I understand the feeling that the tide is turning, but perhaps you’re in a bit of your own echo chamber? Or perhaps it’s just me, being trapped in NJ, but I am not seeing or hearing what you are suggesting. Friends, family members, acquaintances who were maskers, vaxxholes, lockdowners have not really changed their minds, they have simply either forgotten the BS we were put through or are unaware (deliberately in many cases) of the information available about vax injuries/deaths, mask ineffectiveness and lockdown damage. It feels as if they would be perfectly fine if it all came back...
I feel the people who totally bought into the plandemic lies are breaking into two main camps.
The ones that were highly public (spokespeople, influencers, etc.) can’t go back or even be silent. They have to double, triple and more down because there is no where else to go. Sure, they may begin to “massage” their messages based on the “data” and “science” but fortunately, with the help of the internet “way back machine” their lies will go on into infinity.
The others, unable to consciously admit they made a mistake or were duped, stop talking, resume their lives, and hope no one remembers their temporary insanity.
My friend who went all in and would get mad at me for sending dissident info (including getting really mad that I would sent something from “some anonymous crazy” like our beloved feline host)… went silent on the issue for months and months and now sends *me* articles about how masks and the vax don’t work lol
I guess take the "small" wins. I know members of my family and friend group think I am either somewhat unhinged or totally whacko or somewhere in between. I have five children now ages 22 to 41. Positions/opinions were all over the board on this. Fortunately we didn't have any severed relationships over it but certainly there has been some stress/strain to some. That's okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinion (or used to be).
From what my wife (my healthcare savior as she has been active in researching medical recommendations and exploring alternative solutions to western medical practices for over 25 years) and I saw early on was that there were highly effective, less risky methods of protection against this relatively mild virus (if you were not obese or had other co-morbidities). However, those other treatments were being actively suppressed to promote an experimental shot (I refuse to call it a vaccine since it isn't one).
I can happily report that neither my wife or I contracted the virus (that we know of, maybe we did and were totally asymptomatic) despite being in close contact with family members who had tested "positive" for it. Also happy to report that neither of us is at risk of being "jab" injured from the gene therapy juice.
Where I draw the line is when you tell me I have to do something or else. That's when I tell you to go f**k yourself.
I am thankfully at an age and stage where I don't really give a flying f**k what anyone else thinks of me or my opinions.
I just read and interpret the data. Obesity was a major risk factor in a persons health outcome from contracting the virus. I know that may seem hurtful to say but facts don’t care about your feelings.
Nope. It was age, co-morbidities & rest homes/hospitals dangerous protocols around the C19 scamdemic that caused all the deaths. And - most importantly - the CDC renamed the annual flu, all respiratory illnesses (like COPD) & pneumonia as "Cov19". There was absolutely NO increased mortality at all until 2021 after the experimental jabs were rolled out. Search out Ed Dowd's stats analysis on bitchute or other altie video sites for all the mortality charts/info that prove this.
Obesity as a danger for C19 death is just another unproven claim. But sadly - the more experimental jabs one has the greater risk to health.
In the spirit of “all we have to do is just keep on talking” please avail yourself of the arguments of Dr. Sam Bailey. Spoiler: there is no “virus.” I know, I know-- the word has been made a part of our nervous systems by billions of repetitions! It is a total shame to kick that Boogieman prop out from under Big Pharma’s “first make you scared, then make you sick” Project. How can we let all those billions of dollars of advertising go to waste? Easy! Just read what they don’t want you to read and tell your friends what you are finding out! It’s about evidence.
Here's a fact that really doesn't care about your feelings: Obesity is only a lagging indicator of the metabolic syndrome that is related to succeptibility of COVID, as Robert Malone has found. You interpret the data only as far as you like. I found fasting in the years before COVID-84. I was in great shape in March of '20. Alpha was a three-hour throat tickle. After 2 years of fighting tyranny, getting injured by cops in custody, having a landlord try to not-repair my home to make it unliveable, and me about 20 pounds lighter, but eating badly that week? Omicron came and knocked me over, and now my smell is diminished and I have a varicose vein.
Obesity is like carbon: Luntzian messaging that takes you away from understanding the real problem, but it appeals to your prejudices and is emotionally-activating.
Thank goddness I didn't take the spike protein challenge on top, like Diamond Boy.
While it is true, being obese does not mean that you will have bad outcomes from it. It is a fact though that it is a risk factor. Jay Batt on the "Illusion of Consensus" podcast breaks down the risk factors by age and by comorbidity in an interesting manner.
I am obese, diabetic, with a-fib, I got Covid before the lockdowns and it was no big deal. Even among us high risk folks, the risk is not as high as one thinks that it is. I have never been jabbed, and sadly wore masks for uber rides and doctors visits as well as in hospital corridors.
It's weird to me when people write that Covid isn't a big deal as long as you are young and healthy and not overweight. Hello? Maybe other people have won the beautiful people lottery but I don't know anyone like that.
Personally though I don't think it matters. I'm also obese, several chronic comorbidities, not youthful -- and did I get a shot? I did not.
Except that I am not a beautiful person. I weigh 350 pounds, I am one legged. I think obesity does matter, but it may not be just from the obesity alone, but rather what it says about diet, lifestyle choices, etc.
2 former best friends in the second camp, trying to get back in grace. But if you come close to the taboo subject, you notice they still believe they saved the world with the jabs and the masks. These people will not ever be friends again. One who admits to the mistake has been visiting all through the craze, not judging me because I did not run into the dirty ditch.
We who did not fall for it will remember their insanity. I will remember indefinitely a sister in law of mine asserting that "if I wear a mask and it turns out to be ineffective, I can at least be secure in the knowledge that I did something out of caring for others." She said this at a large family gathering where no one wore masks including her. I get holiday feast are "time outs" for viruses?
Actually, things can be deleted from the WayBack Machine/Internet Archive. I forget how, exactly, but if it's your website you can have it removed, IIRC.
Mid-pandemic, a good friend of mine told me that he'd no longer get together with me because he had a policy against "sharing space" with the unvaccinated. Yesterday, that same friend asked if I'd like to go on a roadtrip with him. Internally, I was like "whoa, man...what happened?" but I said nothing. There was no discussion of how we went from a no-contact rule back to normality; a switch was simply turned.
I tell this anecdote because to me it's emblematic of the way most of my California pals are approaching the pandemic. They don't consider whether they were wrong in the past, don't look at emerging science, and certainly don't apologize. They just move on.
Shedding of the Spike Protein is real. I didn't fight this hard and lose my job/pension to be shed upon by a compliant coward in a car on a road trip. Don't let the "good Germans" off the hook for their zeolotry and participation in crimes against humanity. Doing so only invites more of the same.
Surely you know that there are very real medical disputes within the truth community MDs over whether there actually is a "spike protein" or not? Some have shown that It's not a spike protein (that's only an animated cartoon theory w/NO basis in reality) but damaged & decaying "so-called cellular" matter in our bodies caused by all the toxic jab poisons. Those who got the jabs were simply poisoned w/toxic ingredients.
Cell theory is entirely like germ theory, it is based on guesses & unproven theory & must be revised & updated with new knowledge. The entire biological discussion of disease is based on fallacies & lies. Check out the well-known truther docs like Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman, the Drs Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr Amandha Vollmer etc. [on edit, I had mispelled Dr Amandha Vollner, see her stubstack too]
> Dr Andrew Kaufman - Spike Proteins & Magnetic Arms July 2021 - Watch
...& then you'll understand some of the biological fallacies/lies underpinning virology Also read Mike Stone's "ViroLIEgy" website/stack articles analyzing virology lies.
Like here > May 26, 2023 What A Waste - As usual, a "viral" load of crap.- Mike Stone
The entire paradigm of allopathic medicine is being dismantled now by many smart docs/researchers in real time. Good riddance to dangerous allopathic (mainstream pathological) "sick care".
You’re obviously a lot nicer than I am! I would have asked him exactly why he was no longer worried about being around me when I’m unvaxxed. I respect your right to respond as you choose, but for me, I need those types of “friends” to acknowledge what they said and did. Otherwise I really don’t want them as friends because they’ve already what kind of “friend” they really are! But that’s just me.
My guess is that you often ask yourself in interactions with friends what your part in the problem was. That is a good impulse, a healthy impulse, as is the impulse to forgive. Although for me, forgiveness is also coupled with a memory of what occurred. The slate is not wiped clean.
I lost a number of friends over the pandemic, but if I look back honestly at what transpired...it was...I disagreed with them...they mocked, condescended, ridiculed, and then blocked me.
Thanks, Jimmy. Adult friendships are hard, at least for me, and I'm actually neither as forgiving nor as "nice" as my comments here thus far likely imply. Part of me wants to move past my resentments because I've been friends with this person a long time and we've had lots of good times together. I can count my good, longterm friends on one hand -- so I don't let go easy. But the truth is that I'm also angry.
Seems to me that pandemic fights boil down to disagreements about science. Or at least mine do. One person thinks the vaccine is "safe and effective"; another disagrees. It doesn't bother me if a friend disagrees with me but I draw the line at being called stupid, a bad person, a murderer. My best buddies didn't actually use those words to my face but that was the vibe in society for awhile there.
Adult friendships are hard. I think they are hard for most of us. I remember the salad days of being a kid, getting in a fight with a best friend, and being back together the next day.
I, like you, can count my friends on one hand.
Your friend who made it clear that he wouldn't share space with you says it all. He didn't have to tell you that he thought you were a bare-faced plague spreader, actions speak so much louder than words. But there are consequences...and my guess is when you hang out with him you will have to face them.
You have every right to be angry.
I don't think the fight you had was based on science, but rather, morality. The whole "follow the science" mantra has an almost religious vibe to it. and the way the measures were approached had a less science based approach to them than religious. Masks work..why? The science is settled.
I always respond to such people with "nothing has changed, covid is raging as usual, why aren't you still masking, vaxxing, and distancing?" I get a blank look. I then ask the same question again. I then get the covid shot-rage "this conversation is over!" I can't understand why I have no friends.
I think it depends on where you live. Hotbeds of left wing lunacy, the Left and Right Coasts, remains stuck in their echo chambers, as attested by some of these comments. Come to the middle of America and it’s a completely different scenario. Middle America is over it, unless you are in one of the few liberal cities in this region. Apparently, the more left the politics, the more entrenched the mask dogma. Where I live, we just ignore the half a handful of people who still cling to their masks.
I work and live in the north suburbs of Baltimore, Jewel of the Patapsco, near the divide between Cosmopolitan and Hayseed.
Go a little south toward Towson (whose University boasts such lumiaries as Brian Stelter, Amy Schumer, The Pi Guy, and the 2014 National Collegiate Debate Championship (*hangs head* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmO-ziHU_D8 ) and masking is common if not pervasive, and frequency increases quickly as you drive through the Nice Neighborhoods along Charles St. By the time you're within the borders of The City That Breeds, it's at least 50-50. (going to the O's game Thursday so will update if I find it's different).
Go the same 10 or so miles north into what is still largely farmy and rural, and Mask Enthusiasm had waned significantly by Summer of 2020. Now the only maskers are the Old Money White Liberal Women Who Drive Their Prius to Farm Markets.
Geography does matter but Politics and Wealth also correlates.
This is very true here in my state in the south. Out in the sticks where we live, COVID was never really a thing, including in the schools.
As you get closer to the big cities - one of which is home to a major research university - the enthusiasm picks up. I still see the occasional double-masker in the local Costco. The demographic is common along the lines that you have described.
That was my take early on - that we needed to resume some of the societal shaming and express our complete bemusement in plain sight of the Cov-idiots. We can (and should) still try to love them, but we should never cede Reality to lunatics. That way lies Darkness and Madness.
"Goin' along to get along" - particularly with masks - was a HUGE part of the PsyOp.
I don't think they can be shamed- that's part of the lunacy. You want to make them upset? Laugh out loud at them- make sure they know they are the object of your laughter by pointing. They will either cringe cry or look to punch you so be prepared.
