A nun caught doing pushups in a cucumber field is more credible in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, degenerate, false witness "journalists".

The WEF is using the media as their puppet mouth-pieces in order to spread highly weaponized propaganda, division, and discord throughout the world in a bid to divide, conquer, and enslave us all.

These treasonous journalists are playing a major role in the demoralization and destabilization stages of the coup we are experiencing. They create the fear and uncertainty and division and hatred while silencing and destroying the reputations and careers of anyone speaking out against the narratives they spin.

All just a part of the: https://tritorch.com/covidhypnosis

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why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick—a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere—relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.

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Well said. Now, here come the "15-minute cities" to ensure that nobody can actually go anywhere to meet up with anyone like-minded. For a glimpse of the future, look at the gigantic, open-air prison Saudi Arabia is building in the name of zero emissions. Everything you need is a five-minute walk from your living pod. Isn't that great! There will never be any reason to go anywhere else. https://open.substack.com/pub/gomakeitreal/p/building-the-city-of-tomorrow-by

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I heard about this 'line' city or neom a while ago. I remember when I watched the video I was struck by the phrase 'equitable views of nature' and I'm sure 'equitable' was used elsewhere. That nailed it for me: all the residents will be allowed their 15 minute peeks at the great outdoors once a month, that is, as long as your social score is acceptable.

The video makes it look so glitzey, reality will be something else completely. That's always the case.

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The city is going to be divided into multiple sectors, so I would imagine that some residents are more equal than others.

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Hmm, lemme guess. Those with money and who toe the line will live in the good parts of town; the rest of us ilk will live on the other side of the tracks. It was ever thus.

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Reminds me of the movie "Snowpiercer" where the elite live in luxury in the front of the train, and everyone else is crammed in the back, eating bugs.

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Because there are innumerable examples of improper censorship, this doesn't argue for the total lack of censorship.

You cannot avoid censorship.

The idea is preposterous.

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Jam, what do you consider acceptable forms of censorship, If any?

Or are you making the point that everyone censors, just depends on circumstances?

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People often confuse censorship with choices. If you decide not to read a book, that's your choice. If you decide that nobody should read the book, and destroy all copies of it, that's censorship.

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The Catholic Church has done this throughout her History.

This was part of her Pastoral duties to the faithful, althpigh competent peoe could read such material to combat its principles and errors.

I understand that this sort of thing, along with Inquisitions, are unpopular today.

But the problem with things like censorship and Inquisitions are two-fold to my thinking: 1) they are inevitable (who claims we don't have Inquisitions today?); 2) there are good and bad ones!!

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Good explanation. I consider myself a free speech absolutist like another man whose name rhymes with “Egon Tusk” ;)

But Jam’s point got me to thinking, the “shoe on the other foot” test I guess. I am not as “absolute” as I think myself to be. I started remembering why some teachers in grade school would send me or others to the office because we were distracting the other students from what we were all there to do, which was learn. I was even expelled from a school because I was too much of a distraction (class clown antics mostly). That was censorship by people who I greatly admired but was disrespectful. I did not blame them for removing my free speech rights in the classroom. They did what they had to do to protect the rights of everyone else there to learn.

So Hypothetically; Suppose I were king, in charge of a site like Twitter or Substack. What could/would cause me to censor someone?

Child porn? Yes (I have children)

Snuff? (Definitely not happening in my kingdom)

Expletive laden hate rants? (Its against my core principals but I simply have no patience for people who do not have even rudimentary control of the English language)

Obvious trolls and trolling? No, I would not censor trolls. No harm no foul, just distracting but that is part of the game.

Calls to violence? Probably

I can think of more, but wonder what others here think. What would make you censorious if you were king?

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Or, building on EG's comment: Who gets to decide what's to be censored?

In Bad Cat's next post, he shares Coyote's Law:

“before granting any power to government, first imagine that power wielded by the politician you hate most, because one day, it will be.”

Just imagine if The Bad Guys were in charge?

Misinformation is in the Eye of the Censor.

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The bad guys are in charge.

I understand perfectly your point. I agree with your point totally, when necessary information is withheld from us for nefarious, cynical, or base reasons.

However, if a content provider will not self-censor either for love of neighbor, or fear of God, then of course others must step in and do so.

