Here's a data point: at church yesterday the CDC was mentioned and over half of the congregation laughed. Mention of the CDC three years ago would have elicited no response.
Curious whether the pastor meant it as a joke or not. It's a real problem how many in leadership positions in the church continue to play along with this stuff.
The ability for Christians to see through the charade has been generally abysmal, agreed. This was not the pastor, he was a local attorney discussing the recent Roe decision and (long story short) took a punch at the CDC in a pointed way about the Rona. I was impressed that half of the congregation got the joke.
Just an anecdotal point but in my experience devout Christians saw through this much more quickly than the lukewarm or unchurched. Last Sunday maybe 15-20% were wearing masks, a bit of an uptick lately likely due to recent local media hysteria. Our Thursday night study attracts the more devout regulars and there were maybe five masks among over 300 people.
For some reason though, many pastors or other church leaders feel compelled to pander to the fearful. Not only is it harmful but it's decidedly unbiblical.
I posted this 4 months ago. I still feel the same way:
The church, for the most part was a big disappointment. I think they forgot the main tenents of the Bible and the constitution. They're lucky they had just enough fighter's, like you, on these stacks'.
They "felt" powerless besides undoubtedly knowing one of Jesus's most important lessons: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 IMO, that message, in and of itself, checks all the boxes that could have prevented the forthcoming carnage.
Time for some Christians to self reflect. And perhaps consider the least among us. After all, they WILL be the ones that pay the dearest cost. If not they may end up in bondage. Which I'm pretty sure Jesus would disapprove of.
Have a come to Jesus if you feel like this applies to you. If doesn't apply, politely spread the word tacitly. Practice what you preach. Learn. And as Churchill said: "I'd rather be right than consistent " "Right now is the right time to be RIGHT" - Yours truly
God was not happy with the lukewarm church of Laodecia... Following the theology that the seven churches represent the seven Ages of the Church, that's where we're at right now; the last Age before Christ's return...
The Black Robed Regiment won the Revolutionary War. And could be partly why the Johnson amendment disallowing preachers to speak about politics from the pulpit was enacted. Here's an article about it and a video about the Black Robe Regiment:
WHAT???? That’s the devil for you! I’ve actually worn my Rosary when I’ve been fearful. I got them years ago at a church in Italy, light blue crystal. My mom had some like this when I was little.
Maybe a stronger faith in something greater than mankind overrides any faith in human institutions (religious or other), even if the latter purports to represent the "greater"?
I disagree w your observation. At best, in my own experiences down here in Florida (yes, even in Florida) every church was majority koolaid drinkers and fear mongerers, even the younger generations. Sadly, this did not shock me at all and still doesn’t.
The single largest group I know of that didn’t buy into the whole Covid narrative are those who were/are labeled conspiracy theorists. We knew what was up from the get go. It’s been nice to see our numbers grow so widely over the last 3 years, so some very good things have come out of this regardless.
It’s also wonderful to see the childhood vaccines finally being given scrutiny with critical eyes and largely avoided as we should all have been doing all along. Parents are smartening up and realizing for the first time just how many injections their children were getting before Covid. The only group of children this isn’t true for is the college and high school ages. They’re going to suffer tremendously. Nearly an entire generation will be wiped out as a result.
I post a thoughtful comment describing my observations in my church and what I think they mean. I don't make any value judgements claiming one side is better than the other.
Like a dog responding to Pavlov's bell, the atheist pops out and belittles other people's faith with the typical drive-by condescending snark and trademark smug superiority. You can set your watch by these people.
Traditional-morality Christians saw through it pretty well, generally. Their church leadership was generally scared and cowardly, but most of the "freedom fighters" in my area were Christian. Turns out being grounded on transcendence and skepticism of earthly rulers does wonders for innoculating against fear of death and identifying when the Narrative has gone off the deep end.
(I should add that a few of the churches had leadership that began notable civil disobedience mid 2020).
