from above "when theory fails to meet with reality, you’re generally supposed to give up on the theory and call it a failure. but some theories are special in that they are designed to be untestable or non-interrogatable by those of whom their belief will be demanded."

Sadly, I would say This is the story of the last three years of the "world wide pandemic"...We were made to believe that if we questioned the "narrative" we are bad people. Most did believe this lie.

Not me, though. I always had very bad cattitude....It may have saved my life...

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It all happens so fast. People were conditioned perfectly for over 20 years not to notice that 400 years of using the scientific method was discarded, in the course of a few months, and replaced with a new belief system called THE SCIENCE.

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

This is why we cannot simply ignore them. They will not ignore us. To our great peril.

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100% agree. One of the best quotes all time Freedom Fox.

Here's another in the same vein you may like:

"Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part, by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate. In this sense, the less true it was, the less it corresponded in any way to reality, the better; the more it contradicted the experience of the persons to whom it was directed, the more docile, self-despising for their failure to protest, and impotent they became."

- Theodore Dalrymple

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Which of course begot Aleksander Solzhenitsyn's "Live Not By Lies."

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Which leads to Solzhenitsyn's most memorable quote:

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.”

Perfectly sums up the world we are living in today!

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If they bring back the mask they should make one of cloth shaped like a sheep's muzzle and "I live by lies" embroidered on the nose.

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2004 - "Those silly kids on college campuses with their inane 'microaggressions' and 'hate speech' codes. They'll grow out of it when they meet the real world like all young, idealistic kids do!"

2024 - Middle-aged silly infants in managerial, bureaucratic, legal, academia, political, military leadership positions criminalizing and punishing those who 'microaggress' and speak 'hateful things.' They met the real world and decided it needed to be more like college campuses.

There's a Star Trek for that!:

Star Trek - The Children Shall Lead


Spock: "Tommy's father would have destroyed you, but he recognized you too late."

Gorgan: "Ah, you are also too late, the kind ones always are."

Kirk: "Not always Gorgan, not this time."

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and sadly, some of these "theories" will cause mass death if put into practice- like "let's get rid of farmers" or "let's have equality of outcomes" or "let's let the pharmaceutical industry take complete control of our lives."

that's why we can't ignore these "mentally ill" people.

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They already are.

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👍🏻. Me too. I got used to the idea I would be punished and actually did some planning thinking I might be locked into my house or shoved into a quarantine camp. I did mental exercises on possible scenarios. No way was I going to comply.

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hence the gun grabbing plans

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I’m learning to shoot. Great fun at the target range. Although my eyesight isn’t so great on the sight thingy yet.

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I thought about learning to shoot but my eye sight is woeful so I let that idea go! 😄

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I learned first back in 1969 at a Marine base where my husband was stationed. Later we shot clay pigeons and skeet but I hadn’t done any more since the 90’s. I got a small handgun after Christmas. We boondock camp in Wyoming so we do have legal weapons with us.

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Neighbors need to arrange for helping each other conceal during one of those.

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your vaccine protects me and mine protects you...shake my head

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This book contains true stories that exposed the Scamdmic.


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Tom Woods also has an accompanying volume when people purchase his pandemic chronical "Diary of a Psychosis."

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me too. Also as concerns cancer industry therapies.

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I had crying attacks. I went a little nuts due to loneliness and being mocked or shamed constantly. My family still gets annoyed at my "conspiracy theories" without reading any of the books or articles I show.

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yup....reading=thinking and we all know where THAT leads....

right out of the "goose step" and into freedom!

Freedom is what every human being craves and needs.

But we are afraid of it, too. Being free means taking responsibility....

and maybe making costly mistakes.

So here...let BIG BROTHER help you....he has only your best interest in mind.

Take this medicine, this pill, this patented drug, this injection...

after all---we ARE the science.

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haha ha ha ha ha...great musical drama about "vacccccinnnnes"...https://rumble.com/v4gsasl-the-pandemic-dance-do-the-rona-foundring.html

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The Woke are the Janissaries (Tranny-ssaries?) of the revolution underway.

Radicals, like the poor, are, and have always been with us. Usually a miniscule, easily ignored subset of the population, they have now become mainstream, and have taken their show across the pond too.

