Not really appropriate to "like" this post, but anyway. To anyone else whose dearly beloved ones were fooled or coerced or compelled into taking the vax--come shriek along with me. Already any time any of them are under the weather, my heart plummets. "Worrying about the (adult) kids" is reaching blast-furnace intensity. May everyone involved in this even unto the least and lowest henchperson end up roasting in God's Big Tandoor in the Sky for ever and ever and ever.

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This will sound like a weak humble brag but I think that my demographic- parents of preschoolers and babies- had it pretty good in this COVID circus considering. I had a home birth so didn’t deal with hospital crap. I can keep my children close and keep life fairly normal for them. I hate having to explain why imbeciles out and about are wearing face diapers but we’re otherwise pretty much 100% normal. I feel bad for young single people, they really got a bad deal out of this with years of their lives disrupted and the pressure to get vaccinated must be enormous

I hear so many stories of adult children getting vaccinated and that would DESTROY me. I’m so sorry.

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You're in Texas, I take it. A bastion of sanity. Here in California the Dark Lord holds sway, and the push is on to enact legislation whereby children can get vaxxed without their parent's permission or knowledge. If I had kids here right now I'd be paddling them towards Ascension Island.

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Exactly, if my kids were even a couple years older I would be absolutely terrified. I feel pretty safe with my spouse and in-laws on the same page and my children under my supervision. For now.

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Mexico is near by. I think Mexico kept sane much better than anywhere in the US. Rural GA here, not too bad, but still about a fourth masked. One day I will scream every time I see one LOL. A pregnant friend will give birth at home, and homeschools her children. The local school obviously did not require masks, none of the neighbor kids wore one. Only weird is when I go to the next town over where they got the covid craze!

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You are right about Mexico - I get the Mexico News Daily, and keep up with things there. They were and are more or less sane about covid. Handed out Ivermectin at kiosks in the cities. We actually researched Mexico pretty thoroughly as a possible permanent move, as we both love that country. Many people we know are making the move - friends have just moved to Mazatlan. We decided against it for a couple of reasons. The gang wars have really escalated, even in Baja where we were looking. Also, the places we love were no longer cheap, and were overrun with gringos (like us!). We didn't want to be part of the problem. Will still go there for vacations (hah!) and medical/veterinary/dental work.

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That's interesting that you know people moving to Mexico -- I've always had the thought that the problem with a wall on the border is that it would keep people out, but also keep people in.

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Max Igan moved to Mexico (from Australia, just in time).

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It's good to hear this. Be well, and stay vigilant.

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Texas is what you see of it. I know very highly educated people — doctors, engineers, and phds — who live in Houston, Dallas, and Austin. They now wear multiple masks because one isn’t good enough. They listen to NPR, read Washington post and will believe anything so long as it has the imprimatur of ‘experts’. They have vaccinated themselves and their kids and in their words uttered with pride — they’re up to date.

Unlike Californians, they are very religious about vaccines and will put a fatwa if their beliefs are rejected. They’ll also laugh at the religious without getting an iota of the irony.

IMO, the Texans I described are like mitt Romney— jilted by a lover and fantasizing about the said lover when in bed with spouse. Can’t have the life but can dream.

For all his talk, Pan has mostly lost. Even San Diego school district, where he ran his pet experiment, has back peddled and pushed the date of enforcement out to July 2023. I don’t think he will get anything across without destroying the Democrats in the process. Don’t believe me? Wait for the 56 cent gallon hike in July. Gavin is already blaming climate change aka the insanity plea.

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I was at the clinic yesterday, a large one with hospital next door. The sign said masks required. Me being the rebel I am did not put one on. No one said a word to me. I think most sane people know the gig is up.

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If we (Californians) could only split the state. Lord hear my plea. Or how about just a fair election?

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I’m so thankful as well. There’s no way I will let my 5 and 2 year old anywhere near these. My husband took the first 2 shots, but saw logic with not taking boosters. It breaks my heart that our whole extended family, including as young as 7- are boosted. I’m thankful that I woke up to the corruption of everything. There’s no stuffing the cat back in the bag.

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Cat back in the bag! I see what u did there!!!

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Yes. Mine took it twice, (she works in L.A. and loves her career,) and is getting the third if my desperate pleas are ignored.

Which I'm quite certain is almost guarenteed.

All I can do is pray, and leave her in God's hands.

No one lives forever. Not even our children.

But the wickedness aboard on Earth today is truly stunning.

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. I will repay."


And maybe in her next incarnation she will listen to her Mom??

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Since getting triple-vaxxed, Mom (77) diagnosed with ALS and Dad (78) with prostate cancer. Coincidence? Given that Mom landed in the hospital with heart problems after dose 1 and again after dose 2, I think not in her case. I’ve stopped shrieking, as no one in my family will listen. At the airport flying home to Montana, after my first post-diagnosis visit with them. Stairlift installed, as she can no longer walk up to their bedroom. Entirely gutting. I’m carrying so much rage right now that it frightens me.

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I am so sorry. I expect more bad news akin to this in the future. The only thing we can do as others have said is self-care for our mental health through exercise/martial arts/prayer/meditation. And support each other through these sub stacks. And call out the lies whenever/wherever possible! Vote out those that fed the propaganda!

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Yes to self-care. Grateful for the support here, and for my meditation cushion and daily dog-hikes. The Democrats lost my vote, and lost it HARD.

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My stepmother came down with lymphoma and father with prostate cancer within two months of the jabs.

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Hard to imagine such a double whammie. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Thank you! We must hold tight to our common humanity...

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Focus on those responsible, so we don’t face this again in November.

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Amen. And I'm thinking of taking up kick boxing or tai kwan do, just to direct and let out some of this fury before it poisons me. Watching a lot of wushu movies, I find them very cathartic. I recommend anything with Jet Li. Bad guys always get it.

