I have the Fred slide in my elephant deck. Clearly, great minds think alike. But your analysis was more more thorough than mine

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ben prompted me on this one, so i give credit to him.

(well, and to twitter. i get way more interested in things they suppress...)

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and this is only the beggining ... check out amyloidosis ... we need to learn more about this previously very rare illness.


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Amyloidosis, like Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, decidual cast shedding, cerebral venous sinuous thrombosis, etc.... , will become more common than rare. And the "vaccine" induced version of it will probably be more aggressive.

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Just watch out for plants in the MSM along the lines of "stop eating meat, risk of CJD" (aka Mad Cow); increase in Alzheimers possible due to climate change and rising sea levels; scientists are baffled by the increase in SADS, think it may be linked to long covid; etc etc.

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Kinda like all of the athletes dropping dead. Who knew that all of these young, healthy, fit individuals all had previously undiagnosed heart issues? Who would have thought that our medical community is so incompetent that these heart issues/problems were NEVER identified in one of the many physicals these athletes were subjected to at least yearly? Wow! It's all so baffling! Why have so many died in the past year? What is different? What has changed? These officials, reporters, etc. must be complete idiots!



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How terrible must all those doctors be that give professional athletes, college athletes and even high school athletes physicals to compete that they are missing this many health problems?

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I was unaware Creutzfeldt-Jakob was associated with the vaccine. Maybe coincidence but a pretty lefty buddy of mine recently died of this rare disease. I know he was a big time vax guy and he worked for the city which required the vax for employment.

He told a guy he worked with that he thought he was losing his mind or something, and then within 6 months he was dead. I was really curious how in the hell this guy would have gotten CJD, and this makes sense. No way to prove it likely, but sure makes me curious. If it is a vaccine injury, I can guarantee it didn't get reported that way which would lead me to believe this "vaccine" is even worse than the numbers show.

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Chris: Please read this:

Twitter made a huge mistake. I was right about prion diseases. They were wrong. Surprised?


Normally it takes a few years for people diagnosed with CJD to die. With covid shot-induced it's very quick.

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Exactly. People can’t face that what they did killed their loved ones. It’s bad. Really bad.

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Usually takes at least 10 years to kill you. Not now. It’s taking months from first diagnosis. SCARY!!

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If a person were to try to donate blood or plasma in the US, it would be enough to permanently defer someone (their wording, not mine) if they lived in the UK for more than 6 months total between the years of 1980 and 1997 (inclusive), because of the risk of variant CJD, even after 25 to 42 years.

The outbreak of vCJD that ravaged the UK and (to a lesser degree) continental Europe (mainly France) killed ~230 people, which is not a lot given how much hype there was. The so-called vax is a lot more deadly than that, but it would strain credulity to think that the same FDA that continues to allow pharma companies to sell their (liability shielded) experimental vaccines after they approved the branded versions... and of course it was the FDA that also approved those branded versions. I guess some diseases are more equal than others too.

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In Lawyer Aaron Siri's October, 2021 substack he writes about Dr. Patricia Lee and the terrible things she's witnessed since the covid shot rollout. Please read her statement (a link is in his article).

Dr. Patricia Lee

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC ignore reports of serious Covid-19 vaccine injuries from highly credentialed pro-vaccine ICU physician


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Yes, as it is with vaccine-induced CJD.

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probably it is already plenty of amyloidosis out there, but difficult to diagnose it.

autopsies will give the answer in only mr. fauci allowed it, instead .gov is giving free money to cremate corpses.

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Hard to hit the "like" button here, I agree but it's so sad, "like" doesn't describe it. But yeah. I've lost some people but no autopsies so far. It's like the families don't really want to know. Because they do know.

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They've been doing this with heart attacks and stroke, saying young people and kids have them more than we think (what?!) and the local high school now have posters warning of the signs, with AED machines prominently featured everywhere. Terrible trend.

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Sickness is the new normal. I wonder if all these allergic and asthmatic and autistic children are new normal from former jabs. I know several doctors think autism is caused by it.

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Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD)/prion reports in VAERS since the deployment of the COVID-19 injections has far surpassed the background rate for the U.S. for the year.


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Dr Rose has several stacks related to the amyloidogenesis and prion issues. More info can be found on Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh's stuff (easily found on-line, Seneff has videos on Odysee and Rumble i think).

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Yes, Walter Chestnut, et al were on to something, weren't they?

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Is Walter a @gato pal?

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I don't know.

