The vaccines are killshots and their deadliness is getting more and more difficult to sweep under the rug as time goes by. Ultimately, the story of the COVID tyranny and now the Ukraine war is the story of betrayal and treason from within, from our backstabbing leaders and career bureaucrats—a fatal condition that a nation cannot endure for long which is why countries are falling into ruin en masse.

They want to induce a mental health crisis along with war, famine, pestilence, and death in order to destroy the old order and bring about their new digital slavery system.

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Here is how we got here:


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Too true. All that they've done to destroy the family, society, and civilization is going to boomerang right back at them. All the boltholes in the world will not save them.

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Well said!

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The failed clot shots have nothing to do with Putin's invasion and failure of butchery in Ukraine. The world applauds the people of Ukraine fighting back against the KGB thug's invasion.

Please make a note of it.

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No, everything they are doing is by design. Here is what this is really all about:


The war - like the pandemic - is anything but organic. Instead, the war is the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.

The conflict will decimate what remains of our supply chains at their most basic level, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies - already on their last legs - will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Our lives will be intentionally and irrevocably flipped upside-down.

Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score, vaccine status, and carbon footprint in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in the economy.

The globablists' have successfully utilized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This 'us-vs-them' separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.

More here: https://tritorch.com/united

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Stop defending Putin’s barbarism! A KGB thug is not our “friend.”

No, I’m not backing your Putin defense so no click for you from me.

I will never support the ChiCom-Russia Alliance, the Great Reset nor the WEF and it’s conferences held in Communist China.

You’re wrong and I won’t click to your blog and support theChiCom-Putin alliance. 😱

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I'm not defending Putin, he is an integral component of the dialectic and is just playing his part. All of the world leaders are controlled by the same entity at the top.

Does your clicker work for a bitchute video?


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I know it's 'bit chute', but from the start I've always read it as 'bitch ute'.

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You can’t say you don’t support Putin and support HIS invading Ukraine.

Just because it doesn’t fit your conspiracy, doesn’t merit a pass.

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Wow. Project and speculate much. Be part of the cure, not proof of the problem. Nowhere did fortiori say that Putin is not a thug. The reply was merely pointing out the motives behind supporting Ukraine, from an elitist viewpoint. Elitists don't give a fuck about Ukraine lives.

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Ukraine shocked the world stopping Putin’s invasion.

Fortiori claims it’s all part of one conspiracy. No proof just conspiracy.

The evidence shows Putin calling the shots. Period. The KGB thug invaded Ukraine.

Putin is part of the ChiCom-Russia Alliance. Not that idle conspiracy chatter hokum.

Please make a note of it.

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Why don't you go Ukraine and take their clip with 5 bullets and go to the front lines with no communication, no artillery support, no air support and no food or water? That's what they're doing. This is like some kind of Satanic Ritual Sacrifice the west is doing there. And when you're dead your comrades will throw your body in the bush so they can claim they've suffered fewer fatalities. Maybe if you go crazy they'll use you to develop genetically targeted bioweapons like they were doing at the Kharkiv biolab/prison. All thanks to Uncle Sam. Democrats and Republicans both making millions stealing from US taxpayers.

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deletedSep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022
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Putin backed a thug via ELECTION FRAUD in 2014 and his puppet shot protestors and then fled his compound in the middle of the night taking BILLIONS of dollars from Ukraine to…. wait for it….


The more you know.

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And the president of Ukraine, once allied support was secured, made the opposing political party ILLEGAL and used US aid to buy a mansion in Switzerland. Sometimes the scum is everywhere.

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President Zelensky made pro-Russia parties illegal. SMH, to know so little.

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So did Hitler. Your fucking point?

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

I think your views regarding the military action in Ukraine by Russia is a bit simplistic. From your comments it appears most of your information on this issue is from mainstream media. While I don't agree with any war, this one only serves to enrich the western world, particularly the United States. The arms manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank and don't give a dam about the ensuing carnage of both the Ukrainians and Russians. Don't expect an end to this situation anytime in the near future. This is no longer between Ukraine and Russia. This is NATO on steroids.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Hi, Helen, and sorry to say you're incorrect. I've been to Ukraine.