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Try "Ong Bak: the Thai Warrior"

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I'll check it out, sounds like my cuppa. Thank you!

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Yep, not as bad yet for my folks, but my moms trials right after shot were so bad. First time she ever talked about death. I will never forget what the government chose to do by getting my dear folks to take this crap,

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The government, and the "safe and effective" chorus in the media. I won't forget, either. I hope your mom's health recovers, Pamela. ❤️

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I understand. My boosted mother in law has had non-stop autoimmune flares since the vax and then boost. They won't list either. Now she is getting more experimental drugs. It is so hard to watch.

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I'm so sorry, SE. It's a very helpless feeling. ❤️

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I am truly so sorry.

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This comment really hit me. My mom is also 77 and triple vaxxed. So far so good, but I live far away in another country and air travel is far from an assumption these days. She just came for a visit which was great, but it leaves us wondering if that was the last. This substack is what really worries me, especially as one of my cousins ended up with acute leukemia shortly after her booster. Maybe you survive the short term gauntlet, but destroying immune systems is long term scary. How awful for you and us.

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Yep, my mom is forever changed not because of covid but because of mRNA

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I'm so sorry.

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Oh how terrible, I am so very sorry this is happening to you. No words except, please be gentle with yourself. I hope support comes your way.

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Thanks, Keahi. The mental/emotional support from these Substacks is invaluable. Plenty of on-the-ground help with my parents and supportive friends here at home, but they're all happily, unquestioningly vaxxed. Y'all are a godsend.

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I could not agree more. Saving my sanity. I'm glad you have the help, and I'm/we're here for you when you need to get real with like-minded people.

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Amen! It is refreshing/soul uplifting to find the sanity and logic in these sub stacks!

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My two beautiful daughters were forced, against their will, to get the vaccines - thank goodness not the booster - and I pray for them everyday. They are fearful of what could happen to them. My son refused, and his workplace gave him an exemption, but his 14 year old son's mother got my grandson them behind his back. I shouldn't, but I wish horrific consequences on those who have pushed and, unbelievably, are still pushing the vaccine.

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I live in fear for my nieces... I’m so angry with my sister

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I get it. I feel the same. So sad.

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I know, S, I feel exactly the same. It's like being on one of the lifeboats watching the Titanic go down. Relief that my best beloved and I had the sense God gave a goose to not go along with this evil bs, and horror and fear of what will happen to our loved ones and humanity as a whole. Big Tandoor in the Sky - my dear, you've got metaphors and to spare. I'll gladly bring the naan bread.

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Bring mangoes. My magic bread recipe makes everything.

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I'll bring a vat or two of frosty Kingfisher to keep the heat at bay.

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Sounds lovely. Actually this whole deal is helping me understand the worst excesses of the French Revolution. Let's hope they bring back the guillotine. We'll bring our knitting.

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Now now, we mustn't descend to the level of the leftists.

Not to mention the mess

I like the idea of reopening Devil's Island and having them Lord of the Flies themselves out of our misery.

The festivities could be broadcast globally, like the Hunger Games.

It would be bigger than the Super Bowl.

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Think of the poor native flora and fauna!

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🤣. Hmm wearing masks of course. Good idea.

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That scenario would be very satisfying. Make room for the tumbrels!! Biggest baskets we can find. Then to the pikes. Up and down Pennsylvania Avenue and blue state capitals.

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I myself have always thought the very best punishment is to put them in shatterproof soundproof plexiglas isolation units, and we just sit there, staring (in between the progress of the needlework, of course), for as long as it takes for them to go absolutely irretrievably mad. I've debated as to whether they ought to be fed and watered, and decided I'm more of a quick execution gal than actually starving anyone, so we'll have to extend them the small courtesy of bodily nourishment. But that's it. Otherwise no mercy.

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Making sure they get a good view of what's about to happen to them. A la lanterne!

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I got enough crochet projects to see us through the duration...

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I would join in.... with my Featherweight and a zillion spools of thread, some good machine oil, my entire stash, an ironing board, bit of Niagra starch pins rotary cutter, board, rulers etc etc etc 🎉📐🧵🪡📍📏🛢 cookies coffee etc etc

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Been meaning to finish that afghan...and then there's all that mending...

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Vive la Revolution! I’ve been saying the same for some time. Start with Fraudci.

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I would pay good money to watch him be executed, and I mean that most sincerely.

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I ain't really a drinker. But this, I think, calls for some slivovitz in my grandpa's shot glasses.

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Oooh slivovitz, a big part of my college years!! Love that stuff. Well shoot, maybe I need to drink more, it wouldn't hurt. The times call for it, dontcha think?

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Butting in: may I suggest you (both) try Bäsk? It's good for the digestion, especially after fish or heavy fat food like thick sliced pork in cream and onoin sauce. Only brand available in the US seems to be 'Jeppson's Malört' made in Chicago by CH Distillery. It's made from distilled alcohol and wormwood, tastes real nice before and after dinner.

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I feel we shouldn't let them drive us into self-ruination. But a small etched-glass salute with Eastern Europe's finest? Pass around the tray.

(When I was emptying my mom's apt., I found an unopened bottle of Benedictine from at least the '70s. Took it to my new home where it continued to languish. When my UK friend's late mother's home was ready to be closed on, we agreed to lift a glass in unison, celebrating over the phone, and I suspect it was the first and last time for drinking from that baby...)

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Another commenter said it was like putting on your lifejacket for the sinking of the titanic. We’re better prepared perhaps, but we’re still going to suffer in the icy cold water for a while.

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Axe and scythe sharpened and ready here. Pitchfork is steeped in chicken droppings for added "emphasis".

