Glad you're safe! Thanks for the update!

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Stay FREE!!!


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Sep 19, 2022
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Why did I visualize Randy (Karen) Marsh when I read that? 😆

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is that the source of the respective jingle from the no agenda show?

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Has everyone noticed that EVERYTHING since 2020 is an existential crisis??? They’ll really flog weather now, since it’s the next “thing”. Glad all is well, Gato

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Everything since 1960 you mean.

Kids watching action flicks on VCR/Betamax is the end of the world.

Not eating according to the food pyramid kills you deid.

Cholesterol the unseen killer.

Ice age is coming.

No oil after 1990.

Rising oceans will wipe out all cities on any coast before 2000.

Amazon gone before 1990.

WW3+ any day now.

Chernobyl zone is forever destined to be radioactive desert.

Frankly, is there anything media has been right about, ever, beside sports & celebrity eff-ups?

Edit: forgot a couple ones.

Satanic panic - heavy metal version.

B.A.D&D (Satanic panic - roleplaying games version)

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You forgot:

-endless Islamic terror attacks

-suitcase nukes

-BP oil spill kills Gulf of Mexico

-death of the rain forest

-death of the glaciers

in 2022 we also have heart attacks from:

-wrong sleep position

-referee whistles

-cold showers


-shoveling snow

-energy bill prices

-sweating at night


-flight delays

-daylight savings time

-cold weather

-solar storms

and the big one... death from not having C0VID injection

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It's like being alive comes with the risk of death, almost.

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Or being alive as a human being is the reason the “planet” is dying…as if it hasn’t already survived a gazillion years

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Aw geez! Good one!🤪

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Since you mentioned the BP oil spill:

I once went on a cruise to Alaska. At the end of the cruise, I purchased a book in the ship gift shop called something like 'the Alaska cruise handbook' that was written by a man who worked on commercial fishing vessels, had his own commercial fishing vessel and lived up and down the western coast of Canada, i.e., an expert on the area. In the book, he mentioned the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, which at the time was reported as a global catastrophe. He stated in his book, matter-of-factly, that the area recovered so completely, you'd never know anything had ever happened.

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Yep. The planet can take care of itself to a certain extent.

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About every 5 or 6 years I head up to Mount St. Helens. Been doing it since I was a kid and there was nothing up there but dead trees strewn about like toothpicks. Now every time I go, I'm amazed at how much MORE of the land is 'reclaimed' since my last trip. Maybe before I die, the only 'proof' of the eruption in the landscape will be the mountain itself.

Edit: An example of what it looked like when I first went


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All of those lists are true but when did a single one result in lockdowns, distancing, masks, mandatory jabs or complete ostracization, expulsion &/or exclusion from normal society in a number of places globally, including today. That was my point about 2020.

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Don't want to start anything, but I have to refer to Cindi's comment above - "EVERYTHING since 2020 is an existential crisis". But I think it started in the 1950s. I remember curling up under our schools desks for "atom bomb practice", whilst our fathers laboured building bomb shelters in back yards. I remember the massive media scare campaigns around fluoride, and plastic, and electro magnetic radiation, and too much sleep, and not enough sleep. I have watched the world become so "safe" that society can no longer DO anything. Except cower in our basements, subsisting on bugs, and soma.

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We were at the peak of something in the 80s when Tipper Gore had people playing rock albums backwards listening for satanic messaging.

The comic strip Bloom County had some fun with it where Milo played one backward and heard the cryptic message “no matter how thin you slice it it’s still baloney” 😆

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It’s true, Rikard, but never before (to my knowledge) did this masking, distancing, lockdown & coercion shit to “vaccinate” the entire world on pain of job loss & societal isolation ever happen before 2020.

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Oh, I think it did. Just a slightly different version and not on as large a scale. I can almost guarantee in every generation at least 1x. Witch hunts?

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Oh yeah, actual witch trials were an ongoing problem in Europe for several centuries.

See, the church post-Reformation didn't want them - much too disruptive of society, and one hysteria with violent mobs may easily lead to another and to uprisings over real grievances, so from the fifteenhundreds (at least here) the church officials tried to find other explanations for accusations of witchery.

