids off these damn shots is not over at all.
It is OR/WA. They will never admit defeat. And ID will just keep on bulging with their citizen refugees.
Their voter rolls will be filled with only the dead, crazy blue and screaming "liberals" who are anything but. And...Brad "Little" Nazi will keep pandering to the blue areas of Idaho, like Ketchum and Eagle/Boise and keep on being bought and paid for by TPTWB.
Yes. It shows how people will cowtow to fear and pressure, but can not bring themselves to rally against that pressure. Things have to be so egregious before the masses wake up, and then we finally move towards the tipping point needed to stop it.
Problem is health care self selects for the humble and self effacing. Those who will put others before themselves no matter the circumstance.
There is a need for people like that, but this strike was directed through that inherent weakness.
Have many doctors/nurses ever 'fessed up that treating Covid with R & R (i.e., Respirators and Remdesivir) contributed to or caused thousands upon thousands of deaths?
Very, very few.
And when they nixed efficacious alternative treatments, all their mistakes always went in the same direction.
Too many people (including Dr.'s and nurses) were literally part of the "Corona Coronation" that once they were deemed "little king's/queen's" they were never going to look back.
Combine that with the "greater good"/"morality traps", etc. and you can see how easily people abandon ethics.
Gosh....I wonder how the Holocaust happened right under the eyes of the German people?
Chris Bray wrote an awesome article about this the other day:
Now: In the long exchange between Sam Harris and Bret Weinstein, as in the long exchange between mRNA vaccine promoters and mRNA vaccine skeptics, the Sam Harrises — performative “expert” cultural actors — were signaling status. They were saying [current high-status thing], the thing that was discussed approvingly in the New York Times and in government conference rooms. Their statements were aligned with cultural and political power, which made them important. They were lawn signing. “I support Current Thing.” They performed the right ritual.
The Bret Weinsteins, being scientists and non-performative experts of the I-know-actual-biology type, were talking about history and experience and their knowledge of previous vaccines, and about the science of vaccine development.
So the Bret Weinsteins warned about the possibility of antibody dependent enhancement, say for example, and the Sam Harrises didn’t have that in their script, so they were outraged by how irresponsible the Bret Weinsteins were being. It wasn’t [current thing]. The Huffington Post didn’t say to say that!
This afternoon I listened to part of a BBC radio play about the rise of Hitler . Every time the Jews were mentioned as Hitler whipped up hatred for them and support for himself I couldn't help substituting " unjabbed" . I have seen how easily people can be turned against others. My perception will never be the same again..
Well, before the shots were even available, remember all of these massive media campaigns singing praises of nursing staff? These are the people who normally stay up all night wiping poo and getting yelled at, so suddenly being the central heroes of an epic drama unfolding worldwide was too nice to put aside. Of course people are going to step up into the role that was sculpted for them to enjoy: the heroes of the savior vaccine.
Great comment, Ryan! That's a bingo!
maybe, just maybe you would like to look into that last questionable question, because it's a very interesting and extraordinarily complex topic.
If you would like to go at it whole hog, you could watch the ten hour documentary "Europa; The Last Battle" or the also long, but not quite as much, "The Greatest Story Never Told".
You can find the first at europathelastbattle.net and the second at thegreateststorynevertold.tv
If you want a sober version of why one might start wondering about it at all, perhaps you might read Ron Unz's blog about how he started to wonder himself, as an American Jew, he had never thought to before.
But whatever you do, don't remain ignorant of how complex the question is, because it's a very unbecoming look on a substack reader, although still very common.
"And when they nixed efficacious alternative treatments, all their mistakes always went in the same direction."
Like the FBI "mistakes" this is how we know they weren't "mistakes" at all. Real mistakes would sometimes go against the narrative.
They won't fess up on their own, because then they have to realize they most likely committed murder using the wrong treatment while willfully ignoring treatments that are proven to work.
Yes, but this pandemic has highlighted that you can murder anyone you want and it ceases to be murder in the context of medical care.
We saw firsthand what the shots were doing to people because they were made available first to hospital workers here, so you had hundreds and thousands of employees getting it day after day, and of course they'd be in a healthcare setting surrounded by experts when the adverse events hit. Then we'd get an email every so often: "Do not come to any vaccine appointments: we are stopping the vaccines until important questions are answered and we do not know if we will be starting them again – please stop calling us to ask for your vaccine!" Then after a few weeks they'd hesitantly start poisoning people again. Meanwhile the emergency rooms are fighting to keep people alive with VITT or deal with stroke / venous sinus thrombosis in young people – so these medical specialists were fully aware of what was happening and nevertheless went forward with it.
And now only the compliant remain in many places.
Makes you wonder what they will ask those people to do next.
can you present those e-mails as evidence? get copies of them to ron johnson and ron desantis?
It's unfortunately not the US.
I wouldn’t let these motherfuckers lick the sweat off of my balls if they were dying of thirst.
Something must be done.
Davos....bourla confronted by Rebel News....
yep, exactly. I am one of those doctors who said "no thanks". Realize I am a 30 yr military vet who always did my duty and stood up for the shot. But that when medicine was normal.. not insane like today. see more at bobfeldtman.substack.com
It's been a source of agnst and anger in my home as my husband and I tried desperately to talk our Gen Z kids (18 & 20) off the toxic jabs. Fortunately, The 18 y.o. track athlete is not interested but the 20 y.o. college student made an appt at Walgreens and almost took the F***ng jab. To this day, neither one of the is CONVINCED about the dangers that I keep sharing via emails/texts. Why? Because their "friends are all fine". I'm so exhausted but this is the hill I'll die on. Keeping MY beloved and deeply misinformed (social media and the 24/7 CDC propaganda to blame) kids from harming themselves. My greatest worry now is a young niece who'll be moving from the FREE state of Florida back to Puerto Rico where the evil Dept of Health has included the C19 jabs as requirement for school attendance. Her babies (2 & 4) would need to get jabbed in order to attend pre-school. This is freaking CRIMINAL!! Yet NO ONE is standing up to fight back and have these jabs removed from the PVAC form. I pray for all of them and I'm very direct in educating all of them. She knows about the harms. I pray but also fear for ALL the young people of Puerto Rico. This is genocide, pure and simple.