I'm quite familiar with all the Russian propaganda talking points especially about NATO. Sadly, many people know little and think they are being out of the box thinkers by claiming NATO, a defensive alliance is the problem. But as the old saying goes, the most dangerous place in the world is finding oneself sharing a border with the Russian empire. You do know the Russian "federation" is not a natural border and it's the largest country in the world for the reason of empire.

Putin, a KGB thug who said, "once KGB, always KGB" and said the fall of the Soviet Union was a great "catastrophe" tried to replicate Soviet revival for empire as "Putin's brain" said across Europe "to Dublin, Ireland."

Sadly, history past to present is sorely missing with many who don't remember Ronald Maximus Reagan the Great, the Reagan Doctrine and the fight and cost to America and the world for the Cold War. Suddenly, everything is about a unified conspiracy which just happens to coincide with Russian propaganda. Many are too ignorant to understand any of this even when it's clearly coordinated and announced as the "bio labs" in northern Ukraine. That was for domestic consumption in Russia. Putin had it announced in the UN, how these "bio labs" were releasing "birds into Russia." It makes no sense but it got picked up quickly by Qtards. Yes, Qtardia and its grift isn't over. It's just all piling up into the same conspiracy.

Putin started a war; it's backfiring on him. Ukraine has shocked the world and fought the second largest army to a standstill and now has shocked the world again with a massive counteroffensive liberating thousands of square miles and their people. Putin thought he could finally achieve his decades long goal to make NATO implode. Instead, it rallied and now Finland and Sweden have applied to join.

You think Finland and Sweden are wrong and don't know what's up? If you do, I disagree.

None of it would have happened under President Trump. It's the weakness of Biden's Obama handlers who led to Putin's bad play to reinitiate global empire. Biden greenlit the invasion of Ukraine. It came right of his mouth. He said "an incursion" into Ukraine was ok.

It's the fight for freedom that did not go according to plan. Look it up. The facts are right there in plain sight. The world was forced to react and in many countries citizens demanded Ukraine be given help to fight back. So here we are. But it's no reason to side with any totalitarians: not Putin, not the ChiComs and not the WEF.

The ChiCom-Russia Alliance is not winning. The WEF and its conferences held in Communist China are intent on winning. But the battle for freedom continues.

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I'm not particularly fond of Russia. If anything I've always viewed the country negatively. But Putin's enemies in the West are my enemies. I'd gladly assist Russian-backed forces in toppling my government. I wouldn't hesitate.

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Bend at the knee collectivists are known as useful idiots for a reason. Horsey’s clueless drivel is case in point.

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Thank you, Cdogg! Needed spoken.

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The only drivel is by Putinoids who are so ignorant they don't even know they are pushing a KGB thug's party line.

Today, a Putin aide is seen having said no invasion was necessary as Ukraine did not need to be part of NATO. Putin overruled his aide and decide to invade Ukraine anyway.

Ukraine continues to seek security assurances regardless, that is not in NATO:


Now go back to support your ChiCom-Russia alliance c-dog. Don't forget to register for the WEF conference in Beijing, useful idiot! 🤡

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Wise name for the empire. ;)

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Democrats will now ban Danishes and hygge to protest this anti-vax anti-science bigotry.

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"why did rjon dessantissen do this to us!?!"

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The Little Mermaid is Black now, so racism has been solved. They should have made it a Merman to solve transphobia too. COVID also spreads under the sea, so stay 6 feet apart to stay safe!

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I look forward to having the rest of my ancestral literature and cultural heritage rebranded and reclaimed.

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Lagertha Lives!!!

