i fear the clowns have a bit more time running riot, but they are starting to crash wholesale into the simple, non-negotiable limits of "none of that which you espouse actually works." utopias do not survive contact with reality and this gang are more deluded than most.
“The metrics used to assess what does and doesn’t “work” are biased against minorities, women, POC and the differently abled. They probably impact trans people, too. We propose a new committee be formed to conduct a years long study to better define the word “functional” in a way that makes us right.”
wait until these clowns start hiring cannibals for diversity and can't figure out why the least diverse person in every organization went missing; the Chief Diversity Officer.
We've been frightened to death by the idea of becoming slaves to a technological police state, but how is that going to be possible when they can't build the technology to do it? Will they just go back to using a plain old vanilla police state? That doesn't sound very utopian. How will we implement transhumanism? Maybe they will do what the Soviets did and make quiet exceptions for critical industries, but at this point they haven't figured it out yet. I still call DEI, DIE because if you follow it your organization will eventually die. Poisoned pork.
Re: "We've been frightened to death by the idea of becoming slaves to a technological police state, but how is that going to be possible when they can't build the technology to do it? "
And funny how it is, owning an electric car kinda more than sorta correlates with numbers of jabs taken. Such is my observation in my neck of the woods.
Her Tesla killed Angela Chao, billionaire sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell. In every possible way a car can be a deathtrap. Sad but highly-illuminating story.
Well, to be fair to Team Tesla, she did accidentally back up fast enough to flip over a barrier into a pond and was still able to call from her phone to tell someone what had happened.
--the heavily armored window glass was unbreakable though rescuers tried their very best; the windows could of course not be rolled down with the failure of the electrical system; the weight of the battery may have led to the car losing balance and falling down the embankment; the first responders were concerned about being electrocuted by the car while trying to rescue its driver. Etc. etc.
Frankly, the 3 to 5-year old crowd have way more common sense than the adults charged with helping them to become "grown ups". Even conservative parents have been realizing that they need to talk and LISTEN to the little ones. They have uncluttered brains, and often see right through the BS, when you take the time to actually talk with them as you would another adult. Clown World, indeed. Sad when a cartoon character from decades ago laid it out for us, but like so many prophets was largely misunderstood and ignored: We have met the Enemy and he is Us.
My son, now 25, threw away most of his trophies and awards when we moved from the home he grew up in. Obviously he saw no value in most of them. Now, he is one of the minority of based millennials.
I believe (notwithstanding the catcalls of "Conspiracy theorist!") that DEI is funded by the CCP and is being implemented by bribing stupid and gullible U.S. officials as a way of taking down the U.S. economy and thereby strengthening the Chinese economy. The CCP has declared its intention of global political and economy hegemony and they hope to achieve this with Sun Tzu's clandestine non-violent strategy of inducing their opponents through trickery to self-destruct. They've had a good deal of success, but thanks to Bud Light on the one hand, and Silicon Valley on the other, their plan is not proceeding as well as they would have liked. They'll be back with plan B. Count on it.
I have dallied with this theory too, but you must keep in mind that parasitoids (a parasite that has no restraint, but multiplies until it kills its host) need no encouragement. The idea might have been provided by the CCP, plus seed funding, but once the grift took root, it runs itself. Much like the Soviet 'long march through the institutions' project, that came to fruition far too late for the Soviets, but did an absolutely marvelous job of ruining the country.
I follow the semiconductor industry mostly out of curiosity. Modern photo lithography techniques are at least an order of magnitude more complex than the Apollo program.
Just for an example, the EUV light source is generated by blasting tiny drops of tin with high power lasers - 100k times/second. The most reflective mirrors known have to be completely defect free and still absorb ~30% of incident light energy - each. In addition to having ~20x tighter smoothness tolerances than the most advanced orbital telescope mirrors. A whole 0.02% of the power consumed actually reaches the wafers.
The material science and physics of the thing is entirely beyond my comprehension. The field could only ever be populated by the absolute smartest, most capable people. Anything less would be relegated to complete failure.
“Major League Baseball pledges diversity initiative due to 'historically low numbers of African American participation'. Will there be the same diversity initiative due to ‘historically low numbers of White American participation’ in basketball?
