"Each generation writes off earlier errors as the result of bad thinking by less able minds--and then confidently embarks on fresh errors of its own." - Michael Crichton

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Love the quote, but these acts seem neither “fresh” nor “errors.” They look like the same, tired, cliché tricks from every totalitarian playbook in history. Same shit, different century.

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This is infuriating but not surprising as it is exactly how genocides get covered up. I discuss Denial (#10) and the other stages of genocide in my latest piece, “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

Sally Beck has been doing great investigative work on the pilot deaths, BTW: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ba-refuse-to-deny-pilots-died-after-covid-jab/

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Folks, the piece by Margaret Anna Alice is worth the read. Good resource links also.

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Bless you, Dan 🙏

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The interview with the undertaker was something I had not seen before. Thank you. Ppl here would do well to memorize the 10 stages of genocide (or at least a few that are convincing and come up a lot when chatting with your former friends and acquaintances. Ditto for some of the quotes. Think of how they might counter them and have an answer ready.

I am retired. I can devote all sorts of time to shutting down the genocidal maniacs and their devotees. Plus I am surrounded by them so it is a form of therapy.

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That video is definitely a must-see, and I’m grateful to hear you appreciated those resources. I agree about the value of memorizing the 10 stages of genocide.

Another super-handy reference that I plan to cover in a future article is Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. This article COVIDified the 1956 version: https://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2020/12/the-biderman-chart-of-coercion-roadmap.html

Delighted to have you on our side, Raptor, as we work to defeat menticide and tyranny!

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I just looked at the Biderman chart. There is one chart of it with "Power and Control at the center of a wheel with spokes being the aspects getting to the center. It struck me that not only does this apply to COVID, but Jan 6 prisoners by all accounts they are giving. Not sure where you stand on that, but it is worth mentioning in my book.

Up is down. Sigh.

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Most definitely. 1/6 is clearly a Reichstag false flag created to justify the introduction of domestic terrorism laws as part of an overarching surveillance state, and Biderman’s chart fits right into that strategy. Indeed, Kit Knightly wrote an excellent piece on it at OffGuardian if you haven’t seen it: https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/01/inside-bidens-new-domestic-terrorism-strategy/

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I had not read that. But it is a comprehensive look at what is going on. One thing to add is the IRS looking at basically all bank accounts. One more element of snooping and control.

I hope during the pandemic busy parents have gotten woke to what their kids are being indoctrinated into and reprioritize their lives.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

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That is indeed a concerning development and is undoubtedly part of the advancement to a totalitarian surveillance state (hence the need to move to a cashless, digitized currency that can be tracked, controlled, and frozen).

It does appear parents are waking up and are finally voicing their concerns, despite threats to target them as domestic terrorists for not wanting their children to be indoctrinated 😼

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Raptor, I missed the undertaker. Do you know where he/she is in the video?

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MAA-watching the undertaker, the huge increase in all the orders of midazolam and probable euthanasia of seniors in nursing homes. I feel nauseous.

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I know, Goosetherumfoodle 😿

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This is disgraceful. Dr. Long telling it like it is and they ignore her when the truth is staring them in the face and shuffle her off to see healthy pilots only. The word is out, these jabs are deadly, how long can the deceit go on when it is so obvious. What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. This has to be shut down, this is beyond unethical and immoral.

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Quotest thou Shakespeare? Here's a variation from a later English bard, the Moody Blues 🙂


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I love the Moody Blues, how did you know?

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Your piece was fantastic! After the holidays I'll be able to upgrade to a paid subscription.

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Thank you so much, Darling Sneauxflayke! Your praise means a lot to me, considering how much I respect your good taste and your coruscating wit :-)

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*blushes* Awww, shucks!

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Truly phenomenal research and writing, Margaret. THANK YOU!

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Aww, thanks, MLL, and so glad you appreciated it!

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The whole Holocaust (and the broader controversy of history revisionism) is interesting. I've only read a few (skeptical) articles about it. No matter you position on it, it is surely one of the most enduring "conspiracy theories," dating back at least 70 years.

Let's just say that that history, as taught in the West, is not quite as rock-solid as "those in power" would have you believe. The mere fact that to deny the Holocaust is a serious crime, at times punishable with prison, in several Western nations (traditionally those that allowed freedom of speech and thought, etc.) is a major red flag indicating something is not right. Just what, exactly, is so sacred about what in any other sphere would be mere questions of military or other history discussed in academic circles, that to merely question it requires sanctions nearly as dire as those imposed by the Soviet Union against opponents, or by the Church in its worst eras against heretics?

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Like Gad Saad (a Libyan Jew who fled persecution and author of “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense”), I believe free speech must be protected at all costs, regardless of whether those ideas are “approved” or even correct. There is no better way to dispel a faulty idea than through honest examination of the evidence and debate of those propounding what some might consider dangerous beliefs.