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dont think so. for one thing WMC research has been focusing mainly on amyloidosis. unfortunately, it looks like this is it. difficult to diagnose, can be in various organs (biopsy needed to diagnose) and there is no cure. the perfect thing really if fauci at al were trying smt. https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/severe-covid-long-covid-and-spike?s=r

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You still owe me a phone call by the way ;)

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Almost like censorship spontaneously generates Catnip!

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apparently Censored tweets ARE the Catnip or Tuna to Gato :)

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Were there disabilities reported in the Pfizer trial data? I'd imagine this adds evidence to the colossal case for criminal fraud.

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Trial was manipulated to avoid accumulating this data. Shortened test timeframe, smaller sample, specific instructions to only report covid, no followup, etc. They knew about much of this, but didn't want to KNOW. You know?

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And don't forget most likely a complete fantasy. Site #4444 we're looking at you, kid.

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this is something to keep an eye on. I wonder if anyone is doing this in other countries. This can hardly be coincidence, knowing what we know from testimonies (the sen. Johnson conference and others )

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Thank you again for adding it. There are also a lot of sub datasets that go with it I did not put into the graph that tell a broader picture of what is occurring.

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So I work at a community health center also in the Midwest. I do diabetic education and I find that the majority of the people I see literally do not want to take any responsibility for their care. I had several people ask me for disability one was chronic low back pain and the other was a type one diabetic who had done drugs and claimed he could not work due to poor short-term memory. It was hard for me to give these people disability.

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I rarely saw people like that who were further down that pipeline of getting approved for disability. The ones I saw normally had more compelling reasons. Those cases on the surface sound like the examples I was describing of people who disability would not benefit.

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And both of you were responsible people who said no. Given that often disability claims require time and effort to establish, their rapid growth is a marker. Of course there are dishonest people on both sides of claims but not that many.

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Hello Steve... nice to see you here :)...

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i lurk usually :)

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We massively appreciate you both. Can’t offer enough praise for all the deep diving you two are engaged in. Blessings.

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Perhaps vaccine injuries correlate to illness-related work adsences? Steep rise from Nov. 2021 to Jan 2022. (Link to graph: https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/7-8-million-workers-had-an-illness-related-work-absence-in-january-2022.htm ).

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Thank you for this. Tritorch is working on another graph to make this case from a different dataset we are working with.

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Wow, I really appreciated that BA.4 BA.5 post earlier today, and now it is followed up with this.

Thank you very much!

Substack seems to be filled with folks and cats who almost singlehandedly provide more accurate, useful and interesting news than the whole msm.

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This is the way.

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And I am eternally grateful for all of you!

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Can I triple like your comment?

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Hello! A few of my readers linked me to this post. I wrote on this topic 2 days ago. I've worked in the disability services so I have a bit of familiarity with how the data works etc.

I tried to put everything relevant to this together so it could be well intrepreted here. There are a bunch of other datasets that go with that I linked to that need to get dissected by data analysts and tell a much broader picture of what's happening. If you and your colleagues want to do that, that would be very appreciated. I just made a few quick bulletpoints to highlight what I could see in the graphs.


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A Midwestern Doctor also did a good piece on this data: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/a-massive-spike-in-disability-is?s=r. It sure looks provocative to me.

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Seems his long experience and humanity have given him a rare but based take on disability. Thanks for the link.

'I found the majority of claimants I saw did not want to be disabled, had tried over and over to get better, hated going through the process and were only doing this because they had no other choice left.'

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Yes, truly disabled people only resort to disability pensions or insurance as a last resort after trying everything they possibly can.

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Was just jumping in here to say the same!

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Jun 10, 2022
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Yeah, I just discovered his Substack recently. It’s very insightful.

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We were just discussing the fact that there are still Now Hiring signs everywhere; how are people who aren’t working supporting themselves? Apparently on disability…

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Bingo. I keep wondering why my local services and suppliers can’t find help- how do the workers pay rent?! Now we may know.

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Yes, more are "on disability". The question is whether more are actually disabled? Neighbor of mine was skimming the system for a year...

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Just one neighbor skimming the system? Seems low to me.

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That had always been an issue though. Something changed, and biggly! That people milk systems is a constant in the universe like gravity.

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Quackcines are just the leading cause of all coincidences.

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Quackcines. Love it. Right up there with vaxecutions!

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Yup. Gotta have some humor to avoid all day tears.

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Vaccidents happen after quackcines.

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There's my friend. I love your posts!

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Very very very thoughtful. As always. You asked "anyone seeing flaws here? what are we missing? is there another explanation?" I think you need to control for economic factors (unemployment and poverty).

