“a child born today will, by the time they come of age, be unable to even conceive that there was a thing called "the media" much less that anyone ever trusted it.”

I hope you’re right.

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That is why the media and teachers are trying to carpet bomb kids with fear so that they become The Party's green and rainbow guards, just like Mao's Red Guards. Parents must teach their kids the art of not complying and critical thinking.

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We home-schooled our kids. One of the key aspects of the curriculum was to teach them "a healthy disrespect for authority". (Be sure this is what you really want though: soon enough the authority they have a healthy disrespect for is your own!)

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I encouraged my kids to argue with me. No whining, but debate with reasoning to see if they could change my mind. I wanted them to have confidence in their ability to come to conclusions and not blindly do everything they were told. I wish I could say they saw through the lies of recent history, but they didn't.

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I like this idea. As a kid I got a healthy diet of "because I said so" and "shhhhh" and for back-talking I got a ticket to my room. Granted, there were times when this was justified, because I was a smartass. But dissuading this kind of conversation means that when the time comes for tough conversations to be had, no one wants to have them. And what happens when there are no conversations? Well the last three years is a pretty good indicator.

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That's how I grew up, too. Made it harder for me to learn to speak up as an adult.

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Yep. It also leads to a lot of second guessing. Is this important? Should I be even mentioning this?

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I encouraged my kids to think for themselves as well. They came to the conclusion that their Mom and I were wrong about the vaccines and the narratives of the Great Covid Dumpster Fire. They bought the narratives of people like the CDC and Dr. Fauci, hook, line, and sinker, as did almost all my friends. Deciding for yourself doesn't mean you'll decide correctly, whatever that might be. #Shrugs

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I too home schooled my children and highly encouraged healthy debate. They're in their 30's now so we've had the opportunity for plenty of discussion over the years. So far they have been able to change my mind on some music artists 😂 but more importantly they have a crystal clear understanding of why I chose to keep them out of the gubment meat grinder.

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"Be sure this is what you really want though: soon enough the authority they have a healthy disrespect for is your own!"

That is our only way out of this. The 'authority' of the state is just childhood trauma (tyrannical parenting) playing out in adulthood. Every tyrant, uniformed goon and 'voter' was a victim of child abuse of some form or other and is playing out that abusive relationship in adulthood, either as a bully or a submissive.

You WANT your children to not respect your authority as a parent, and to respect your authority as a rational, reasonable, non coercive, negotiating human being instead. Someone they can always challenge and question.. who is always open to debate and negotiation.

People accepted (or enforced) lockdowns, mask mandates and the ridiculous 'covid' show because the TV and politicians said "because I said so!" and this triggered a million memories of their parents saying "because I said so!".

A single generation raised as human beings, rather than as slaves, and the concept of 'authority' will become meaningless. The fact that tyranny must now hide behind 'political correctness' and 'health and safety' shows we are parenting less brutally than in previous centuries. Most people no longer beat their children with leather belts and that's why most authoritarian policies and violence has to hide behind euphemisms and fake 'crisis' events.

The subversion of language used by modern tyrants ('peacekeeping forces', 'covid rules', 'health security' etc) is an attempt to perpetuate violence in a culture that no longer feels comfortable with violence, because there is less violence in parenting these days.

If we can grant our children the same rights that our pets enjoy (ie hitting them is a crime) then we might be able to create a free and rational society in a generation or two.

EDIT: BTW I realise your remark was in jest, it was just a good launching point for my rant :)

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I found this with the teaching of "a healthy disrespect for authority". But it makes me laugh like mad, he's so smart and it's turned against us (parents). Today on a walk I was doubled over almost pee'ng my pantaloons. Then he calls me mad for laughing at what he says. It's brilliant. Homeschool for the win.

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We'll need to teach parents that critical thinking in their children is a sacred act regardless of what the parents' belief systems are, right? That'll be OK in all instances?

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This is where the hypocrisy across the entire spectrum of human thought comes in and kicks the arse of every single one.

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Ain't it the truth.

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Pretty funny that conservatives are now teaching kids to question authority.

This is not because of any inherent tendency to free thought among conservatives, or any inherent censoriousness among liberals, but is a product of their current respective relationships towards power.

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We used to respect Authority because it was so much more likely that they actually had good intentions and our best interests at heart.

Now, they are The Authority™.


"1. Identify a respected institution.

2. kill it.

3. gut it.

4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect."