I do understand the layers of myth that get interwoven with fact in biased historical writings, particularly the more distant we become from the actual occurrences, which is one reason I tend to place more value on primary sources than secondary interpretations. I also realize there are gray areas when it comes to particular details, such as the numbers killed, but I see those as irrelevant quibbles when it comes to the more pressing question of how totalitarianism arises and what makes genocide possible, which are my overriding concerns and why I think books like “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45” and “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland” (both of which I cite extensively in https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) are so vital to understanding the psychology of the participants and perpetrators themselves.

How do everyday people get transformed into sociopaths? Why and how do people succumb to mass hypnosis? These are the questions that are most relevant to our situation today.

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lefties have been brain washed to believe that any one that does not get the vaxx is an "anti vaxxer" and they are to be shunned and avoided.

There are plenty of liberals that are not getting the vaccine bc of various reasons.

They are not being shunned. They are being placed in a special box to be quiet, just like the adverse reactions and critical reactions.

we are living in sad times

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Please liberals shun and avoid me, what delightful days those will be!

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doesn't matter which side you are on, you are the culprit. You are the one who spreads the virus. You are the chicken. Luckily, I have several friends, one of them with a vaccine injured child, who are on my side of the fence. It is beyond me why no more people jump this fence, with all we see nowadays. Even WP and NYT already published some questioning articles about the upshot in sick in Iceland and Israel. They are still on the side of the hand that feeds them of course, but I think they don't want to loose TOO many subscribers on the other side!

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perhaps over time, when it is politically convenient of course, they will suddenly turn on the vaxx. It is all political. I wonder what liberals feel about this shaming action, this humiliating and stigmatizing by the media, and our "leaders". It is sickening

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Idealists have a very sketchy view of history. They view it through rose colored glasses if glanced at, at all. For example, if they know anything at all about 20th century Russian history, they probably assume that people like Trotsky and the other early revolutionaries, when they were no longer needed, happily retired to a dacha on the Black Sea. 🤣

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Well, one must concede the media's point of view. There are not much advertising revenue to be earned from big-bucks firms and organizations urging you to avoid their dubious products. Nor is the "independent journalist" dog likely to bite the hand that feeds.

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I hope you read the letter this same Army Doctor wrote to the Biden administration when he ordered the military to vaxx. At the time only half of the army was done. She pointed out that from the whole army 29 had died from the virus. From half of the vaxxed 26 had either died or were unable to serve any longer. She put her position in the army and her medical profession at stake to do this. She sees the imminent danger. I remember seeing another item, where in Britain they had to call on unvaccinated pilots, because the vaxxed ones could not fly. And I have an idea, that all those delayed flights are due to that and to the vax mandate too.

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Link to letter you reference?

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So pro athletes collapsing on the court, air force pilots dying mid-flight...it's going to be an interesting winter...it's all normal, of course, and IN NO WAY connected to the vaccines: my doctor said so.

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Run Run ! Run for that doctor !

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At least Biden won't have a functioning army to suppress the revolt of the people? grasping at straws for a silver-colored rust lining, here.

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This past summer, I helped an 8 year Army veteran, and current National Guard member, move the stuff in his house. He's slightly more than half my age. He appeared to be in decent shape. My guess is he is probably 'average' for the military. This was in Florida, and it was hot and humid. He couldn't go more than 5 minutes without taking a rest. Stay healthy. I'm not too concerned about the army suppressing a damn thing.

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Exactly what this Doctor said (but then about foreign invasions)

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There are no actual vaccines against covid, there are only experimental mRNA injections that were granted emergency use.

This there is no such person as "unvaccinated" when it comes to covid, and there is no such person who has been vaccinated against covid.

There are only test subjects and those who remain part of the control group. I find it enrages the branch covidians when you explain this to them.

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There are a few anti COVID-19 treatments that are true vaccines in the traditional sense (they are made from an entire dead or weakened virus, not a piece of it, or a mRNA code). Alas, just because a vaccine is real doesn't make it effective or safe. I've seen no claims of high efficacy for the "real" vaccines, and I don't believe any are allowed for use in the West.

I find no fault in the rest of your statements.

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The memes in this one are FIRE . 'Adverse Events Club' -- LMFAO

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A scary thought occured to me.

We'd be better off with the Nigerian prince in charge.

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Unfortunately the Nigerian president was offed early this year. Now Nigeria has no prince any longer...

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dear gato....can you write on this piece ? ( sorry to hijack for a different topic) - This seems big to me. https://twitter.com/bmj_latest/status/1455531359536128014?s=20

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"The next morning, 25 September 2020, Jackson called the FDA to warn about unsound practices in Pfizer’s clinical trial at Ventavia. She then reported her concerns in an email to the agency. In the afternoon Ventavia fired Jackson—deemed “not a good fit,” according to her separation letter."

American corporate culture in a nutshell. So much of this was already inferable from the Pfizer trial protocol. Barebones and perfunctory. Pfizer isn't the developer, just the marketer.

