this is the best thing you’ll watch today.
this is white house deputy chief of staff stephen miller speaking in the white house press briefing room.
pop some corn.
just sit back and enjoy the next 1 minute and 46 seconds. (link)
if he had ended with “thank you for coming to my TED talk” i would have died laughing.
i cannot tell you the untrammeled and unalloyed joy i’m experiencing just watching competent, confident people step up and take clear, sane, reasonable, principled stances.
the time of having to walk on eggshells and pretend that DEI and performatively contrived feelings and offendedness had to be accommodated and appeased is over. it’s just amazing watching the media try to figure this out. they have no idea what to do. they have no idea how to exist in a principled world of actual, articulate discourse.
why would they?
it’s been a years since they tried.
they are running around like headless chickens trying to pull on the levers that used to work.
and they keep finding that they do not.
they are also learning hard lessons about “not actually being the majority (moral or otherwise)” that they thought they were.
it’s over. no one wants to pretend these whinging media moppets have a point anymore.
this gang is loose, confident, effective, and funny.
and the “funny” part is really galling the media and the self styled “elites” it shills for.
the indignation is as palpable as it is sputtering.
they are hopelessly wrongfooted, bereft of principle and utterly exposed.
they are being forced into convoluted legalistic defenses of their own theft and tyranny as though it’s some sort of right or constitutional principle.
it’s kind of gorgeous.
a friend said to me:
“I can't even imagine what it feels like to be a Dem right now. I wonder if they feel anguished or if they actually feel relieved that they don't have to live in Loser World anymore.”
i think he’s got a point.
i suspect there is real relief from many who knew the world had gone off the rails but feared to break tribal ranks to do something about it.
how can anyone want to back the donkey tribe? it’s just awful. it’s an actual thieves forest. the amount of money that just got shut off must be staggering. and it’s all starting to come out. this regime was way past blatant, relying on total control of the kleptocracy to hide its actions.
and sunshine is getting in.
they never really had much in the way of durable principle, so their hypocrisy and tactical changes of position are on vivid technicolor display:
the “establishment” has lost the people and the plot. they are big mad, all alone, and then they lose. over and over.
these people cannot pull even the smallest crowds without the federally funded NGO perma-protesters on demand to which they are accustomed.
they zoomed way in and close cropped this “speech” so you could not see that it was to an empty sidewalk.
because they are as irrelevant as they are uninteresting.
the fury is going to keep building. kash got approved. now the fun really starts. reforming the FBI is going to be a hoot and the screams of “nooooo, how dare you expose our corruption, it’s against the rules! anti-democracy! noooooo!” will inevitably ensue.
it’s hard not to laugh.
(see civics lesson above)
meanwhile, the orange avatar of their nemesis is out pacing the daytona 500 and the crowd is going absolutely wild.
he’s having fun.
and people love it.
because this is exactly what we voted for. it’s what we hired. it’s what the demos wants:
we voted for “we’re so back.”
and we are so back.
and being back is fun.
“They grift, we know they're grifting, they know we know they're grifting, but they keep grifting anyway.” - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, probably
Stephen Miller swiftly kicks the MSM in the groin... Often... Film at 11:00...