She doesn't even apologize! I'm willing to forgive some people who were awful. I really am. But they have to own what they've done and reckon with it. They can't just "declare amnesty" and be done with it! The level of arrogant entitlement on display here just makes it all worse.

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i added this to the piece as an addendum.

emily was all for "taking away rights (like travel, work, leisure) to drive actions" so long as we did not "shame" people.

but to predicate the basic liberties of others upon a jab you clearly do not understand is itself a shameful act and so is championing doing so.

perhaps one can see why she so wants amnesty.

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“You may choose to look the other way but you can never again say you did not know.” The truth was known before the shutdowns were ordered. They turned away.

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she is the worst!

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"Amnesty" before millions more die!

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That's why the jab is being added to children's vaccination schedule by the Feds - it makes it harder to sue, harder to fight back. States declare what vaccinations are required - see Children's Health Defense's web site. They co-wrote the book on Fauci with RFK Jr. IF you are in California - seek perk-group.com. Same fight.

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Its been added to the SUGGESTED schedule by he CDC. Although funded by the federal government the CDC is an ADVISORY organization and has no power to enforce its recommendations. Government entities who do have to power to dictate enforceable rules can either adopt those recommendations or not. It is the perogative of the individual states to either accept or decline the CDC's recommendations as to whether the childrens vax recommendations are incorporated into the states requirements for children to attend public schools.

Of course we all know that top leadership positions in the CDC are a revolving door for Big Pharma executives, so mox nix and not to worry, hint, hint, on every decision that could possibly favor big pharm in any way whatsoever and to hell with the well being of the citizens they supposedly serve. In fact their secret motto is lets vote yea for any recommendation that can make the people sicker... because more long term customers don't you know. The biggest scam in the history of humanity.

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And we also know that many (way too many) states will simply default to the cdc recommendations on vaccination for school age children-deferring to the cdc supposed “expertise.”

And so, DC says—up to the States. And in turn, the States say, we are deferring to the feds. Ahhh-how convenient, neither fully own the decision that will directly impact our kids. One trusts the research of the other. And the other let’s the I’ll informed one be the decision maker.

Of course, my state has a cdc director that is on the ACIP so I guess I know what to expect here.

For the most part, it’s as good as a fine deal.

Oh…and does everyone remember the Project Veritas tape that showed the big pharma exec saying at the outset that the goal was to get it on the children’s schedule.

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And even more than states simply "deferring" to CDC guidelines/recommendations, state legislatures have codified using CDC guidelines for their immunization requirements.

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IMO a bigger problem is the many pediatricians who will fire your child as a patient if you don't agree to follow the CDC schedule.

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That is unforgivable. Just as unforgivable as internists who fire adult patients who do not quit smoking. Sure, smoking is unhealthy, but it’s not our job to tell others how to live their lives. Our job is to educate and let our patients make their own decisions. Same applies to educating parents. Only in this case, those pediatricians are guilty of spreading misinformation.

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She like many “experts” were blinded by their status & selection as “experts to trust” by pols/unelected PH/3 lettter agencies & hall monitors run amok. This was her moment in the sun & she wasn’t going to waste it by going against the one sided narrative. I have nothing but disdain for people like her. Given her position as a data driven economist means she has no excuse for her behavior. Check out her ratio on Twitter. It is both delicious & deserved.

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I know we shouldn't place too much stock in things like "ratios" but they do give me a little hope that not all is lost.

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I’m thinking of temporarily re-joining Twitter just so I can tell Emily to fuck off.

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yeah, it reads like a blame shifting where failing to stand by her own data gets swept under the rug.

it's such an odd fixation on "we were in the dark" when clearly she was not but now pretends to have been.

her piece reads like the opposite of an apology.

worth noting:

she's getting massively ratioed on the bluebird.


over 8000 comments and 2200 QT's, almost none laudatory.

to her credit, she has not yet locked her account or turned off comments.