Historically, disability rates are tied to economic downturns (unemployment and poverty). I'm not clear on the exact mechanism but unemployed and poor people have vastly more pain and tend to apply for disability at higher rates than the general population. I think the reason is that disability benefits generally pay out more than unemployment benefits so if you can get disability, you should go for that. That's what you see in Dopesick -- the factory or mine closes, unemployment skyrockets in the town, people are dealing with chronic pain, they apply for disability, and then Pharma figured out how to take all of their money by getting them addicted to opioids.

FRED would have good charts on unemployment and poverty throughout this whole period.

That being said, unemployment benefits were very very generous during the pandemic -- so no real reason to apply for disability instead. And I eyeballed the chart and I could not see a correlation between the economic downturn in April, May, June of 2020 and a rise in disability (in fact disability went down in this period).

So you very well may have hit the target. But it would be worth plotting against unemployment and against poverty to see if there is any correlation there.

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There was also quite some shutdown in healthcare in the US during 2020. Taking the series back to the beginning, I am seeing a rising trend (expected for ageing population) in general, that levelled off a bit just prior to 2020. It's not a surprise that it starts rising again, and more rapidly, as people play catch-up with their disability applications after lockdowns (and maybe more are encouraged to do so by having been laid off during the pandemic).

The problem with this endpoint is the myriad of interlocking human decisions (patient - should I apply? Doctor - should I approve?) that contribute to it, and the large number of constantly changing factors (covid itself, the NPIs, vaccination) that can influence it.

If we have any hope of killing off Team Lockdown and Team Forced Vaccination with data (I don't think we do, they are too emotionally invested) we have to stick to all-cause mortality, which is, and always was, the only important, and unbiased, metric in terms of tracking the net effect of covid and the various responses to it. From that it is obvious that highly paranoid places did not have better overall outcomes than less paranoid places. At best the NPIs achieved somewhat lower first-wave covid deaths at the expense of higher second-wave covid deaths (and all the other costs of lockdowns, masks and so on).

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Sure, disability claims would likely rise, but would they rise, fall, then rise again in sync with vaxx drives?

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Certainly not, but it does add noise to the signal.

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I’m thinking along the same lines. I recall disability numbers going up when the 2008 recession hit and correlating very well to economic decline. It definitely should be considered.

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But the "help wanted" signs everywhere, at every level, do not support laid off workers going for disability instead of unemployment. There's strong competition for labor still, good pay and benefits, and actual bidding wars in some places. Probably depends on your area, blue lockdown see have probably suffered more economically than the red areas where life is normal.

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I was going to say same. This is a pernicious cycle of swirling confounders. Lots of scamdemic retirements to avoid jab, lots of taking disability not previously needed but calculus changed and they supplement with gig jobs like ride-sharing, lots of economic factors at play with the medical, plus the deaths of working age people play into the "help wanted" phenomenon. The pressure to vax was applied through employers, not throughpublic assistance programs.

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This is where a right proper econometric analysis would be really nice. Track 15 different variables across the same time span and calculate the relative contribution of each. I doubt an adequate data set exists for this though.

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Of course there's enough data. I would use locations to tease out the economic impact of the disability numbers. Blue lockdown-recessed areas vs red economically thriving areas. Then compare the disability claims, and if possible, look at time from filing claim to granting it to see if there's a factor of the increase tied to catching up to the backlog. Lots of proxies out there to flesh out the picture. And I'd run same analysis on 2008 to compare.

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Edward Dowd on GETTR is going down the same rabbit hole, with deaths and disability. He has insurance data and I believe this whole thing will get worse before it gets better. These vaccines are bad news.

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I don't buy it, not because I think much of the vaccine but because the disability system is such total bs. I see it among my workers -- social security disability claims rise when people are looking for a way to exit the workforce but still make some money. I think what you are seeing is related to COVID but is in fact people faking a disability or reporting an existing one in order to bail from the work force. It could actually have been the threat of vaccination mandates, so 2nd order related to vaccines, that caused some folks to want to exit the workforce. Perhaps some are using long COVID as an excuse, but I know for a fact, because I have seen it, that getting a social security disability requires will, not an actual disability.

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hey amigo, good to see you here.

some good food for thought here.

the second order idea is interesting, but i have some doubts. it happened too early for that, at least the first impulse did. mandates were not really prevalent or being applied yet in march.

and the two impulse nature of the rise seems to fit better with the 2 impulse vaccine/booster programs than with anything economic or mandate driven.

the wild card here is the incredible amount of PPP and jacked up welfare/unemployment payments. that took A LOT of people out of the workforce and paid them quite a lot. why do disability when that was so easy?