A friend of mine left their church due to the pastor ot having critical thinking and following along with all the propaganda. We have since started our own home Bible study.
That has been one of my saddest realities - how blissfully ignorant people of faith have been in general of the malfeasance of the govt alphabet soup agencies
IMO the church (as broadly seen in culture, not the "the Church as we see her spread out through all time and space and rooted in eternity terrible with an army and banners.") has generally taught pastors that to get ahead, they must sway with the wind. The more they sway, the more people like them, the more people like them, the better their position. This softness (some call it feminized Christianity, but then they haven't met my wife) is at the root of this go-along to get-along type of mentality.
Disband all of these monolithic centralized and corrupted entities. Replace them with more nimble, transparent, decentralized ones. The time has come to DECENTRALIZE EVERYTHING. Like this:
It's not just the CDC but virtually all institutions (CDC, FBI, CIA, military, media, academia, the medical establishment, and on and on ad nauseum). Somewhere along the line each of these organizations decided they would lie to people in the pursuit of an agenda rather than tell the truth. Most are outright corrupt but some undoubtedly thought their lies were serving some noble purpose. Motive doesn't matter in that the destroyed credibility is the end result regardless.
Sooner the better as far as I'm concerned so we can start over.
You did and I agree, but as I stated above it goes way beyond that. It's not just government but virtually every large bureaucratic organization, public or private.
everything that has employed a bureaucrat & it's employed bureaucrats must go. bureaucrats create the onerous regulations, & we have NO recourse against them. they can't be voted out or fired. their union keeps them firmly in charge no matter who is president. the bureaucrats ARE the deep state.
It all starts with a simple premise that people are too stupid to think for themselves and do what's right. So these bureaucratic organizations rationalize it's better to lie to people "for their own good" rather than let folks muddle through it themselves. However a lie is a lie, and once that bridge has been crossed they rarely stop. After a while, it's not just noble lies but outright corruption.
As I said, regardless of the reason the end results is that institutional credibility is destroyed, which is a good thing. We do have a recourse, we can ignore their requests and laugh at them when they spout nonsense. This hastens that destruction.
No, I will not state my pronouns. I won't get a flu shot. I won't mask to "protect grandma". When people tell me a man can change into a woman I'll roll my eyes and walk away. When a man claiming to be a woman wins an athletic event I won't cheer but I'll jeer. I'll make fun of people with a Ukraine flag in their bio who couldn't find it on a map. If the FBI shows up at my house for any reason I will not talk to them without my lawyer present.
The problem with lies and liars is that they lose their power once people are wise to them. People laughing at the mention of the CDC is a great example of that.
I doubt that they have any value that could not be better realized outside of government. Anything IN government will soon be compromised and captured.
It would seem that the CDC is financed in part by the CDC Foundation, which is a non-profit. In other words... it would appear that the CDC is not fully a government agency. At least from the info that I have been able to find, which is difficult.
Good, then they won’t care when the gov completely defunds them. Let them prove they deserve to exist by giving the US something valuable. If not, they’ll dissipate - not unlike any bad business.
The black budget is a fascinating, really bad, cat. For example, the Bureau of Reclamation, which gets (dunno with extreme drought now) its funds from selling water and power, but is forced to pay really extortionate office rent to GSA (be sure to include them in the abolition list). I suspect most of that goes into the black budget. But if the Congress doesn't appropriate the funds, it isn't federal funding. Doesn't matter whether it's drugs, resale of arms "sent" to Ukraine, or rent diversion.
No argument, but if we ignore them and/or use their own rules against them then they lose their power. Try not to let yourself fall into defeatism, they want us to think they are unstoppable and we have no choice but to go along.
Yeah, CDC is a symptom not the disease. Simply cut it off and another agency will rise up to take its place. Remember when they disbanded the INS and we ended up with the Department of Homeland Security? Be careful what you wish for.