Here in Sweden, the major medical journal recently ran a discreet little article about (so far this year) nine mysterious cases of Hepatitis of a strange kind not really A nor B or C. Among children under age ten. Never seen before this year. The 'V' word is not mentioned, and very carefully not mentioned, but what is written explicit is that there is no path of transmission from anyone or anything to the kids, and the kids themselves have no connection other than being kids and having gotten this strange Hepatitis.

Also, neither our CDC nor FDA equivalents wants to make public data for vaccine injuries/death over time for other vaccines so that we can see if the so far known 400+ dead from mRNA-jabs are a lot more or a lot less than usual (and as we now, it's a lot more).

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I think honestly with no exaggeration and absolutely no hyperbole I'd prefer to rip the veins out of their wrists with my teeth. There's a point where niceties like forged weapons just don't fill the need.

Yeah I've been following that "mystery hepatitis" business and ain't it time to bring out the gibbets already? "...and X number needed liver transplants." My God. A lifetime on immunosuppressants ahead.

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500 years ago when the danes tried to claim Sweden under the Kalmar Union treaty, people in the area I come from used to catch danish and german soldiers (mercenaries paid by allowing them free looting) and smoke them the way you do fish. They would then hang the naked body from a tree branch next to a major crossroads.

Biting someone so it actually injures them is much harder than one thinks (no I won't tell how I know that), and if they have some sh*t in their blood, well that's all she wrote, neh?

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I'm always glad to be shown a better way of doing something...

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Agreed. This site is so educational. Smoking them like herring, wait 'til I tell the sig oth, he will wriggle with delight. Bloodthirsty Scot, he loves that sh#t.

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It depends, I have very large (wide) and sharp canines and a powerful jaw🤧.

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My friends 35 yo son got a liver transplant last year. A nightmare. The last surgery (of many and more to come) to put in another bile stent had the surgeon nick his pancreas resulting in more problems. And longer recovery. You don’t want it—ever. He can’t even drive.

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I know nobody can truly understand except the ones who go through it, but I believe the vax blew up my friend of 49 yrs.' transplanted kidney and the despair and rage I feel can't be described. So I am extremely very terribly sorry about your friend's son.

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I'm so sorry. It is gut-wrenching. A dear friend of 40 years with a lung transplant doesn't understand why things just keep going wrong. I've watched four friends drop dead from the vax, one just a few weeks ago. The kindest of men...I know there will be more. I cannot help it, my Berserker blood rises. When the children start to die in numbers, then we shall see...

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I am really hoping the kids just manage to metabolize it all or whatever. So it’s not an actual genocide. But especially because my daughter’s best friend just got it this week so she can go on vacation with her family. Her parents gave her a “choice.” Twelve years old. Fucking A They could have gone anywhere on vacation that doesn’t require it. Choices abound. I just don’t get it. My daughter was freaking out and I had to calm her down and then tell her to keep her distance as best as possible. It really killed the vibe this week.

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I had a patient get a kidney transplant and her life was completely destroyed. She was not a good candidate due to lack of ability to actually take care of herself and it really showed. I think you really need a strength of character and will to live and strong healthy body otherwise to survive that type of intervention successfully. Your entire focus should and must be on getting well.

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True. A gal I worked with her hubby needed a kidney transplant. Very harrowing time until he got one. He is not compliant at all. He has diabetes and takes no care of his health. His wife is completely stressed out about everything. She cares but he doesn’t.

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Yeah that’s definitely a worst case scenario. Poor lady. Kidney failure is a nightmare (and an eventual death sentence) but the recovery from transplant is not for the weak.

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"Mysterious" juvenile cases of hepatitis here in USA, too.

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Oh dear....suspicion has to fall on the adenovirus in the J & J and AZ having recombined with another adenovirus to make a monster virus and that is what is happening all over now....we will probably not hear much about it from our agencies, since they caused it with the jabs...

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What a coincidence, we've got that here in the U.S. as well, too. Must be a result of long covid, huh. No other explanation possible. /sarc (I hate having to use that, but...). So, shifting gears, or maybe not, who would you challenge to a duel, Rikard, if it were possible?

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I think the cause is the shock at seeing unmasked people. Or maybe Daylight Savings Time?

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Wait did Sweden actually vax these kids? Or is it shedding or something?

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I will shriek with you-as 2 of my 3 sons in the military were forced to get the shot -despite one of them having already recovered from Covid. My father who will turn 82 has now developed neuropathy after his booster last fall, and his drs are recommending the 4th shot-which makes me want to scream. I did send him an email with the howbadismybatch website and encouraged him to forego the next one. Not sure if he will listen.

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I'm so sorry, Jocelyn. I am enraged for those who were forced to get the jab. And this is all becoming so, well, Biblical is the best word I can think of.

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My Navy son was also coerced into getting a double dose after he got covid during pre basic training quarantine. I'm praying they don't force a booster!

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I am sorry. I feel your pain. Absolutely praying for our military.

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my daddy is 98 and just got his second booster.

I know this year he has developed balance problems. he will not believe it is shot related. he fell and broke his arm last Nov. and had surgery (nerve block) plate and screws, fantastic recovery. He is unsteady now though.... he just started using a rollater. I really miss our tramping around in the woods and at Agonkian Park Potomac River.

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I’m sorry to hear this!

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every day is a blessing. Truly a gift.

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Ugh, my mom took 2 shots so she could be by my nieces but sister turned against her anyways....these are the same parents who have helped them out so much.

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Horrible. I'm so sorry.

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My husband's brother is in the U.S. military, and he obediently took the injections without questioning anything. He now gets out of breath when he exercises. When my husband mentioned to him the likelihood of a vaccine side effect, he dismissed the idea out of hand. No doubt he will or has lined up for the booster.