Weren't all their friends fine when they got covid?
Well, the hard thing is that a number of people I do actually respect for their general intelligence and thoughtfulness continue to feel that getting vaxxed and boosted was a choice they do not regret. I don't argue with them, because it's done now and what use is it to them for me to be a crier of potential doom? I just do a lot of personal internal extremely earnest and persistent supplicating of the big Unknowable in the Somewhere.
I have family too that are completely inside the bubble, lined their 3 yr old up a few weeks ago for this shot. I found out about it after the fact, what could I even say or do at that point? It's in the child now, the best hope is that she suffers no ill effects.
I curse the medical community for this, I'll never trust them again.
Oh lord, I can identify. It is probably just as well most of them passed well beyond this time. My mom would be glued to Fox and MSNBC and my sister would be taking her cues from NPR and her professional organizations.
If they were not dead, it likely would still be the same. Me and my son against the world.
It is easier to convince a man of a lie, than it is to convince a man he has taken a stand that is based upon a lie. We see it every day
my younger sister is the same way and she got very sick with Covid.
I feel ya. Hubby's adult daughter who is vaxed boosted up the kazoo has covid. In talking with his also boosted niece she said she was so glad that her cousin was up to date on her vax. Rather than start releasing a string of curses I went upstairs and did chores. I'm sad to think what lies in store for these two who bought the lies hook, line, and sinker.
As I said when the jabs started rolling out, the idea was for people to get jabs until they got covid anyway, then continue getting jabs they didn't need afterward. (Though it turns out that maybe getting the jabs mean you can't beat the virus the old-fashioned way)
I think the program is to get jabs every two to three months until you die.
Oh yeah, and pay for the jabs out of pocket. They'll be $$$$, but if you don't get one, you'll die.
I think, in regard to your last sentence, that we must try to maintain a certain strength-of-hope that the great majority of people will be mostly fine.
With acceptance by the unharmed -jabbed, injectables will be endlessly accepted and society will continue on the path to segregation,restricting freedoms for all especially the noncompliant.
Let's not get over-crazy about anything.
I do at times, but other times my cynicism rears it's head.
Most people do not deserve genuine and dreadful harm.
They do if they make their children get it without doing research
Mostly fine in what sense? That they won't die of things connected with the jab? They will, of course, eventually die of something. They won't be mostly fine, though, because they weren't mostly fine before all this. They were primed or had primed themselves for years to believe the sort of horse manure about other human beings and society that made them perfect targets for the sort of public health campaign and subsequent medical tyranny that this entire wicked business, going on three years now, has been. They are mostly fools.
Reading the comments threads of a variety of Substacks leads one to observe that a very considerable number of people, regardless of where they land on this issue, believe things other rational human beings may well regard as foolish too.
I'm sure that's true but what examples of this do you have in mind here?
Ah, but it would've been so much worse without the jabs!
Emphasis on 'sinker'. This is what lies in store for most all of them sooner or later.
Bless you
"it would've been much more severe if [so and so] hadn't had the..."
Hold my beer.
I got that from two of my docs a year ago. It was obvious that this was the narrative that they were told to spread. I can also understand their concerns about their careers, but it's time now to own up that horrendous mistakes were made, and deliberate lies were spread. Now, the CYA has started in a big way, since the lethal adverse effects are too numerous and awful to hide anymore.
I feel that if they suddenly see what is truly happening the guilt will be too intense for many to bear. So they keep the blinders on. It is definitely a collective and divisive issue.
And what's worse - there really isn't any way for those docs to "make it right", even if they really want to. They can stop promoting jabs, suggest alternate therapies, but they can't at this time fix what's broken in their affected patients. Can they tell patients that they are potentially damaged? - imagine the repercussions. They will have to say something like "long Covid". They are backed into a bleak corner.
I don’t think it’s guilt, I think they’re petrified because what they did is criminal.
Perhaps, but that shoe hasn't dropped yet.
I just don't think they are capable of thinking other than in very narrow ways. They tested well in school. They ticked the right boxes. Look at the other absurd things they almost certainly believe about "society" and you will see how little capable they are of genuine reflection. Very few of them are worried about the criminality of their actions at all. Doctors, by and large, are some of the most truly sophomoric people I have ever met. The same is true, in different ways, with lawyers, scientists, and humanities professors. Their thinking is almost entirely conventional and narrow, even when they have high IQs.
I'll hold your beer and your beer's beer. Go get "em! Then I'll make you a sandwich.
i like your style!!!
Yes give me your beer! And your beer and your beer. I drink them all and I'll poor it into my ears too when they say that!
Oh, the visual 🤣
When I try to talk to my 5 shot mom, she says "I don't know where you get your information" I respond, "I know where you are not getting yours". I try to not bring it up, but when they do, it's all I can do to not Scream ! but as the Commander said, it is "Into the Void"
Well, everyone needs to be careful about where they get their information, regardless of which side of this particular issue they land on.
Saying nothing and not getting your emotions involved is better for you. You may have to separate yourself from these people.
No, my cousin had no malign intent. The extensive variety of idiotic things she's done and said to me, I've accepted they are part of her extremely peculiar charm. But we are in touch extremely rarely. We ain't got nothing in common except the bloodline.
You’d be surprised! Call it ‘extremely peculiar charm’ then. But please know that people that are not particularly happy in their life, are always trying to pull others down to their level, even without knowing it.
Why would you assume, in this case, that my cousin isn't particularly happy in her life?
And deep disagreements don't imply anything except deep disagreements.
Oh. You were debating......ok. I thought she was just telling you because she knew it would upset you,.....my apologies.
My cousin asked why I'd chosen not to get the vax, and I said it had no short- or long-term safety track record yet, and she said "we took our chances because we were so afraid of the [Plague)."
Sure, grownups, take all the chances you want. But your little kids? This is the Cliff Notes nano-version of the utter collapse of civilization.
