They have apparently reversed this decision due to the huge amount of backlash they received. What's horrifying is that they'd even contemplate it in the first place and think that somehow it was a good idea.
EDIT: this comment was based on incorrect information. RMH did not reverse their decision, but the family was relocated to the Vancouver Easter Seals House, which doesn't discriminate.
Anyone who has worked closely with "nonprofits", "foundations", and other NGO's would not be a bit surprised.
The people who occupy stations of power across the managerial State and its rent-seeking, money laundering, influence peddling, and social engineering nonprofits are almost exclusively card-carrying members of a toxic believe system that has been bringing death and ruin for generations.
They come out of mind-melting University programs and straight into the grift of government makework and other NGO's. These are the same mentally fragile snowflakes and SJW axe-grinders who have turned college campuses into communist hellscapes. Then they get "jobs" to "help people". huh.
There is a tremendous amount of evil being done that is cloaked in feel good organizations and initiatives. The fact that most of these organizations actually do provide real value and real positive resources in areas of need does not mean the people staffing those places are answering to the call of Good.
Sure, there are some wonderful people working hard to help people. But as an Organization, the culture, values, moral compass, policies, and economic structures answer to a different god.
I agree. I have worked for 20+ years with nonprofits in an administrative role and the people I work for are self-righteous egotistical maniacs who use their role in the nonprofit to fulfill some sick dream of domination they were unable to fulfill in any other aspect of their life. But in a more general sense, I just cannot understand this fixation on mandates for a vaccine that *may* have worked on a past version of a virus, but clearly no longer works and even when it did work it never stopped the spread so there may have been some benefit to the vaccinated INDIVIDUAL, but never was there any benefit to those around the vaccinated. It is beyond bizarre - it is psychopathic.
Most "causes" within these Orgs are vectors for something else; trojan horses of sorts. To your point, the [REDACTED] is just a big horse.
Once the treatment became entirely the property of the faux-leftist moral superiority - and thus a binary social-status arbiter among its adherents, i.e. believing the treatment is "the right thing to do" is accretive to your status; to question in any way, however, is a personal indictment; it was no longer about anything real. It has been fully converged into the belief system - which of course is entirely divorced from reality.
These are the same people who will only hire "diversity" even if it means the work product and work culture will suffer because it is not about the work product at all. It is about the moral duty to atone for the original sins that underpin their cult's orthodoxy - a belief that just happen to be a massive defining characteristic of these peoples' personal identities. This is all very personal to them.
Brilliantly stated. All of it true and the reason why it is so difficult to transition these folks away from their “service to society”. They can’t see that they are actually hastening the demise of our once great but imperfect society. Going to watch a loop of George Carlin/Dave Chapelle and binge watch the Office tonight. Need to laugh….a lot!
Ok this is EXACTLY what has rattled around in my head the past 2 yrs but I have yet to fully articulate it. BINGO!!!!! When something is convoluted or messy or takes too much time its because its POLITICAL and NOT practical. Make common sense common again.
I can't understand why you would get this toxic jab when you have cancer. It makes no sense at all. Particularly if receiving chemo which depresses the immune system. Why add to that problem.
I have an unvaxxed friend with Stage 4 cancer. She battled it a few years ago and it came back last spring. At 1st appointment with new "brilliant and highly regarded" Philly oncologist he informed her he would not treat her w/o her getting a jab. At her 2nd appointment he asked about it and she lied and said "Yes, I did get the vaxx". His response? "Good. Because if you didn't get it, you'd be dead now". My friend is still fightin'!
None of this is about sound public health policies. If it was we wouldn’t be pumping a mRNA spike protein into humans in the middle of a viral outbreak.
I know someone who had a slow growing sarcoma in his shoulder. It suddenly grew after getting the Moderna shot, he had a heart attack and he had to have open heart surgery.
Now anti anti-vaxxers say that having hospitals crowded with sick people is not in the interest of public health. If you don’t want hospitals crowded tell people to stop getting tested for COVID. Drop all mandates and stop giving out COVID shots which cause the surge in sickness.
Another prime example is the Salvation Army, who shot themselves in the foot several weeks before Christmas. Never did hear how well their kettles did...
Another organization that I will never support. Heck given the amount of taxes I pay in my beloved dystopia, going to think long and hard about where my hard earned money is directed in the future. I will demand personal discussions with Executive Directors and board members before I donate a dime. Have had enough of these virtue signalling wokesters. They have shown me what they are made of and it isn’t what I stand for.
Yep. It's WAY past time to look more closely at these NGOs and "charitable foundations". They are jumping the queue of democracy and have far too much influence.
so well put. our daughter works for an NGO. She also went to India for 6 months whilst in college as a Fullbright scholar, and all her experiences in both contexts, in my view , equate to your description and conclusion
One of many tragedies of Progress is how it harvests the young and idealistic before they can blossom and then yokes them to a cause that will never let their true generative potential come to light. It's a kind of spiritual slavery I think.
I hope your daughter finds her way. A handful of years ago, totally coincidental that it was the period leading up to the orange man bad election, I spent A LOT of time volunteering for various NGOs. Working primarily with kids. "Disadvantaged" and so forth.
The amount of political agitation, social programming, and outright abuse ("If your parents vote for OMB, he will send you back to the refugee camp") perpetrated by these do-gooders was stomach turning.
I had to leave. And that was already under the condition that I had to bite-tongue and hold all of my personal beliefs and values at bay among those good people in order to even be able to volunteer there. I still miss those kids and what we had.
I won't even get into the massive vote harvesting I witnessed. White girls with masters degrees in "studies" are literally giving away the sacred "Democracy" they claim to worship because of their personal desire for status in the hive. When 2020 "election" came around I was less than surprised by all of the "irregularities". Well, I guess I did just kind of get into it.
Truth. We used to give regularly to nonprofit charities but figured out some time ago that most do not actually share our values and operate as little more than fund raising organizations for the left. We completely discontinued our charitable giving to organizations and only give charitably now to specific individuals and small charities that we can confirm are deserving and doing what they're doing for the right reasons.
Here in the UK, at least, we are in effect no longer governed, by series of NGOs and QUANGOS which administer us. Not accountable, not voted for, sucking up huge sums of taxpayer money.
The American Red Cross is about as bad. I am not sure about vaccination but as a former regular blood donor, they constantly email me about needing my blood due to "critical shortages" but they demand masks for anyone donating. Sorry, if it is critical, you should not force unpleasant things upon your donors, which giving blood is already unpleasant. Why make it worse? I will never give blood as long as that rule is in place.
Same with me. Our blood agency requires masks for unvaccinated but not for vaccinated. I wrote to the management that I will not be donating until they don't require masks for anyone.
I came to the same conclusion. What they also don't tell anyone is that blood is a medical product. It's not something that is "donated" other than what you bleed into the bag for some cookies and a sticker. It is a marketplace.
I fired off a scathing letter to the executive director and cancelled my healthy monthly donations immediately upon seeing this story. I am still enraged even after they backed down and have not reinstated them yet. Reversing any and all of this starts at a local level. Since hearing about this story, I have reached out to every NFP in my area and asked if they discriminate against the unvaxxed. I am happy to report that none do, unless they are lying to me. We not only need to make it personal for those making these soulless decisions, we need to rub their noses in it good and hard. Sick of every last drop of it!
Thank you for taking immediate action and hitting them where it hurts. I'd be wary of donating to them in the future because those running the organization seem beholden to the Twitter mobs.
I am not done with them yet. Will keep calling until I am able to speak directly with the Executive Director. I want to understand their “public health” position as to why they would throw a family out during what must be the most distressing time for them. Here is an organization that could be a leader in educating the public about the fact that viral loads in vaxxed/unvaxxed are similar. They would have had to admittedly taken some shrapnel from the MSM/Branch Covidians/unelected public health etc. Bottom line is the ED and board were fine with all of this. As someone who has actively sat on NFP boards in my community, this was likely a board decision.
I want you to know that I was disgusted when I heard that a parent with a severely ill child has been evicted by your organization because of a personal health decision.
I can’t for the life of me imagine the level of depravity and cruelty you and your organization have shown this family during this terribly difficult time.And this coming from an organization that positions itself as a beacon of life and hope for all.
My family used your services in Hamilton a number of years ago when my daughter was hospitalized and we have volunteered our time and given generously to what we thought was a non-discriminatory service to the community supported by Canadian tax payers for the greater good.
Given what I just learned, we will be halting all donations and no longer volunteering our time. I will be sure to share this letter with all friends, family and clients.
Thank you . Cdn from yvr here. I am disgusted with our country, our citizens. We are a stupid bunch. Thank you for writing this letter 🙏🏻. I need a good US immigration lawyer. I want my kids out of here.
