I just talked to my mom's neighbor. (mom is 95 and my sister is freaking out because mom has the sniffles and "tested positive" last night with a lame home test)- thought I could send mom a food box via this neighbor so she would have something more than pea soup from a can to live off of each week as "sis" now won't go shopping or to mom's to cook for her due to this "VaRIanT"- cause you know mom has the sniffles...and the neighbor came back and said for me to "wait 10 days" until she can go to my mom's back porch and drop it off. WTF is wrong with people? So deranged. Another disappointment in a person that I once though was keeping up, somewhat intelligent and coming from a place of caring. I find that my 95 yr. old mom with dementia is much more capable of using the RIGHT part of her brain in situations like these. MOM WILL NOT GIVE YOU COVID. AND SO WHAT IF SHE DOES? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF???? dammit. sorry....thank you for the rant space.
Your sister, her own daughter, will be staying away and not help mom? I feel for you that you have to deal with this. If my mom got leprosy I’d still go and care for her! He’ll, I’d move in if she would let me! What has happened to people’s so-called hearts? Love sounds like a fable from another era: “once upon a time we used to have something called love that created an impulse in humans to care of one another...”
Unfortunately, many people are quoting Bible verses in a way that is often spiritually abusive… trying to coerce/ manipulate people but into feeling like they need to do this or that to be a faithful Christian.
I think we still do, especially as people get older and start to have kids and ponder the afterlife. I think it was demonized during the 2008 "era" sufficiently to make people not want to be as upfront with it as maybe they would have been previously. I am still trying to "move mountains" with my prayers, but haven't managed to get it figured out just yet (need more practice, I guess-LOL)
If she's in the vicinity of Raleigh, NC or Nichols, SC, I'd be glad to drop off some supplies. I'll even check her oxygen level, blood pressure and temp if needed.
OMG- THIS ^^^ Thank you! No, sadly she is in Northeast Ohio which I guess is experiencing a "surge" because the place where nephew/sister went yesterday to get tests (to keep mom safe despite eveyone being triple vaxxed) were full of panicking people getting tested...for what I have no idea! Thanks you- it's people like you I want to hug a thousand times over. And give me hope in intelligent life on this earth (and humanity!)
Intelligence is great, in fact, it’s even a point of attraction (well, I’ve been known to overlook a less than stellar physique while under the spell of someone’s brilliant mind - but I’m also an idiot, sometimes), however, what we really need is more heart - compassion, empathy, the will to carve out time to help others, being willing to go out of our way to help others... Yes, the wellbeing of the self should come first but not at the cost of deforming our society or collapsing it completely, surrendering everything to always be safe!
I was just reminded of a poem (a darkly funny one):
Thank you for the poem. I go back 2x year to help out- see her more often than my one sister who is 45 min. away, and the other who always claims to "have no $"- but my dad paid her mortgage for a decade before anyone found out about it....(personally I don't care what my dad did with his $, but these sisters were never grateful, and are only standing in line now waiting for their "fare share" when mom passes. So far she is hanging in there and I think they are upset about that in an evil kind of way....I am so thankful to have a daugther who is compassionate (and smart..and beautiful!) and looks out for the less fortunate. Actually works with the throw away kids (teens) who have been traumatized so many times in their young lives. She wants to fly back and take care of g'ma. But she just got a promotion so she can't....
I’m in your camp…I too overlooked the less than stellar physique for the brilliant mind a couple of times…behind the brilliance lurked serious BiPolar Disease, self treated through alcoholic beverages! 😣🤨
Oh, good grief, I am so sorry! I hope you are able to find a way to get your mom some help! So far, at least all the vax and non vaxxers in our family are playing nice with each other and nobody has to wear masks to parties right now even tho the state re-instituted the mandate, i could not imagine the stress level that alot of people are having with regards to family get togethers during all of this.
In response to your comments about your prayers not yet moving Mountains, have you read the Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith? He says we are not using the power of God to get rid of sin or disease, we are realizing that God is on my present as individual being. I hope this is helpful.Joel Goldsmith has changed my life!
College town in Ohio...full of people who just WANT omicron to be bad and pissed that my grown daughter isn't vaccinated. (And today I told them it's her business and if they wanted to know her stance, ask HER, not me!) Thank you though!
I just made some enchilada soup I could take if she lives anywhere near Wayne County, OH where I am visiting family. Could drop it outside door where she wouldn’t have to interact with a stranger
So sweet of you....she's in Portage Co. (Kent)- I used to work in Millersburg! (Am I remembering correctly that it's in Wayne Co...? Or close?) Thank you for your kindness...
Yes, probably 20-30 minutes from family I am visiting. If you change your mind I would be glad to help. Would be feeling desperate if it were my mom and family close by or neighbors wouldn’t help.
