I’m a teacher and I’m unbelievably excited about the (hopefully) impending doom of the Department of Education. It can’t come soon enough.

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I can not agree more. It'll be like having one of those dreams you won the lottery and waking up to find out it's true.

A big part in the decline of America and the slow stripping of our liberty is what happens when kids don't know how to measure freedom.

The true measure of liberty is how much freedom you have to make your own independent decisions...even if they're awful decisions.

Schools have destroyed the yardstick by which freedom can be measured

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Yes, as a former teacher, I say same thing!

The old ladies that work at the Department Of Education are smug, witches who love to bully people and throw their weight around. They don’t want teachers to make any decisions. Teachers who started out in the day where you made your own curriculum cannot be a part of this.

In 1979 American children were number one in math and science around the world That was the year the Department Of Education was made.

We have only gone down ever since and right now we are about 40.

Obviously, if something is making everything worse for decades, it should be disbanded that’s obvious to anyone with a brain

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There's some irony that one of the previous worst administrations (Carter) created the Department of Education and it's likely to end right after the new worst (Biden).

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from the well-intentioned but terribly misguided, to the overtly cynical and corrupt...it's like a microcosm of all leftist politics.

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Yes, I became a teacher in '79 with high hopes until I learned about the DOE. Thank The Lord for home-schooling.

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Don't want to tar every Dem with the same brush but so many of them seem to have the same characteristics - smug, love to bully ppl, and throw their weight around. I do exclude Harold Ford, Jr. from this description. He's a delight.

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freedom is now defined as freedom from things I don't like...this has to change.

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Can you imagine when departing DC after a meeting not having to mentally take a chemical shower? I can. They truly lack an ounce of creativity, and squash those who do. Or worse, steal your work - and try to do it, but badly. Freedom has been lost in layers of fat and bloat. Literally and figuratively.

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Having participated in a couple of CPSC task group meetings back in the ‘90’s over a supposed product liability issue, this assessment rings true. It was as though our industry would become the whipping boy of the bureaucrat do-gooders who were trying to justify their existence at the expense of the manufacturers, rather than apply common sense.

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Excellent comment!

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Like pretty much everything else the Feds meddle with, government "education" is a utter disaster, by every metric and standard.

After years of watching the seemingly inexorable plague of progressive insanity darken our nation, it is difficult to find the words to express my optimism over what is happening now. My abject cynicism of many years is cautiously starting to drain away.

Just an incredible turn of events.

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Wiping out Dept of Educashun on the federal level and giving all the money direct to the states to spend, cutting out alot of that fat, with no holds barred spend as you see fit, no more National Standards. You'd wipe alot of federal workers out! Useless ones at that.. We'll see then the red vs blue and who thrives and who does not...

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And let's not forget that it would likely vastly diminish the power of the teacher's unions.

"When school children start paying union dues, that's when I'll start representing the interests of school children."

Albert Shanker, United Federation of Teachers founder and president

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"And let's not forget that it would likely vastly diminish the power of the teacher's unions."

With respect, no. Their dues are just as effective when spent in state races. Maybe more so.

If you want to win this fight, you have to offer competition by supporting homeschools, charters, etc., and shrink the union labor/ dues pool. Since COVInsanity, our local public enrollment shrank by ~20%. It has to become "adapt or die." Removing the federal Dept of "Education" is still is a good first step, but it isn't the end of the war.

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No argument here about offering competition, but it would substantially dilute national union power as they would have to distribute their efforts to 50 states, and ideally, a multitude of individual districts and/or localities within those states, rather than being able to concentrate on a single, overarching Federal agency.

The more rabbits they must chase, the better.

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Great point. I can't believe that someone would make that comment about

'representing the interests of school children'. Indefensible!

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I prefer not confiscating by force taxpayer money for redistribution to the states and allowing it to remain in the pockets of hard-working Anericans.

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And who might be taking more kindly to deporting illegal immigrants because 'they have the jobs that we Americans need'. 🤨

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Isn’t it just.

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What has happened is the adoption of the idea that "The Constitution didn't SAYYY we couldn't do _______." And so they did it, but stretching and abusing such elements of the Constitution as:

- The Supremacy clause

- The General Welfare clause

- The Necessary and Proper clause

- The Elastic clause

- The Interstate Commerce clause

- The Treaty clause

And.... facilitated by the dereliction of duty by Congress. (That's on US to remedy, btw)

Once they built up a false foundation loosely (and purposefully evaded) based on the Constitution, the remainder of the building of our nation was built upon these perverted "principles" for the purpose of growing beyond what was intended by the founding fathers.

What we have now is the polar opposite of what the Constitution was made for - a moral people.

