some choices are too absurd even for the current orwellian motif.
the DHS’s disinfo board has gone down in flames taking its lead singer nina “scary poppins” jankowicz with it.
her choice to head this board was a hilarity i’m honestly a bit sad that roe v wade dumped from the headlines. she was truly so spectacularly, chronically, and charismatically wrong for the role and her prolific and extensive internet footprint was such an embarrassment of riches that we were about a week from some of the best memes of the decade.
i mean, come on.
this is flat out memelord entrapment.
every court on earth would acquit you. (once they got done laughing)
watching her rail against everything from free speech to free thought and carrying water for the massively discredited political op of the steele dossier claiming trump colluded with russia while claiming the hunter biden laptop was fake and some sort of misinformational false flag psyop while singing showtunes about disinformation was as definitive as it was damning.
it would have kept us busy for years.
ironically, she was clearly in fear of us and was seeking to suppress the very forces that swamped her.
she called this threat “malign creativity.”
this alone was going to keep us in memetic valhalla forever.
this is “6 foot hoop” level dunking.
honestly, nina might be the most memeable human alive. she’s basically the unfunny cartoon judge from “who framed roger rabbit” seeking to stomp out laughter.
(anyone ever notice how much that toon looks like jeff bezos? coincidence? you decide…)
and like judge doom, she cannot allow the persistence of a form of expression that not only excludes her, as authoritarians famously cannot meme, but opposes her.
but you cannot beat memes with showtunes.
for those who think you cannot effect outcomes by getting loud and calling out the outrages before they come to pass, let’s all take a moment to savor this little victory.
score one for truth and reason.
of course, not everyone sees it this way. taylor “it’s only doxxing when they do it, when i do it it’s righteous” lorenz penned this charming exercise in victim blaming and conspiracy theory.
there was no coordinated attack. this was bottoms up outrage and grass roots search for nina’s own words by which to judge her and gauge her intent and integrity.
oddly enough, no shadowy cabal approached and offered me 30 pieces of silverfish write this…
to believe this must be a conspiracy instead of a simple conclusion independently reached by many right thinking people at once raises some significant questions about taylor’s mindset and peer group.
and breathlessly trying to portray this as an orchestrated “disinformation campaign” answers them.
this is disgraceful gaslighting.
scary poppins is a woman that supported making up accusations about russia to shift an election and suppressing accurate ones about a laptop to affect the next. we have it in her own words. that is not “misinformation” that’s “information.”
the brazenness of attempting to invert this simple fact pattern is a playbook straight from goebbels.
it’s also why you cannot trust these people as politicians, pundits, or especially as adjudicators of truth.
they will lie to you, lie about lying, then lie about having lied about lying. then they will turn around and claim it’s a conspiracy. it’s really pretty dazzling.
it’s also why they cannot be allowed to have a truth ministry.
and it’s important to keep this in mind.
because they will try again.
what they term “malign creativity” is, in fact, mostly just benign expression of simple truth. i suspect it’s the adding of humor that confuses them. it’s a sort of divide by zero error for totalitarians.
and so, our aspiring reverend mother of truth failed her test.
and the disinformation board gets the gom jabbar.
and us, well, we get to keep the memes.
so, there’s that.
honest crucibles have a funny way of rarifying truth. that is the potency of the open agora. it’s also why those who seek to shade such truths are so desperate to control the public discourse and the public square.
for those who would hide the truth must also fear the truth.
and the truth is that it is not our creativity that is malign;
it is they that malign creativity because they cannot compete with it on a fair field of ideas.
but honestly, the term is delicious, so let’s keep it and make it our own.
a small epithet of honor.
a memento to remember this by.
The one saving grace this year is that every single evil plan these shitweasels have tried to foist on everyone has detonated in their faces due to their own heroic levels of delusional incompetence.
As much as I am relishing the demise of the Wicked Witch of the West Side Story, the use of the term “pause” has me bracing for the resumption of the Ministry of Truth on November 9, 2022.