It's just astonishing, isn't it? Are they just going to leave her to her own devices for 10 days without checking in on her? Can't your sis pre-cook meals and deliver them hot to her and talk to her thru the door or window at least? My heart breaks for all the elderly abandoned and covid-jailed through all this. I hope you live close enough to help or find a good solution. Part of the problem, I think, is in listening to well meaning people talk about it, they actually get mad when someone in their circle gets exposed because now they have to drop everything, run out, get tested and stop all their activities/work for 10 days if they test positive. I am not even sure it is as much about getting sick as it is the stigma of having to call friends, coworkers and family to tell them they might have been exposed. Some people will take it in stride, some will go ballistic on an innocent person trying to do the right thing and inform people.
Actually, they really don't have to go through the testing folderol, especially if they're feeling just fine. Since when do we have to test for one specific disease all the time?
Your poor mother. No way should she be left to fend for herself at 95. Makes me want to scream with frustration at the number that has been done on people, at the way they've allowed themselves to be duped. THIS IS NOT THE BUBONIC PLAGUE!!!!
I am so frustrated- and she looks at me as an "anti-vaxxer". Set her straight today. She looks at me trying to help as "interfering" and is on the defense thinking I am criticizing her, when I have told her "thank you for all you do for mom" 100 times over. She does use "covid" as an excuse though when she can (have another sister 45 min away who does the same thing.)- they do NOT want this to end... SMH
I don't think this one is even considered a pandemic....not to mention we have high tech air purifiers, sanitizers, chlorine dioxide for ingestion and surface disinfection, essential oils, vitamin supplements and the INTERNET with any info you want at your fingertips....check out this graphic from the Gateway pundit: The deadliest pandemics visualized: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/deadliest-pandemics-visualized.jpg
It's interesting as they have all bee very prudent about masking, vaccines and boosters. Even the "kids"- thirty somethings are shotted up. Guess what? BIL and nephew got covid in spite of this (or a cold as they had few symptoms- so they got a false positive in my head- and tested mom and now she "has the covid". But she really just has a cold and I told her to not worry. I am across the country. I was exposed through hubby getting it. Sick as a dog for three days. I diid't call anyone I had been around nor curtailed my activities as I wasn't sick- I would know if I had a virus the min. it rammed into my cell walls. Family has just bee brainwashed - and their rationale for their behaviors doesn't make any sense. If I could just record some of the convos and play it back to them later...well, they would just call me a liar so not bothering! Happy New Year and glad I can go to celebrations without a passport where I live!
You know Scarlett O’Hara’s mother died from scarlet fever or typhoid or some awful thing after nursing the Slatterys, considered by some to be” poor white trash”. I know it is fiction but it does represent life as it was. Many folks today can be so disappointing.
I guess life hasn’t changed much after all! It depends on where you choose to look, right? Like the two travelers and the farmer:
“A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment.
"What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.
"They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the scoundrels."
"Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town.”
Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.
Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again.
"They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them."
"Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town."
And this is why I haven't moved out of California, my elderly parents. My brother doesn't care, my cousins all have moved, they won't have any family if I leave. Might be moot with Newsom (and his mini wannabe dictators at the city/County level) continuing to up the antenna on booster requirements to go inside anywhere.
Oh goodness ridiculous!! I do understand why people fear this lab made virus, especially if not in good health .. many (especially who don't treat early) end up sick long after. But even if your neighbor would instantly die if she got covid, even if it was a hundred times more transmissible, it is impossible to get from dropping something off at a porch. It's literally impossible. unless your mom surprises her, opens the door and coughs in her face. The logical leaps of how to even catch this thing are insane. Is there someone else in the neighborhood who can make a drop off, maybe with some supplements? May humanity escape from mass formation this year!
I know...right? Thing is, her room mate works in public schools with kids so could bring home a host of germs (which is a good thing as I feel I have a strong immune system from working with special needs/preschool kids for over 40 years)- but that's always my argument. I don't go up and cough in people's faces if I am ill. These people are functioning from their reptilian brains and someone needs to rap them on the side of the head to re-set their thinking!
Oh FFS, that neighbor and sister, well they sound useless as tits on a boar. Anyway. Grubhub? Send a pizza? Yeah I know it's crap, but it's something.... Sorry. Hope your mom does just fine, it sounds like she will.
Really- and the neighbor told me that she won't be seeing mom until "she tests negative"- does she pay attention at ALL? Wallensky said (as we have known for months) that the test picks up stuff long after you are no longer sick. And the thing is- my mom had a stuffy nose and got a false positive. I know this somehow without even being there! :-) Working on finding some nutrition for her-and thanks! (she would probably drop the pizza while trying to get it up the flight of stairs she has to navigate- or she would never hear the doorbell and the pizza would freeze on the front porch! Dilemmas!