I like to be clear about my "they's." Some of "them" can't be shamed - I believe I've even commented that here or on el gato malo's. BUT some of "them" can.
It's true...because you can't tell the difference easily between those that mask because they go along to get along, and those that do it because they truly believe. Although I think it becomes evident when they are outside of a store or a doctor's office how much they believe it by how fast they remove it.
That's exactly what I see in the Midwest. 99% of people are mask free. Whenever I do see a masked person, I just start humming "Fear, fear, fear".... LOL!
Same. Per my comment, I work closer to Maskville, live more in the Fresh Country Air (if you've been there in Spring Planting Season, you'll get that reference) Region.
In the western end of the Rust Belt where I'm at, one of my neighbors told me "I'm so over it," re: covid in the early fall of 2020, but in our biggest urban area my little sister still willing (happily?) masks for work and for social events along with most others there.
Exactly! I deliberately moved “out of town” and commuted in each day for over 10 years. So glad I did, given what has transpired over the last 3 years. (Ironically, my drive time was the same despite the added distance). Now that I’ve retired, glad to be away from the woke city madness!
I live in the northern CA Bay area, and I hardly ever see anyone wearing a mask--once in a while only.
But back when the plandemic was getting started, the comments on Next Door were avidly in favor of masks, vaxx, etc.; very critical of those not going along with their agenda. I don't see any comments on Next Door any more re masks, etc. Makes me wonder if they now know the truth, but hesitate to say anything. Or if they have just adjusted to the "new normal", and think everything is fine.
It's not left per say, but government. If you are a conservative in government, you are as entrenched in the lies as a liberal in government. What your talking about in middle America...is pretty much everywhere where people have to rely on themselves for work, to lend a helping hand to others, etc.
Last month I spent a very enjoyable day with a young woman (mid-20s) whom I hoped to call a friend. We seemed to connect, by and large, but there was some ... Disconnect. It was difficult to pinpoint, but it was there nevertheless. It was as if she "got it," but not ... Quite ...
At the end of the day, I took us both out to dinner at a very nice local restaurant that I'd sort of forgotten about. I had assiduously avoided the topic of the vaxx/COVID all day, but of course, it was impossible to avoid the topic of ZOMBIES (given that we kept seeing them out and about that day), and thus, when the conversation turned yet again towards that morbid discussion, I was forced, at long last, to finally ask her (in a whisper) the fated question:
"Did you take the vaxx?"
It is impossible for me to describe what happened next. It was as if ... Like reaching ones' arm into what one mistook for a simple hole in the wall to reach for what appeared to be a rope, only to discover that it was, in fact, a strand of live electric fence.
She did not merely balk at the question. She PANICKED. Out and out ... PANICKED.
Now, there's a good freaking reason for this: She knows full well that I am a licensed Doctor. Therefore, for me to ask that -- in a tone clearly indicating that I am NOT "pro-vaxx" -- most likely confirmed her worst fears: She has, in fact, taken every available dose of the Zombie Virus.
And she is going to die as a result of it. Based on signalment and self-reported history of a hormone implant to control reproductive cycles, the probability of death via blood clot is exceptionally high.
Following that jarring episode, there was a moment of awkward silence. She broke it first.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yes," I said. "I'm fine. Why?"
"Oh," she said. "You just looked super sad for a moment there."
I wish that this story were not true. I later found out from another fellow I met -- who seems to get the WHOLE THING, pretty darned well, being an aspiring EMT and former Army dude -- that this young woman was wearing a mask VOLUNTARILY, earlier on THIS YEAR (2023). No mandates; not even from her employer. She just ... Was.
I initially mistook her obvious panic for understanding: I believed that she knew, in her heart of hearts, that her decision would ultimately lead to her demise. (And, as I outlined above, I suspect that, in her heart of hearts, she DID know, and my question confirmed her fears.) That is not, however, what actually transpired in the 3D conversation between us.
Her ACTUAL source of panic, she immediately revealed, was at my question itself, and the conversation. (Verbatim, she said: "I feel really, REALLY uncomfortable with where this conversation is going.")
So I said, "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."
And she said, "Thank you." And then she said something that I cannot recall. It began with, "Thank you for respecting my--" but I do not recall the precise words that followed.
I think that my lack of precise recall is because my brain cannot help but translate her words into my own interpretation of her choices. In my mind, she said, "Thank you for respecting my right to choose death."
THAT is the real reason that we will not be able to be friends. It isn't her ignorance -- that I can forgive, without a trace of malice, and have in other friends. No, the reason I cannot be friends with this young woman is that her entire pattern of behavior is one of entitlement, and her choices and allegiances became far too clear in that one moment in the restaurant.
Whoa nelly! Why does she get privacy with her shot status? Screw that. None of the shotted and those who forced shot compliance cared a whit of respecting my privacy to remain unshotted. Nope. None of the shotted deserve privacy and respect in regards to their shot status.
Aah. You see, it wasn't that -- just my mere question -- that set her off. What actually happened was this.
We were talking about zombies. I was trying to explain why the Zombie Apocalypse was indeed "inevitable." (This is an in-joke to myself. Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse was a friend's high school band.) There was an obvious disconnect. So, I realized that the only way I was going to find out if the conversation was DOA was to directly ask.
Thereafter, it went like this:
Me (quietly): "Have you had the vaxx?"
Her (indignant): "Yes, of course!"
Me: (REALLY bad at hiding emotions or faking anything): "Okay."
Her: "Dude. I'm getting a little freaked out right now."
Me: "It's okay. You know I'm a doctor, I know how to counteract the --"
Her (now utterly openly panicking): "No. I mean this conversation is making me SUPER uncomfortable."
THAT is how it ended.
Never make the mistake of telling the damned that they're damned. Certain truths are just too inconvenient, even for the Al Gore followers.
I'm not currently in a position to "network" in 3D space anyhow, so cyberspace is still my best outlet. It's just frustrating how long it's been that way, when we seem so close to ... *Something.* Some sort of shift. But ... Patience -- of the waiting kind, that is -- has never been my virtue. (/eyeroll.) Guess this is yet another test of it.
And yeah. Couldn't pay me to go near an urban or metropolitan area at the moment. I've never been a city fan, but now ... Yikes.
In my big city I'm sensing that when it comes to all things covid people are falling into 4 broad groups:
(1) The True Believers
(A few super-intense Karens but mainly elderly who took all jabs, and will take whatever is pushed on them next)
(2) Pretty Much Believers... But a Little Shaky
(Believe that masks and vaccines helped end the pandemic, and it would have ended sooner if more people had complied, but not wanting more boosters because, gee, they really felt crappy after that last jab and got covid several times anyway. Any substantive discussion of anything about covid has become taboo, but they are still willing to have the We Are the Good People conversation / bash "anti-vaxxers.")
(3) Anxious Rethinkers
(Took all jabs, got covid multiple times, know several people they suspect were killed or injured by the jabs, now regretful, and quietly ashamed to have fallen for taking all those jabs, and secretly reading RFK Jr's tweets)
(4) Noncompliers
(Recognize that it's not about health, and very pissed)
* * *
Group 1, True Believers, is getting smaller, both as elderly pass away and as more people slide into groups 2 and 3.
Groups 2 and 3.
Careful: Many people who appear to be in Group 2 may actually be in Group 3. There's a lot of embarassment here, and many things said only in whispered conversations. All very gelatinous and murky.
Group 4.
Growing in spurts, as it has been from the beginning.
So where does this line up by year-end 2024? For my big city, my guess is, Group 1 will be left at about 5% (or less). Group 2 settles in at about 30%, Group 3 at about 30% and Group 4 at 35%.
Conclusion: Anyone running for office on a platform that includes medical freedom has a darned good chance.
I think there’s another group in between 3 and 4. Those are the ones who took the jabs, for whatever reason, and have realized they were duped and regret it like hell. This group has said they’re sorry and asked for forgiveness. These I can forgive, and can sympathize with, because they realize to force others to comply is wrong. It takes courage and integrity to admit you were wrong.
The one friend I know who is sort of in this camp doesn't need to apologize, because he never tried to force it on me or others in the first place. He and his wife self-isolated before their city called for it, wore masks for about a year, took the first two shots as soon as they were available, and finally took the first booster with uncertainty. But he was always agnostic about it, and we had perfectly respectful conversations about it as the situation evolved.
He took it because he trusted Trump, and now wishes he could get it out of his system.
I remain continually flabbergasted by people who did or did not submit to an experimental injected drug, based upon whether or not they liked/disliked certain politicians. It’s insane!
Yes, that flabbergasts me too. I guess when it comes to medicine, a lot of people feel they are in over their head as far as having sufficient understanding to make their own decision goes, and just follow the lead of someone they trust, whether doctor, CDC, or politician.
I imagine there are more of these than we know. In many cases they were the silent ones. And you’re right, he does not need to apologize. It’s those who tried to shame us, shun us and censor us. It’s the ones who ended their friendships because we chose to be hesitant or chose to follow a different path. This is a person who proved he was still a friend and is worthy of your friendship!
Of course, it's really hard to pin down the groups w/certainty when several of these STILL won't discuss the jab. Just had the experience on Sunday of going out to brunch with friends - good friends - who have been scarce for the past 3 years & when I gently broached the jab question was screamed at by the guy who is/was a lawyer.
We're NOT gonna talk about that SHIT he yelled at me after having a relatively pleasant conversation to that point. Is that the learned legal Socratic Method now, huh? Don't marshal facts or evidence but simply scream out loud at your perceived opposition & dodge questions? Even though I knew he & his wife were C19 believers, I was still shaken.
Guess that's the tactic, huh?
And hubby sided w/the screamer to "keep the peace". Peace? "No justice, no PEACE I say (sorry anti-SJWs). Fry all the fukn C19 complicit mfers asap who have ruined our lives."
p.s. The lawyer proudly bragged he's had all the suggested jabs & boosters & HE"S FINE. Kinda like whistling by the graveyard & into the giant pit of coming medical hell imo. :/
No hope here for this super-delusional guy who is holding on tight to his jab "superiority".
Sounds to me like, had you brought up Ivermectin, he might have spontaneously combusted!
As I write that I'm chuckling, but don't think I don't sympathize. For me, the last years have been one horrible thudding realization after another that a person I liked, admired, and/or counted on was so effing clueless, incurious, comformist, and all-on-board with censorship and hip-hip-hooray-for-medical fascism. I well know the feeling of having a perfectly civilzed, even fun conversation, then, wham. Oh, dang, they drank the Kool Aid.
Yeah, it's all so darkly & mordantly funny. Reading Mark Crispin Miller's stacks are wakey+.
But so called well-educated professionals are still defending the fascist dictators because they (professionals) are "good people" (who follow all the dumb, constantly changing, inconsistent rules "for the greater good", etc.) in their own minds. Guess I'm an exception.
As an original born & bred red-stater (Oklahoma) who used to deplore the state's close-mindedness at times, my conservative-religious family members are way ahead of the majority of my liberal Okie family & friends who bought & drank ALL the C19 kool-aid.
Is there a direct relationship between conformity & educational level? Seems like in my life (upstate/NY liberals' community w/red-state family members), it's a resounding yes.
Most of my rural relatives (& rural neighbors here) just laughed at the masks & C19 BS & most (like in the South) ignored the fear-mongering. Farms, chores & life's gotta go on. :-)
So guess it's definitely more rural vs urban too which is why Agenda 21/Reset is burning forests, creating smart cities & trying to force folks into inner-city high-rises for control??
Your observation, "guess it's definitely more rural vs urban", appears to hold true almost everywhere. Here in our very rural western paradise, the whole insane interlude never really affected most people. Symptoms, like masking, magical six foot spacing, and even vaccinations, were imposed on those unfortunates who, for whatever reason, visited the nearest city. (Two and a half hours away)
Family members, in Europe and the Antipodes, report similar experiences. Most of those who are, through the grace of God, fortunate enough to reside outside of the world's 'urban shitholes' did not succumb to the hysteria. Many denizens of cities, around the world - did.
Where people are close to one another frequently, I'd think they'd spread/contract the virus. As little as I'd prefer to think it was, it feels like the risk of contracting would be higher.
