At the close of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787, as Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: "A republic, if you can keep it."

It is, was, and will always be our job to keep the government in check. If we do not, then we will end up back at square one and become slaves once again. No one is going to come to our rescue... except ourselves.

So with that in mind, if in reading this you've never heard of the following:

Asset Forfeiture, NSLs, ALEC, AIPAC

FISA Courts, Congressional Insider Trading

Judicial Standing, Deferred Prosecution

Parallel Construction, Stingray Devices

EO 12333, XKeyscore, COINTELPRO

Pentagon Papers, Gary Webb

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Northwoods

Operation Paperclip

Project Monarch



Or worse, you've heard of them but can't be bothered to care, then like it or not, you are one reason among many that we are on a one-way flight straight to Hell. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty.

This is not political, it's universal. Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to.

The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions. These people gave everything to build the pillars of justice that protect and sustain you, and it is your responsibility to give something back and sacrifice a little in order to maintain those pillars and pass them on to the next generation. Anything less is a betrayal to those who broke their back to build the structure you are now standing on. So put down your Facebook and start paying attention to the things going on around you before that structure crumbles to nothing beneath your feet and you become a slave once again.

Remember, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves and you get more of what you tolerate. So turn off your Goddamn TV, turn on your mind, and get out there and stop tolerating it before you wake up one morning robbed of your remaining liberty and you no longer have a choice.

Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Your responsibility then, is to render that oversight.

Joseph de Maistre said: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'

We are the ones we've been waiting for...


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Republicans are not the heroes here. Socialists going the speed limit just create the conditions of our perdition on a more solid foundation.

They’ve had power. They’ve shown what they are. The uniparty does not want us free, it wants us docile, and exploitable.

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All election officials should wear body cameras. They have one job. It’s the most important job for the integrity of the republic, yet they all fail. What do they do all day in between elections? Follow the money...

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How to make Governor Gavin Newsom cry:

Require the same identification and waiting period to apply to vote as to buy a handgun.

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The whole voting system is a sham. There’s a term called two sides of the same coin. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but we’re being played by both the republican and democratic parties

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I'm pretty sure that you mean to say you want to go back to voting like it USED to be done. Since I turned 18 (in 1974!) I have voted in every election I could. I had a precinct I was assigned to. On election day, when I went (in person) to vote, my name was on the rolls the precinct people had. I showed my drivers license, they looked me up, and then handed me a ballot. As a retired military guy, and a person with a lifetime of itchy feet, I have voted in various elections in 7 different states that I can think of off the top of my head and the process was always the same: go to the precinct on voting day, show who you are, get verified and get a ballot. I used absentee ballots a couple times while stationed overseas, but the first time I was REQUIRED to vote by mail happened when, in 2017, I moved from Alabama back to Washington state (which is where I grew up). Somewhere along the line, and I don't really know how or when it happened, the requirement to identify yourself disappeared.

All the current uncertainties would be fixed by going back to voting in person, just like we used to do, with absentee ballots reserved for exceptions, not the rule. I'm not going to hold my breath tho...

Oh, and I also remember listening the local AM radio station (KGY in Olympia) late in the evening after the polls closed when they started announcing results.

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They could care less about being taken seriously is the issue. They care a lot about endless grifting and enriching themselves, which is full speed ahead.

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As a European watching your elections from a distance, boy do you guys have third world tier elections!

Why do you have voting machines? It's not for speed, you took over a week to get the numbers in, while every other country I know hand counts them and has them done overnight. And why do those machines have algorithms? It's a simple count.

The whole thing seems ripe for abuse and lowering trust in the process.

(Anyone else predicting an "election variant" for more of the same this year?)

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The argument that poor or underprivileged people don’t have access or the ability to obtain an ID is absurd. The same people making that argument have no issue with ID (and a lot of other documents) being required to apply for unemployment benefits, SNAP, WIC or Section 8 vouchers. I don’t hear anything about how difficult any of those programs are for minorities to access.

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That is Kuh-razy! Just for grins, I went to the AZ vote registration website. Their link to the federal voting registration is broken ... I'd like to think because some little cat has shined light on it.

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Check this out: True the Vote has done extraordinary and exhaustive work exposing fraud in multiple elections including 2020, and have been stonewalled and attacked at every step by actors in the Federal Govt, amongst others, including Mitch McConnell and Ronna McDaniels personally thwarting all their efforts.

We the People are the enemy of our own Federal Govt.


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I live in AZ and just found out about this yesterday. When you go to the site and click on the Federal Voter Registration, it comes up "Page not found". So I don't know what is going on but I intend to find out.

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Great job! This isn't a Party ISSUE for anyone commenting. This IS a Corruption Issue. As pointed out so purrrfectly , if WE ALL DO NOT FIX THIS, none of us Win n why ever continue to play a part in a farce? If that happens OUR COUNTRY IS GONE! WE ARE CLOSE TO THAT EDGE! Get INVOLVED LOCALLY! Whatever YOU can DO...DO IT NOW! BEFORE it's way too late! IF you don't...SHUT UP N GET OUT OF THE WAY! This Kat has work to DO!

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Great posting, but if your ideas were implemented, the government would go out of business. The reason America finally got rid of clean elections in 2020 is because the American government can't win any other way. The government runs the elections in such a way that guarantees they will stay in power and the populists will not gain power. All of the tactics -- the tabulation machines, the voting laws, the voter rolls, the "voting centers," the federal policies equating election result skepticism with domestic terrorism, the DC Gulag, the political machine called the Democratic Party -- are all government tactics needed to keep populism at bay. Without those tactics, the government would lose a lot of its power. We should not assume the government would willingly give up power.

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There’s no rational, logical argument against voter ID (with reasonable criteria, such as being a US citizen, for getting it) unless one wishes to subvert a fair election through fraudulent means. I love Oregon’s nearly 20 year record of fraud-free mail-in ballots (with signature protections), but that system may not work in every state. And even successful mail-in ballot states like Oregon need to revert back to pre-2020 practices of having ballot boxes strictly placed next to state offices/buildings, so that ballot stuffing is less likely. Short of a proven, tight, mail-in system like Oregon’s, in-person states need to offer more ballot sites to reduce the fraud of restrictive voting, e.g., 4 hour long lines in order to vote in selective regions. Georgia’s recent reforms seem to be good in this regard. Florida’s 100% paper ballots are another good requirement. Ban electronic voting in every state.

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After the first 3-6 months in office, politicians spend the rest of their terms in re-election mode. There is nothing more gratifying than fooling the public voter over and over by getting re-elected for a lifetime of highly debatable service to the country. Look at The Dummy...he's been a 50 year grifter at the expense of the citizens of this country.

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