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Thank Odin that Disney has never set their sights on that one. I shudder to think.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

Um, I guess you haven't tried to watch "Vikings: Valhalla", with its Black Viking queen, born of Viking/Egyptian heritage (well, they did go all over the world, ya know). Fans weren't happy. Another epic fail from Netflix. Lagertha and Ragnar Lothbrok were laughing their asses off. Vikings don't do woke.

"The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make." -Tolkien

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Don't forget to wear your mask underwater! Can never be too safe. And, btw, I think you meant to say "merperson", which is a much more gender inclusive term. ;)

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Pronouns are "Fur, fish".

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"Mer birthing person with a cock" is the correct term, I believe.

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Hasn't that poor statue suffered enough? Beheaded in the 1960s, arms sawed off in the 1980s, again with the decapitation in 1998, blown clear off her rock in the early naughties, and then painted red some ten-fifteen years ago.

And in 2020 someone pasted her nipples with tags reading "Racist fish".

In Malmö, right across Öresund, it's been a long-standing joke that the city should have a male counterpart put up, looking like the eponymous stereotypical scanian dock hand and wharf worker.

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Those Gloomy Danes, when they try to be funny...

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Don't forget Danald ‘Orangetooth’ Grumpsson...

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Good one!

Now do Sven Tveskägg and Ragnar Lodbrok too!

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They come for the lutefisk, that's the last straw.

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Not lutefisk itself but songs and jokes about lutefisk will be viewed with disfavor. "You put me in a coma", etc. So disrespectful of native foods! Don't get me started on Santa's reindeer. Just heard from a friend that his sister's ultra-woke dance troupe had a big struggle over a dance number that included fans. Seems some of the members were concerned about cultural appropriation (of Asian tradition). Someone had to remind them of the use of fans in flamenco dancing. I'm not sure at this juncture if they've decided against the fan number or not. Jeez, and when I think of "Flower Drum Song" and "Fan Tan Fanny". Of course that musical simply cannot be performed today, it's just far too politically incorrect.

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The ubiquity of this nonsense and the profound myopia, incoherence and ignorance thereby demonstrated is just astounding.

Apparently large swathes of the population have been intellectually reduced to a pre-K level, obsessed with absurdities and focused on alleviating phantom problems conjured out of thin air.

Imagine not comprehending that in this cosmopolitan day and age, a culmination of millennia of cultural and population mixing, that arguably all or most aspects of modern life had origins, or at least influences from some other region or polity than one's own.

One wonders where, exactly, your avid anti-appropriators might draw the line...

Shakespeare off limits? Confucius? Do they know where the democracy they no doubt profess to cherish came from?

Do they eat pizza or, God forbid, chow mien? Do they know that even the "all-American" hamburger arguably has origins in ancient Rome, as documented by Apicus?

I wouldn't bet on it.

And as usual with the left, they are guilty of attempting perhaps the worst sort of appropriation imaginable: stealing Cultural Revolution from the Maoist monsters where their brethren slaughtered millions.

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Well said, my friend!

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They will rename them "Equity Pastries"

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

I'm kinda sorry my former boss has just retired, I'd love to discuss this with her. She is a Dane, a nice woman but hopelessly woke; she strong-armed everyone in her business to get the jab. I declined, did not lose my job but was definitely no longer on her A Team. She went back home for a visit to Denmark in the fall of 2021, came back with new zeal about the jab. "It's working there because we are all doing it, we all trust the government and each other!! Everyone in American needs to understand this and get vaccinated!!". She became quite heated about it. I avoided her. So now...I have a feeling I won't be seeing her soon. Not if she sees me first.

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danishes must now be called power pastries

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Oh God, that reminds me of being young and working at a very posh old folks' home. At breakfast they served a thick sweet gooey substance to certain guests (including the elderly woman I took care of) that was called Power Pudding. It was just what you're thinking. If you're not sure, here's a hint: prunes were a major ingredient. And I'm here to testify that it worked.

