there's something fishy about these CHIPS
the DEI parasite begins to kill that which has not even been born yet
past a certain point, the proliferation of a parasite kills the host.
and it sure looks like we’re getting there with DEI.
in the end, “go woke and go broke” is not just a good idea, it’s the law.
for moments or minutes, this may seem not to be so, but in the end, it always comes home to roost.
examples have long abounded and are currently proliferating and multiplying like an invasion of especially ironic rabbits.
and it’s not like seeing this coming was difficult.
woke and DEI are doctrines so damaging and toxic that nothing can survive them.
they have eaten media, fakebook, google, boeing, and the airlines. they have destroyed food, medicine, education, and civility.
not even sports are safe.
anyone with a lick of sense who wants to survive wants none of this.
not even if you give them free money to build it.
that’s how bad this has gotten.
one of team brandon’s signature initiatives was the CHIPS act, a massive bribery festival to lure semiconductor manufacturing onshore to the US to allegedly serve our markets and national security.
this project has been stillborn because no one wants to play.
no one wants to play because the DEI dictatorship it imposes means that the game cannot be won. to even try is to lose.
wanna know why we “struggle to make things here anymore?”
let’s look:
in a move akin to a 4th grade little league team forgoing pizza and ice cream after the game, intel and the major asian manufacturers are literally saying “no thanks” to $50 billion in funding to build US fabs because the money comes with diversity strings and they know that this will be death for them. (fact sheet)
the porkosaurus law DBA/ “CHIPS act” contains 19 sections aimed at boosting minority groups and “minority-serving institutions.” it requires the department of commerce to work with minority-owned businesses and make sure chipmakers “increase the participation of economically disadvantaged individuals in the semiconductor workforce” and it extends this rubric to all manner of classes from rural folks to veterans to various races, genders, and even “justice involved individuals” aka “ex-cons.”
and even if one were willing to comply with all this, the money is a drip-feed based on ongoing qualification and assessment of ideological accommodation. the commissars will run the place and the demands will get ever more impossible and impractical.
honestly, i’m quite impressed by the semi-cos. they should be proud to have refused the “here kid, first one’s free” addiction to federal funding and the inevitable “and then you get pimped out and put on the street” that comes next.
they took one look at this:
and said:
this made me wonder just what it is about semi-fabs that made them so woke retardant. having thought about it, i suspect several root causes for these high functioning ideological halon systems:
these companies are big, profitable, and highly international. they don’t need this and their products are easy to ship and too vital to tax heavily or engage in trade wars over. block TSMC and watch ford and GM grind to a halt.
these fields are populated by real, hard science experts. such folks have been among the least accommodating of “everyone gets inclusion trophies” dogma
this field is hyper competitive and you simply cannot accept (even if it comes with free money) the kind of competitive debacle that diversity hiring brings. (see point 1)
all these certainly play roles, but i suspect the real pivot is this:
this is a highly technical field, one of the most complex and difficult endeavors and achievements in all of human engineering. modern production is at 3 nanometers possibly dropping to 2.1nm soon. this is a size that literally has no useful analogue in the human mind. a human hair is 90,000 nm thick. try drawing 30,000 vertical lines on one. try even imagining it. anyone less than the best of the best simply cannot play on this field.
in the end, you literally just cannot do it.
it is not possible to build a DEI semiconductor and the laws of physics do not care about intersectional aggrievement.
so everyone is forgoing free money and relocating efforts to places where projects have some hope of success.
text from “the hill”
you simply cannot get the people under these rules or perhaps at all as the DEI devastation of schools through “social promotion,” reduced standards, and a shift of resources away from teaching basics (and especially AP) and toward intersectional indoctrination constitutes a calamitous confluence of advancing the least capable while suppressing the most. that’s not how you go high tech.
so, we’re not going to get all these fabs after all. but the pork must flow! and it is. regardless and heedless.
many millions got grabbed for pet projects.
ASU got $15 million to “fight climate change.”
commerce flooded “historically black colleges and universities” (HBCU) with funding.
pork is flying everywhere in the name of semiconductors that will never be built. could there be a better allegory for the grift and grifters who constitute DEI?
lol. of course there could! this is clown world!
so secretary raimondo wants a, wait for it, second CHIPS act!
her logic is just what one would predict:
“They built a team that’s incredible. Two hundred people now work in the CHIPS program office who represent decades of experience in government, investing, investment banking, industry, research, academia – folks with technical and policy expertise and a track record of delivering on big things.”
thought you gotta admit, if “hidebound absurdist bureaucracy that stops all progress within 1000 miles” is your success metric for “big things,” they’re killing it.
these initiatives are not national security.
they are not economic development.
they’re jobs programs for greedy, grabby government grifters and their coterie of cronies.
but wisdom seems to be prevailing and team semi wants nothing to do with this.
i suspect more will follow.
for does not the master tell us:
Great piece. Thanks for doing the digging through the crap. Even reading it is nauseating. Cats must have iron stomachs.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Glad the adults are back in charge!