- Iowahawk on TwiXer


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TL:DR The Iron Law Of Oligarchy always wins in the end.

Or, to put is more concretely: institutional power is very attractive to sociopaths, even if sociopaths could not care less about the goals of the institution or even the source of its power, except as they prove useful to the sociopath.

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PS: Wild Window is a solid handle.

If I'm doing my Lateutonic correctly.

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Iron Laws are built to last.

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It's not just relationship to power, but the mentality of those in power. There was a time when there appeared to be adults in the room. Does there appear to be adults in the room now? How many times during the pandemic did I think to myself "Well now they will see its just ridiculous nonsense and stop it." Yeah...no.

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Why should they, if it works?

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But it doesn't work. If the last three years is "working" I would hate to see what "not working" looks like.

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I dunno, they got Biden elected, they got the lockdowns, the suppression of dissent, nobody is going to be punished for any of it, etc..

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No way Yuri. THe media won't need to be around because the state will be fully in control and they won't need a media to indoctrinate anyone, That will already have been done.

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Commentators tend to be less alert to another "mass manipulation media": "I am often struck with how little attention [tv drama] gets in journalistic commentary on media bias. Yes ‘The News’ and ‘Current Affairs’ is biased; how could it not be, given its inevitable editorial selectivity. (Some murders warrant weeks of agonising and outrage while others never get a mention – some stories ‘trend’ and others fail to ‘capture the public imagination’ But political bias in tv drama (precisely because it is ostensibly apolitical) is actually more insidious – and its subliminal messaging all the more powerful."


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It is amazing (actually, disappointing) how few people notice it too

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Anyone who knows truth, can spot it. I mean how many shows have the message of "follow your heart and you will never go wrong." And yet how many times have we seen that just is not true. Sometimes things do not work out. Back crap happens. Mistakes are made.

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And sometimes it is welcome. Sometimes there are subversive skeptical writers out there that buck trends, and ask questions of society and it is hidden by the veneer of fantasy and sci fi.

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i believe el gato is correct here. As a father of two college age boys i can tell you, traditional media is nowhere in there wheelhouse. Even they have never really watched traditional network television outside of sports. They grew up on streaming platforms and you tubers. Most if not all of there friends are the same. Corporate media is basically dead, only carrying on because they are run by boomers and those same boomers refuse to unplug there cable. All my elders to this day sit home watching corporate news and media all day long. I tried to get my dad off of it, he refused, still paying $150 a month for his cable package. None of this will exist within 20 years as boomers keep dying off.

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Similarly with younger children. It's all YouTube and TikTok and it's normal and expected that different creators will have different opinions, and there is no one "The Media". OTOH, they pick up other unspoken attitudes, like "all opinions are ok and it's rude to say that one is true and others are false"... unless it's something homophobic or racist in which case it's forbidden... so it's a mixed bag. But the part about the media not even being a thing any more is certainly true.

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During the official 'covid' planning event held in October 2019 ('Event 201') it was generally agreed that the public (and certainly the youth) do not trust the MSM or politicians, and so it would be necessary to 'tap' social media influencers, faith based organisations, celebs and other groups and get them all trained up (and handsomely paid) so they would all be 'on message' when the lockdowns and vaccine programs were rolled out in the following year (the event was streamed to youtube and makes fascinating viewing).

This strategy is often called 'astroturfing' (because it's fake grass roots).

This is exactly what happened in 2020. Many social media influencers blew the whistle (not that it was any big secret) and published the contracts they had been offered to spread pro lockdown/ pro vaccine propaganda in return for money, provided they met the stated criteria (using specific phrases and promoting specific messages).

In addition we have the WEF 'young global shapers' program, who are a group of young hand picked future heads of industry, politics, media etc who have been 'mentored' (brainwashed) into the WEF agenda.

The days of old media might be numbered, but all that is happening is the social engineering and mass mind control are being redeployed to fit in with the new paradigm. The distinction between propagandist and ordinary citizen is becoming a lot more burry.

The kids who don't watch TV 'news' probably don't realise all their favourite celebs, rappers, DJ's and social media influencers are also bought and paid for - to a greater or lesser extent.

Censorship and algorithms ensure only those who align themselves with the official mainstream narrative(s) become successful online, which in turn creates a huge incentive for self censorship - which is by far the most common form of censorship.