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I knew you wrote this in jest, but I looked to see if it was actually happening. So far, doesn't look like it. But any minute, I can just hear Occupy Democrats tweeting in obnoxious capital letters, something like "RETWEET IF YOU SUPPORT THE CAFE'S DECISION!!!!!" (to boycott danishes because of the horror of denying this delightful product to anyone who "chooses" to believe bullshit)

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Let them eat brioche!

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Alex Berenson just wrote a similar article and I posted this comment over there, but wanted to share it here as well since I'm looking for someone to punch holes in my thinking (I don't want to be right about this):

Our health officials aren't stupid or blind to the data. We know that they monitor social media and substacks of people like Alex, so they are well aware of opposition to the narrative and they actively censor, silence, discredit, and use an army of "fact checkers" to counter attack reality.

So we KNOW:

-They are aware of the studies showing negative effects on reproductive organs (sperm count/motility, disrupted menses, etc.)

-They know the minimal risk of this virus to the younger population

-The know the vaccine doesn't reduce transmission

-They are well aware of VAERS data as well as the adverse effects seen in our military

-They are aware of the reduced births and increased all-cause mortality

Yet they still persist in their goal to mass vaccinate people who are at extremely low risk.

I used to think it was about the money, until I realized that when doses go unused and expire, they simply throw them out and then use taxpayer money to purchase replacements. So the fact is, they don't need to inject people to continue the flow of money, they just have to continue pretending we are in an emergency to keep their freezers full of new doses. They may even make more money when people refuse, because they can buy the doses over and over just to "keep the doses on-hand" for the unvax'd population.

So if it's not the money, then why the continued push to vaccinate the young when doing it won't lead to herd immunity, it won't stop/slow transmission, has shown negative efficacy after a couple months, and a negative risk/reward ratio in health outcomes?

I pray it's not so, but at this point it's getting hard to believe it's anything other than the intentional harm & sterilization of a large amount of people.

I'm open to other theories, but I'm out of reasons why they'd continue the campaign push instead of walking things back once they became aware of the dangers. We are well past the point where they can claim they didn't know. At this point it has to be intentional.


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I share your concerns. I think most on this stack and many others have the same sinking feeling. They are doing this on purpose for a purpose. I wonder if colleges and universities have financial incentives for the mandates from the government (or, perhaps, Pharma) that they are too greedy to refuse. And the sheep and their parents just go along.

Yes, something is very wrong.

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Yeah, so here's the thing - if the shots have f'ed w/people's innate immune response and conditioned the masses to be prone to OAS, then what happens now when you don't 'vaccinate' these people? My suspicion (as others have pointed out) is - to borrow a phrase - 'a winter of severe illness and death for the vaccinated.' BUT it would've been the same irregardless whether they were reboosted or unreboosted (probably worse w/the booster as there's ample evidence that variant-specific 'vaccines' continue pushing towards OAS and continued immune suppression).

Anyway, my guess is this is all by design...when the previously vaccinated - now unreboosted - start to get sick, there will be a knee-jerk reaction to once again mass vaccinate and those who had been becoming skeptical of the shots will once again be lining up to get theirs.

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My reading on the street is that the sceptics are becoming more aware of the lies and will not "volunteer." The covidioti (an Italian word I learned this summer) will push to the front of the line for any shot.

This seems counterproductive at some level, as the sheeple will bear the brunt of the vaxxing, while we goatles will be left alive and become more resistant, or as El Gato advises, Ungovernable.

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God,I hope you're wrong!

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I think the goal is simply to take out natural immunity. Period.

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I've been fearing the same. As supercat has queried, 'stupidity or evil'? I'm leaning increasingly toward pure, unbridled evil'.

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My personal opinion is it started out as incompetence. But there was an inflection point where it became malice.

Heuristic Mysticism turned Evil?

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Follow the money 💰

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Follow the fact-checkers too. Those guys get paid a lot of money... I'd sure have fun in that job with a few different profile names...