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""Worrying about the (adult) kids" is reaching blast-furnace intensity."

Something happens to my adult kid who got vaxxed, something's gonna happen to a whole lot of other people before they catch me.

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God forbid for all of us, and I'm afraid my heart would just burst inside me before I took a breath more.

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You wouldn't be alone. We keep up our spirits talking funny Bonnie-and-Clyde scenarios these days. I know it's just a fantasy but should I find I only have a short while to live, I'd definitely think about suiciding bombing - somewhere where it would count.

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Don't take something like that into the hereafter with you. As hard as it is and believe me, I am mad, angry, frustrated, almost enraged, but forgiveness is the only way. Note that forgiveness doesn't mean they get away with it, just means you want them to repent and sin no more or do evil no more.

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I would never act on it, and I try not to even imagine it, as I know there would be innocent lives taken. And I won't do that to my karma. I do believe in forgiveness. But would I lay down my life for what I felt was right? Would I, for instance, have plotted to bring down Hitler, knowing it might result in my capture and death? Yes and yes.

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Yeah, the SB is too indiscriminate. Specific targets. That's the prescription. Or the "vaccine", as it were.

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I was fretting very badly in 2021, most of my family took the poison shot. In 2022 the Lord led me to Psalm 37, particularly v 8-9. Every time I get worried, I take it back to the Lord.

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Thanks for pointing to this beautiful psalm.

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All three of my adult children took the jab. Odd because we thought we raised free-thinkers, and in some ways, they are. At first I felt relieved that they showed no symptoms. But now I live in dread of long-term effects such as heart damage or worse, cancer. I don't even know if they'll tell me if something does crop up. Oldest daughter, in her mid-30s mentioned joint pain recently, but didn't consider the jab as the cause - and we really don't have any way to know.

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I'm grateful my one trusts my faith in Vitamin C and has taken it daily (though a smaller dose than I'd like) for years. Knowing it's an anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant at least stops me from waking up screaming.

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I was raised in a family that worshipped Linus Pauling and believed in the power of Vit. C. I take 2.5 grams of Liposomal C every day, more if I feel I need it.

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I take 4,000-8,000 mg. daily (get lazy sometimes and pay for it). More for acute illness.

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Wow, good for you! I admire you - that's more tolerance than I have at present. I do think the liposomal C is better; it's more than hype. Isn't it interesting how vitamins go in and out of fashion. I remember when E was the be-all end-all. Poor E, what a falling off was there, his crown was taken and given to Vit. D. But I still taken E with mixed tocopherals. Some things should not be overlooked even if they're no longer front page news.

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I just see what happens to me when I'm naughty. I keep saying--I'm my own science experiment...

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I cannot imagine what it is like to be a parent in situations like this...do you have to bite your tongue so hard you practically bite it off? I live in terror one day I will say something in front of my friend whose cancer has come back after the shot...or mention prions...or even the number of colleagues out boosted and jabbed with covid AGAIN (some are going on their third round)...in front of ANY of my friends or family.....I am trying to expand my repetoire of innocuous conversations....and it is DIFFICULT. It either comes back to Covid or Bideninflation, both non starters.

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Oh we can have wide-ranging discussions about books and work and vacations and... anything which is not truly important in our lives. Right at the very beginning, I told my eldest daughter, "I don't know what's going on here but my gut says we're getting played - just as it told me back in 2001-2003". She admitted that iraq/afghanistan was all based on Big Lies, but somehow believed this time was different. She wouldn't visit us because we didn't mask, saying it was for our safety, which broke my wife's heart, and mine too. Now with the jab she feels it's OK to visit and that's great but now we're scared for her safety. But all my children are adults and we must let them choose their own path.

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I admire you for being able to discuss all the things that are not important....without bursting at the seams. Wish I was much more like you. I do not have children...maybe that would have softened my edges a bit.

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Right with you here, Your Grace.

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Thank you for the smile!!! I had to stop a second and think Grace? Oh yeah, right.

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And the pain of biting the tongue - it gets hard to take. I see it all around me, and cannot say a word. Most Australians believe the dominant narrative, and the gov'mint hasn't rolled back at all.

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I am 100% with you, my friend! It is giving me heart problems thinking about my only daughter and all her young 20 something friends who lined up for these death shots, just to be accepted or to keep their jobs in Hollywood.

They are still pushing them. All I can do is pray.

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Not "liking" of course but agreeing.

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This is corruption, incompetence, or flat out evil, on a scale previously unseen on Earth. IMHO

The worst part is that the patents on these "vaccines" and GOF "viruses" appear to be old. Like 2006 old. Check out Dr. David E. Martin's work on the patents, their owners and their filing dates. (Of course don't use Google to search for interesting information.)

Maybe we should have paid a bit more attention to the Georgia Guidestones??

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I just wrote the same almost above...hitting the like button is not the right response to this. Someone wrote about these codonś earlier, I wish I could remember who (maybe it was el gato, I forget there are so many very smart people on substack they have been a blessing) and reading this was like a gut punch to the stomach.

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Talk about bringing everyone a bad morning...

But then, think of everyone doing this work and what it's been like for them, seeing their instincts validated when everything in them hopes it all ain't true...

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Dr. Ryan Cole looks like he's aged ten years since this started.

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Oh that makes me sad. Almost sadder than the innocent chumps who die as a result of propaganda and manipulation. They mainly remain ignorant. But knowing what is happening and having to bear witness? Torture.

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And speaking out as loudly as you can but being silenced and even punished for it.

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I think what you just said is very profound...and true. See it in these heros...and I do find it sadder than the chumps..all these brave scientists and doctors and people who have made it their business to find out what is happening and warn the rest of us....I do think it is a form of torture.