We all need to have the OpenVAERS redbox report on our phones saved… As soon as someone asks why we didn’t take the kill shot… Just show them the red boxes.
1. Explain what VAERS is… (began in 1991, our canary in the coal mine)
2. Explain how the majority of people that post this information are medical personnel…
3. Explain the underreporting factor… (only 1-10% actually report adverse events)
4. In my case… Tell them about some of the people that I know personally that have been harmed or killed…
5. Explain the actual mortality rate from the CDC’s own website. (Flu is more harmful)
6. Explain about the fraudulent testing practices, PCR and rapid antigen test…
7. Go into the conflict of interest of the FDA and CDC and pharmaceutical companies.… Finders fees!
8. Talk about 65% of our medical schools are funded by pharmaceutical companies. How doctors are actually monetarily incentivized to give these shots!
9. Talk about the media being bought and paid for… Brought to you by Pfizer!
Oh my goodness, the longer I sit here the more talking points I think of! 🔥
Most the time people shut us down before we can even get past the first talking point… That’s to their detriment!
It’s still so hard to see our loved ones deteriorating right in front of our very eyes!
Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😢
"Phones," she says. Phones.
Seriously we need to get off the damned phones.
Oh I agree with you! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 But they can be a tool in our tool belt… Especially since this younger generation is so wrapped up in their phones and computers… my point is having it right there to show someone immediately…
“Be ready always to give an answer, with gentleness and respect…”
I’m using 1 Peter 3:15… i’m obviously using this out of context but I do think the thought fits here…
Have a wonderful day and blessings and prayers to you and yours! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😌
And it is not a happenstance that all of the media's and government 's messaging was focused on making people as fearful as possible so they would do what they were told to do. Unprecedented at the level seen and coordinated. I am not a religious person, but at this point after 3 years I can't see how the malfeasance does not have evil intentions at its core.
Yes, I mentioned quite a number of revealed truths, including over-diagnosis and dreadul protocols pushed by China, but of course the damage is done already; for the average person now a retrospective is of little use; the horses have galloped off into the blood-red sunset. They are not temperamentally fit to seek justice in its most stark and necessary form.
I've reached a point of cynicism that I believe that entities behind this covid scam had every intention of terrifying and deluding as many people as possible, even to the point of a certain percentage of the shots were harmless, to obfuscate the ones that weren't.
How many people rebut the argument that the inoculations are or could be deadly or of great harm by claiming that they haven't suffered any consequences, nor has anyone they know. You can't convince them, no proof is good enough, their minds are made up because otherwise how could they sleep at night. 🤦♀️
Sounds like the same convo I've had with my family members. My nieces; ages 6, 7 and 10, have all been vaxxed. I tried to tell them there is no risk for children, but I'm not an "expert," so they didn't believe me. The fear was just too overpowering for them.
I know your pain, may those pushing this insanity get what they deserve soon. God, to think we could not save many of our loved ones from obvious demented, murdering evil. Prison, exposure for what they have done and execution where it is still in the law books. Then record in the history books their names as the most evil murderous people there ever was.
I take the high road.
I tell them that I've had the virus twice, it was a cold for me. And then state that anecdotally I have observed a lot of people I have spoken to who were vaccinated often speak of continued sickness, or recurring issues.
It's getting further out in the weeds out there, the reasons people got the vaccine and wear the masks.
I don't want to be an evangelist for anything. With those closest to me I discuss the remedies I know have always worked for me with any infectious illness.
The rest is society-wide--refusing mandates, refusing masking etc. But as with anything else in life, we learn best from hard lessons.
That must have been awful!
OH my God that has to be the worst when they tell you they got the child jabbed. We went through that when the daughter said the grandmother gave them $200,0 to get a flu shot for her and the grand son and she did it. I won't say what I said especially after warning the daughter of the dangers.
I wonder exactly who invented that raygun that demolished healthy skepticism so thoroughly. In all my extended family I'm the least educated, but I guess I got double rations of common sense. Maybe that led me to not get so educated.
It's called mass formation.
My response to that charge is “ So, VAERS is a government bureau under the aegis of HHS and it’s “all fake.” Why would the CDC or FDA not shut it down if a government health agency was “ lying?” Yea, it’s fake alright,,, the statistics are about 10% of what they actually are.
"Anybody can write a report into VAERS"
"Ok, try it and let me know how far you get"
Agreed. It’s a bureaucratic maze. No surprise. I attempted to report my Vaccine effects and gave up. And my doctor saw no need to record my post vax symptoms.
except that your doctor is legally required to. you might remind him of that
Her.. my symptoms ( indicative of possible blood clots) started 16 days after my second Pfizer... so according to her “ didn’t qualify” by definition. Yes, if I didn’t live in a town with a serious doctor shortage, I’d be shopping.
Interesting. So more than two weeks after the shot, by definition, the shot is not to blame. Less than two weeks after the shot, and, by definition, you are not vaccinated.
Kind of explains a few things.
And look for a new doctor!
"G00gle says VAERS is wrong."
Full. Stop.
G00gle has spoken.
Omg.That needs to go viral!!
Exactly! If the VAERS data is fake, then why not also the experimental injections developed and promoted by the same agency?
It’s the opposite, what the CDC actually puts out is “fake”. VAERS is 100% real. See how that works.
I'm going to say that CDC passed that line in 2005, when they decided to hide all information about a previous Biolab disaster, Morgellons. Many of you are familiar with the technology used to splice and combine various genetic sequences into viruses, which are now causing the morbidity and mortality following Spike exposure – via contagious Covid or via shot in the arm. Well this same technology used recklessly unleashed a nightmare disease on tens of thousands of families back in the early 2000's: if you're not familiar with it, do an image search for 'Morgellons fibers'.
Patients petitioned the CDC for years – reporting this unknown disease and requesting help to study what these fibers were. Hundreds of bleeding, unhealing lesions covering the body that sprout various colored fibers. Fibers growing under unbroken skin. Severe neurological problems, fatigue. Lives destroyed.
