I wonder if all of these people know they are pure-bred racists? Maybe they are color blind.

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A group of folks whose importance in the world is dwindling exponentially, and this picture perfectly illustrates why.

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Reality of Cornwall:

"All hell broke loose inside the – exclusive – G7 room when the Anglo-American axis, backed by spineless Canada, tried to ramrod the EU-3 plus Japan into an explicit condemnation of China in the final communiqué over the absolute bogus concentration camp “evidence” in Xinjiang. In contrast to politicized accusations of “crimes against humanity”, the best analysis of what’s really going on in Xinjiang has been published by the Qiao collective...Germany, France and Italy – Japan was nearly invisible – at least showed some spine. Internet was shut off to the room during the really harsh “dialogue”...The dispute essentially pitted Biden – actually his handlers – against Macron, who insisted that the EU-3 would not be dragged into the logic of a Cold War 2.0. That was something that Merkel and Mario ‘Goldman Sachs’ Draghi could easily agree upon....In the end the divided G7 table chose to agree on a Build Back Better World – or B3W – “initiative” to counter-act the Chinese-driven Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)...The White House, predictably, pre-empted the final G7 communiqué." -- Escobar

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yes, public theater. They want to remind you that the Delta variant is here (Britain cant fully reopen til July apparently) and Im sure the Omega variant is coming. China is prepping them for it and the Davos crowd -- everyone of these people pictured above, save for maybe Joe and Jill -- cant wait for it; another way to shove the riff raff in their place after Brexit and four years of Trump.

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digusting group here.... whos who of #FIREthemALL

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Here's another view of the demonic entity known at the queen at G7. Notice who is wearing masks? Only the proles in the background, not the Quality up front.


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colorized updated version of victoria's off spring at their family reunion before ww i... which one is harboring lenin?

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