i have long been fascinated by ideas of inhabited stories. “true” stories. stories that reflect and encapsulate and extend us.
these are the stories that bind us into our society and its salients, its virtues, and its values.
we read, we experience, and we find consonance, we find rightness which brings us both comfort and community.
the sharing of stories is the fiber and fabric that holds us together.
this is how it was supposed to be, how it emerged and evolved to be, how it persisted. how it thrived.
we learned by doing.
but what if our stories are false?
what happens if the things we are told and asked or even demanded to believe are not in any sense true but rather constitute falsehood and fallacy?
such inhabited hallucination is neither comforting nor communal: it’s alienating and angering, it’s pieces you cannot fit together no matter how you turn them. it’s pain. it’s frustration. and for many, it’s damage.
it turns the experiential into something pernicious, something arrayed against us.
when theory fails to meet with reality, you’re generally supposed to give up on the theory and call it a failure. but some theories are special in that they are designed to be untestable or non-interrogatable by those of whom their belief will be demanded.
woke, intersectional privilege, DEI etc are like this. the whole point of intersectional claims is that you cannot “understand” unless you “are” one of the victims.
so, poor “becky from vassar” cannot really know about racism because she’s not oppressed. interestingly, her black peers can which is, perhaps, why so few of them actually fall for this claptrap, but becky cannot escape this prison because she’s been told she cannot have any experience that would contradict its tenets. there is no way to “see for yourself and know better.”
it’s essentially a religion of “those who know don’t believe and those who believe don’t know”
and it’s hard to see how that leads anywhere pleasant.
if you wanted to break a child, how could you possibly improve upon the idea of filling their head with theories inculcated relentlessly and with vast moral opprobrium around a sort of original sin doctrine of “you’re a bad person and can only make amends by believing this and living it” and then shoving them out into the world where this theory will fail to map to anything real while you shout at them that this is proof that they’re a failed and fallen human.
consider the dissonance this must create.
it’s self-abnegating brainwashing sold as activist empowerment.
some kids will just outright reject it, but the weaker ones, the damaged ones will not. they will cling ever more desperately to it and it will erode them from the inside out as they efface what remains of their own identities, subsumed by suffering because they are sure there is something wrong with them because “obviously, these stories are true, everyone believes them, everyone else is feeling this, but i am not so there must be something wrong with me” and like desperate baby monkeys clinging to a false “mother” who abuses and frightens them (this was a truly despicable experiment) will only grow more strident and attached to that which harms them as their inner lives dissolve in intellectual solvent.
this false ethos becomes a predatory story. it hunts and breaks those of weak mind and self-doubt leaning into their speed wobbles and driving them ever further until truly abhorrent places are reached, bent by the savage, unrelenting peer pressure of gaslight culture and abilene paradox.
they are alienated from themselves and their humanity by toxic stories, structurally strangled in their own innards as they are driven to doubt and despise themselves by the impossible task of trying to place a self-destructive nonsense at the core of a “progressive/inclusive” worldview. they have been so thoroughly conditioned and alienated from themselves and their peers that they perceive the evidence of their own senses which scream at them that these “theories” are lies as personal indictment of ever more personal failure, failure to live up to impossible ideology, failure dyed in the flesh like some sort of post modern blood libel.
this is how you destroy a human, render them shattered, bereft, deracinated. it takes the fragile and twists them back on themselves, makes them into their own abusers. it’s a nasty and inhuman thing.
people ask me why this movement gets my fur up so intensely and “why not just ignore it? these people are mentally ill.” but i think this is why we cannot ignore it. it’s preying on them, breaking them, recruiting them as shock troops for shoddy charlatan academics and the worst sorts of politicians.
it builds nothing but resentment and strife.
and i think we’ve all had about enough of it.
from above "when theory fails to meet with reality, you’re generally supposed to give up on the theory and call it a failure. but some theories are special in that they are designed to be untestable or non-interrogatable by those of whom their belief will be demanded."
Sadly, I would say This is the story of the last three years of the "world wide pandemic"...We were made to believe that if we questioned the "narrative" we are bad people. Most did believe this lie.
Not me, though. I always had very bad cattitude....It may have saved my life...
The Woke are the Janissaries (Tranny-ssaries?) of the revolution underway.
Radicals, like the poor, are, and have always been with us. Usually a miniscule, easily ignored subset of the population, they have now become mainstream, and have taken their show across the pond too.
Even more puzzling, the institutions that normally would squash such society-destroying forays into unreality are supporting them. We are purposely being deracinated and divided. This will not end well, I fear. Speak up, speak the truth while you still can.