So finally in 2005, 2006, the CDC agrees to do an "investigation". They call in the Air Force (why not) and Kaiser Permanente. What is the result of their clinical investigation? That's info for them, but not for the people they serve: Just like today's V-Safe data, they never told the patient groups anything. Patients don't even know how their disease is transmitted to protect their loved ones. Instead, the CDC orchestrated a massive cover-up campaign, bombarding all media and online sources with a strong smear campaign against patients: Morgellons officially did not exist – it was a delusion experienced by "stay-at-home-moms" who were "uneducated", "drug-users", and "middle aged". Nevermind that the first patient was a 2-year-old boy, and that people's pets were also covered in lesions. You can still see this language on e.g. Wikipedia, and in many fraudulent publications put out by them at the time. Same tricks that are being used today – except this time they can't claim that athletes toppling over dead are 'delusional'.
What else did the CDC do after their "investigation"? They quietly moved the gain-of-function biolabs overseas – to places like Wuhan and Ukraine. Not that that matters to any of our lives today, right?
The point being here,
If the CDC had done the Right Honorable Truthful thing way back in 2005: listened to people, investigated the illness, STOPPED the dangerous technology that they were playing with, informed doctors of the mechanisms –– if they had done the right thing, none of this that is happening today would need to have happened.
If you personally know anyone who has died of Covid or of complications following exposure by Spike, if you know anyone who has lost a pregnancy after those shots, if you know people who have been forced to leave their jobs, if you have kids who have been forced to confine at home:
All of this hangs on the shoulders of those CDC "public servants" who were dishonest, conniving, immoral, self-serving cowards back in 2005.
Thank you for reading and helping to keep this part of medical history known.
Google says Morgellons is bunk!!1!! Science denier! Next you'll be saying the earth revolves around the sun.
But for real, to be having strange fibres grow out of your own skin sounds terrifying! I love your work btw
Fact-checkers at work.
Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. :)
I couldn't agree more. As you say, at the very, very least. As soon as I looked into masks (which creeped me out so much I was almost obsessed with studies), I realized almost immediately that not only were they useless, they were also harmful, as were even more obviously the lockdowns and other measures. And there were countless highly qualified experts worldwide shouting from the rooftops about this. It hit me in the gut that if I (who am not much schooled in these matters and up to then wasn't paying a huge amount of attention) could see this, surely the "public health" authorities could, so the only rational conclusion was that they were *intentionally* working to harm us. Everything I've learned since has only shown that things are darker and more malevolent than I ever could have imagined.
I wrote Dr. Marc Siegel ( FOX) and internist at Langone Medicine a probably too long letter yesterday. My main point was basically what you just posted. Everything “they” ( highest ranking govt health officials) told us we must do has turned out to be wrong and that in the cases of masks and lockdowns, the opposite was true! How did staying inside and being sedentary ever make sense to anyone!!!! ???
It didn’t to anyone with half a brain. Same with wearing a mask outdoors. Yet people did it. Probably 99% compliance. Taping off playgrounds,beaches and park benches. Arresting and ticketing people for surfing and kayaking. It was sheer madness, and it can happen again if we let it. Do not comply.
I remember walking down the street in Chicago in the spring of 2020. I was not wearing a mask. This women started screaming at me to put on a mask. I chuckled and kept walking. At that time, I would wear one inside, but I was never going to wear a mask outside. It was beyond absurd.
I forgot about closing beaches and arresting surfers....in hindsight, that really is “ The Stupids Step Out”
The AAP should be disbanded. Between this and transgender surgery for adolescents and of course, COVID vaccines for two year olds!!! OMG!! 😱😱😱😱😱
But now that childhood obesity is even higher, thank goodness (heavy sarcasm) the American Academy of Pediatrics proclaimed pills and surgery are the $olution!
May of 2020 was a turning point for me. Up to then I was very suspicious but when the CDC admitted that the infection fatality rate was 0.3% that was proof positive. No interventions other than early treatment were required and yet they did lockdowns, curfews, masks, injections ALL of which didn't work.
My turning point was about two weeks after the shutdown in my neck of the woods, so probably early April. Up until then, the discussion in the news had seemed at least plausibly adult. But once everybody was largely divided, it was suddenly all condescending preaching and control tactics, as if we were all kindergartners to be instructed in hand-washing and basic sanitation. Before then, I was skeptical of the overblown scare, but after that it was obvious that the scaremongers had taken over, and that it was really a matter of authorities using the covid scare to establish tyranny over the rest of us.
The CDC used VAERS to assure us Myocarditis in youths is not that bad. So you can respond with "you can't have it both ways".
They have an answer for everything. But it only flows in the direction of the narrative. Ask them about VAERS, and they say that it's all fabricated. Ask them about falsifying death certificates saying they were Covid related, and they will claim that all that data is true, it is the claims that are fake.
We fix everything by harnessing the power of Direct Democracy and using it as a weapon towards the people who are doing the corrupting.
Yeah, we know. Two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner is a direct democracy. But America was also built on the idea of a direct democracy - just a limited one. We need to keep it limited by the Constitution and courts. However, we need to be represented once again.
Right now all of our systems have been corrupted. We can fix it. Ignore the WEF talking points on direct democracy and think for yourself.
Consider this:
I am thankful every day that I never got the shot.
"I wish I'd never gotten vaccinated."
Lotsa people over the last few months, when I tell them I didn't get vaxxed.
I like to think I at least played a role in a few people saying no to boosters. Before that I was all about freedom of choice and my choice was no. That’s all I cared about. Oh and the kids. I was always a hard and vocal no about the kids.
you saved them from a lot of harm !
I feel badly for those who were coerced, lest their world comes to a virtual end, into getting the jabs.
I have *zero* sympathy for those who rushed out to get jabbed multiple times and then goaded others for choosing Pure Blood.
Here's something to remember regarding the people who were upset you were not jabbed.
Many were awful and behaved reprehensibly. There is no excuse for that.
However... many people we all knew are convinced that if you don't get jabbed, you will get c0vid and die. And they did not want you to die. They really believed you were risking your life if you didn't do this.
I was lucky. I wasn't really treated badly, but was lectured about the dangers of not being injected. I had c0vid and I'm have natural immunity.