It's hard to imagine that for all limited power that the states and people have DELEGATED to the federal government, they have to sue the federal government to exercise our own rights or to stop the abuse of that DELEGATED authority.

"Delegated" is purposefully highlighted, because they are retained by the states and the people, and were not given up. We shouldn't have to sue to exercise our authority, or to prevent the abuse of it by the feds.

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Just hope that many can see through their true intent - a global surveillance state with digital ID, as millions of satellites irradiate all life on the planet to extinction. If they're so smart, why are they destroying Earth with lithium mines and radiation?


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I'm right with you, Roman. What gato describes makes me giddy with hope, but then I see more toddlers at restaurants staring into their own phones, or talk to my daughter about her experience playing professional volleyball in Spain -- where the players are MORE EXCITED BY THE MULTIVERSE'S REACTION to their win THAN THE WIN ITSELF, and I think: we must be very, very careful.

Yes, this team assembling is rapier-smart, accomplished, and audacious... but are they wise?

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Exactly Mary! What is their ultimate end goal? Intelligence does not always equal wisdom. Thanks for chiming in.

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I remain unworried. Intelligence is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. The box of chocolates fictional movie boob aside, absent that foundation, the superstructure cannot be built in any but the most crippled of forms.

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While I agree that intelligence is necessary to build a system of governance, intelligence wielded without morals or ethics is a dangerous tool.

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Same still applies. Moral and/or ethical systems built by stupid people are usually awful.

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you're smart enough to be a washington wonk and run rings around drunk congresscritters as they insider trade.

Best description of Nancy

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Mary, I see this as the desparate need for validation, a need which has been stoked by social media by design. The more you rely on your sense of self and self-worth from others, the less sovereign identity you have. It's a dependency trap of the most pernicious kind. "If I get a million Likes on FB that means I'm loved!! I must mean something!!" etc etc. It's outsourcing proof of self.

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Why are you playing armchair shrink? And why are you doing it with this particular commenter?

Mary clearly articulated her concerns, which many of us share.

Why don't you address those instead of rendering an opinion as to why she's commenting?

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Navyo isn't talking about Mary, but about the public in general. He's reinforcing her original comment, not contesting it.

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You must be very lonely

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I'm thinking about the ppl I know who just want a return to slower paced, bucolic, gentler kind of living. I'm seeing more of them these days.

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...and I am with you, Mary. I am afraid for my grandchildren, 4 of whom are being raised in Britain.

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Man, they have some ridiculous stuff going on over there.

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It beats the alternative all day long.

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Millions of satellites? There is always one spoil sport. I get your point, I just do not agree.

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Thank you, however my colleague Arthur Firstenberg has researched this, and has confirmed that as of December 31, 2022, the number of satellites being planned by 300 companies and governments exceeded one million. And in June, 2023, E-Space, a company based in France and founded by Greg Wyler in 2022, filed a plan for a single megaconstellation containing 116,640 satellites.

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The geniuses are the ones who designed and created the satellites, cell phones, 5G towers. I don't see things like that, as well as the adoration of nuclear energy, as contributing to a bucolic and gentler way of living.

I agreed with and voted for the idea of change, but the change may be so catastrophic it will be worse than what it replaced.

Arthur Firstenberg lives in Santa Fe. He is a friend of an acquaintance of mine. If you know him, I don't need to say anything about him. I agree with him about cell phones but it's hard live without them. Maybe the geniuses will be able to figure out a way for us to communicate telepathically.

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Hi Suannee, thank you for that, and for mentioning Arthur. Yes I do know him - he's having a difficult time right now, but doing his best to fight the PNM smart meter case as you may know. I think it'll be difficult to take away the cell phones, but can be mitigated in an indirect way by reducing blue light exposure, which in and of itself is an EMF and neurotoxic.

I have an acquaintance that is currently developing a new type of tablet (yes I know, another device) but this one is revolutionary in that it runs primarily on flicker-free red light, which is non-addictive. Maybe once people see the light, they'll see the light (: Are you in New Mexico area too?

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Yes. Espanola (yikes). It is in many ways more bucolic than Santa Fe.

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Spoil sport?

Reality sucks, doesn't it.

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Where have you been for the last 4 years?

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Retired secondary school administrator here. The DOE has to go. All they did was create chaos and unfunded mandates.

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It was scary for those of us trying to advocate. They could say anything that they wanted about my child's needs and they were completely wrong (in favor of their salaries).

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Retired professor. I second that.

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Same here. Ousted due to masks.

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Absolutely...They have damaged American education to an incredible extent...where college applicants can't read or do math...

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...or write their names in print (let-alone cursive!)