Yes - the humanly flawed, but still brilliant & truly educated Founding Fathers & anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry & Samuel Adams would definitely agree!
OK. But then we still have big pharma and big banks, who could get together with a social credit system and say, bimonthly multiboosters or you don't eat.
national banks used to be very limited, & we had lots of different state banks, that were only in limited areas. now we have Chase, Wells Fargo, etc that are huge national banks running the local, small, state banks out of business. just like Walmart, Target, etc. Get rid of the national banks, go bank to state banks only.
i have always said that it didn't pay to vote since 5 rich guys really ran the country and installed their puppet of choice in the WH. why do so many candidates promise so much and immediately change their tune the minute the election is called in their favor? because the henchmen of the 5 rich guys take them aside and offer veiled threats: "remember what happened to JFK? it would be so sad if...."
then i read the book 13 Bankers. ok, so maybe my number was off a bit but...
Big XXX is always and everywhere enabled by big government 'regulations' captured by the industry. Get rid of government 'oversight' and competition will take care of the rest.
We already tried that. The 1880's and 1890's were as "free market" without regulation as we have had in America, and mostly what we got were booms and busts and consolidation. There has to be some way to limit the monopoly effect more than invoking holy competition.
Don't forget that much of that was the consequence of Lincoln's 1860s crusade to turn the USA into a state-managed, mercantilist society. Not as free market as we think.
Those who've been red-pilled on Lincoln no longer see him as the 'saviour of the republic' but more as its nemesis. Read Thomas Di Lorenzo's "The Real Lincoln," if you are interested in learning about the things that the schools and modern press won't tell you.
much easier to break shit than build anything. But I share the sentiment. I might rather keep the institutions if we could make examples of a few of the leadership, enough to scare the bejesus out of anyone who thinks capture by corporatism is good for America.
I'm hearing a lot lately about an open-source model. Transparency. That would show pretty much most of so-called science to be a fraud, and the people who push it. Pharma could no longer be the cartel it has become.
the irony is, here we are talking about decentralizing when the WHO is calling for one world centralization! what a bad idea! to ignore cultural, environmental, racial, agricultural, historic differences and try to subject everyone to one rule. insanity!
I'm just trying to avoid the kind of bloodshed in America we saw in the French Revolution, where the orgy of killing got so out of control the ones who initiated the killing eventually lost their heads, and then some more people lost their heads, and then some more. Once that fire starts it becomes hard to stop and before long it becomes indiscriminate. I've been hearing a lot from a lot of quarters about civil war.
I get that. I don't want to see any unnecessary bloodshed. I'm fairly confident that our history of revolution and war is different enough from the French that we're not likely to devolve to their level of wanton bloodlust.
But what we're encroaching upon, IMO, is less like our Civil War and more like our American Revolution. The former was a moral struggle, the latter was due to a long train of abuses and usurpations evincing a design to reduce Americans under total despotism. Man, if the latter is not a spot-on description of what the Left and the Democrat Party are doing, and have been doing for a number of years, then nothing is.
I'd long been an absent Dem, mostly indifferent. When they went insane in 2016 and anything went and nothing mattered in trying to take him down, while sounding like intelligence whores about Russia, I went rogue. Now I see the party as enemies of the American experiment. Problem is, the Republicans are mostly stuck in the 20th century.
Disband all of these monolithic centralized and corrupted entities. Replace them with more nimble, transparent, decentralized ones. The time has come to DECENTRALIZE EVERYTHING. Like this:
It's UNO (United Nations Organization) so it's fine with 3 letters. Heck, just abolish anything that resembles state centralized over the scope of a single city.