What isn't very widely nown due to revisionist feminist hsitory is that the ratio of executions for heresy, apostasy, and sorcery/witchcraft (if you've done witchcraft you are by definition an apostate and heretic too) was at least 5 men condemned for every woman.

Also, the normal accuser and "witness" were other women and their children. Hardly surprising since women are much more group-sensitive than men and also far more prone to hysteria and neurotic fears.

What made Covidiocy, climate change, and so on into such persistent major scares apart from the profit in purveying Pfear is modern communications technology and freedom of information/freedom of the press. See, old timey egimes would repress all information until it had passed censors. Not a good startegy, very expensive and makes you look like you fear the truth. Far better to ally with major privately owned media companies, as was done during the 1970s, and then drip-feed your agenda into their news-stream, utilising the very freedoms of the people as a tool for oppression.

But I'm digressing wildly, not unlike a moose having eating too much fermented apples...

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The series of hobgoblins have been around for quite some time indeed.

Mencken needs to hold our beer though.

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Even the common cold is an existential crisis!

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"If you're over 65 and experience aching limbs, memory lapses and occasional fatigue, you may be suffering from Old Age. But don't worry, we have a drug for that."

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If they say Mg helps with aching joints, don't believe them.

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It does help me with sleep. That fizzy drink. Also love Dr. Mercola's sleep formula. I'm turning 65 tomorrow so the senior jokes are flying here today. Oh, and Sophia Loren will be 88 - I'm still a kitten. At least in my heart and spirit...

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Happy Birthday!! Woot!

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Congrats, welcome to the old fart club! 🤣🤣

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You're right, it does help with sleep. It helps with heart palpitations, too. --- I don't know about any fizzy drinks. Unless you mean a Sloe Gin Fizz. 😉😊😋 Happy Birthday! I hope it's a great one! I have a few more months 'til 65.

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I turned 64 on the 15th, Keahi. Happy belated b-day!

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Har den äran att gratulera! ('It is my honour to congratulate you' - traditional swedish birthday greeting.)

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Happy Birthday sweet little kitten Keahi

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I found out on my own. I did some research. Magnesium is depleted in todays soil along with Selenium. We all are depleted in these minerals. So are many animals. Sad.

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Good for you! Selenium is a very important antioxidant. And magnesium's role in heart health can hardly be overstated.

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Yeah, one more thing to thank factory farming for.

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Alcohol flushes Mg out of your system. I think I'm negative Mg.

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Aching limbs? Rub some whisky in the joints and then put on a wrap of sheep's wool and some elastic to hold it in place.

Don't forget to check the whisky first, in case it's gone bad.

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I have whisky (plum brandy) that my dad made back in about 1985. It is very strong but works great for what ails you.

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If you feel strange vibes in the air, that's my envy radiating from over here.

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1985?!? OMG! Now that sounds fantastic, I love anything made with plums. I bet it is wonderful to sip both straight up and as a toddy with hot water. You're right, must be a cure-all. I love to mess around making ratafias and fruit/herb liqueurs, a vanishing art. I recently discovered a 20 year old bottle of blackberry brandy I had made and put away. Now how did I overlook that? Never mind, it has aged beautifully, wonderful with champagne as a Kir variation. I make my Nana's kahlua and quarante-quatre every year for the holidays, and I better get on that soon, as time is the most essential ingredient. Cheers!

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My aunt was a master at canning, preserving and liqueurs. I also have a Green Walnut Liqueur that she and my uncle brought from a former Yugoslavia republic to Canada in 1985 (I still have about 1/3 of a liter).

Here's a link to a video recipe. You should be able to use google translate, it's all written and images, no voice.


Translation of ingredients to give you a boost are: green walnuts, 20 pcs, 600 grams sugar, 1 lemon, 1 orange (I think), 15 coffee beans, teaspoon of cinnamon (but it looks like more to me) 3 pkgs vanilla sugar, 700 mls whisky and large jar container. The key is to pick the green walnuts while young. In southern Ontario, you want to pick them around late May early June. If picked later, you liqueur may be bitter.