A box on a front porch will not give you Covid! This whole things has really set into these once relatively rational thinking people, and now they are totally delusional! 😉😜
Order her groceries on Amazon Fresh or delivery from a local grocery store? Is there Meals on Wheels in her area? If she's in the LA area I can help coordinate something
THANK YOU! I am thinking of meals on wheels. I have done the food box thing- but delivery has been "off" and sometimes the boxes sit outside in the rain, and the contents are melted and soggy. (sis does NOT stop by every day...but she isn't working and her kids are grown, so there really is no excuse except laziness). She has to go down a flight of stairs to the front porch to get the box and then try to navigate the box up the stairs (which she cannot do, so she used to unpack the boxes and throw the contents up the stairs, one at a time. If you have ever used "hello fresh" try figuring out what goes with what once the meals get all mixed up..it was impossible for her. Sis promised to "cook" them (easy 30 min meal- but then she and BIL would EAT them with mom and leave her no leftovers. That was the WHOLE point, so she could have leftovers for the week...and not open another can of soup... Augh! Thanks for your offer and for listening to my rant. I will see if I can set up the Meals on Wheels in her area (NE Ohio)!
Write in the delivery notes that the driver should contact upon delivery, that she appreciates them and would like to show her appreciation with a cash tip. If mom doesn't have a spare $10-$20, send her an envelope of tens ahead of time. Whether it's UberEATS or Instacart, the young strong driver will not be afraid of your mom, especially if she's wearing a mask! They'll text/call to alert that they're there, when she gets down the stairs she negotiates with them to carry the food up. Or give your number and coordinate once the driver contacts you to let you know they're there; call mom, tell her to let the driver bring the groceries in and give $10-$20.
One of my sons went away to university just before turning 16. He was too young for the dorms, too young to drive to the store, had to get creative making sure he stayed fed!
Thank you for all your suggestions...(she doesn't text and is pretty hard of hearing...) So many obstacles when it would just be so easy to make "extra" of everything each week and take it to her. That's what I would do it I lived 10 min away like my sister....sigh.
I have told her to pay herself out of mom's account (she has the checkbook and credit card and her and BIL are legal guardians at this point)- I have also purchased the Hello Fresh meals, but she was not consistent with picking them up at mom's house (spoiled, rained on) nor cooking them. She and BIL sure liked to eat them though...no leftovers for mom the rest of the week...yikes, huh?
Thanks- the issue is getting food (box) up a steep driveway, a flight of stairs and into the kitchen to be prepared. Sister says "she has food, she has groceries"- but she doesn't have the energy and where-with-all to prepare it. She can barely remember how to turn on her oven anymore. It's time to look into assisted living but they won't have the conversation for some reason, and I think it's about inheritance.
Praying for a quick recovery and usually with hips you are in and OUT in a hurry! (Hubby had one about 20 years ago...I will probably need one in another few years.) Hips are easier than knees or shoulders! HAVE FAITH!
Amazing. And I still can't figure out why people in the general public knew how to handle illness before 03/2020 all of a sudden didn't know it anymore overnight? It just floors me. I've only known a couple of people my entire life that went "out and about" when sick. Most people stayed the F home.
But it's a lot more "scary" to tell people they are sick (or might be sick) even if they aren't sick and make them roam the streets and stores in masks to divide and conquer the human race through fear, distrust and deception.
At first, Marh to June I thought oh this is to get rid of Trump. I'm not a Trump guy but if no pandemic I think he wins going away. But around July I, like many others, learned about the Build Back Better from the World Economic Forum and thats when I go go oh mama that's not good. THAT has to be why the quadrupling down of stupid continues. It doesn't have to happen but those folks DO have an endgame. I doubt most would like it. The key now is YOU/ME, all of us, do everything we can to ensure that does NOT happen!!
It's truly stunning how much damage has been done in under just two years regarding illness. I also know people who have flipped on me, or maybe the potential was there all along and I just didn't see it because the conditions weren't there yet. I was at our local YMCA yesterday for a work out and a woman in her 20s wore a mask the entire time she was there. SMH
Scott Adams is promoting Feb 2 as "freedom day," where we all cast off our masks and other useless NPIs. Maybe it's the day we should cast off Fauci, the CDC, and all the other useless "experts" who've been stunningly wrong this entire pandemic.
Watch what Scott Adams says in this video (as dissected by Amazing Polly), and you’ll be disabused of any positive views you may have of this charlatan:
Back when we were all in the office together, we had an excel version of the Magic 8ball we used to predict upper management decisions. Then we'd track which would have been better. Ironically, the 8ball was always better than the wokesponse from on high.
I like to entertain myself making up punishments for these demons. Walensky i would put in a wire cage in the town square and then pour honey over her and leave her there a couple of days encouraging kids to poke her with sticks. (This is just to start off, there would be more.)
Take a look at the comments from average joe around the web. They are losing their minds over this. They are taking it as the government prioritising profits over safety.
The enemy is beginning to concede ground and we who have been paying attention know it’s the beginning of the end, but, the war is far from over.
