In light this piece and many others by gato on the failure of our so-called experts, I thought some here might be interested in my new book, The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class, just published by Brownstone.
For those wanting to know more about me or the book here are some links:
Forward The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class. by Jeffrey Tucker:
My latest piece highlights the campaign of RFK, jr. Like most people, I first thought Kennedy had no chance to win. But now I am changing my assessment. I think it's obvious that Kennedy would be the president who could and would allow the public to belatedly learn many truths that have so effectively been covered up.
That's why the Powers that Be will pull out all stops to harpoon his campaign.
"Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatsoever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, required only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus."
The sensitivity readers would like you to amend this quote to reflect the hurt it may cause to people who do not identify as he or she and who also don’t identify as investigators.
I would like nothing better than to set up a Safe Space™ for them with blobs of Play-Doh to salve their excruciating inner pain, but the Ivy League has cornered the market and created shortages, as always happens with Capitalism™.
I guess they will just have to continue with their usual screech sessions.
AGW is another extreme example of scientism with academic heretics sacrificed at the altar of the same political agenda behind the covid op.
Ironic RFK Jr is on that list given he has publicly stated climate science skeptics should be penalized as thought criminals, incarcerated, "given three hots and a cot". This was when rhetoric was at a fever pitch against skeptics such that an academic called for the death penalty for 'deniers' (a commonly evoked religious term). While I appreciate Kennedy's advocacy for vaccine injured people, there are some very strange and concerning wealthy bedfellows backing CHD. Also, the usual suspects behind 'the great reset' funded his long career in corporate environmentalism. ...Might explain why replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy is being linked with RFK's run for POTUS as a key 'solution'. It's a way to further centralize control.
Thanks for the cross-post, Gato. Jay and Rav present interesting points, although I do not necessarily agree 100% with them. Like Jay continues to insist that the "vaccines" are beneficial for the elderly.
Apart from that, of course, science should never be about consensus; I had a Chemistry professor in college who would (correctly) say that majorities are very frequently wrong.
On the other hand, we need to be careful with this very prevalent idea that "science constantly changes". Of course, we need to be open to challenging prevailing concepts, but there are solid scientific principles that should not change every day. In reality, we should need some serious scientific evidence to throw away an established scientific principle and substitute it with another. Nowadays, so called "scientists" have become too prone to change "the science" everyday, supposedly supported by a new "study". Then, today coffee is great for you and tomorrow the worst thing you can do is drink coffee... with Covid they threw away every well-established scientific and medical principle... because "the science" changed.
Definitely happy with a heads up about this new channel, but Omg that Rav dude does not get it at all about censorship. Thankfully Jay set him eloquently straight on that and many other points, but I certainly wasn’t impressed with him in the first episode. Who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to hide the fact that vaccines have killed people to prevent vaccine hesitancy?!? I’m so done with the idea that some of us just have to take one for the team. Total bullshit. Fix your product you dumbshits. Then people won’t have a reason to be hesitant. Mandates and indemnity is not free market economics. I’m embarrassed I didn’t know this years ago. If a possible side effect is death, there is not one good reason I should pull the trigger on that pistol. Not one. And I’m talking about all vaccines here, not just this latest catastrophe, which thank all the gods finally prompted me to get my head out of the sand.
I, too, was so pro-vaxx I couldn't wait to get all the latest. This really opened my eyes. I'm a born skeptic, so why the hell did it take me so long; I feel your embarrassment. I've also followed regulatory capture for decades, and it just didn't dawn on me that those not wielding direct political power could be so callous, so completely lacking integrity, that they would maim and kill just to make a buck. The 200 years of pro-vaxx propaganda was that good.
I now, too, more fully understand why dollars without integrity can destroy a civilization.
Beautifully spoken. I find it interesting that those 200 years of propaganda coincide with a major faith crisis for humankind. I think that directly contributed to its success: here’s a non denominational ritual you can participate in to indicate your belief in miracles. So it was good propaganda, but only because the ground was fertile. Thankfully, though our flawed human nature never seems to change, the circumstances of history sure do. Looking forward to leaving this madness behind someday.