I didn't want them to be injected "and die," either.
I will never forget the night my elderly parents wept and begged me to please get vaccinated, because they were so fearful that I might die.
We love each other, and they are brainwashed and jabbed 5 times each, and I am not. We are all still here today, still standing and perhaps none the worse for wear. Maybe they got actual saline? If a sixth were offered tomorrow, they'd be first in line. But they no longer fear that I will die because I am unjabbed. Thank God.
I will never forgive the perpetrators for putting my relationships in this kind of situation, where we are so fearful for each other -- I'm afraid they will die from their lethal injections, and they were afraid I would die from catching COVID.
More than likely it was where they were vaccinated. Big events where vials got warm or people mixing and shaking them could destroy them. There were some manufacturing problems where most of them only contained 50% or less of a dose. And finally the skill of the person giving it where they didn't check to see if they were in a vein. You can check how many adverse events were reported to vaers from a batch at this link. http://howbad.info/
So, the 'How Bad is my Batch?' website....does this ever get updated? Question for a friend. If this friend got the jabs in Panama and no one in Panama knew to report an adverse reaction or death, does that mean that the stats for that particular batch are incomplete or non-existent?
same here. Those that would loose their jobs (and probably their home and even their children) can hardly be blamed. But those that blindly ran, so much for them. If you jump off a cliff you want to die. If you want to be a lab rat, your choice.
After vaccine + 1 booster, I feel fortunate/blessed at this point to be alive n kicking! :-) God knows what lies ahead (i.e., being out of the woods re spike protein, etc). Understand the relief of those who didn't and the regret of those that did.
You may already know this but FLCCC has a post vax protocol to help clear your system.
I think people who got jabbed and then stopped are the most instructive--because you seem to have swung the farthest in mindset.
Glad you are alive and kicking!
I have heard, if true, that concerned scientists are. Working on an antidote. If that is truly a possibility.
If you search "spike protein detox" there are things you can do right now that may-- or may not-- eliminate the spike protein. As far as I can see, these are not in themselves harmful, and I don't think it would hurt to try them.
So look up FLCCC on internet and look for COVID vaccine treatment protocol.
My wife says it’s her proudest moment, not bowing to pressure from her boss and the mass formation psychosis. He threatened her job, she stood her ground...she still works for the same dentist.
Fabien - Pfizer - Pericarditis Diagnosed 6th December 2021
FABIEN: Dear Doctor [?] I am just recording that I'm just getting out of Revelstoke hospital right now, twice in a few days I get there. I got pericarditis. I'm 40 years old. I'm a hiking guide, I'm a back country cook. I'm healthy. I eat organic, I grow my food. I don't do any drugs. I'm ski touring, I'm going hiking. I'm in a good shape. I got the vaccine a bit more than a week ago. I didn't want to get this vaccine. Under pressure, under [?], I did not have the choice. I got this amazing job [?] in the mountain as a back country cook. And now I have pericarditis and I'm not able to go do my job. You did not let me the choice, I had to do it, and now I'm sick. I'm going [?] inflammatory for months, heavy doses of inflammatory for months, and you're putting my health in danger. I understand you have to do things as a doctor and a health officer, but not leaving the choice to people and people are in trouble for that? I'm freaking pissed right now. I'm not happy. I'm really not happy. Have a good day.
# # #
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: The text accompanying the video:
"Fabien Pfizer 26th November 2021 Severe Adverse Reaction: Pericarditis Diagnosed 6th December 2021
Fabien has two children that he cares for on his own. He was told he must be vaccinated to be employed as a backcountry chef, but has just lost his ability to work due to a vaccine injury. He is now trying to recover from pericarditis, which he has been diagnosed with on December 6th.
Written 10th December 2021 by Fabien and a Video Message:
Since the 26/11/2021 first Pfizer shot: Thursday 2/12 afternoon start of short breath /chest pain Friday the 3/12. First visit at emergency room. Week end in bed. Few hours of moderate activity Sunday afternoon, it was already too much. Monday (second break, had a nap) I had to go in Emergency Room for a second time, that's when i got diagnose after 5h with Pericarditis
I am in pain, I am so tired and also scared. I don't know what's happening next. The Pericarditis should be 3/4 weeks for recovery/healing. I've got diagnose by Dr Brown and a cardiologist on Monday the 6/12/2021.
They have told me it 100% sure the first shot of vaccine and the cause of the Pericarditis.
I have done the first shot only my province made it mandatory for people working with guests. My job as a cook in the back country was important for my mental health. After 2 years of depression. I've taken care of myself alone, now I am afraid my condition can trigger it again. I've finally found peace for the last year.
I had people arguing with me for the vaccine those last few days, with my condition arguing is dangerous. I try to stay emotionally neutral as it is too hard to laugh, cry, speak, argue.
But I need to speak, this is not ok to push people to put their health in danger for a medication i didn't need
Revelstoke, BC, CANADA "
Absolutely criminal! There it is for anyone to see! The coercion, the angst, the physical and psychological harm. How many folks are going through this?
You said it: the coercion. I know there are those of us who resisted, refused. But each person's circumstances are different. In the U.S., we do not have a national mandate. What is the situation January 2023 in Canada?
My employer (I am still employed by this employer) at the outset (thank God) stated, essentially, that they would stop short of mandating it, but they put tremendous pressure of all kinds on us (incentives, rewards, punishments, peer pressure, scolding lectures). I am the only one who is still unjabbed. Not everyone has obvious (or any?) health issues, but I am aware of one previously healthy 60-ish man who has newly-diagnosed cardiac issues after the third shot -- which is what woke him up. He was "fine" with the first two. Now, he and I talk about it because I am the only one who understands. I've thought of leaving this job, but to be honest I'm a bit concerned about any potential employers' mandates. This is the devil I know.
While sure, I congratulate myself for holding out, like many people I am the only unjabbed person I know in real life. I have angst about my loved ones who have taken this poison and are now frequently ill with "very bad colds" and sometimes they test positive for COVID. I only ever get rare, mild colds. Are they gonna die suddenly?