Very well said.

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I had trouble with the LIKE button as well. 😢

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Liking the article, but not liking the matters described in the article... yeah. Maybe it should be renamed to "I don't necessarily like what this article says but I find it to be valuable and/or well written". (Try fitting that on a button, lol.)

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For some reason, my LIKE button appears to stop working after a few likes, but it will show up if I reload the page (Safari user here). It might be a browser thing.

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...and I was gonna "like" this...

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We need a "horror-meter score" button choice...

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Totally. Never felt the need for emojis before, crying face, prayer hands...

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I think we all understand, it's not "like", but rather, acknowledgement.

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I think an open pit would be better, don't wanna eat any of that bad meat....roast they will.

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The Grillmaster won't be leaving many remnants...maybe a tsp. of ash.

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"everyone involved in [the big covid lie] ... end up roasting in God's Big Tandoor in the Sky for ever and ever and ever."

I'm sure that many will.

The "Big Tandoor" -- quite a good illustration of "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels"! ... "a place of unending suffering and torment from which there will be no escape."

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Gato, you and many others keep repeating that it is a lapse, an oversight, a mistake, whatever, that this wasn't tested for longer. It's none of that.

It was all known and done knowingly. No lapses. No mistakes.

It was premeditated from day one. Everything. It was all a lie. Always was.

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just to be clear, i mean a lapse of duty, not a failure to know what that duty was supposed to be.

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Thank-you for the clarification! 🐶🐱

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Yup, and we were supposed to take these "vaccines" for what exactly?

Is the PCR a diagnostic tool?

What happened to the yearly flu? What is a coronavirus? Etc.

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Well said. I'm hearing the word mistake being used a lot. A deranged person who burns down your house didn't make a mistake. He meant to burn down your house.

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Yes. Not mistakes. When I put Satan at the top of the entire pyramid it all made sense.

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I'd say the question is whether the lunatic *intended* to burn the house down, or if he was just trying to remove the toxic lead paint from your house with a flamethrower, because he's a lunatic.

To some extent it's really just a philosophical distinction, because either way he's just as dangerous.

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Just saw an interview with Michael Yeadon about batch consistency - and what he knows about the manufacturing process, he says that absolutely this is deliberate.

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I'm much more sure that it was complete idiocy. I don't wish to rag on men and I know generalization is, you know, generally not a good thing. But as I've been saying to a friend quite regularly: Please don't let them design anything without the close supervision of women. Men are wonderful at seeing far down the road but lousy at considering what might be around a corner...

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We have plenty of women in high places flushing that generalization down the toilet.

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But--but--how do you know they are "women?"

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I’m a biologist and I have no clue what a woman is! ;-)

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There is no excuse for my comment. I am very sorry for making this unquestionably offensive assumption and thank you for holding me accountable. I vow to keep educating myself to more fully understand this issue. I will be better in the future from this experience

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I'll spare you from the hara kiri chamber in my basement just this one time...

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Women are also great at being able to find fixes to what men already pfucked up.

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Tell that to the Bat Lady.... or just quit being sexist?

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And for what? So many younger people I know who were jabbed are getting COVID, getting it again, etc.

If they want to believe they'd be a lot sicker without the jab, against all demographic evidence suggesting otherwise, that's on them.

But, to mandate/coerce these shots is just so mind bogglingly evil.

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Exactly. And they repeat, mindlessly and verbatim: "so glad I got the vax/booster, it would have been so much worse" *I tear my hair out."

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It is even more asinine than the faith in face diapers.

They unwittingly are saying they can travel within the multiverse and see the outcome of alternate realities.

The scale and scope of sheer stupidity on exhibit these days is simply staggering.

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Here's what I ask myself at 3am: The ability to get people to believe absurdities and act in accordance with them; where does it stop? Does it have a limit?

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Two years ago, I would have said there must be some limit, somewhere.

I don't think so anymore.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

~ Albert Einstein

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Unfortunately, according to Voltaire it does not have a limit. He said “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” It was apparent during WWII and it is apparent now.

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The mantra is so consistent and verbatim I half- jokingly wonder if the boosters have some sort of neural net training built into them.

Since as we see here, they can land in your brain.

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I know, I've thought of a few things alone those lines. But let's now give them any more ideas? LOL?

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Just heard today about friends having their second booster. And others triple jabbed having ‘recovered’ from Covid for the 2nd time this year. The cognitive dissonance required to point the finger at me, un-jabbed, and call out my ignorance is astounding. But I guess this is self perpetuating confirmation bias.

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Holy rituals for the modern set.

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They keep saying it's "long covid", and blaming the unvaxxed. "I saw Goody Proctor and she was in the woods at night, spreading covid. And afterwards, I got covid again." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V3nFVCzo5E&ab_channel=SalenaGodden

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Great analogy; exactly.

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Wow. Stunning.

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By the way my p-feisty p-friend, CJD has 38 reports in VAERS as of May 6, 2022. I was just speaking on this in my interview tonight with my friend Wayne Rohde. It's frikkin' scary. According to CDC, 1.2/M died in the U.S. in 2020 from CJD and "CJD occurs worldwide with an incidence ranging between 0.5 and 1.5 cases per million people per year". It's always fatal, so that's ~1 in a million cases reported. So currently, in the context of these shots, we have 38 reports (X whatever URF - if we use a very conservative estimate of 15 - we have 570) for ~580M doses. So that means we're at our ~1/M already if CJD is under-reported by 15 times. If the URF is higher, then we have exceeded the background. My URF estimate based on p-fizer p-phase p-three SAE clinical data is 31. So that gives us 1,178 which means we're at 1/500,000.