Not directly related areas. In this instance I happened to be browsing the subreddit “antiwork”. Contributors are mostly good-intentioned average people who are fed up with being abused by shitty employers.
I fear this isn't any step forward, but yet again doubling down. If they stayed the course with the
longer quarantine period combined with massive amounts of vaccinated sheeple getting Covid, then they were on target for major backlash from the people who followed the pied piper and got vaccinated and still somehow, mysteriously, still got Covid. And because they followed the pied piper before they would again, leading to massive quarantines across society, leading to more damage and ultimately to a WTF moment by the left-stream media. By shortening the quarantine period they reduce the risk of that blowback happening (and reduce the potential impact when it does happen). But I do not see it as an "a ha" moment on their part, just self preservation and risk reduction and ultimately doubling down.
I agree, the other interesting thing, is that when the vaxxed and boosted people do contract omi, they will most likely breathe a huge sigh of relief and say "thank goodness I got the jab" instead of "hmmmm, now why did I get sick if I got a shot?" Many people in my family who were very intelligent, independent thinkers in politics and everything else, rushed out immediately to get this and instead of seeing that it isn't working, got the booster.
Is there any kind of revision to official guidance except "quietly" these days?
Granted, their definition of "quiet" matches up well with that of your drunken college roommate trying to sneak back into the dorm without waking you up at 3 a.m. Saturday morning.
Now if they'd just reverse course on the OSHA mandate, which I have no faith in the Supreme Court issuing a stay or overturning. If It's up to the states, then leave it up to the states.
The states have no more right to impose tyranny and to subvert the Constitution than does the federal government. Leave it up to the *individual*. THAT is where health care belongs.
It's actually still fairly amazing to me that they are telling people they can go out and socialize 5 days after a positive test, even if they are still symptomatic, as long as they're improving and wearing a mask, any kind of mask.
As usual, however, they have been rigorous with the data, clearly outlining the studies that dictated the early policy and crediting the researchers who changed their...oh, wait...nevermind. Careening toddler, indeed.
I just talked to my mom's neighbor. (mom is 95 and my sister is freaking out because mom has the sniffles and "tested positive" last night with a lame home test)- thought I could send mom a food box via this neighbor so she would have something more than pea soup from a can to live off of each week as "sis" now won't go shopping or to mom's to cook for her due to this "VaRIanT"- cause you know mom has the sniffles...and the neighbor came back and said for me to "wait 10 days" until she can go to my mom's back porch and drop it off. WTF is wrong with people? So deranged. Another disappointment in a person that I once though was keeping up, somewhat intelligent and coming from a place of caring. I find that my 95 yr. old mom with dementia is much more capable of using the RIGHT part of her brain in situations like these. MOM WILL NOT GIVE YOU COVID. AND SO WHAT IF SHE DOES? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF???? dammit. sorry....thank you for the rant space.
Your sister, her own daughter, will be staying away and not help mom? I feel for you that you have to deal with this. If my mom got leprosy I’d still go and care for her! He’ll, I’d move in if she would let me! What has happened to people’s so-called hearts? Love sounds like a fable from another era: “once upon a time we used to have something called love that created an impulse in humans to care of one another...”
We also used to have Christianity.
On the plus side, I have seen more Bible verses quoted in the last year compared to the previous ten years.
Unfortunately, many people are quoting Bible verses in a way that is often spiritually abusive… trying to coerce/ manipulate people but into feeling like they need to do this or that to be a faithful Christian.
I think we still do, especially as people get older and start to have kids and ponder the afterlife. I think it was demonized during the 2008 "era" sufficiently to make people not want to be as upfront with it as maybe they would have been previously. I am still trying to "move mountains" with my prayers, but haven't managed to get it figured out just yet (need more practice, I guess-LOL)
I would be right there but I am cross country. Guess the "fam" is going tomorrow, double masked , to "celebrate Christmas"- sounds hella fun!
If she's in the vicinity of Raleigh, NC or Nichols, SC, I'd be glad to drop off some supplies. I'll even check her oxygen level, blood pressure and temp if needed.
OMG- THIS ^^^ Thank you! No, sadly she is in Northeast Ohio which I guess is experiencing a "surge" because the place where nephew/sister went yesterday to get tests (to keep mom safe despite eveyone being triple vaxxed) were full of panicking people getting tested...for what I have no idea! Thanks you- it's people like you I want to hug a thousand times over. And give me hope in intelligent life on this earth (and humanity!)
Intelligence is great, in fact, it’s even a point of attraction (well, I’ve been known to overlook a less than stellar physique while under the spell of someone’s brilliant mind - but I’m also an idiot, sometimes), however, what we really need is more heart - compassion, empathy, the will to carve out time to help others, being willing to go out of our way to help others... Yes, the wellbeing of the self should come first but not at the cost of deforming our society or collapsing it completely, surrendering everything to always be safe!