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Demographics is a good point, but most of the alternatives are captured as well and there’s endless taxpayer dollars available for the government to roll out ‘critical intellectual infrastructure’ and place propagandists into these non traditional spaces. What I’m saying is that it might end up being the same poop, different pile.

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But if we don't lie about Trump, how will the world know how dishonest he is?


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“a child born today will, by the time they come of age, be unable to even conceive that there was a thing called "the media" much less that anyone ever trusted it.” a.) a child born today may never "come of age"; lifespan may be limited b.) a child born today,as children born before will like "never come of age" if that means "maturity" even if they DO survive. We do not grow up, we just move to another stage of childhood. c.) "media" are an extension of human nature and satisfy our need for diversion so will likely still exist.

Truth & Lies: The Wagner Crash https://julianmacfarlane.substack.com/p/truth-and-lies-the-wagner-crash-3f7

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It’s hard to believe, given the power the media still controls. I want to be around while it’s happening.

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Yellow books and rotary phones come to mind. Every generation has their “innovations” and this, too, shall pass. Hopefully before too much damage is done

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I’ve always been interested in that “source” of the day’s “talking points memo.

It is beyond evident that some sort of “cheat sheet” gets distributed to all the msm platforms with the unifying “narrative of the day” in lockstep lingo.

Just exactly who that “news central” group is is more than intriguing.

Inquiring minds want to know!

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It used to come from the DNC....but now the entire broadcasts are scripted.

Can we take a look at the Trusted News Initiative for starters?

I bet is originates somewhere in that nest of snakes they own (including print media talking points).

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Trusted News Initiative = brought to you by 🤢🤮🤢🤮 Gross Gates

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In that hive mind of decided upon and distributed talking points there has to be a queen bee or two.

Who might it (they) be?

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Six mega corporations own 90% of the media. What makes you think a script is regularly being handed out? Just one of those common coincidences, right? BTW, I have a Great Deal on building lots with a view, in Atlantis.

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Someone recently compiled a list of all the CIA veterans at Facebook, Twitter, etc., and found that the boardrooms are dotted with spooks. Not to mention the overt ones at all of the broadcast media. Figliuzzi, Brennan, McCabe, Stzrok, etc.

Operation Mockingbird never ended, it just became overt.


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McKinsey - the mega consultants on spinning fakes as opposed to facts.

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McKinsey... it’s where you go when you don’t make the cut at Morgan Stanley or Goldman. They’re a bunch of high -level failed wannabes who’ll, apparently, do or say anything to FINALLY succeed at something.

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Having no actual journalists, they buy news “packages” for general distribution.

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They all had the same messaging as part of the Journolist - intended as a way for a group of media people to share ideas and ended up being the Talking Points Memo for the entire MSM.


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This right here!! If I remember it was Tucker Carlson that exposed that rank BS. It wasn't just a group but THE editors and newsroom mangers that had the private access to a password protected site, to get their marching orders on how the frame the narrative for the day.

I found out firsthand how devious and underhanded the "media" are. From personal experience I saw how outright lies and fabrications were passed off as legitimate "news".

People better wake up as if your life may depend on it!

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TNI + nudge theory = propaganda for the huddled masses.

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All the major news sources use the same resources for their headlines and reporting and then quote each other to substantiate it.

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Intel agencies…

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Reuters and ap get the same word.

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CIA Operation Mockingbird for starters

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AP, Associated Press would be one.

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Probs from a “non profit” think tank, ie, the gubmint.

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You all need to IGNORE the mainstream media. When my sister asked my how I got my news since I never watch TV news or get any social network feeds, I said I made up my own news. It's 10,000% more truthful and relevant than anything the fake news could ever invent.

The masktards, lockdowners, big pharma lovers and mRNA prostitutes can all go to the devil. Look to nature and the sky (between the hundreds of chemtrails), and there is your truth. NO MEDIA REQUIRED!

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I think we need to ridicule them.

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Oh yes. I try not to get upset or angry anymore at idiocy, and laugh instead. What else to do? Maybe people laughing hysterically at Covidians will wake them up better than debate, which they are no longer capable of

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"I said I made up my own news."

I mean, that's pretty close to how CNN gets their news, too. *shrug*

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You are right, sadly a majority op people are still hooked on the alfa wave inducing machine. But the group that is not is growing.

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Ya lost me at the chemtrails. I was right there!

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Physics is hard.

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One morning down in SW Colorado, the chemtrails so common there formed a giant cross that lingered way longer than they usually do. Interesting, indeed...