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the estimates i have run on URF seem to range between about 40 and 100, but they trend sharply higher for more esoteric things (like CJD) because it simply would not occur to anyone that it would be a vaxx AE.

i think it's going to be tricky to get at thru VAERS and may, rather emerge as an overall society level figure.

will be interesting to see how that plays out.

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Yes. My previously healthy relative who works in medical IT field and fully vaxxed was recently diagnosed with fatal progressive prion disorder. Doctors in Seattle were baffled when she was found unresponsive by paramedics at home. After she was stabilized in hospital she "woke up" but with extremely diminished capacity, physically and mentally.

I was dismissed when I told my relatives it might be CJD or neurodegeneration from vaxx AE. (#RIPDrBaselga)

Two weeks later: doctors tried everything to no avail and were about to discharge her to a nursing home. The last test the neurologist ordered was a lumbar puncture, thinking it might be early CJD. Sure enough it came back with prions in CSF.

I doubt many physicians are this sharp to suspect CJD or to know prions can be found with a simple lumbar puncture. Most will refuse to link it to vaxx.

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What is CJD?

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I believe it is Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

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Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (also called Syndrome). The human form of mad cow disease, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. A dreaded, always fatal illness, it was, fortunately, rare - worldwide, one or two cases per million were diagnosed every year. That was before the vax.

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Oh Jessica....

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Gato is scaring us all with this one, and rightfully so. Confess that I zipped thru the heavy content and fast forwarded to the various cliff notes and summaries. But, once again (even allowing for some of the technical stuff to be off the mark) it's clear that the EUA was a horrendous blunder.

And as far as anecdotes about post-vax cancer diagnoses or reactivations go, I unfortunately know someone who is facing this rotten issue. And I'm sure many other readers have similar stories they could tell.

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Which is exactly why they cannot own up to it now. Everyone in various ways is committed; perhaps even especially the vaxxed.

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Though they won't admit to it, I think the vaxxed are so terrified at this point they won't open a single closet or turn on a light. The boogieman is closing in, more evidence every day. Wonderful story in the news about that brave passenger landing the Cessna in Florida AFTER THE PILOT PASSED OUT. It was a miracle, but...had the pilot imbibed too many Rum Punches in the Bahamas? There was no mention made of what ailed him.

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"I think the vaxxed are so terrified at this point they won't open a single closet or turn on a light." No doubt about it, especially if they have children that they had injected. It's got to be scary.

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I'm in a very, very small town (like 2000 people). Very blue, and very vaxxed. Everyone knows everyone else. There are people dropping dead here, and the crickets are deafening. That in itself says something. They know.

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I have heard orders of magnitude more sirens in my neighborhood over the last few months, compared to the 20 years before that.

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Yup, that's happening here too, but in our town's case it's mostly fentanyl.

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A lady I know, we were talking, very briefly. I wasn't being pushy in the least, and I only uttered a couple of sentences about data. She told me to shut up, she didn't want to talk about it, she's scared for her kids. The vaxxed don't want to talk about it, major cognitive dissonance going on.

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No one around me seems to be a bit concerned. Bring the boosters on!

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No one around me is concerned either. They took the Miracle Vaxxine and have had no side effects so far. So they're good. And... if they get C0VID, they will not die! It's awesome for them! They are Protected and Need Not Worry!

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And notice how every other day now a new Prominent Democrat shill is in the news saying "Hey, folks, I've got covid, but thanks to the wondrous vaccines and boosters, I'm just fine!" Today it's Gates' turn. And if you think that evil SOB took real shots, I've got land on the Big Island to sell you.

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They're whistling in the dark. If they were to open to it one little bit, the fear would engulf them. "Hey look! Squirrel!"

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Ignorance is bliss

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I don't use the phrase "mental illness" in this context lightly.

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My father (double vaxxed early due to age, once he started to see data took no more) just diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He had no symptoms to severe symptoms in a very short time. We are trying to get him treated ASAP, as I have feared the cancer will spread faster than usual due to damage from the vaccine. It is horrific and makes me so mad on his behalf and all others in similar situations.

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This is just so dreadful...really feel for you and your dad. The person I mentioned in my comment is a lady whose cancer had been in remission for over twelve years and who was considered cured. She was an enthusiastic early adopter of the vaxes, discovered the new occurrence sometime after her second dose, is now undergoing chemo and we're all hoping the treatment is successful. She duly got boosted, and has no inkling that this could possibly be linked to the vax's effect on her immune system. We've of course never raised the subject with her. And of course neither have her doctors.

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I'm so sorry, Sarah, sending prayers for you and yours.

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I am so very very distressed for you and so sorry.

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Thank you all. To elaborate, he went from an active man (walking, doing weights multiple times a week, no pain/mobility issues) with well controlled diabetes to weak and frail in less than a year. He has to use a walker to walk and has other challenges (controlling bladder, pain, weakness) that just came up out of nowhere. His calcium level shot up really high (over 12, the upper limit is 10.4) and that is what made his doctors suspect anything (high calcium can be caused by multiple myeloma). If we wouldn't have gone to the ER when we did he would have likely had a cardiac event because it just kept going up every few days.

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I honestly cannot accept that this is a blunder. There is simply too much established practice that has been completely abandoned in the drive to get these chemicals into as many people as possible. It is not in the slightest bit conceivable that this was not intentional.

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"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


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He was right about that.

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I agree, it is not a blunder. They knew just what they were doing. The Nazi doctors would be filled with awed admiration.

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I thought it was hubris....they knew the possibilities but discounted them because they COULD. They had to open the box and see....Do tell me what was it specifically that convinced you it wasn a blunder? I know Fauci, et al, all knew the trials proved NOTHING, but wanted the glory and the $$$. Did he know? Because I think he is just a stupid pawn. ..but do you think he knew about the prions in the gain of function and the implications for repeating that in the shot? Does everyone at FDA NIH CDC etc. know that this was what would happen? I know they didnt care about the deaths from blood clots, ADE, etc etc. etc...but cancers and prion disease? And they did it anyway? I believe it about Gates and Soros and the Davos men, but how far down the hierarchy does this knowledge go? Sincerely curious. Please tell me.