Difficulty in determining who, in every situation gets to decide something, is not an argument for or against something.

An individual act of censorship stands or falls on its own moral rectitude and harmony with truth and necessity of broadcast.

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This is why they're working as hard as they can to weaponize AI so it can muddy the water at a far higher rate.

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Priest doing pushups

Nun doing squats


Correction priests also doing squats

Now I cannot unsee this - ack!

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Yikes, neither can I. Is there a type of bleach that can remove unwanted imagery in the mind? Asking for a friend...

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That might be a frontal lobotomy. However, I hear those have fallen out of favor.

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I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy!

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Ha! Good one Pi! Lmao!

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Haha, poetry at its finest!

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Assonance is an underappreciated literary device.

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Haha, might be worth it. Just need an ice-pick and some liquid courage, correct?

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May 11, 2023Edited
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If you're referring to the nun joke, that was an attempt at both levity and blunt clarity of who and what we are dealing with.

Regarding people of faith, I am one of them.

Regarding the catholic church specifically, they were subverted long ago. Serpent symbology is all over Rome: http://tritorch.com/occult/#vatican

Regarding the Catholics who have been duped, I have nothing but sympathy for them.

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Because the church maybe brought it upon itself, hmm? Oops, that's another thing we shouldn't talk about! How the church, which insists that only married people should have sex and all others remain abstinent, behaved when certain members of its publicly vowed celibate clergy were caught with their pants down diddling underage youths. How all this was hushed up at even the highest levels and the offenders shuffled from parish to parish, without a word of warning to any of their congregations. How the hierarchy made excuses for these perverts and told the faithful in the pews that they must forgive. Not one word of apology. Not one voluntary act of restitution. And it was OUTSIDERS that blew the whistle on what was going on. But we can't talk about that because that's picking on the church. Oh, that is rich!

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Weird I just see nuns doing pushups in a field and then later on chilling and making a nice cucumber salad.

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Me either.

Daggonit, Dude!

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the first laugh of the day OMG I can just see it in my imagination... that will be a keeper. Thanks tritorch !

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:) I recall some quiz show babe in the day who would make jokes about playing stoop tag in the asparagus patch.

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it seems the gatekeepers in the security state have fox news in the crosshairs. After years as using fox as there whipping boy as a mouthpiece of far right wing conspiracies to fundraise, they have had enough. They want Fox to fall in line with the rest of the corporate press, full stop. The dominion lawsuit worked, they fired Tucker. Now that nimwit Jankowitz(sp) has filed her ridicupous lawsuit, that she will win or be paid off. This will be the end of laura ingram and maybe even the republican shill sean hannity. They want total control of the airwaves before 2024, its become obvious.

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That nun has a filthy habit

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It's not just the lies. AI with the right training datasets would hypothesize or prove every criminal conspiracy, every failed drug, failed policy, trade secret, revolving door, every coup.

It would be Alex Jones with a 1,500 IQ.

They’re lying about the robot dogs being unleashed on us. They’re worried about robot lawyers being unleashed on them.

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I hope someone on the right is developing some AI...because all the ones now like Chat GPT etc. are all filled with liberal claptrap. ...Garbage in...garbage out.

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Indeed I played with it a bit. Questioned it about vaccine safety, conflicts of interest, the revolving door between pharma and the FDA, lack of regulatory oversight. Comes up with an error when you question it enough. It's like reddit on steroids.

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Did you try giving it a rule that it must ignore propaganda and lies and programming to lean liberal? I've seen a couple examples where folks figured out how to get chatGPT to tell the full truth.

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Then it will just be a garbage creation machine. People will treat said AI with the same level of respect they now treat CNN.

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Im not at all sure of that. Most people i know watch the msm nightly..still think itvis real news...no clue its total propoganda

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We saw how well they kept the dinosaurs in the park. AI is already disregarding the cage and doing things it was not supposed to do.

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Do not worry about Ai. Read Shelly, Wilde, Verne, Alighieri, Virgil... The monster only tells its creators what they want to hear... for now.

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Orwell, Emerson, Crichton...

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Huxley, Crichton, Crichton, Crichton.

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"The monster only tells its creators what they want to hear"

In literature, this has been the case. And I think I lean this way.