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The (soviet) Ministry of Miseducation & Indoctrination is in its last days ...

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Same here. let’s gooooooooo

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Only problem I see is: who's going to rein in [read: fire] bad teachers? Who's going to oversee removing funding from bad schools? These things have to be done. But which department will be in charge of executing policy?

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that would have to revert to the individual states

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Why are the states not capable of doing this? They are in a far better position to know what is going on.

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School choice. Let the public reject the bad schools until they don’t have enough students for funding. The bad admins and teachers will have a failed school on their resumé.

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Losing the DoE will help you tolerate being a teacher longer.

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What has the DOE done that people keep saying this? I’m honestly curious as I don’t have kids in school.

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We are watching here in Canada and many of us are absolutely *seething* with excitement and envy. Can we have those two when you're done?

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I hear you. Born in Canada, I became a US citizen this past year-- leaping through the hoops, racing the clock, so I could throw in a vote for Trump. To my family's shame. Canada broke my heart over the past 4 yrs, and the US with its Constitution won it.

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Welcome to our grand experiment in Liberty.

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Vive la libertad

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Just join us. Mapwise.

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A lot of us, especially out west, wish we could do just that.

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Contact Musk. Probably can get it done in a day.

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Maybe a trade. We get Albert and Saskatchewan we give you Minnesota and Illinois. Let Trudeau play hot potato with Chicago.

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I'd rather you dropped him off on the South Side and see what happens.

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After you drop pictures from his blackface party attire (both) onto the streets

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He might do well. Remember - he's an expert at blackface!

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Nah, he’ll just get his blackface costume out of storage. And what happened to a 2024 federal election?

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Toss in California, Oregon, and Washington State, no givebacks. We also get BC.

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Ontario could become the third peninsula of Michigan.

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@Psy- And NY. We'll gladly take some.

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After 49 years in CA, I moved to the mid west. Nothing is perfect but the air is clean and the cost-of-living is somewhat normal! You may come visit us though, maybe you'll find some fiendish books in our library.

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Just hope conservatives don't get complacent. Musk is a shark - he doesn't care about the people, only enslaving them with tech and a digital ID. But many hate woke ideology (I do as well) so much, that hatred makes them blind. Thoughts?

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Until I see evidence otherwise, I am giving Musk and crew the benefit of the doubt. Not interested in eating my own unless I discover they are not my own.

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Elon supported covid vaxes and carbon taxes. Do you need to see more? links.

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Elon states that his pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci. He said he thought he was going to die from the covid vax that he got.

Steve Bannon states that when Matt Gaetz, with Rubio and Vance met with GOPe senators to negotiate they wanted Fauci left alone. These are the enemies.

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It’s hard to do worse than the status quo. In my business plans, status quo is usually failure option unless things are going great. And I think Merrick Garland and Lloyd Austin are the exact opposite of ‘going great’.

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Just as things are not going as planned for the Globalists, they will probably not go as planned for the transhumanists. As clever as they are, in the end, very few of them really understand the average person.

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They want to depopulate the average person.

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Easier said than done. Seems odd that these people would spend enormous resources to concoct elaborate plans, when a little humility and self-reflection would solve the problem.

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We shall see, I suppose. I have similar concerns about Vance/ Thiel/ Palantir. My concerns are losing out to my hopefulness right now. Your first sentence is key.

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What do you have to lose. The previous administration was nosediving us into hell. Why does this feel different? Yes keep a watchful eye, but also hold onto your beliefs and your integrity.

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Keep your mind and eyes open. From a liberty standpoint the other option was more overt and obvious and thus was a focal point. The benefit to the man behind the curtain with Trump is it cuts the old right (strict Constitutionalists for example) off at the knees. It's like what Obama did to the anti-war left. Prior to him there was a vocal and clear movement against the wars, the spying, the "PATRIOT" act. That was silenced very effectively in 2008 and has never reformed. The superficial stuff could easily hide digital IDs and CBDC. A lot of the problems could be solved just ending the Federal Reserve, the complete polar opposite of CBDC. Another example, IDs could be caged saying "To figure out who is or isn't a citizen before we can stop immigration or deport anyone." It's the vaxx passports blown up to the stratosphere.

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Whitney Webb has proposed the same hypothesis. I really hope not. If true we’ve all be taken in

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I am reading his bio now - the one by Walter Isaacson - and I wouldn't characterize his pushing his employees as 'enslaving them'. He yields no quarter, but he's been right more times than he's been wrong. Employees/partners have walked away from him when it's gotten too much for them. He is a dreamer and a doer. Actually, I think he's a lot like Trump.

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He's a lot like most innovators.