I have dystopic nightmares where I am the only one left alive in my family and community. While I'm brave and strong and all that, I'm also traumatized.
I well remember the pressure during the roll out and up through the boosters, it was crazy-intense. I think in the future it may be difficult for many people to fathom. I hear you.
Uncounted numbers. And many similar testimonies. But one more example:
Doug Cameron, Idaho Farm Operations Manager, Paralyzed After J & J Jab
US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021
DOUG CAMERON: My name is Douglas Cameron. Prior to April 5th 2021 I was a very healthy, physically active 64 year old when I received the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine at my workplace. I was encouraged by my employer to get the vaccine. The day after the vaccine on April 6th I started experiencing side effects I believe were related to the shot. I lost bladder control. Suffered ED. My legs felt odd. I had a sinking sensation in my hips. Over the next few days my symptoms worsened and I became alarmed, so I went to the ER, explained that I'd gotten the vaccine and what was happening. I was tested for covid, and tested positive. Blood work and an MRI were done and I was sent home.
Three days after that I told my wife, I felt like I drank poison. My whole body felt different. I went to bed at 10 o'clock at night, I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning paralyzed from the diaphragm down.
I was transported to the hospital and admitted to the covid 19 unit. Took several days to figure out what was happening. The doctors were uncertain how to treat me. They'd never treated anybody with these problems before and they could not decide on a diagnosis. Eventually they found out I had a blood clot in my leg. My entire spine cord had swollen and hemorrhaged. I aspirated on water. Placed on a ventilator, I was in ICU for two weeks.
I was worried, concerned. My wife panicked about my condition. My life as I knew it was gone. All total I spent 105 days in St. Luke's Regional Hospital, Saint Alphonsus Rehab Center in Boise, Idaho, and the University of Utah's Craig Neilsen's Rehab Hospital.
I have had multiple MRIs, CAT scans, EKGs, X-rays, spinal angiograms, spinal taps, autoimmune blood tests, muscle biopsies. Everything has come back negative in an attempt trying to pin my paralysis on my body and not the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Today I am unemployed paraplegic who is learning an entire new lifestyle. And the only thing I did between full health and my current condition is take a shot. I am real. My symptoms are real. And my life forever has changed. And that is real.
This has affected, these stories you're listening to, has affected husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, friends. Please pay attention. Thank you.
# # #
A clip of this testimony is at this link:
Did they diagnose transverse myelitis? Treat you early w/ steroids? Shame on the bastards. I am so sorry. I hope you speak out loud and clear forever. I hope you are getting help for hopeful more recovery w/ FLCCC.net telemed docs. I see ppl suffering similar very often and deeply grieve them. Consider react19.org. The founder was an orthopedic surgeon who suffered transverse myelitis from the clot shots and had to stop his surgical career and now runs react19.
Hi, it's not my story, I am just the transcriber.
IFR data clearly evidenced that COVID posed no meaningful mortality risk for the vast majority (zero for healthy youngsters) very early on. And VAERS reports set off a continually blaring alarm, as per design of the system, again very early on. There is no excuse for failing to understand the virus was not particularly dangerous and COVID injections are in fact dreadfully dangerous. But we must understand DC and many state governments are infested with self serving megalomaniacs who saw an opportunity to control everyone else, and controlling everyone else is how they gratify themselves. They are not mentally well (megalomania is a mental disorder) hence they are profoundly destructive to human society once in government positions.
Yep. I don't look at this as a "covid crisis" or a "climate crisis", they're both part of the "control crisis".
I’m going to let you in on a secret, here. We’re not dealing with a climate crisis any more than we were dealing with a covid crisis: what we’re actually dealing with is a CONTROL crisis. Specifically, there are people out there who really, REALLY want to control you. There’s a depressing amount of people whose jobs DEPEND on controlling you. And they’re not interested in the reasons you don’t want to be controlled.
The last couple years, you saw these people as ‘public health’ officials, computer modelers from ‘non-profit’ organizations, politicians, and anybody who got rich on the covid free cash giveaway (which continues to this day). They declared you were non-essential and said that it was illegal for you to go to work. They said your business was non-essential and ran you into the ground without a care.
And these are the same exact class of people who are telling you what must be done to combat the climate crisis. And they care exactly as much about your desires as they did during covid. You will be told how much energy you can consume. You will be told where you can travel. (Spoiler alert: nowhere) You will own nothing. You will eat the bugs.
Authoritarians are like mold spores, there are always some floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester. The solution is to prevent those conditions from developing. Our Constitution served that purpose for quite some time, but I fear it is now failing.
It very much is :(
Indeed the earth has been in a warming trend, with glaciers melting big time, for thousands of years; a cycle which has repeated many times through earth's history. And atmospheric CO2 has only increased by about 1.5 parts in 10,000 since humans began burning fossil fuels (a trace amount). There is no reason to believe the increase poses a threat and every reason to believe the climate change narrative is just another manipulative political narrative meant to control credulous masses through baseless fear.
Yeah. The idea that government even knows Earth's "optimum" temperature is far-fetched. The idea that government can get AND KEEP the planet there with enough money and power -- that's pants-on-head stupid.
Given the glaringly inept level of competence shown by government "scientists" the past few years, having any of them try to "fix" climate just sounds like the makings of a global catastrophe Hollywood summer blockbuster.
"Yay, the climate machine is working! Temperature is down .1 degree!" *cheers*
24 hours later
"Uh.....so we can't shut this thing off and now temperatures are down 5 degrees and accelerating........."
SNOWGLOBE -- in theaters this winter (July 4)
Earth's climate has at times changed very rapidly, absent human activity. By way of example at the location of the Space Needle in Seattle 17,000 years ago (an eyeblink in earth's history) there was a sheet of ice five times the height of today's landmark. Now of course there is no permanent ice at the location. In fact there is seldom even temporary ice. Furthermore the climate changed so fast that the massive ice sheet disappeared in just 800 years (research the Vashon Stade).
That isn't stopping them from real planetary harm with geoengineering poisonous aerosol injections into the upper atmosphere. Don't look up!!
