Thank you! Needed that esp “these are mostly not james bond villains.

these are mostly scooby doo villains.”

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The problem isn't the scooby doo villains, it's the scooby doo voters that elect and empower these villains. The fact that only a few politicians paid a price for their pandemic incompetence in the last election is telling.

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How many are elected and how many are appointed? A lot of these politicians are simply "following the experts" that advise them.

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Pretty hard to believe in elections too these days...

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I'm of two minds on the election. It is hard to think that a Presidential campaign was won from down in his basement. On the other hand, 80% of our country got the vaccine. It was like instead of thinking to themselves"hey, maybe we should cool it on the propaganda, they doubled down and gave us all intellectual indian burns to force a large segment of us to roll up our sleeves.

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A bit of force was used on most, as I recall. Jabs for jobs.

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I can't find the spot where you questioned everything about the statement by General Jones. I'm not especially interested in refuting your statements. There's so much more than his statement that is available to those who look up and wonder at the "contrails" being much more numerous and quixotic in their formations.. I assume those of you on this substack (or whatever it is to you) questioned the covid narrative. It's good to be skeptical. You can find a lot of information on chem spraying, which is what the statement is about, if you look into it. Geoengineering is the official name. The Germans are especially angry about this practice. The United Nations had meetings about this practice and that is documented in their videos. It's even been on ABC with Ginger Zee (meteorologist?) defending it as cloud seeding. Cloud seeding uses silver iodide and is not effective unless there are clouds. This is cloud creation. I don't know where you live, but the practice is very observable around military AF bases, like Sheppard AFB in TX and the various AF bases in NM, Holloman, Kirtland, et al. I wonder why people who have been skeptical about the official covid narrative (maybe you weren't) have so much trouble doing a little research and investigation on this subject. Making the same ad hominem arguments as the covid folks. Look up and look it up. Or don't.

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The elected select the appointed, so it's still the same problem.

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How many were put in by the voting machine

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They'll do a lot more damage than Scooby Doo villains before it's all over.

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Already have.

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Reminds me of something a CIA guy said in a meeting once, when we were talking about a particularly incompetent terrorist group. "Don't think SPECTRE, think KAOS."

(Sadly only a few of us were old and/or retro enough to get the reference.)

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Missed it by *that* much!

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We also referred to our secure classified meeting room "the cone of silence".

Sigh... good times.

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"Writes Bacon & Beans & Bullets & Silver"

*makes intrigued noise*

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Sorry about that, Chief!

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Continual chaos does more damage than anything planned.

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I have said for years that the Omnipotent Class has tunnel vision, missing flies in the ointment like China, Islam, and conservatives. They make major unwarranted assumptions that end up with their Silver Bullets ricocheting and hitting them in the knees. Great Example: Media-certified global genius Klaus Schwabb's outrageous statement, "You will own nothing and you will be happy." followed by minions extolling the gastronomic delights of Insect Epicurianism. But what to do? For now, Ghandiesque Resistance is probably the most effective tactic. What if they gave a War Party and nobody came? Time and it's passage is a useful tool. Haste makes waste became a cliche based on it's truth. And truth, nowadays, takes time to winnow out of all the chaff blowing around in the hot air generated by our self-anointed "leaders".

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I do not underestimate them in any such way. These things have been planned for decades by those running the show now and for generations before them. I don't see haste, i see a long steady line of corruption and now we're moving headlong to the #GreatReset like a runaway train with no brakes.

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Regarding resistance in the mode of Ghandi: I have just checked with the Selective Service page. 7 categories. Still all male. Conscientious objectors: must register, if drafted, would have an opportunity to file for an exemption (i.e., that exemption is not guaranteed). New category: transgender: almost guaranteed an exemption. So what if a young man doesn't register? is he put in jail? in which case he is not fighting? I have been wondering about this lately, given the largesse funneled into Zelenskyiyiyiy's hands, and his claim that our sons and daughters would fight on Ukraine soil. I suppose that a birth certificate is the giveaway to the state of the existence of a male reaching his 18th birthday--so what if parents do not register the child's birth? Should we assume that all those illegals entering from our southern border get birth certificates for their newborns?

