A nun caught doing pushups in a cucumber field is more credible in her stated motivations than any of these loathsome, degenerate, false witness "journalists".

The WEF is using the media as their puppet mouth-pieces in order to spread highly weaponized propaganda, division, and discord throughout the world in a bid to divide, conquer, and enslave us all.

These treasonous journalists are playing a major role in the demoralization and destabilization stages of the coup we are experiencing. They create the fear and uncertainty and division and hatred while silencing and destroying the reputations and careers of anyone speaking out against the narratives they spin.

All just a part of the: https://tritorch.com/covidhypnosis

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It's not just the lies. AI with the right training datasets would hypothesize or prove every criminal conspiracy, every failed drug, failed policy, trade secret, revolving door, every coup.

It would be Alex Jones with a 1,500 IQ.

They’re lying about the robot dogs being unleashed on us. They’re worried about robot lawyers being unleashed on them.

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George Carlin. 1,000,000 upvotes

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May 11, 2023Liked by el gato malo

Substack and Twitter really need to get along. It’s not a zero sum game IMO.

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The Party has seized power and has no intention of giving it back. Eventually, totalitarian wannabes have to show their true hand. What's astounding is how it always plays out as a team sport, where the party followers follow the narrative lock-step. It goes both ways, too. Remember the Dixie Chicks? They criticized Bush & the war, and the right excoriated them. The Right fell for the same lock-step CIA disinfo then as the left did for Ukraine. Stop thinking right and left; It's INSOC or nothing.

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It's 2023, going into year 4 of the covidian shale show-- and I get a whole Rocky Mountains more sense and information from a person impersonating a cat and by the way, refusing to use capital letters, than I do the NYT, et al.

I sincerely thank you, bad cat, for showing up so often, and offering your guidance and wacky humor for this wild ride. Honestly, I think I would have fallen into a pit of despair without the laughs.

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Carlin tried to warn us. If we come out of this Dark Age into another Enlightenment, his words will guide future generations. https://open.substack.com/pub/gomakeitreal/p/the-death-of-discourse

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What happened to never trusting someone over 30?

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

youtube censored dr. campbell because he interviewed an MP of UK parliament. the old man is sticking to his guns ... here is he showing the speech of another member of parliament.


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This is why 4chan "the asshole of the internet is so refreshing. Sure there a lot of shite and unpleasant insults on there, but filter through that and you will get to truths not reported anywhere else. Substack feel a little like a grown up version in a way.

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I was just going to say we'll never see Carlin's like again and then I remembered Russell Brand.

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The government and media censors don’t want to participate in democratic debates. They want to rule. Therefore, if, today, they say that Covid vaccines stop transmission, Covid vaccines stop transmission. As our rulers, they do not need to explain the evidence that the vaccines do not stop transmission or that they have serious adverse effects. However, if tomorrow, they determine that Covid vaccines do not stop transmission, but that they prevent hospitalization, they do not need to explain the change or provide support for their new position. They are the rulers and what they say is true because they said it. Unfortunately, we all see that they are idiots and liars.

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I’m Canadian look at us: we are far advanced in our state of government oppression. Speech is regulated in Canada; they will empty your bank account if you run afoul their speech rules.

America, do not give up your freedoms, your right to “keep and bare arms”. You will need to form a militia, look at their actions. The occasional mass shooting is the price you pay, yes, and it is embarrassing, but look at Australia, Germany, Canada, the government is unopposed: what are we going to use?

Peacemakers, without your guns they would shut you down. No, guns won’t overthrow leviathan, but they will forestall: “we are in a guerrilla information war with no distinction between civilian and military participation” Marshall McLuhan 1964.

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The English justice system requires witnesses in Court to declare they will tell, ‘the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth’. It seems an odd repetition, but it has long been recognised that a lie can be told by telling the truth, if all facts are not included, and if non-truthful caveats are included.

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I have been at this truth-telling mission for 20 years, launching a group called Free Spirits for Truth and Common Sense several years ago. It is gratifying to see what Tucker is doing and what my Substack colleagues like EGM are doing in this regard. The rulers need censorship because they have no clothes. I coined the phrase, "the nervous breakdown approach" to describe the only treatment that will work for this social disorder. Raw truth, respectfully delivered is the only way to save our civilization. It will be as painful as pulling a rotten tooth without novacaine. Sorry.

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Especially easy for the King to do today with the media being his willing foot soldiers. Yesterday, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee released a statement that the Kings son and brother had received and processed $millions through various LLCs ( none of which seem to have a defined business operation) and distributed to 9 family members. I will detour around the glaring “ if that were you know who” and simply say that NBC,ABC a and CBS had ZERO coverage. None. So, from my perch, censorship is thriving and highly effective. The King and his Court are thieves and the majority are okay with that.

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