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This line of thinking REALLY pisses me off. We wouldn't have been 'in the dark' if the 'experts' hadn't stuffed us into sacks and thrown us out of society. This entire time, we've been following the data and the reality on the ground -- and every time we presented the data we were hammered back underground.

"Nobody could have known" is bullshit. People DID know. And the 'experts' got them thrown off social media to cover their own gain-of-function-funding asses.

Edit: Have to add this because it's another version of "Just because you were correct doesn't mean you were right"


"In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck."

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Except that it WASN'T luck. "Getting it right" (realizing that the "vaccines" and lockdowns were scambolic overreactions driven by ulterior motives) was easy for anyone who took 5 minutes to apply common sense to the situation. It required average powers of observation plus a dose of healthy distrust of the media. Not luck. Just because she didn't reason the whole thing through, she thinks we didn't either, and just got lucky. Sorry but nope, take that one back to the copy-editor.

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Yep. The official covid data sites have ALWAYS countered the official covid narrative. It's just that only a few of us actually bothered to look it up.

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What really chaps my ass is the suppression and disdain for Ivermectin and HQ. They worked. Not always, but using those would have saved countless lives. Not only that, but they pressured the docs to sell the vaccines and denigrate the effective drugs. They had to know those drugs worked but censored and cancelled anyone who recommended them, so they could go all in with Pfizer etal. Monstrous disinformation, while they accused others of disseminating misinformation, disinformation and lies.

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You nailed it. If government admitted they worked, *poof* goes the justification for the Emergency Use Authorization for the jabs.......

It's been political cronyism the entire time.

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Yup, the HCQ ban was the fist big WHOA for me. I took Plaquinel and Cipro 26 years ago for late stage Lyme....the ID Doc who treated me explained the mechanism by which the HCQ helped to penetrate the cell barrier to make the antibiotics more effective. I took it in the same dose that was recommended for COVID before the CDC declared it verboten. Lupus and RA patients have taken it daily for years in higher doses. I sound like a broken record. How many people died unnecessarily?? Oh sure, I forgive you Fauci et al.....AYFKM??? How about you lying maniacs apologize to us for portraying us as whack a doodle conspiracy nuts?? And the families who are still grieving, etc etc etc. And the doctors that were discredited... oh and today, I read that Dr. Peter McCullough will be stripped of his license?? This is madness...... so you all intentionally lied to the World but rather than admit it, you’re doubling down and targeting the doctors brave enough to disagree. As my WWII Dad would say “ this is beyond FUBAR.” SHAME on all of you. I hope the next bombshell is to learn whose diabolical plan this was... who in the government approached the CDC ... I cannot believe I’m even writing this!!!

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It's still up on YT - look for an older video of Jimmy Carter promoting the use of Ivermectin in 11 poor countries. Over 160 million doses and he's hailed as a hero. Then, it's horse paste. Now it's "OK" again. Dems. don't see their own party lying to them for their detriment, either.

IF you can't find the video, here is the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8PxzZnxlBw

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It didn't take five minutes.

At some point they started talked about "mRNA vaxx." I went to a search engine. Put in "mRNA vaxx." One of the top responses was a page from the FDA. Clicked on it. The page (which has been memory holed, but has been saved by some, since it was part of a FDA slide presentation) showed every POTENTIAL side effect. Which were numerous and turned out to be the actual side effects.

Three steps:

1. put in search term

2. click on FDA page

3. read list on FDA page

Those side effects alone should have had an impact on people. But they didn't, because they chose to be terrified and compliant, rather than look at the real stats.

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What is even worse is people STILL saying idiotic things like, "there is no downside to the vaccines," which I just read on another substack. #CannotFixStupid

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the infamous, almost eliminated, slide sixteen

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This is exactly where I thought this article was going. Pointing out the we did know, a lot. And all you did was scream? Sorry, no, you don’t get to wipe the slate clean.