LOL I loved watching that movie (Don't Look Up) while in the middle of covidmania. "OMG THEY ARE SILENCING EXPERTS IN ORDER TO MAKE SOME CASH!"
I know it was supposed to be a climate story, but it worked SO WELL as a covid story as well.
I dislike the cold. I'm thinking the Roman Climatic Optimum sounded rather nice. The Minoan Warm Period sounded a bit much-ish...but people and plants flourished!
Yes, Greg Braden often verifies what you are saying. What amazes me is the twisting of information to implement massive control mechanisms.
You are spot on. Control Crisis should be the new catchphrase. All one has to do is watch the WEF in action up at Davos. They preach a good game then get in their gas powered limos to go a few blocks to their next event in Davos! They even create traffic jams on the main strip. If it were not so destructive to sovereign nations it would be a great comedy skit.
The nudge to control has been happening for decades. These elites need to be laughed off the world stage.
Watching John Kerry and Al Gore speak about climate change is beyond nauseating. These guys are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world. They have no shame. They are absolute 🤡's.
Well, Yuval Noah Harari spells it out in his books. The vast majority of folks will be made redundant due to AI. There will be no use for them, no purpose, just taking up space. I believe he even used the term "useless eaters." And the folks that will get hit the hardest will be the poor and dependent.
The older I get and the more I read the less patience I have for weakling drama queens who just can't seem to be able to help themselves and always have excuses for why they can't. These people are not going to know what hit them. If your life is full of chaos due to bad decisions to the point of spiraling downward, the world Harari and others envision will not be kind to you. And unfortunately most of the folks I personally know that are trapped in bad situations are Christians, or at least they talk about God a lot. Funny how God can do this and that for them but cannot seem to be able to help them escape their problems. While the people who talk about God the least seem to have their shit together. Perhaps it is because they don't believe in some magical sky deity that is going to rescue them that they don't get into these situations in the first place or if they do, they don't stay there long.
You're kidding, right? The secular left were evangelists for the shots and willingly rolled up their sleeves to be injected with this poison.
Every leftist, secular news outlet was pushing the injections. Christian websites like Lifesitenews were sounding the alarm from the start.
You're way off base here.
That's not what I am talking about. I am well aware that there were people of all stripes who were sounding the alarm over how this pandemic was handled including the shots.
What I AM talking about is that there are people who find themselves seemingly trapped in dysfunctional situations, and who are not able or willing to do what it takes to get out of that situation. Yet they talk God, God, God, all day long, God answers my prayers, God does this for me, God does that for me. If you point out all the dysfunctions in their lives that God is NOT dealing with, they do not like it. I will give you an example. I know someone who lives within walking distance of a grocery store and is quite capable of walking there with a small wagon, yet they were crying to me that they were "forced" to eat an item they didn't particularly like because--wait for it--they had no way of getting to the store! They even said to me, what am I going to do, starve to death? THIS is the kind of Christianity I have no use for. And yes, if you look for it, you can find ways that this kind of thinking is enabled.
I agree with your remark the poorest will be hit the hardest.
I fully disagree with your comment on Christians conditioned to be sheep.
I am a proud Christian who does her best to live each day with the LOVE of God in my heart. You are correct we all have to be responsible for our own life, that is called free will and God wants that for us, it should be the essence in all of us, to make our own decisions, including whether you believe in God or not. The bible is a history book to help you best decide.
“God so loved the world he gave us his only son”
If you are a believer then this quote is very meaningful.
The beauty of our short time on earth is free will. You do not have to be a Christian to enjoy that benefit, but God’s love reigns supreme compared to those fools that belong to the WEF.
Don't believe that Christians are conditioned to be sheep? Read your Bible! What does Jesus call himself? I am the good (fill in the blank)? And what does He call us? Certainly not CATS!
I do read the Bible and most enjoy it.
Jesus is the lamb of God, it is a metaphor. Before the arrival of Christ, lambs were used as a sacrifice. God sacrificed his only son to forgive all our sins.
Again, you do not have to believe, because of our God given right to choose.
Many people due to fear chose to be injected, they come from all backgrounds and have different belief systems. Fear was the driver for most.
I wish you well and hope you have a wonderful life. This will be last reply to you.
I'm a Christian, but God "helps those who help themselves" which is most easily done simply by following the 10 Commandments.
So well said! My most spiritual friend said to me today: we have been conditioned to believe a savior is coming to help us whether it’s Jesus or Superman so that we never get around to saving ourselves. Wow.
Really? Not among the Latin Mass faithful. A lot of alert and anti-statist folks can be found there. In fact, 2 years ago one of my extremely devout friends forwarded a video of a well-educated (immunology background) Catholic lay brother videoing himself walking in his robe and whispering in the darkened, abandoned streets of Rome (I think he felt safer videoing there) warning of the dangers of the shots. Convinced me.
Oh, I've seen some of this among Latin Mass faithful as well. I think people have misunderstood what I have said. I am not talking about being educated, I'm not talking about the virus or the shots, I am talking about people whose personal lives are a mess, but who are in denial about this. People who claim to have a close relationship with God, who are always talking God this and God that, yet go from one crisis to another. IF you recognize yourself in what I am saying, take a good look at yourself before opening your mouth about "the Lord". Because it's not a good advertisement for Christianity. The non-Christian has the right to push back and ask hard questions. The impression I get in dealing with such folks is that God seems to pick and choose what kind of prayers He answers--He'll heal something small like a headache but not a major debilitating illness; He'll send a little bit of money to pay an overdue bill but won't do a major financial overhaul, etc. Seeing that, the non-Christian has every right to say, You know what, I can do better on my own.
Got it. Now, if your personal life is a mess, there is an exceedingly high likelihood that you have violated one/some of the 10 commandments and haven't properly atoned.