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A convincing villain thinks that he is the hero.

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Don Quixote thought he was the hero, too.

Even Rocinante knew otherwise.

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The other problem is that the "leaders" are mostly just charismatic puppets. If there are any super-villains, they stay behind the curtain.

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Exactly what this whole writing is missing. I think politicians are allowed so much corruption right now because that's how they are paid for their servitude.

Also the plan failed: how? Billions of people got coerced into taking the quakcine. I don't see any failure here...

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I agree! Best part.

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I think this is a consequence of governments getting so big that they ignore their core functions in order to focus on the graft. The answer is to strictly limit government to the things they should be doing -- although that's much easier said than done.


This crumbling of our economic pyramid is exacerbated when government ignores its core function (protecting our rights) and focuses on feel-good terms such as “equity” while allowing criminals to run rampant through a city.

When your residents aren’t safe to shop or work, you become a low-trust society and it’s impossible to build upon your pyramid — in fact your pyramid will contract (down to nothing if you allow it).

This type of stuff is happening up and down the west coast (and in Chicago), but instead of dealing with the serious problems facing Portland, Clown World governments fund Clown World “solutions”.

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Less government = more freedom

More freedom = more prosperity

More prosperity = more innovation

More innovation = opportunity for all

But all of this must come with education of the individual, to understand that with all freedoms also comes responsibility to have some level of self sufficiency.

What the cabal of evil and greed has done, is to trick people into believing the opposite. To believe that these pretend beneficent "leaders" have our interests in mind, when in fact all they do is manipulate the markets and systems more to benefit themselves at the cost of all the sheep who blindly believed their crap (dressed up with flashy colors and super model spokesmen).

Stand up for the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Ten Commandments and call out those who do not, for they are not, yet, worthy of your respect.

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Education avails nothing without morality.

"A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." -Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president (27 Oct 1858-1919)

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"One lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns."

V. Corleone.

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Very true. I agree completely, but was trying to be brief. Thank you for adding this key ingredient.

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And personal responsibility! I firmly believe most Americans would give up a shocking amount of freedom so the government can make the hard choices for them (and then they would have something to blame other than themselves)

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Less government = more freedom

More freedom = more prosperity

More prosperity = more innovation

More innovation = opportunity for all

You have enumerated the top 4 things on the NEAs "we must fix this" list of thought conditioning. Modern (the last 4 decades) education curriculum demonizes these principles as wrong. As unjust, as dangerous, as thoughts to be eradicated. It has been a successful campaign. And most recently as inherently racists favoring "white".

Not a complex conspiracy - in deed it is very, very simple. Mao explained it clearly as did Marx: control education and you control people in 2 generations.

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Wow, I had no idea. Even more reason to hate maoist/marxist of the NEA.

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I never advocate hate. Simply truth. Mao was a clever dude. Not to contradict our feline host, but the successful dictators are generally pretty clever. I don't think either Mao or Marx invented the idea - literacy was a carefully controlled skill in most places until fairly recently. Also I don't know the first to realize that education of the masses, if carefully controlled, would be so effective, but Mao certainly proved the concept.

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I can understand your statement, but see the word and idea of "hate" differently (maybe). "Hate" has its place to me, current popular perceptions aside. To hate because of one's immutable characteristics is generally bad. But to hate that which is destructive, without a constructive good, is why we are given the skills of discernment. To not hate something bad is to be passively accepting of all things, even those which harm. Among other things I hate marxism, I hate totalitarians, I hate liars, cheats and miscreants who are parasites of society, and I am mad that so many of our fellow citizens have taken the passive approach, not realizing that their choice to accept these encroachments on our freedoms is costing us dearly, but in blood, treasure and prosperity. Not advocating hate, just recognizing it has its place in the real world.