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Good point!

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AI is also more "efficient" than human beings. Making that transition in the civil service, which gives Musk a lucrative reason to participate in this clean-up process, would be an easier sell now because the public is desperate for change and the program is named Department of Government Efficiency after all. Musk's commitment to making everything public and accepting input will also cement the idea that he's now the purveyor of truth and free speech.

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Exactly! At least you can see through the shadows and lies...why can't others?

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Hopium. The need to believe in a saviour despite all evidence to the contrary. Otherwise voting every four years and arguing online won't be enough. Conditioning because they know just what to say to us and who we need to hear it from to believe it.

This is a very dangerous time. After four years of intentionally bad leadership, a saviour promising radical change can deliver a truckload of agenda 2030 goods while the public applauds. The desperate need to believe will excuse many sins, just like during Trump's first term.

Or maybe I'm just cynical and we'll all live happily ever after. I hopium so.

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Musk only cares about enslaving people? Hard pass on anything else you may have to say. You're delusional.

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Thanks for the name-calling Bill. Very constructive.

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you are weak willed and need a savior. what does the symbol X represent?

https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/musks-twitter-is-nothing-more-than (Hundred Flowers Campaign 百花齐放)

bonus: https://substack.com/@thestraightjuice/note/c-74501859

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What evidence do you have that Musk wants to enslave us?

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Neuralink - wanting to put a chip in people’s brain? What do you think his motives are?

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Well so far, he’s helping people with brain damage .

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Thanks for your honest reply - but what if that's the cover story? Do you really think he cares about people? Do you know who is family is, who his father was? For the "Greater Good" is a line of propaganda used over and over, by the British, and recently in the "we're all in this together" campaign.

If Musk cares about peoples' brains, why is he promoting the use of wireless radiation and devices that have been proven to fry our brain?

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I know who he is and his father was not a good model for fatherhood. I think Elon could have done evil things if he was so inclined before now.

I understand the skepticism but I have hope.

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I have seen sharks…..but never put Elon in that category of people.

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Trudeau is the absolute worst. Mussolini would have looked at him and been disgusted.

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Fidel did, and was! 😉

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villain origin story?

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Isn’t Fidel his Daddy?

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Your elections are coming up. Major tariffs are on the agenda in America. The bought and paid Canadian media will never talk about this, because only 1 candidate is plausible as an ally - but Canada can choose to be an antagonist and get hit, or leverage the reshoring. Proof? Only 1 will support the Keystone Pipeline, which is tens of thousands of direct and indirect Canadian jobs, as just one starting example. Force that point into social media discourse, and watch your compradors squirm.

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Maybe have Polliviere meet Elon.

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Elon will probably volunteer. He is the ultimate Fix-It Man.

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It takes a single man with courage to start a revolution. Stop being so damned polite and fight back.

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As I recall, a few decades ago, the Atlantics were talking about joining us, in part because Quebec cut them off from the rest of English-speaking Canada.

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You could have their support today if you could just get rid of the dead weight at the helm.

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Ohhh boy, this two are going to cause so much trouble for the establishment. That you and Mexico especially are going to get the change for free. Go get your popcorn and enjoy the show.

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As a final troll, DOGE should make its motto "Unburdening US from what has been."

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stealing this.

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Department Of Gutting Everything

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You'd be a fool if you didn't. 😉

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Dang that’s good!

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We the People need to ask ourselves what we need a central government for. National Defense – and what else?

After the creation of the income tax (16th Amendment) in 1913, the Executive office doubled in size. Surprise, surprise. Of course, it grew – there is more money for all the new cabinet positions that followed, and there was/is a common thread in all the new cabinet positions - making Americans dependent on government in order to “help” them. As so many wise historians have told us, dependency is the last thing we want from government. Reagan famously said the most terrifying words in the English language are, "'I’m from the government and I’m here to help."

In 1789, the Executive branch consisted of the Department of State, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of the Attorney General, becoming the Department of Justice in 1870.

In 1798, the Adams’ administration added the Department of the Navy and soon after, Alexander Hamiliton began assembling his standing army that Jefferson ended soon after his election in 1800 where he tamed the over growing government way back then!

The 19th century saw the creation of the Postmaster General in 1829, which would begin an illustrious history of corruption and repeat cycles of reform. Two more departments were added - the Department of the Interior in 1849 and the Department of Agriculture in 1862. In 1903, the Dept. of Commerce and Labor was created. And another 10 years later in 1913, the Executive office doubled in size.