“these are not experts, they’re the marketing arm of big government’s big business totalitarian collaboration for plunder and profit. it’s not about safety, it’s about power.” -GAT🎯
Your comment that health data should all be open source is an excellent one! We could find a lot of medical mistakes if anonomyzed health and health care data were made available in open source for researchers.
i was complaining about the CDC back in 2016, they were/are compromised by the simple fact that they own patents in vaccines and vaccine tech. everything is compromised
"in a modern data age, the idea that we cannot do better with open systems of combined medical data provided by choice by the people themselves into secure, open source pools for competitive and transparent analysis checked and validated by real, universal peer review instead of the data suppression and shaping of the closed cloisters and cathedrals of policy is ridiculous."
When a few dozen of us started Primary Doctor Medical Journal,, this is exactly what we had in mind. We are all volunteers, with minimum four reviewers in peer review for each research paper (usually more), and a number of our published studies were written by people in other professions besides medicine, including from other fields, such as engineering and data analysis, which helps to bring in fresh perspectives.
Most importantly, we take no funding, and are committed to staying all volunteer, online only, lowest costs possible.
We are always open to expanding our group of reviewers and are always eager to see new writing on topics of public health, epidemiology, immunology and preventive medicine especially, as well as from other fields pertaining to human health.
Has anyone done the number-crunching to see how much is spent on the CDC, NIH, and FDA on an annual basis and how much could be returned back to every taxpaying American if we liquidated them? 💰
Similarly imagine if the amount spent per-student on "education" were able to be retained by the parents instead of sequestered in administrative purgatory while the student himself learns postmodern underwater basket-weaving.
If they didn't spend it, it wouldn't come back to the American taxpayer. It would be sent to some foreign country under the guise of aid money and then just get laundered back to the Elite. How else does a community organizer end up with a million-dollar house on the water?
All of which comes under the umbrella of the unconstitutional HHS, which goes through our tax dollars like shit through a goose. Lest we forget, it was Trump pick and swamp lord Alex Azar who headed up HHS and set us on the covid road to perdition.
Here's a data point: at church yesterday the CDC was mentioned and over half of the congregation laughed. Mention of the CDC three years ago would have elicited no response.
Curious whether the pastor meant it as a joke or not. It's a real problem how many in leadership positions in the church continue to play along with this stuff.
The ability for Christians to see through the charade has been generally abysmal, agreed. This was not the pastor, he was a local attorney discussing the recent Roe decision and (long story short) took a punch at the CDC in a pointed way about the Rona. I was impressed that half of the congregation got the joke.
Just an anecdotal point but in my experience devout Christians saw through this much more quickly than the lukewarm or unchurched. Last Sunday maybe 15-20% were wearing masks, a bit of an uptick lately likely due to recent local media hysteria. Our Thursday night study attracts the more devout regulars and there were maybe five masks among over 300 people.
For some reason though, many pastors or other church leaders feel compelled to pander to the fearful. Not only is it harmful but it's decidedly unbiblical.
Jeff -
I posted this 4 months ago. I still feel the same way:
The church, for the most part was a big disappointment. I think they forgot the main tenents of the Bible and the constitution. They're lucky they had just enough fighter's, like you, on these stacks'.
They "felt" powerless besides undoubtedly knowing one of Jesus's most important lessons: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 IMO, that message, in and of itself, checks all the boxes that could have prevented the forthcoming carnage.
Time for some Christians to self reflect. And perhaps consider the least among us. After all, they WILL be the ones that pay the dearest cost. If not they may end up in bondage. Which I'm pretty sure Jesus would disapprove of.
Have a come to Jesus if you feel like this applies to you. If doesn't apply, politely spread the word tacitly. Practice what you preach. Learn. And as Churchill said: "I'd rather be right than consistent " "Right now is the right time to be RIGHT" - Yours truly
God was not happy with the lukewarm church of Laodecia... Following the theology that the seven churches represent the seven Ages of the Church, that's where we're at right now; the last Age before Christ's return...
Spew them out of HIS mouth… 🤢🤮
The Black Robed Regiment won the Revolutionary War. And could be partly why the Johnson amendment disallowing preachers to speak about politics from the pulpit was enacted. Here's an article about it and a video about the Black Robe Regiment:
And why it was illegal for the regime to request pastors to preach to people about getting the vaxx and supporting certain people for election.