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I don't think we should ignore it.

When I was bullied in school, my parents told me to ignore the bully and they will leave me alone. They didn't. Mainstream media is a bully. A lot of bluster, and not too long ago they have some "gravitas." But I think they should not be ignored. We have to know the ridiculous talking points if we are doing to counter them.

Take a recent study that found that 70% of all children were the supposed source of all new Covid cases. They determined this by the use of a phone temperature app. None of the children were tested for Covid...those who conducted the study assumed fever to be a predictor of Covid cases.

They also didn't ask if adults who were under the weather checked their temperatures more and early and often than kids. And here is my question, how many single adults have a temperature app for their phone and would use it to test their temperature?

You talk about these people as if they are not friends and family who have been deceived. I can't let them, nor want them to go to the devil. I do however want them to pound sand when they tell me to "wear the mask or to take. the experimental vaccine."

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They now keep repeating that this is the hottest year in 100,000 years… or in human history. It is completely fabricated. And continually repeated everywhere. Almost word for word. Just like the 3.4%.

This paragraph is typical of multiple lies.

Scientific American:

This past July was the hottest recorded month in human history. Heat waves smashed temperature records worldwide and even brought summer temperatures to Chile and Argentina during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter. It’s more than just a matter of sweaty discomfort. Severe heat is the deadliest of all weather events; in the U.S. alone, it kills more people each year than floods, tornadoes and hurricanes combined. As climate change worsens, access to artificially cooled spaces is rapidly becoming a health necessity—and an issue of basic human rights.

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Quite depressing, I am taking Spanish classes and we discuss problems of the future and the rest of the class just parrot the usual climate change, sea level rise nonsense. I am a bit older than most of the class so I have seen over 3 decades of failed predictions. The youngsters are probably only one decades worth.

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You would blow their minds if you talk about and show actual proof that not long ago an ice age was predicted and was the fear, even though fossil fuels were already the predominant energy source worldwide at that time :)

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"the hottest recorded month in human history."

Another in the never ending tsunami of climate lies. A cousin who has been tracking weather information for decades recently pointed out that government agencies, all over the world, have been REMOVING historical weather records that contradict the current narrative.

Entire decades, or even centuries, of data have been removed from on-line databases. Because of "suspected accuracy issues".

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Just like the censor people who have been around for similar "accuracy issues."

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Wow the BS of this article made me pull out a shovel to dig myself out.

What do they mean by hottest recorded month in human history? That is a loaded assertion. So the month itself was hotter? Could other July's in past months been hotter but the duration was not as long as other months of July?

Also they do know that far more people die of the cold each year than heat, right?

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No, actually "they" do NOT seem to be aware of that particular statistic. Their peculiar form of mental illness seems to render them unable to comprehend, or perhaps even perceive, any reality that differs from the narrative of the day.

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It is weird to see this. Even weirder to talk to them about it at a Thanksgiving table where all are unmasked, nonetheless extolling the virtues of masking.

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Scientific American = hahaha!

What about ALL the farmers with Farmer Almanac's tracing the weather back to the 1880's and earlier, where it was the hottest time period. I know ranchers that have had 5 Generations of family in California. I guess their whole family is liars for 150 years.

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Lientific American. The rag was once a good source of info. Sad.

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Gonna have to cool the border gates, so the illegals aren't in danger when they illegally cross the invisible erased border, because compassion. We could just build giant domes over the entire southwest for their comfort.

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😂 Had to start up the wood stove this morning. Ten degrees C.

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Yup. And only 140 years of half way decent data....of that 100000 years. Where I live, I’m having by far one of the cooler summers. Few days over 90F.

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Not sure sure who came up w/it, but if anyone I know mentions the "new" variant, I just ask them if they're really worried about this BS-24/7 strain.

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Young male relative, early 20’s, vxzd, came down with sore throat and tiredness.

Whipped out the box of c-tests and tested until there was enough color.

Now quarantined in bedroom; parents delivering meals to door.

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Haaaaaaa!!!! There's no saving some people.

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Omg you mean he tested until he got the result he wanted?

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LOL! Yes! BS247, deadlier than others

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My grandfather (survived the Russian revolution and emigrated to America) used to tell me:

“when everyone disagrees on what to do, that is good and how it should be; BUT, when everyone agrees, it’s time to run for the hills”

But he was a crazy old man with a weird Russian accent. He couldn’t have been talking about us now,....right? 🤪

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I might only change, "...it's time to run to your armory".