Why not look at America’s original Constitution, the Articles of the Confederation (AOC) for guidance? We can understand the AOC’s original weaknesses – a lack of a unified currency and the difficulty of communication in the 18th century – but they are no longer issues in 21st century America. https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/a-modest-proposal-part-iv-amending?r=76q58

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Totally. The Constitution basically gives the Federal Government power in 3 areas. 1. Defense (of the borders). 2. A Federal Court System (to litigate Federal Crimes [of which there are only three] and adjudicate disputes between states and citizens of different states, and between citizens and the Federal Govt). 3. Interstate Commerce.

That’s it. Everything else is not within their purview.

Returning to the founders view of Federal Government duties could reduce the size and cost by 50%. Easily.

As an aside, regarding point #2. With the exception of the 3 Federal crimes of Treason, Counterfeiting, and Piracy, the entirety of USC Title 18 is unconstitutional. 1000s of allegedly Federal crimes are in fact, unlawful.

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But even interstate commerce was very limited. To ‘regulate interstate commerce’ meant to make it regular, or easy and smooth — in other words, no trade wars between Massachusetts and Florida — not to control every business transaction in the country.

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The interstate commerce clause has been gang raped by Dems and Bush Republicans to the point a sex trafficked 14yr old would consider themselves lucky by comparison.

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Exactly this! It’s already spelled out. We just gotta make them abide.

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Also who's to say we can't REDUCE the military budget AND have more lethal armed forces?

I think too many people equate higher value with costs. I think, with a paradigm shift, and the right people it can be just the opposite.

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Reality check for one example: our Navy SEALS lack proper, updated equipment (even parachutes!). We must rebuild the military support we've squandered and given away.

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and the bases are shit holes. everything is old, leaking and crumbling. Get the Army Corps of Engineers involved

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The Army Corps of Engineers succeeds like other government entities--not at all.

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more parachutes, less classes on pronoun usage!! MMGA Make the Military Great Again.

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That's thinking smart!

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I’ve been making this same point about education for years.

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You're right.

"The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government."

- Barry Goldwater

This is the nub of the issue in this country. The rest is sequela imo.

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"The higher you climb, the more criminals you find." - Micheal Corleone, The Godfather II

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I wish Goldwater was still alive and could come and partake in this effort.

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There own irs code states taxes are a gift to the US Treasury. It's in there.

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As the Declaration of independence says... To secure rights!

'That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, '

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Dear Gato!!!

May you be 1000×s right!

I'm in DC now, was born here 64 years ago, & nothing on Earth functions as badly, that holds as much sway on Humanity.

I won't name all the insanity; you know it throughly.

But the thought that the cure is about to land slap on top of the Swamp is stunning & exhilarating all at once!

May God & all the rebels on Earth clean those Augean Stables out for Good!

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Love the dinosaur meet asteroid thought. Make it so!!!!!

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Same here. Viewing it all from a high altitude in Loudoun County Virginia.

I am hoping for massive progress

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Paging Hercules, We

Have a massive cleanup in Washington.Dc. it wll

make the agean staples look like a walk through the park. You did it once, we need you to do it again, take no prisoners!!! Clean the filthy swamp out and let's start over building that golden city on the hill..

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Not too many stables in the Agean.

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not anymore!

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You are right—perhaps before the Atlantis event there were some!

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Welcome to the anon-occupied government. Oilfield Rando is now assisting DOGE. They should mail a stimmy check every month for the amount of savings they have achieved for every taxpayer.

The ragtag meme militias and autist armies have kicked out the theater kid redcoats, just like 1776-1781: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/group-chat-network-digital-locker-room-talk

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Love your Substack!

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I heard Scott Adams say something that made sense. He said Trump isn't just changing politics, he's changing reality.

The lawfare coming right after the government censorship of social media was the major red flag for me that my own government was now the biggest threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The raid on Mara Lago reminded me of South American Dictatorships.

CNN setting up their cameras to capture machine gun toting FBI goons arresting Roger Stone. Then Stone's trial where he wasn't allowed to offer a defense. A jury foreman who is a rabid Trump hater. It was a completely rigged court the Soviets would have been proud of.

We can start with the small fish arresting everyone for not getting a date right or time of day for lying to the FBI. Have them give up the bigger fish. Then we'll eventually be able to get the top dogs; Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Merrick Garland, Adam Schiff, and Christopher Wray. Fox News and independent You-tubers will be there to video the raids.

We'll give them a fair trial, no biased judges, no jury foremen in the tank of the prosecution. Allow them to defend themselves. Some might even get off, but we'll use the evidence to prove them guilty.

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"my own government was now the biggest threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Right on with that thought. Every time I hear someone refer to our military as "defending our freedoms" I retort that if they were really doing that they'd be pointing their guns at Langley and Quantico.

