Those final Venusians deeply regretted their plastic straws.

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I'm so very glad I'd swallowed my tea priority to finishing reading this simple sentence. 🤣😂😂

* edited because: my typing 😵‍💫

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precious! thank you

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no sea turtles on Venus, so not really

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OMG, the bloody modelers are at it again. When are people going to realize they’re just grifting astrologers and psychics whose mendacious mythological models can be used to induce panic and destruction on cue?

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this is an insult to astrologers and psychics who, at least, tend to have cool hats.

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Plus, astrologers and psychics have a better statistical chance of having reality coincide with prediction because they have to at least keep their mumbo-jumbo in the realm of the plausible.

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In a sense they're like astrophysicists: the depend on observations.

A good con is a keen observer who constructs a plausible story using what is observed.

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🤣🤣🤣 Point taken and apologies issued.

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And cool cats

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They also tend to have a better instinct that what they are saying is just silliness meant to take your money as they smile. Unlike the doomsayers, astrologers and psychics wink a couple times to let all of us in on the joke.

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and a good con knows when their being conned ;-)

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Remember the good old days when these WEF-type freaks would just pay to have their disembodied head put on ice for future revival?

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I am kinda' short on ice, but I'd be happy to get them ready.

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Ahhhh yes! 🎶Those were the days 🎶

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Your comment makes me want to re-read C.S.Lewis' "That Hideous Strength". (If you've read it, you'll know why.)

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You read tarot cards very well.

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But wait, they’re COMPUTER models. And computers are really smart.

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Whatever Klaus and BillyBoy upload to the cloud upon their exit from this mortal coil will not be their consciousness or essence or whatever the hell they think it will be. They have a better chance with their disembodied heads, but I wonder who would volunteer their body.

Now I think on it, maybe Dr. Who is the history of the future, and the Weffies will become Daleks. Kinda looks like Klaus, doesn't he? And the episode title, lol.


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In my view the delusion that “consciousness” can be “uploaded” to a computer and thereby confer some kind of eternal life is a wild, cartoon-like misunderstanding of consciousness.

But we can hope that those who think it’s possible try it real soon.

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Anything to get around or replace God.

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I've said something similar on Fakebook and Twitter before. You probably wouldn't be surprised by the pushback. People are nuts. Weffies are a bunch of soon-to-be-fossil superrich atheists who are terrified of death. I join you in the hope that they will try real soon. We can wish them well...and then cut the power. ;)

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The whole thing is childish fantasy, like self-driving cars and colonizing Mars. It’s popular among those who think Star Trek is “science”.

It’s not happening.

The mistake with the uploading hallucination is the misapprehension that mind springs from matter. It doesn’t any more than NFL football originates in the circuits of the television.

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I mean, self-driving cars are at least possible in theory, if you're willing to trade off the occasional road fatality. The other "Star Trek science" fantasies are pretty much spot on, though...

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Davros? Secret code there, maybe?

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Blaa blah blah blah blah. Everybody knows that Donald Trump is responsible for the horrible conditions on Venus. I'm pretty sure there were some minorities living in a tropical paradise there that he hit with his nuclear button. Thank goodness the adults are in charge on earth now as they will now save us from horribly low gas prices and owning things. As soon as we can get back to driving Flintstone pedal cars the earth can be cooled by the one degree it has warmed since the industrial revolution and polar bears will no longer have to rape grizzly bears to keep their species alive.

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Calling that rape is imposing your white colonialist values on their beautiful sexual practices.

Minor-attracted persons face similar discrimination today.

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Obviously the polar bears are rapists due to their privelage on account of their whiteness. Even if the sex is consensual it is still rape as the polar bears are clearly in a position of power. We can never eliminate brown bear hatred but if we can get the white bears more ice they won't be as angry about having to swim and....... Whoa, I gotta go, mom just got home with fresh Hot Pockets!

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Clearly “Whitey Bears” are exploiting the beautiful and noble Indigenous Bears of Color and colonizing both their land and their wombs. It is racial ursine usurpation of usual ugliness. Check your privileges and stop advocating for white supremacy.