Even more puzzling, the institutions that normally would squash such society-destroying forays into unreality are supporting them. We are purposely being deracinated and divided. This will not end well, I fear. Speak up, speak the truth while you still can.

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Since about 1960ish we in the West have fixated on a bad story: "Big bad nasty whitey has failed to give 'social justice' to all the people in the world that we don't care about" But there has been a get-out. You can be part of a Good Story....even if you're white....even if you're a man....even if you're a heterosexual. All you have to do is bad-mouth your fellow white peers....and you too can feel good about yourself.

So who is sick to the back teeth now of this sixty-year old story? Here's my good story for what it's worth: "What good people do is NOTICE REALITY". (This is what Little Red Riding Hood should have done.) "Good people always make close observation of reality, notice who's a lamb and who's a wolf..... and notice that there are, and always will be, honesty and self delusion, real and faux expressions of generosity of spirit, bullies dressed up as champions of liberty...wise men and fools in other words." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/are-we-making-progress

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The most racist things I've ever heard were uttered by "highly educated" white people against blue collar, conservative white people.

These people blame the criminality in their neighborhoods on guns, not the people wielding them, because noticing the race of people overwhelmingly responsible for the violence would banish them from the tribe.

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...and you can't even write blacks in the USA or native Indians in all of Canada.

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It's true you cannot write these terrible words if you are a "white" person that is.

However, if per chance you are a "person of color" you may call each other "Niggah...or spick...or slant-eye or kike or redskin or Mick"....whatever takes your fancy.

But if you happen to be born of Caucasian emigrants who left Europe to escape the weight of the "Class" system and landed on the wild shores of North America ...well then you can be sure that if you use those awful designations....you are a racist and maybe a ....shudder.....NAZI!

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That was my point- Dr. Holliday had to write "noticing the race..." instead of "ahem" calling a spade a spade.

I noted the "disproportionate" jail inhabitants, but may now have to expand that to include Republicans.

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ha ha! If so--and if this means "anti-vaxxers" I guess that will be my new address....soon--if this madness is not stopped.-- p.s. chemtrailers are back in force in NC --entire sky gooey and white with expanding trails.

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Thank you for "Tranny-ssaries". Woken warriors, in the pay of psychopaths, attempting to coerce the sane into glorifying preposterous perversions as, somehow, "normal".

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Yes....people I thought were "sane" are now sporting rainbow pins---weird. Personally--and I think consenting adults have the legal right to engage in whatever bizarre version of sexuality suits their fancy--I am married for decades to the same old man. We raised our children to respect the rights of other people. However, I find the unique hygiene problems created by anal sex to be somewhat daunting. But each to his/her/their own....

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There is a problem with your position, and you should consider it. First of all, you cannot believe that sexual perversion affects only the "consenting adults" who engage in it. T. Harv Ecker, " how you do one thing is how you do everything". There are ripple effects on society; one, as you mention, is "hygiene", but good Lord, what about STD's, abortion, AIDS, sexual violence, pedophilia - all are outgrowths of the behavior of those "consenting adults". Second, the slippery slope IS a"thing". I don't know how old your children are, but we are quickly approaching a time when you will have no legal right to stop someone from having sex with your "consenting" child. MAPS is quickly becoming another "oppressed" class. Be careful what you tolerate; today's "tolerance" of what should be intolerable behavior is tomorrow's cause célèbre and new victim hood. No perversion will be off the table, because of attitudes such as yours.

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Violent criminals have always existed. But they were locked up or executed. Not encouraged by the VP to run around committing arson, theft, battery, murder and never stop. (Cackle. Cackle.)

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This is not a pipe kids...just treachery of false stories.

I agree we should not just ignore this.

These kids are victims of being given a map that's completely out of touch with the reality of the "territory".

It's almost abuse imo.

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it seems like a form of recursive reasoning that self-rarifies into a misery singularity.

you cannot map this ethos to reality but are also told that only "the oppressed" can even "know" reality and so you must take it on faith that disparity between inculcated theory and experienced praxis is some personal failing of yours that requires doubling down on the very theory that's making your life uncompilable.

it's like watching a moth mistake a bug zapper for food source.

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moth to a zapper...whoa...that's perfect. well said.

Our society is sick and they've deliberately normalized self loathing to appear as a virtue in order to atomize the young. Sitting ducks.

