Conspiracy theories = spoiler alerts

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Like political gaffe = an official speaking the truth by mistake in public

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saying the quiet part out loud.

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"It's not a game or anything but in case anyone was wondering, the conspiracy theorists are up 16-0." ~ Anthony Vera

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Conspiracy theorist has two meanings:

1) one who notices something the elites are planning to do (probably because they're saying so), and sounds the alarm

2) one who says 'this is bad' once the thing has been done and everyone is expected to now accept it as normal

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The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is a few months. These petty tyrants are predictable but they have enough useful idiots behind them to keep the momentum. Just say no: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-say-no?s=w

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didn't the CIA coin "conspiracy theorist" for people trying to expose the UFO research coverups? if so, it only took about 70-80 years for that group to be validated with official "defense" department data dumps.

hopefully it's like Moore's Law with computer hardware and we'll see greater and greater reductions in time between "theory" and official validation.

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I believe it was the CIA, but I think it was to disparage those “kooks” who didn’t buy the Warren Commission’s lame ass attempt to cover up the Kennedy assassination.

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correction: "to cover up THEIR Kennedy assassination".

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Yes CIA coined the term conspiracy theory but it was to deflect questions of Warren Commission investigation into JFK assassination.

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What are you, some kook 'Conspiracy theorist' who's never seen a bullet change direction in midair?!

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NO, is the most powerful two letter combination ever put together into a word.

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It’s been obvious that the endgames are totalitarian tyranny & depopulation from tre earliest time you could see daylight between what was being done as NPIs & the evidence that they do nothing useful at all.

I date that to no later than mid April 2020 in UK. I was too cautious then, though later in the same year, I knew I had known after all.

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Please know that you sharing what you know all along has made a world of difference! <3

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Took me longer than that, unfortunately.

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May 16, 2022Edited
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It is curious how the uber-rich have always been the big promoters of Malthusianism. It allows them to claim they are saving the world by impoverishing everyone but themselves. Allows them to claim morality while doing evil.

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OK, now I can start my week thoroughly enraged AND depressed...

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sorry, amigos.

no one said the red pill would be fun.

only that it would be the truth...

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On the flip side it is wonderful for everyone who already sees the truth to have the confirmation and community to stand with while the insanity whirls around us.

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Absolutely right. The gaslighting by governments can be overwhelming and make one reconsider his perception of the horrifying reality descending on the world.

Now we must go forth and spread discord of the official narrative. Speak out about vaccine failure and harm. Every lie of the narrative must be contested to sow the seed of doubt in listeners' minds.

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May 17, 2022
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Substack is for me reflecting groups that are pushing back around the globe. Censors have done more to create health freedom activists than Banksters did to inspire Occupy Wall Street. Hunt around you'll find your niche. :~)

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Yep! This was a real downer. Best served on a Wednesday. 😳 True but depressing. We still love you Bad Cat!

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Need my cat memes

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Rainy days and Mondays get you down?

No need to talk it out.

You know what it's all about.

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not alone. I am off to scream into a pillow now

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That's how I've spent the last 2 years. It's not so bad but it occasionally gets itchy.

Next Tuesday I'll demonstrate how powerless I am by voting for a full anti-lockdown ticket that won't be counted.

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Or you can start it thoroughly empowered and productive. It's your choice.

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What’s next, granting omnipotent powers to an unelected genocidal war criminal bureaucrat who’s owned by the Gates Foundation and China? Oh wait ...

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs”(https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

We have 14 days left to submit written comments to #StopTheAmendments. See mine above; instructions on how to comment follow the post.

Additional resources and details can be found at the end of these posts:

• “Dialogue With a Curious Injectee” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

Thanks for helping us #StopTheWHO!

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I'm sure it's purely coincidental that Zelensky is in tight with the Davos gang?

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Ukraine has been the base for Soros, money laundering for the elites , human trafficking and more!

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It gets really exhausting having to come up with new conspiracy theories all the time to replace the old ones that keep coming true.

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Lori Lightfoot, aka Cheap Imitation ET, should be locked in a padded cell with an Exorcist Priest.

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I like people comparing her to Beetlejuice. Either way, that broad is butt U.G.L.Y.!

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"and hey, i’m sure they’ll probably manage to keep those first 2 promises. watch out for that third one though. i have some real doubts about it it…"

That third promise is also on the table, at least this is the goal. What they ultimately want to achieve is behavior control and behavior modification via the use of technology (wearables and injectables) and pharmaceuticals.

"Some theorists argue that moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory. I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt."

PDF: https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/bioe.12496 (published in Bioethics journal)

A few quotes by Bertrand Russell from his book: "The Impact of Science On Society (1953)":

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."

"Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."

https://twitter.com/B33Mello/status/1521471547340435456 (more quotes here / Twitter thread)

"Genocide of the Mind" by Joe Heath (1974)


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nice setup for the Morlocks and their food supply!