I was just reminded of a poem (a darkly funny one):
On the Birth of a Son
by Su Tung-Po
Families, when a child is born
Want it to be intelligent.
I, through intelligence,
Having wrecked my whole life,
Only hope the baby will prove
Ignorant and stupid.
Then he will crown a tranquil life
By becoming a Cabinet Minister.
Thank you for the poem. I go back 2x year to help out- see her more often than my one sister who is 45 min. away, and the other who always claims to "have no $"- but my dad paid her mortgage for a decade before anyone found out about it....(personally I don't care what my dad did with his $, but these sisters were never grateful, and are only standing in line now waiting for their "fare share" when mom passes. So far she is hanging in there and I think they are upset about that in an evil kind of way....I am so thankful to have a daugther who is compassionate (and smart..and beautiful!) and looks out for the less fortunate. Actually works with the throw away kids (teens) who have been traumatized so many times in their young lives. She wants to fly back and take care of g'ma. But she just got a promotion so she can't....
I’m in your camp…I too overlooked the less than stellar physique for the brilliant mind a couple of times…behind the brilliance lurked serious BiPolar Disease, self treated through alcoholic beverages! 😣🤨
Where? I’m visiting family in NE Oh and would be glad to help.
If you would like for me to take her soup, I’d be glad to or get her some groceries you can email me at adventureswitheks at gmail .com
very kind of you but I have it covered. Why do you live near Kent Ohio?
Just so you know, those rapid antigen tests are nowhere to be found either where I live in So California! Hee!Hee! 😉😜
Of course not...I have no clue what is going on in my state with testing. Never did and never will! :-)
Thank you - I cared for my mother (hands on when necessary) last two years of her life. I got sick - probably from her - twice. I got better.
God bless you and your mom was grateful for you I know...
Oh, good grief, I am so sorry! I hope you are able to find a way to get your mom some help! So far, at least all the vax and non vaxxers in our family are playing nice with each other and nobody has to wear masks to parties right now even tho the state re-instituted the mandate, i could not imagine the stress level that alot of people are having with regards to family get togethers during all of this.
In response to your comments about your prayers not yet moving Mountains, have you read the Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith? He says we are not using the power of God to get rid of sin or disease, we are realizing that God is on my present as individual being. I hope this is helpful.Joel Goldsmith has changed my life!
"What has happened to people’s so-called hearts?"
They're being ruled by their so-called brains...
Only the amygdala.
I agree!!
that's exactly how they want this to play out...pitting people against one another, having fear of the 'unclean', etc.
Rant away! This is an insanity-free zone. 😉
She’s not in Charlotte, is she? I’ll go. People are such scared sheep.
I like this line of thought! Voluntarism in action.
Doubt she's in Austin, but if so, I'd volunteer to visit her. Maybe we can get some sane people from this community to help.
College town in Ohio...full of people who just WANT omicron to be bad and pissed that my grown daughter isn't vaccinated. (And today I told them it's her business and if they wanted to know her stance, ask HER, not me!) Thank you though!
No-Ohio. God bless you people! <3
I just made some enchilada soup I could take if she lives anywhere near Wayne County, OH where I am visiting family. Could drop it outside door where she wouldn’t have to interact with a stranger
So sweet of you....she's in Portage Co. (Kent)- I used to work in Millersburg! (Am I remembering correctly that it's in Wayne Co...? Or close?) Thank you for your kindness...
Yes, probably 20-30 minutes from family I am visiting. If you change your mind I would be glad to help. Would be feeling desperate if it were my mom and family close by or neighbors wouldn’t help.
Sister was "guilted" into preparing some food for her last night.... yay me! And thanks again!
It's just astonishing, isn't it? Are they just going to leave her to her own devices for 10 days without checking in on her? Can't your sis pre-cook meals and deliver them hot to her and talk to her thru the door or window at least? My heart breaks for all the elderly abandoned and covid-jailed through all this. I hope you live close enough to help or find a good solution. Part of the problem, I think, is in listening to well meaning people talk about it, they actually get mad when someone in their circle gets exposed because now they have to drop everything, run out, get tested and stop all their activities/work for 10 days if they test positive. I am not even sure it is as much about getting sick as it is the stigma of having to call friends, coworkers and family to tell them they might have been exposed. Some people will take it in stride, some will go ballistic on an innocent person trying to do the right thing and inform people.
Actually, they really don't have to go through the testing folderol, especially if they're feeling just fine. Since when do we have to test for one specific disease all the time?
Your poor mother. No way should she be left to fend for herself at 95. Makes me want to scream with frustration at the number that has been done on people, at the way they've allowed themselves to be duped. THIS IS NOT THE BUBONIC PLAGUE!!!!
Sorry to shout.