I have spent a little less than half my life in the US, although most of the last 20+ years in Canada. Keep in mind what we are experiencing in Canada is akin to what Americans in many blue cities/states are experiencing. Places like Minneapolis, Washington, NY etc. Have many many friends and family in these places and mask, remote learning, constant vaccine coercion etc are all a part of their day to day. Most have fully embraced it all for “the greater good” just like many in my circle in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The difference between us and our friends in the US is we have the Charter of Rights and Wrongs as I like to refer to it and the US have the greatest document ever produced , save the bible - The US Constitution. In addition we are a parliamentary colony who are still beholden to the monarchy, while the US are a republic and threw the monarchy out! If it wasn’t for my wife and kids, I would be long gone from Canada to a proper red state. Love Tennessee and Florida but the problem now is all of these places whose views/politics align with mine will likely be overrun with woke social justice warriors and collectivists who are out to destroy the greatest free democracy in the world. Canada is a WEF/China controlled state and will be a beacon of light for Klaus and the gang. Heck most of our compatriots don’t even know that we just allowed a Chinese controlled company take over a lithium company. We still haven’t kicked Huaweii out, sold out BC long-term care company to Chines controlled company and our environmental minister and former Greenpeace terrorist just stated that we will stop using fossil fuels by 2024! We are a runaway clown show and most of our fellow citizens seem OK with all of it. 🇨🇦 is lost
Shar310, you don't need a good immigration lawyer to come to the US now, we welcome walk-ins from our southern border, just fly to Mexico and walk across. Heck, we may even give each of you almost a half million dollars for your trouble.
I think you can sneak out where all the immigrants were/are pouring in and taking taxis to, from the States, it's out East in Ontario, through farmers fields I believe. Good luck, send a postcard and let us know how its going for those of us trapped here for various reasons.
Can’t think of any other way out. The rot at federal/provincial levels is too deep and MSM are either too dumb, too compromised or too profitable from all of this to do any heavy lifting for the citizens. Problem is so many are so blind or propagandized that it takes all of my energy to wake up just one person. Now if each of us could wake up one person every day, pretty soon we would be talking real numbers. Gotta admit, I am drained but will keep going for my kids and the future of this once great Dominion that has become unrecognizable to me.
🙏🏻 Mary Ann. Comment threads like this as well as some Twitter spaces I attend have kept me hopeful that maybe, just maybe we can turn this around. Hearing about this was a real gut punch for me.
Yes but only to take out no? That is how it is in Ontario. You can walk in to order but you must take it away. These diktats are mind numbing and beyond useless. All about control and compliance. As in, why can’t us free thinkers just do as we are told?
I just looked up the restrictions in British Columbia and it's not very clear. However you can sit and eat in the food courts in shopping centers which makes no sense. These places are packed.
I have only gone into one fast food establishment in British Columbia because I was taking a ferry and didn't want to eat in their cafeteria. They never asked my status but I didn't stay to eat. Ate in car instead so I'm not sure if that is an issue here for these places.Will try to find out.
Probably can't hurt, though I would guess the RMH charity is pretty independent of the restaurant and restaurant management may not have any say in the charity's policies.
Well that's the thing. If I were those parents I'd be feeling intensely uncomfortable staying there. That's the last thing they need while going through cancer treatment with their kid.
I have sent this story to every single person I know. I added to my message that if anyone I know thinks this is acceptable, they are no longer a friend of mine. My next missive is to McDonald’s a disastrous PR debacle for them. I hope every young family wakes up and sees what is right in front of them. This could happen to them. NO-ONE will be spared, no one!
They say they'll help to find alternate housing, but that could mean many things including giving the parent a list of other places and then walking away.
Even if the whole thing is an untrue rumour started by "our side," it is incredibly good optics for opposing vaxx mandates of any type. If it's true, then a putative charity is outed as being utterly heartless and irrationally so. If the rumour is false, it makes them issue a denial and that gives the public awareness of the issue where it really IS a problem.
What's worse, what this has really exposed for me is the fact that most people's "morality" simply consists of going along with the zeitgeist. "Diversity, equity and inclusion" are trendy and necessary to fit in and succeed in business, so that's what people go along with. Oh, now it's chic to discriminate against vaccinated people? That's what we do! Most people have no moral backbone, no principles that would require them to stand against the majority and suffer for it. They will literally just go along with whatever the prevailing orthodoxy is even if that means sending Jews to camps or kicking 4-year-olds with cancer out into the street.
My wife is a DEI expert (PhD in multicultural equity studies) and she keeps saying, "Where are all the DEI people talking about inclusion and protection of rights for the unvaxxed?"
Wow, she's a rare one then. Most of them are happily jumping on the unvaxxed discrimination bandwagon. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Same is true of most "human rights" lawyers and defenders.
And those who go around saying "my body, my choice" for abortion, are often the most vocal ones demanding the unvaxxed be punished, and denied basic human rights. Idiots.
"Studies" LOL. Sure, it's fine to use DIE to advance cultmarx identity politik into every institution to poison the well of goodwill among Citizens; to invert the Christian morality that was foundational in this nation's founding in order to turn the wheels of Progress against that very same heritage; demonize and dispossess White Americans - particularly the few Men who still remain because of fabricated narratives about "Power" and "racism" and other "systemic" boogeymen; indoctrinate children with revisionist histories demonizing their own heritage rendering them into State automatons; and so on. But "Covid", well that's a bridge too far. As if leftist ideology is about reason & evidence, logic and Truth in everything except "Covid". Glad some people are waking up because "the jab", but they have a long way to go.
Definitely. Check out the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" about how ordinary citizens not only went along with Hitler, but helped him every step of the way.
This has been true since the beginning of time. The boomer generation grew up in an era of general remorse after WW2, and most people and politicians were on their good behavior. Lasted for a few generations.
Now, once again we see the feral side of human nature. In other words, run with the pack.
Good point I hadn't thought of. I figured "war" gave the more psychotic and deranged among us a sort of natural outlet and structure for their aggression and hatred, and also provided very basic and graphic lessons in life, guilt, compassion, grief and regret for anyone involved. But I didn't think about how afterwords everyone would try to repair the damage by, as you said, being on their best behavior. Human nature absolutely requires an enemy, and unfortunately right now, the unvaccinated are it. And that's me. It's quite painful to be excluded and ridiculed like this. It takes me back to being the fat kid on the playground.
Well said and 100% truth. I am two months overdue completing my company’s fresh and new Van Jones DEI program. Likely losing my job soon to refusal of jab but maybe they will fire me first for my truculence
It is also about a lack of curiosity and due diligence in doing one's own research. People are afraid to look at information that would clearly be disturbing.
Well, part of the problem is that so many people have no ability to make sense of anything remotely math related. Show them a simple chart showing how excess mortality is greater among the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed, and their eyes glaze over. It's like seeing your dog watch TV.
Amen. My wife and children are in this category. In fairness, so many are only equipped to get through their day. Those of us who can see this for what it is will need to carry the load. The alternative is the end of everything we hold dear
It's true what Jordan Peterson said. Most people, while they like to think they would stand up to the Nazis, would have been if not supportive of them, then gone along without protest.
Look how few people even resist the imposition of masks in shops...
Unfortunately, the information I based this on was incomplete. I've since learned they were relocated to the Easter Seals House, which doesn't discriminate. So RMH still has this black stain of evil on them, but thankfully the family still has somewhere to stay. I'd still encourage people to contact RMH of BC & Yukon to express your disapproval.
Ronald McDonald House, who ought to know something about cancer, ought to be aware that that in up to half of all vaccine takers, covid vaccines can induce a temporary immune suppression or immune dysregulation (lymphocytopenia) that may last about a week or possibly longer.
I'm not saying that it needs help to develop but that it needs help for it to become a threat to your health.
The common treatment for it, metformin, shuts down your cells working properly by attacking the mitochondria, which if you've done BIOL101 you would know as being absolutely essential for life.
The other medications for it, one of them gets rid of sugars via urine (which is also a test that your diabetes has worsened) and the other one is also quite destructive in how it works but I've forgotten how it does.
If you really want to lose whatever your last meal was, go to Reddit, find the Canada subreddit, find this item posted there, and start reading the comments.
Summary : intense rage and disgust at the parents for daring to be unvaccinated. It's a Two Minutes Hate.
I found it a little odd because there are some outbreaks of sanity in that subreddit recently, but man were they nowhere to be seen in that one.
Trudeau has let the Canadian people down badly. He is only a child. How is it possible the Canadians voted for this foolish CHILD.he is also as we can see dangerous. Like anyone who accepts backhanders, crooked and dangerous.
Here's the thing. Canadians have elected Trudeau. Three times now. So who's really at fault here, the leader or the people who continue to elect him?
Believe me, I've learned a lot about my fellow Canucks these past two years, and it's been an unpleasant education. Canadians do not value their freedom. They want to be safe, they want government to provide that safety, and they do not really care how that happens. I could go into some of my thinking about why but I think this is long enough.
What is worse is he was re-elected after trying to grab more power at the beginning of the pandemic and now claiming he has a mandate with 32% public support of the country concentrated in Toronto and Montreal. He is the most despised and divisive PM in Canadian history but there is literally no opposition. He has a parliamentary coalition with socialists and separatists and the bailed out MSM stenographers just blow him kisses daily. We no longer live in a proper functioning democracy and most seem just fine with it.