- But importantly, if you're inclined to go Group Think there are lot more people like you around you. Even if it's a minority, it's a lot more voices in your head. Heck, you're even exposed to more signage and other media.
When it's more spread out, when you don't share a ride to work with 1000s of your closest non-aquaintances on buses and subways and on the streets and in hallways of big buildings, you just bump into fewer potential sickies.
- But importantly, there are fewer voices which likely is less than whatever threshold is required to turn Group Think into Hive Mind.
-- And I wouldn't rule out the Bourbon per Capita rates help in the Wayouts. I have the data.
There's also something to be said regarding rural and urban. I wonder what the incidence of gluten and peanut allergies are to rural communities. My guess is they are substantially lower than the cities.
I don't think it is the education itself that is in the indicator, but an institutionalized faith in institutions. People aren't taught critical thinking in college like they used to be.
They *are* horrible, they *are* thudding, and I can sense that I will never fully recover from them. And when I consider my age, and think of those who are now children ... I would be distraught if I were to dwell on the fact that the effect of the surreal insanity that this long and far-from-over nightmare has wrought on those who are young is one of the most unconscionable executions of human evil I have ever been witness to, or am even aware of in human history.
Yes. It has been traumatic. As for me, I will recover, I will be stronger, I will be wiser, I will be more compassionate, I will have an even wackier sense of humor, but I will NEVER, EVER forget. May we leave the world a better place.
If I had low impulse control, every time I saw a child enter into a restaurant that was masked, I would have yanked the mask off the kids face and called Child Protective Services on the US Government.
I had a friend I lost as a friend not because of Covid, but because he was a narcissist. He was fun to hang out with. We were "karaoke buddies." I would hang outside with him. I would notice he would get pissed when he'd say things that were clearly wrong, and I'd google them, it's probably why he still doesn't own a smartphone.
Anyhow. we parted ways after he started seeing a girl I know to be an abuse victim. When I noticed him monitoring and making demands on how she conducted herself in public, and monitoring her food and wine intake, I said nothing because they were consenting adults. When she finally broached the subject with me asking for my advice, I told her honestly to leave him. When he got angry and demanded to know the details of the conversation between her and I, I simply said that wasn't going to happen and I stopped hanging out with him.
But as far as Covid went the odd thing was, early on, he sent me a link to a George Carlin bit about germs, and yet, he bought a box of masks and got the vax multiple times. Even narcissists can be duped.
Screw that lawyer dude. He has no right to his privacy about the shots now when the unshotted were treated like lepers for wanting to maintain their privacy. I would have screamed right back at him that we are going to talk about that SHIT. Because that's what the shots are, complete and utter shit. My brother was the same way with me. I told him too damn bad, I'm going to talk about the shots whether he likes it or not. He doesn't like it and I don't care. Now he's on an anti-doctor kick after submitting to all their bullshit over the past three years. I'll never understand people.
It's tough for him. By his response, it is obvious that he is suffering some sort of reaction. What he doesn't realize is that not talking about this kind of thing is the very thing "not keeping peace." There will continue to be that obstacle in the way.
"Careful: Many people who appear to be in Group 2 may actually be in Group 3. There's a lot of embarassment here, and many things said only in whispered conversations. All very gelatinous and murky."
This is a very good point, the Recovering 2s dabbling in the 3 Pond. We should be cautious not to Smash the 2.5s who are 4 Curious and might soon be our compatriots.
We harsh all over The Compliant as though they were monolithic, that they were all Mask Nazis and DieAntiVaxxers! and wished us harm and thought us morons. That they'd never regret having "mitigated against" Teh Covid and couldn't possibly have have gotten The Jab because they were scared, because they didn't see what we see, because they'd lose their job, or maybe not get to meet their beuatiful brand spanking new granddaughter because they held a hard line.
But, I'll wager, they largely weren't and aren't. Most did they best they could and assumed the tradeoffs they were most likely required to do. To get along, to hold onto the few relationships they had ante-WuFlu, to continue drawing a paycheck. It's hard to stand against the Abelinos.
Be nice. They might be the next new commenters at House of Bad Cat. Our friends.
"You can catch more flies with honey than if you scream in their face and tell them they're stupid f#@&ing sheep."
If there is one thing I agree with from the Yes! Article entitled "Mask Shaming Won't Work, Try These Five Things" from 2020, insulting people is not going to lead to a good end. And yet it is so easy to do...and takes so little effort.
"Climate change," Ukraine, George Floyd, those awful states banning "gender affirming" care for children. This week it's wildfires in Canada. Next week it will be something else.
My NJ experience is slightly different; no so much a matter of changing or not changing minds but rather of wiping minds clean. A complete don't-want-to-talk-about-it/think-about-it approach. As to vax injuries about the same but I have been wondering whether the hot batches were mostly not distributed in NJ? In my circle I know of a single 30-yr-old woman suffering from a "post-Covid heart condition" i.e. vax injury. Yet vax rate was 95% for 1 dose and even close to 40% boosted.
Well, you prob heard of How Bad is My Batch? which analyzed the C19 jab batches, right?
It has alot of different batch breakdowns & even has a breakdown by zip code, so you can check out the zips where you or friends live to see the toxicity. Assuming the analysis is mostly correct, that is. But I believe that the How Bad website has provided useful info (even if under-reported) based on reported injuries & deaths in the US govt databases.
> How Bad is My Batch - Are some batches more toxic than others?
My hope for situations like yours are the national polls showing 35% of Democrats believe someone they know died after, and from, a Covid Injection!
As many as believed they knew someone who died from Covid. So the Democrats, or at least a third of them are awake now, and at least half of Republicans got the message from the beginning.
Do not underestimate the resentment of those force vaxxed who now know they may have risked their lives, or their children's on a lie and a psy-op!
Or the vaxxine injured. Or those of us who have always known vaccines, even before Covid Era, are dangerous.
A mass is growing who recognize propaganda, regulatory capture, and Eugenics.
Watch "Plandemic 3." "Infertility, a Diabolical Agenda," on CHD TV, or follow Naomi Wolf on DailyClout.io.
Drs McCullough, Kory, Marik, Kheriaty, Bhakti, Tenpenny, Madje, Northrup, etc., truth is everywhere!
Read Jeff Childrers blog, "Covid and Coffee," on Substack or Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts.
Follow Bobby Kennedy's campaign for the Democratic Nomination- he's spouting truth at fire hose levels, lol!
Jersey is tough. But find some like-minded folks and it will feel a little different, imho. Better yet, get involved with the Resistance! ; ))))
I see a lot of faceless, supposed ex-Democrats online in comment sections, but I cannot think of a single Democrat I’ve known in real life who’s exhibited any sort of remorse for supporting the evils of leftism or any sort of intelligence at all, really.
I think it was Dr McCullough who said the difference between ignorance and stupidity is that you can fix ignorance but not stupid. Ignorance is when you don't have the truth and the facts ...stupid is when you have the truth and the facts and won't see or change your mind.
Yup, former Jersey girl here.... most of my life long friends there are sticking with “ better safe than sorry”.... there faith in Pharma is unwavering....
May I say I love your term: vaxxholes. I may steal it. So fitting. And yes, the brainiacs in our family who lined up for their gene therapy shots/boosters are clueless and stand by their decision. There have been 2 friends who died of heart issues, but duh ...
Off topic (perhaps). If the topic is don't trust the experts - this is ON TOPIC ...
A big story two days ago purports to provide “smoking gun” evidence that “Case Zero” of Covid in the world occurred with three lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in November 2019.
As I show in this detailed rebuttal, this could not be possible as at least 306 people in four countries and 7 U.S. states had also already been infected by this same date - and all of the people I have identified tested positive for Covid antibodies.
The real scandal is that public health officials (and the mainstream “watchdog” press) refuse to investigate or ignore the mountain of evidence that suggests millions of people had probably already been infected by the end of November 2019.
I’m not saying the virus didn’t originate in Wuhan. Only that if it did, the person who was “Case Zero” would have had to have been infected months earlier than November 2019 for the virus to have infected so many other people throughout the world.
Covid Hysterics look at the world with rose-colored glasses as they face the reality of the deadly mRNA injection. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. MY POLYANNA SUMMER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-polyanna-summer
A copy of the original, a gift certificate for a suit, and $500 in cash were my dad’s gifts to me on the day I graduated from college in 1977.
The suit and the money are obviously long gone. But the very yellowed, coffee stained, and clearly well read copy is still pinned to my bulletin board. It has been a major factor in my life for 56 years.
Ocassionally, through the ensuing years, my dad would pose this question to me: “Are we on the road to Abilene?”
He died a couple years ago at age 95. I found his own copy in a box he kept by his chair.
I gave it to my oldest son, to replace the copy I had given to him the day he graduated from college.
I noted elsewhere that I also have a copy of the original, found in my mother's files after her death. I remember it because she shared it with me in the 70's, when it was taught at her agency. Seems like management was actually trying to make better decisions then.
Wow. Fascinating. I’ll bet we aren’t the only ones! And yes I totally agree. Back in the day companies actually cared about their employees, customers, and shareholders. Today they screw their employees, mostly despise their customers, and have totally lost the concept that the SH are the actual owners of the business. I worked for a very large mega cap company as a lawyer for 23 years. Retired very early at age 46 (I did eventually re-enter the work force at 50 doing contract work for small companies until age 55). There is no way I would survive today at a large firm, being a contrarian and a rebel I would be shown the door pretty quickly. With rate exceptions, they are all in the road to Abilene.
MoodyP -Thnx so much for sharing this. Remember this concept now but had forgotten it. And how descriptive is it of crazy complicit C19 insanity too. Saving it today to share w/others. <3
Quote: "This article is concerned with that para-dox—the Abilene Paradox. Stated simply, it
is as follows: Organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to what they really
want to do and therefore defeat the very purposes they are trying to achieve. It also deals
with a major corollary of the paradox, which is that the inability to manage agreement is a major source of organization dysfunction. Last, the article is designed to help members of organizations cope more effectively with the paradox’s pernicious influence."
Me too. My dad died in November 2021. He was 95. Perfectly healthy until he went against my counsel and got jabbed. 2nd jab at the end of March. Stage 4 cancer all over his body by July. He handled it all quite well. But I miss him.
Same. My pops wasn't perfectly healthy, but still got jabbed (3x) before he passed. It was like he didn't even remember our convo about it, but alas. He was gone within 5 mos of taking it, which in the end, was probably best as I wouldn't want him dealing with all the stupid in the world.
Very sorry to hear that. What you expressed in your final sentence is exactly what has provided me the solace that I have needed to not be angry
My mom had died in September 2020. My dad was very lonely. And of course, the facility he lived in promised that if they reached 90% jab rate they would reopen the dining room and resume all the social activities. I told my dad he should wait to see if they got 90% without him. But he said he didn’t want to be the one to prevent everyone else from re-opening. And he said at my age it doesn’t matter. If it kills me then I can go join your mom. He got his wish, and I’m not so sure that is what he really wanted.
He was my best friend, and had been for 40 years. We worked for the same company for 25 years. Our offices were in the same building and we had lunch together 1000+ times over that period of time.
We were blessed in that he did not suffer much. He wanted to stay alive long enough to complete the chapter outlines on his 3rd book. All of which he wrote after he turned 90. He called me on a Wednesday to say that the outlines were done, he had cajoled my brother into finishing it someday, and that he would be checking out. But not until he watched MSU play basketball that evening. He did that, they put him in bed, and he never woke up. I think we’d all like to go just like that.
And like you, in the end, it was a blessing. He was a WW2 and Korea vet and what is happening to the country he loved would break his heart.
Many blessings to you. Thanks for sharing your story. There are so many of us out here with similar tales. It helps to know you’re not alone. Eric V.