I am so frustrated- and she looks at me as an "anti-vaxxer". Set her straight today. She looks at me trying to help as "interfering" and is on the defense thinking I am criticizing her, when I have told her "thank you for all you do for mom" 100 times over. She does use "covid" as an excuse though when she can (have another sister 45 min away who does the same thing.)- they do NOT want this to end... SMH
I don't think this one is even considered a pandemic....not to mention we have high tech air purifiers, sanitizers, chlorine dioxide for ingestion and surface disinfection, essential oils, vitamin supplements and the INTERNET with any info you want at your fingertips....check out this graphic from the Gateway pundit: The deadliest pandemics visualized: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/deadliest-pandemics-visualized.jpg
It's interesting as they have all bee very prudent about masking, vaccines and boosters. Even the "kids"- thirty somethings are shotted up. Guess what? BIL and nephew got covid in spite of this (or a cold as they had few symptoms- so they got a false positive in my head- and tested mom and now she "has the covid". But she really just has a cold and I told her to not worry. I am across the country. I was exposed through hubby getting it. Sick as a dog for three days. I diid't call anyone I had been around nor curtailed my activities as I wasn't sick- I would know if I had a virus the min. it rammed into my cell walls. Family has just bee brainwashed - and their rationale for their behaviors doesn't make any sense. If I could just record some of the convos and play it back to them later...well, they would just call me a liar so not bothering! Happy New Year and glad I can go to celebrations without a passport where I live!
You know Scarlett O’Hara’s mother died from scarlet fever or typhoid or some awful thing after nursing the Slatterys, considered by some to be” poor white trash”. I know it is fiction but it does represent life as it was. Many folks today can be so disappointing.
Life has risks...and for me isn't worth living if you don't take them!
I guess life hasn’t changed much after all! It depends on where you choose to look, right? Like the two travelers and the farmer:
“A traveler came upon an old farmer hoeing in his field beside the road. Eager to rest his feet, the wanderer hailed the countryman, who seemed happy enough to straighten his back and talk for a moment.
"What sort of people live in the next town?" asked the stranger.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer, answering the question with another question.
"They were a bad lot. Troublemakers all, and lazy too. The most selfish people in the world, and not a one of them to be trusted. I'm happy to be leaving the scoundrels."
"Is that so?" replied the old farmer. "Well, I'm afraid that you'll find the same sort in the next town.”
Disappointed, the traveler trudged on his way, and the farmer returned to his work.
Some time later another stranger, coming from the same direction, hailed the farmer, and they stopped to talk. "What sort of people live in the next town?" he asked.
"What were the people like where you've come from?" replied the farmer once again.
"They were the best people in the world. Hard working, honest, and friendly. I'm sorry to be leaving them."
"Fear not," said the farmer. "You'll find the same sort in the next town."
🎯🎯 I love this parable!!! It is all in your attitude: you get what you give.
And this is why I haven't moved out of California, my elderly parents. My brother doesn't care, my cousins all have moved, they won't have any family if I leave. Might be moot with Newsom (and his mini wannabe dictators at the city/County level) continuing to up the antenna on booster requirements to go inside anywhere.
I hope your mom is OK going forward.
Thank you...will give her my daily 6 p.m. call soon! What a great group of people I have found on this bad cat's site! (Thank you el gato!)
Oh goodness ridiculous!! I do understand why people fear this lab made virus, especially if not in good health .. many (especially who don't treat early) end up sick long after. But even if your neighbor would instantly die if she got covid, even if it was a hundred times more transmissible, it is impossible to get from dropping something off at a porch. It's literally impossible. unless your mom surprises her, opens the door and coughs in her face. The logical leaps of how to even catch this thing are insane. Is there someone else in the neighborhood who can make a drop off, maybe with some supplements? May humanity escape from mass formation this year!
I know...right? Thing is, her room mate works in public schools with kids so could bring home a host of germs (which is a good thing as I feel I have a strong immune system from working with special needs/preschool kids for over 40 years)- but that's always my argument. I don't go up and cough in people's faces if I am ill. These people are functioning from their reptilian brains and someone needs to rap them on the side of the head to re-set their thinking!
Oh FFS, that neighbor and sister, well they sound useless as tits on a boar. Anyway. Grubhub? Send a pizza? Yeah I know it's crap, but it's something.... Sorry. Hope your mom does just fine, it sounds like she will.
Really- and the neighbor told me that she won't be seeing mom until "she tests negative"- does she pay attention at ALL? Wallensky said (as we have known for months) that the test picks up stuff long after you are no longer sick. And the thing is- my mom had a stuffy nose and got a false positive. I know this somehow without even being there! :-) Working on finding some nutrition for her-and thanks! (she would probably drop the pizza while trying to get it up the flight of stairs she has to navigate- or she would never hear the doorbell and the pizza would freeze on the front porch! Dilemmas!