Amen to that verse! That started my journey to search out truth and led to me waking up.
Can you say 501.(3C)status. Non profits lose their funding and support going against the grain. I think thats correct.
Well certainly 301C over rides 1st Amendment and to expect "Pastors" to be aware of Inherent Rights from God is just too much of a Leap, Comrades.
Welcome to the USSA, keep waving the flag and going to Churches that feed Pablum, "Resistance to Tyranny is Disobedience to God" is the revised quote.
I believe that you mean 501(c)(3) status? I favor removing that status for Churches. 'Render unto Caesar....'
Yes I did. Thank you for the correction.😊
Yes, they need to be taxed like the rest of us.
Speaking of more devout Christians- apparently the Rosary is now a symbol of right-wing fanaticism and hate. Sigh. This world.
WHAT???? That’s the devil for you! I’ve actually worn my Rosary when I’ve been fearful. I got them years ago at a church in Italy, light blue crystal. My mom had some like this when I was little.
Maybe a stronger faith in something greater than mankind overrides any faith in human institutions (religious or other), even if the latter purports to represent the "greater"?
Definitely NOT biblical… God did not give us a spirit of fear!
No, He did not! Fear is not FREEDOM!
I disagree w your observation. At best, in my own experiences down here in Florida (yes, even in Florida) every church was majority koolaid drinkers and fear mongerers, even the younger generations. Sadly, this did not shock me at all and still doesn’t.
The single largest group I know of that didn’t buy into the whole Covid narrative are those who were/are labeled conspiracy theorists. We knew what was up from the get go. It’s been nice to see our numbers grow so widely over the last 3 years, so some very good things have come out of this regardless.
It’s also wonderful to see the childhood vaccines finally being given scrutiny with critical eyes and largely avoided as we should all have been doing all along. Parents are smartening up and realizing for the first time just how many injections their children were getting before Covid. The only group of children this isn’t true for is the college and high school ages. They’re going to suffer tremendously. Nearly an entire generation will be wiped out as a result.
nah, they are just tuned in to other absurdities
I post a thoughtful comment describing my observations in my church and what I think they mean. I don't make any value judgements claiming one side is better than the other.
Like a dog responding to Pavlov's bell, the atheist pops out and belittles other people's faith with the typical drive-by condescending snark and trademark smug superiority. You can set your watch by these people.
im a preachers kid
Exactly! Here in Germany many of the so called right wing catholics are unvaxxed.
Traditional-morality Christians saw through it pretty well, generally. Their church leadership was generally scared and cowardly, but most of the "freedom fighters" in my area were Christian. Turns out being grounded on transcendence and skepticism of earthly rulers does wonders for innoculating against fear of death and identifying when the Narrative has gone off the deep end.
(I should add that a few of the churches had leadership that began notable civil disobedience mid 2020).
A friend of mine left their church due to the pastor ot having critical thinking and following along with all the propaganda. We have since started our own home Bible study.
They have been misled. Converso-jews infiltrated the church as soon as they realized they couldn't outright kill all the christians.
Right on comment!!
That has been one of my saddest realities - how blissfully ignorant people of faith have been in general of the malfeasance of the govt alphabet soup agencies
Not my church! But I admit, all of our adults come from a former communist country!
Hypocrisy imo. Maybe the biggest disappointment.
IMO the church (as broadly seen in culture, not the "the Church as we see her spread out through all time and space and rooted in eternity terrible with an army and banners.") has generally taught pastors that to get ahead, they must sway with the wind. The more they sway, the more people like them, the more people like them, the better their position. This softness (some call it feminized Christianity, but then they haven't met my wife) is at the root of this go-along to get-along type of mentality.