Meanwhile in the Lunatic Asylum formerly known as the UK, the Public Enquiry into the Government’s (mis)handling of the Covid Fakedemic is about to start. Those attending are required to take a lateral flow test at the start of each week, or if only there for a day to take one in advance. Face masks, not compulsory but recommended. This ‘policy’ is ‘designed to reduce the risk of Covid transmission whilst the enquiry hosts its hearings.’ So we know how that enquiry will turn out: “ or wrong-doing was found. Government did the best it could in difficult and unknown circumstances, but lessons can be learned.” There... I’ve saved the taxpayer £££millions
John Bowman & Pi Guy - Maybe some good will come out of the UK hearings in spite of the UK's dodgy friggin BS/ complicity. If the UK aware people keep up the pressures by calling/writing to "news peeps" & social media regarding the hearings & critiquing them as they unfold, then there could be some mind-changes. & some momentum gained.
See the recent (May) Canadian citizens 'hearings for comparison. Good Rancourt here:
Btw - will be forever grateful to Rancourt for his early review (April 2020) of the 17 mask studies showing conclusively that masks do not stop or prevent any respiratory illness.
> Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
"this has been a grand abeline paradox in which the majority wound up adhering to a “consensus” that almost none actually believed because they assumed it was what “the group wanted” and humans nearly always fail the asch conformity test, especially when you add in the relentless pressure to comply and apply the cancel culture penalty for failure to do so."
Guess it depends on where one lives. Still full on madness in Japan. My 4th grade son is still not allowed to talk at school during lunch. Only he and one other student in his class goes unmasked 5 weeks after the requirement to wear them has ended. Most of his teachers still wear them. His swim coaches have stopped wearing them in the pool, so there is that. How, everyday I go into class on campus, we started back in April after 3 full years of Zoom lessons, at the med school, everyone is masked; all doctors, nurses, admin and of course all the students, so I am ready to explode the moment someone tells me to mask and expect to lose my last main employer.
Yes, you are in " full on madness". So sorry for you and your family. From all appearances, the Japanese are overly polite and want to conform to the orders of their authorities no matter what they might think or believe. It's a recipe for disaster.
So sorry to hear that. Was in Japan in 2019, love the people and the country, but sadly could see how most/the culture there could be easily cowed into Covidianism. Simply too much politeness/value on being polite and pleasing. Here in the US we still thankfully have just enough rebels and less politeness to ensure we can push back on insane accommodations like the face diaper.
Sadly, I doubt that is true of the US anymore. We should have taken care of the problems that lead us to where we are decades ago. But we didn’t. Yes, same are now waking up, but it seems too little too late to me.
Here in Japan, 2019 was a great year for me with the start of 2020 even better. Now am am earning the least amount I have earned in my adult life because of this madness, not to mention all the other BS that is at least as bad. My kids’ education is certain even worse.
Yeah, there are definitely still a lot of problems w/ the US culture, but at least the memory of what it means to be free and to do great things can still be found. It's going to be a tough road, but I hope it'll work out!
In 2019, we went to Tokyo, Hakone, Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima. Really enjoyed all of it!
Ah, a very nice tour. I live near and work in Tokyo, have had the pleasure of going to Hakone twice and would love to go again. Kyoto and Nara, I have been to both multiple times but more to Kyoto. Have yet to make it to Hiroshima. One day.
Sometimes I think it’s just been traumatic in places like the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Italy......but I think that’s cause maybe we’re more vocal (especially US). Today I was listening to a podcast (Social Disorder) and it was mentioned how, for example, Ecuador was on a hard lockdown for nearly 3 full years! We don’t hear enough about lots of other countries. Goes to show, too, this is truly a global takeover.
New Zealand’s was extremely long too, as was Taiwan’s. A lot were. And the damage to every and all human endeavor has yet to be realized in it’s entirety.
No question that they've made themselves deeply unpopular and are experiencing pushback and back talk on a scale they've never known. Yet every single one of our main institutions remains firmly in their hands. We've got our work cut out for us: retaking institutions where possible, rebuilding where not, and figuring out how to keep social media feedback loops from driving everyone insane again (admittedly just not censoring dissenting opinions will go a long way towards achieving that).
You cannot use logic and reason to change the minds of people whose beliefs were never based upon logic and reason. They are never going to say "thank you for showing me the error of my ways". So instead I mock them relentlessly, I think it's more effective.
I gave up trying rational engagement in 2020 with someone who literally thought that Trump suggested people should drink bleach and stick light bulbs up their butts...and also believed that people had actually done so.
I have never heard of the Abilene Paradox before, but can definitely identify it in both our social and professional cultures. It’s time to bite the bullet and speak out about accepted norms these days. Literally taking one for the team requires courage, and I’m not sure many have that these days, with the exception of the few gifted communicators like the naughty feline.
I’ve had toddlers and puppies... I was the “mean mom.” I’ve taught my kids about “crazy makers” thanks to a teenage friend of my daughter’s many years ago. My husband is the same. I think we must out off that vibe because I never get the craziness. Of course we’re in a much more sane state, also. As my son told a friend once (age about 10): “My mama don’t play.”
Hey - I was the MEAN MOM here in my community too when I told my kid we weren't gonna follow any of the so-called hip mores (like teen-age booze parties in the rec room & co-ed sleepovers in high school) that "everyone else's parents are allowing". Follow the Leader sucks.
Better a mean mom than a sad one. Love "My mama don't play!" & good on you Mean Mom.
A few months into Covid when I was talking about masks not being affective in my community I was told that I wasn’t taking this seriously. I said that I can believe Covid is a concerning virus, especially if it was genetically engineered. And I can also believe that masks will not stop it. Those two beliefs can coexist.
> "In this extraordinarily revealing opening episode, a group of biologists, chemists, doctors and journalists take apart the SARS-COV-2 narrative piece by piece - from the non-isolation of the virus, to the hidden problems with purported photographs of the virus, to the claims that it has been genetically sequenced, to the invalidity of the PCR “covid-test.”
From the treatment protocols for COVID to the assumption of its transmission, Episode One unpacks the science of the claims that changed the world - in which these doctors and scientists make the case that every single claim the authorities made about the so-called SARS-COV2 virus has been based not on evidence, but pseudoscience."
My family gave me a hard time for not masking/vaxing. Then when things began to come out about both being ineffective, they were silent, and never did apologize for their actions. I didn't say anything and let it be, and they don't bring it up anymore. They're also the most informed people I know re: the whole debacle, yet I'm the crazy one. I'm sure ya'll have similar experiences. Btw, I spent five working at a genomics company and research the hell out of everything, but it's ones own family that ends up letting you down. Go figure.
This reminds me of a LtCol who was a bit of a legend in the community of helo pilots I was once a part of. He was an old-timer when I was a new lieutenant and was prone to sitting in the Ready Room sharing his wit and wisdom. My favorite was his advice about what to do in case you were in a mishap and questioned about events:
"You know what I always tell folks to do, Lieutenants... (long dramatic pause)...
LIE, LIE, LIE! And if they catch you in a lie? Tell another one!"
Then he would cackle and go off to make mischief elsewhere.
I think a lot of women want to marry liars. They just want to marry liars that tell the right lies. (No that dress doesn’t make your butt look big, I love it when your mom comes to visit. No I didn’t notice that woman with the giant rack, was she the one with the orange sunglasses?) Most women don’t want complete honesty in a man.
Um, I think it was more of a professional inside joke about how to avoid getting RR'd at an aircraft mishap board subsequent to a crash. Sorry - that probably wasn't quite clear from the context.
It was absolutely clear to me it was a joke but not feeling that joke right now.
You prob meant it as a lighthearted example & "just kidding around" manner, but nevertheless I decided to make the un-funny point that lies are usually corrosive (not talking about lil white lies about your butt Dr Tara!) & it seemed old jokester military guy thought lying would work out fine as a dodge strategy.
Kidding huh? Maybe the ole guy had a moral screw loose? "What's wrong with peeps today?" is a constant refrain I hear over & over on stacks from "truthers'. Guess it's not just peeps today.
One lie always leads to another as we see play out in govt agencies, officials, administration, BOTH parties' & YES the military, & the false flags & political cover-ups. Specifically, military lies from Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiments to Agent Orange & later on the Gulf War Syndrome to radiation laden weapons.
The buck never stops anywhere & no one ever pays except for whistleblowers.
Lie, lie, lie. But yeah, it's funny when an ole guy jokes about not admitting to a mistake. My laugh-o-meter is tapped out Abject. No dif between military or C19 lies imo cuz both erode moral judgement & kill people's souls, if not lives.
Too many poison jabs, died suddenlys, military rapes & lying globalist weasels for me to laugh about lies in the military (or elsewhere). Of course, maybe you (or peeps here) also don't have any inveterate liars in your families so lying seems okay, face-saving or a necessary pretense. Not to me. Sorry (not really) for being such a dang comedy buzzkill here regarding military lies of any kind.
"the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they become, the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they must call us in order to avoid the self-examination."
Exactly. The self-righteous are not into self-reflection.
Truth and reality will exert themselves eventually against the lies that surround leftist ideology. That's why we must always speak out and poke holes in their civilization-destroying beliefs. The problem is that a whole generation (at least) has been raised on these absurdities. And, as the saying goes, those who can be made to believe absurdities...
Something people need to understand. This type of insanity, this mind virus, this inability to see reality, will affect all unbelievers in God eventually. If Covid didn't get you, one of their next crises will. All unbelievers will fall to the deception. This is because the lies will be so total that only those who are guided by the spirit of God will be able to tell the difference. Here is how it works. We have a brain and we think with it. But our brains are only so good at separating lies from truth. Our SPIRITS are not physical. They are literally connected to God. The spirit can discern the truth even when the BRAIN cannot. We are not pure material. If you do not believe this, you ,too, will be deceived in the end. We are living in an age of deception.
Disagree that you have to be a full-fledged God believer (traditional God believer) to be saved from this mind virus or insanity. I used to be a traditional God believer as a young 'un but no more & yet I'm seeing through all the BS & lies just fine. If you & others believe that only God believers will win out over this evil authoritarian cult, theyn y'all are simply cutting off many of us supporters of truth & beauty in the world. We can be spiritual souls with our own understanding of this realm without bowing down to traditional religious beliefs, cults or orgs.
So, to each their own, & let's fight the evil-doers together without any religious requirements.
I don't mean to be nosey, but since you mentioned that you are spiritual soul, but not a God believer, I would be curious to know what that means. Do you believe in a created world, an afterlife, good and evil, an unseen reality? Because for there to be people who 'fight evil' there has to be such a thing as 'evil'. And if evil exists, that reality had to start somewhere, otherwise it's just manmade. And if evil exists, but there is no creator, how do we know what is evil and what isn't? Are we born knowing what is good and what is evil? How is that possible?I am sincerely asking. If you care to share.
You might find a book called The Way of the Pilgrim interesting. It is about a man in Russia who is born with a withered arm. As he is not suited for farm work he learns how to read and reads the Bible a lot. He comes across a phrase which recommends to “pray without ceasing” and he wonders how such a practice could be possible. He asks every priest he encounters but no one can answer satisfactorily. Finally he encounters a figure now called Saint Seraphim of Sarov who instructs him in something called “The Jesus Prayer” which he practices, as instructed, until he experiences a transition from willing himself to repeat it from the mind to it descending and establishing itself in his heart area where it seems to repeat endlessly. Saint Seraphim was revered in his tradition as a “staretz” who was a powerful transmitter of blessing force, such that hundreds of people would file past his door every day to receive his blessing. I mention him because it seems like your exposure seems to be coming from a Christian perspective, but the practice of “Darshan” in some yogic traditions is similar. In the yogic traditions there is the practice of “Japa Yoga,” which is repetition of the name of God in some form as a practice for hopefully entering into a similar condition.
Well, Paula ... all of your questions here are lengthy answers & I don't have the time right now to fully explicate them. I don't mind your asking at all but don't think my answers will satisfy you tho. I'll try to get back to you later on this as I've already used up prob waayyy too much of Cattitude's comment thread today as it is. Stay tuned. :-)
If I may chime in from the peanut gallery, I feel spiritual but I don't worship or believe in a traditional God figure. To me the universe has a harmony to it, and disharmonious acts ("evil") break the peace, or smoothness, of the universe around me. The greater the discord ("evil") the more abrasive the discordant "noise" is. Sometimes I can ignore the bad notes, other times great upsets in the balance of the world around me require action, lest the noise becomes overwhelming. Note that even my own violence also creates bad waves for me, unless it calms the situation around me, in a "making the world feel right" kind of way.