A box on a front porch will not give you Covid! This whole things has really set into these once relatively rational thinking people, and now they are totally delusional! 😉😜
Speak for yourself. I'm still spraying my mail with a 10% bleach solution. Lol
Order her groceries on Amazon Fresh or delivery from a local grocery store? Is there Meals on Wheels in her area? If she's in the LA area I can help coordinate something
THANK YOU! I am thinking of meals on wheels. I have done the food box thing- but delivery has been "off" and sometimes the boxes sit outside in the rain, and the contents are melted and soggy. (sis does NOT stop by every day...but she isn't working and her kids are grown, so there really is no excuse except laziness). She has to go down a flight of stairs to the front porch to get the box and then try to navigate the box up the stairs (which she cannot do, so she used to unpack the boxes and throw the contents up the stairs, one at a time. If you have ever used "hello fresh" try figuring out what goes with what once the meals get all mixed up..it was impossible for her. Sis promised to "cook" them (easy 30 min meal- but then she and BIL would EAT them with mom and leave her no leftovers. That was the WHOLE point, so she could have leftovers for the week...and not open another can of soup... Augh! Thanks for your offer and for listening to my rant. I will see if I can set up the Meals on Wheels in her area (NE Ohio)!
Write in the delivery notes that the driver should contact upon delivery, that she appreciates them and would like to show her appreciation with a cash tip. If mom doesn't have a spare $10-$20, send her an envelope of tens ahead of time. Whether it's UberEATS or Instacart, the young strong driver will not be afraid of your mom, especially if she's wearing a mask! They'll text/call to alert that they're there, when she gets down the stairs she negotiates with them to carry the food up. Or give your number and coordinate once the driver contacts you to let you know they're there; call mom, tell her to let the driver bring the groceries in and give $10-$20.
One of my sons went away to university just before turning 16. He was too young for the dorms, too young to drive to the store, had to get creative making sure he stayed fed!
Thank you for all your suggestions...(she doesn't text and is pretty hard of hearing...) So many obstacles when it would just be so easy to make "extra" of everything each week and take it to her. That's what I would do it I lived 10 min away like my sister....sigh.
While it's true you shouldn't have to, how about paying sister to take mom food? She needs motivation, you just need to figure out what motivates her.
I have told her to pay herself out of mom's account (she has the checkbook and credit card and her and BIL are legal guardians at this point)- I have also purchased the Hello Fresh meals, but she was not consistent with picking them up at mom's house (spoiled, rained on) nor cooking them. She and BIL sure liked to eat them though...no leftovers for mom the rest of the week...yikes, huh?
In my area Amazon Fresh is a grocery delivery service.
Thanks- the issue is getting food (box) up a steep driveway, a flight of stairs and into the kitchen to be prepared. Sister says "she has food, she has groceries"- but she doesn't have the energy and where-with-all to prepare it. She can barely remember how to turn on her oven anymore. It's time to look into assisted living but they won't have the conversation for some reason, and I think it's about inheritance.
we are >70, my partner is scheduled for hip replacement, in pain, next week.
that is the only, and last reason i worry about the virus. it might delay relief!
Praying for a quick recovery and usually with hips you are in and OUT in a hurry! (Hubby had one about 20 years ago...I will probably need one in another few years.) Hips are easier than knees or shoulders! HAVE FAITH!
thank you, yes all is well!
Amazing. And I still can't figure out why people in the general public knew how to handle illness before 03/2020 all of a sudden didn't know it anymore overnight? It just floors me. I've only known a couple of people my entire life that went "out and about" when sick. Most people stayed the F home.
But it's a lot more "scary" to tell people they are sick (or might be sick) even if they aren't sick and make them roam the streets and stores in masks to divide and conquer the human race through fear, distrust and deception.
At first, Marh to June I thought oh this is to get rid of Trump. I'm not a Trump guy but if no pandemic I think he wins going away. But around July I, like many others, learned about the Build Back Better from the World Economic Forum and thats when I go go oh mama that's not good. THAT has to be why the quadrupling down of stupid continues. It doesn't have to happen but those folks DO have an endgame. I doubt most would like it. The key now is YOU/ME, all of us, do everything we can to ensure that does NOT happen!!
It's truly stunning how much damage has been done in under just two years regarding illness. I also know people who have flipped on me, or maybe the potential was there all along and I just didn't see it because the conditions weren't there yet. I was at our local YMCA yesterday for a work out and a woman in her 20s wore a mask the entire time she was there. SMH
...with visions of a gruesome ventilator induced death dancing in their heads.
I’ll take it, but I’m still wondering what they’re up to with all this back-goose-stepping 🤔
this is what it looks like when they are packing up the tents to flee the battlefield.
Hope you are correct but I’m still wary about what’s next.
Me too. The PREP act doesn't expire until Oct 2024.
Let's hope it soon turns into a rout.
I do do do hope so.
Scott Adams is promoting Feb 2 as "freedom day," where we all cast off our masks and other useless NPIs. Maybe it's the day we should cast off Fauci, the CDC, and all the other useless "experts" who've been stunningly wrong this entire pandemic.
