covid vaccine driven immune fixation/organ infection (nature/modern pathology study)
more on inability to generate N antibodies and new info on systemic effects
cliff notes:
autopsies reveal that the vaccinated get far higher rates of organ infection by covid than the unvaxxed.
they also generate fewer N antibodies (antigenic fixation)
the latter is strongly associated with and seems to cause the former.
there are also worrying cancer and immune suppression possibilities
this STUDY from “modern pathology” published in “nature” caught my eye. this was performed in germany between end of jan and october 2021 so it does not include any omicron.
a number of conclusions jump out, and seem to relate in a set of complex ways. the authors seem concerned over ADE as an issue, but i suspect there are some other issues which they do not mention dominating. several leap out in what have now become familiar patterns.
broadly, during autopsies, they compared 16 partially vaccinated to 13 fully vaccinated all of whom had died of covid=19. 141 unvaxxed were used as controls. in general, it was reasonably well balanced with a couple exceptions that may be interesting.
the big unexpected finding of the study was this:
they never really put this is a table, perhaps because it looks so bad, but the fact seems unavoidable: the vaccinated were seeing much higher rates of organ infection by covid.
a number of other findings emerged as well that seem to foot with other data we have seen.
data here:
two interesting things pop here:
the median time from vaccination to documented infection varied hugely. in dose 1, it was 10 days vs 140 for double vaxxed. this aligns strongly with the known ~2 week immune suppression window caused by dose 1 shutting down TLR’s and other forms of immune response. these folks got D1 and never D2 because they got covid right after, part of the longstanding issue used to such misleading effect in drug studies and data.
nucleocapsid (n) antibody testing was available for only 3 of the single dosed and for 11 of the double, but, provocatively, was detectable in ALL single dosed but only 45% of double dosed. this finds strong alignment with other studies showing the inhibited inability of the vaccinated to produce N antibodies a fact known (but only lately released) from the initial studies.
this is OAS/hoskins effect. it’s antigenic fixation. the pathologists writing above fail to name it or to discuss or identify the immune suppression effects of these drugs, but it pops vividly from their data if you know what to look for.
and the effects of this suppression and fixation look manifest in a number of ways.
the single dosed were sick so rapidly after administration that suspicion of immune suppression/vaccine driven infection must predominate. (though one might also argue that they are all clustered because had they not gotten sick, they would have gotten dose 2 later)
but this data from the dose 1 cohort was worrying:
these are not deaths “from covid” per se but rather looks like issues more generally associated with vaccine injury.
this is provocative as it occurred in 19% of cases.
the other issue that looked provocative to me in the single dosed was cancer. the cohort had a 56% cancer rate vs 21% in unvaxxed and 23% in double. this is a tricky signal to read. it’s possible this was just an intrinsic variance existing beforehand and there is no way to rule that out. but it’s also possible this was caused by the immune suppression of the vaccine and that the high cancer rates were the result of sudden progression due to vaxx mediated onco-suppression.
there are a lot of worrying anecdotes here:
and a pattern of the issue being prevalent.
read HERE for full discussion.
but perhaps the most interesting finding in this piece was this:
the propensity for organ infection by virus in the double vaxxed was strongly correlated to the failure to produce N antibodies suggesting that this same issue that prevents acquisition of sterilizing immunity also is associated withy greater spread in the body. this will cause the disease to do far more damage.
all in all, this starts to tie together quite a lot of threads.
in this pathology data we see
clear signs of immune fixation as manifest by inability to generate n antibodies
clear signs that this inability is strongly associated with and likely leads to organ infection
a likely dose 1 immune suppression signal and a possible cancer signal
quite a lot of organ damage driven by vaccine effects/covid enhancement may be being mistaken for “long covid” and if this is so, then recommending more boosting to mitigate risk would likely serve only to accelerate it, especially as signs that antigenic fixation and side effects are both worse post booster are widespread.
this warrants quite a lot more investigation, but the pieces of the mosaic seem to be forming a clearer picture.
there are an awful lot of waves here for this not to be a picture of an ocean.
Covid cases that occur from 1-14 days after the last jab are always, by order of some higher but unidentifiable authority that cannot be held publicly accountable, counted as "unvaccinated" even when people have had 1 or more doses. Untold numbers of actual cases occurring in the 1-14-day period in people who have had 1-4 jabs are not counted as vaccinated cases. This leads me to conclude that They KNEW there would immediate immune suppression following each jab that would increase infection rates, and They made up the 14-day exclusion zone so that those cases could conveniently be blamed publicly on refusers to influence political action against them.
I am always angered by the fact that even studies like this one, always begin the introduction with a statement like: "Vaccination against SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) combined with contact restrictions is the only way to reduce individual deaths and thus control the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic"... even if the study in question demonstrates exactly the opposite.