OTOH, as that finally wound down, maybe the desire to keep not working was strong.

does anyone have any good data on the size and timing of those payments and programs?

that could be an interesting alt explanatory variable.

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I don't think the PPP deluge had anything to do with it. I let 70 people go in late March 2020. Not one claim. I stay in touch with hundreds of other biz owners who are clients. I have never heard any of them mention anything about disability as it relates to this. I even made a few phone calls yesterday and this morning to biz owners I've known for years. None of them had seen ANY claims.

Anecdotal but thought I'd throw in my two cents.

I'm sure I could find published data on this though

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The way I understand it, this data is taken from household surveys, not disability claims or insurance settlements.

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see data in long trend, social security disability applications go way up in bad economic times


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one thing to add to consideration:

all cause mortality remains quite elevated in US in every age group save 85+ (who got depleted so much already) and that timing aligns similarly and spikes again post commencement of vaccination campaigns.

this may give us some hints on cause.

it seems unlikely that people are faking that to get out of work.


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oh i would totally fake mortality to get out of my job. that would be wonderful

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Good one

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People dropped from the workforce for many reasons BEFORE mandates. There was a year of bullcrap virtual school that required/preferred a parent to be home with them, there were nonsensical masking/distancing measures, some were afraid of the virus, some quit to move somewhere less covid crazy and more open. People left for the gig economy, to be independent contractors and to start self employment. This is not a traditional economic downturn, everybody's trying to fill openings, there's bidding wars and wages are going up to fill open spots, plus benefits. Even my part-time unskilled teen gets $14/hr, two weeks paid time off and profit sharing! With inflation going bananas, hard to believe able-bodied people are sitting home on disability or unemployment unless they live somewhere covid-depressed. People have to pay their bills somehow. Point being there's lots of likely confounders swirling around.

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Yep, agree here. I work in a field with a lot of social security disability shenanigans going on, and stats based on claims should be treated with high suspicion. People scam those disabilities like buying scratch off lotto. But still, it will be interesting to watch how this angle develops.

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That's always been true in some areas.

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Counting down until FRED tool data has a 'server migration.'

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not sure you can rule out this being covid related or lockdown related though...getting onto disability takes many months and one would expect a lag...

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if it were, why didn't it start earlier and why do the disability inflections so closely and consistently follow the vaccine exposure inflections?

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good questions. But all I can tell you is the road to disability takes a LONG TIME. Shortest i have seen is 6 months. The norm closer to 15

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keep in mind, this is not benefits paid. it's reporting to the current population household survey so you may be considering a different set of hurdles.

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Yes, I was going to say that as well. A Midwestern Doctor, who initially mistook this data for benefits paid, corrected his article and explained what this disability data means: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/a-massive-spike-in-disability-is?s=r.

Disability benefits paid would be very rough data because people use it as welfare, which is more likely to happen when the economy is bad, and there is also a lag before approval, which would make it tough to look at the correlation with vaccination uptake.

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Ah my bad...not sure how that works exactly...

can we get SS data?

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perhaps it didn't start earlier because of PPP money and other helicopter money drops early in the lockdowns to keep people "employed"

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Could include many people that didn't really notice PASC until they started returning to normalish life in 2021. That was my experience.

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What’s PASC?

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Post acute sequelae of covid, which vary widely and has no doubt become a catch all label for ppl who feel bad and don't know why. That doesn't mean sars2 doesnt have long term affects.

My sequelae is POTS like symptoms, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. After heavy exertion I have waves of palpitations and fainting, which all started with a respiratory infection in January 2020. The other day I hiked a couple miles up steep hills and was fine until i knelt to look at flowers, thats the postural part of it, like my cardiovasculatory system has forgotten how to regulate blood pressure.

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My unvaxxed sister got C19 and her heart condition is now way worse. She’s doing virus detox and walking. There are definitely bad side effects from the virus as well as the vax. For some, but not all.

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Same thing happening to me. Got sick wild form Covid February 2020. And then again delta in September 2021. Never vaxxed. And I have had the same experience you are having. I did find walking several miles a day has helped.

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Don’t disagree that this is compelling, but I’m curious what drove the increase from 2011 to 2017

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Ads on TV.

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Could be a function of the aging population, at least in part. Obama's policies also encouraged claiming disability. While that's a different data set/endpoint, anyone who did claim disability benefits was probably going to dot their i's and answer the survey in that way as well.