Of course, I may be weird, or somewhat crazy, but I call 'em like I see 'em.
Thanks for the chime. That is a poetic way of looking at it. But does it explain how you know when the music is discordant? What I mean is, I understand the idea of 'vibes' or energy or whatever you want to call that sense that we all have when someone or something is wrong or bad things happen to disturb our peace. But do you ascribe that to an evolutionary sixth sense or something supernatural? And when you do something wrong, how do you make it right? I think the difference for me is that I think that God is a person versus an energy. A different kind of person than us, but one who makes choices and creates and judges and gives mercy.
re: "music is discordant": I wouldn't call it a supernatural sense per se. I'm kind of dense reading most emotions, and I learned slowly to be more sensitive to stress and anxiety around me (maybe due to the stupid, inadvertently hurtful things I said to people when I was young and naïve?). Combined with that dysfunction, I score exceptionally well on IQ-type tests, which may be why I often foresee the great harms coming down the pipes from evil/stupid/malevolent/(or whatever their problem is) people and organizations that incite/spark the larger evils enacted on a population at large. Once I intellectually grasp the likely misery that will result to ('upon'? (awkward sentence)) the victim population, my weird empathy for the distressed feels like they are victims of "evil" to me. I may be back to clarify that further. I will stew on the "make it right" part for a bit, get back to you later - short version: I think I usually figured out how to 'make it right' too late to actually make it right; and it festers on my soul ever after when I think on those mistakes. ... Bonus answer re: God. You're right, I do think of spirituality as more of an energy, with a dash of Karma thrown in. Aha! I have a decent analogy. Kind of an opposite to the law of thermodynamics regarding entropy; a balancing force creating good and beautiful things instead of ever increasing chaos entropy inevitably creates. God as person? - Nope, my little head tries to explode just grasping the idea of a mind that can be omniscient; I can't honestly grasp that kind of intellectual power, and my spiritual side isn't strong enough to overlook that disconnect between my rational side and what I'm expected to believe (in most major religions).
You don't sound weird to me. Maybe because I am weird, too! We are all just trying to make sense of it with our limited understanding. But I think as far as 'religions' go, Christianity is by far the most reasonable and best case scenario for us as fallible humans. And with so many eyewitnesses, I do believe that Jesus was a real person who did miracles. And this person, Jesus, claimed to have come from 'the Father', aka God, and he knew a lot of stuff and did a lot of stuff that provided credibility to his claims. The more we learn about quantum mechanics, the more credible it all becomes. I was thinking the other day that it is very likely that science will actually prove the existence of God, or at least prove that there is another plane of reality that we can't see, which would open up the possibility that everything in the Bible is true. But I already believe it anyway, based on faith and how the Holy Spirit helps me. Cheers!
I understand the feeling that the tide is turning, but perhaps you’re in a bit of your own echo chamber? Or perhaps it’s just me, being trapped in NJ, but I am not seeing or hearing what you are suggesting. Friends, family members, acquaintances who were maskers, vaxxholes, lockdowners have not really changed their minds, they have simply either forgotten the BS we were put through or are unaware (deliberately in many cases) of the information available about vax injuries/deaths, mask ineffectiveness and lockdown damage. It feels as if they would be perfectly fine if it all came back...
I feel the people who totally bought into the plandemic lies are breaking into two main camps.
The ones that were highly public (spokespeople, influencers, etc.) can’t go back or even be silent. They have to double, triple and more down because there is no where else to go. Sure, they may begin to “massage” their messages based on the “data” and “science” but fortunately, with the help of the internet “way back machine” their lies will go on into infinity.
The others, unable to consciously admit they made a mistake or were duped, stop talking, resume their lives, and hope no one remembers their temporary insanity.
My friend who went all in and would get mad at me for sending dissident info (including getting really mad that I would sent something from “some anonymous crazy” like our beloved feline host)… went silent on the issue for months and months and now sends *me* articles about how masks and the vax don’t work lol
I guess take the "small" wins. I know members of my family and friend group think I am either somewhat unhinged or totally whacko or somewhere in between. I have five children now ages 22 to 41. Positions/opinions were all over the board on this. Fortunately we didn't have any severed relationships over it but certainly there has been some stress/strain to some. That's okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinion (or used to be).
From what my wife (my healthcare savior as she has been active in researching medical recommendations and exploring alternative solutions to western medical practices for over 25 years) and I saw early on was that there were highly effective, less risky methods of protection against this relatively mild virus (if you were not obese or had other co-morbidities). However, those other treatments were being actively suppressed to promote an experimental shot (I refuse to call it a vaccine since it isn't one).
I can happily report that neither my wife or I contracted the virus (that we know of, maybe we did and were totally asymptomatic) despite being in close contact with family members who had tested "positive" for it. Also happy to report that neither of us is at risk of being "jab" injured from the gene therapy juice.
Where I draw the line is when you tell me I have to do something or else. That's when I tell you to go f**k yourself.
I am thankfully at an age and stage where I don't really give a flying f**k what anyone else thinks of me or my opinions.
Pfft. You can be 18 and not give a flying f*ck
Yes but has potentially more risk to livelihood, social status, etc. Fortunately I am retired and don't have a social life. LOL
Right, hence more admirable.
Sure. If you're willing to sacrifice your education, livelihood and social connects.
Question, Randy F. I am obese I took four shots. Would you have done the same? (I know you would go on a diet but I’m hungry.)
I just read and interpret the data. Obesity was a major risk factor in a persons health outcome from contracting the virus. I know that may seem hurtful to say but facts don’t care about your feelings.
Nope. It was age, co-morbidities & rest homes/hospitals dangerous protocols around the C19 scamdemic that caused all the deaths. And - most importantly - the CDC renamed the annual flu, all respiratory illnesses (like COPD) & pneumonia as "Cov19". There was absolutely NO increased mortality at all until 2021 after the experimental jabs were rolled out. Search out Ed Dowd's stats analysis on bitchute or other altie video sites for all the mortality charts/info that prove this.
Obesity as a danger for C19 death is just another unproven claim. But sadly - the more experimental jabs one has the greater risk to health.
In the spirit of “all we have to do is just keep on talking” please avail yourself of the arguments of Dr. Sam Bailey. Spoiler: there is no “virus.” I know, I know-- the word has been made a part of our nervous systems by billions of repetitions! It is a total shame to kick that Boogieman prop out from under Big Pharma’s “first make you scared, then make you sick” Project. How can we let all those billions of dollars of advertising go to waste? Easy! Just read what they don’t want you to read and tell your friends what you are finding out! It’s about evidence.
Here's a fact that really doesn't care about your feelings: Obesity is only a lagging indicator of the metabolic syndrome that is related to succeptibility of COVID, as Robert Malone has found. You interpret the data only as far as you like. I found fasting in the years before COVID-84. I was in great shape in March of '20. Alpha was a three-hour throat tickle. After 2 years of fighting tyranny, getting injured by cops in custody, having a landlord try to not-repair my home to make it unliveable, and me about 20 pounds lighter, but eating badly that week? Omicron came and knocked me over, and now my smell is diminished and I have a varicose vein.
Obesity is like carbon: Luntzian messaging that takes you away from understanding the real problem, but it appeals to your prejudices and is emotionally-activating.
Thank goddness I didn't take the spike protein challenge on top, like Diamond Boy.
While it is true, being obese does not mean that you will have bad outcomes from it. It is a fact though that it is a risk factor. Jay Batt on the "Illusion of Consensus" podcast breaks down the risk factors by age and by comorbidity in an interesting manner.
I’m with you brother - facts!
Should I take a 5th shot, it has been 15 months since my 4th shot
I am obese, diabetic, with a-fib, I got Covid before the lockdowns and it was no big deal. Even among us high risk folks, the risk is not as high as one thinks that it is. I have never been jabbed, and sadly wore masks for uber rides and doctors visits as well as in hospital corridors.
It's weird to me when people write that Covid isn't a big deal as long as you are young and healthy and not overweight. Hello? Maybe other people have won the beautiful people lottery but I don't know anyone like that.
Personally though I don't think it matters. I'm also obese, several chronic comorbidities, not youthful -- and did I get a shot? I did not.
Except that I am not a beautiful person. I weigh 350 pounds, I am one legged. I think obesity does matter, but it may not be just from the obesity alone, but rather what it says about diet, lifestyle choices, etc.
Wait a minute...you were unmasked, unvaccinated, and didn't get Covid? According to the narrative you should be smoking ash right now.
Give ‘em grace.
My favourite word.
Take the high road and do your victory lap in the privacy of your home! 😂👏🏻😂👏🏻😂👏🏻
That's awesome!
'Twas ever thus. 😺😸😹
2 former best friends in the second camp, trying to get back in grace. But if you come close to the taboo subject, you notice they still believe they saved the world with the jabs and the masks. These people will not ever be friends again. One who admits to the mistake has been visiting all through the craze, not judging me because I did not run into the dirty ditch.
Lotta the latter goin’ on.
We who did not fall for it will remember their insanity. I will remember indefinitely a sister in law of mine asserting that "if I wear a mask and it turns out to be ineffective, I can at least be secure in the knowledge that I did something out of caring for others." She said this at a large family gathering where no one wore masks including her. I get holiday feast are "time outs" for viruses?
Actually, things can be deleted from the WayBack Machine/Internet Archive. I forget how, exactly, but if it's your website you can have it removed, IIRC.
And also if you're the daughter or niece of the guy who runs the WayBack Machine/Internet Archive, IIRC.
Yes, there's that. 🤨
Yeah, that's kind of how it looks to me as well.
Mid-pandemic, a good friend of mine told me that he'd no longer get together with me because he had a policy against "sharing space" with the unvaccinated. Yesterday, that same friend asked if I'd like to go on a roadtrip with him. Internally, I was like "whoa, man...what happened?" but I said nothing. There was no discussion of how we went from a no-contact rule back to normality; a switch was simply turned.
I tell this anecdote because to me it's emblematic of the way most of my California pals are approaching the pandemic. They don't consider whether they were wrong in the past, don't look at emerging science, and certainly don't apologize. They just move on.
Hmmm,, how would he feel if you said sorry no, you might be shedding....
Shedding of the Spike Protein is real. I didn't fight this hard and lose my job/pension to be shed upon by a compliant coward in a car on a road trip. Don't let the "good Germans" off the hook for their zeolotry and participation in crimes against humanity. Doing so only invites more of the same.
Surely you know that there are very real medical disputes within the truth community MDs over whether there actually is a "spike protein" or not? Some have shown that It's not a spike protein (that's only an animated cartoon theory w/NO basis in reality) but damaged & decaying "so-called cellular" matter in our bodies caused by all the toxic jab poisons. Those who got the jabs were simply poisoned w/toxic ingredients.
Cell theory is entirely like germ theory, it is based on guesses & unproven theory & must be revised & updated with new knowledge. The entire biological discussion of disease is based on fallacies & lies. Check out the well-known truther docs like Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman, the Drs Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr Amandha Vollmer etc. [on edit, I had mispelled Dr Amandha Vollner, see her stubstack too]
> Dr Andrew Kaufman - Spike Proteins & Magnetic Arms July 2021 - Watch
Dr Kaufman uses the common term "spike protein" while he also dismantles its use.
Later videos over the past 2 years show definitively that spike proteins don't exist.
> Watch Mike Wallach's "The Viral Delusion" (5-part documentary) See posted March 21, 2022 > The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 Watch Part 1 (archive.org) here > https://archive.org/details/the-viral-delusion-part-1-the-tragic-pseudoscience-of-sars
...& then you'll understand some of the biological fallacies/lies underpinning virology Also read Mike Stone's "ViroLIEgy" website/stack articles analyzing virology lies.