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Karma's a bitch, tho, don't 'cha know. *cheesy smile smiley

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Unpleasant as it is to believe, there doesn't any longer seem to be a different explanation. They want to harm people and reduce the population.

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How many jam-packed lanes do the LA freeways have in each direction now? -- think I counted 9 each way in one stretch?

A couple decades ago it was 3 each way; in the same amount of time our population has jumped from 220 million to 340 million.

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I agree that the population has exploded, but I'm failing to see the point you are making. Are you advocating depopulation or making the case that it would be justified due to the population increasing in recent decades? I'm not connecting the dots here.

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Sorry for being unclear. It's responding to your last paragraph, "I'm open to other theories, but I'm out of reasons why they'd continue the campaign push instead of walking things back once they became aware of the dangers. We are well past the point where they can claim they didn't know. At this point it has to be intentional. Thoughts?"

If you're interested in medical history on that topic, on my Substack I have a collection of articles tracing decades of medical publications about developing anti-fertility vaccines: https://medquotes.substack.com/p/publications-worth-mentioning

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oh, wow! Thanks, I'll check it out. Always interested in new reading to figure out what the heck is going on.

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These times at least offer stimulation for the curious.

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Overwhelming stimulation! Like quit your job so you can read full time overwhelming. And the incurious don’t get it. To them it just looks compulsive. Maybe it is. Maybe I need help!

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I started with Thomas Malthus many decades ago. This summer I have read through RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci."

This evening I sat at a meeting with a gentleman instrumental in revealing the use of HCG in tetanus "immunisation" in fertile women in Kenya.

This is not theoretical, it has been active, and remains so with the spike protein mRNA injections

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L.A. has had ten lane freeways for 50 years. If I were you, I'd move out of that hell hole.

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Ohhhh! Got it that's why! I think you're on to something 🤔

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Yeah, they made the virus a Frankenstein, put people (especially old ones) on remdesivir and ventilators to kill them, injected millions with poison, and deny all of it. Yeah, I think it’s intentional.

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The use of the word "vaccination" still bothers me.

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Just wait til they redefine “died” and “suddenly”

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Or simply blame the soccer players who keel over for being delusional, like they did with our previous lab-escape disaster, Morgellons.

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Nah. You need to keep up. All the athletes are dying from breathing too hard. Science!

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The lack of attention given to the fact that the 'vaccines' are still being administered under 'emergency use authorization' bothers me even more.

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Yet here in Washington we're being bombarded with a new round of booster ads -- once again without listing the downsides of the shot (which are becoming obvious to even the oblivious).

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Turn off the TV

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Ha! Glad you brought up that they're not listing any Adverse Effects of the clot shots. I never paid attention, only scoffed at the ad. Any other pharma ad always had like 15- 20 seconds of side effects! Why the hell do they get away with that crap? Dumb question I guess, why are they getting away with everything for 2yrs?🤯

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Everyone I knew always laughed at those Fairy tales. (Bent carrots😵‍💫😵‍💫). Ok. Hubby told me why. Creative mind control.

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It's because of the EUA. They are not liable so they don't have to do the fast whispering side effect disclaimer at the end.

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Unbelievable 😡

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I know a doctor in WA state who says that everybody in the practice just can't wait for the next jab. Both docs and patients. What the actual fk.

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I had a doctors appt this morning with my GP, first appt since covid started. We very briefly talked about covid. His comment was 'what I see in my practice is not what's reported on the news, I haven't had any patients die and no sick children'.

I don't think he's quite as educated with regards to covid hysteria as we all are, but he's on the right track. No corona-masks in his office.

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He might be extremely educated, but doctors are not able to communicate their own opinions without subtlety.

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😵😳 I moved out of WA a year ago, born and raised there...It’s heart breaking to hear the smart folks there have lost all critical thinking.

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The medical community is full of ignorant sheep.

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Interestingly, Inslee recently had to walk back the booster mandate for healthcare workers. It might be a situation where uptake is so high anyway the actual mandate would be more hassle than it's worth.