Time. All resources are scarce. If corporate executives keep having focus areas added to their incentive plans, that reduces the time and other resources available to spend on each. The Human Being will then devote most time and resources to those foci which will bring him the greatest benefit, being those which meet with the most approval of higher management. Safety or diversity? Which gives the greatest personal pay-off? Not a hard question to answer.
I used to LOVE listening to baseball on the radio but once they started taking the knee it just took all the fun out of it. This stuff - baseball, basketball, football, hockey - it's all supposed to be fun. It's not fun anymore. It's just rich people bitching. It's amazing. Colin Kaepernick throws like a girl.
I know, I know, most americans already know this but both this Breaking911 and the MLB itself seems to have forgotten about it?
Reading about the history of the Negro Leagues and how they came about, isn't that will and drive and determination something to be proud of? I feel that this "representation"-schtick denigrates all the accomplishments made by black players, turning them into skinsuits representing nothing but their racial heritage and pigmentation, instead of their accomplishments as athletes and positive examples.
The "anti-racists" are more zoomed in on race than actual racialists were back in the day.
"Anyone less than the best of the best simply cannot play on this field"? Gato, not on any field. In South Africa we are streaks ahead of you on this road. Please try to imagine your land after 30 years of CHIPS, with a broken rail system, broken electricity supply, broken water supply, broken national airline, no public transport, broken health system, strangled economy so more than 50% jobless, families broken by emigrating children. DEI ... more like Damned Egregious Idea.
i have always favored "divisive entitled idiocy" but yours works as well...
i have some friends who have done biz in SA and so have heard some of the stories. it's alarming how rapidly exponential collapse can become one you pull out enough of the underpinnings of competence and functionality.
The book you recently recommended, The Birth of Plenty, talks about how if any one of the four components for progress are pulled out, economic collapse is all but assured.
The author used SA as the example of an economy from which all four of which - property rights, science and tech, Markets, and transportation/comms - had been yanked out.
I work in a German Semiconductor company in USA and we just turned down the CHIPS Act money due to the DEI requirements which would have led to hiring of numerous people to comply with the regulations of the Act.
US government support is critical to make sure that manufacturing is done in USA to maintain its technological lead and this critical underpinning of all US Technology. It is far better for these manufacturing sites to build and manufacture in USA than internationally. It is in our National Economic and Security interest.
Yeah, but there aren't enough do-nothing government jobs to satisfy the patronage needs of Democrats, so now they're looking to mandate staffing Democrats in do-nothing jobs if you want any kind of government contract.
“They built a team that’s incredible. Two hundred people …”
Yep, that’s what it’s all about for them: building their little fiefdom completely oblivious to even the slightest scintilla of self-awareness that might come their way. The only outcome bureaucrats now care about is a bigger budget for next year that will, naturally, increase their “importance”.
I used to work for a semiconductor manufacturer, Linear Tech, who got bought by a much larger competitor. Believe me, there are plenty of woke people running around at the larger semi company that drove me nuts. Example- when controllers control something, they have always been called "master"; and the device that's being controlled is called a "slave". They've been called this ever since electrons were discovered (LOL. I'm sure you know where this is going. At the larger company that bought us, the BiPOC group within the company started an initiative to change those terms to less triggering terms. As an engineer, I and other engineers bristled at the notion that a small group of people could change these terms. HR got involved and backed the BiPOC group; and the rest is history.
I'm old enough to remember the OceanGate submersible whose CEO refused to hire "50-year-old white guys". Not inspirational enough, apparently (but probably quite good at implementing vital safety measures).
Little by little the DEI and ESG laden boats will slow down and one by one they’ll sink like the enormous fecal matter buckets they are.
I’d rather run my small business 100% the way I want than get a few bucks to hire Incompetent and Mr. Excuses to sit around and poison the rest of the company.
I work in a somewhat high-end fabrication plant. Some of the first level assemblies require relatively little skill, so we hired a whole batch of temps.
We thought we could attract good ones by offering about $5 more per hour than the going rate for assembly work, and we still got a lot of trash.
We hired 60 with the intention of keeping 30 after training and a month of evaluation time. Very diverse, with plenty of urban youth. Three months later only 10 of them are still with us, and they're genuinely smart men and women who aspire to fully functional adults who want to build a career.
We usually completely turn over half of our employees every 9 months. Granted, all high school kids, but the lack of care and work ethic is astonishing.