This is supposed to be good for you. Enjoy.

What is quarante-quatre?

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Excellent advice, thanks, Rikard. Yeah, can't be too careful with stale whisky, quality control is key. And what were you saying about joints? Those help, too.

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Right now, I need someone to rub some on my back. 😣

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😂🤣😂🤣 The 100 Proof stuff. The sipping whiskey. You know that's gotta work best!

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Might not cure you, but you'll be feeling no pain.

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You mean 'vaccine'.

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Like 👍

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You mean midazolam?

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Or maybe mylooxzergon.

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No crisis. No fear. No control. If the manufactured reality doesn't stop soon, the population will become exhausted.

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Technocrats are scary!

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And ass hats

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That's been going on for a lot longer than since 2020. I remember back in the early 90's once asking a friend about flooding close to where he lived. The news papers where full of apocalypse stories. My friend said 'flooding? what flooding?'.

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Sep 20, 2022
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Well of course. My initial comment, unclear I guess, was that all of the listed dramas & traumas mentioned in the comments after mine, dating back decades, never resulted in what has been done to mankind globally over the past 2.5+ years.

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Running off a whole-house generator in Guaynabo, since midday Sunday. Well, my wife and the dogs are. I’m in Virginia. Good travel agent...

Lost internet last night but it was back by 3am. Minor miracle for LibertyPR.

At worst it was breezy (per the security cams), nowhere close at any time to the 35-45mph sustained winds “predicted” let alone the alleged 65mph gusts.

Just the same ol’ same ol’ fearmongering and overhype that Weather Channel et al have been doing for years.

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"Climate change" is a lot like "white supremacist". The demand far outweighs the supply.

Very little in the way of tropical storms and hurricanes this year...so this was their one shot.

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Yeah, the Weather Channel made it look like all hell had broken loose.

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"Cloud Cover Claude has started to look like a real threat. Hundreds are being smart and evacuating early!"

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"Climate change and white supremacist " is more like "white noise " .....for me anyway!

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Yeah. I live on Jupiter Beach in Florida. We have had zero storms this year. Zero!

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bad kitty, you know your not supposed to be sitting on the kitchen window

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Maybe we should tap Gavin Newsom to take a looksee at the PR grid. He's so committed to good energy governance!

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Or he might find someone to report to the DOJ

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They predicted we were going to have a terrible hurricane season yet this is been a rather quiet one thus far. They have to make anything sound more drastic than what it is.

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Yeah. I live on Jupiter Beach in Florida. We have had zero storms this year. Zero!

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Yeah, doesn't our "Climate " change every year?🤔🤫 Ridiculous!lol!

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Thank you for the update! You are my favorite follow and are greatly, greatly appreciated!

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Did CNN re-run the footage of Anderson Cooper up to his tits in ankle-deep dihydrogen monoxide again?

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I was so concerned about AOCs abuela! Thank you for confirming that the storm probably didn't harm her.

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So glad you are okay. My default is to assume that the media is blowing the topic out of proportion.

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I imagined the agreed upon narrative was that Puerto Rico just sank under the ocean due to doomsday glaciers, plastic drinking straws and people not masking enough?

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According to Trudeau, it's 'paper-box-drinky-thingy's'. He got rid of plastic straws long ago.

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He does look like someone who drinks his wine straight out of a paper box.

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Thank you for the update. Someone mentioned the bridge washout pic. I saw that too. Miserable. Hope Fiona stays tame. Of course Hurricane Hugo yielded me a sweet niece 9 months later so...

Hope your wife continues on safely until you return ¡Andrew the Great!

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If there's a cat to catch a moose that's El Gato Malo!

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So glad you’re safe and Puerto Rico is doing well enough. So tired of the drama on the news. Saw a bridge washed away and wondered if it was file footage. Thanks for letting us know. Do you bring your namesakes to the mountains with you?

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It sounds like you have the best of two worlds. Balloon lifts, moose and pernil. I'm envious. Enjoy!

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