Might be headed here (which is worse - when their behavior is accepted as "normal"):

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

― Aldous Huxley

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Exactly. And with governing bodies passing laws about it, it’s become a state sponsored religion.

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Well "they" have flat out told the world there's too many people in it... seems they're finding a myriad of creative ways to reduce population, starting with self annihlation...

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YES! -- if only these WEF Gill Bates maniacs would just start their "population reduction" with themselves. It's so easy now that there is a "MAID" to help them

p.s. go here https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-services-benefits/medical-assistance-dying.html

for complete instructions. .

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Good one today, el gato.

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Not only that..but this is a feature, not a bug. PArt of the methodology of control is to flood the masses with nonsense. If you can break down the world into false assertions, like that men and women are social constructs, and that at the same time...we are bound by our arbitrary ethnicity and skin color, then you have a snarl of dissonance going on.

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The response to assert that we who are the misognynistic white males who are part of the tyrannical patriarchy identify as women of color.

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this 100%

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Agreed; except strike the word almost.

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They’ve been betrayed and abused by all of this for sure. I think there’s hope, though. At some point, we all began to see the truth of things. Hopefully, these kids will see the veil drop for themselves and start questioning everything as well.

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Ignorance is taking us back to the non thinking tenants of the Middle Ages. The world is flat, disease comes from vapors, the earth is the center of the universe, the eclipse is caused by global warming….( had to throw that last one in). Believe what we tell you or be exiled or locked up! Science can only be tolerated if it supports our thinking!

Maybe it all comes down to lack of education and lack of moral fiber?

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And there are witches who failed to take The Sacred Miracle Elixir. I guess they didn't trust "The $cience!"

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Your name is Blair, and you mentioned witches. That just struck me as funny.

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Hahaha! 🤣 That didn't even cross my mind. I remember watching that movie when it was released, lol.

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Too much caffeine this morning. Somewhere else in the comments is a dentist named Holliday.

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Does that make you part of the Blair Witch Project?

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Hahaha! Evidently, so, Jimmy. Evidently, so. 🤣

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The eclipse was caused by Long Covid.

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I thought it was caused by climate change. And the moon is made of gas.

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I thought it was most of what emits from the moon is made of gas...but you may be right.

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Same as the earthquake in New Jersey, I'm told.

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Very astute observation!

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There's a certain gnostic quality about the whole CRT "religious" movement. "You are a racist, by our own, revised definition", "We as accusers have the secret knowledge to make you whole again", "Just follow our direction and maybe. you'll be forgiven of society's past sins".

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Many fail to realize that religion isn’t just something that people do, but is a part of who and what we are.

These people think themselves too “smart” for religion, then create and act out one of their own with no awareness of themselves.

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The government is the religion.

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Or are they, perhaps, the priesthood, servants of the ghouls who brought us the holy vaxx.

Maybe the role of government is now to simply lay out, and enforce, the new commandments:

Thou shalt accept with joy multiple injections of whatever compound will render unto us the greatest profit.

Thou shalt cover thine face with holy masks, to signify thine compliance with the fad of the day.

Thou shalt maintain a minimum of four cubits distance from other worshipers at all times, unless thou art of the anointed elite.

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And on the grand scale, Thou shalt own nothing and thou shalt be happy.

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Is that not the woke "creed"?

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well then--GOD HELP US!

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Brought to you by Pfizer.....

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No question.

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James Lindsay at new discourses (conceptualjames on x/Twitter) has written and recorded a lot on this connection.

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He’s my guru when it comes to dismantling this stuff!

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Secret societies are disgusting and nuts but maybe we are the minority that were refused membership. Sanity is a bit lonely. Cheers!

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if you attend this $1000/hr course that is

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Well said.

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you see a lotta stockholm syndrome too, where ppl defend those who hurt them to the literal death and attack those who try to help them

explains a lotta psychology during the covid "vaccine" campaign... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&amp%3Butm_campaign=post&amp%3Butm_medium=web&amp%3BshowWelcome=true&triedRedirect=true

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This is of course the strategy with "gender affirming" care. They are counting on those they have deceived into maiming their own children becoming allies in the quest to normalize child mutilation. Because nobody is the villain in their own life story.