Injected aluminium crosses the blood brain barrier (as you're bound to know, so sorry if I'm telling you how to suck eggs) and is one of a few reasons people are developing dementia in record numbers. These 'little shots' all add up.
The zombie apocalypse is not just a fun script idea unfortunately.
For pertussis and its bacteria, there are natural remedies. Paracelsus said there is a pattern to illness, and this is true. So for lungs and coughing, the body needs support obviously, like broth with plenty of seaweed and garlic in it. For persistent coughing, food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% sprayed in to a deep inhaled breath generally stops all coughing in its tracks.
It's a VERY weird sensation but it works 100%. I have used this for all coughs including bronchitis- it only developed to bronchitis because I ran out out of food grade hydrogen peroxide and it took two weeks to arrive from the UK...
Apparently transferrin transports the aluminium into the brain. I don't know whether it can get back out, either with transferrin or silica water.
While I've had a pertussis shot, it was at least 47 years ago. Bactrim seems to be effective against bordatella bronchiseptica (kennel cough, and yes, humans can indeed get it), but the dose should probably be scaled by weight. (I found a source saying it should be by surface area. Pharmacists suggest using weight.) It causes quite a few adverse side effects on its own if overdosed. The standard dose is 1 double strength tablet twice a day for a standard 150 lb. human. For a 12 lb dog that's 1/12 tablet by weight, or 1/6 tablet if you prefer surface area.
I would suggest providing an aluminium-free formulation of all vaccines, but give them with a live (attenuated) virus to serve as the adjuvant. I don't think the CDC, FDA, or vaccine manufacturers will listen to me.
The agencies have an ulterior motive. Medicine is the realm of the priest class, but even the priest class have no idea what's going on because western religion is a corporation.
The agencies you mentioned are under maritime jurisdiction, all part of the same crowd. The reason joints like Bayer and Pfizer are getting away with their current scam is because the same group created Admiralty Law, so they'll never have to answer to anyone but themselves.
These merchants have a bottom line, which is $$$. Medicine is the greatest cash cow ever.
By making us sick slowly with various little poisons, they can keep generating wealth.
Nature has all the answers. We ignore Her at our peril.
The absurdity of the current food pyramid can not be more revealing..sugar coated breakfast cereal is better for human consumption than steak and eggs.
Consensus isn't just "not science", it's *anti-science*. Anyone confused about the scientific method need only watch this one minute - yes, one minute - exposition by the great Richard Feynman, who explains it completely. And, contrary to those who talk about "consensus", anyone can do it. Which is the whole point - the results should be able to be confirmed by anyone.
Fairly simple - get rid of those in the governmental acronym groups that have foisted the nonsense upon us and then be ready to have open discussion of the work that many have done and then read and decide for yourself who makes sense and who is proven right by solid, well planned projects and endpoints with good statistics.
Aaahaa though that is the rub isn’t it?
The statistics from the Pfizer and Moderna, et Al were mangled and falsified so greatly they wanted 75 years to straighten them out or hide them.
Let the real records show whose protocols are having success and you decide without mandates and lockdowns who you want to believe.
The results can’t be any worse even if you have little knowledge of statistics to decide what is correct.
They don’t look right, smell right or they are from big Pharma so your choice will be as good as theirs.
Just remember the ones who gave you the gears the first time and make your list of who to ignore and who knows their ass from a star and then flip the coin.
No great prophecies here just venting for the next round of nonsense that our village idiot will nominate into office or alphabet group.
Then settle in with Substack authors who you have come to trust this past three years and learn how to stay alive and healthy and laugh at the fools who still believe in MSM and BiG Pharma, CDC, FDA, WHO, WEF, oh yes and Bill Gates.