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My crown is yours.

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It's unbearable to think about....

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Please, think of those yet to be bjorn. They must bear a lifetime of beige shame.

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Dude I was bear-ly hangin on as it is, I'm not sure I can bear the weight. I think I've had all I can bear of this threadly abuse Ursus a punster!

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man I am bear-ly hanging on to my composure in this thread...

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Ohhhhhhhhhh 💥

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But … but … What about Putin?!?

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Yeah, he's responsible for carbon emission hikes too!

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Yabba dabba doo!

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If Venus was once like Earth, who were the evil aliens that destroyed it with their dirty carbon-burning SUVs? Those SOB's ought to be hit with some serious carbon taxes!

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Perhaps we should despatch Greta and Prince Charles all haste to Venus to get those Venusians onto a Net Zero regime.

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They're all those hypocritical aliens who live in Karentopia

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Earth's climate change is man-made. Venus' climate change is alien-made. Learn it. Know it. Live it.

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Never mind the effer is much closer to the sun than we are, just like the other planet of their fantasies is that much further down the road...Are they counting on people not knowing this? What about counter-earth? Is it warming? Do we know anything? Universing is hard. LOL.

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they were known as orangemen

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The WEF should have its next conference on Uranus and never return so Earth can prosper.

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WEF should be rebranded WTF perhaps?

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They’re not getting anywhere near MINE! They can have it on URANUS!

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Why did you choose that planet, specifically ?

Neptune is further away.

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I live in a college town and see carbon neutral signs everywhere. How about no more mandates signs? Protect our children from medical tyranny?

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Have you heard of: https://nocollegemandates.com/ ? - scroll around to find their substack.

Recently, at moments here and there - I get a stronger sense of an opposing momentum gaining force. Those moments range from hearing Justin Bieber confess that the vax has "ruined" his life to seeing signs that the Wall St Journal has jumped off the climate change juggernaut.

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What about the Fox News segment promoting child gender experiments?

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I have to wonder how much energy produced by burning oil/gas/coal to produce those signs?

You should ask each sign bearer.

Actually they're promoting more CO2 production since the "carbon neutral" banner makes anyone who has even a fundamental understanding of science laugh and it is well known that respiration rate increases when laughing. Carbon is the basic building block of life. It exists in all things we call "living" as we are carbon based life forms. The sign is really a proclamation of profound and near total ignorance. Displayed proudly by those working very hard to remain ignorant.


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Love it! I walk past those businesses and don’t spend any money there. Funny enough I went into one of them in the winter and asked if they had RFK Jr. book and they scoffed at me. Will never support them.

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Do understand the danger you may face, making comments like that about covid and climate change?!

You could be unorthodoxxed!

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Wow, did you just assume Venus's planetary conditions!? Anti-planetite bigot. Soon you'll be saying they should have their own solar system!

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That is definitely racist. Equity and inclusion for Venus too!

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Seconded! All planets and their associated celestial bodies must immediately be allowed to share the Goldilock's orbit that Terra has so long enjoyed as a privileged gated community.

Support POM - Planets' Orbits Matter! POM demands immediate equity-distance between all celestial bodies now!

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STOP! I'm trying to f***king work.

I give! Off the chain man!

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'Exit stage left, pursued by bear' it is then. :)

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Y’all are makin’ my day ! 😂

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Damn, I always was afraid of being labelled a shitlord for having had the luck to be born on this planet in the first place.

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Oh, the beauty of being the rich elite in charge of the World - you can toss out any random thought that streaks through the halls of Mt. Olympus and it is deemed automatically and untouchably True. Food for the fans to feed and spread. Facts be damned!

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This was a fun read. I mean, anything coming from the WEF is garbage, but it’s always impressive when you can painstakingly detail how garbagey it actually is. Haha.

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Well done summary. Earth’s CO2 decreased because we have an Ocean that sequestered as calcium carbonate.

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Great article. keep puncturing their BS.

Fun fact: When you account for albedo and solar proximity the temperature of Venus (and all the other bodies in the solar system with a thick gaseous atmosphere) is accurately predicted with the Ideal Gas Law, PV=NRT. This is well recognized in mine engineering, in deep mines atmospheric pressure is higher which raises temperature and must be accounted for in cooling system capacity.