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My dad would say “when they come for your guns; give ‘em both barrels.”

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Mine always said to give them the bullets first.

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I'm finding my desire to build a cooler for my single barrel is becoming an active goal.

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I guess cooling the barrel makes it more accurate; but I never thought “accuracy” was a thing with shotguns…remember you can always just drop trow and pee on that bad boy! Definitely get extra “man points”for doing that 😂 ☮️

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Go into any room and. there will be minor disagreements over just about anything. Favorite cars, what is considered an "odd" number..is this dress gold or black...

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I always thought 9 was odd. Entire songs written about it from the Beatles to Hendrix. Oh well…at least I’m not the only one! 😃

My favorite quip about people misunderstanding each other is “There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who do not.”


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Stephen King's Dark Tower often cites how things went "19" and that was a recurrent theme through the series. So when Covid came out it was no surprise that things went 19 from there. Weird though that the King of horror succumbed to the narrative as well.

I like the similar Austin powers quote that I am going to paraphrase, "These are two things I hate, those that separate people into two groups due to culture or some other arbitrary reason, and the dutch."

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"Safe and Effective"

"Trust the science"

"Trust the experts"

"Do your part"

Why would you "do your own research?"

What are you, some kind of "anti-vaxxer?"

You must be one of those "conspiracy theorists!"

How can you be so selfish?

Do it for others!

You're not a doctor! How would you know?

The vaccine stops the virus.

The vaccine will end the pandemic.

The vaccine will prevent hospitalization.

The vaccine will decrease your risk of severe Covid-19 and death.

The vaccine will protect others.

Did I mention, the vaccine is "safe and effective?" Repeat after me: "The vaccine is 'safe and effective.'" "The vaccine is 'safe and effective.'"

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“We’re in this together!” No, we are not. I never joined your merry band, and I never will.

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I remember seeing that slogan at a local McDonalds. "We are in this together." I wonder if this was a slogan on the deck of the Titanic.

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Not enough time on the Titanic for slogans, but it totally fits. I got very sick of hearing that slogan over the PA in Kroger every time I shopped. Since I was maskless, I clearly was not “in it” with them. They are coming after us again, and we all have to stand our ground. Be quiet rebels or vocal rebels, but do not comply. There are more of us than them.

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I do remember that PSA laden walk through Kroger while maskless. Meanwhile employees stocking the shelves didn't wear masks. But it was there like a quiet nudge and reminder that "life is not normal." It felt very much like theater.

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It felt like I was inside a sci fi novel from the 1960’s.

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It did have the effect of the surreal to it. I remember listening to it and thinking"is this for real? Where's the camera crew "punking" everyone. But I knew it was real because if you read emails at the time...all the big corporations were falling over themselves to be the first to extol the virtues of deep cleaning, mask mandates, and all the measures they took to be "safe." I used to love going to movies even as they were becoming more and more about representation over story, or about "issue over story." But once they introduced ridiculous mask mandates as a condition of reopening I wouldn't go anymore.

But there are more subtle effects that took place that can't be ignored. Still we are dealing with worker shortages and staffing issues. The reason being is that the social contract has changed. For good (not good) or ill it has changed. People now are prone to call in sick for any reason. "I feel under the weather...it could be Covid...so I called in sick just to be safe."

Before Covid, people would get sick, maybe stay out for a day, but would buy over the counter symptom mitigation treatments like Dayquil or Sudafed, suck on some cough drops, and go to work.Now, they act as if this never happened. Schools were shut down for a year to a year and a half and because for no good reason the unintended side effects is we have now "pathologized normal."

People have asthma, swallow the wrong way, get dust particles in their nose and they sneeze and cough and now people are hyper-vigilant about it. We need to pushback against that as well. Otherwise elbow bumps, and "excuse me" after coughing is going to become a ridiculous norm...

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But we still get "will decrease your risk of severe Covid-19 and death". With no evidence.

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Harold Ford Jr. Said on the Five the other day, that he will take the new jab. It will be his 7th. He has had Covid 3 times.??? What is that but indoctrination?

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That kind of stupidity knows no bounds.

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You should read Carlo Cipolla’s “The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity.”

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Juan Williams, Geraldo, Jessica Tarlov, Harold Ford, all morons.......it's a prerequisite!🤣

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I've always liked and respected Harold Ford Jr. That statement astonished me. It's more than indoctrination, it's brainwashing, complete thought control.

