Why the fuck does Bill Gates get to "call for" economies to be destroyed, cultures to be rewritten, and civil rights to be confiscated for medical experiments?

A man who is neither a doctor nor an economist nor a scientist nor MY ELECTED FUCKING OFFICIAL has about as much right to organize or govern my life as a rabid possum that I'd shoot for growling at me.

We have, all of us, allowed our elite to crown themselves kings.

I don't bow to a fucking software engineer.

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Answer: 💰 💴 💵, he buys off doctors, economists, scientists, and politicians.

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Oh my goodness that's terrible I had no idea.

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Not sure if you're joking. He gave a half billion or so to WHO. Bought off NHS & its equivalent in key countries with equally huge "gifts." Is heavily invested in both moderna & pfizer.

Also bought off politicians by giving large sums to election groups in key US areas...along with where to put ballot boxes, & where not to.

In case that's not bad enough, he's been buying large swaths of aggie holdings in US, to gain control of food supply.

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I had literally no idea about any of this. My previous three paragraphs of rage at unelected exercise of power was about Age of Empires being a disappointing video game.

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Same reason DAs in blue states have been turning loose dem criminals to riot, loot & burglarize again. In this case, the purchaser is Soros, who has been funding winners & BLM.

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Why don’t these people fucking die already? I honestly am beginning to wonder if they haven’t discovered something that they are keeping for themselves so they can keep hanging around and being a scourge to the entire world.

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Guttermouth you crack me up.

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Let us please not stigmatize age of empires

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I'm sorry, I was drunk and butthurt.

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Fuckin’ gold.

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Haha! 😂

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And blot out the sun. 🌚

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I remember that. And no one cancelled him for that incredibly asinine idea.

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Actually, the Swedes cancelled him, thank God.


I mean really, what could possibly go wrong?

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Sadly, it wasn’t enough for most of the elites to stop listening to this whackadoodle. 🙄

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It isn't the elites that I'm worried about listening to him. The lot of them comprise one big whackadoodle echo chamber of socialist megalomaniacs.

As the inimitable George Carlin once said: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it".

What is troubling is that so many of the capite sensi are willing to cede their liberty and unprecedented historical prosperity in what is obviously just another corporatist scam.

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

~ Carl Sagan

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At the very least, he should be known as Mr. Burns for that as Mr. Burns LITERALLY did that. Where's that baby with a revolver when you need them?

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the simpsons...always so far ahead of the rest of the world


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As far as I know, it is more than an incredibly asinine idea. It's an incredibly asinine project that he is actively involved in.

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And the WHO

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He's no "software engineer".

This moron is a spoiled brat from a family of rich eugenicists, who stole the core from Digital Research, made it even crappier, sold it to IBM and built "micro & soft" with great help from DARPA and CIA.

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I honestly don’t think we have “allowed” anything. I think we have encouraged it with fawning and sucking up and all sort of <rude word here> behavior. Listen, he hasn’t decided he’s god. WE have begged him to believe it. I mean “we” in a general sense.

People are so obsessed with celebrity, they don’t realize that the celebrities believe their own damn advertising! And then, WE do too!

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Well, we don’t believe it in a vacuum. Billions have gone into convincing us. It’s the only story that’s been told.

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This, exactly.

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when you have to buy antivirus software to protect your windows computer it tells you all you need to know

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Bill Gates is like Soros a 2nd level Toadie or Puppet. The Puppet Masters are cult of psychopath Banksters.

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Because you can buy politicians and political institutions. Hence anarchy.

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I don't even think he knew how to program, Paul Allen was the brains, bill gates was the puppet placed in there to bring msft up

Same with Steve jobs and Elon musk, both idiots who think that they know a lot.

But people think dollars means competence, even in the anti vax I have a hard time showing fucking facts that Malone is a snake, because they look up to his success.

People love gods, Kings, and other authorities

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Agree with all BUT what's wrong with Malone. Berenson blew him up and didn't back down or offer an expalantion why. And Malone is on YouTube a lot. Why's he not banned on YouTube too? This is not a linear game. Lots of puppets and the elites play with us like we're children no doubt. BUT tell me about what you know about Malone if you would. I'm dying to know.

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I know some people resent Malone for having been vaccinated.

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He has (surprisingly) said he regrets it. The 2nd shot almost killed him. He took it because of international travel.

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"He took it because he would rather not give up the privilege of international travel than submit to an illegal mandate."

FTFY. I love Malone but let's call a spade a spade.

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there are ways around it. HE didn't need to actually get it. I mean come on he's Doctor Malone. He couldn't get it..not get it?