Along with destroying businesses, educational setbacks, and food insecurity another effect of the lockdowns are rising rates of housing insecurity and homelessness. Unscrupulous landlords are using the rent moratoriums that occurred as an excuse to raise rents well beyond what is normal and reasonable. This is happening in mobile home communities across the nation as well as in other forms of rental housing. Even those of us who haven't been hit so hard by these increases are worried that we might be next. We have gone from "killing grandma" to "putting grandma out on the street".
...While Dr Tim Morgan of Surplus Energy Economics(*) earnestly urges ↓↓ 🙂
🗨 If you, and others, take one conclusion from this, I would hope it’s this: we don’t need to take anyone’s word for anything, because it’s perfectly possible for us to work things out for ourselves.
In light of the Neil DeGrasse Tyson wish is that he would come on their podcast. It won't happen, but it will nonetheless be interesting to hear.
In light this piece and many others by gato on the failure of our so-called experts, I thought some here might be interested in my new book, The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class, just published by Brownstone.
For those wanting to know more about me or the book here are some links:
Forward The Treason of the Experts: Covid and the Credentialed Class. by Jeffrey Tucker:
Author’s Introduction (scroll down after cover page and forward)
Here I am discussing the book recently with Jan Jekielek on the American Thought Leaders program
Here is my personal website
The book is available at:
Great project, Thomas!
My latest piece highlights the campaign of RFK, jr. Like most people, I first thought Kennedy had no chance to win. But now I am changing my assessment. I think it's obvious that Kennedy would be the president who could and would allow the public to belatedly learn many truths that have so effectively been covered up.
That's why the Powers that Be will pull out all stops to harpoon his campaign.
Looks good, just picked up a Kindle copy on Amazon.
"Let's be clear: the work of science has nothing whatsoever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, required only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus."
~ Michael Crichton (1942-2008)
A memorable quote from a great man, who is not quoted nearly enough.
The sensitivity readers would like you to amend this quote to reflect the hurt it may cause to people who do not identify as he or she and who also don’t identify as investigators.
I know, I know...
I would like nothing better than to set up a Safe Space™ for them with blobs of Play-Doh to salve their excruciating inner pain, but the Ivy League has cornered the market and created shortages, as always happens with Capitalism™.
I guess they will just have to continue with their usual screech sessions.
Great to see two members of the subversive seven collaborating! Class traitors will bring sanity back.
Make America Sane Again.
AGW is another extreme example of scientism with academic heretics sacrificed at the altar of the same political agenda behind the covid op.
Ironic RFK Jr is on that list given he has publicly stated climate science skeptics should be penalized as thought criminals, incarcerated, "given three hots and a cot". This was when rhetoric was at a fever pitch against skeptics such that an academic called for the death penalty for 'deniers' (a commonly evoked religious term). While I appreciate Kennedy's advocacy for vaccine injured people, there are some very strange and concerning wealthy bedfellows backing CHD. Also, the usual suspects behind 'the great reset' funded his long career in corporate environmentalism. ...Might explain why replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy is being linked with RFK's run for POTUS as a key 'solution'. It's a way to further centralize control.
Make Fossil Fuels Great Again.
first post ok here - but re 'illusion', way to polite, it's just a total f***ing lie, like everything else these people get up to -
Thanks for the cross-post, Gato. Jay and Rav present interesting points, although I do not necessarily agree 100% with them. Like Jay continues to insist that the "vaccines" are beneficial for the elderly.
Apart from that, of course, science should never be about consensus; I had a Chemistry professor in college who would (correctly) say that majorities are very frequently wrong.
On the other hand, we need to be careful with this very prevalent idea that "science constantly changes". Of course, we need to be open to challenging prevailing concepts, but there are solid scientific principles that should not change every day. In reality, we should need some serious scientific evidence to throw away an established scientific principle and substitute it with another. Nowadays, so called "scientists" have become too prone to change "the science" everyday, supposedly supported by a new "study". Then, today coffee is great for you and tomorrow the worst thing you can do is drink coffee... with Covid they threw away every well-established scientific and medical principle... because "the science" changed.