I blame the parents who’d make excuses when their kids call off. Talk about leading by example👎
I've noticed that there appears to be a growing gulf in Gen Z between the kids with work ethics and the kids without. It's like watching a cultural split of the functional human beings vs the entitled parasites.
The teenagers I see working at the grocery store, movie theater, and various other retail and fast food jobs remind me of my Gen X experience as a teenager in the early 90s. We didn't want to work, but we also didn't want to be broke and bored sitting at home. Mom and dad told us if we wanted spending money we had to get a job.
So we showed up, mostly did our jobs to the satisfaction of our adult managers, who were often only a couple of years older than us, and used our paychecks to buy clothes, go to concerts, pay for gas and car insurance, and enjoy our lives.
The 19-21 year olds we're seeing hitting the general labor pool who didn't work during high school are fucking atrocious. They don't want to be there and they definitely don't want to work at all. They're not going to college, they're not developing any skills, and they seem comfortable merely existing. Asking them to do even basic stuff gets met with reluctance and complaints. I want to ask them "Do you have any intention of being useful at any point in your life, or are you just going to keep being this shitty version of you that apparently your parents thought was good enough?" Naturally, I'm conscious of the fact that HR exists, so I refrain from asking them.
Remember the youth of today are a product of the childhood vaccination regime = brain damaged.
My son was not vaccinated, had the highest school leaving result in our region. Started full-time employment 2 weeks after finishing school so he can save a nest-egg to go to university. He's had a job since he was 14 and pays for his "things", I provide food and shelter only. (But I'm still a nice Mum 😌)
I have. Again, I think it’s the parents’ failure rather than than the 16 year olds who want to have Saturday off and call off 15 min before their shift… monkey see monkey do
More likely, they are trying to figure out which is more diverse and accessible to people of color. They have hired a leftist NGO to do a $12MM report on the issue.
Funny, a man can have six kids from six different women, yet no one says anything like that about him! Let's stop with the double standard, please. There are better ways of getting your point across.
We don't say anything about dudes with six kids by six different mothers because we're afraid of being called racist since it's usually one particular demographic that produces those kind of men.
If that's really the case (which I hope it truly isn't), then why aren't women just raising their standards to the same level? Sounds more like deflection to me.
Great piece. Thanks for doing the digging through the crap. Even reading it is nauseating. Cats must have iron stomachs.
honestly, magpie sashimi tastes better than you think...
Did you know magpie are members of the crow family? Seems unlikely it’ll be you eating it.
Depends on the size and type of kitten.
Sort of triggered my gag reflex. It's hard to imagine so many people eager to commit slow motion suicide.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Glad the adults are back in charge!
i fear the clowns have a bit more time running riot, but they are starting to crash wholesale into the simple, non-negotiable limits of "none of that which you espouse actually works." utopias do not survive contact with reality and this gang are more deluded than most.
“The metrics used to assess what does and doesn’t “work” are biased against minorities, women, POC and the differently abled. They probably impact trans people, too. We propose a new committee be formed to conduct a years long study to better define the word “functional” in a way that makes us right.”
-The Clowns
Love it.....hahahahahaha
wait until these clowns start hiring cannibals for diversity and can't figure out why the least diverse person in every organization went missing; the Chief Diversity Officer.
I think the complaint will be that the cannibals' dinner menue will not be diverse enough. "Hey, how come we only get to eat Chinese once a month?"
I hear the meals are just "all-white"
The “other white meat” 😂
Heinlein referred to it as long-pig in Farnham's Freehold.
*golf clap*
"If we had more men like you, we'd have less men like you!"
That dinner bell is ringing loudly now.
Maybe though there are things too noisome for even a cannibal to eat?
We could go all day on this, right?!...lol
There’s more - illegals from Haiti include cannibals: https://vigilantnews.com/post/haiti-prime-minister-resigns-amid-ascent-civil-war-cannibalism/
You're citing a terribly unreliable source, come on
Nah. I've got angst to tame in my current WIP.
We've been frightened to death by the idea of becoming slaves to a technological police state, but how is that going to be possible when they can't build the technology to do it? Will they just go back to using a plain old vanilla police state? That doesn't sound very utopian. How will we implement transhumanism? Maybe they will do what the Soviets did and make quiet exceptions for critical industries, but at this point they haven't figured it out yet. I still call DEI, DIE because if you follow it your organization will eventually die. Poisoned pork.