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It is the fig leaf made of imaginary cellophane.

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I identify as a conspiracy theorist who did my own research (thereby doing my part) which I shared with everyone I came in contact with (meaning I did it for others too). The problem is “the others” didn’t want to hear what I had to say. But what do I know, I’m only a doctor...

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I'm so sorry to hear that "the others" did not heed your advice. Thanks for speaking up and sharing your expertise with others. My doctor never tried to push the jab on me. I know that many doctors had an incentive to push the jab. There were many hero doctors like yourself that did not automatically fall in line. I certainly wish there were more. Thank you!

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Safe: As in you are safe from being fired from your job.

Effective: Effective for reinfections.

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Did a famous cat not once state: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth".

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I very much appreciate your ability to gather my random thoughts into cohesive ideas. It settles me down, give me hope and clarity.

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el gato malo keeps me sane (purrrr)

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Linda: But what's the point of all of this Sturm und drang if nobody mentions that the jews own all of the media that's 'nudging' us? If you can't name your enemy, you can't win a war. And yes, *sigh*, I know it's 'not all jews (tm)'.


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very interesting, and helpful, yet, I have to say one thing, which may seem like small consolation, but nevertheless it is the real hard limit on manipulation.

I published a column on April 30th about a survivor's dinner, of just three people, including myself, but to reflect on our different avenues that led people to avoid the vaccinations even here in NY state where this was sometimes hard to do. (https://www.americaoutloud.news/the-vax-survivors/)

Both of my friends, in different ways, were never going to be the first to analytically know why something was amiss with the vaccine story, but both essentially relied on common sense. They realized that the mad pressure for vaccination was indicative that something was amiss and they recoled. The stories are quite informative, and hopeful.

Obviously, I think a lot of the analysis that has been happening is important, and gradually it is getting more airtime, with fits and starts. Still, it is helpful to know that we all have an inner compass and the option to listen to it.

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>>>both essentially relied on common sense<<<.


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Interesting to hear those stories. am glad that you have friends who see things as you do to support you in this.

I guess my skepticism has been there for awhile on the nanny state.

When I first heard about Covid it was around the time of the Kobe Bryant helicopter crash. I never saw the videos of people collapsing on the street, but heard that there were satellite photos of bodies behind piled up in Wuhan and burned. I remember feeling momentary panic about it being true, but until I saw such pictures...I would not believe it. Plus I already had my suspicions.

My skepticism arose from two questions. First, can something exist without discovering it? You know like Pluto, or an obscure tribe in Africa, or other things that are not visible to the naked eye.

And second, how long is a plane ride from China? Immediately coming to mind is the horror movie where the girl answers. the phone, hears heavy breathing and then another call comes in to inform her "the call is coming from inside the house."

The virus was already here, and people were not being stacked and loaded into carts like in a Monty Python skit. A month before the lockdowns in March a friend in China warned me about the fear Tsunami. He said it was coming soon. Back then I said we would weather it like the bird flu and other "pandemics." I believed cooler heads would prevail, I was wrong.

Now we kinda see that the powers that be..like a cop with a gun in a holster, wanted to use the tools of their trades. They were tired of games and exercises and wanted to put these pandemic protocols to the test. (Some mileage may vary). I still lean toward the sunk cost logical fallacy. That there was assertions that the Ferguson model was correct and act accordingly., and keep doubling down as the train went over the cliff.

I felt the same about the vaccine as I did about masks. I would keep pointing to the beginning of the pandemic and ask "But why is this needed when its only this bad?" And then there were talks about selfishness and accommodation. I just talked with an uber driver about this today. So many people now seem to think that they need to be accommodated.

Also I questioned masks working from the beginning because...why weren't we all masking each flu season? Yes, this was not the flu, but didn't Covid spread in a very flu-like manner? Are people who die of the flu less important than those that die with Covid?

I don't really think of myself as a survivor. I already had very little to lose in December of 2021. I just kept pointing out that my questions needed to be answered before I would take an experimental vaccine. One of those questions would still be a year away now from being answered...and that was "long term side effects." We already know that the answer is not good.

We know its not good because we keep hearing wall to wall Long Covid headlines, but what we aren't hearing is their vaccination status.