As to the cleverness of malevolent dictators, agreed most are, as are most sociopaths and psychopaths, just not in the usual ways. I think what el gato was getting at was debunking the "master plan" theory and leaning towards the mass psychosis ideas of many disconnected entities all following an ideology, and not some superficial mysterious leader.

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The Scots figured that out after the Reformation when they began establishing free public schools on the village level, for men and women, so that everyone might read the Bible in the vernacular and decide for themselves what it meant.

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It is a winning strategy for a free people. Not so good for wanna be rulers who generally despise the "decide for themselves" part. Literacy makes people much harder to dominate and oppress. Which is why public education has become anti-literacy and actually strives to instill an institutionalized ignorance that discourages (disables) real thinking.

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Exactly this. "The American Dream" was being able to do whatever you wanted in order to get by -- an opportunity that was first (and for a while only) available in America because that's where we built up our wealth pyramid through (mostly) voluntary transactions instead of central planning.

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The wealth pyramid being built was constructed by the Fed, not the people. Yes, there were some honest and positive contributions within the spiderweb, but what you see now was ALWAYS the plan. Build it up, drain it out.

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Nah, the real wealth pyramid is constructed way before the Fed, the Fed is the one that ruins the real economy with the fake economy of money printing. But yes, their plan was always to steal the real wealth out from under us with fake money.

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IMO you are both right.

The wrongful redistribution of wealth from the people who produce it to the people who produce nothing wasn't invented in the U.S. (Cantillon money was invented in Bourbon France, for example).

But U.S. mechanism for doing that was founded in the Fed.

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"Democracy - the great experiment."

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And counting down to "food deserts and the old people can't get their prescriptions filled because those evil corporations won't open a store here..."

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When the anchor stores pull out of the mall, the rest are not far behind. I read a recent article about SF and Nordstrom's pulling out of the area. A bunch of support stores were concerned. Without that traffic (and likely security prescence) they were not long for it either.

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A great point!

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i never understood when Reagan would say he wanted a government so small he could drown it in the bathtub. i get it now.

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Laura Ingraham was interviewing a guy on the street amid the filth and tents in San Francisco. She asked him about it, and while he didn't like how things were, he said "You get used to it." That's how people get neutered.

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You know what I’m going to say, el gato:

Mistakes Were NOT Made


You’re right, the two ideas you present of idiots incapable of handling crusted PB&Js and super-genius super-villains are inconsistent.

But what we actually have is mediocre super-villains (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-klaus-schwab), Malthusian philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams), and tyrants (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant) directing incompetent colluders (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) like Midazolam Matt (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to) and financially incentivizing hospicide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis).

As Milton Mayer writes in “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45”:

“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”

You said it yourself:

“we had 100 years of known and knowable pandemic guidelines and data to tell us so.”

So why did COVID policies represent a 180-degree turn from every established protocol for handling similar situations over the past century? See the “Retrospective in Whys” I dashed off for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation for just a few examples:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

Bret Weinstein’s tweet (https://twitter.com/BretWeinstein/status/1637625021651890176) in response to Tess Lawrie’s reading of “Mistakes Were NOT Made” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a) sums it up:

“Incompetence will produce an arbitrary response. It will NOT produce the inverse of an excellent response.

“Question after question the advice was upside down. Stay inside. Wait to treat. Ignore natural immunity. Ignore Vit-D. Mask and Vaccinate your kids

“Mistakes Were Not Made”

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I agree with you in large part, Margaret Anna. (The obvious Malthusian acolytes really piss me off!) That said, the bureaucrats and their response was along, in far too many cases, what Bad Cat terms, "the low energy path." To be absolutely clear, I do not think psychopaths cannot also engage in conspiracies. I just think this time was a huge conflagration of assholery and buffoonery that happened to also enrich otherwise clueless Western busybodies, of which Gates is but one shining example.