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Wait wait wait...."rather than debating the role that messaging about COVID vaccines, we need to put our energy in bringing (routine vaccination rates) back up"!!! Public health agencies and BigPharma KNEW the data was never in favor of vaccinating young adults (or children). Then they created the messaging to avoid what they knew! This is the very definition of diabolical! A student at Brown University was forced to get his vaccines in March of 202 to keep his hospital job. He was then hospitalized with myocarditis. Brown never informed the community (but you can be damn sure they inform the community when someone has a bike accident), and still they force vaccines and boosters! SO this is the messaging (or lack thereof) that she asks us not to debate? This piece got me SO angry today for so many reasons; she deserves the pummeling.

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"we were in the dark" really hurts when we had platformed people like her, screaming "facts" and "the science" from their pedestal.

@el gato - I love that you brought out the concept of the cantillion effect - I swear something similar to that can happen with science when there is censorship and peer pressure like we had, where the people dispensing facts, have the head start because despite some of their assertions seeming shady to some of us skeptical/conspiracy minded, it takes time to invalidate their claims. So the moneyed/connected with the backing of the government gunpoint, get to dictate and benefit and goal post shift, until months, years later when actual science catches up, if ever (due to pressure etc)

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Her sentence "We were in the dark" is so despicable..not we! But you-were in the dark and still are if you think we will forget or forgive.

Just a lil story,my friends from germany came here last christmas as they do for the last 5 years,every year we have christmas lunch at my friends house..i was waiting for a phone call..nothing?

Christmas passed,i heard with my friend,she told me,i have to tell you something,i didnt call you for the lunch cause they told me if i dont want to be tested for a lunch its better to not come..amazing.

Then she told them,i will not even try to call him cause he will tell me to fuck off.

And the most crazy thing was i was getting tested twice a week cause i couldnt enter my fucking work gates. So,never forgive,never forget from me.

Thank you for everything El gato. (my cat also sends purrs)

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She was NOT in the dark. She was waist deep in her Virtue Signalling Orgy of self-righteousness. A Mid Western Doctor does a great take down of her. So ready to absolve herself of any of the consequences of her shaming, blaming coercive preaching. NO APOLOGY. JUST RE-WRITING HISTORY. SELF-ABSOLUTION. THE POSTMODERN ACADEMIC RADICAL PROGRESSIVE... HIDING IN THE DARKNESS... BLINDED BY THE LIGHT...!!!

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Bless our new 'Twit Master'

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Don't be so sure. Musk has his own agenda. Read up.

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she's probs having a frickin Cardiac Arrest!

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Exactly this. My charitable nature extends to forgiving people when they admit they were wrong and offer a genuine, heartfelt apology. It does NOT extend to forgiving people for violating basic human rights (in many cases, goose-stomping or riding rough-shod over human rights) because they were either crapping their pants or they perceived an opportunity for a power or money grab and who then casually suggest that we should all just forgive and forget and move on. NOT going to happen!

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I’ll repeat what I wrote in another Substack: I pray every night to learn to forgive those who have trespassed against me. It’s going to be a long, hard journey.

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I don't think it's about forgiveness at this point. It is next to impossible to seek forgiveness in a vacuum created by a complete lack of justice or even an admission of error or guilt. Those are necessary prerequisites on the road to forgiveness and understanding.

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Yep, even in AA you have to ask forgiveness from those you hurt. One of the things necessary to tender is a heartfelt apology.

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Al-Anon (where i spent 7 years) suggests amends where appropriate.

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More than trespass. They want us dead, frankly. I've forgiven others in the past, even when contrition wasn't shown, but this is a whole different kettle of fish.

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This is EVIL, not trespass.

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Yes, sadly, it is. This is worse than the Holocaust and plenty of those survivors are speaking up. The youngest of them in their 90s now.

Plan was to ducate kids over the last 50 years with more and more radical ideology, separate them from their parents, radicalize them into thinking lies are truths, and here we are. The oldest of us and "Boomers" once dead, no one will be alive to remember the United States as a good and powerful nation.