Like here > May 26, 2023 What A Waste - As usual, a "viral" load of crap.- Mike Stone
The entire paradigm of allopathic medicine is being dismantled now by many smart docs/researchers in real time. Good riddance to dangerous allopathic (mainstream pathological) "sick care".
You’re obviously a lot nicer than I am! I would have asked him exactly why he was no longer worried about being around me when I’m unvaxxed. I respect your right to respond as you choose, but for me, I need those types of “friends” to acknowledge what they said and did. Otherwise I really don’t want them as friends because they’ve already what kind of “friend” they really are! But that’s just me.
Oh but you are nice, JudyC! Some folks would call me a social wimp for allowing myself to be mistreated but not you.
My guess is that you often ask yourself in interactions with friends what your part in the problem was. That is a good impulse, a healthy impulse, as is the impulse to forgive. Although for me, forgiveness is also coupled with a memory of what occurred. The slate is not wiped clean.
I lost a number of friends over the pandemic, but if I look back honestly at what transpired...it was...I disagreed with them...they mocked, condescended, ridiculed, and then blocked me.
Thanks, Jimmy. Adult friendships are hard, at least for me, and I'm actually neither as forgiving nor as "nice" as my comments here thus far likely imply. Part of me wants to move past my resentments because I've been friends with this person a long time and we've had lots of good times together. I can count my good, longterm friends on one hand -- so I don't let go easy. But the truth is that I'm also angry.
Seems to me that pandemic fights boil down to disagreements about science. Or at least mine do. One person thinks the vaccine is "safe and effective"; another disagrees. It doesn't bother me if a friend disagrees with me but I draw the line at being called stupid, a bad person, a murderer. My best buddies didn't actually use those words to my face but that was the vibe in society for awhile there.
Adult friendships are hard. I think they are hard for most of us. I remember the salad days of being a kid, getting in a fight with a best friend, and being back together the next day.
I, like you, can count my friends on one hand.
Your friend who made it clear that he wouldn't share space with you says it all. He didn't have to tell you that he thought you were a bare-faced plague spreader, actions speak so much louder than words. But there are consequences...and my guess is when you hang out with him you will have to face them.
You have every right to be angry.
I don't think the fight you had was based on science, but rather, morality. The whole "follow the science" mantra has an almost religious vibe to it. and the way the measures were approached had a less science based approach to them than religious. Masks work..why? The science is settled.
Sorry. Is an apology necessary, or even desired, when the offenders are allowed to move on?
There's not going to be one, in any case.
I always respond to such people with "nothing has changed, covid is raging as usual, why aren't you still masking, vaxxing, and distancing?" I get a blank look. I then ask the same question again. I then get the covid shot-rage "this conversation is over!" I can't understand why I have no friends.
They fear the recognition of how they were so foolishly and easily led.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I find it rather gobsmacking.
I think it depends on where you live. Hotbeds of left wing lunacy, the Left and Right Coasts, remains stuck in their echo chambers, as attested by some of these comments. Come to the middle of America and it’s a completely different scenario. Middle America is over it, unless you are in one of the few liberal cities in this region. Apparently, the more left the politics, the more entrenched the mask dogma. Where I live, we just ignore the half a handful of people who still cling to their masks.
I work and live in the north suburbs of Baltimore, Jewel of the Patapsco, near the divide between Cosmopolitan and Hayseed.
Go a little south toward Towson (whose University boasts such lumiaries as Brian Stelter, Amy Schumer, The Pi Guy, and the 2014 National Collegiate Debate Championship (*hangs head* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmO-ziHU_D8 ) and masking is common if not pervasive, and frequency increases quickly as you drive through the Nice Neighborhoods along Charles St. By the time you're within the borders of The City That Breeds, it's at least 50-50. (going to the O's game Thursday so will update if I find it's different).
Go the same 10 or so miles north into what is still largely farmy and rural, and Mask Enthusiasm had waned significantly by Summer of 2020. Now the only maskers are the Old Money White Liberal Women Who Drive Their Prius to Farm Markets.
Geography does matter but Politics and Wealth also correlates.
This is very true here in my state in the south. Out in the sticks where we live, COVID was never really a thing, including in the schools.
As you get closer to the big cities - one of which is home to a major research university - the enthusiasm picks up. I still see the occasional double-masker in the local Costco. The demographic is common along the lines that you have described.
Nah. I make sure they see an eye roll and head shake.
That was my take early on - that we needed to resume some of the societal shaming and express our complete bemusement in plain sight of the Cov-idiots. We can (and should) still try to love them, but we should never cede Reality to lunatics. That way lies Darkness and Madness.
"Goin' along to get along" - particularly with masks - was a HUGE part of the PsyOp.
I don't think they can be shamed- that's part of the lunacy. You want to make them upset? Laugh out loud at them- make sure they know they are the object of your laughter by pointing. They will either cringe cry or look to punch you so be prepared.
I like to be clear about my "they's." Some of "them" can't be shamed - I believe I've even commented that here or on el gato malo's. BUT some of "them" can.
It's true...because you can't tell the difference easily between those that mask because they go along to get along, and those that do it because they truly believe. Although I think it becomes evident when they are outside of a store or a doctor's office how much they believe it by how fast they remove it.
Okay, I admit it, I do the same eye roll and head shake!
I give the maskers a big smile and a hello, like I do to children. Makes them madder that I don’t care.
A good *sigh, head droop* as you pass in the now-Bidirectional Grocery Aisles is a solid counter as well.
That's exactly what I see in the Midwest. 99% of people are mask free. Whenever I do see a masked person, I just start humming "Fear, fear, fear".... LOL!
thankfully, Judy, we seem to live in a place where some people still have some brains.
Same. Per my comment, I work closer to Maskville, live more in the Fresh Country Air (if you've been there in Spring Planting Season, you'll get that reference) Region.
It's way better around home.
In the western end of the Rust Belt where I'm at, one of my neighbors told me "I'm so over it," re: covid in the early fall of 2020, but in our biggest urban area my little sister still willing (happily?) masks for work and for social events along with most others there.
Exactly! I deliberately moved “out of town” and commuted in each day for over 10 years. So glad I did, given what has transpired over the last 3 years. (Ironically, my drive time was the same despite the added distance). Now that I’ve retired, glad to be away from the woke city madness!
I live in the northern CA Bay area, and I hardly ever see anyone wearing a mask--once in a while only.
But back when the plandemic was getting started, the comments on Next Door were avidly in favor of masks, vaxx, etc.; very critical of those not going along with their agenda. I don't see any comments on Next Door any more re masks, etc. Makes me wonder if they now know the truth, but hesitate to say anything. Or if they have just adjusted to the "new normal", and think everything is fine.
It's not left per say, but government. If you are a conservative in government, you are as entrenched in the lies as a liberal in government. What your talking about in middle America...is pretty much everywhere where people have to rely on themselves for work, to lend a helping hand to others, etc.
Last month I spent a very enjoyable day with a young woman (mid-20s) whom I hoped to call a friend. We seemed to connect, by and large, but there was some ... Disconnect. It was difficult to pinpoint, but it was there nevertheless. It was as if she "got it," but not ... Quite ...
At the end of the day, I took us both out to dinner at a very nice local restaurant that I'd sort of forgotten about. I had assiduously avoided the topic of the vaxx/COVID all day, but of course, it was impossible to avoid the topic of ZOMBIES (given that we kept seeing them out and about that day), and thus, when the conversation turned yet again towards that morbid discussion, I was forced, at long last, to finally ask her (in a whisper) the fated question:
"Did you take the vaxx?"
It is impossible for me to describe what happened next. It was as if ... Like reaching ones' arm into what one mistook for a simple hole in the wall to reach for what appeared to be a rope, only to discover that it was, in fact, a strand of live electric fence.
She did not merely balk at the question. She PANICKED. Out and out ... PANICKED.
Now, there's a good freaking reason for this: She knows full well that I am a licensed Doctor. Therefore, for me to ask that -- in a tone clearly indicating that I am NOT "pro-vaxx" -- most likely confirmed her worst fears: She has, in fact, taken every available dose of the Zombie Virus.
And she is going to die as a result of it. Based on signalment and self-reported history of a hormone implant to control reproductive cycles, the probability of death via blood clot is exceptionally high.
Following that jarring episode, there was a moment of awkward silence. She broke it first.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yes," I said. "I'm fine. Why?"
"Oh," she said. "You just looked super sad for a moment there."
I wish that this story were not true. I later found out from another fellow I met -- who seems to get the WHOLE THING, pretty darned well, being an aspiring EMT and former Army dude -- that this young woman was wearing a mask VOLUNTARILY, earlier on THIS YEAR (2023). No mandates; not even from her employer. She just ... Was.
One more relevant point to add to the story.
I initially mistook her obvious panic for understanding: I believed that she knew, in her heart of hearts, that her decision would ultimately lead to her demise. (And, as I outlined above, I suspect that, in her heart of hearts, she DID know, and my question confirmed her fears.) That is not, however, what actually transpired in the 3D conversation between us.
Her ACTUAL source of panic, she immediately revealed, was at my question itself, and the conversation. (Verbatim, she said: "I feel really, REALLY uncomfortable with where this conversation is going.")
So I said, "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."
And she said, "Thank you." And then she said something that I cannot recall. It began with, "Thank you for respecting my--" but I do not recall the precise words that followed.
I think that my lack of precise recall is because my brain cannot help but translate her words into my own interpretation of her choices. In my mind, she said, "Thank you for respecting my right to choose death."
THAT is the real reason that we will not be able to be friends. It isn't her ignorance -- that I can forgive, without a trace of malice, and have in other friends. No, the reason I cannot be friends with this young woman is that her entire pattern of behavior is one of entitlement, and her choices and allegiances became far too clear in that one moment in the restaurant.
Whoa nelly! Why does she get privacy with her shot status? Screw that. None of the shotted and those who forced shot compliance cared a whit of respecting my privacy to remain unshotted. Nope. None of the shotted deserve privacy and respect in regards to their shot status.
Aah. You see, it wasn't that -- just my mere question -- that set her off. What actually happened was this.
We were talking about zombies. I was trying to explain why the Zombie Apocalypse was indeed "inevitable." (This is an in-joke to myself. Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse was a friend's high school band.) There was an obvious disconnect. So, I realized that the only way I was going to find out if the conversation was DOA was to directly ask.
Thereafter, it went like this:
Me (quietly): "Have you had the vaxx?"
Her (indignant): "Yes, of course!"
Me: (REALLY bad at hiding emotions or faking anything): "Okay."
Her: "Dude. I'm getting a little freaked out right now."
Me: "It's okay. You know I'm a doctor, I know how to counteract the --"
Her (now utterly openly panicking): "No. I mean this conversation is making me SUPER uncomfortable."
THAT is how it ended.
Never make the mistake of telling the damned that they're damned. Certain truths are just too inconvenient, even for the Al Gore followers.
Condolences. Condolences to ALL ~ to Them, and to Us ...
The challenge that I know I'm facing at the moment now, however, is -- how do I find more of the "Us'es?"
*Here* (virtually) a place to start.
As an aside - and counterintuitively, perhaps - generally away from large metro centers. That's where the Madness of Crowds is at its worst.
Yep ... Check on both counts.
I'm not currently in a position to "network" in 3D space anyhow, so cyberspace is still my best outlet. It's just frustrating how long it's been that way, when we seem so close to ... *Something.* Some sort of shift. But ... Patience -- of the waiting kind, that is -- has never been my virtue. (/eyeroll.) Guess this is yet another test of it.
And yeah. Couldn't pay me to go near an urban or metropolitan area at the moment. I've never been a city fan, but now ... Yikes.
In my big city I'm sensing that when it comes to all things covid people are falling into 4 broad groups:
(1) The True Believers
(A few super-intense Karens but mainly elderly who took all jabs, and will take whatever is pushed on them next)
(2) Pretty Much Believers... But a Little Shaky
(Believe that masks and vaccines helped end the pandemic, and it would have ended sooner if more people had complied, but not wanting more boosters because, gee, they really felt crappy after that last jab and got covid several times anyway. Any substantive discussion of anything about covid has become taboo, but they are still willing to have the We Are the Good People conversation / bash "anti-vaxxers.")