Every day should be Freedom Day :-)
Watch what Scott Adams says in this video (as dissected by Amazing Polly), and you’ll be disabused of any positive views you may have of this charlatan:
He's a fifth column POS.
How so? I haven't watched anything recently but thought he was a skeptic.
Watch the video I linked above and you’ll see.
WOW what a smug assfuck. I'm sorry I bought so many of his books.
Polly is definitely amazing!
Oops 😬 I’ve already celebrated Freedom Day….I guess Feb 2 is for those who haven’t yet
Their covers are being blown.
Good! Maybe they’re actually starting to worry about Nuremberg 2 …
I doubt it? They are just wrapping this up to move to the next horror.
Right. I’m definitely not letting my guard down.
And our ERs are being overwhelmed with the emergency of having a sore throat. Stupidity reigns supreme!
I've never been much of a clown fan, but this is getting rather entertaining.
I wonder what guidance the magic eight ball will come up with tomorrow?
That would make more sense than what they're doing now.
Back when we were all in the office together, we had an excel version of the Magic 8ball we used to predict upper management decisions. Then we'd track which would have been better. Ironically, the 8ball was always better than the wokesponse from on high.
Also they no longer require testing coming out of quarantine, because -- wait for it -- PCR tests can remain positive up to 12 weeks after infection!
Yes, I think many people missed that admission (by Walensky wasn’t it?) in a recent interview
Let's make sure to get the word out! :)
Omg can you share a link? I’m feeling testy and shall share with MD family hehe
I like to entertain myself making up punishments for these demons. Walensky i would put in a wire cage in the town square and then pour honey over her and leave her there a couple of days encouraging kids to poke her with sticks. (This is just to start off, there would be more.)
The bees don't deserve to have their hard-earned labor wasted like that!! (LOL) Maybe in one of fauci's beagle setups?
I agree but how else to get all the roaches on her? (The animal kind, not the ones that already hang around her same circles of hell.)
And you can watch Fauci say this in July 2020!
Take a look at the comments from average joe around the web. They are losing their minds over this. They are taking it as the government prioritising profits over safety.
The enemy is beginning to concede ground and we who have been paying attention know it’s the beginning of the end, but, the war is far from over.
Where on the web does one go to find comments from "average joe?"
See comments here. Myocarditis is getting real.
Not directly related areas. In this instance I happened to be browsing the subreddit “antiwork”. Contributors are mostly good-intentioned average people who are fed up with being abused by shitty employers.
I fear this isn't any step forward, but yet again doubling down. If they stayed the course with the
longer quarantine period combined with massive amounts of vaccinated sheeple getting Covid, then they were on target for major backlash from the people who followed the pied piper and got vaccinated and still somehow, mysteriously, still got Covid. And because they followed the pied piper before they would again, leading to massive quarantines across society, leading to more damage and ultimately to a WTF moment by the left-stream media. By shortening the quarantine period they reduce the risk of that blowback happening (and reduce the potential impact when it does happen). But I do not see it as an "a ha" moment on their part, just self preservation and risk reduction and ultimately doubling down.
I agree, the other interesting thing, is that when the vaxxed and boosted people do contract omi, they will most likely breathe a huge sigh of relief and say "thank goodness I got the jab" instead of "hmmmm, now why did I get sick if I got a shot?" Many people in my family who were very intelligent, independent thinkers in politics and everything else, rushed out immediately to get this and instead of seeing that it isn't working, got the booster.
And they will still blame the unvaccinated for the spread...
Always. :(
Is there any kind of revision to official guidance except "quietly" these days?
Granted, their definition of "quiet" matches up well with that of your drunken college roommate trying to sneak back into the dorm without waking you up at 3 a.m. Saturday morning.
It looks like they really are surrendering. I hope you are right that this is ending.
Wait until the side effects become so apparent that they can no longer be explained away.
Now if they'd just reverse course on the OSHA mandate, which I have no faith in the Supreme Court issuing a stay or overturning. If It's up to the states, then leave it up to the states.
The states have no more right to impose tyranny and to subvert the Constitution than does the federal government. Leave it up to the *individual*. THAT is where health care belongs.
CDC just announced: "If your hand is bigger than your face, you have COVID."
Probably similar accuracy as the PCR tests and cheaper to boot.
And they drank from the chalice of stupid and ate heartily from the side of fear, and they were happy!!
It's actually still fairly amazing to me that they are telling people they can go out and socialize 5 days after a positive test, even if they are still symptomatic, as long as they're improving and wearing a mask, any kind of mask.
As usual, however, they have been rigorous with the data, clearly outlining the studies that dictated the early policy and crediting the researchers who changed their...oh, wait...nevermind. Careening toddler, indeed.
Because we are about to enter an election year, so they have to calm their troops down.