We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg of the coming damage and deaths.

Add to this the lifelong side effects that people have from differing strengths of the "boosters" which don't affect everyone the same way with the same adverse reaction(s). People not allowed to say good-bye to their dying elders. Kids terrified. Kids kept "stupid" by being banned from in-person learning. And all for what? Globalist control over their lies about "climate" for one. It's ALL on the WEF web pages (and elsewhere) to install socialism/communism and their total control.

Take it from a Californian - Democrats are ALWAYS the cause of the problems. RINOs not much better, going along to get along. Time to oust them all.

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I have forgiven the dozens of friends who said nasty things on facebook and to my face about the unvaccinated when they didn't know they were talking about me. I have forgiven the friend who told me she feels glad when she hears about the unvaccinated dying because they got what they deserved. I have forgiven my husband's family for holding two different Christmas celebrations without telling us. Forgetting is a different story, but I forgive. These people were scared and brainwashed by the barrage of messaging. I don't forgive the people who knowingly lied and censored and coerced and hid data. NO AMNESTY FOR THEM. Those people should be held accountable. All of them.

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They'll do it all over again to you.

They must seek your forgiveness.

What was done to people was vile. Quite dangerous actually.

They need to see the bigger picture.

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I'm still having a hard time forgiving the family and friends that treated me like I was a conspiracy theorist nut job for not getting vaccinated or vaccinating my daughters. Some still think I am. My in-laws continue to take the jabs and troll my FB page....and smile to my face. My vaccinated FIL just came down with COVID. Not sure which is worse, knowing they think that little of me that they are quick to judge and berate or the fact that they ignore the fact that much of what I said is turning out to be right. I feel invisible and patronized in the worst way. And well, the friends.....they just go about their lives ignoring the carnage (until it hits closer to home for them, if it does)....because their fear made them disown me and now their fear likely has them afraid to admit that my concerns were warranted. And none of them do any research beyond what the msm tells them.

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...and then some have to admit, like me, that some learning just ain't gonna happen! Not in this case.

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AMENDS, not just apology.

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Forgiveness is the final stage a process which begins with self reflection and moves through stages of reevaluation, contrition, and the extension of a sincere apology. Sort of like the stages of grieving.

Her claptrap offers none of the elements of redemption, only a path towards the memory hole.

And I spit out my coffee when I saw her bio: "Unapologetically Data-Driven"

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Reading this article, I could not help but comment on her article and send her messages on twitter. What really was amazing to me was the condescending tack she took at explaining how she and the health authorities had to explain to people not to inject themselves with bleach. Maybe there were a few stupid people who were doing this, but this is precisely the straw man, misinformation they asserted was true to rationalize their argument for censorship.

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Correction: it was aquarium cleaner that she poisoned her husband with, not bleach. Props to NAB for pointing out my error. Your point still stands however.

I seem to recall the one case of that actually happening -- and the Left making much hay out of it -- but where it turned out that the woman who injected her husband was a Democrat who hated her husband and wanted a divorce. She thought she could get away with it and blame Trump at the same time.

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I remember thinking how ridiculous these people were being. Not only those who supposedly were taking the advice of someone with no medical expertise (Trump), but also those flipping out due to what is now known as Trump Derangement Syndrome who were being spoon fed media reports that Trump as the sole cause of any aberrant thinking.

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What’s crazy about that whole episode is that Trump didn’t at any point say people should be injecting bleach, he was outlining possible treatments for covid that he’d been briefed on. He mentioned a treatment involving “light” and a treatment involving bleach, it was all very vague; he relayed this information in a simplified unscientific way that you would expect him to, yet when it came to news coverage of this moment the media uniformly misquoted him as suggesting that household bleach could be injected as a treatment. It was one of the most gruesome distortions of reality I’ve witnessed. The media essentially created the “inject bleach” lie and attributed it to Trump. Another eye-opening moment in a series of such moments!