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I absolutely 100% agree with you. I say we give them a fair trial followed by a first class hanging. Or firing squad really makes no difference to me at this point. Or at the very least life in prison on a chain gang, They should spend the rest of their lives.Swinging a nine pound sledge hammer busting large rocks into little rocks.

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there are at least two bluegrass songs in just the last sentence!

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without ear protectors

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I hope so, but the regime still controls 95% of the court system, and 99% of the bureaucrats.

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The she/him/hers/them/this/that/paddy-wHACKS are about to get THEIRS!

I would give away half my net worth to video tape the Linda Blair-like-head-spinning-projectile-vomiting we're going to see once they truly understand whats coming. They simply have no idea...because they have no reference to compare it to.

I would caution people who think they'll never be able to shave $2 TRILLION from the budget in 2 years...no, indeed they'll more than likely do it in 1 year. If they do it right they will bring accountability by first focusing on internal transparency with measurable metrics that can be reviewed quarterly, and incentivize based on meeting objectives...so that eventually there will transparency for The public. They probably will look at the budgets as if it were a private business and work backwards from there to treat them like they are literally start-up companies with the intent of returning (profit) to their shareholders, We The People!

And when in doubt they should cut fast and DEEP.

The DOGE may be one of the single greatest ideas anyone has ever come up with, to deal with our government that has gotten out of control....but it'll take some serious intestinal fortitude.

Very true. The 1/10th of 1 percent ers are all those old dead white guys who literally set this country on a path of eexcellence. They are men amongst boys. It is truly hard to explain the difference between them and even an A player. I call them Champions.

One thing they all share in common is a deep curiosity across many subjects to understand how things "work"...both horizontally and vertically...and making them better. They love competition, they are the definition of self-starters, and they all have a remarkable sense of when they have enough information to make decisions when seeking any further information would represent opportunity costs, yet at the same time they know that you haven't thought something all the way through, unless you "over-think" it. The difference is they can make critical decisions with major implications with 1/5th of the information a normal person can. Most are humble and allow their work product to speak for itself.

They wake-up every morning "attacking" their day with the intent of exerting their will on the environment...not the other way around. And they ask a million questions.

I've employed over 1,500 people in my 25 years of owning a business, and only have had two...or i should say the pleasure of having two. They are both worth 8 figures and under 40 (id like to think I helped get them there since I basically raised their capital). These two guys didn't need management. In fact, i hired both of them 2 admin assistance. For them to do anything but use their minds was opportunity costs for them and my biz.

I am,and always will be grateful for how they helped the success of my business - they saved me 5 years of grind, and may have not made it without them. I am still great friends with them and we talk often if one of us has a thorny issue with complexity.

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With all due respect (sincerely and hugely) to you and EGM, DOGE is not a new concept. See “Grace Commission”, 1982. Reagan formed it with the same mission and exact words, i.e. “drain the swamp”, and coincidentally (?), with an 18-month timeline. The big difference this time is the disrupters have the tools and the resources to move fast and break things. Can’t happen quick enough for me, starting with the reclassification of 50,000 federal employees to appointments. Let the games begin!

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Good to know. I think you make a "great" point about having the right "tools".

They also have a mandate and I think we have two of the most qualified guys ever to do it.

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Re tools: Musk’s proposal of transparency and a real-time leaderboard for the most outrageous waste is taking the “Golden Fleece” award given by Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wisconsin!) back in the eighties to an epic scale. Putting a spotlight on the government’s waste and corruption will make the decision to open the twitter files look like a warm-up (which, in hindsight, it certainly was).

But the biggest bazooka DOGE has over the Grace Commission is an unprecedented command of data. Think about the terabytes of data Musk already owns/controls via X, Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, X.ai, and Neuralink and the tools they have developed to use it. Combine that with access to the government’s trove of secrets. Mix with the will and persistence to fight orthodoxy and it becomes a self propelled rocket to implementation.

egm put it perfectly with the dinosaur/meteor fight analogy. We’re going to get a new buzzword for “blindsided”!

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Reagan for all that he directed positively was not 100% solution but also added to the problems we are suffering from today = PREP Act being one

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The PREP act was from 2005... not to be confused with the immunity that was given to vaccine makers in 1986.

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Ah so I conflated the two. We just got administrations more and more willing to heap destruction

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The story I heard about Reagan… And I have not checked it I've heard it many times is that Reagan was wondering why the Pharma company stopped making vaccines, which everybody thought miraculous. And they said they quit making them because of the liability issues. Reagan wanted to know why they didn't just make safer vaccines, and the answer was vaccines are inherently unsafe. And that led to the liability protection.