Definitely happy with a heads up about this new channel, but Omg that Rav dude does not get it at all about censorship. Thankfully Jay set him eloquently straight on that and many other points, but I certainly wasn’t impressed with him in the first episode. Who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to hide the fact that vaccines have killed people to prevent vaccine hesitancy?!? I’m so done with the idea that some of us just have to take one for the team. Total bullshit. Fix your product you dumbshits. Then people won’t have a reason to be hesitant. Mandates and indemnity is not free market economics. I’m embarrassed I didn’t know this years ago. If a possible side effect is death, there is not one good reason I should pull the trigger on that pistol. Not one. And I’m talking about all vaccines here, not just this latest catastrophe, which thank all the gods finally prompted me to get my head out of the sand.
So dead on.
I, too, was so pro-vaxx I couldn't wait to get all the latest. This really opened my eyes. I'm a born skeptic, so why the hell did it take me so long; I feel your embarrassment. I've also followed regulatory capture for decades, and it just didn't dawn on me that those not wielding direct political power could be so callous, so completely lacking integrity, that they would maim and kill just to make a buck. The 200 years of pro-vaxx propaganda was that good.
I now, too, more fully understand why dollars without integrity can destroy a civilization.
Beautifully spoken. I find it interesting that those 200 years of propaganda coincide with a major faith crisis for humankind. I think that directly contributed to its success: here’s a non denominational ritual you can participate in to indicate your belief in miracles. So it was good propaganda, but only because the ground was fertile. Thankfully, though our flawed human nature never seems to change, the circumstances of history sure do. Looking forward to leaving this madness behind someday.
"Dollars" went bye-bye in 1913, though the Massachusetts smallpox vaccine mandate preceded that.
My husband and I say this every time vaccines and "medicine" comes up.
ALL vaccines have to go.
Pertussis vaccine seems to work; I was the only one here to not get bordatella bronchiseptica. Though I'd prefer it be formulated absent aluminium.
Injected aluminium crosses the blood brain barrier (as you're bound to know, so sorry if I'm telling you how to suck eggs) and is one of a few reasons people are developing dementia in record numbers. These 'little shots' all add up.
The zombie apocalypse is not just a fun script idea unfortunately.
For pertussis and its bacteria, there are natural remedies. Paracelsus said there is a pattern to illness, and this is true. So for lungs and coughing, the body needs support obviously, like broth with plenty of seaweed and garlic in it. For persistent coughing, food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% sprayed in to a deep inhaled breath generally stops all coughing in its tracks.
It's a VERY weird sensation but it works 100%. I have used this for all coughs including bronchitis- it only developed to bronchitis because I ran out out of food grade hydrogen peroxide and it took two weeks to arrive from the UK...
Apparently transferrin transports the aluminium into the brain. I don't know whether it can get back out, either with transferrin or silica water.
While I've had a pertussis shot, it was at least 47 years ago. Bactrim seems to be effective against bordatella bronchiseptica (kennel cough, and yes, humans can indeed get it), but the dose should probably be scaled by weight. (I found a source saying it should be by surface area. Pharmacists suggest using weight.) It causes quite a few adverse side effects on its own if overdosed. The standard dose is 1 double strength tablet twice a day for a standard 150 lb. human. For a 12 lb dog that's 1/12 tablet by weight, or 1/6 tablet if you prefer surface area.
I would suggest providing an aluminium-free formulation of all vaccines, but give them with a live (attenuated) virus to serve as the adjuvant. I don't think the CDC, FDA, or vaccine manufacturers will listen to me.
The agencies have an ulterior motive. Medicine is the realm of the priest class, but even the priest class have no idea what's going on because western religion is a corporation.
The agencies you mentioned are under maritime jurisdiction, all part of the same crowd. The reason joints like Bayer and Pfizer are getting away with their current scam is because the same group created Admiralty Law, so they'll never have to answer to anyone but themselves.
These merchants have a bottom line, which is $$$. Medicine is the greatest cash cow ever.