Oh, but that is EXACTLY what these same people say to ME about MY life, when I point out that when I get in a fix God gives me a kick in the ass and says take care of it yourself. And yes, I have violated one or more of the 10 commandments and haven't properly atoned. But my personal life isn't a mess, at least as far as I can tell. I don't live crisis to crisis, my rent is always paid on time (or early), I may not have much but I don't have to rely on food pantries or social services. And I am extremely, extremely, extremely choosy about who I decide to have a relationship with. I don't do drugs or hang about with those who do and I am careful when it comes to alcohol--when in doubt, I don't. I think those two things have made all the difference. That's not a matter of religion, it's a matter of common sense.
If you look at the Myers Briggs Type Index (which some say has been discredited), about 46% of the population are classified as perceivers. They don't like making decisions. At all. They actually like being told what to do.
So really, those people are not against Big Brother telling them what to eat, drink, say or do.
Scary is right. Note the Nazis never had more than 37% popular support, albeit rabid support, yet they managed to seize dictatorial control of a well developed society.
That would seem to explain the almost mindless acceptance of the current thing, whatever it is. The path of least resistance is their auto response.
Couldn't agree more. Need I point out that government schools have been on a mission to control the population through the mechanism of dumbing down the kids to be nothing more than mindless worker ants serving the government, no questions asked because none are thought of.
"Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." -- Vladimir Lenin
"Give me the child!" -- Joe Biden
Yes, all goes back to the same agenda.
CDC had to have known about the innumerable case reports & series that started appearing almost immediately in the academic literature after the vaccine rollout started
Compilation of 2,752 Vaccine-Associated Injury Case Reports - Spreadsheet
Unless they hid the data even from them. Or only showed part of it. If truly was a DOD operation, it says, they weren't invited to the meetings. Of course this could be a play to let the CDC retain their grip on future pandemics if they were to actually control things "next time".
Hey sorry we gave you bad eggs on your plate, we weren't in the kitchen. But next time..NEXT TIME, .. We will definitely be in the kitchen and be better about where we source our eggs.
Our CDC equivalent certainly knew about it from reports from hospitals who were having their young colleagues drop left and right with stroke and severe blood reactions, even death cases. During the first launch of the shots before they were available to the public.
Lawyer Aaron Siri has a 4-part Substack series on the V-Safe debacle. He didn't just have to go to court to get the check-the-box portions released. He had to go through two lawsuits, legal demands, etc. CDC is willing to pay lots and lots of lawyer fees to keep information covered up.
Part I of his series is here: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/v-safe-part-1-after-464-days-cdc
Part IV (https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/v-safe-part-4-cdc-designs-v-safe) includes the saga of one vaccine-injured lady who had to wait 200 days to get the promised call from the CDC.
Allow me, if you will, to amend your fourth sentence:
“CDC has no qualms about wasting our tax dollars to pay lots and lots of lawyer fees to keep information covered up.”
Amendment approved!
Thanks for the links, Sophia!
"my base prior when assessing government agencies is always “incompetence.” it’s usually the simplest and most parsimonious explanation."
But it's not accurate.
That notion speaks of some expectation that the CDC would do something other than what they are doing or are just a bunch of "bumblers" who repeatedly just "can't seem to get it right."
Of course that's not the reality of the situation and never has been. Kickbacks, corruption and scandal define the CDC. The CDC's rap sheet stretched back decades and defines the CDC’s existence. To think "they are just incompetent" is dangerously naive and flies in the face of the historical record.
They are part and parcel of the criminal enterprise. They are doing exactly what they are purposed to do- same with the FDA.
Thinking that the CDC is just "making mistakes" as it furthers the "Covid" criminal enterprise is akin to thinking the Pentagon and military bureaucrats are just inadvertantly bombing the crap out of the Iraqi people.
The CDC is the chief vaccine sales and marketing agent for Big Pharma buying, selling and distributing vaccines even as the agency has direct conflicts of interest by holding multiple patents on vaccines and various aspects of vaccine technologies.
While the CDC does not sell vaccines directly, it does receive royalties from companies who acquire licenses to their technologies.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) plays a major role in this scheme. The 12 member ACIP Committee has extraordinary influence on the health of virtually all US citizens as it is the body tasked with “adding to and/or altering the national vaccine schedule.”
The CDC and various members of this committee, in what can charitably be called ‘conflicts of interest’, currently own and have profited from an array of vaccine patents. These include vaccine patents for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Anthrax, West Nile virus, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and several other diseases of note.
Other patents held by the CDC encompass various applications of vaccine technologies including Nucleic acid vaccines for prevention of flavivirus infection, aerosol delivery systems for vaccines, adjuvants, various vaccination testing methods, vaccine quality control and numerous other vaccine accessories.
Fraud and racketeering is what the CDC does and it has a long history to prove it.
What would be really surprising is if the CDC acted on behalf of the health of the people in the US- but that is not its job, has never been and will never be. Plan accordingly.
Well said.
My comment (above) about the previous biolab escape, Morgellons, fits in perfectly with your comment here. CDC purposely hiding their findings and lying to the public about that, then quietly transferring the dangerous gain-of-function labs to Wuhan and Ukraine, is the direct ancestor to what is happening today with Covid.
For the vast majority of the staff at the CDC, I am sure that they think they are doing the right thing. They believe without question that “vaccines are safe and effective” and that a primary goal of their job is to fight “vaccine hesitancy”. Therefore, they will cover up and fight any information that might stop people from getting vaccinated. It’s that simple.
Gato, you were much more charitable than I early on. From the 1st or 2nd week of the “flatten the curve” BS, I thought it was malevolent, never incompetence. The corruption was global - not just for the jabs & resulting adverse events, but also the locking down, masking, plexiglass, aisle arrows, school closures, “passports”, crushing dissent & debate, demonizing anyone defiant of the narrative, closure of businesses, tanking economies, forcing people to choose betw providing for their families or being forced to have poison injected, not allowing weddings, graduations, funerals, sports & other celebrations / gatherings, & cruelly forcing the elderly, sick & dying to be isolated & sicken or die alone. Incompetence would never have gotten an almost-3 year shelf life. I will never get over it because it was all so deliberate. As someone else here mentioned, the only incompetence was in the cover-up
Don't forget the CHOP/CHAZ riots of 2020, which a blind eye was turned to while anyone protesting lockdowns was called a killer and lectured via nurses.