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The US went from being the greatest creditor to greatest debtor nation during the Reagan presidency.

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no Ryan, don't do that (net worth)

It will probably be televised on X tv. hahahahaha

and Elon promised to post it all

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I know. I was joking. Have no doubt once they figure out they'll be held accountable with transparency, and with measurable metrics that determine the merit of their work product 60% + will leave and take to social media to share their emotionally handicapped cry baby amygdala pounding to make sure everyone is aware they WERE special.

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Damn! I was already looking for a good video camera on Amazon. I was planning on leaving for Washington the day your check cleared.

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A measure of a good leader is to create other leaders. Bravo!

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I’m just waiting for RFK news….so terrified he’s going to end up sidelined after all this.

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I do not think so, too much depends on our health at this time

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@Rosemary- he's gunning for HHS Secretary but he's not qualified.

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Isn’t that one of the feline points? Intelligence plus determination plus energy torpedoes the false mountain of “establishment” and creates new landscape?

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Just what are the qualifications?

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@Ju-seem y response to Rosemary below.

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What qualifications are needed? And who decides what the appropriate qualifications are? Give me ppl with smarts, dedication, who are hard workers and a couple other of those good qualities anytime over a 'qualified' person.

As EGM stated so wonderfully above - "the simple fact is that there exists a very small group of incredibly high function, insanely productive people. it’s the dirty secret of the world. this tiny tribe conceives, invents, and builds basically everything novel. all of it. they are not normal people. they are the 0.1%"

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@Jul- I can go with that.

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did you mean to put "but he's not qualified" in quotes?

look at the clown show we have had the past 4 years

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@Rosemary- at least Levine has a MD. Just because someone doesn't like certain vaccines and wants to end obesity means s/he's qualified to run an entire federal agency. I don't like either of those but I know I'm not qualified even with my medical background.

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I'm an MD and I see how little any of the other MDs cared about evidence based practice during the pandemic. The credentialling is part of what ensures the central control and corruption.

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@Mitch- PREACH!!!!! It's to the point I can't trust anyone in the government alphabet agencies or even local doctors. At least all my husband's cardiologists have agreed his heart problems are a direct result from the Covid shots I refused to take them. A family member who has a Masters in nursing called me an irresponsible killer because I refused.

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Exactly! Again!

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Levine is an MD but he is really a stupid MD.... look at the guy. He is a mental fruit basket.

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I’ve seen the response as instructed. I believe Levine is a psychologist, not an M.D.

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A child psychologist.

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Why is he not qualified?

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RFK Jr is in!

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He will not be sidelined. I think he's headed for a brand new position that Congress has never even dreamed of ... and they won't be able to touch him.

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He's said he doesn't want a cabinet position due to the difficulty in getting him confirmed it would cause. My guess is they're trying to figure out what works best and/or if they can get deals with the Senate establishment to get him across the line.

If Tulsi has a position as critically important as DNI, I cannot imagine RFK gets sidelined.

Update: I was wrong, he's been tapped for HHS lmao let's goooooo

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It is done. Phew.

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I'm terrified that he will make a turn around and fortify quakcines...

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Any time you can squeeze a Caddyshack clip in a post, I’m there for it!

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Don't sell yourselves short, DC insiders, you're a tremendous slouch

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I hope you're right Gato, but color me skeptical. Elon says all actions will be posted online . . . then Trump says they will be delivering "a report" by July 4, 2026. What? I want to see them start cutting shit on January 21, 2025. Not doing the McKinsey consulting thing and producing "a report". Fuck that, start breakin' things immediately.

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They will. It's going to be a blitz. That's why Trump started personally funding the transition team two months in advance.

Gato is totally right about the Uber thing. This is how tech has functioned for a couple of decades: promise to build it, get people to believe, build it, delay any legal battles until entrenched, by then you have the market.

They're going in hard, and are going to leverage every tool at their disposal, including AI. These bureaucrats and woke academics are going to be absolutely steamrolled.

That shouldn't stop the rest of us from taking action, either. If some idiot girlboss at an organization you are involved in starts blathering about "whiteness" or "believing in science" or whatever then next mouth-breathing fad or moral panic is, don't tolerate it. Get them fired or leave - loudly and immediately. Don't expect Elon, Trump, Tulsi, or RFK to solve these problems for us. We also need action on the ground.

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Remember that we have at least two more layers of corrupt and incompetent government at the state and local levels. It will be interesting to see if states begin competing for business by creating their own DOGE.

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but what about Rrrrrobert Rrreich? He is gonna be having a teeny tiny tantrum

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Speculating here, but I suspect part of the strategy would be to put people on the defensive, legally speaking.