Our voting system isn't like the States, though. Trudeau lost the popular vote but that doesn't matter. Face it, by the time we're voting out west (where he isn't wildly popular) Toronto and Montreal have already voted, and the election has been called :(
So true. I was born in Quebec but moved to British Columbia in 1978. It was only then that I realized how under represented we are in western Canada. The entire system needs an overhaul.
Mixed bloods have so much cellular fear, of being found out. My Dad was alot like Trudeau, a mixed blood Canadian, and he was similarly incapacitated wrt anything that required a bold stand. When your ancestors had to assimilate or be killed, it affects generations. I am not excusing Trudeaus tyranny just trying to understand it.
Foreigners will always be a type of outcast in society. That means they put an extra premium on fitting in. That's why you will never see a racial outcast make a big stand. That is also why immigration is destroying the West.
We used to call them "Moonies" back in the day, referring to the members of the Sun Myung Moon cult, nowadays they call them Covidians, of the Covid Cult.
I've seen similar horror in Twitter threads -- people saying the unvaccinated should be denied medical care, and even hoping they die. MSNBC's Joy Reid has nightly rants about how the unvaccinated should be fined, not be given medical care before the vaccinated, and she thinks it's fine to deny them food:
Irony is she thinks she is speaking only to the “unvaxxed hillbillies” but surely she is not that dumb to realize the lowest uptake of the jabs are people of color. No wonder why nobody is watching any longer.
yes, they know what they are doing, surely. But madness is a real thing. Brexit and then Trump were just too much for some. Don't forget how insane things had gotten before convid
It's especially hilarious that these people never once think they will be the next victims of this medical tyranny. Better hope the next shot is another one that you want too!
In my now-past involvement with reddit I don't think I saw a single city or state sub that wasn't utterly merciless in silencing the slightest covid dissent.
I am assuming this is because the associated hospital and physicians have also lined up for experimentation.The very institutions that would have not so long ago rejected vaccination for any immunocompromised person, cancer patient or pregnant woman, now rushes to inject the very same. St. Jude's Research Hospital has joined in. These are strange times, living at the edge of sanity and reason. Science silenced, soon a thing of the past.
The comments on the tweet thread in support of RMH's decision to evict those without the shot are revolting, horrifying, and destroy one's hope for humanity.
I posted this on Facebook and got fact checked. They said it wasn't true because not ALL would be evicted( ie under 5 and they would consider exemptions on over 5 on a case by case basis). The way the fact checkers mince words and miss the point is mind boggling
What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.
He says, "A vaccinated person can get it and transmit it." She responds, "Yes." After that, there should be NO BUT. Effin' argument is over. This is sick.
It illustrates that it is not about the benefit, but obeying the rule and defending the rule even when you know it is wrong or ineffectual.
The lady in the mask defending the indefensible, is what is known in the UK as, a ‘Jobsworth’. These are people in minor positions of authority who show no discretion when it comes to the rules, almost gleefully upholding rules to,the letter, saying: ‘It’s more than my job’s worth to make an exception’.
High school hall monitors run amok! Some of the dimmest bulbs in the world but you think they are going to give up their new found Spence of importance? They have convinced themselves that they are doing God’s work and that anyone who gets in their way should be harshly dealt with. This is what we are up against and govt/PH/Big corporations/unions/MSM, kmow this and feed the beast every chance they get
They are working from a script in which we are fighting an extremely deadly virus and have a sterilizing vaccine that stops transmission, and I don't know if I'm more horrified by their apparent unwillingness to go off-script or by the fact that so few seem to realize this is NOT reality.
About a year ago I was listening to the radio. One of the hosts had just gotten the vaccine and was wondering if he did the right thing. I remember him saying that he wished that ‘everyone would just make a leap of faith’ and get vaccinated. He wanted everyone else to be in the situation. Everyone has to jump…..
Voltaire was a genius. He died, mercifully, shortly before the French Revolution, perhaps the first large scale demonstration (in "modern" times) of the very idiocy you speak of. His voluminous writings are well worth reading (selectively at least) and all are public domain so you can read them for free if you are a cheapskate. He has many quotable quotes; one of my favorites (somewhat paraphrased, but the intent is the same.) He would have said of most modern media or so-called news: Every page is an affront to common sense.
The bullshit and the evil that is coming out of Canada these days is enough to fill the Grand Canyon or the Great Lakes or the Bay of Hudson. It could easily bury the Empire State Building or the CN Tower, the tallest building anywhere is no match for it.
Ok, due to backlash, they're relocating, not evicting.
This is an opportunity to educate. There are twitters defending decision for wrong reason. Opportunity to reply *gently* with fact that the vaxxes do not immunize, do not prevent spread, that vaxxed still get & spread disease, harbor same level of virus. Point to examples, esp fully isolated, fully vaxxed team on Anarctica!
Someone needs to put a list together of all of these places so we can make a concerted effort to go after them. This woman speaks like the rest of them- making no real sense at all. The plain old stupidity is mind boggling.
Well done to that young dad for speaking up and filming this. It's rare to hear a Canadian accent talking about Covid these days unless it is saying something evil (see Trudeau or any of those strange robotic public health women that Canada seems to be infested with). What must it be like to be the parent of a very ill child and be told that you will soon be forced to fend for yourselves, far from home? Canada is a very big place, and world-class hospitals are few and far between. Those Ronald McDonald houses have been a lifeline for decades for frightened young families from isolated areas, coming to the cities to get treatment for their children. I feel sick to see what Canada has become.
Nice job Ronald McDonald House; you are going to throw these people out because they haven’t received a vaccine that doesn’t prevent them from getting or transmitting the virus. And that lady in the video is a moron. I would rather have her just say that there is nothing she can do instead of trying to justify something that can’t be justified.
This is UNBELIEVABLE, the person who made this decision should have his head read!
I thought we here in Germany had it bad. As from yesterday we need to prove negative, whether boosted or recovered, before we are allowed into a restaurant or bar!
The Laurentian elite in Canada is following the words of their psychotic, narcissistic Prime Minister Trudeau. Suffice to say Canada now leads the world in breakthrough cases, has suspended all civil rights and is now publicly echoing many Third Reich aphorisms in their media. Things like "we need to declare a national mandate and frog march the unvaccinated to the nearest vaccination center". This is no different from the type of thing Goebbels and Streicher said in the 30s.
This is a holocaust against the vaccinated. A final solution carried out by fascist government and a pharma-industrial complex run by criminals. We must gather the names of all of these criminals and others who have tweeted or made the public statements and place their names along with their statement on a blockchain that can never be altered so that what they are is visible to everyone, forever. That, and trials for the criminals who have destroyed the immune systems for the majority of the population will ensure that this never happens again. That is how this will end.
Don't read the comments on this one. They are cheerleading the original decision and more. Lots of people love this and see it as racist white trash being justly punished for failure to protect immunocompromised kids from his plague rat child.
Canada appears to be on the verge of a 'Year Zero' type of apocalyptic depravity. I wouldn't be surprised to see the boy-king Trudeau make a speech about how 'the racists, the misogynists, the unvaxxed, the cockroaches' need to be sent out to the bush to live in camps.
Canadians will protest the lack of quarantine camps for unmasked relatives while Dear Leader parties with Boris in the UK. Someone needs to convince Joe that Ukraine is spelled Canada and invade.
This is horrific. I know that this place has done a lot of good over the years and I'm not sure this will come out right, but relying on a company that has been poisoning people for years with their dead food to help/heal people is probably not a good idea in the first place. Though I haven't looked at the history of Ronald McDonald House, this all makes me wonder if it was started as a tax write off and for them to appear they were doing something "good" while giving millions of people the very diseases they are "helping" them with while still spending millions of dollars to lobby politicians to make sure sugar, the wrong kinds of fat and sub-par/gmo ingredients stay in pretty much everything they sell.
There is a lot of legal "corruption" floating around. (Usually) tax-deductible or tax-free non-profits, Non-governmental entities, etc. have been simultaneously a tax write-off for the super-rich as well as political influence (despite at least in theory, prohibition on the latter) for generations. Your non-profit in DC may not be legally able to contribute to a politician, or write opinions openly advocating for similar, but they can contribute money here and there to favored players, or provide cushy jobs (never call it "bribery") etc. World Health Organization, at least in theory a UN Government entity, receives over ten percent of its budget from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation alone. Even "pure" government agencies like NIAID, FDA rely heavily on corporate "fees," own patents on drugs, Federal employees receive payments for same, etc. All this is legal and yet the conflicts of interest are rather obvious. RFK Jr.s new book lays bare a lot of this. I was dimly aware, but still was amazed at the levels of rot in the system. I may be getting a bit off topic, but I'm sure much the same applies in any corporate-government enterprises.