Depends on if they are 501-c3 . IIRS dictates proper topics
Yes, that really does concern me. 😕
Disband all of these monolithic centralized and corrupted entities. Replace them with more nimble, transparent, decentralized ones. The time has come to DECENTRALIZE EVERYTHING. Like this:
My Church laughed at those clowns 2 years ago . We never closed and we do not cover our faces . President biden is also a great laugh line
Were they admonishing the congregation to go back to treating all people as equals because the CDC finally said to?
That's very good to hear.
Burn it and the FDA and all 3 letter DC agencies to the ground.
It's not just the CDC but virtually all institutions (CDC, FBI, CIA, military, media, academia, the medical establishment, and on and on ad nauseum). Somewhere along the line each of these organizations decided they would lie to people in the pursuit of an agenda rather than tell the truth. Most are outright corrupt but some undoubtedly thought their lies were serving some noble purpose. Motive doesn't matter in that the destroyed credibility is the end result regardless.
Sooner the better as far as I'm concerned so we can start over.
I did say all the three letter agencies, right?
You did and I agree, but as I stated above it goes way beyond that. It's not just government but virtually every large bureaucratic organization, public or private.
everything that has employed a bureaucrat & it's employed bureaucrats must go. bureaucrats create the onerous regulations, & we have NO recourse against them. they can't be voted out or fired. their union keeps them firmly in charge no matter who is president. the bureaucrats ARE the deep state.
It all starts with a simple premise that people are too stupid to think for themselves and do what's right. So these bureaucratic organizations rationalize it's better to lie to people "for their own good" rather than let folks muddle through it themselves. However a lie is a lie, and once that bridge has been crossed they rarely stop. After a while, it's not just noble lies but outright corruption.
As I said, regardless of the reason the end results is that institutional credibility is destroyed, which is a good thing. We do have a recourse, we can ignore their requests and laugh at them when they spout nonsense. This hastens that destruction.
No, I will not state my pronouns. I won't get a flu shot. I won't mask to "protect grandma". When people tell me a man can change into a woman I'll roll my eyes and walk away. When a man claiming to be a woman wins an athletic event I won't cheer but I'll jeer. I'll make fun of people with a Ukraine flag in their bio who couldn't find it on a map. If the FBI shows up at my house for any reason I will not talk to them without my lawyer present.
The problem with lies and liars is that they lose their power once people are wise to them. People laughing at the mention of the CDC is a great example of that.
This. This. This. THIS.
there are some 4 and 5 letter agencies in the mix i think. NIAID comes immediately to mind but i'm sure there are more
I though NIAID was an institute under NIH.
it is. but it still has to go. parts of the NIH probably may have some value.
I doubt that they have any value that could not be better realized outside of government. Anything IN government will soon be compromised and captured.
Yeah; the publishing service.
It would seem that the CDC is financed in part by the CDC Foundation, which is a non-profit. In other words... it would appear that the CDC is not fully a government agency. At least from the info that I have been able to find, which is difficult.
Here is an unverified list of who funds the CDC Foundation:
You are correct. It's a 5013c that likes to pretend it's a government agency.
Good, then they won’t care when the gov completely defunds them. Let them prove they deserve to exist by giving the US something valuable. If not, they’ll dissipate - not unlike any bad business.
CIA isn't gummint funded at all except pensions. It's self-funded, using drug smuggling, etc.
The black budget is a fascinating, really bad, cat. For example, the Bureau of Reclamation, which gets (dunno with extreme drought now) its funds from selling water and power, but is forced to pay really extortionate office rent to GSA (be sure to include them in the abolition list). I suspect most of that goes into the black budget. But if the Congress doesn't appropriate the funds, it isn't federal funding. Doesn't matter whether it's drugs, resale of arms "sent" to Ukraine, or rent diversion.
What happens to anyone in government if they lie? Nothing
No argument, but if we ignore them and/or use their own rules against them then they lose their power. Try not to let yourself fall into defeatism, they want us to think they are unstoppable and we have no choice but to go along.