Re: "We've been frightened to death by the idea of becoming slaves to a technological police state, but how is that going to be possible when they can't build the technology to do it? "
And funny how it is, owning an electric car kinda more than sorta correlates with numbers of jabs taken. Such is my observation in my neck of the woods.
Her Tesla killed Angela Chao, billionaire sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell. In every possible way a car can be a deathtrap. Sad but highly-illuminating story.
Well, to be fair to Team Tesla, she did accidentally back up fast enough to flip over a barrier into a pond and was still able to call from her phone to tell someone what had happened.
--the heavily armored window glass was unbreakable though rescuers tried their very best; the windows could of course not be rolled down with the failure of the electrical system; the weight of the battery may have led to the car losing balance and falling down the embankment; the first responders were concerned about being electrocuted by the car while trying to rescue its driver. Etc. etc.
✅ quiet exceptions for critical industries
I just wish that was happening faster or in some really obviously consequential way, so these conniving bastards could get run outta town!
Frankly, the 3 to 5-year old crowd have way more common sense than the adults charged with helping them to become "grown ups". Even conservative parents have been realizing that they need to talk and LISTEN to the little ones. They have uncluttered brains, and often see right through the BS, when you take the time to actually talk with them as you would another adult. Clown World, indeed. Sad when a cartoon character from decades ago laid it out for us, but like so many prophets was largely misunderstood and ignored: We have met the Enemy and he is Us.
yeah, you'd be better off letting a three year old handle a grenade than these clowns.
My father-in-law had a hilarious line, "I trust a monkey with a machine gun more than I trust these people."
"I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard."
- William F. Buckley Jr.
The precursor to full blown DEI came about in the late 90s, early 2000s with the advent of participation’ trophies.
Not dissimilar to how the plea that “we just want to get married” morphed into an alphabet soup of total degeneracy.
Change my mind.
(I’ll leave the generational issue alone. Cause that could get ugly)
My son, now 25, threw away most of his trophies and awards when we moved from the home he grew up in. Obviously he saw no value in most of them. Now, he is one of the minority of based millennials.
I tossed my childhood trophies because none of them were 1st place, so they didn't have much value to me.
Getting 3rd place in an 8 team little league bracket isn't an accomplishment to celebrate, for example.
Plus, I had my memories of having good times playing baseball with friends. That was better than the trophy.
I believe (notwithstanding the catcalls of "Conspiracy theorist!") that DEI is funded by the CCP and is being implemented by bribing stupid and gullible U.S. officials as a way of taking down the U.S. economy and thereby strengthening the Chinese economy. The CCP has declared its intention of global political and economy hegemony and they hope to achieve this with Sun Tzu's clandestine non-violent strategy of inducing their opponents through trickery to self-destruct. They've had a good deal of success, but thanks to Bud Light on the one hand, and Silicon Valley on the other, their plan is not proceeding as well as they would have liked. They'll be back with plan B. Count on it.
I have dallied with this theory too, but you must keep in mind that parasitoids (a parasite that has no restraint, but multiplies until it kills its host) need no encouragement. The idea might have been provided by the CCP, plus seed funding, but once the grift took root, it runs itself. Much like the Soviet 'long march through the institutions' project, that came to fruition far too late for the Soviets, but did an absolutely marvelous job of ruining the country.
I follow the semiconductor industry mostly out of curiosity. Modern photo lithography techniques are at least an order of magnitude more complex than the Apollo program.
Just for an example, the EUV light source is generated by blasting tiny drops of tin with high power lasers - 100k times/second. The most reflective mirrors known have to be completely defect free and still absorb ~30% of incident light energy - each. In addition to having ~20x tighter smoothness tolerances than the most advanced orbital telescope mirrors. A whole 0.02% of the power consumed actually reaches the wafers.
The material science and physics of the thing is entirely beyond my comprehension. The field could only ever be populated by the absolute smartest, most capable people. Anything less would be relegated to complete failure.
The crunching sound of reality meeting ideology. So good. Love your substack.
“Major League Baseball pledges diversity initiative due to 'historically low numbers of African American participation'. Will there be the same diversity initiative due to ‘historically low numbers of White American participation’ in basketball?