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Yes, it's right up there with the January 6th stuff. Many people still think that Trump encouraged an insurrection. I heard the speech on the day in question, nowhere did Trump encourage a coupe. He said "peacefully and patriotically" protest,and yet the media still maintains he fomented an insurrection. At this point it is expected, as they see "disagreement" as hate and speech as violence.

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It really is a cult.

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Yes. I was listening to Jordan Harbinger podcasts and one of the starter packs was on Cults, Scams, and Cons. What I found interesting was they would explain in great detail how cults work, how they "brainwash" and "coerce" and yet would talk about those of us who were against the narrative as being the cult, all the while completely ignoring the very same techniques used against them during the pandemic.

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I think this story was about the woman using aquarium cleaner as a substitute for HCQ (as you note she did actually want to kill her husband). I don't remember any stories about people ever injecting bleach into themselves and, as with the "very fine people" hoax, Trump didn't actually promote this practice anyway. I hate the media.

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Thank you for the correction. I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't recalling this tale quite correctly. And no, I've never heard of anyone actually injecting bleach either.

They way the Left and the media propagated that myth was certainly one for the history books. Utterly shameless, as are the mindless idiots who actually believed the lie -- and likely still do.

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I'm glad you did Jimmy!

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I imagine part of the fun of "living their truth" is it can turn on a dime.

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And much of the ‘data’ isn’t data at all, they are numbers coming out of the arse-end of a computer model and labelled ‘The Science’. And if any real data does not support the claims it is ignored - must be wrong.

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Indeed. The very same arse-end that's been insisting how the earth is going to melt down and become uninhabitable. Any. Day. Now.

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Pretty soon, when the next glaciation begins (it already has) they will want "amnesty" for that too.

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Or "reparations".

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Nov 1, 2022
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And manipulate the data to give the Hockey Stick Illusion.

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She wants a hard pass.

As in "you noticed we genocided a lot of people, maimed a lot more, bankrupted even more and generally ruined your lives for a few years. We don't want to take responsibility or even admit what we did, so let's just call it good, OK? OK??????"

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I used that phrase from her bio in my comment on this twitter thread. I used it unapologetically.

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If “lack of self awareness” was an Olympic event, she would be the team captain.

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Apparently, some data are more equal than others.

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Particularly the fake data.

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I read Dr. John Ioannidis's cautionary article just a few days after it was published on Mar 17, 2020:


We were in the dark only because pols and public health bureaucrats chose to act before gathering even the most basic data about Covid--e.g., how many of those infected are likely to die? Shortly after reading it, I began tracking Santa Clara County reported 'cases' in an Excel spreadsheet (the data was not yet reported in useful format at the time). Not long after, Gov. Newsom declared that CA would see 25.5 million cases by Jun 2020. For this to happen, cases would have to double every few days for three months--clearly an absurd projection.

I have no epidemiological training, but I know basic statistics. I also knew that launching a course of action without having basic data is idiotic--or evil. I didn't know which at the time, but now I do. Sorry, you lunatic. You are NOT forgiven.

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I printed 2 copies out March 17, 2020 for my young kids. I never imagined the utter totalitarian atrocity extending 2+ years at the time, but it was the start of my collection of articles, printed so they can’t be changed, showing the data and actual scientists v the hysteria. I plotted the “model” in NC which, on March 30, predicted 36,000 to 41,000 people in NC would be hospitalized (even with the shutdown) by April 17, 2020. On April 17 there were about 800 people in the state of NC in the hospital.

I was called a grandma killer, a racist, a murderer, people threatened to call CPS on my husband and I trying to get our thriving kids removed as punishment for “wrong think.” I was doxxed and received death threats (that neither the local PD not NC would investigate). We were barred from society on numerous occasions.