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For someone in Fauci’s position of authority to have sanctioned the wholesale abandonment of decades of epidemiology and virology through incompetence is just not credible.

Of course Fauci is just a PR front. He is so far down the food chain, an opportunistic wage slave amoral money grabber. Decisions are taken above the pay grade of Fauci, Gates, Soros, Biden etc. For this magnitude of dangerous medical strategy to have been implemented globally in lock step takes a level of control that we will never be permitted to see. Just like we are never permitted to see the inner workings of the Rothschild family, only what they choose to present to us.

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I have to conclude that because of Peak oil, the world as it is will crumble, and rather than chaos, the powers that be thought that killing off a bunch of us was the kinder solution...and will have to control the rest of us through digital something...so they can keep their place at the top of the hierarchy. I still believe in our Constitution, and that we the people need to decide, if this is true, how we go forward. But that is not going to be permitted.

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Oh yes. Id love to know how many others have a family member of friend whose cancer that was in abeyance exploded after the jab. My hand is up.

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Two here, one lymphoma, one prostrate. Neither existed before the Jab, 60 days later planning chemo...

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Oh no! God I'm sorry. My family and I aren't really speaking much. I have two sisters who have had cancer (as I have) and one sister with MS. I'm probably hiding my head under my wing in terror that they have started down this evil road (they are huge fans of the jab, upbraided me for saying no). If I spoke with them now, not sure what I could find to say. "I'm sorry for what's about to happen to you" -? I can imagine how that would go over. They've stopped saying "I love you' to me. I still say it to them. At this point, what else is there to say?

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Words of kindness are enduring.

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Cancer, cancer, cancer… Our church prayer list looks like a laundry list of cancers right now… 😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Well, that's pretty terrifying?

Not to be selfish, but to be selfish: what are the chances that being in close proximity with the vaxxed would impart to me all these wonderful benefits?

And now is when I thank you for ruining my afternoon. :)

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My thoughts too, as well as how safe is any blood that we get from vaxxed donors? I haven't seen anything about whether the vax spikes or other nasties are floating around in donated blood.

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I think we're gonna have to start keeping some @ home in the freezer. 😉

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If only we could. I am terrified of vaxxed blood...I am trying not to worry about the shedding....but dear Lord I probably should be...

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I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Remember what happened with HIV/AIDS. Of course our blood supply is now tainted, there can be no doubt. You must find fellow purebloods who are of the same blood type, who understand the seriousness of this, and make solemn pacts with them that you will be there for one another if transfusions are necessary. Thankfully my partner and I are the same type. Never sign another hospital form without making notes that you will sue them into nonexistence if they should give you blood, plasma, etc., from the common pool. You would be poisoned.

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I understand that hospitals in the US will no longer allow prior donations from yourself for an operation, and will not honor any requests. They are already slapping DNRś on anyone above 60 in the UK....Despite the health care directives.

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Bastards! Well, you can make autologous donations (for yourself) or directed donations (for another) prior to a surgery or other procedure. This has some requirements including a doctor's approval. In the case of emergency blood transfusions, all bets are off. Try not to require blood while in a blue state, is my somewhat off-color quip. https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/types-of-blood-donations/autologous-and-directed-donations.html

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I am sorry, but not anymore I understand. And I am in a blue state, but I do realize I have to move.

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"I haven't seen anything about whether the vax spikes or other nasties are floating around in donated blood."

Yes, this. I've been wondering too.

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Consider the unlikelihood that any responsible party would conduct such a study. The blood supply is always a bit fragile, why would they want to make it worse when they are all committed to "S&E."

In Canada the Red Cross was replaced by Canadian Blood Services after Hep C contamination was not tested before 1985. If spike toxicity is proven in donated blood, there will be a catastrophe. The good thing is that most of the blood used is separated into RBC's and plasma. The bad thing is that sialic acid on RBC's can be a receptor for spike. See Scheim, DE; doi:10.3390/ijms23052558.

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Two infants received vaxxed-blood transfusions against the parents wishes. In one case, the parents even banked pureblood and asked for that to be used. The parents were ignored, the baby died: https://www.newstarget.com/2022-12-15-newborn-dies-huge-blood-clots-vaccine-transfusion.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

The other case was in NZ and the baby survived.

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They deliberately are not telling us about this. Where are the studies? I dont think there will ever be any, because it would be like telling people an asteroid is gonna hit at an Extinction Level Event....

You know, you just gave me a thought. Maybe this is what it will take to snap the sheeple out of their mass hypnosis...Blood supply will give you prion disease...shit most of us would rather bleed out and die.

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Best to not go to a hospital at all, given their deadly protocols, not to mention the blood supply!

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Yes! THIS! ⬆️ What about the shedding?

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I have seen that; I suppose I wonder what exactly is being shed/absorbed: spike proteins? or mRNA material?

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spike proteins; the shedding issue seemed to be much discussed, Spring 2021 - but then that discussion stopped. Dr Lee Merritt was one such; Dr Palevsky another; odd how some of the early renegade MDs seem to have mostly dropped out of the discussion. Maybe just worn down with de-platforming etc.?

There was one respected physician and long time researcher who was suspended from Twitter; his tweet was basically: yes of course there is spike protein shedding but in clinically insignificant quantities - the "renegades" above were less sanguine - one claim was that menstrual irregularities in un-vaxxed women could be triggered by contact with vaxxed "shedders"

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I do believe that..too many women have spoken up ..unjabbed. But maybe we need to know how close and for what duration of time?