One thing that has been glaring in the campaign is the dismissal of the scientific fact of contraindication to vaccines, for certain people. I think that dismissal alone is enough to know one had better not take a single "vaccine". Before this crime against humanity, I was a supporter of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. They used to have a warning on their website regarding visitors of children with cancer, and it was in regards to recent vaccinations of the visitors since the shedding thereof could harm the children! There is no such warning now to my knowledge. And I will never support any individual, group or cause who has been part of the promotion of these nostrums. It is abundantly clear that we need to free ourselves from the medical and pharma systems and learn to take care of ourselves. Those systems need to be thoroughly cut off. They are empowered by people thinking the system is god that gives life, when in fact, they extort money and it is the patient and not the medical provider who has something to prove. Better living through "science". Yeah, right.
Between this and their syringe fry box I think I'm done with McDonald's that might be the hardest habit for me to kick in my 50 years of being addicted to fast food but this seals it for me
You can’t trust ‘Big’ anything. Big media, big pharma, big science, big medicine, big military, big NGO’s, big education, big business, etc., etc.. they are all too busy keeping the cash flowing from the tax payers to be concerned with quality and efficiency or ethics. Cut off the cash flow, break them up, only support the small businessperson.
"Only when this [unvaccinated] bacillus infecting the life of peoples has been removed can one hope to establish a co-operation amongst the nations which shall be built up on a lasting understanding."
I think all evil begins with chronic anxiety. They think the virus is causing their anxiety, but it's not. I suspect the anxiety is ideological. It's the spirit of the unvax'd person that triggers them, not their vax status, but the spirit of individualism. The spirit of individualism stands in opposition to universal collectivism, which they subconsciously sermized is the only thing powerful enough to cure their anxiety and bring lasting inner peace and sustained hope. It's even strong enough to dictate reality itself. Fragmented, decentralized collectivism just isn't enough anymore. But I don't think the big problems that can ostensibly only be solved by universal collectivism are at the heart of their anxiety either, despite what they say. They want universal collectivism for the sake of universal collectivism. They're drawn by the power and purity of it. Just the thought of this calms their anxiety and brings a fleetly feeling of hope, only to be triggered again by the thought of those who so stubbornly stand in the way, who refuse to accept the narrative of the collective. "Damn them! Damn them to hell! They're just being jerks and stealing my hope for the fun of it. They need to pay. They can't be allowed to ruin my life!! If they would just stop being jerks and take the Vax, we could all rest easy and this will end! Our anxiety will go away and we can all live in peace. Is this too much to ask? They're just jerks. They're plain evil, and they need to pay the price."
El Gato said: "if you spend enough time and venom vilifying people, it is beyond belief what sort of ethical inversions and outrages you can get to emerge."
It's very easy to get sucked in and see the collectivists as 'the problem' and suffer the same ethical inversion that afflicts them.
A person has to actively fight the human tendency towards tribalism and to focus on the real problem:
What place is there in the post-industrial world for the millions of anxious untalented mid-wits?
Unless a place is carved out for them, what alternative do they have except to form a brainless brutal fascist army; the kind that stomps on the head of children with cancer on their march to victory?
How are you going to discriminate against people for not taking a vaccine that does not prevent you from getting or spreading Covid? Nor does it lessen the severity of a Covid infection or prevent death and has numerous increased side effects compared to any vaccine in history.
Anyway this can be shared with the Highwire, the defender, TCW, the daily sceptic, substack, Steve Kirsch, Joel Smalley, Dr. Paul Alexander. Joe Rogan, and anyone else who can get the word out about this horrific story and McDonald’s involvement.
The only problem with going Full Dexter with these woke vaccinated managers is that their blood is crap, real mudblood! Totally unworthy samples to the blood sample box behind the AC cover! Could even cross-contaminate all the other "customers"! No way!
It defies belief that there are people who would think that this is a reasonable way to behave. Every week that goes by, the number of people who I wish serious harm to, increases.
This just goes to show the Beloved Boy Leader was correct. In questioning that poor woman who was only doing her job and saving untold thousands from a terrible covid death, this dirty unvaxxed toxic male father has revealed his misogyny and racism.
They have apparently reversed this decision due to the huge amount of backlash they received. What's horrifying is that they'd even contemplate it in the first place and think that somehow it was a good idea.
EDIT: this comment was based on incorrect information. RMH did not reverse their decision, but the family was relocated to the Vancouver Easter Seals House, which doesn't discriminate.
Anyone who has worked closely with "nonprofits", "foundations", and other NGO's would not be a bit surprised.
The people who occupy stations of power across the managerial State and its rent-seeking, money laundering, influence peddling, and social engineering nonprofits are almost exclusively card-carrying members of a toxic believe system that has been bringing death and ruin for generations.
They come out of mind-melting University programs and straight into the grift of government makework and other NGO's. These are the same mentally fragile snowflakes and SJW axe-grinders who have turned college campuses into communist hellscapes. Then they get "jobs" to "help people". huh.
There is a tremendous amount of evil being done that is cloaked in feel good organizations and initiatives. The fact that most of these organizations actually do provide real value and real positive resources in areas of need does not mean the people staffing those places are answering to the call of Good.
Sure, there are some wonderful people working hard to help people. But as an Organization, the culture, values, moral compass, policies, and economic structures answer to a different god.
I agree. I have worked for 20+ years with nonprofits in an administrative role and the people I work for are self-righteous egotistical maniacs who use their role in the nonprofit to fulfill some sick dream of domination they were unable to fulfill in any other aspect of their life. But in a more general sense, I just cannot understand this fixation on mandates for a vaccine that *may* have worked on a past version of a virus, but clearly no longer works and even when it did work it never stopped the spread so there may have been some benefit to the vaccinated INDIVIDUAL, but never was there any benefit to those around the vaccinated. It is beyond bizarre - it is psychopathic.
Most "causes" within these Orgs are vectors for something else; trojan horses of sorts. To your point, the [REDACTED] is just a big horse.
Once the treatment became entirely the property of the faux-leftist moral superiority - and thus a binary social-status arbiter among its adherents, i.e. believing the treatment is "the right thing to do" is accretive to your status; to question in any way, however, is a personal indictment; it was no longer about anything real. It has been fully converged into the belief system - which of course is entirely divorced from reality.
These are the same people who will only hire "diversity" even if it means the work product and work culture will suffer because it is not about the work product at all. It is about the moral duty to atone for the original sins that underpin their cult's orthodoxy - a belief that just happen to be a massive defining characteristic of these peoples' personal identities. This is all very personal to them.
Brilliantly stated. All of it true and the reason why it is so difficult to transition these folks away from their “service to society”. They can’t see that they are actually hastening the demise of our once great but imperfect society. Going to watch a loop of George Carlin/Dave Chapelle and binge watch the Office tonight. Need to laugh….a lot!
Ok this is EXACTLY what has rattled around in my head the past 2 yrs but I have yet to fully articulate it. BINGO!!!!! When something is convoluted or messy or takes too much time its because its POLITICAL and NOT practical. Make common sense common again.
I can't understand why you would get this toxic jab when you have cancer. It makes no sense at all. Particularly if receiving chemo which depresses the immune system. Why add to that problem.
I know of two people who were in cancer remission doing well got jab and both died shortly thereafter.
I have an unvaxxed friend with Stage 4 cancer. She battled it a few years ago and it came back last spring. At 1st appointment with new "brilliant and highly regarded" Philly oncologist he informed her he would not treat her w/o her getting a jab. At her 2nd appointment he asked about it and she lied and said "Yes, I did get the vaxx". His response? "Good. Because if you didn't get it, you'd be dead now". My friend is still fightin'!
None of this is about sound public health policies. If it was we wouldn’t be pumping a mRNA spike protein into humans in the middle of a viral outbreak.
I know someone who had a slow growing sarcoma in his shoulder. It suddenly grew after getting the Moderna shot, he had a heart attack and he had to have open heart surgery.
I'm suspecting the kid has cancer because of a previous toxic jab.
Now anti anti-vaxxers say that having hospitals crowded with sick people is not in the interest of public health. If you don’t want hospitals crowded tell people to stop getting tested for COVID. Drop all mandates and stop giving out COVID shots which cause the surge in sickness.
Vaxxers? I'm not an anti-vaxxer that's a pejorative term.
I'm pro health. Agree with you otherwise.
Agree totally. It makes no sense. Your immune system is already very stressed and then you want to vaxx them!
I survived Leukemia at the age of 58.
I cannot believe that anyone would subject parents of a young one with leukemia to this level of mental anguish. Disgusting. Inhuman.
Wondering if Norm Mcdonald’s leukemia remission ended following the jab. Humor is so yesterday anyway.
Another prime example is the Salvation Army, who shot themselves in the foot several weeks before Christmas. Never did hear how well their kettles did...
Sorry, as a white person I'm too busy scourging myself and apologizing for blood libel to keep up with the news.
Another organization that I will never support. Heck given the amount of taxes I pay in my beloved dystopia, going to think long and hard about where my hard earned money is directed in the future. I will demand personal discussions with Executive Directors and board members before I donate a dime. Have had enough of these virtue signalling wokesters. They have shown me what they are made of and it isn’t what I stand for.