(3) Anxious Rethinkers
(Took all jabs, got covid multiple times, know several people they suspect were killed or injured by the jabs, now regretful, and quietly ashamed to have fallen for taking all those jabs, and secretly reading RFK Jr's tweets)
(4) Noncompliers
(Recognize that it's not about health, and very pissed)
* * *
Group 1, True Believers, is getting smaller, both as elderly pass away and as more people slide into groups 2 and 3.
Groups 2 and 3.
Careful: Many people who appear to be in Group 2 may actually be in Group 3. There's a lot of embarassment here, and many things said only in whispered conversations. All very gelatinous and murky.
Group 4.
Growing in spurts, as it has been from the beginning.
So where does this line up by year-end 2024? For my big city, my guess is, Group 1 will be left at about 5% (or less). Group 2 settles in at about 30%, Group 3 at about 30% and Group 4 at 35%.
Conclusion: Anyone running for office on a platform that includes medical freedom has a darned good chance.
I think there’s another group in between 3 and 4. Those are the ones who took the jabs, for whatever reason, and have realized they were duped and regret it like hell. This group has said they’re sorry and asked for forgiveness. These I can forgive, and can sympathize with, because they realize to force others to comply is wrong. It takes courage and integrity to admit you were wrong.
Yes, it certainly does take courage and integrity. I have great respect for such people.
The one friend I know who is sort of in this camp doesn't need to apologize, because he never tried to force it on me or others in the first place. He and his wife self-isolated before their city called for it, wore masks for about a year, took the first two shots as soon as they were available, and finally took the first booster with uncertainty. But he was always agnostic about it, and we had perfectly respectful conversations about it as the situation evolved.
He took it because he trusted Trump, and now wishes he could get it out of his system.
I remain continually flabbergasted by people who did or did not submit to an experimental injected drug, based upon whether or not they liked/disliked certain politicians. It’s insane!
Yes, that flabbergasts me too. I guess when it comes to medicine, a lot of people feel they are in over their head as far as having sufficient understanding to make their own decision goes, and just follow the lead of someone they trust, whether doctor, CDC, or politician.
I can't imagine "trusting" a politician, or the CDC for that matter.
I imagine there are more of these than we know. In many cases they were the silent ones. And you’re right, he does not need to apologize. It’s those who tried to shame us, shun us and censor us. It’s the ones who ended their friendships because we chose to be hesitant or chose to follow a different path. This is a person who proved he was still a friend and is worthy of your friendship!
I think my 2.5ers comment applies here too. I'm going with 4 Curious.
Transcriber B - Good breakdown overall.
Of course, it's really hard to pin down the groups w/certainty when several of these STILL won't discuss the jab. Just had the experience on Sunday of going out to brunch with friends - good friends - who have been scarce for the past 3 years & when I gently broached the jab question was screamed at by the guy who is/was a lawyer.
We're NOT gonna talk about that SHIT he yelled at me after having a relatively pleasant conversation to that point. Is that the learned legal Socratic Method now, huh? Don't marshal facts or evidence but simply scream out loud at your perceived opposition & dodge questions? Even though I knew he & his wife were C19 believers, I was still shaken.
Guess that's the tactic, huh?
And hubby sided w/the screamer to "keep the peace". Peace? "No justice, no PEACE I say (sorry anti-SJWs). Fry all the fukn C19 complicit mfers asap who have ruined our lives."
p.s. The lawyer proudly bragged he's had all the suggested jabs & boosters & HE"S FINE. Kinda like whistling by the graveyard & into the giant pit of coming medical hell imo. :/
No hope here for this super-delusional guy who is holding on tight to his jab "superiority".
Sounds to me like, had you brought up Ivermectin, he might have spontaneously combusted!
As I write that I'm chuckling, but don't think I don't sympathize. For me, the last years have been one horrible thudding realization after another that a person I liked, admired, and/or counted on was so effing clueless, incurious, comformist, and all-on-board with censorship and hip-hip-hooray-for-medical fascism. I well know the feeling of having a perfectly civilzed, even fun conversation, then, wham. Oh, dang, they drank the Kool Aid.
Yeah, it's all so darkly & mordantly funny. Reading Mark Crispin Miller's stacks are wakey+.
But so called well-educated professionals are still defending the fascist dictators because they (professionals) are "good people" (who follow all the dumb, constantly changing, inconsistent rules "for the greater good", etc.) in their own minds. Guess I'm an exception.
As an original born & bred red-stater (Oklahoma) who used to deplore the state's close-mindedness at times, my conservative-religious family members are way ahead of the majority of my liberal Okie family & friends who bought & drank ALL the C19 kool-aid.
Is there a direct relationship between conformity & educational level? Seems like in my life (upstate/NY liberals' community w/red-state family members), it's a resounding yes.
Most of my rural relatives (& rural neighbors here) just laughed at the masks & C19 BS & most (like in the South) ignored the fear-mongering. Farms, chores & life's gotta go on. :-)
So guess it's definitely more rural vs urban too which is why Agenda 21/Reset is burning forests, creating smart cities & trying to force folks into inner-city high-rises for control??
Your observation, "guess it's definitely more rural vs urban", appears to hold true almost everywhere. Here in our very rural western paradise, the whole insane interlude never really affected most people. Symptoms, like masking, magical six foot spacing, and even vaccinations, were imposed on those unfortunates who, for whatever reason, visited the nearest city. (Two and a half hours away)
Family members, in Europe and the Antipodes, report similar experiences. Most of those who are, through the grace of God, fortunate enough to reside outside of the world's 'urban shitholes' did not succumb to the hysteria. Many denizens of cities, around the world - did.
"guess it's definitely more rural vs urban"
So could it be population density?
Where people are close to one another frequently, I'd think they'd spread/contract the virus. As little as I'd prefer to think it was, it feels like the risk of contracting would be higher.
- But importantly, if you're inclined to go Group Think there are lot more people like you around you. Even if it's a minority, it's a lot more voices in your head. Heck, you're even exposed to more signage and other media.
When it's more spread out, when you don't share a ride to work with 1000s of your closest non-aquaintances on buses and subways and on the streets and in hallways of big buildings, you just bump into fewer potential sickies.
- But importantly, there are fewer voices which likely is less than whatever threshold is required to turn Group Think into Hive Mind.
-- And I wouldn't rule out the Bourbon per Capita rates help in the Wayouts. I have the data.
There's also something to be said regarding rural and urban. I wonder what the incidence of gluten and peanut allergies are to rural communities. My guess is they are substantially lower than the cities.
I don't think it is the education itself that is in the indicator, but an institutionalized faith in institutions. People aren't taught critical thinking in college like they used to be.
"Is there a direct relationship between conformity & educational level?"
There is some evidence that Education and Intelligence can be inversely proportional, for certain values of People.
They *are* horrible, they *are* thudding, and I can sense that I will never fully recover from them. And when I consider my age, and think of those who are now children ... I would be distraught if I were to dwell on the fact that the effect of the surreal insanity that this long and far-from-over nightmare has wrought on those who are young is one of the most unconscionable executions of human evil I have ever been witness to, or am even aware of in human history.
Yes. It has been traumatic. As for me, I will recover, I will be stronger, I will be wiser, I will be more compassionate, I will have an even wackier sense of humor, but I will NEVER, EVER forget. May we leave the world a better place.
If I had low impulse control, every time I saw a child enter into a restaurant that was masked, I would have yanked the mask off the kids face and called Child Protective Services on the US Government.
I bet many of us have friends like this.
I had a friend I lost as a friend not because of Covid, but because he was a narcissist. He was fun to hang out with. We were "karaoke buddies." I would hang outside with him. I would notice he would get pissed when he'd say things that were clearly wrong, and I'd google them, it's probably why he still doesn't own a smartphone.
Anyhow. we parted ways after he started seeing a girl I know to be an abuse victim. When I noticed him monitoring and making demands on how she conducted herself in public, and monitoring her food and wine intake, I said nothing because they were consenting adults. When she finally broached the subject with me asking for my advice, I told her honestly to leave him. When he got angry and demanded to know the details of the conversation between her and I, I simply said that wasn't going to happen and I stopped hanging out with him.
But as far as Covid went the odd thing was, early on, he sent me a link to a George Carlin bit about germs, and yet, he bought a box of masks and got the vax multiple times. Even narcissists can be duped.
Screw that lawyer dude. He has no right to his privacy about the shots now when the unshotted were treated like lepers for wanting to maintain their privacy. I would have screamed right back at him that we are going to talk about that SHIT. Because that's what the shots are, complete and utter shit. My brother was the same way with me. I told him too damn bad, I'm going to talk about the shots whether he likes it or not. He doesn't like it and I don't care. Now he's on an anti-doctor kick after submitting to all their bullshit over the past three years. I'll never understand people.
It's tough for him. By his response, it is obvious that he is suffering some sort of reaction. What he doesn't realize is that not talking about this kind of thing is the very thing "not keeping peace." There will continue to be that obstacle in the way.
"Careful: Many people who appear to be in Group 2 may actually be in Group 3. There's a lot of embarassment here, and many things said only in whispered conversations. All very gelatinous and murky."
This is a very good point, the Recovering 2s dabbling in the 3 Pond. We should be cautious not to Smash the 2.5s who are 4 Curious and might soon be our compatriots.
We harsh all over The Compliant as though they were monolithic, that they were all Mask Nazis and DieAntiVaxxers! and wished us harm and thought us morons. That they'd never regret having "mitigated against" Teh Covid and couldn't possibly have have gotten The Jab because they were scared, because they didn't see what we see, because they'd lose their job, or maybe not get to meet their beuatiful brand spanking new granddaughter because they held a hard line.
But, I'll wager, they largely weren't and aren't. Most did they best they could and assumed the tradeoffs they were most likely required to do. To get along, to hold onto the few relationships they had ante-WuFlu, to continue drawing a paycheck. It's hard to stand against the Abelinos.
Be nice. They might be the next new commenters at House of Bad Cat. Our friends.
"You can catch more flies with honey than if you scream in their face and tell them they're stupid f#@&ing sheep."
- Poor Richard Pi Guy
If there is one thing I agree with from the Yes! Article entitled "Mask Shaming Won't Work, Try These Five Things" from 2020, insulting people is not going to lead to a good end. And yet it is so easy to do...and takes so little effort.
Thanks! Really appreciate your estimates.
You cannot reason with a demoralized person. They are waging a fundamentalist Woke/covid jihad: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-a-progressive-jihad
What is demoralizing them?
"Climate change," Ukraine, George Floyd, those awful states banning "gender affirming" care for children. This week it's wildfires in Canada. Next week it will be something else.
🛸 UFOs! 😂
My NJ experience is slightly different; no so much a matter of changing or not changing minds but rather of wiping minds clean. A complete don't-want-to-talk-about-it/think-about-it approach. As to vax injuries about the same but I have been wondering whether the hot batches were mostly not distributed in NJ? In my circle I know of a single 30-yr-old woman suffering from a "post-Covid heart condition" i.e. vax injury. Yet vax rate was 95% for 1 dose and even close to 40% boosted.
Well, you prob heard of How Bad is My Batch? which analyzed the C19 jab batches, right?
It has alot of different batch breakdowns & even has a breakdown by zip code, so you can check out the zips where you or friends live to see the toxicity. Assuming the analysis is mostly correct, that is. But I believe that the How Bad website has provided useful info (even if under-reported) based on reported injuries & deaths in the US govt databases.
> How Bad is My Batch - Are some batches more toxic than others?
Batch codes & associated deaths, disabilities & illnesses for Covid 19 [not a] "Vaccines"
same here in suburbs of DC
I do not see it either.
My hope for situations like yours are the national polls showing 35% of Democrats believe someone they know died after, and from, a Covid Injection!
As many as believed they knew someone who died from Covid. So the Democrats, or at least a third of them are awake now, and at least half of Republicans got the message from the beginning.