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Is that it? Is he controlled dissent along with Rogan? How can Rogan be left to do what he does when he's practically an employee of Google with the biggest viewership out there?.

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What about Rogan would make you call him controlled dissent? He hasn't bowed to anyone.

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I'm not calling him that I'm questioning it. I was more asking why people think Malone isn't legit

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Yep, this. I was very interested in Gates' startup history as a teen, and I'm pretty convinced he basically surfed on his friends' good ideas that he subsequently poached.

Do you consider Malone a snake because he's hypocritical?

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Gates surfed on his mother´s back with an IBM parachute.

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Those reusable rockets are pretty sweet. Doesn't Musk deserve credit?

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I think he's saying its not Musk he's just the face. We don't know who is actually designing what

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Corbett Report did several videos detailing what Gates has been up to.


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And - he wasn’t a very good software engineer at that!

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LEts go one step further. Software engineer? Its all a rouse. He was given that technology and inserted there to spy on people and to get rich to do exactly what he's doing. Decrease and control the world population. Same with zuckerberg. There's even a movie with half truths showing zuck stole it from the vinklehaus brothers or however the flip their name is spelled

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A crappy sw engineer to boot.

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He's more of a thief and a treacherous business partner than an "engineer," per se.

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I keep hoping his ex Melinda will spill everything.

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I suspect the divorce was a ruse. Fakers. The year they “divorced” was when they moved substantial assets around. Divorce was the cover for that.

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I suspected there was a pretty big NDA in the divorce settlement.

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Not even sure Melinda is still a woman. Recent appearance looks like Bruce Jenner Doubtfire.

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I keep asking the same question. How on Earth it is reasonable that on a cop26 meeting we have our political leaders AND bill gates? Who the F is this guy to give orders or ideas?

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He was a terrible software engineer btw and an absolute p_ck when in charge of Microsoft, if it wasn't for Apple coming along and adopting the Linux operating system he'd probably still be running that scam. Was an absolute arse hole back then, nothing has changed, he's just moved on to play bigger games inside his philanthropic fund. Public health, global warming, whats next ?

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Maybe we'll get lucky & he'll decide to escape to Mars...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Because he abides by the golden rule. He who owns the gold makes the rules.


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Sure. Obviously true. The old adage....money is the root of all evil has never been more clear. BEcause without it you can't really do evil on a large scale. WIth most of the money you can do anything you want.

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For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭

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You're absolutely right but the answer is simple, money buys influence and he has an awful lot of money which buys him influence which then makes him even more money.

Everyone talks about the B&MG Foundation which does the investment / donations but this ensures the B&MG Trust makes it back in multiples.

Talk about money with strings, his comes on elastic and puts people in high places in his pocket.

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Can’t disagree, but do we have to fawn over him so much? I mean, average people who don’t really know what he’s up to. You are correct, but we need to get over the celebrity aspect, and make him accountable. It’s just a mess.

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Things have changed G... a few super-wealthy corporations rule the world now. Blackrock & the Vanguard Group are the new 'leaders'. Democrat-Republican is old news. They are bought and paid for. They do the bidding of those 2. And so does the rest of the world apparently. It's a different ballgame now. Not good...

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Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if every last pokitcan is bought and paid along with Rogan, Tucker, and everyone else, hell maybe even Bannon. If they want you gone they will kill you or threaten your family. Obviously they cab do whatever they want and have zero consequences or care.

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fwiw-he didn't finish college. he's no engineer.

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Some of the best engineers I've worked with were self-taught.

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If one does not learn and update on an almost daily basis, “engineer” becomes very quick a meaningless word scribbled on a piece of paper. And most learning is being done at home, for at work there are issues to solve.

Colleges and universities are showing the steps and offer sources of information, method and recognition of one’s efforts, but the climbing is being done at individual level and it doesn’t really stop for the rest of one’s active life. The same rule applies to any other field of activity.

I agree with the fact that self taught people can be just as good as engineers, but without a real recognition, certification of their efforts, from a real, reliable source, they cannot be “engineers”, they will always be “self taught”.

Most people can drive a car, but only the licensed ones can legally call themselves and act as “drivers”. The others are joyriders.

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I don't accept the necessity or legitimacy of the State licensing anyone for anything.

All such schemes are just more government scams to extract money from the population and artificially restrict trade, thereby creating cartels and enriching the State and the members of the cartel at the expense of everyone else.

As with all instances of coercive interference with economic activity, the net result is to make everyone poorer than they otherwise would have been, particularly those that are already poor.