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Probably less than intimate; maybe fairly fleeting. Do you recall by any chance Dr Lee Merritt's nosebleed story after examining a vaxed patient ("... haven't had a nosebleed in my life...") - Same for me almost; but I could tell a nosebleed story after (24 hrs) sitting across a desk from a probably vaxed Bank Rep - ... life is dangerous - always has been - even in the "control group"! - "... forgive them; for they know not what they do..."

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I basically just spent this entire post saying "oh shit" quieter and quieter through each of the italicized bits until by the end I was hissing ominously to myself like Brandon delivering a speech threatening Americans.

My entire response is, how the fuck aren't the vaccinated dying by the MILLIONS already? Some of these processes could take just several months to build up teratogenic loads.

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I got an email today from legacy.com saying how they have made it much easier for people to file obituaries. And they’re cheaper, too. They couldn’t keep up with the demand I guess.

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May 11, 2022
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If EGM's science is right, this won't be that slow. The next 2 years will be a massacre.

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They will toss a war in the pot to really speed things up and lend a plausible excuse to the extirmination. Luckily Klaus' 2 boys in Eastern Europe have helpfully got the ball rolling on that.

People with suppressed immune systems will not do well with fresh water/sanitation non-existent. Oh, and Brandon made sure that doctors/nurses--those who will soon be on the REAL front lines--took the poison. That will be a force multiplier, for sure, when those tasked with taking care of the sick are, themselves, sick.

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The worst f#cking I-told-you-so in history. Dammit, I hate to be right, sometimes.

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This confirms what the little voice told me 17 years ago, "don't vaccinate your children." It's never been about health.

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You need to thank whoever or whatever you believe in for that little voice...that is something I envy you for.

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I thank God for answering my plea for help. It was definitely divine intervention.

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Counting down for the mRNA shots for cancer treatment ads.

Oh wait, its already started:

"NCCN: Most Cancer Patients Should Receive 5 Doses of an mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine"


"Promising cancer vaccine in the works utilizing similar mRNA technology that combats COVID: Duke researchers"


"mRNA Cancer Vaccine May Boost CAR-T Response"



Is it just me or is it almost like someone, somewhere, who can get ads...err...I mean articles on news and 'science' sites was expecting cancer on the horizon?

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And ironically, Ivermectin is showing huge promise as a cancer treatment. IVM is clearly on the side of good. My formerly agnostic bf is believing more and more that this is about the forces of Light versus Darkness. Sure does look that way (I myself have never been in any doubt).

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Actually, the early mRNA studies on the NIH site (now memory-holed, too many subjects in the animal trials didn't make it past two years) were quite hopeful about the potential the mRNA tech has for combating cancers. Cancer(s) were actually one of the key targets, originally.

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Odd how praise was poured on about the breakthrough in the mRNA platform. Seems that excitement is muted as the vaccine experiment plays out. Sad that boosters were ever recommended given the VAERS data. I suspect those who know the risks are not allowed to speak about them. Eventually we will know but they may be many causalities along the way - collateral damage so they might say.

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In essence, the moral of the story is don't F with mother nature.

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Want to sincerely thank EGM for this sterling tour de force. Stunning insight and detailed analysis.

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Hear hear. Yes indeed.

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I was never afraid of Covid, but I am starting to truly fear for the future.

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Healthy brother-in-law got jabbed in February, 2021, started having memory issues in March, was diagnosed w/glioblastoma (aggressive brain cancer) in May, passed away in June. I didn't even think it was related until Ryan Cole started talking about the jab/cancer link. Now I'm pretty convinced the jab at least exacerbated the onset.

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Very sorry to hear this. My condolences.

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Is this unique to the MRNA vax or is the same thing observed in J&J and AZ versions? Incidentally and unfortunately my Mother is at MD Anderson in Houston where they are struggling to diagnose tumors that rather quickly formed after jabs and booster of one of the MRNA concoctions.

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this is specific to mRNA.

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the J & J and Astra Zenaca (sp?) seem to have the ability instead to create adenovirus combos'that the very young babies cannot fight off all the time, giving them a new form of hepatitis...

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It's not fully clear to me, but I believe the J&J vaccine also uses a form of RNA or DNA to produce the spike protein in the body, but via a viral vector rather than nano-lipids. Depending on exactly what RNA/DNA it contains, it's possible it could have some of the same issues.

I think the Russian and Chinese-made vaccines are old-style viral vaccines and probably won't have the same issues (though might still have side effects directly from the spike protein itself).

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Weird and perhaps coincidental, a good friend got the J&J and shortly thereafter, Multiple Myeloma showed up..

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Thanks EGM

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Hope your mom improves. 🙏🏻

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I will feel forever guilty for talking my bf into his first dose. I was pregnant and didn’t want to take it, but thought it’d stop him from transmitting to me! He says now that he just did it for the day off work(?)--ha. I worry about him every day. I have anger toward those who have excluded me, but mostly I just feel so sad for everyone. Lots of people just did it cause of the pressure from so many sides. Thinking they were doing the “right thing”. That could’ve easily been me, too. I’m starting to wonder, though, how safe I even am--being merely AROUND vaxxed people?! There’s no escape from this madness.

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Thinking they were doing the “right thing”... not an accident, lots of psyops study was put into campaigns to get compliance & official "nudge" strategies deployed across social media and political speeches.. the guilt & gaslighting appealing to folks better nature was one of the most effective.. protect the ones you love & the children who can't get jabbed themes.. billions in taxpayer funds globally nudge, nudge, nudge

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I also have this question, such as can you catch these prions or whatever causes them from any bodily fluids for example. This stuff is way over my head.

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