Time. All resources are scarce. If corporate executives keep having focus areas added to their incentive plans, that reduces the time and other resources available to spend on each. The Human Being will then devote most time and resources to those foci which will bring him the greatest benefit, being those which meet with the most approval of higher management. Safety or diversity? Which gives the greatest personal pay-off? Not a hard question to answer.
Just look at Boeing. Teetering on the edge of major catastrophic crash d/t DEI built aircraft
You gotta love Mr. Market who, it has been said, does not suffer fools gladly.
BA, YTD: ~$250 -----> ~$130.
Headed to $0 and a bailout? I wouldn’t recommend treating it as a ‘buy the dip’ or meme stock. But Mr Market is no longer ‘free’.
What about the over representation of African Americans in basketball? Shouldn't they be giving more white dudes a chance?
I used to LOVE listening to baseball on the radio but once they started taking the knee it just took all the fun out of it. This stuff - baseball, basketball, football, hockey - it's all supposed to be fun. It's not fun anymore. It's just rich people bitching. It's amazing. Colin Kaepernick throws like a girl.
Whites? You must be joking. Where are the midgets? Are you hiding any kind of phobia?
Well…in MLB’s defense, the Asstros have Jose Altuve.
I was wondering if there are diversity efforts to bring more Asians to American football?
Baseball will just start having Hispanics identify as black. Problem solved.
Well, many of the Dominicans and Cubans can plausibly claim that since both those islands have a lot of afro-caribbean mixing.
Not that we play baseball over here, but even I know about the Negro Leagues.
So does the MLB, who's got a special homepage for the Negro Leagues, called "The Negro Leagues":
I know, I know, most americans already know this but both this Breaking911 and the MLB itself seems to have forgotten about it?
Reading about the history of the Negro Leagues and how they came about, isn't that will and drive and determination something to be proud of? I feel that this "representation"-schtick denigrates all the accomplishments made by black players, turning them into skinsuits representing nothing but their racial heritage and pigmentation, instead of their accomplishments as athletes and positive examples.
The "anti-racists" are more zoomed in on race than actual racialists were back in the day.
"Anyone less than the best of the best simply cannot play on this field"? Gato, not on any field. In South Africa we are streaks ahead of you on this road. Please try to imagine your land after 30 years of CHIPS, with a broken rail system, broken electricity supply, broken water supply, broken national airline, no public transport, broken health system, strangled economy so more than 50% jobless, families broken by emigrating children. DEI ... more like Damned Egregious Idea.
i have always favored "divisive entitled idiocy" but yours works as well...
i have some friends who have done biz in SA and so have heard some of the stories. it's alarming how rapidly exponential collapse can become one you pull out enough of the underpinnings of competence and functionality.
The book you recently recommended, The Birth of Plenty, talks about how if any one of the four components for progress are pulled out, economic collapse is all but assured.
The author used SA as the example of an economy from which all four of which - property rights, science and tech, Markets, and transportation/comms - had been yanked out.
They could be the next Haiti.
I work in a German Semiconductor company in USA and we just turned down the CHIPS Act money due to the DEI requirements which would have led to hiring of numerous people to comply with the regulations of the Act.
US government support is critical to make sure that manufacturing is done in USA to maintain its technological lead and this critical underpinning of all US Technology. It is far better for these manufacturing sites to build and manufacture in USA than internationally. It is in our National Economic and Security interest.
Yeah, but there aren't enough do-nothing government jobs to satisfy the patronage needs of Democrats, so now they're looking to mandate staffing Democrats in do-nothing jobs if you want any kind of government contract.
“They built a team that’s incredible. Two hundred people …”
Yep, that’s what it’s all about for them: building their little fiefdom completely oblivious to even the slightest scintilla of self-awareness that might come their way. The only outcome bureaucrats now care about is a bigger budget for next year that will, naturally, increase their “importance”.
"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the expanding needs of the bureaucracy."
I heard that quote in a Civilization game, and it's stuck with me because it's so distilled and accurate.
This is what happens when you don’t know your Kipling.
“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”
I used to work for a semiconductor manufacturer, Linear Tech, who got bought by a much larger competitor. Believe me, there are plenty of woke people running around at the larger semi company that drove me nuts. Example- when controllers control something, they have always been called "master"; and the device that's being controlled is called a "slave". They've been called this ever since electrons were discovered (LOL. I'm sure you know where this is going. At the larger company that bought us, the BiPOC group within the company started an initiative to change those terms to less triggering terms. As an engineer, I and other engineers bristled at the notion that a small group of people could change these terms. HR got involved and backed the BiPOC group; and the rest is history.