Why is that? The vaccine was going to be our exit from the pandemic...and this was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." So why aren't we splashing huge headlines about UNVACCINATED MAN FOOLISHLY CONTRACTS LONG COVID"

I am also skeptical of the LC survivors that claim they are unvaccinated. Because why buy into masking and LC and not buy into the vaccine? But stranger issues had developed.

About a month ago came across a young woman who had "severe Long Covid Symptoms" and apparently she is also a freelance columnist for Pop Sugar. The symptoms sounded like post vaccine effects. She had neuropathy and a few other symptoms that lined up with it. It stated in the article she had gotten Covid apparently in December of 2020...but started exhibiting the LC symptoms I think three months later.

I asked the question and others did as well, and there were deleted tweets. The fact that her vaccination status was not mentioned was a huge red flag. And this is one of the many stories circulating surrounding Long Covid. It's almost to the point that if you tell me you have long Covid, I want a doctor's note telling me you were not vaccinated.

I do know that Long Covid was reported before the vaccine was made available, but it didn't seem to explode in reports until after vaccination.

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Much like the oft-repeated “threat to our democracy”. Most people are too brainwashed to realize we’re not a democracy, we’ve never been a democracy, we weren’t designed to be a democracy.

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the myth to rule them all, I'd say.

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JohnS: We're slaves of the Talmudic cry-bullies. Most people are too brainwashed to realize *that*.


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“A man who loves cats is my friend without further introduction.” - Mark Twain

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Honestly, what seems nutty to me with them trying to bring fear of Covid back this quickly makes the vaccines look even more useless. I have absolutely no idea who would still take any vaccines.

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My child's pediatrician asked if I wanted her to get one a few weeks ago. Since we've never taken her up on it, I was a little surprised she asked, but I probably shouldn't have been.

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Ask your pediatrician if he/she or the medical organization that employs him/her is financially incentivized to “sell” vaccinations.

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get a new pediatrician!!! I'd never go back.

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Average doc got approximately $380,000 in kickbacks from Big Pharma and Big Insurance

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Harold Ford Jr.

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“it’s how you know you’re being played and manipulated by big lie, big repetition campaigns”

Yep. “Ukraine” comes to mind.

I smelled bullshit on both “Covid” and “Ukraine” from day 0 (ok, maybe day 1) and this was a big part of the reason. Both were just so neatly wrapped up with their illogical conclusions tied up tightly like a nice ribbon. No questions allowed. The “news” was coordinated propaganda in both cases.

I don’t have the video now, but I recall an “interview” between a couple of apparatchiki about the “Chinese spy balloon”. The astonishing number of times they unnaturally looked into the camera and said “Chinese spy balloon” as part of their stilted 1 or 2 minute “conversation” was so transparently a propaganda op that at first I felt embarrassed for them, but then I began to wonder whether they were actually , in a way, blinking out the real message (https://youtu.be/rufnWLVQcKg?si=61xse2jlooP-TFSs).

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and 9/11. and the Iraq war. and J6. and Lahaina. and virtually everything else.

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Suzanne: for a real trip, add Libya/Gaddafi to that list. If you understand Gaddafi, you'll understand Hussein, and then it becomes clear that the absolute forces of *evil* won WWII.


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Suzanne: Thanks for the link. I wish I had read it back in 2013 when it was written.


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John Swinton, editor of the New York Sun, had this to say about the profession of journalism in 1883: "There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

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Stealing, if you don't object.

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My solution to this problem is simply not to engage with MSM. I don't read it. Don't watch it. Don't listen to it.

Highly recommended.

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With the self-awareness of dogs licking their privates in public!

For their shameless loyalty to “the narrative” they’re rewarded with a cushy gig at Harvard or a “think tank.”

Great news: Brian Stelter got a gig at Harvard


“Stelter recently accepted a media fellowship role at Harvard where he’ll be hosting a series of “discourses” on the media’s role as it pertains to “threats to democracy,” the latest drumbeat coming directly out of the Biden White House.”

(Unaware of the irony)

“As Stelter himself tweeted, “This fall I’ll be the Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy Fellow, convening discussions, some of which will be live-streamed.”

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I regret to acknowledge that Tater and I - and also Amy Schumer - all share the same alma mater: Towson University.

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""[Stelter will be] be hosting a series of “discourses” on the media’s role as it pertains to “threats to democracy...”" As in, how to use media to threaten democracy? Clearly this is where his skill set applies.

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Pronounced “hahhvahd”, peasant.

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Brian Stealthier...

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