We need to be smarter and sharper than they are. And that's not a very high bar to exceed, either.
No; they get retained and promoted for following SOP.
Yeah, CDC is a symptom not the disease. Simply cut it off and another agency will rise up to take its place. Remember when they disbanded the INS and we ended up with the Department of Homeland Security? Be careful what you wish for.
Who voted any of them our keepers?!
Even worse -
I think it’s both the Symptom and the Disease.
Yes - the humanly flawed, but still brilliant & truly educated Founding Fathers & anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry & Samuel Adams would definitely agree!
Then what?
Then, nothing. States can deal with these issues. It's called Federalism, right?
OK. But then we still have big pharma and big banks, who could get together with a social credit system and say, bimonthly multiboosters or you don't eat.
Rot all the way up and around.
Gotta start somewhere. Rome didn't burn in a day.
The fall of the Roman empire left a 6 or 800 year dark age in it's wake. And when the empire burns it is the innocent who suffer the most.
national banks used to be very limited, & we had lots of different state banks, that were only in limited areas. now we have Chase, Wells Fargo, etc that are huge national banks running the local, small, state banks out of business. just like Walmart, Target, etc. Get rid of the national banks, go bank to state banks only.
i have always said that it didn't pay to vote since 5 rich guys really ran the country and installed their puppet of choice in the WH. why do so many candidates promise so much and immediately change their tune the minute the election is called in their favor? because the henchmen of the 5 rich guys take them aside and offer veiled threats: "remember what happened to JFK? it would be so sad if...."
then i read the book 13 Bankers. ok, so maybe my number was off a bit but...
Big XXX is always and everywhere enabled by big government 'regulations' captured by the industry. Get rid of government 'oversight' and competition will take care of the rest.
We already tried that. The 1880's and 1890's were as "free market" without regulation as we have had in America, and mostly what we got were booms and busts and consolidation. There has to be some way to limit the monopoly effect more than invoking holy competition.
Don't forget that much of that was the consequence of Lincoln's 1860s crusade to turn the USA into a state-managed, mercantilist society. Not as free market as we think.
Those who've been red-pilled on Lincoln no longer see him as the 'saviour of the republic' but more as its nemesis. Read Thomas Di Lorenzo's "The Real Lincoln," if you are interested in learning about the things that the schools and modern press won't tell you.
Only government has that power.
Get the bulldozers warmed up?
And the wrecking balls
Nope. Bulldozers and wrecking balls knock stuff down and solve nothing. Solutions come in the form of scaffolds, guillotines, and firing squads.
Not in America please
Well said .
much easier to break shit than build anything. But I share the sentiment. I might rather keep the institutions if we could make examples of a few of the leadership, enough to scare the bejesus out of anyone who thinks capture by corporatism is good for America.
Maybe? I look at it like I would look at buying a business.
If it's just bad management; that can be changed.
If it's insolvent; well that can't.
That would be taking on too much risk, to only find out, even the best new management would most likely bankrupt you.
Both the fundamentals and it's management are broke...and it's captured.
Start over and decentralize into a more distributive model imo.
I'm hearing a lot lately about an open-source model. Transparency. That would show pretty much most of so-called science to be a fraud, and the people who push it. Pharma could no longer be the cartel it has become.
the irony is, here we are talking about decentralizing when the WHO is calling for one world centralization! what a bad idea! to ignore cultural, environmental, racial, agricultural, historic differences and try to subject everyone to one rule. insanity!
the WHO will need governments to enact it's dictates. If we take back our government, the WHO will have no power here.
Yes. That puts the fear of God in me.
The solution is to have the number of the guy/gal you call when you're dissatisfied with something. You know, like if you hire someone to do a job.
That's exactly why we need to decentralize and move to a distributive model.
International Bonfire Day!
Lock the doors first.
From the outside.
Not in America please
It's a metaphor for imposing capital punishment on the folks whose corruption and lies have led to many thousands of vaxx deaths in America alone.