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Money trail gonna be an epic saga to win 'em all.

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obvious to the oblivious...that has a certain ring to it!

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Thanks! Now and then I accidentally spew something of value. ;)

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Not me. I turn it off. 2 1/2 years ago. DVR the rest. I don’t expose myself to this. I don’t need to know everything. My anxiety levels keep low enough to be nimble in what I do to protect my life. They can say what they like but I’m sure not falling for it. See you used a word that is guaranteed to be seen as another over the top trigger words--even us here can feel a frisson of fear with that. No judgment intended sir.

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At this point I just watch live sports, I just happened to be watching during the Seahawks game. Not watching TV is key to a happy existence at this point! :)

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I watch MeTV, Antenna TV or the Rewind channel. I especially love Andy Griffith and Leave It To Beaver. I watch and pretend we are still in an era of civility, self esteem, pride in ourselves and decency.

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The Beav! Such memories. Farm kids. I was always a bit puzzled by June’s pearls and dresses. I know some of the Andy Griffiths dialogue by ❤️ My hubby and I laugh about it.

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Love the pearls and dresses! It’s how I try to dress most days- well an updated version. No one cares about these things any more.

We are planning a trip to Mount Airy NC to visit the famed Mayberry town. Made it a priority after Ted Koppel did a hit piece on it.

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How fun! Enjoy your trip. Those shows were iconic. I Love Lucy? 😁❤️

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Ha! I think you and Rose are clones of my wife! Lol!

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They should ban these boosters for everyone under 125.

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Best comment ever!

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Most universities required the third dose for the spring semester. As much as I appreciate that Hoeg, Prasad, Makary, et al, made a declaration, they are too late. They should have spoken up in the summer of 2021 when the colleges and universities started mandating jabs.

Are these new mandates for the mouse booster?

Do they have financial incentives from the government to mandate the jabs?

Are they covered by any liability protections?

My husband and I have informed our alma mater that they will never get another dime. I hope the kids who were coerced and those who were punished for not complying sue these colleges and universities into oblivion.

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anyone else just a teensy bit nervous about allowing people with such clear conflicts of interest to ensure our voting system is working well?

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Only Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and Ron Johnson--none of whom I would otherwise have any affection for--have shown any guts here. Them three against the behemoth.

I mean, we really do need an extremely selective massive meteor event to help us get out of this now.

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Or, more realistically, final disclosure on UFOs. We're not alone. Ok ok ok, stop laughing! Yes, that would entail people putting 2+2 together. And a massive sock shoved in the state's mouth. Hmpfh. Your fantasy, my fantasy.

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We need the "To Serve Man" boys to come and select their dinners with superior discernment.

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Ah, but would they sniff out the poisoned meat when making their selection? If it got as far as the test kitchen surely a swift spit of that nasty would ensue. Or, what do I know about their tastes? Maybe like prefers like? I'll chip in for that reality script. Make Mr. Serling proud.

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Let's say they got the digestive systems of komodo dragons. Doin' us the favor and considering it gourmet comestibles. Everybody (who ought to) wins.

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You're hired! Give 'er the full treatment!

If you need a writer's rep I have a power contact in LA xD ;)

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I don't need no stinking gatekeepers now.

Of course I'll never earn that lakeside estate from the fruit of my fertile brain but the occasional regard of strangers, what more can a girl honestly hope for?

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The policy still advises that caregivers of high risk folk get vaccinated as if the vaccine stops infection or transmission. We know it doesn't

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They want to kill off all the older folks and the “high risk” ones who have somehow made it thus far. My guess is, they know it’s easier to simply say, “Oh, yeah, they didn’t die from the vax. They had Rheumatoid arthritis.”

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Possibly they did read the research and noted that the vaxxed shed more efficiently?

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When does the 'emergency use authorization' end? When does the thing that was never actually an emergency officially become the non-emergency it always was? No more EUA means no more administration of the experimental poisons. Why is there no pressure being mounted to abolish the EUA?