Years from now, the excuse-making will be the same as what we hear today about the masks, and the lockdowns, and the vaccines: "well, we sure screwed that one up, but it's not our fault because we were following the experts, and everyone was doing their best with what we knew at the time."

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"Gender affirming" care is the product of Mad Men. Along with "Death with Dignity"


Rebranding eugenics, Buck v. Bell "three generations of imbeciles is enough" sterilizations.


Along with Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) euthanasia and other similar global manufactured consent for suicide campaigns, it's all a continuation of Eugenics. (Dr. Vernon Coleman video):


Madison Avenue advertising teams informed by and practiced in the work of Lippmann, Lasswell, Bernays and Ellul.


Skinner v Oklahoma made the whole consent to be sterilized thing more difficult for eugenicists operating under Buck v. Bell, so consent has to be manufactured,


With clever culture-wide psychological campaigns. Like selling cigarettes of yore, soda, Pfizer, cars, lipstick and shaving cream. "Come get you some sterilization, all the cool kids are doing it!" Consent to sterilizing all of the generations of imbeciles. Consent to killing yourself because you're depressed, your girl/boyfriend dumped you or you don't get enough "Likes" on social media.

If only Goebbel's had figured out how to convince people to self-harm his crimes against humanity would've received Clio awards!


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. I've Got a special purpose. says

"Because nobody is the villain in their own life story."

I'm 74 years old and I have known quite a few "villains in their own life story"...People discuss their alcoholism/drug addictions/illicit affairs/ and they hate on themselves and blame themselves. And then they sometimes turn to "God" and they say...."I hate what I have become--help me!" I'm beginning to believe that until you become "the villain in your own life story" there will be no peace, no rest, no forgiveness for your shortcomings.

I am hoping fervently for my grandchildren that "years from now" there will still be a world in which these children can CHOOSE to be a "villain" or not. I hope they will be able to choose who they are as I have done... I am so very grateful for having been able to choose what kind of story my life has been so far....But I am not dead yet.....

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There is a strong aspect of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” in these theories, too. Only the good people understand them, so anyone who wants to be seen as good must claim to understand them. Why do people in the top 10% claim to be oppressed? Because otherwise you can’t be good and understand like good people do. Declaring that something makes no sense is declaring yourself a bad person.

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Most people in our current society arw dying for constant attention; especially young people. Virtue signaling seems to do the trick, at least for a while. Hey, look at me, I'm selfless! I'm sacrificing myself for the greater good! Others hold onto the victim card because it alleviates all personal responsibility because it's hard work. Look at me! I deserve everything! I'm a powerless victim and will always need everyone and everything in the world to apologize to me and cater to me, regardless if they had anything to do with my victim status. If they simply offend me and hurt my feelings, they're bad people and they owe me. When you have virtue signalers and victims everywhere and media/politicians who heighten their status, you have a very sick society that reinforces and celebrates mental illness.

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I attribute a lot of the constant need for attention to the breakdown of the nuclear family.

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1000% and the liberals were very good at policies that did just that.

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Well, plenty of people called this one out very early on. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi wrote his groundbreaking book CORONA FALSE ALARM in 2020. He said that the "corona virus"..i.e. common cold...has been with humanity forever and keeps on mutating to a slightly different form...but it still is basically a "cold"....that everyone gets now and again. Some more and some less virulent.

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Billionaire celebrity and multi-millionaire princess get together on TV to cry about what hard little lives they have.

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I see this particularly in teenage girls, and their mothers ask me if I can help, because my not-schooled sons are so intact and integrated and okay with themselves. What can I say? In so many cases, these moms either participate in the ritual or were unaware or unable to identify and defang it because when you send your daughters into institutions, they will contort themselves beyond recognition in order to belong there.

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Get children out of public schools!

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Turn off the idiot boxes and the "social" media. Get thee to the library.

There are a zillion stories all kids love and are fascinated with. Start reading them out loud...

Soon the kids will want to read them selves under the covers at night...even if they are dumb books....like Nancy Drew....etc. I had three daughters...there are serials for horselovers....they can't stop reading them...like literary popcorn.

Children's literature can be really great. Like "Kidnapped" by Robert Louis Steveson...

MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY....great stuff.

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And off of "social" media.