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We should give this theory more credence: the GHE isn't a radiative effect at all but a gravitational one.

Here's a video by Nikolov, one of the main authors of this controversial theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnt9YZyCTAQ Particularly interesting is his treatment of the lapse rate beginning at about the 20-minute mark.

What's the weight of the atmosphere at the surface? It's absolutely huge; I calculated once that it was the weight of about seven grand pianos on an SF area about as large as a standing human takes up. We can find videos online of RR tanker cars with near-vacuum inside that get collapsed by the force of atmospheric pressure. We don't feel this pressure for the same reason that a deep-sea fish isn't collapsed: the pressure is equalized inside and out.

Is that pressure caused by radiative effects? No. This is the nature of gravity and an atmosphere. All of the molecules in an atmosphere are pushed down toward the surface by gravitational acceleration.

Atmospheric 'heat' has two factors: the speed of the molecules and the density of the volume of atmosphere. This is why the thermosphere feels cold even though the individual molecules are very hot: these molecules are spaced too far apart. This is also why the bottom of the Grand Canyon is so hot: the molecules are compressed closer together, but this is not 'compressive' heating.

It seems pretty clear that the lapse rate must be a function of gravity and atmospheric density at different elevations. It makes no sense to say that the lapse rate is radiatively derived, and in fact that are no radiative terms when we calculate the lapse rate.

Those who promote this gravitational theory have used the PV=nRT equation to determine surface temperatures for different planets and have been criticized for using this correlation as causation. But the real proof of their thinking seems to be in considering what the lapse rate is and how it functions, and how 'compression' does indeed play a role in surface heat but not in the way that many critics of the theory believe it does. This compression is simply the density of an atmosphere packing molecules that were moving the same speed higher up, closer together-- a reverse thermosphere, as it were. Slower moving molecules at the bottom of the Grand Canyon than in the thermosphere, but packed more closely together: 'heat' as a function of density. The 'temperature' (speed) of the molecules in the thermosphere are much hotter than those at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, yet, again, the thermosphere is very cold.

Radiative effects are incidental to this larger gravitational arena.

It appears that the radiative greenhouse effect doesn't even exist. Hence, CO2 catastrophic warming can't exist (but even if it did, the CO2 absorption window is nearly saturated, anyhow.)

Atmospheric pressure, however, doesn't 'raise' temperature-- here is where I think many get confused. It merely packs the molecules in more densely and we feel this as 'heat.' So yes, temperature, but maybe thought of in another way (as enthalpy?)

(Odd that oftentimes the things I'm thinking about turn up on someone's substack!)

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If only Venus had a Justin Trudeau back in the day it would still be habitable today and it's people would be happily munching on bugs, owning nothing, and extraordinarily happy!

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Odd. Earth was once Venus-like, too. Thank God for climate change!


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They're setting it up guys. UFO's started showing up in the mainstream news in early-mid 2020. I wagered my wife and a couple of friends that the next big thing after the pandemic would be a space alien invasion. NASA is convening its UFO team for September, which was already making my tin hat vibrate. Now, WEF is pointing out the climate catastrophe on Venus. Clearly, thousands of climate denying Venusians have settled in the North American middle west after having destroyed their own planet. They have infiltrated local populations, taken up arms and persist in consuming fossil fuels, now destroying our planet. They're likely going to have to send in the Marines to arrest, eliminate or at a minimum contain them. Those who had contact will have to be quarantined indefinitely, maybe even entire towns. Don't be shocked.

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At this point, I would gladly accept some Venusians as our new leaders over our current crop of politicians.

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Only the corrupt gubmints and Pope will be able to talk to said "aliens." Just watch.

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Before climate change, Mr Gore's net worth was a few million. After climate change, hundeds of millions.

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Our “global warming” is blamed on dastardly activity by the peasants on Earth. What was Venus’ excuse? Is the global warming cult claiming Venus was ever inhabited by similar intelligent but dastardly life forms?

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