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i think lots of them HAVE grand plots.

they just suck at actually implementing them (short of using crushing, boot on the face violence) and so the game gets away from them.

gates is the clever squirrel that stays mostly outside, grabs the nut, then runs and leaves the rest holding the bag while he changes jerseys.

but he and the davos gang are just playing at legal plunder and smash and grab. they have no stomach for the kinds of violence needed to impose true/durable authoritarian structures and they used up A LOT soft capital on this one.

the organizations (like WHO) they run are now in severe disrepute.

you'll love the coming gates stack.

you can diagram the whole smash and grab.

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I look forward to the coming Gates stack with bait on my breath. Or whatever...

Another substacker extraordinaire, eugyppius, described Gates in a way that gave me pause and put him in excellent perspective. Gates actually THINKS he knows what is best. He has enough money to put some of his assholery into motion. When push comes to shove, his grand plots usually ends up hurting more than it helped, but somehow, the loot continues to roll in, and, as you so accurately note, he can change jerseys, enjoy the "nuts" he collected, and keep it moving. If I didn't detest him so much, he'd be a great role model.

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The first part of my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series delves into Bill Gates if you haven’t yet read it:


Also, this grilling of Gates by an extraordinarily brave host is well worth a watch:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/1x6NXQFVKDIV/ [thanks to NY for pointing out this is a deep fake, but it is entertaining, nevertheless]

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Your term "Philanthropath" is just perfect. It describes so many people.

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Thank you, CMCM! I am grateful to everyone who has helped it gain currency and aided with my mission to inextricably bind it to Bill Gates.

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"they just suck at actually implementing them"

Which doesn't necessarily mean without harm.

Even when their plans fail, they can stir up plenty of Chaos - or KAOS - so that even if they don't win, there's a whole mess of us who lose.

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My thinking has swayed...

We should all be persuadable if presented with persuasive evidence.

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Absolutely. Chaos, incompetence and sheer stupidity leads to more death and destruction than planning, competency and intelligence. Just look at the covid me-too freakout and the bioweapon virus and shots. Now it has pivoted to electric me-too freakout. Expect the banning of gas to roll across the US:


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"they have no stomach for the kinds of violence needed to impose true/durable authoritarian structures"

Truth. Hopefully it stays this way.

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Soros hired Antifa. Only 800 members spread throughout America. There are the UN troops of course. But...

If 500 US towns and counties could muster armed militias of 1,000 apiece, 100 in Canada, and say 2,000 others throughout the once free world, the UN troops would have to spread themselves thin. There are the CCP troops, but I understand they're dealing with uprisings at home. Seems the "compliant" Chinese citizens have had enough too.

I'm not calling for "takin back the capital." I'm calling for telling the capital to leave us alone. No more lockdowns! And no landgrabs for Fink either. Let him come out here in person and demand our property. A lot of us would be happy to greet him.

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🗨 The contemporary Left is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, either you strip it naked by force, or it eats you.

🗨 I hate government rescue plans. Whenever the government comes to my rescue, I drown.

(H/t Itxu Díaz for both)

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"a huge conflagration of assholery and buffoonery"


Thank you, The Wiltster. That is exactly what I was attempting to convey, but you said it more concisely :-)

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Somebody should be writing these things down...

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You are very kind. I have my moments! :-)

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And to your point....mistakes were not made....and quite frankly the moves and planning coordinated all too well with the agenda in action in other sectors....like education, energy, finance, environment, etc.

In other words, this was not botched shot in the public health sector....it was a chapter out of a much more comprehensive plan/agenda that had nothing to do with trying to respond to a virus on the loose.

Too many coincidences on too many fronts and too many pieces falling into place....

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Exactly. I wish people would stop describing these people as stupid and/or incompetent. They are neither. They are implementing their plans while far too many people sit around twiddling their thumbs. Perhaps they are stepping on each other at times as they go about their destruction, but we should never, never underestimate what they are trying to do.