The headline and subheadline from that link:
"American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims "Hundreds of Thousands" of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, "Millions" of Injuries. Is He Right?
I am inclined to say "Yes." Here is why."
I'm just trying to avoid the kind of bloodshed in America we saw in the French Revolution, where the orgy of killing got so out of control the ones who initiated the killing eventually lost their heads, and then some more people lost their heads, and then some more. Once that fire starts it becomes hard to stop and before long it becomes indiscriminate. I've been hearing a lot from a lot of quarters about civil war.
I get that. I don't want to see any unnecessary bloodshed. I'm fairly confident that our history of revolution and war is different enough from the French that we're not likely to devolve to their level of wanton bloodlust.
But what we're encroaching upon, IMO, is less like our Civil War and more like our American Revolution. The former was a moral struggle, the latter was due to a long train of abuses and usurpations evincing a design to reduce Americans under total despotism. Man, if the latter is not a spot-on description of what the Left and the Democrat Party are doing, and have been doing for a number of years, then nothing is.
I'd long been an absent Dem, mostly indifferent. When they went insane in 2016 and anything went and nothing mattered in trying to take him down, while sounding like intelligence whores about Russia, I went rogue. Now I see the party as enemies of the American experiment. Problem is, the Republicans are mostly stuck in the 20th century.
Disband all of these monolithic centralized and corrupted entities. Replace them with more nimble, transparent, decentralized ones. The time has come to DECENTRALIZE EVERYTHING. Like this:
Why stop there - get rid of all of it !
Collectively they're all one big FUC you know what.
Or at least WHO.
It's UNO (United Nations Organization) so it's fine with 3 letters. Heck, just abolish anything that resembles state centralized over the scope of a single city.
“these are not experts, they’re the marketing arm of big government’s big business totalitarian collaboration for plunder and profit. it’s not about safety, it’s about power.” -GAT🎯
Your comment that health data should all be open source is an excellent one! We could find a lot of medical mistakes if anonomyzed health and health care data were made available in open source for researchers.
We all need to keep repeating this message. Open is the only way to get away from regulatory capture.
i was complaining about the CDC back in 2016, they were/are compromised by the simple fact that they own patents in vaccines and vaccine tech. everything is compromised
"in a modern data age, the idea that we cannot do better with open systems of combined medical data provided by choice by the people themselves into secure, open source pools for competitive and transparent analysis checked and validated by real, universal peer review instead of the data suppression and shaping of the closed cloisters and cathedrals of policy is ridiculous."
When a few dozen of us started Primary Doctor Medical Journal,, this is exactly what we had in mind. We are all volunteers, with minimum four reviewers in peer review for each research paper (usually more), and a number of our published studies were written by people in other professions besides medicine, including from other fields, such as engineering and data analysis, which helps to bring in fresh perspectives.
Most importantly, we take no funding, and are committed to staying all volunteer, online only, lowest costs possible.
We are always open to expanding our group of reviewers and are always eager to see new writing on topics of public health, epidemiology, immunology and preventive medicine especially, as well as from other fields pertaining to human health.
Thank you.
Has anyone done the number-crunching to see how much is spent on the CDC, NIH, and FDA on an annual basis and how much could be returned back to every taxpaying American if we liquidated them? 💰
Similarly imagine if the amount spent per-student on "education" were able to be retained by the parents instead of sequestered in administrative purgatory while the student himself learns postmodern underwater basket-weaving.
If they didn't spend it, it wouldn't come back to the American taxpayer. It would be sent to some foreign country under the guise of aid money and then just get laundered back to the Elite. How else does a community organizer end up with a million-dollar house on the water?
10 million I think
All of which comes under the umbrella of the unconstitutional HHS, which goes through our tax dollars like shit through a goose. Lest we forget, it was Trump pick and swamp lord Alex Azar who headed up HHS and set us on the covid road to perdition.