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Remember the final thoughts of Winston Smith in "1984" -- "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

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wasn't that after the Ministries of Love and Truth had finished having their way with him?

do not give in or comply...

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Yes. They've broken him, he's turned on Julia, he's forced himself not just to agree to what the Party says but to believe it, and he even knows at this point (last paragraph of the book) that he's probably going to get a bullet in the back of the head, but he's okay with that too, because the Party is always right and ... he loves Big Brother.

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Brave New World

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Wow, "own nothing" goes back to at least 2016 for WEF?

Excellent compilation.

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yeah, this has been the grand plan/design for ages.

people have been saying crap like this since the club of rome and even earlier. malthusian delusions and the purported need to take over the world to effect collectivist technocratic solutions has been the polestar for avaricious academics and power mad politicians since at least the wilson administration.

covid was just the global immune system getting weak enough that the infection surged and suppurated.

if we want to prevent it going septic, now is the time.

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Totally agreed. Both danger and opportunity in the same Chinese character.

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Like button not working…..

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🤣😂🤣😂 Thank-you!

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Anyone who both connects a lot of dots but confesses to be a Trekky can tell you the entire Star Trek group of series are life in a post-communitarian world. The no possession thing is woven into many plot lines. Ah, predictive programming!!

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I see your point, but remember all the personal quarters you see have personal items that belong to the residents. Kirk and Picard, both collect things.

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Yep. That essay was actually one of a series of 'visions of the future' written for the 2016 conference.

There was a British one that was even more horrifying that was presented as wonderful, where we were basically just hooked up to VR for most of the day being computational units; all food, housing, and energy was rationed by the government, and dissenters lived in unpowered favelas outside the city separated by a huge wall.

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The Aristocracy have always been Rent-seekers. So their penultimate plan is a World in which everything us serfs use must be rented - rented from the companies they own. They have already targeted fresh water resources. I wouldn't be surprised if they claim ownership of the Earth's atmosphere and we have to rent oxygen off them in order to breath.

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"You load 16 tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt . . . I owe my soul to the company store." Old song, record of long history of this type of scam

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Shows the power of these word-thought viruses they use. Just a little nudge here and there, and people will fight their friends over self-evident truths.

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“Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They're emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention. Because of this they use a multitude of games, in order to receive adoration. Sadly, they are the most ungodly of God's creations because they don't show remorse for their actions, take steps to make amends or have empathy for others. They are morally bankrupt.”

― Shannon L. Alder

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Justin Trudeau Wants Freedoms for Ukrainians That He Won’t Allow Canadians to Enjoy....https://www.infowars.com/posts/justin-trudeau-wants-freedoms-for-ukrainians-that-he-wont-allow-canadians-to-enjoy/

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Good one. Wears a mask always in public in Canada with 82% vaxxed & does arm bumps instead of handshakes, goes to Ukraine where they are only 33% vaxxed and no mask and does handshakes. What a disgusting tool.

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Clearly Fauci is an abolute Narcissist. But the people leading this great evil are Psychopath Parasites.

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IMO, they're sociopaths. They're evil, they know it, but don't care.

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Both. Psychopaths are going to be common in a gene pool that has prospered pretty much 100% for centuries by doing evil anti-social deeds against others. Within each of these families the Psychopath will be most likely to rise up the ladder to the top dog position. Anyone else who rises to the upper echelons will be trained into a sociopath personality, helped along by the bizarre rituals these groups engage in.

Masturbating in Coffins & Other Bizarre Rituals of the Über Elite:


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And everyday I still see people driving in their cars, with a mask on, by themselves, windows up. Pavlovian slaves.

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In north London that's rare, only taxi drivers, who are forced to. But some scared old people still in voluntary gags, while on the underground they are joined by some of the young, showing they care. About 30 per cent gagged, last time I travelled on it, even though it is not compulsory.

My small local chain grocery store, Sainsburys, has a notice in its window asking customer to wear masks if they can. Very few do, but some pious souls, fully masked, called in recently and stripped the store of thousands of pounds worth of cigarettes and spirits. Then a few days later they did it again. Who could possibly have seen that coming?

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I don't know of any other vaccines in history that has helped spread the disease or has a risk profile quite like these ones, even if there may be modest benefits for the most at risk. Yet they are pushing the digital vax pass and other totalitarian tools on the back of it. They may well succeed but it smells of desperation. They know that once people realise the true extent of all this then there won't be another chance at least in their lifetimes.

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it will soon be time to burn all the telecoms exchanges and shut down the internet

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About two thousand years ago, John the Apostle wrote, as it was given to him, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to show -- things which must shortly take place" (1:1), of a future time when "...all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, [must] receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17) This mark will have a dual purpose of also proving allegiance to the global system - those who refuse will be outcasts and worse. But God has a plan for those who believe.

We can see these things taking shape quickly. There is no stopping it now. Bible prophecy proves God is God and there is no other. There is a saying about how you don't really know Christ until He is all you have. The choice is yours. There is so much more than this life.

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