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My question also!

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I recall some German medical insurance claim data. Looked like 3-4% of the c19 vaccinated small population sought a medical consultation which gave rise to a claim.

I didn’t note dates but the report was inside the last two months.

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Yes. The director of the insurance company who made this public was fired the day before he could participate in a meeting where his findings were to be discussed with our vaccine watchdog, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut:


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Thanks. I guess not so surprising. It wouldn’t necessarily have had to be such an extreme topic to get fired. Companies are often very keen not to associated with information that embarrasses them.

Now, having been fired, my guess is a compromise agreement was signed that day. In any case, as an ex-director, my bet is they still didn’t join your meeting?

I’ve had to negotiate these on behalf of the employer when firing poorly performing or poorly fitting staff. I also negotiated one when being separated myself.

Ideally, you find ways to meet key needs each party have.

In this case, the employer didn’t want their data going public, and I expect that happened because someone else leant on them.

The employee, about to lose income & aware they may be “blackballed” in their field, had financial concerns.

So a compromise agreement that involved a large amount of money could have been sufficient, without in any way suggesting they were “a sell-out”.

Have you considered approaching them anew, some time having passed?

People in positions such as his are evidentially privileged canaries in coal mines. We really, really need to hear from them.

No matter how much I use scientific experience to confidently predict certain bad outcomes, those who wish to disregard me can do so until the appearance of hard evidence, evidence that people on opposite sides of this dispute accept cannot objectively be ignored.

For the same reason, authoritative & representative information about the outcomes of pregnancy after vs before c19 vaccination is fiercely censored. It’s just not possible to find that lode of information meeting the test of not being able to be ignored.

Why is that? I fear that’s because it would demolish the pretence that it’s all fine (“it” being resolution of one major concern I first raised, that c19 vaccination has obvious potential to interrupt human reproduction).

I submit that, provided someone has continued maintaining such records, it would be possible to do a sound, albeit preliminary, analysis and we would know.

Know where we are. For example, non-exhaustive analyses (subject to revision in the light of new information) might indicate (1) no problems, (2) major problems or (3) a hint that, if it had greater statistical power, we could point firmly to (1) or to (2).

I find it deeply disquieting that the reassurances that the public have been given are all of the “trust me, I’m a doctor” variety.

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Oops – Do not Enter - Crime Scene!

 1,100% Increase in Military Deaths Following Covid-19 Quackcination! – Just delete the inconvenient data….



 40% increase in life insurance claims! – Fire the CEOs they shouldn’t reveal this….

 57% increase in funeral homes stocks! – Let’s approach the SEC to fix these stocks…

 All-cause mortality for millennials increased by 84% - Just fudge the statistics….

Facts are Facts.

They can Run but they cannot Hide.

The Plandemic is Collapsing…

The House of Cards is Collapsing…

The infallible prophet of science has just time bombed 4.5 billion people…

The prophet of science is running for the bunker…

Ceaușescu still holding the line trying to Castrate 100% of Canadians and maximize profits…

Time to Cancel SARS-Cov-2 plandemic....

Let’s move focus to Ukraine…



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Kinda a stickler for accuracy and those 1100% increases that cited by DMED whistleblowers was based on corrupted data & the quote caught fire. It's not true but there is a data fraud scandal there with years from 2016 bumped up like 13% for each category and a new unexplained bucket that looks like jab injuries..

It's all from Mathew Crawford's work & he explains it way better. :~)


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I appreciate sticklers for accuracy in the counter-Narrative space. Anti-establishment bias can be just as distorting as pro-establishment bias. It's good to stick to the evidence and sober analysis. Crawford does a great job with that. As does our furry friend here.

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Ukraine? Get with the program-January 6

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Suggested soundtrack for reading this post: Black Eyed Peas "Let's get retarded". Apologies, but well, its gonna start getting bleak without some humour

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So the mRNA-shot opens up yet another captive market for business: disabled people needing welfare services for the rest of their lives, said services being sold by private contractors to county and state, for profit.

If the shots causes this uptick in disabilities, and if it is actual disabilities and not (as is the case with autism and ADHD f.e.) changed diagnostic criteria, the next thing to check for would be if the shot also increases the risk of the disability being passed on to offspring.

Also, it is another capitve group of voters being created: being on disabilty-welfare means being poor, unemployed for life, shorter average lifespan, and much more prone to be the victim of violent crime and sexual assaults - meaning a group of millions wholly dependent on voting for the party which promises to help them the most.

Operative word being promises, not help.

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