My son is unilaterally deaf and suffered debilitating migraines that resulted in him screaming in pain and vomiting 3-4 days a week during the mandates (even though he didn’t have to wear a mask). He turned 6 a week before the shutdowns. We’ve buried 6 healthy fathers now since August 2021, 4 of whom were college athletes (2 track, 2 soccer), and all were healthy.

You are correct. We knew the whole time and people like this B made every attempt to destroy us and our children.

I do NOT forgive her and I will NEVER forget.

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That is heartbreaking and also completely infuriating !!

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We were connected on twitter before somebody hacked my account and I had to sign up again - I’m near Charlotte and tried to help the parents going through this but wish I could have done more.

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I’ve never been on Twitter, but thank you for trying to help parents. I’m in the triad.

Fortunately my kids are both doing well now, but the trauma for my son remains. Their school has seen no learning drops because they stayed open in person and did the minimum they could with masks. We just got our son’s MAP testing grades. He’s young for his grade (he’s now in 3rd grade). He dropped from 99% to 98% (217) in math and improved from 92% to 95% in reading (214). While his math should be a bit higher, he thinks the test is boring, so we’ll take it. Reading that’s actually a bit better than we expected.

The sad thing is I have friends who supported this crap now telling me how “unfair” it is that the kids at my kids school didn’t have learning loss while their kids did. 🙄. I voted for school choice for all families (and basically all my friends can afford school choice anyway), open schools, unmasked children, and using actual data. They voted against it. They got on Facebook and demanded the harm. It might be “unfair,” but it’s a result of their choices, not mine. They generally shut up when I say “you really think what happened was fair to (my son)? You really think he didn’t pay high enough a price for society’s stupidity?”

I’m still infuriated with UNC medicine. They knew exactly what they were doing to kids, especially those with disabilities. They see thousands a day. UNC children’s hospital didn’t give a crap.

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I share your outrage, NCmom!! We must NOT let anyone forget or off the hook for the abuse of power. My kids are 18 & 20, in the TARGET for continued jabs IF they attend college. IT's taken me almost 2 full years to convince my now 20 y.o. to NOT get the damn jabs ("all my friends took it and are fine"). It's been hell for me and I'm emotionally spent. I still send them 1-2 articles per week (cc my husband just to make sure we're both on the same page when talking with them). This war is NOT over for us parents who are trying to keep our kids (of any age) safe from this medical tyranny. Fortunately, after many debates, arguments and calm conversations, I got her to request a non-medical exemption (in OR they don't call them religious exemption). I remain forever VIGILANT and continue to try to educate anyone who will listen. Oregon was the absolute worst with school closures. I also switched parties and will be voting RED all the way next week. HANG IN THERE and let's keep on holding all these creeps accountable.

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Having children that age would have been so hard. 🙏💓. I wonder how long it will take them to realize what was done to them too? And right when you start life with personal autonomy (not yet old enough to realize it’s being taken). I’m glad you convinced him.

While there are exceptions, the university system has been proven a fraud. No science at any of them. No concern for the students. (And I have a masters. It’s a joke).

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These teen and young adult kids were a challenge! I have 4 of them. I sent them information constantly and spoke openly about my concerns. Thankfully, they all listened to me about the jabs, even when pressured by family members! One graduated May '22, two are in college now (not mandated) and one is in private high school. 2021 was one of the most stressful years of my life and I know it's not over.

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My kids are 16 and 20. They trust me for now but I wish I could convince them to read some studies for themselves. Moved to a different state so they both could go back to school. The older one (with 3 prior adverse events to the regular V's) gave up a partial scholarship to get out of NY with health intact. Keep up the good fight.

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Ah, yes. "I harmed myself and my kids, so you ought to harm yourself and your kids." Those of us who resisted in ways large and small have been treated like draft dodgers. Never mind that the "war" was unwinnable from the start, and that the damage has been huge. But hey, they wound up wounded, so everyone should be wounded.