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Not difficult for me since they’ve all banned me and more than once. Done with social media though love me some substack!!!

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Yes, I see this too! Worse yet is when the mothers don't know they should be asking for help.

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I think a large percentage of people know the truth about what absolute woke, DEI, trans bullshit topped with a creamy frosting they are being fed but because of the penalties for not expressing their approval, and joining the Sieg Heil!, they keep their heads down to get along, graduate, get the job, promotions, and pats on the head. But, by doing so they are really complicit in the gaslighting and destruction of others and themselves. They are creating the Timid New World. (not written by Aldous Huxley).

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this is the nature of gaslighting and abeline paradoxes. the whole point is to keep the majority from realizing that is a majority by making it too scary to every share one's actual thoughts.

it's the marxist take on "the emperor's new clothes."

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I told a friend who teaches college that CRT was destructive, and he got upset, saying he agreed with the theory behind it that says there is still racism in society. I agreed there is, but I’m referring to the reality of how and why CRT is practiced. He agreed it may sometimes go too far but he still wants it. (I’m a mixed-race woman and he’s a WASP but it’s me who hates Biden, CRT, DEI, and all that). They get incurious people on board by virtue signaling.

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CRT is no more about helping folks of different ethnic groups live in harmony than third wave feminism is about building sound marriages.

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You make a very good point here....we need good stories to hold a our society together. Since about 1960ish we in the West have fixated on a bad story: "Big bad nasty whitey has failed to give 'social justice' to all the people in the world that we don't care about" But there has been a get-out. You can be part of a Good Story....even if you're white....even if you're a man....even if you're a heterosexual. All you have to do is bad-mouth your fellow white peers....and you too can feel good about yourself.

Who is sick to the back teeth of this sixty-year old story? Here's my good story for what it's worth: "What good people do is NOTICE REALITY". (This is what Little Red Riding Hood should have done.) "Good people always make close observation of reality, notice who's a lamb and who's a wolf..... and notice that there are, and always will be, honesty and self delusion, real and faux expressions of generosity of spirit, bullies dressed up as champions of liberty...wise men and fools in other words." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/are-we-making-progress

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I had my first dose of Marxist cognitive dissonance, a slap in the face that something just was not right, in January 1970. I grew up in a fairly upper-middle class area of Atlanta where I was the "poor kid;" my parents chose to overextend their finances so I could go to a top public school. Our public high school was excellent, and with 70% Jewish students also highly competitive. I scored in the 1400's on the SAT, and my score was the 15th highest in the class.

In any event, the Atlanta school system was trying to correct the sins of the past, and since bussing was a non-starter for economic & political reasons, they decided to transfer teachers instead. Of course this came on the heels of the long-tenured superintendent being removed and replaced by a POC with deep roots in Democrat politics.

(As an aside, back then the school principal was the one who hired and fired teachers and staff. After the administrative change, the principal no longer had any power over school personnel, which resulted in mass resignations and retirements, replaced by...yeah, you know.)

So arriving after Christmas break, we found the rumors were correct. Many of our favorite teachers, I mean Real Teachers, not the low-achievement NEA clones of today, were gone and their replacements were all black. Even the football coach, a 25-year veteran with numerous state championships at our school, was gone to a ghetto school.

I felt badly for the new teachers. It was like replacing a fine filet with C-Rations. Our new creative writing teacher, who replaced a Naomi Wolfe clone, could not even spell or use proper grammar. Literally every kid in the class had a far higher IQ than she did. We had kids writing near Shakespearean prose, and she was stuck just past Dick & Jane. It was sad, and this teacher rarely even understood the veiled barbs some kids tossed her way. Really sad. The school had to drop Calculus because there was no one to teach it. Ditto chemistry.

That is when I knew society was cooked. I knew that the kids where these teacher muffins came from were doomed. I also saw how those kids that were in lower classes were screwed, how they would not achieve to the same level us seniors did. I understood "privilege" in a base sort of way, like luck.

I also understood how this entire episode was social engineering, concepts we learned in economics classes in HS, more geared toward taxation but manifested in teacher transfers.

It should come to no surprise the following quarters the school lost 25% of the students, and the 4-5 local private schools exploded, not to mention the excellent teachers who got transferred out found vastly better institutions to shape young minds.