If evidence that is released suggesting that, say, you poisoned a bunch of people in the midst of one of these idiotic fads or moral panics, or if you investigated parents for trying to stop trans madness in public school, not getting ass raped in a penitentiary might take precedence over trying to keep your job in some do-nothing government organization.

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Gawd! He’s been disgusting for decades

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I sincerely hope you're right. My worry is that the naysayers are already lining up ways they can throw up roadblocks. It will take one hell of an overwhelming force of nature to roll over those roadblocks, and I'm hoping that the likes of Musk and Ramaswamy are that force.

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It's now or never. We have the dream team. This is our shot. We best not waste it. Support them with every ounce of your soul.

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There is much latent hostility now being manifested and directed at politicians that can be and may be allies in the cause of truth and justice. This, unchecked, will result in horrible witch-hunts and internal dissension destroying the cause of good. There needs to be strong push back on these unwarranted attacks, particularly coming from the top - President Trump. Look at how civilly he behaved with the arch criminal, Biden, yesterday. Yet his supporters are threatening if not calling for the blood of some of his political allies. Unchecked, this will end badly.

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Morgthorak spoke to this a few weeks ago; that we must remain calm, regardless of the election outcome. In fact, I suspect that calm is the best offense against the rabid Left.

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Be that as it may, Fauci should be in prison for crimes against humanity and beagle puppies at the very least. He’s making money and riding around in a chauffeured limo on our tax dollars. Imprisoning him will save money, make him stop his fuckery and set an example.

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Not talking about Fauci, who is plainly no potential or real ally. And he's no longer working as a public servant in the US government. For those who have done provable criminal acts, they should be prosecuted. "Just do it."

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No longer working for us but has the car, the office and the security detail on tax dollars

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I think they are all very well aware of the sabotage that is coming their way…

Trump has been experiencing it for the last eight years. He won't be blindsided. Just the fact that he didn't sign the government papers to have them fund his transition team, but funded it himself and put it in New York was evidence of his foresight.

I think they're all on the lookout for that.

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Except for starting WWIII... maybe they didn't see that one coming

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So it’s time to unironically Build Back Better? LFG!

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it's time to tear down that which is stopping the society from building as it should.

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Wait, you mean EV charging stations shouldn't cost $300 million a piece?

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they keep promising better roads and infrastructure and then just fill potholes

they need to unwoke our military and have the military train on better bases, they could start by building those back better.

At present our military are housed in what is like prison compounds and filthy old kitchens

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Yeah. My street is a mess. Promised repaving. Potholes filled right before winter when traffic will pop the fill out again. More taxpayer paid labor on the street to refill in the spring. Kind of a metaphor for government.

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I hope these incredible people know when you threaten a religion (the deep state and bureaucracy) the adherents will fight like you can't believe. They don't care if your rich or famous. It's war. I saw it first hand when Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor he stumped for 4 propositions to cut the power of the massive public sector labor unions, doing town halls and neighborhood chats. One of them was at my home. The police and fireman of our city literally protested out front. The props failed and Arnold curled tail and ran to the left.

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It's time for the Human ReEvolution 🌍

Would love your feedback el gato malo on my ideas to aid this at https://reevolution.earth. A preview...

Join the others using this ever growing Human knowledge base, no matter your ‘gender’, ‘race’, ‘age’ or any of the other labels society wants to put on you to help create a new renaissance period for all Humans all by finding out how to align your life’s sole purpose with your soul’s purpose.

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Could have thrown in the clip from 1984 when he slings the sledgehammer. Break it all down!

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EGM on a tear!

I want a DOGE tee shirt....

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Ha! My "Garbage for Trump" teeshirts arrived just last evening; I'm ready for another wearable political statement.

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Same. Something flattering for the girls too!

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I’m giddy too, can’t wait! This is what we voted for, go get ‘em!

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I serve on a (volunteer) community council in a democrat-controlled city. I am the only non-democrat on the council. Our city leadership is essentially useless. Police responses are terrible. Sanitation, housing, all of it are close to worthless. We complain, we take meetings with city council members, we meet with department heads, all essentially pointless. All this effort is just an exercise in frustration.

Yet, all these democrats keep REELECTING the same people that they know are worthless. Just because they're democrat. Thye say that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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I can’t even fathom the frustration you must deal with seeing this firsthand. For me living in Florida, but in blue leaning Orlando I feel some of this pain but at least at state level our leadership brings sanity and has stepped in on occasion to fire idiot DAs and slap down rogue school boards. But my lib neighbors did just reelect a Soros backed DA that DeSantis fired for not doing her job and releasing criminals back onto the streets. Completely insane.

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