Right at the time? A medication of a type never before used widely in human recommended to the entire population of people who have their reproductive years ahead of them? Recommending to all folks who had < 20 expected life years remaining was one thing, recommending to all young people with no long term safety data was about as reckless as can be fathomed.

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As a swede, let me say one thing for my southern cousins: they are not stupid. Look at the size of Denmark. Look where it's situated. Look at their history - surrounded by larger and historically aggressive and expansionist neighbours, and yet here they are. You don't get to be a small nation with few resources and a small population and still be independent for a 1 000 years if you're not a clever git.

The dane may look like a pleasant happy-go-lucky farmer, but that farmer is so firmly rooted in the soil of his homeland you might as well wrestle the ground itself.

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People don't want to see the truth and for the most part, they won't, especially in America.

They were told that if they got c0vid they would die for over a year. C0VID= death. That was the scenario that was presented here.

To say "the vaxxes don't work" for any group-- like children -- means that people will have to go back to the [false] paradigm of c0vid= death. They will be, in their minds, risking death every single day. Do you really think they will go back to that?

Also... the doctors here will NEVER admit what is going on. They are in the middle of their own dissociative disorder: "the government told me that vaxxes would save lives, I'm a doctor who wants to save lives, why are my patients dying? It can't be the vaxx, I save lives, I don't kill people."

I don't think we'll start to see our way out of this until the obvious vaxx deaths are double or triple the supposed "c0vid" deaths.

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And Canada is switching their definition of “fully vaccinated” to “up to date” .... this country is such a mess

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A friend of mine (pharmacist in PA) text me today and said that he and the other pharmacist at their pharmacy both told (when asked) higher level management that they did not want to vax <= 5-year-old children. Hopefully most pharmacists are doing the same.

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Anyone who, at the beginning of the pandemic, read anything of the literature regarding previous attempts to make a coronavirus vaccine would have recognized the complexity of the problem. The whole endeavor reeks of human hubris. Did it ever occur to these researchers that it may be evolutionarily maladaptive for humans to cement an antibody response to a highly mutable virus? And that maybe, just maybe, the idea of pursuing a vaccine for such things is ..umm....counterproductive?

But what would I know? I'm no epidemiologist.

The notion that they "didn't know" makes them ignorant beyond belief because there WAS plenty of evidence to suggest this was going to be a piss-poor strategy (all of it...transfections, masking and lockdowns)..and while I could forgive them somewhat for ignorance, all the attempts to shut down/censor valid discussion of the issues reeks of malice.

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I see they are getting out ahead of the game to narrative shape. That is a good sign because it means they expect pitchforks but it is more of the same-- spin and mendacity.

Look at all this:

-it was the right decision with what we knew

-it is seen in hindsight

-'we' need to learn from this

-very unknown side effect profile [that wasn't a concern back when you made the decision?]

-had a lack of trust in the authorities [but you can trust them now since they fake apologized and took no responsibility.....right?]

but that last one is a real whopper:

-But what we have to hold on to is that there has been no damage from it. It was more of a misinterpretation of the situation at the time, which we among professionals will discuss for a long time

What he means is 'we' the 'professionals' will discuss this and you unqualified plebians are not invited. We've decided there was no damage, and any damage you show us will be rationalized as something else. Then we will gaslight you into oblivion.

They will keep this up until they are removed from any authority or position of influence.

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You're more forgiving than I am! That they recommended it even once is a crime...for children; an abomination...for anyone unforgivable!

No worries, just a misjudgment...no harm, no foul. Are you kidding...people are dead; children are dead and injured beyond imagination and we get forgive me...an understandable mistake, an unfortunate error.

Don't talk to me ever in my lifetime...I'm done with every last one of them because they either knew or should have.

Please go away!

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They say if they knew then what they know now they wouldn’t have vaccinated the children. They say that the side effect profile was unknown at that time. That’s simply not true though. All of us on here knew, we knew in the spring! It is refreshing that they admitted that they made mistakes though.

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The suffocating propaganda campaign was as toxic as the vaccines themselves. If folks knew how much money was spent on it they’d be more than appalled.

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Jun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022

Looking out my window for flying pigs and monitoring the temperature in hell.

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The thing people have forgotten so quickly, even in Europe and certainly in North America, is that the swine flu vaccines used in 2009 were a disaster. And the worst lasting effects, narcolepsy, didn’t manifest for nine months to a year. When they started claiming that any bad reactions to the Covid shot would present quite quickly and if they didn’t then there was no reason to worry, I realized with what bad faith we were being cajoled. That opened up a can of worms I apparently hadn’t been willing to open before. And thank god. No more pricks for us ever again. And I do mean never. Even if I have to stay home all day every day. I got a nice house. 🤙🏼

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It was obviously a mistake at the time to use vaccines that had marginal transmission benefit to reduce transmission in subgroups that already had a lot of natural immunity. Reality is that they’re just trying to get ahead of the adverse events reporting that will go on over the next few months.

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It is still cowardly and unethical to say the inoculations were OK with what they knew THEN but not OK with what they know NOW. Did anyone care? Ask? Take a moment and use common sense. I guess credit where credit’s due. But very flimsy

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I’m glad to see people in positions of influence finally starting to come to their senses. It’s just a pity that evidence of public harm is what it took. We had long standing, scientifically accepted guidelines that we threw out so we could start over, and now we’re seeing how prescient those guidelines were -- and still are.

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“ - With what we know today: yes. With what we knew then: no, was the answer.”


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