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Good. We almost agree.

I have issues with government overregulation as well.

Like selling me an overpriced book with some regs which are mostly common sense and not mandatory, then asking for a further £500 to teach me how to read 7 chapters and 17 appendixes like suddenly I became some sort of a retard, and telling me I cannot work anymore if I don’t have some crappy piece of paper certifying that I paid the money and I know how to read their silly book.

Same trick they do with the experimental poisonous injections, “we don’t force you, but if you don’t, your life is over”. An obvious abuse, like the income tax, VAT and many other tricks to squeeze the life out of those people who are actually doing some useful work.

But if you fancy calling yourself an engineer, you must follow a certain route, otherwise you will never be one. You are free to call yourself “self taught”’ “tinkerer”, “Jack of all trades”, “a skilled person” or just John/Jane Doe. I am not disputing skills, personal experience or self acquired knowledge, I am disputing the term “engineer” which, when used without the proper certification, is a fraud.

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If you think it legitimate that the government should decide what the meaning of "engineer" or any other term is, then you are part of the problem.

Otherwise, free people can determine what the meaning of that, and every other term, means.

Should some have a certain definition they insist upon, so be it, and good.

This can of course include private, voluntary societies that may license those that have met their standards.

Such would compete against each other and some would rise to the top and command the highest respect and price.

And so the market would determine what an "engineer" was, but likely most would't care.

No government grift required.

Read the article I posted.

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This is the thing that irks me about Children's Health Defense. They're doing such great work in the area of vaccines and adverse events -- they have done a lot to change my own mind over the last two years, and I'm pretty stubborn! But this climate change stuff... they're on the wrong side there. Climate's gonna climate.

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Easiest way to spot an uniformed climate moron - ask them their thoughts on propane. The uniformed idiots are convinced it’s dirty. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. Yes, I laugh at them when they say how “dirty” propane is. I lived in the woods as a whitewater guide during undergrad. Very few climate alarmist have ever even been camping for a weekend. They don’t leave the city to see how destructive their “renewable” energy nonsense is. Many alarmist enjoy charging their Tesla from their home they don’t realize is powered by coal plants. 😂

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Yeah lol I love it--they can think no farther than"electric car" and NEVER EVER EVER stop to consider...gee, where is all that ADDITIONAL electricity going to come from?

Much less, gee, what are we going to do with all those batteries when they wear out?

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Look at the Project Veritas takedown of CNN from last summer, 2021?? The producers state that the climate panic is the next thing they are going to push.

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Here in DeKalb county, Illinois over 5,000 acres has already been slotted for industrial solar plants. One 3700 acre plant will be the third largest in the country. On prime farmland. In a region with 188 days of sunlight. The company developing has no experience with industrial solar on this scale. You should have heard the kids at the county board meeting speak in favor of this. They sounded cult like with no sense of what this means. And the droughts out west could limit our food supply. The only way these are viable are rate hikes and massive subsidies.

The south part of the county got blessed by wind turbines which are a disaster for humans, bats and birds in themselves. They don’t last.

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Illinois cannot be saved. Sad for the family farmers.

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You may well be right. It’s late in our lives to relocate and real estate is so hot in the south not sure it would be worth it

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I grew up outside of Kirkland and that makes me so mad and sad. DeKalb County has such great farmland.

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Yes. The 3700 acre one is from Baseline to Old State and over to Glidden on the east.

We got the county to cap the number of acres at 12000 down from 24000 which was a victory.

Yes it’s great farmland. Thank goodness they kept Byron (nuke plant) running.

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Yikes. So stupid since crops also carbon capture. I know about the Grainbelt express.

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And I will add that I suspect the idea of the "green" pass originated with wanting to control people's behavior with regard to the environment. After all, green is a color that is associated with the enviroment, not with health. A small detail, I know, but it's a suspicion I've had.

Anyway a digital ID would be the ultimate way for them to control the behavior of the masses, once you have the technology you just have to find a way to make people accept it...

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This is also why they want everyone driving electric cars and taxing miles driven. It’s not about the environment. The proles should not be driving outside their zones.

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Yes. The minute I saw that, I knew the eco lobby was involved. The “green” branding was genius, evoking virtuous thoughts of recycling as well as green traffic lights.

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Do you remember "The 6 Million Dollar Man?" "We have the Technology."

The "VaxxPass" is the equivalent of the Chinese Social Credit Score. What tyrant or bureaucrat would not see a benefit in tracking us proles? The onset of "Smart" phones provides each user with a trackable device, AI enables the tracking to be done economically. Recall that the Stasi needed about one in seven of the populace as snitches, we are far more efficient and effective now.