"Everything the government touches turns to crap."
~ Ringo Starr
Yep. It's WAY past time to look more closely at these NGOs and "charitable foundations". They are jumping the queue of democracy and have far too much influence.
dig into the organizational filing documents on some of the bigger ones, lots of goodies to be found
so well put. our daughter works for an NGO. She also went to India for 6 months whilst in college as a Fullbright scholar, and all her experiences in both contexts, in my view , equate to your description and conclusion
One of many tragedies of Progress is how it harvests the young and idealistic before they can blossom and then yokes them to a cause that will never let their true generative potential come to light. It's a kind of spiritual slavery I think.
I hope your daughter finds her way. A handful of years ago, totally coincidental that it was the period leading up to the orange man bad election, I spent A LOT of time volunteering for various NGOs. Working primarily with kids. "Disadvantaged" and so forth.
The amount of political agitation, social programming, and outright abuse ("If your parents vote for OMB, he will send you back to the refugee camp") perpetrated by these do-gooders was stomach turning.
I had to leave. And that was already under the condition that I had to bite-tongue and hold all of my personal beliefs and values at bay among those good people in order to even be able to volunteer there. I still miss those kids and what we had.
I won't even get into the massive vote harvesting I witnessed. White girls with masters degrees in "studies" are literally giving away the sacred "Democracy" they claim to worship because of their personal desire for status in the hive. When 2020 "election" came around I was less than surprised by all of the "irregularities". Well, I guess I did just kind of get into it.
You spelled "frauds" incorrectly 😂🤗
Truth. We used to give regularly to nonprofit charities but figured out some time ago that most do not actually share our values and operate as little more than fund raising organizations for the left. We completely discontinued our charitable giving to organizations and only give charitably now to specific individuals and small charities that we can confirm are deserving and doing what they're doing for the right reasons.
Excellent comment, not enough people are aware of how these 'wolves in sheeps clothing' non-profits actually operate.
Here in the UK, at least, we are in effect no longer governed, by series of NGOs and QUANGOS which administer us. Not accountable, not voted for, sucking up huge sums of taxpayer money.
Make a Wish Foundation did something similar. They also demanded all family members get vaxxed. They walked it back when thousands protested.
The American Red Cross is about as bad. I am not sure about vaccination but as a former regular blood donor, they constantly email me about needing my blood due to "critical shortages" but they demand masks for anyone donating. Sorry, if it is critical, you should not force unpleasant things upon your donors, which giving blood is already unpleasant. Why make it worse? I will never give blood as long as that rule is in place.
Same with me. Our blood agency requires masks for unvaccinated but not for vaccinated. I wrote to the management that I will not be donating until they don't require masks for anyone.
I came to the same conclusion. What they also don't tell anyone is that blood is a medical product. It's not something that is "donated" other than what you bleed into the bag for some cookies and a sticker. It is a marketplace.
But now who would be comfortable there? Confidence in care? Who will maintain contributions to the charity?
I fired off a scathing letter to the executive director and cancelled my healthy monthly donations immediately upon seeing this story. I am still enraged even after they backed down and have not reinstated them yet. Reversing any and all of this starts at a local level. Since hearing about this story, I have reached out to every NFP in my area and asked if they discriminate against the unvaxxed. I am happy to report that none do, unless they are lying to me. We not only need to make it personal for those making these soulless decisions, we need to rub their noses in it good and hard. Sick of every last drop of it!
Thank you for your advocacy. You are right, it has to start locally and we need to act, not just complain.
Thank you for taking immediate action and hitting them where it hurts. I'd be wary of donating to them in the future because those running the organization seem beholden to the Twitter mobs.
I am not done with them yet. Will keep calling until I am able to speak directly with the Executive Director. I want to understand their “public health” position as to why they would throw a family out during what must be the most distressing time for them. Here is an organization that could be a leader in educating the public about the fact that viral loads in vaxxed/unvaxxed are similar. They would have had to admittedly taken some shrapnel from the MSM/Branch Covidians/unelected public health etc. Bottom line is the ED and board were fine with all of this. As someone who has actively sat on NFP boards in my community, this was likely a board decision.
It is discouraging how seemingly under-the-radar type positions have been filled with such ignorant and evil people.
Any chance you could share a name and address to write to. Thank you.
The ED is Bonnie Stillwell. Her email is on Here is my letter
Dear Ms. Stillwell
I want you to know that I was disgusted when I heard that a parent with a severely ill child has been evicted by your organization because of a personal health decision.
I can’t for the life of me imagine the level of depravity and cruelty you and your organization have shown this family during this terribly difficult time.And this coming from an organization that positions itself as a beacon of life and hope for all.
My family used your services in Hamilton a number of years ago when my daughter was hospitalized and we have volunteered our time and given generously to what we thought was a non-discriminatory service to the community supported by Canadian tax payers for the greater good.
Given what I just learned, we will be halting all donations and no longer volunteering our time. I will be sure to share this letter with all friends, family and clients.
Thank you . Cdn from yvr here. I am disgusted with our country, our citizens. We are a stupid bunch. Thank you for writing this letter 🙏🏻. I need a good US immigration lawyer. I want my kids out of here.
I have spent a little less than half my life in the US, although most of the last 20+ years in Canada. Keep in mind what we are experiencing in Canada is akin to what Americans in many blue cities/states are experiencing. Places like Minneapolis, Washington, NY etc. Have many many friends and family in these places and mask, remote learning, constant vaccine coercion etc are all a part of their day to day. Most have fully embraced it all for “the greater good” just like many in my circle in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The difference between us and our friends in the US is we have the Charter of Rights and Wrongs as I like to refer to it and the US have the greatest document ever produced , save the bible - The US Constitution. In addition we are a parliamentary colony who are still beholden to the monarchy, while the US are a republic and threw the monarchy out! If it wasn’t for my wife and kids, I would be long gone from Canada to a proper red state. Love Tennessee and Florida but the problem now is all of these places whose views/politics align with mine will likely be overrun with woke social justice warriors and collectivists who are out to destroy the greatest free democracy in the world. Canada is a WEF/China controlled state and will be a beacon of light for Klaus and the gang. Heck most of our compatriots don’t even know that we just allowed a Chinese controlled company take over a lithium company. We still haven’t kicked Huaweii out, sold out BC long-term care company to Chines controlled company and our environmental minister and former Greenpeace terrorist just stated that we will stop using fossil fuels by 2024! We are a runaway clown show and most of our fellow citizens seem OK with all of it. 🇨🇦 is lost
Shar310, you don't need a good immigration lawyer to come to the US now, we welcome walk-ins from our southern border, just fly to Mexico and walk across. Heck, we may even give each of you almost a half million dollars for your trouble.
I think you can sneak out where all the immigrants were/are pouring in and taking taxis to, from the States, it's out East in Ontario, through farmers fields I believe. Good luck, send a postcard and let us know how its going for those of us trapped here for various reasons.
Thank you for doing that. These people need to have their noses rubbed in what they have done.
Can’t think of any other way out. The rot at federal/provincial levels is too deep and MSM are either too dumb, too compromised or too profitable from all of this to do any heavy lifting for the citizens. Problem is so many are so blind or propagandized that it takes all of my energy to wake up just one person. Now if each of us could wake up one person every day, pretty soon we would be talking real numbers. Gotta admit, I am drained but will keep going for my kids and the future of this once great Dominion that has become unrecognizable to me.
Great letter. You nailed it. I think a lot of us feel the same. I would boycott McDonald's but I never eat their dreadful food.
Fantastic. A big drop in donations would probably cure their psychosis.
Thank you for this info. A great letter, I will join in and hope so many more do the same.
🙏🏻 Mary Ann. Comment threads like this as well as some Twitter spaces I attend have kept me hopeful that maybe, just maybe we can turn this around. Hearing about this was a real gut punch for me.
Sorry email is “mcd” not “mdc” as above. BTW she has not replied to my letter
Email sent
Thank you. You are a woman of action, Mary Ann! Let’s hope our collective efforts can help turn the tide.
Thank you! This is beyond horrible.
well done. Sending an email today
email sent
thanks! I signed the petition.
Aren’t you a famous architect?
Ha ha! Import/export business is where it is at!
I once knew a marine biologist named Art Vandelay. He saved a whale.
We’re boycotting McDonald’s altogether. It can only make our lives better.
Without proof of vax here in San Francisco, I can't enter their establishment even if I wanted to.
Thats applies in all restaurants, right?
The irony here is in British Columbia the unvaccinated with no vaccine passport are allowed in McDonald's and all the other fast food chains.
Yes but only to take out no? That is how it is in Ontario. You can walk in to order but you must take it away. These diktats are mind numbing and beyond useless. All about control and compliance. As in, why can’t us free thinkers just do as we are told?
I just looked up the restrictions in British Columbia and it's not very clear. However you can sit and eat in the food courts in shopping centers which makes no sense. These places are packed.