The teacher transfer accomplished nothing. Our school became a joke. The other schools did not improve. The school district had a sharp teacher deficit they never resolved except by scraping the bottom of the barrel of teacher colleges.

Now look at Atlanta schools three generations later, and see what the definition of s#!thole education is.

These people destroy every institution and mind they touch. Look at kids today! Yet the same theories that destroyed minds 50 years ago are the same theories employed today.

Back in The day, if you got caught passing notes in class, you earned detention. Today, you can slug a teacher, or a tranny can rape a girl in the girl's restroom and almost nothing happens.

And still we wonder "what happened?" WE let this happen.

Just a personal anecdote to show this s#!t has been creeping into every pore of the skin of what was American Culture.

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No one hates and mistreats little black boys more than black lady teachers.

Most black children even from terrible backgrounds begin school as enthusiastic affectionate eager-to-learn kids but by third grade most of them have figured out the lay of the land perfectly and that grownups in charge don't give a shit about them.

I saw this for myself, right up close. Certainly there are horribly damaged kids miswired from gestation for all sorts of reasons and who cannot be fixed. But most gangstas are made not born.

MartyrMade on Substack has done a fine series on blacks and Jews that covers the travesty made of NYC public education since the '70s. It's paywalled but he's worth spending money on for everything he writes.

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As an aside, the football coach took a job in the 'burbs, and went on to multiple state championships. To this day he is the most winning football coach in GA HS history.

One of my classmates went on to become the public face of the CDC's Ebola program, a face seen on TV often.

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Atlanta today: https://twitter.com/i/status/1778164410411885007

(And I don't have to mention Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade...)

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This is one of the best analyses of current narrative-pounding I have ever read. Superb and distressing in its accuracy. Thank you, GM.

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One of your best, mr. cat. Ties in with the book I'm reading, The Indoctrinated Brain. Unfortunately the powers that be know exactly what they're doing...

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This is a great explanation for why there is so much *rage*. Not just, we want social policy X, but mindless, seething rage.

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This. The Borg has fired its loyal leftist followers into a froth of nebulous rage. They are filled with loathing, and cannot ever turn it towards its true source -- the Borg itself -- so it lashes out in wicked ways against any other victim instead.

One place that I am starting to see a bizarre amount of leftist rage is these anti-AI posts from visual artists. (Perhaps they aren't all leftists, but ... A majority are, I do believe.) These same people who would doubtless decry anyone who accused illegal migrants of stealing the labor jobs of citizens as the worst kind of "RAYCISS" have no qualms whatsoever about issuing death threats to hobbyists using a new tech to make pictures, because said tech now impacts *their* livelihoods. I have seriously seen posts by artists saying that those who use AI to generate images should kill themselves. The rage level is unreal.

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I'm guessing they were the same people telling factory workers to "learn to code" when the factories across America were closed down. I guess someone learned to code and now we have AI that does all of the art, oh, the irony.

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Wow. I don't like or trust AI myself. But I just give reasons to exercise caution. That's insane.

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I'm also guessing that you aren't DMing death threats to AI users. Just saw a post on Reddit that a pro-AI commenter got such threats. Reddit evidently claims it doesn't violate their TOS, either. Kinda weird.

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They hate comedy. My guess is their inability to laugh is linked to their madness.

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nothing worse than being laughed at....worse than almost anything if you take yourself so damn seriously!

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"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

- Voltaire

This is why we cannot simply ignore them. They will not ignore us. To our great peril.

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Written 250 years ago.

True today.

Look around...

And weep.

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Weep. And then do something. Keep trying to help their eyes see. Never give up. Giving up is failure. We can't afford to fail.

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Steve Martin used to do a comedy bit that went something like: "I've got a great joke you can play on a kid. Whenever you're around them, talk wrong. Then when called on in class the kid raises his had and says: 'May I mamu dogface to the banana patch?' And they say the kid needs a special test." This is the joke become reality, and it isn't very funny. Worse, it's almost impossible to talk to someone who has been polluted thus. It's like trying to talk to a schizophrenic: you think you're leading them on a rational discussion path until they circle back to the denied reality. This evil has been deliberately sown in a (so far quite successful) attempt to destroy ourselves from within. It makes me almost glad to know I'm old enough not to be around at the logical conclusion to this debacle.

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