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Yes, I think to a great extent what we're seeing is just the result of the "progression" of technology, which now allows the rich and powerful to control the masses. So of course they want it.

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I am reading "the Age of Surveillance Capitalism" by Shoshana Zuboff this week. It gives a nice background to the technology and history.

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with the added association

and generations of conditioning of green

with "GO"

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Jan 24, 2022
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Yes. They've made plans for a while. I'm not squarely on the side that is sure this has been an intentional release, but it's definitely clear at some point someone, or several people, decided this was their chance, and they started launching their plans.

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Trust in our 6 month covid death models failed because you could check our math. But these 60 year climate models with proprietary inputs....

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That have never, ever been remotely accurate in their predictions over the last 30+ years. But -hey- let’s keep pushing models over the most complex system on the planet and use it as a basis to destroy economies and livelihoods. It’s moronic…

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I gots two things to say: Fuck Gates, and fuck Greta. That is all.

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I live (& garden) under the incoming private jet approach to LAX... the size & frequency of the jets has INcreased over the decades in lockstep with their SCORN, disdain & criticism of ‘we the carbon-exhaling people’...

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We know the technocrats oligarchy will shout shrilly that "The climate will kill us all!!!" but regarding the people at large and ultimately their governments accepting these "visionaries" wild ideas and plans, what happened in Texas last winter and in my Alberta through the three week cold snap from earlier this month we were all presented with a sobering reminder of the vagaries of climate and of the total inadequacy of the functionality of wind and solar in cold climates. We're still many years away from adequate battery technology to back up wind and solar so places like Alberta cannot seriously consider a majority wind and solar grid. Alberta will not remove our fossil fuel capacity until such time as we gave a 100% reliable backup to replace it, such as the new modular nuclear reactor technology. This creates its own issues, as will millions of tons of dead batteries all over the world.

As an aside to this I wonder how carbon neutral all those helicopters flying around and de-icing all those frozen windmills are.?

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We also need to consider the ecological cost of building solar panels and then disposing of them after 30 years or so.

And wind turbines kill birds and insects that are an important part of the eco system.

Bio fuel requires clearing a lot of land of its flora and fauna to plant mono crops.

Pros and cons have to be considered for everything. But just like with Covid, they want to magnify the cons of fossil fuels, while completely ignoring and silencing any cons for the alternative they're promoting. And if you try to discuss it they will censor you and call you names. Same narrative, same strategies, same people pushing it.

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Yes, wind turbines are notorious for killing raptor bird species some of which are threatened or endangered as well as significant numbers of bats and some of these are threatened or endangered species. Plus there is a substantial amount of concrete required to anchor and support each wind turbine. When you look at the numbers regarding the amount of concrete required per megawatt of power produced and compare between any fossil fuel plant and wind power the construction of fossil fuel power plants releases far less CO2 into the atmosphere on a per megawatt basis as compared to wind power. Of course, once in operation fossil fuel plants will release CO2 into the atmosphere. But the construction comparison is not a negligible detail. Couple that with the fact a major fossil fuel electrical power generation facility will outlast a windfarm two to one or better and the concrete factor adds significantly to the CO2 equation.

Then there is the land use situation and in Alberta, which is a large province but not with a huge amount of prime agricultural land, wind and solar farms both take up far more land on a megawatt of power produced per acre than any fossil fuel power generation facility does. Alberta's acreage devoted to solar farms is thus far minor but windfarms in the province already take up more space than all the fossil fuel power generation facilities in the province combined but the generation capacity of all the windfarms combined is a very small fraction of Alberta's fossil fuel power generation capacity.

And abandoned windfarms are no better than abandoned well sites except that each turbine site has far more garbage to clean up than there is at a well site. The garbage from a windfarm is relatively innocuous when compared to the garbage from solar farms and the solar panels' useful life is very short even when compared to a wind turbine's lifespan. And much of a solar farm's garbage is a toxic nightmare so this is hardly a harmless source of electrical power generation.

So we know that windfarms and solar farms are ecological disasters that take up a lot of space for what they do. Either is a useful supplemental energy source for individual customers and consumers and in certain commercial and industrial applications but as the base power source for the entire electrical grid their usefulness is restricted to certain locations in the world and beyond this they require being backed up by reliable hydroelectric, fossil fuel, or nuclear powered generating facilities. Not every place in the world has adequate hydroelectric power capacity and many countries have or are going to reject the nuclear power option. That leaves fossil fuels to cover the gap.