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Why do you think? Maybe too many in congress are invested? Just a thought....I dunno.

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Yet it also says it recommends it for relatives of high risk “to protect them”. Yet it’s proven repeatedly and admitted - that the fake vax doesn’t stop transmission.

So the Danes are still playing silly games too.

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We had a lot of dumb masking and restrictions here as well. Not to mention extreme testing non-stop for everything. We did stop early this year at least, let everyone get infected by Omicron and then that was it. Hopefully this winter won't be another pointless masking season.

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maybe everyone should just say "NO, we won't do it!?" The Govt works for us...

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That won't happen in Denmark. People here are very obedient and trusting in the government, even if/when there are bad news coming out or lots of money pretty much vanishing into someone's pocket.

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Just call compliance "svenskerier" and people will stop, don't you think?

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I failed in a brief attempt (Google) to find an English translation.

I initially thought "Danegeld?" but many native English speakers would not recognise that.

Are you able to translate for an English-speaking audience? Thanks, R.

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It's a danish expression for when the swedes are being stupid in their (our, I should say) sadly typical way.

Think of a goody-goody two-shoes apple polishing Besserwisser-attitude, complete with arrigance and hubris thinking that if /you/ do it, it will be right and turn out right simply because you are the one doing it.

And as Denmark has more than a little "little brother"-complex regarding Sweden and always feels a need to put one over on us, well, there you go.

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I think it's their way to slowly walk all this back. A month from now, they'll remove another recommendation. It can't be TOO obvious they totally f**** up!

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This is great news, although I would point out that "banning" is not the same as "not recommending".

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Sep 14, 2022·edited Sep 14, 2022

Elsewhere in the comments were people who read "not being offered" as indeed being equivalent to banning. Looking at it closer, it's ambiguous, and I suspect the weaselly language is intentional, perhaps an attempt to mollify the covidians who would kick up a fuss at an outright ban.

Edit to add: when in doubt, go to the source. I went to the linked Danish health website which kind of led me around in circles, but as near as I can tell they still use the "offer" language everywhere. Of course I can't say whether it's still ambiguous in the Danish language.

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It's long been known even to plebeian non-doctor types likes your truly that a fundamental public health principle is that health is multidimensional, which means an OCD-like fixation on a single infectious disease is never synonymous with health. But of course we all know well that this has never been about public health, but the hubristic presumption of power by the expert class, who use hysteria to control.


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if by allow you mean our elected officials signed off on this bureaucratic bullshit a long time ago- ceding the territory to ”experts”.

these toothless congressional oversight committees need to come up with some friggin metrics to measure the success or failure of the bodies doing their work for them. we the citizens need to hold our elected officials accountable!

i dont care if i look like a whack job in the comments, but if the way the unelected arms of the government handled COVID pisses you off too- please consider ARTICLE V. if we are to be held responsible to pay our taxes, follow traffic laws, and vote, we can expect our officials to DO THEIR JOB.

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Yes Yes yes! We need more whackjobs!

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never thought my civic service would be as a whack job…but it is 2022!!!

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We need to start a new party. THE WHACKJOB PARTY! I think it'll work!

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The vaccines are indeed "safe and effective" - at driving record profits for Pfizer. Who knew they could keep this gravy train going for so long. And with legal immunity, they are perfectly safe from ADEs.

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Once it is proven that Big Pharma committed fraud (among other criminal actions), then all bets are off and their immunity goes right out the door.

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Yeah, they'll probably pay a 5mil dollar fine and apologize.

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Like when Chase made $5 billion through predatory lending and paid a $200 million fine. Moral hazard squared.

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Ha ha, yup!

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do you think the CD, FDA and NIH are gonna cop to being duped by pharmacy? (what a joke, since the FDA’s main job is to police these companies)

i were Pfizer/moderna, i’d make sure i had a lot of stuff in writing- make the govt three letter agencies (at least) look complicit. CYA, ya know?

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