I have only gone into one fast food establishment in British Columbia because I was taking a ferry and didn't want to eat in their cafeteria. They never asked my status but I didn't stay to eat. Ate in car instead so I'm not sure if that is an issue here for these places.Will try to find out.
The quality of the food alone does it for me. 🤡 In fairness, I still eat select items. But their "beef"? Maybe, if the alternative were starvation...
I pray thousands do the same.
Probably can't hurt, though I would guess the RMH charity is pretty independent of the restaurant and restaurant management may not have any say in the charity's policies.
Well that's the thing. If I were those parents I'd be feeling intensely uncomfortable staying there. That's the last thing they need while going through cancer treatment with their kid.
Whole point of a Ronald McDonald house would be to make the journey less frightening. They've undermined their mission.
I have sent this story to every single person I know. I added to my message that if anyone I know thinks this is acceptable, they are no longer a friend of mine. My next missive is to McDonald’s a disastrous PR debacle for them. I hope every young family wakes up and sees what is right in front of them. This could happen to them. NO-ONE will be spared, no one!
Yes, Mary Ann! 🙏🏻
Have they?
They say they'll help to find alternate housing, but that could mean many things including giving the parent a list of other places and then walking away.
I don't think they've changed their policy.
Even if the whole thing is an untrue rumour started by "our side," it is incredibly good optics for opposing vaxx mandates of any type. If it's true, then a putative charity is outed as being utterly heartless and irrationally so. If the rumour is false, it makes them issue a denial and that gives the public awareness of the issue where it really IS a problem.
It is not a rumour. Do not let them try to soft peddle any of this. The father recorded the conversation with a representative of the organization.
Ok, the information I saw just said they'd reversed the decision. If true that's really not much better - they're still discriminating.
They haven't reversed the decision...their moving them to the leper colony away from the others...who will all contract Omicron anyway..
These people only think in headlines.
What's worse, what this has really exposed for me is the fact that most people's "morality" simply consists of going along with the zeitgeist. "Diversity, equity and inclusion" are trendy and necessary to fit in and succeed in business, so that's what people go along with. Oh, now it's chic to discriminate against vaccinated people? That's what we do! Most people have no moral backbone, no principles that would require them to stand against the majority and suffer for it. They will literally just go along with whatever the prevailing orthodoxy is even if that means sending Jews to camps or kicking 4-year-olds with cancer out into the street.
My wife is a DEI expert (PhD in multicultural equity studies) and she keeps saying, "Where are all the DEI people talking about inclusion and protection of rights for the unvaxxed?"
Wow, she's a rare one then. Most of them are happily jumping on the unvaxxed discrimination bandwagon. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Same is true of most "human rights" lawyers and defenders.
And those who go around saying "my body, my choice" for abortion, are often the most vocal ones demanding the unvaxxed be punished, and denied basic human rights. Idiots.
So true. We have the right to eject something unwanted in our bodies but not the right to reject something they want to put in our bodies.
"Studies" LOL. Sure, it's fine to use DIE to advance cultmarx identity politik into every institution to poison the well of goodwill among Citizens; to invert the Christian morality that was foundational in this nation's founding in order to turn the wheels of Progress against that very same heritage; demonize and dispossess White Americans - particularly the few Men who still remain because of fabricated narratives about "Power" and "racism" and other "systemic" boogeymen; indoctrinate children with revisionist histories demonizing their own heritage rendering them into State automatons; and so on. But "Covid", well that's a bridge too far. As if leftist ideology is about reason & evidence, logic and Truth in everything except "Covid". Glad some people are waking up because "the jab", but they have a long way to go.
The woke machine made this happen. There's no air between them.
At least she has a single saving grace then.
Probably one of the most frightening realities about the whole covid fiasco.
Just like where are all the ‘my body my choice people?’ Too focused on killing babies, I assume
Definitely. Check out the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" about how ordinary citizens not only went along with Hitler, but helped him every step of the way.
I'm waiting for the book on Hitler's billionaires. Could start with the Bush family.
Is the Bush family connected to Hitler? I don’t doubt it but I’ve never heard that before (although I’m certain they wouldn’t be telling it).
This has been true since the beginning of time. The boomer generation grew up in an era of general remorse after WW2, and most people and politicians were on their good behavior. Lasted for a few generations.
Now, once again we see the feral side of human nature. In other words, run with the pack.
Good point I hadn't thought of. I figured "war" gave the more psychotic and deranged among us a sort of natural outlet and structure for their aggression and hatred, and also provided very basic and graphic lessons in life, guilt, compassion, grief and regret for anyone involved. But I didn't think about how afterwords everyone would try to repair the damage by, as you said, being on their best behavior. Human nature absolutely requires an enemy, and unfortunately right now, the unvaccinated are it. And that's me. It's quite painful to be excluded and ridiculed like this. It takes me back to being the fat kid on the playground.
Yes and again as during the Third Reich, crickets from the Vatican. It's all mealy mouthed corporate platitudes about "inclusivity".
Come on now, the only way to fix systemic racism is with highly paid corporate systemic racism.
Well said and 100% truth. I am two months overdue completing my company’s fresh and new Van Jones DEI program. Likely losing my job soon to refusal of jab but maybe they will fire me first for my truculence
It is also about a lack of curiosity and due diligence in doing one's own research. People are afraid to look at information that would clearly be disturbing.
Well, part of the problem is that so many people have no ability to make sense of anything remotely math related. Show them a simple chart showing how excess mortality is greater among the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed, and their eyes glaze over. It's like seeing your dog watch TV.
Amen. My wife and children are in this category. In fairness, so many are only equipped to get through their day. Those of us who can see this for what it is will need to carry the load. The alternative is the end of everything we hold dear
Hopefully the TNI is melting....I blame them for most of this, people trust.
It's true what Jordan Peterson said. Most people, while they like to think they would stand up to the Nazis, would have been if not supportive of them, then gone along without protest.
Look how few people even resist the imposition of masks in shops...
It's depressing.
Tell that to the pope and most mainline churches of woke.
Sadly, very true. I always envision that herd of wilderbeasts in my head; we are no different it seems.
Homo "Tell me what I need to say to keep my job" Sapiens
Nailed it.
VERY glad to hear it.
Unfortunately, the information I based this on was incomplete. I've since learned they were relocated to the Easter Seals House, which doesn't discriminate. So RMH still has this black stain of evil on them, but thankfully the family still has somewhere to stay. I'd still encourage people to contact RMH of BC & Yukon to express your disapproval.
Total evil. The ghoulishness is just off the charts.
I keep saying it, because it really is simple: they hate you and want you to die.
That's all you need to know. Prepare yourself for that contingency. This is apes with rocks. Get a bigger rock or get to a different patch of forest.
Feeling abandoned and hopeless leads to more social division, and self-destructive behavior.
Absolute madness
Good advice
Ronald McDonald House, who ought to know something about cancer, ought to be aware that that in up to half of all vaccine takers, covid vaccines can induce a temporary immune suppression or immune dysregulation (lymphocytopenia) that may last about a week or possibly longer.
This immune supression has caused certain cancers which were in remission to start producing tumours again — for instance, as documented here:
It shows you how this is all a business to them, not interested in stopping cancers at all really.
Exactly. Why would you give this jab to someone who is already immunocompromised. Makes no sense at all.
That’s why you aren’t considered ‘vaccinated’ until Two weeks later.
Yea, but the point of the article was what it did to his cancer after vaccination.
Ah, misunderstood you there. sorry about that.
The first two maybe, the third one I have my doubts about. I figure it needs help in the from of poisons administered by tablet a few times a day.
I'm not saying that it needs help to develop but that it needs help for it to become a threat to your health.
The common treatment for it, metformin, shuts down your cells working properly by attacking the mitochondria, which if you've done BIOL101 you would know as being absolutely essential for life.
And the trials that supposedly showed that it was effective sound to me like the trials that tell us that Pfizer is effective against 'COVID'.
Edit: this might be a better link
The other medications for it, one of them gets rid of sugars via urine (which is also a test that your diabetes has worsened) and the other one is also quite destructive in how it works but I've forgotten how it does.
I agree.
Kid you not, people here are proud of this. I live among tyrants.
Yeah, read the comments, thunderous applause.
If you really want to lose whatever your last meal was, go to Reddit, find the Canada subreddit, find this item posted there, and start reading the comments.
Summary : intense rage and disgust at the parents for daring to be unvaccinated. It's a Two Minutes Hate.
I found it a little odd because there are some outbreaks of sanity in that subreddit recently, but man were they nowhere to be seen in that one.
Trudeau has let the Canadian people down badly. He is only a child. How is it possible the Canadians voted for this foolish CHILD.he is also as we can see dangerous. Like anyone who accepts backhanders, crooked and dangerous.
Here's the thing. Canadians have elected Trudeau. Three times now. So who's really at fault here, the leader or the people who continue to elect him?
Believe me, I've learned a lot about my fellow Canucks these past two years, and it's been an unpleasant education. Canadians do not value their freedom. They want to be safe, they want government to provide that safety, and they do not really care how that happens. I could go into some of my thinking about why but I think this is long enough.