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"our's not to question why, our's to do and die"

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I call bullshit on that!

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what you have against tennyson?

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nothing on tennyson, bs that we should not question and just do what these idiots are telling us.

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i understand, i am retired air force and orders are orders, in operations there is no questioning. in something like the vaxx a soldier or airman can deny and claim illegal order. that goes to court martial and looking at the brass we endure that route is only for the strong. exactly the ones the country needs.

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Fortunately I'm not in that situation, but I was military. Put yourself in a vax-hesistant service member's position: You have a hard choice to make: obey a presumably lawful order and subject to a medical procedure that has a high likelihood of causing you death or permanent injury -- OR -- end your career with penalty up to an (unlikely?) prison term and dishonorable discharge ( = convicted felon, in the outside world.)

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Ed, thank you for your service to our country. You are heroes, BUT, there are times like these where there will have to be disobedience. Something wicked this way is coming and has come and we need to fight. This jab is destroying our young people and who knows in years to come what will come to light. How do we know these jabs do not contain some kind of tracking device? Big pharma refuses to let us see what is in the vax. This is bigger than some realize and I will fight it to the end. Non compliance and the strong ones, yes, we need them now. The brass in the military at the top are deranged, like mark milley-he is a traitor to the nth degree. Something more insidious is happening inside the military at the very top and it ain't good.

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i cannot disagree...... i retired in 2002.

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Well, I've always had more the tendency to question why. It hasn't (yet) resulted in my death, but it definitely is not well-received in many places. A cynic might begin to get the idea that many collective narratives have all the solidity of a house of cards, and to ask probing questions, or inquire into what, if anything supports the edifice, is viewed with the same alarm as the would greet a constipated fly buzzing about the room 😉

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if you ask "why" you can get to the bottom, if you get answers....

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el gato malo - I retired in 2015 (thank goodness) from the Marines and just wanted to point out one thing; they are not pursuing dishonorable discharges. They will receive no lower than General discharge under honorable conditions in the Navy at least. Next step down from Honorable discharge. This can effect some veteran benefits. I guess it depends in how that specific discharge is categorized in their DD-214 (discharge paperwork).

Additionally, the USN message said they may revoke certain qualifications and potentially try and recoup training costs, etc. Or pursue Article 92 (Failure to obey order or regulation) charge against the sailor. Link here:


Marines fall under the Dep of the Navy, so I suspect they are taking a similar tack.

Clearly, they have taken quite a punitive position. I have also seen some reporting on the interwebs that they are flat out denying all exemptions; religious or medical. Not sure how much truth is in that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is indeed true.

I don't support the mandate in the military or anywhere else.

What a shame the Biden administration has chosen to go down this mandate path.

Keep up the great work El Gato Malo!

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At this rate, the Chinese are going to win this war without firing a shot.

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But what are the pronouns for bullets?!

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zing, whizz, ka-pow

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Or maybe which country collapses under its own arrogance and ignorance first...

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Interesting confirmation of the distribution of deaths and injuries by lot number, first reported by the Epose. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=244109

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This needs it's own post. There is 1, unreasonable explanation. Depopulation with plausible deniability. Death jabs spread our in such a way that it hides the risk.

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Definitely deserves its own post. And, it would be good to get this in front of Drs. Yeadon and Malone as well as Bret Weinstein and others with big platforms.

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Dr Yeadon does read this blog & replies when able. I will repost to Dr Malone, who I believe is on gab.

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Nov 2, 2021
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Wave by wave they intend to murder us. Once we're "on the hook" they can give the survivors mass death booster. Dr. Yeadon has said he believes it will be hemorrhagic. Fauci & co have been pushing marburg, with 300 deaths/year mainly in remote jungles, as the next big pandemic threat. 1 "vax" is ready to go. Others in works.

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500,000,000. Even the "Georgia Guidestones" depopulationists are not THAT genocidal. 😈

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"In other words the best-fit hypothesis is that causing the body to produce part of a pathogen when that part has pathological capacity (as we know is the case for the spike) cannot be controlled adequately through commercial manufacturing process at-scale. This means that no vector-based, irrespective of how (e.g. viral vector or mRNA), not-directly-infused coronavirus jab will ever have an acceptable safety profile because some lots will be "hot" and harm crazy percentages of those they're given to with no way to know in advance. The basic premise used here -- to have the body produce the agent the immune system identifies rather than directly introduce it where you can control the quantity, is a failure. "

I think this is correct. It further leaves room for additional gaps in the cold chain - So even the "hot" lots are probably duds a lot of the time. This is in the US - I think production and cold chain in Israel and UK must be pretty consistent based on their downstream stats.

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In case ya haven't heard. Whistle blower from company hired by Pfizer says their trial sites faked data and didn't follow trial protocol. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635.full

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Crickets in mainstream media. Yet when some ‘whistleblower’ told politico Novavax us supposedly having trouble msm was all over it:..

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