Hey, we don’t have Master bedrooms any more, it’s Main bedrooms! Masterclass is next, what would they call it??
We call it The Big Potty Room in our house.
Cursive handwriting so you can sign your name?
I'm old enough to remember the OceanGate submersible whose CEO refused to hire "50-year-old white guys". Not inspirational enough, apparently (but probably quite good at implementing vital safety measures).
Safety measures are RAAAACIST!
Little by little the DEI and ESG laden boats will slow down and one by one they’ll sink like the enormous fecal matter buckets they are.
I’d rather run my small business 100% the way I want than get a few bucks to hire Incompetent and Mr. Excuses to sit around and poison the rest of the company.
Yeah, nah!
I work in a somewhat high-end fabrication plant. Some of the first level assemblies require relatively little skill, so we hired a whole batch of temps.
We thought we could attract good ones by offering about $5 more per hour than the going rate for assembly work, and we still got a lot of trash.
We hired 60 with the intention of keeping 30 after training and a month of evaluation time. Very diverse, with plenty of urban youth. Three months later only 10 of them are still with us, and they're genuinely smart men and women who aspire to fully functional adults who want to build a career.
We usually completely turn over half of our employees every 9 months. Granted, all high school kids, but the lack of care and work ethic is astonishing.
I blame the parents who’d make excuses when their kids call off. Talk about leading by example👎
It seems to have gotten worse since the covid abomination.
Have you noticed that?
I've noticed that there appears to be a growing gulf in Gen Z between the kids with work ethics and the kids without. It's like watching a cultural split of the functional human beings vs the entitled parasites.
The teenagers I see working at the grocery store, movie theater, and various other retail and fast food jobs remind me of my Gen X experience as a teenager in the early 90s. We didn't want to work, but we also didn't want to be broke and bored sitting at home. Mom and dad told us if we wanted spending money we had to get a job.
So we showed up, mostly did our jobs to the satisfaction of our adult managers, who were often only a couple of years older than us, and used our paychecks to buy clothes, go to concerts, pay for gas and car insurance, and enjoy our lives.
The 19-21 year olds we're seeing hitting the general labor pool who didn't work during high school are fucking atrocious. They don't want to be there and they definitely don't want to work at all. They're not going to college, they're not developing any skills, and they seem comfortable merely existing. Asking them to do even basic stuff gets met with reluctance and complaints. I want to ask them "Do you have any intention of being useful at any point in your life, or are you just going to keep being this shitty version of you that apparently your parents thought was good enough?" Naturally, I'm conscious of the fact that HR exists, so I refrain from asking them.
Remember the youth of today are a product of the childhood vaccination regime = brain damaged.
My son was not vaccinated, had the highest school leaving result in our region. Started full-time employment 2 weeks after finishing school so he can save a nest-egg to go to university. He's had a job since he was 14 and pays for his "things", I provide food and shelter only. (But I'm still a nice Mum 😌)
Damn. Excellent comment!
I have. Again, I think it’s the parents’ failure rather than than the 16 year olds who want to have Saturday off and call off 15 min before their shift… monkey see monkey do
What's baffling to me is how tedious this bullshit is.
It'd be like having the oldest version of Internet Explorer and keeping 3815 tabs open... all the time.
You ever try to function on any government website? It runs exactly like that! 😄
They're probably just now switching from Dewey Decimal to DOS.
Nah. They're considering "studying the feasibility" of converting Dewey Decimal to DOS.
More likely, they are trying to figure out which is more diverse and accessible to people of color. They have hired a leftist NGO to do a $12MM report on the issue.
Looks like someone's browser doesn't have TLS 1.2 enabled.
Oh goodness....
CHIPS is like a woman with six kids from six different men, trying to get a date. She used to be really beautiful too, more’s the shame.
Funny, a man can have six kids from six different women, yet no one says anything like that about him! Let's stop with the double standard, please. There are better ways of getting your point across.
We don't say anything about dudes with six kids by six different mothers because we're afraid of being called racist since it's usually one particular demographic that produces those kind of men.
That's a HUGE bitch!
If that's really the case (which I hope it truly isn't), then why aren't women just raising their standards to the same level? Sounds more like deflection to me.