Democracy is 51% of people agreeing to burn 49% alive at the stake to make the sun come up.
What is worse is he was re-elected after trying to grab more power at the beginning of the pandemic and now claiming he has a mandate with 32% public support of the country concentrated in Toronto and Montreal. He is the most despised and divisive PM in Canadian history but there is literally no opposition. He has a parliamentary coalition with socialists and separatists and the bailed out MSM stenographers just blow him kisses daily. We no longer live in a proper functioning democracy and most seem just fine with it.
Our voting system isn't like the States, though. Trudeau lost the popular vote but that doesn't matter. Face it, by the time we're voting out west (where he isn't wildly popular) Toronto and Montreal have already voted, and the election has been called :(
So true. I was born in Quebec but moved to British Columbia in 1978. It was only then that I realized how under represented we are in western Canada. The entire system needs an overhaul.
Totally agree!!!!
Son of Castro, so not surprised.
Mixed bloods have so much cellular fear, of being found out. My Dad was alot like Trudeau, a mixed blood Canadian, and he was similarly incapacitated wrt anything that required a bold stand. When your ancestors had to assimilate or be killed, it affects generations. I am not excusing Trudeaus tyranny just trying to understand it.
What on earth are you talking about - 'mixed blood'? FFS. The Trudeaus had to 'assimilate or be killed'? Have you taken your medication?
Hate for an American to jump in, but I think mixed blood refers to the rumors that Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son.
Foreigners will always be a type of outcast in society. That means they put an extra premium on fitting in. That's why you will never see a racial outcast make a big stand. That is also why immigration is destroying the West.
We used to call them "Moonies" back in the day, referring to the members of the Sun Myung Moon cult, nowadays they call them Covidians, of the Covid Cult.
I call them Branch Covidians, recalling the David Koresh cult. Also known as Covidiots.
I've seen similar horror in Twitter threads -- people saying the unvaccinated should be denied medical care, and even hoping they die. MSNBC's Joy Reid has nightly rants about how the unvaccinated should be fined, not be given medical care before the vaccinated, and she thinks it's fine to deny them food:
Turn off all msm. It is toxic. You will feel so much better.
Yup. I only tune into Reid's show out of perverse fascination to see her latest crazy, but it ends up being too toxic for even a few moments.
Irony is she thinks she is speaking only to the “unvaxxed hillbillies” but surely she is not that dumb to realize the lowest uptake of the jabs are people of color. No wonder why nobody is watching any longer.
yes, they know what they are doing, surely. But madness is a real thing. Brexit and then Trump were just too much for some. Don't forget how insane things had gotten before convid
It's especially hilarious that these people never once think they will be the next victims of this medical tyranny. Better hope the next shot is another one that you want too!
So much hypocrisy.
reddit is the worst place in the world, rivals even twitter, and that's not new. Started well before convid
Locality subreddits have always been policed by r/politics brigades and are the fiercest covid temples.
No kidding. I got permabanned from my home city's subreddit for daring to question the wisdom of vaccinating children.
In my now-past involvement with reddit I don't think I saw a single city or state sub that wasn't utterly merciless in silencing the slightest covid dissent.
Typical cultish behaviour
I am assuming this is because the associated hospital and physicians have also lined up for experimentation.The very institutions that would have not so long ago rejected vaccination for any immunocompromised person, cancer patient or pregnant woman, now rushes to inject the very same. St. Jude's Research Hospital has joined in. These are strange times, living at the edge of sanity and reason. Science silenced, soon a thing of the past.
Danny Thomas must be rolling over in his grave re: St Jude.
I hate the fact that I can no longer support SJH.
Who is SJH
Saint Judes Hospital.
If you want inflammatory inducing cancer causing crap, you need the inflammatory inducing cancer causing shot first.
Right accepting the shot does reinforce the junk food narrative. They know who their brand appeals to.
I've heard it said quite well that the covid vaxs are medical junk food!
I keep thinking "nah, nobody is that stupid". And keep being shocked and disappointed. The cognitive dissonance backlash is going to be epic.
The comments on the tweet thread in support of RMH's decision to evict those without the shot are revolting, horrifying, and destroy one's hope for humanity.
Yup. We are in deep trouble now because enough didn’t stand up and stop the massive propaganda and human behaviour altering psyop.
I posted this on Facebook and got fact checked. They said it wasn't true because not ALL would be evicted( ie under 5 and they would consider exemptions on over 5 on a case by case basis). The way the fact checkers mince words and miss the point is mind boggling
Stop supporting Facebook
I get your point. I have friends and family far away and it is a way to keep connected
Phone call? Email? Text? Letter? Facetime?
The lengths people go to to defend that cesspool because they can't quit it continues to amaze me.
The vax isn't even mandatory for children. Scouts Canada has done the same thing.
Miss the point? They’re doing it on purpose.
their food is poison, their staff are poison, the jab is poison. keep your kids away
A lot of people work at McDonald's just to get by. Especially younger folk of college age. Don't be so quick to tar them all with the same brush.
The world would be a better place with no fast food, and McD can die first by example.
i meant the management/owners. did you know the Gov subsidises staff wages cos they are such a poor payer, yet how much does mcd make a year?
It's not as dire in this country (UK), but probably not that far off.
Disgusting. I don’t eat at McDonalds, but I’m going to post this anywhere I can. JUST. PLAIN. EVIL.
Even if we were in a real pandemic and the "vaccines" were actually Safe and Effective™ this would still be demonically evil.
The fact that we are not, and they are not, makes it worse.
I don't care if they relent and backtrack. I just don't see how decent people can coexist with those capable of such cruelty.
Just beyond disgraceful.
What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.
He says, "A vaccinated person can get it and transmit it." She responds, "Yes." After that, there should be NO BUT. Effin' argument is over. This is sick.
It illustrates that it is not about the benefit, but obeying the rule and defending the rule even when you know it is wrong or ineffectual.
The lady in the mask defending the indefensible, is what is known in the UK as, a ‘Jobsworth’. These are people in minor positions of authority who show no discretion when it comes to the rules, almost gleefully upholding rules to,the letter, saying: ‘It’s more than my job’s worth to make an exception’.
High school hall monitors run amok! Some of the dimmest bulbs in the world but you think they are going to give up their new found Spence of importance? They have convinced themselves that they are doing God’s work and that anyone who gets in their way should be harshly dealt with. This is what we are up against and govt/PH/Big corporations/unions/MSM, kmow this and feed the beast every chance they get
Can you imagine a country where an adult male parades around in blackface then gets elected three times with an anti-racist platform?
I could quibble with your description of Justin Trudeau as an 'adult male' but I see your point.
Well said. It boggles the imagination that this poor excuse for a human being is running and ruining our country.
Alas we no longer have to leave it the imagination. O Canada - indeed.
They are working from a script in which we are fighting an extremely deadly virus and have a sterilizing vaccine that stops transmission, and I don't know if I'm more horrified by their apparent unwillingness to go off-script or by the fact that so few seem to realize this is NOT reality.
About a year ago I was listening to the radio. One of the hosts had just gotten the vaccine and was wondering if he did the right thing. I remember him saying that he wished that ‘everyone would just make a leap of faith’ and get vaccinated. He wanted everyone else to be in the situation. Everyone has to jump…..
Misery loves company.
an ancient cat called voltaire said: 'if you can believe absurdities you can commit atrocities'....
happened in 1937 in germany, happening in 2022 in the usa!
Voltaire was a genius. He died, mercifully, shortly before the French Revolution, perhaps the first large scale demonstration (in "modern" times) of the very idiocy you speak of. His voluminous writings are well worth reading (selectively at least) and all are public domain so you can read them for free if you are a cheapskate. He has many quotable quotes; one of my favorites (somewhat paraphrased, but the intent is the same.) He would have said of most modern media or so-called news: Every page is an affront to common sense.
The bullshit and the evil that is coming out of Canada these days is enough to fill the Grand Canyon or the Great Lakes or the Bay of Hudson. It could easily bury the Empire State Building or the CN Tower, the tallest building anywhere is no match for it.
Who is surprised? McD is woke. And it’s Canada. Dumbfuck jackpot.
Ok, due to backlash, they're relocating, not evicting.
This is an opportunity to educate. There are twitters defending decision for wrong reason. Opportunity to reply *gently* with fact that the vaxxes do not immunize, do not prevent spread, that vaxxed still get & spread disease, harbor same level of virus. Point to examples, esp fully isolated, fully vaxxed team on Anarctica!
Someone needs to put a list together of all of these places so we can make a concerted effort to go after them. This woman speaks like the rest of them- making no real sense at all. The plain old stupidity is mind boggling.
Ronald McScwab and the reset house.
Well done to that young dad for speaking up and filming this. It's rare to hear a Canadian accent talking about Covid these days unless it is saying something evil (see Trudeau or any of those strange robotic public health women that Canada seems to be infested with). What must it be like to be the parent of a very ill child and be told that you will soon be forced to fend for yourselves, far from home? Canada is a very big place, and world-class hospitals are few and far between. Those Ronald McDonald houses have been a lifeline for decades for frightened young families from isolated areas, coming to the cities to get treatment for their children. I feel sick to see what Canada has become.