By making us sick slowly with various little poisons, they can keep generating wealth.
Nature has all the answers. We ignore Her at our peril.
The absurdity of the current food pyramid can not be more revealing..sugar coated breakfast cereal is better for human consumption than steak and eggs.
And while we're on the degenerate state of the west, can someone get the damned fluoride out of the water supply.
That industrialised toxic waste is responsible for so many "over-the-counter" illnesses which lead on to really expensive, specialised illnesses..
Get "Public Health" out of the public sphere (and make the military subservient to civil control). Military propaganda seems to be in full control.
trust the scientific method, not the scientists.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. When someone says 'science teaches such and such', he is using the word incorrectly."
~ Richard Feynman
FYI your first post arrived in my inbox just fine and was perfectly readable.
oh, weird. did not arrive in mine
will look into it. thanks
There was something not right with the first one for me also. Thanks for re-sending.
Same. I could read it but not open it in browser.
Same too. I could get to the article(s?) from the links at the top, but it didn't have the usual options to read in the app or online at the top.
First email received 5:22 am Pacific, second at 5:58 am.
No formatting or other issues.
First email received: gato <> Unsubscribe
8:22 AM (49 minutes ago)
Consensus isn't just "not science", it's *anti-science*. Anyone confused about the scientific method need only watch this one minute - yes, one minute - exposition by the great Richard Feynman, who explains it completely. And, contrary to those who talk about "consensus", anyone can do it. Which is the whole point - the results should be able to be confirmed by anyone.
Fairly simple - get rid of those in the governmental acronym groups that have foisted the nonsense upon us and then be ready to have open discussion of the work that many have done and then read and decide for yourself who makes sense and who is proven right by solid, well planned projects and endpoints with good statistics.
Aaahaa though that is the rub isn’t it?
The statistics from the Pfizer and Moderna, et Al were mangled and falsified so greatly they wanted 75 years to straighten them out or hide them.
Let the real records show whose protocols are having success and you decide without mandates and lockdowns who you want to believe.
The results can’t be any worse even if you have little knowledge of statistics to decide what is correct.
They don’t look right, smell right or they are from big Pharma so your choice will be as good as theirs.
Just remember the ones who gave you the gears the first time and make your list of who to ignore and who knows their ass from a star and then flip the coin.
No great prophecies here just venting for the next round of nonsense that our village idiot will nominate into office or alphabet group.
Then settle in with Substack authors who you have come to trust this past three years and learn how to stay alive and healthy and laugh at the fools who still believe in MSM and BiG Pharma, CDC, FDA, WHO, WEF, oh yes and Bill Gates.
"Everyone in science knows about these problems. But surprisingly few people do anything about it."
I recall a prominent biologist commenting that she is skeptical of any research paper written after 2012 or so, for the reasons given.
Along with destroying businesses, educational setbacks, and food insecurity another effect of the lockdowns are rising rates of housing insecurity and homelessness. Unscrupulous landlords are using the rent moratoriums that occurred as an excuse to raise rents well beyond what is normal and reasonable. This is happening in mobile home communities across the nation as well as in other forms of rental housing. Even those of us who haven't been hit so hard by these increases are worried that we might be next. We have gone from "killing grandma" to "putting grandma out on the street".
...While Dr Tim Morgan of Surplus Energy Economics(*) earnestly urges ↓↓ 🙂
🗨 If you, and others, take one conclusion from this, I would hope it’s this: we don’t need to take anyone’s word for anything, because it’s perfectly possible for us to work things out for ourselves.
(*) 👌
Climate science.
The Vaccinated
Are Starting To Realize
That Once They Get Sick
They Are Not Going To Get Better.
The Freak-Out Has Begun.
In light of the Neil DeGrasse Tyson wish is that he would come on their podcast. It won't happen, but it will nonetheless be interesting to hear.
Yes there is history and explanation of that in Stephan Lanka’s ‘Dismantling the virus theory’