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Yes. This is absolutely correct:

Incompetence will produce an arbitrary response. It will NOT produce the inverse of an excellent response.

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why would that be so?

it's not that incompetent people act randomly, they act stupidly and when they are mostly pulled from the literal rubes inhabiting the politicize ideological remains or that which was once a grift, they are not only stupid, but convinced of staggering and dangerous lies that they think are deep truths. so they go try to put them into action having no idea they are bad ideas.

so of course it's the opposite of the excellent. grifts always are.


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I don't disagree totally with gato's postulate. But the medical-pharmaceutical complex has been planning for an economic takeover for a long time. Whether they engineered this or just took advantage when the opportunity presented itself, at some level, someone said, "It's go time." Of course, there are a lot of interesting psychological concepts in play, but there was a lot of manipulation, too. And promises made behind the scenes, and bribery with money and power and position, too.

And on top of that, there is the unwavering belief in "modern medicine," a belief held by those in the profession and most of the general public.

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It's been go time for decades with these folks, harkening back to AIDS. The reason I was a skeptic from the outset is that I've been hearing about these terrible outbreaks of Avian Flu, H1N1, SARS, Ebola for as long as I can remember. The Fauci/CDC/Big Pharma cartel tried over and over to start a panic and failed every time.

Finally this time, probably because they had parts of the US government that wanted Trump gone (and China as well) cooperating to help with the optics, this time the plan worked.

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Not only parts of the US govt wanted Trump gone, but a huge portion of the population were so afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome that they lost all common sense and went along with - even begged for - ridiculous restrictions.

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*nods slowly*

Didn't get at first but...

"so of course it's the opposite of the excellent. grifts always are."

Yes. Grift. *nods again*

This, I think, is what is known as a Root Cause.

It's not random. Just stupid.

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"idiots incapable of handling crusted PB&Js"

I also loved this and have moved it to #1 on My List of Favorite Insults.

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"team clown"? Seriously? How am I supposed to break this to Mrs. Clown?

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sorry amigo.

i know you get lumped in with some bad sorts.

take pride in being the exception that proves the rule.

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This! "these are mostly not james bond villains. these are mostly scooby doo villains." Has taken me a while, likely too long, to reach a similar conclusion. I would state it thusly, as per a recent Tweet, "I am inclined to conclude that many, if not most, people believed, during the early portion of what I now refer to as The Great Covid Dumpster Fire™, that our public health response was being led by people comparable to Dr. Benton Quest and Race Bannon. What we actually got was people closer to Boris Badenov and Natasha, with a heaping helping of Yogi and Boo-Boo." A LOT of Yogi and Boo-Boo!

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nothing reveals "woo-woo" like having to get in the ring and fight a few rounds.

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"The Great Covid Dumpster Fire™ "

Sure, sure. That's a great Tagline.

But, Dude... How'd you do the superscript in Substack comments? HTML tags don't work.

If this is money thing, you let me know.

If you have the wares, Pi has the coin.

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I have no wares to sell, Kind Sir. On the phone my keyboard has a bunch of such symbols, e.g., ™, ®, ©, and even £. On my laptop, it was a trivial copy/paste from Evernote.

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"Kind Sir."

*thought rumbles about in head seeking target*

Oh. Me.

It turns out that I'm on my phone and had only thought to use emojis from it.


Whoa... π Guy hehehe

√(-1) = i (or j if you're in EE)

So now I just copy them onto my laptop.

For an IT Guy, sometimes I really struggle with techy gadget things. *hangs head*

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"it was too much, too fast, and too clearly wrong. the models and interventions were testable in real time, the effects obvious, the prices widely paid and highly visible."

The great relief when reeling in horror at the prospect of technocracy comes from the iron knowledge that technocracy always fails.