Nice job Ronald McDonald House; you are going to throw these people out because they haven’t received a vaccine that doesn’t prevent them from getting or transmitting the virus. And that lady in the video is a moron. I would rather have her just say that there is nothing she can do instead of trying to justify something that can’t be justified.
This is UNBELIEVABLE, the person who made this decision should have his head read!
I thought we here in Germany had it bad. As from yesterday we need to prove negative, whether boosted or recovered, before we are allowed into a restaurant or bar!
I would have said "have his head removed."
"We will force you and control you"- who owns and runs this organization anyway???
The Laurentian elite in Canada is following the words of their psychotic, narcissistic Prime Minister Trudeau. Suffice to say Canada now leads the world in breakthrough cases, has suspended all civil rights and is now publicly echoing many Third Reich aphorisms in their media. Things like "we need to declare a national mandate and frog march the unvaccinated to the nearest vaccination center". This is no different from the type of thing Goebbels and Streicher said in the 30s.
This is a holocaust against the vaccinated. A final solution carried out by fascist government and a pharma-industrial complex run by criminals. We must gather the names of all of these criminals and others who have tweeted or made the public statements and place their names along with their statement on a blockchain that can never be altered so that what they are is visible to everyone, forever. That, and trials for the criminals who have destroyed the immune systems for the majority of the population will ensure that this never happens again. That is how this will end.
Please stop calling him a prime minister. He is a rapidly-ageing spokesmodel, nothing more.
Just to add, cocroaches scatter when you shine a light on them. The light of justice will end this.
Don't read the comments on this one. They are cheerleading the original decision and more. Lots of people love this and see it as racist white trash being justly punished for failure to protect immunocompromised kids from his plague rat child.
Canada appears to be on the verge of a 'Year Zero' type of apocalyptic depravity. I wouldn't be surprised to see the boy-king Trudeau make a speech about how 'the racists, the misogynists, the unvaxxed, the cockroaches' need to be sent out to the bush to live in camps.
Canadians will protest the lack of quarantine camps for unmasked relatives while Dear Leader parties with Boris in the UK. Someone needs to convince Joe that Ukraine is spelled Canada and invade.
You don't want him, believe me. If Joe could get away with it, the US would be like Canada.
This is horrific. I know that this place has done a lot of good over the years and I'm not sure this will come out right, but relying on a company that has been poisoning people for years with their dead food to help/heal people is probably not a good idea in the first place. Though I haven't looked at the history of Ronald McDonald House, this all makes me wonder if it was started as a tax write off and for them to appear they were doing something "good" while giving millions of people the very diseases they are "helping" them with while still spending millions of dollars to lobby politicians to make sure sugar, the wrong kinds of fat and sub-par/gmo ingredients stay in pretty much everything they sell.
There is a lot of legal "corruption" floating around. (Usually) tax-deductible or tax-free non-profits, Non-governmental entities, etc. have been simultaneously a tax write-off for the super-rich as well as political influence (despite at least in theory, prohibition on the latter) for generations. Your non-profit in DC may not be legally able to contribute to a politician, or write opinions openly advocating for similar, but they can contribute money here and there to favored players, or provide cushy jobs (never call it "bribery") etc. World Health Organization, at least in theory a UN Government entity, receives over ten percent of its budget from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation alone. Even "pure" government agencies like NIAID, FDA rely heavily on corporate "fees," own patents on drugs, Federal employees receive payments for same, etc. All this is legal and yet the conflicts of interest are rather obvious. RFK Jr.s new book lays bare a lot of this. I was dimly aware, but still was amazed at the levels of rot in the system. I may be getting a bit off topic, but I'm sure much the same applies in any corporate-government enterprises.
So true. Sugar feeds cancer and hospitals reward children having chemo with ice cream.
Nailed it.
Complete tyrannical pieces of crap.
One can only hope that McDonalds is the leader of international corporations in realizing that the vaccine is not the stairway to corporate success.
One thing that has been glaring in the campaign is the dismissal of the scientific fact of contraindication to vaccines, for certain people. I think that dismissal alone is enough to know one had better not take a single "vaccine". Before this crime against humanity, I was a supporter of St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. They used to have a warning on their website regarding visitors of children with cancer, and it was in regards to recent vaccinations of the visitors since the shedding thereof could harm the children! There is no such warning now to my knowledge. And I will never support any individual, group or cause who has been part of the promotion of these nostrums. It is abundantly clear that we need to free ourselves from the medical and pharma systems and learn to take care of ourselves. Those systems need to be thoroughly cut off. They are empowered by people thinking the system is god that gives life, when in fact, they extort money and it is the patient and not the medical provider who has something to prove. Better living through "science". Yeah, right.
Between this and their syringe fry box I think I'm done with McDonald's that might be the hardest habit for me to kick in my 50 years of being addicted to fast food but this seals it for me
Thanks to vicious rhetoric of our so-called leaders and media.
AJ DePriest Uncovers The Enormous Covid Bribes To All Education And Hospitals From The US Government
This is evil.
I'm very weary and distrustful of any large non-profit organization. It's hard to know who to trust these days.
You can’t trust ‘Big’ anything. Big media, big pharma, big science, big medicine, big military, big NGO’s, big education, big business, etc., etc.. they are all too busy keeping the cash flowing from the tax payers to be concerned with quality and efficiency or ethics. Cut off the cash flow, break them up, only support the small businessperson.
"Only when this [unvaccinated] bacillus infecting the life of peoples has been removed can one hope to establish a co-operation amongst the nations which shall be built up on a lasting understanding."
Do you think once the vaccinated house all gets covid and the unvaccinated house doesn’t it will wake people up or naw? My money is on naw.
Nope. All they keep saying is that they're grateful to have been vaccinated, "because otherwise it would have been SO much worse!"
I think all evil begins with chronic anxiety. They think the virus is causing their anxiety, but it's not. I suspect the anxiety is ideological. It's the spirit of the unvax'd person that triggers them, not their vax status, but the spirit of individualism. The spirit of individualism stands in opposition to universal collectivism, which they subconsciously sermized is the only thing powerful enough to cure their anxiety and bring lasting inner peace and sustained hope. It's even strong enough to dictate reality itself. Fragmented, decentralized collectivism just isn't enough anymore. But I don't think the big problems that can ostensibly only be solved by universal collectivism are at the heart of their anxiety either, despite what they say. They want universal collectivism for the sake of universal collectivism. They're drawn by the power and purity of it. Just the thought of this calms their anxiety and brings a fleetly feeling of hope, only to be triggered again by the thought of those who so stubbornly stand in the way, who refuse to accept the narrative of the collective. "Damn them! Damn them to hell! They're just being jerks and stealing my hope for the fun of it. They need to pay. They can't be allowed to ruin my life!! If they would just stop being jerks and take the Vax, we could all rest easy and this will end! Our anxiety will go away and we can all live in peace. Is this too much to ask? They're just jerks. They're plain evil, and they need to pay the price."
Very well spoken Mike S.! Thank you for posting.
El Gato said: "if you spend enough time and venom vilifying people, it is beyond belief what sort of ethical inversions and outrages you can get to emerge."
It's very easy to get sucked in and see the collectivists as 'the problem' and suffer the same ethical inversion that afflicts them.
A person has to actively fight the human tendency towards tribalism and to focus on the real problem:
What place is there in the post-industrial world for the millions of anxious untalented mid-wits?
Unless a place is carved out for them, what alternative do they have except to form a brainless brutal fascist army; the kind that stomps on the head of children with cancer on their march to victory?
I don’t owe collectivists a place. I only owe them a response.
How are you going to discriminate against people for not taking a vaccine that does not prevent you from getting or spreading Covid? Nor does it lessen the severity of a Covid infection or prevent death and has numerous increased side effects compared to any vaccine in history.
Canadians LOVE being told what to do.
very sad
RMH gets a large amount of funding from Pfizer.
Anyway this can be shared with the Highwire, the defender, TCW, the daily sceptic, substack, Steve Kirsch, Joel Smalley, Dr. Paul Alexander. Joe Rogan, and anyone else who can get the word out about this horrific story and McDonald’s involvement.
They will face their maker some day and I have a feeling their eternity will be in the fiery pit.
The only problem with going Full Dexter with these woke vaccinated managers is that their blood is crap, real mudblood! Totally unworthy samples to the blood sample box behind the AC cover! Could even cross-contaminate all the other "customers"! No way!
I mean, if it's gonna be contraindicated for anyone, it's contraindicated here...
It defies belief that there are people who would think that this is a reasonable way to behave. Every week that goes by, the number of people who I wish serious harm to, increases.
This just goes to show the Beloved Boy Leader was correct. In questioning that poor woman who was only doing her job and saving untold thousands from a terrible covid death, this dirty unvaxxed toxic male father has revealed his misogyny and racism.