And finally there's the matter of visual pollution which is also an ecological concern. I am an industry friendly person but even I wouldn't like a big power generation facility between me and my view of Alberta's western vistas. But even a large generation facility won't wreck a scenic view for more than a small handful of people. Solar farms, however, wreck the flat and rolling prairie views for miles around but so far there aren't many of these in Alberta. But the windfarms are an entirely different matter. The windiest part of Alberta as a region is the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in the southwest part of Alberta where you are situated south of the forested portion of the foothills in the prairie portion of the foothills. This region has some of the most spectacular vistas in the entire province and it's the favourite area for power generation companies to set up windfarms. A wind turbine here and there may be a curiosity and not a major blot on the landscape but dozens of turbines standing in plain view between you and the mountains is a major example of visual pollution. I frankly find it disgusting and it certainly does nothing to aid tourism in Alberta but rather detracts from it.

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wise feline of badassery. I fear this truth is coming next week.

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I liked the global warming news guy this morning on the radio talking to the man in SC that has NEVER seen such weather ever in January like they have today (Apparently it is snowing). The man said he is 54 and it has been a while since he has seen this sort of weather. While... ever. Same thing.

The world ends in 9 years. So declares the prophet of warming weather and panties Leo DeCaprio. The world has chosen strange gods.

Maranatha. Today, 9 years... just soon OK?!

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It had snowed in all 50 states in the U.S. Obviously it's rare in the non-mountainous regions of the southern states but it's not as uncommon as most people think. And whether anywhere in Canada or the U.S. has a hot or cold summer or warm or cold winter or it's rainy or sunny has little to do with climate change caused by human activity except on local levels like the heat islands created by big cities. Human activity can affect climate somewhat but has relatively minor impact on the global climate. There are probably more than a dozen geophysical and astronomical cycles that each affect the earth's climate more than all of humanity's activities put together.

And regarding Leo DiCaprio's comments about climate change, who really cares what that undereducated turkey says. It's not as if he were highly intelligent and educated. I suppose he's a good actor but when he was up in Calgary, Alberta to film The Revenant in 2015 a Chinook blew into Calgary in the winter during filming. For Americans not from Wyoming, Montana, or Colorado think of the Santa Ana winds in California. Chinooks are common in southern Alberta during the winter but they occasionally blow as far north as about 60 miles north of Edmonton and can reach as far east as Medicine Hat in southern Alberta and Edmonton in north central Alberta. The chinooks are caused by warm Pacific air being drawn eastward from the coast of B.C. all the way into Alberta. This is driven by a large low pressure system usually centered in north central B.C. forcing the usual Arctic high pressure system back north of the Alberta - North West Territories border. When the Chinook blew into Calgary during DiCaprio's filming of The Revenant Leo thought it was a sign of a catastrophic event due to climate change because the temperature warmed by around 40°F. to 50°F. in the span 3 to 4 hours. This is perfectly normal behavior for a chinook and chinooks happen every winter in Alberta. Of course DiCaprio had to Tweet about this amazing event all over Twitter, attributing it to rampant extreme climate change. Even the left wing media in Alberta had a big laugh at DiCaprio's expense, never mind the conservative media voices of the time.

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Three things. One, thank you for explaining chinooks. I had heard of them, but didn't know what happened to cause them. Two, I didn't have my specs on when reading your reply and thought you wrote "undercooked turkey" which gave me great chuckles. Three, someone was looking for new names for social media. After reading about Leo I think "Tweets are for Bird Brains" seems like an appropriate slogan.

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Glad to help you out with the chinooks. I probably should have used "undercooked turkey" instead. 😁 'Cept the undercooked turkey is probably smarter.🙂 And yeah, "Tweets are for bird brains" gets two thumbs up from me. Our world is filling up with young and growing older people with the attention span of a two year old. Twitter (and Tik Tok) just exacerbate this problem.

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When climate change is the most natural thing on Earth because climate IS change then the medial hyped slogan ''Stop climate change'' is the most obvious hint that one species is no longer natural but an aberration of technological progress. Gates even sees it possible to dim the influence of the Sun with particles blown into the atmosphere. Is there a straightjacket available? No? Oh, they are all in use ... I understand ...

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so, gates wants to irrevocably pollute the atmosphere... keep praying he goes away...

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…surprised that no one has yet ‘helped’ him go away…

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Has Gates met with the Clintons lately?

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Who’s on top of this? Seems a priority.

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Covid communism is a variant of Climate communism is a variant of Covid communism. [Always_Has_Been.png]

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its all corporate fascism

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