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Exactly. It’s the most self-centered insane line of thought. They act as if the world would be better off if only more kids were more harmed!! 🤯. In reality it might be dawning on them “everyone else was doing it” will NEVER be a justifiable excuse to their harmed children in 15-20 years when they become adults and have questions because NOT everyone was doing it, it wouldn’t make it any better if everyone had gone along with it, and these “parents” attacked those of us that didn’t do it constantly. I feel terrible for their kids, but no way no how am I letting them reincarnate some ridiculous “undeserved privileged” 💩 towards my kids or any other child whose family actually put them first. Having parents put their children first is not an “unearned privilege.” It’s a basic minimum expectation every child deserves that way too many parents failed miserably at meeting.

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Neither will I! Blessings to you out there in NC....from an angry mother in Switzerland. I will not forgive, and neither will I forget. Sorry about the harm to your children..for me this was, and still is, abuse, and evil to the core.

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That's a great article, and one of the first things I read in 2020! It deeply affected my assessment of the craziness we were seeing at that time. I sent it to a lot of people/family, who all pretty much dismissed it, I'm sad to say.

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She didn't apologize because she's not sorry. She chose the wrong side and now is worried about the consequences.

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Totally agree.

Concise and RIGHT!

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I don't even know if she is worried about the consequences. It sounds like she rationalizes a lot of it away.

Here were her rationalizations that I did not for a moment believe: "She was in the dark, she just didn't know, there were people on all sides of every issue, it was hard to know who was right." Horse pucky.

It's not that hard. You simply find out which assertions made by the narrative, find the opposite viewpoint, and that is an indicator of the truth.

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She wasn't in the the dark, though. She made a choice for career and social preservation without considering the longterm consequences of being wrong. Clearly, she had a motivation to write the article, and The Atlantic had a motivation to publish it. My guess is neither had a personal epiphany. They are reading the tea leaves, and it's not looking good.

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Probably providing a blueprint for excuses her & her cultists can use for the righteously outraged.

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It won't work. They think we're stupid. We're not.

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Moreover, she is worried about the consequences for the whole cabal, and is their anointed messenger.

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Nailed it!

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I will not forgive Covidian like her, I will not forget, and neither will my children who were protected but watched their generation, including many of their friends who don’t attend their top ranked conservative private school, get destroyed by arrogant jerks like this b.

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I'd like to see a very large rogue's gallery of covid offenders, and her photo should definitely be included.

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NCMom, wish I still lived in Cary because I'd like to have a cup of coffee with you!

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As alluded to, it's really independent of this particular 'issue' and is all about the power grab. In this case it was covid.

But let's not forget all the 'normalizing' of mental illness (e.g. trans, pronouns, etc.), drug dependence, unhealthy lifestyles (e.g. embracing fatness), and fomenting of division (e.g. BLM, DIE, climate, politics, abortion, etc.). While people think they may be unrelated, they all conform to the rules for radicals to destabilize society and grab power. They didn't 'not know', they knew, did it on purpose, and got caught - now they feign ignorance and ask for forgiveness just to rinse and repeat (up next - climate crisis!).

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"Never fail to take advantage of a crisis." How many times was that running through our heads during this pandemic. And boy did they take advantage. Remember the complete overhaul of sporting events, where athletes masked up, knelt at the alter of BLM while cardboard onlookers watched in an empty stadium?

I don't think people think it is unrelated. All these things mainly come from the political left, but it is more systemic than that. It is really between those of us who still hold to the idea that there is some integrity left to the state, and those that realize that most of it is a metastasized cancer of bureaucracy.

This was the killjoy that the gift or restrictions kept on giving.

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Yes. Serial errors, serial ignorance = deliberate and evil.

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Exactly....all of it!

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Unless there is confession, remorse and penance, apologies are meaningless.

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And a retreat to never again telling others what they should say think or do.

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Well said.

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Were there apologies?

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I'm willing to watch Military Tribunals for All covid pimps and whores.

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Nuremberg II

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Me too. With plenty of popcorn and near zero sympathy.

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