Of course, it can do tremendous damage on the way to the graveyard. When I lived in eastern Europe, I thought often about what could have been. What might Hungary, Poland, Russia, (or the Asian countries of which I know far less and in some ways endured greater horrors: Cambodia, Vietnam, China) have been today without the boot upon their necks for so long? But we take the White Pill where we can.

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it either falls apart from generating such calamity or it resorts to extreme violence.

i don't think this gang has the stomach for the violence and this play to make it about softer power like CBDC and "everything passports" has been too nakedly revealed to fool most.

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I sincerely hope you're right about that. We'll see how successful the CBDC push is over the coming months.

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Let us hope the "CBDC push" fails to start the Great Reset.

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I suspect you’re right, not only in terms of stomach but also in terms of desire. They don’t have the ideological fervor. They just want to stay comfortable and protect their sinecures. And they may not be totally naive to the fact that the Jacobins eat their own

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Yes. And I have to wonder... despite the majority of the middle seeing stuff go pear shaped, the only ones who will stop it are us. And I’m not seeing signs of that.

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My observation is that just having these conversations is stopping it. There WAS an agenda, whether evil mastermind or clowncar bureaucrat, to bring everything under technocratic rule. "Own nothing and be happy" makes life better for them whether they are serious bad guys are just banal ones. Acquiescence to Covid restrictions was a godsend for the planners; they would happily have kept that ball rolling right into Pennyworth's gutter. But they weren't able to because we wouldn't shut up. We talked amongst ourselves but we did it where anyone could see, and more and more people came looking and couldn't unsee it.

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Rare point of disagreement.

While I agree that the municipal, provincial and federal bureaucrats operate at scooby antagonist level competencies, the underlying foundation of the totalitarian MO is built upon the rock of more astute authoritarians in the NGO’s.

The main ingredient in the caldron of totalitarian control was the relentless censorship. The suppression of countering narratives in the public square was the binding force that upheld everything from grocery store arrows to masking toddlers to segregating society based on getting a needle prick.

Without the total control of ideas that the regime maintained, the narrative would have spontaneously combusted.

Without the veiled foundation of control, we wouldn’t have seen the first chapter of ‘lock-step’ implemented.

Sure, the dates and economic outcomes are wrong but we are merely starting chapter 2.

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"The main ingredient in the caldron of totalitarian control was the relentless censorship"

*Tater has entered the chat*


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"Enforced cooperation" should get some kind of award for Authoritarian Euphemism of the Week.

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It can't be said enough that "stupid" and "evil" aren't mutually exclusive explanations.

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They knew their injections will cause harm at high rates and they simply didn’t care. They wrote the book on how to mandate their poison and continued to force people. In face of overwhelming data they never stopped. When they were done with adults they continued onto kids. They made everyone complicit in the cover up. Health system is lobotomised and all trust in public institutions is gone. There is no excuse for the damage done. Some places had it much worse than the US...

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They may indeed be fools, but they're going to cause a lot of damage along the way. Look at the whole J6 "Insurrection". We have innocent people languishing in prison for going on a guided tour. And no one is getting them out. And these elitists flout that as a warning to anyone else who dares protest. So yes, they will ultimately fail, but what will be left behind? I fear it will resemble Mad Max 4 - fun to watch, but I wouldn't want to live there.

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They may indeed be fools, but "they're going to cause a lot of damage along the way"

Only just 20 minutes ago, I was just glad they were fools and failed.

But, alas, you are correct. This is not without a lot of harm.

Not random. Just stupid.

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And stupid, as we know, goes clear to the bone!

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It just won't scrub off!

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For a couple of years during the first Bush administration I was a low-level policy drone at Hudson Institute. We used to belch out the same sort of predictable chin-stroking NGO BS but from the center-right. I suppose if I went back and looked I could find one or two things I nailed. I'm sure 95% of it was utter twaddle. A guy down the hall was churning out articles, columns, and eventually an entire book about how were were going to have to lock up all the "homosexuals" or we would all die of AIDS by the year 2010.