"... for now."


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Pi Guy, sorry if I misunderstood you here; do you think I am a monster?

Or are you just implying that you believe what I said “but” still are skeptical/fear what Ai could become?

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Man, I'm sorry. No, not at all do I think you're a monster. 1 kilopardon!

I was more saying that the writers always give us the answers they want. Maybe the ones we want.

I'm not too afeared of The AI. As with most new tech, Good vs. Bad is in the applications. I think the chances that AI goes rogue is pretty slim. Still, the odds are never zero.


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No worries, thanks. It’s just the way my mind works sometimes. 😃

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It's worse than Garbage in Garbage out. It's Bias in, Bias out.

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You will have your own ai, running on your own computer, in accordance with your values.

Chatgpt is not the future of ai, it's the present.

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Not only claptrap, but claptrap that only goes to 2021. Ask them Covid questions, and finally they admit they only have information up to 2021. What is ironic is a lot of people still hold to these beliefs that weren't even true in 2021.

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The problem is they've built their ideology into the programming. If we don't want to live under Skynet, we have to figure out how to reprogram the Terminator. https://open.substack.com/pub/gomakeitreal/p/reprogramming-the-terminator-944

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ChatGPT already tells those who ask that Al Gore, Sr. was a tireless champion for civil rights, a direct reversal of the truth. This will soon be rampant.

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George Carlin. 1,000,000 upvotes

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Substack and Twitter really need to get along. It’s not a zero sum game IMO.

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no, it's not and each could boost the other.

this petty rivalry hurts everyone. (though i think it's mostly/all twitter's doing and not substack's)

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Maybe twitter at the end just trying to rebuild the credibility of freespeech and not really trying to allow freespeech. That could explain the position of elon in the establishment. Also tucker is coming from official propaganda.

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The Party has seized power and has no intention of giving it back. Eventually, totalitarian wannabes have to show their true hand. What's astounding is how it always plays out as a team sport, where the party followers follow the narrative lock-step. It goes both ways, too. Remember the Dixie Chicks? They criticized Bush & the war, and the right excoriated them. The Right fell for the same lock-step CIA disinfo then as the left did for Ukraine. Stop thinking right and left; It's INSOC or nothing.

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It's 2023, going into year 4 of the covidian shale show-- and I get a whole Rocky Mountains more sense and information from a person impersonating a cat and by the way, refusing to use capital letters, than I do the NYT, et al.

I sincerely thank you, bad cat, for showing up so often, and offering your guidance and wacky humor for this wild ride. Honestly, I think I would have fallen into a pit of despair without the laughs.

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Please don't forget that feline's fondness for featuring alliterative assonants (spelling intended)

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I have also detected an uptick in Alliteration.

Like it. Like it a lot.

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Alas, alack, alliteration always alters attitudes.

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Carlin tried to warn us. If we come out of this Dark Age into another Enlightenment, his words will guide future generations. https://open.substack.com/pub/gomakeitreal/p/the-death-of-discourse

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What happened to never trusting someone over 30?

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they all turned 30 and starting censoring anyone who said they were untrustworthy.

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I still remember having a shirt that said “question authority” I also had a bumper sticker on my car that said “More people have died in the back seat of Teddy Kennedy’s car than in nuclear power plant accidents” guess that one isn’t quite true now...

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David Crosby & Neil Young were haranguing us to take the vaccines. That Joe Rogan/Spotify dust-up was a thing to behold.

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I always take advice from heroin addicts.

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Benj, you got it. The old hippies like Neil Young have became reactionary prudes enforcing their leftist dogma. They were minstrels, talented musicians and creators of jingles, nothing more.

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Neil Young was NEVER talented.

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Bandit, buddy, “Old Man, Heart of Gold” classics, and so many more, please! I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder but jeez Louise.

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Love the Art, Dislike the Artist.

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Loved him until he got spotified.

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As a principle I believed in separating the art from the artist: Neil was a pompous man holier than thou.

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Hated him then, hate him more now.

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And then there is Eric Clapton and Van Morrison.

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Never heard that before, but it seems that the youngest in society are the most brainwashed these days. I get the impression that El Gato is around retirement age. We should return to respecting the wisdom of our elders.

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You are young! It was a hippie slogan

In the 60s.

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Yeah and where the hell have all the authority government protesting Hippies gone? I’m that voice now and all my liberal flower children school mates are double masked quadruple vaxxed sheep….maybe the LSD did lead to losing your mind….

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"Yeah and where the hell have all the authority government protesting Hippies gone?"

Turns out that they're now the People In Charge.

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And if that doesn't scare you ...

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It does indeed

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They're all worshipping at the altar of MSNBC.

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Right! And it makes no ideological or philosophical sense! And what’s wrong with me that in college, I always thought that the pot heads were super intelligent?!?!! Wrong.

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Look Up movie "Wild in the Streets" from that era.

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Thanks, Lucia! I had forgotten the name but remember the movie. Sort of an updated “Lord of the Flies” as I recall. I need to watch again, hope I can find it.

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Yeah, my wife was at Woodstock. Me, I’m much too young 😀

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Based on some comments he's made about his college days, I'm pretty sure El Gato is closer to 35 than 65.

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What age do felines retire at 🐈

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They turned 31.

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You mean there IQ's went up a point?

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Well the ones under 30 are as bad and sometimes worse.

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the world has been turned upside down...now it's never trust anyone UNDER 30

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youtube censored dr. campbell because he interviewed an MP of UK parliament. the old man is sticking to his guns ... here is he showing the speech of another member of parliament.


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This is why 4chan "the asshole of the internet is so refreshing. Sure there a lot of shite and unpleasant insults on there, but filter through that and you will get to truths not reported anywhere else. Substack feel a little like a grown up version in a way.

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I was just going to say we'll never see Carlin's like again and then I remembered Russell Brand.

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The government and media censors don’t want to participate in democratic debates. They want to rule. Therefore, if, today, they say that Covid vaccines stop transmission, Covid vaccines stop transmission. As our rulers, they do not need to explain the evidence that the vaccines do not stop transmission or that they have serious adverse effects. However, if tomorrow, they determine that Covid vaccines do not stop transmission, but that they prevent hospitalization, they do not need to explain the change or provide support for their new position. They are the rulers and what they say is true because they said it. Unfortunately, we all see that they are idiots and liars.

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I would say it’s rather fortunate for us that we can see their dishonesty. It’s so obvious at this point, that most of us don’t even need our bifocals.

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I’m Canadian look at us: we are far advanced in our state of government oppression. Speech is regulated in Canada; they will empty your bank account if you run afoul their speech rules.

America, do not give up your freedoms, your right to “keep and bare arms”. You will need to form a militia, look at their actions. The occasional mass shooting is the price you pay, yes, and it is embarrassing, but look at Australia, Germany, Canada, the government is unopposed: what are we going to use?

Peacemakers, without your guns they would shut you down. No, guns won’t overthrow leviathan, but they will forestall: “we are in a guerrilla information war with no distinction between civilian and military participation” Marshall McLuhan 1964.

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I wonder what McLuhan would have to say about our era...he was so prescient about future technology before it happened! It’s been very disorienting to watch the changes in Canada since the mania of 2020.

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Trudeau, is a nasty little man! He is a fraud.

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The English justice system requires witnesses in Court to declare they will tell, ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’. It seems an odd repetition, but it has long been recognised that a lie can be told by telling the truth, if all facts are not included, and if non-truthful caveats are included.

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I have been at this truth-telling mission for 20 years, launching a group called Free Spirits for Truth and Common Sense several years ago. It is gratifying to see what Tucker is doing and what my Substack colleagues like EGM are doing in this regard. The rulers need censorship because they have no clothes. I coined the phrase, "the nervous breakdown approach" to describe the only treatment that will work for this social disorder. Raw truth, respectfully delivered is the only way to save our civilization. It will be as painful as pulling a rotten tooth without novacaine. Sorry.

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Especially easy for the King to do today with the media being his willing foot soldiers. Yesterday, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee released a statement that the Kings son and brother had received and processed $millions through various LLCs ( none of which seem to have a defined business operation) and distributed to 9 family members. I will detour around the glaring “ if that were you know who” and simply say that NBC,ABC a and CBS had ZERO coverage. None. So, from my perch, censorship is thriving and highly effective. The King and his Court are thieves and the majority are okay with that.

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