Addendum. OH. MY. GOD. Someone has a copy of one of my white papers for sale on Amazon. Un-frickin-believable.


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Nice review! They seem to have only 1 copy. Amazon is amazing!

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The Pandemic Panic Narrative and all the serial lies and corruptions it spawned gave me new appreciation for Hannah Arendt's phrase "The Banality of Evil."

To my mind it describes the like of Anthony Fauci perfectly.


The evil is undeniable--but it exists because of petty little bureaucratic thinkers like Fauci, people who blindly worship and bind themselves to "the system". No, these people are not clones of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, nor of Khan Noonian Singh. They are not Lex Luthor. They're not even plausible imitations of the Devil himself.

They are small-minded, petty, vicious little men, with no thought but their own greed or their own sinecure (or both). They exploit people because that's how bureaucracies and systems operate.

This doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. It does mean they are far from invincible.

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I have been scolded for introducing this subject into these sorts of posts, but I'm going to do it in the interest of free speech and also with the thought that this is the most important thing that people should try to rise up against, though it may be too late. I think covid may have been an exercise of a sort - maybe not entirely planned, but taken advantage of - to see how far people could be pushed in order to get this agenda accepted. It is happening all over the world now, and very blatantly. Here goes. “When people look up into the sky and see white trails paralleling and crisscrossing high in the sky, little do they know that they are not seeing ‘condensation’, but instead are witnessing a man-made ‘climate engineering CRISIS’ facing all air-breathing humans and animals on planet earth. These white aircraft spray-trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals. These toxic atmospheric aerosols are used to alter the weather patterns creating droughts in some regions, and deluges and floods in other locations. Even extreme cold can be created by climate engineering under other conditions. Unfortunately, these unfolding catastrophes are not capturing the attention of America’s citizen nor politicians. Weather warfare has already almost reached beyond possibility of devastation of all mankind and animals. It is that serious, and it is time-limiting.”

Signed: General Charles Jones, Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force.

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Yeah, OK. Who is General Charles Jones, Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force? Where does this citation appear? What is the funding and organization doing this "chemtrail" stuff? I know there have been ongoing atmosphere studies in various places for test purposes of limited scope and duration but haven't searched for the agencies responsible. Not ready to accept any regularity and expect efforts to control weather have been not particularly useful.

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I'm not especially interested in refuting your statements. There's so much more than his statement that is available to those who look up and wonder at the "contrails" being much more numerous and quixotic in their formations.. I assume those of you on this substack (or whatever it is to you) questioned the covid narrative. It's good to be skeptical. You can find a lot of information on chem spraying, which is what the statement is about, if you look into it. Geoengineering is the official name. The Germans are especially angry about this practice. The United Nations had meetings about this practice and that is documented in their videos. It's even been on ABC with Ginger Zee (meteorologist?) defending it as cloud seeding. Cloud seeding uses silver iodide and is not effective unless there are clouds. This is cloud creation. I don't know where you live, but the practice is very observable around military AF bases, like Sheppard AFB in TX and the various AF bases in NM, Holloman, Kirtland, et al. I wonder why people who have been skeptical about the official covid narrative (maybe you weren't) have so much trouble doing a little research and investigation on this subject. Making the same ad hominem arguments as the covid folks. Look up and look it up. Or don't. Also the government is ready to pretend that they are just starting to spray aerosols. It's on CNBC or one of those legacy media outlets.

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As someone who's been in the military for 23 years, I can say that my near uniform experience with those in command is that they choose the least riskiest option and often act because they think their bosses will disapprove if they don't.

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And from what I was hearing at the most intense time of VaxxFest, summer-fall 2021, I believe that many (--not all but many--) but of the individuals who took it upon themselves to impose jab mandates viewed it that way at the time-- the least riskiest option, and to garner most approval. And, boy howdy, did they flub that.

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Excellent points. But don't forget that even stupid people can harm us. A stupid mad scientist is as dangerous as a brilliant one.

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