Do not underestimate the resentment of those force vaxxed who now know they may have risked their lives, or their children's on a lie and a psy-op!
Or the vaxxine injured. Or those of us who have always known vaccines, even before Covid Era, are dangerous.
A mass is growing who recognize propaganda, regulatory capture, and Eugenics.
Watch "Plandemic 3." "Infertility, a Diabolical Agenda," on CHD TV, or follow Naomi Wolf on DailyClout.io.
Drs McCullough, Kory, Marik, Kheriaty, Bhakti, Tenpenny, Madje, Northrup, etc., truth is everywhere!
Read Jeff Childrers blog, "Covid and Coffee," on Substack or Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts.
Follow Bobby Kennedy's campaign for the Democratic Nomination- he's spouting truth at fire hose levels, lol!
Jersey is tough. But find some like-minded folks and it will feel a little different, imho. Better yet, get involved with the Resistance! ; ))))
Pff. I’ll believe it when I see it.
I see a lot of faceless, supposed ex-Democrats online in comment sections, but I cannot think of a single Democrat I’ve known in real life who’s exhibited any sort of remorse for supporting the evils of leftism or any sort of intelligence at all, really.
They are to a T invincibly stupid people.
I think it was Dr McCullough who said the difference between ignorance and stupidity is that you can fix ignorance but not stupid. Ignorance is when you don't have the truth and the facts ...stupid is when you have the truth and the facts and won't see or change your mind.
Yup, former Jersey girl here.... most of my life long friends there are sticking with “ better safe than sorry”.... there faith in Pharma is unwavering....
May I say I love your term: vaxxholes. I may steal it. So fitting. And yes, the brainiacs in our family who lined up for their gene therapy shots/boosters are clueless and stand by their decision. There have been 2 friends who died of heart issues, but duh ...
Off topic (perhaps). If the topic is don't trust the experts - this is ON TOPIC ...
A big story two days ago purports to provide “smoking gun” evidence that “Case Zero” of Covid in the world occurred with three lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in November 2019.
As I show in this detailed rebuttal, this could not be possible as at least 306 people in four countries and 7 U.S. states had also already been infected by this same date - and all of the people I have identified tested positive for Covid antibodies.
The real scandal is that public health officials (and the mainstream “watchdog” press) refuse to investigate or ignore the mountain of evidence that suggests millions of people had probably already been infected by the end of November 2019.
I’m not saying the virus didn’t originate in Wuhan. Only that if it did, the person who was “Case Zero” would have had to have been infected months earlier than November 2019 for the virus to have infected so many other people throughout the world.
All, please help get the word out about this, scheduled for JULY. https://brownstone.org/articles/united-states-fifty-little-dictatorships/
Covid Hysterics look at the world with rose-colored glasses as they face the reality of the deadly mRNA injection. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. MY POLYANNA SUMMER. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-polyanna-summer
OMG. The Abilene Paradox. Memories flooding back.
Jerry Harvey first wrote about this in 1974. Link with the original 3 page story below for those with curiousity.
A copy of the original, a gift certificate for a suit, and $500 in cash were my dad’s gifts to me on the day I graduated from college in 1977.
The suit and the money are obviously long gone. But the very yellowed, coffee stained, and clearly well read copy is still pinned to my bulletin board. It has been a major factor in my life for 56 years.
Ocassionally, through the ensuing years, my dad would pose this question to me: “Are we on the road to Abilene?”
He died a couple years ago at age 95. I found his own copy in a box he kept by his chair.
I gave it to my oldest son, to replace the copy I had given to him the day he graduated from college.
Thanks beautiful kitten for the memories.
Thanks for this. Beautiful.
I noted elsewhere that I also have a copy of the original, found in my mother's files after her death. I remember it because she shared it with me in the 70's, when it was taught at her agency. Seems like management was actually trying to make better decisions then.
Wow. Fascinating. I’ll bet we aren’t the only ones! And yes I totally agree. Back in the day companies actually cared about their employees, customers, and shareholders. Today they screw their employees, mostly despise their customers, and have totally lost the concept that the SH are the actual owners of the business. I worked for a very large mega cap company as a lawyer for 23 years. Retired very early at age 46 (I did eventually re-enter the work force at 50 doing contract work for small companies until age 55). There is no way I would survive today at a large firm, being a contrarian and a rebel I would be shown the door pretty quickly. With rate exceptions, they are all in the road to Abilene.
Thank you!
You are welcome!
MoodyP -Thnx so much for sharing this. Remember this concept now but had forgotten it. And how descriptive is it of crazy complicit C19 insanity too. Saving it today to share w/others. <3
Quote: "This article is concerned with that para-dox—the Abilene Paradox. Stated simply, it
is as follows: Organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to what they really
want to do and therefore defeat the very purposes they are trying to achieve. It also deals
with a major corollary of the paradox, which is that the inability to manage agreement is a major source of organization dysfunction. Last, the article is designed to help members of organizations cope more effectively with the paradox’s pernicious influence."
You are most welcome. I’m glad I posted as many have said what you said. Thank you. Have a blessed day.
Lovely! Of course, I bawled!
Me too. My dad died in November 2021. He was 95. Perfectly healthy until he went against my counsel and got jabbed. 2nd jab at the end of March. Stage 4 cancer all over his body by July. He handled it all quite well. But I miss him.
Thanks for your lovely note. Eric.
Same. My pops wasn't perfectly healthy, but still got jabbed (3x) before he passed. It was like he didn't even remember our convo about it, but alas. He was gone within 5 mos of taking it, which in the end, was probably best as I wouldn't want him dealing with all the stupid in the world.
Very sorry to hear that. What you expressed in your final sentence is exactly what has provided me the solace that I have needed to not be angry
My mom had died in September 2020. My dad was very lonely. And of course, the facility he lived in promised that if they reached 90% jab rate they would reopen the dining room and resume all the social activities. I told my dad he should wait to see if they got 90% without him. But he said he didn’t want to be the one to prevent everyone else from re-opening. And he said at my age it doesn’t matter. If it kills me then I can go join your mom. He got his wish, and I’m not so sure that is what he really wanted.
He was my best friend, and had been for 40 years. We worked for the same company for 25 years. Our offices were in the same building and we had lunch together 1000+ times over that period of time.
We were blessed in that he did not suffer much. He wanted to stay alive long enough to complete the chapter outlines on his 3rd book. All of which he wrote after he turned 90. He called me on a Wednesday to say that the outlines were done, he had cajoled my brother into finishing it someday, and that he would be checking out. But not until he watched MSU play basketball that evening. He did that, they put him in bed, and he never woke up. I think we’d all like to go just like that.
And like you, in the end, it was a blessing. He was a WW2 and Korea vet and what is happening to the country he loved would break his heart.
Many blessings to you. Thanks for sharing your story. There are so many of us out here with similar tales. It helps to know you’re not alone. Eric V.
Meanwhile in the Lunatic Asylum formerly known as the UK, the Public Enquiry into the Government’s (mis)handling of the Covid Fakedemic is about to start. Those attending are required to take a lateral flow test at the start of each week, or if only there for a day to take one in advance. Face masks, not compulsory but recommended. This ‘policy’ is ‘designed to reduce the risk of Covid transmission whilst the enquiry hosts its hearings.’ So we know how that enquiry will turn out: “ or wrong-doing was found. Government did the best it could in difficult and unknown circumstances, but lessons can be learned.” There... I’ve saved the taxpayer £££millions
"So we know how that enquiry will turn out: “ or wrong-doing was found."
I'm a little more hopeful. Effective immediately, BigGovHealthcare will no longer prescribe puberty blockers to kids.
They, the Little People, are starting to speak up and I think Our Betters are listening.
(I like to think they're scared but I'm not really all that nice.)
John Bowman & Pi Guy - Maybe some good will come out of the UK hearings in spite of the UK's dodgy friggin BS/ complicity. If the UK aware people keep up the pressures by calling/writing to "news peeps" & social media regarding the hearings & critiquing them as they unfold, then there could be some mind-changes. & some momentum gained.
See the recent (May) Canadian citizens 'hearings for comparison. Good Rancourt here:
> Denis-Rancourt-expert-testimony-NCI-Ottawa-17-May-2023
Denis Rancourt's expert testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry, Day 1 Ottawa, 17 May 2023. Studies of the COVID period using all-cause mortality data. See: https://denisrancourt.ca/ and see: https://correlation-canada.org/research/
Btw - will be forever grateful to Rancourt for his early review (April 2020) of the 17 mask studies showing conclusively that masks do not stop or prevent any respiratory illness.
> Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
Shared this review alot to educate family & friends on masks futility & the "agenda" [21].
Never underestimate the power of the Court of Public Opinion!
Are they the ‘tests’ you buy from the service station or 7-11? All highly standardised, validated and meaningful of course...
Also available on eBay second hand...
And costly!! 🤑🤑
Where did you read that about the enquiry? I searched for that phrase and couldn't find it.
I saw it on Twitter but it is also covered here: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/06/13/covid-19-inquiry-shows-its-hand-by-requiring-covid-tests/
Thanks. Wow. It's like a pastiche of how terrible people predicted it would be.
"this has been a grand abeline paradox in which the majority wound up adhering to a “consensus” that almost none actually believed because they assumed it was what “the group wanted” and humans nearly always fail the asch conformity test, especially when you add in the relentless pressure to comply and apply the cancel culture penalty for failure to do so."
Beautifully said. Bravo.
Agreed - that's a great sentence.
Guess it depends on where one lives. Still full on madness in Japan. My 4th grade son is still not allowed to talk at school during lunch. Only he and one other student in his class goes unmasked 5 weeks after the requirement to wear them has ended. Most of his teachers still wear them. His swim coaches have stopped wearing them in the pool, so there is that. How, everyday I go into class on campus, we started back in April after 3 full years of Zoom lessons, at the med school, everyone is masked; all doctors, nurses, admin and of course all the students, so I am ready to explode the moment someone tells me to mask and expect to lose my last main employer.
Yes, you are in " full on madness". So sorry for you and your family. From all appearances, the Japanese are overly polite and want to conform to the orders of their authorities no matter what they might think or believe. It's a recipe for disaster.
Yep, they too never learn.
So sorry to hear that. Was in Japan in 2019, love the people and the country, but sadly could see how most/the culture there could be easily cowed into Covidianism. Simply too much politeness/value on being polite and pleasing. Here in the US we still thankfully have just enough rebels and less politeness to ensure we can push back on insane accommodations like the face diaper.
Sadly, I doubt that is true of the US anymore. We should have taken care of the problems that lead us to where we are decades ago. But we didn’t. Yes, same are now waking up, but it seems too little too late to me.
Here in Japan, 2019 was a great year for me with the start of 2020 even better. Now am am earning the least amount I have earned in my adult life because of this madness, not to mention all the other BS that is at least as bad. My kids’ education is certain even worse.
Where did you visit when you were here?
Yeah, there are definitely still a lot of problems w/ the US culture, but at least the memory of what it means to be free and to do great things can still be found. It's going to be a tough road, but I hope it'll work out!
In 2019, we went to Tokyo, Hakone, Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima. Really enjoyed all of it!
Ah, a very nice tour. I live near and work in Tokyo, have had the pleasure of going to Hakone twice and would love to go again. Kyoto and Nara, I have been to both multiple times but more to Kyoto. Have yet to make it to Hiroshima. One day.
Sometimes I think it’s just been traumatic in places like the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Italy......but I think that’s cause maybe we’re more vocal (especially US). Today I was listening to a podcast (Social Disorder) and it was mentioned how, for example, Ecuador was on a hard lockdown for nearly 3 full years! We don’t hear enough about lots of other countries. Goes to show, too, this is truly a global takeover.
New Zealand’s was extremely long too, as was Taiwan’s. A lot were. And the damage to every and all human endeavor has yet to be realized in it’s entirety.
No question that they've made themselves deeply unpopular and are experiencing pushback and back talk on a scale they've never known. Yet every single one of our main institutions remains firmly in their hands. We've got our work cut out for us: retaking institutions where possible, rebuilding where not, and figuring out how to keep social media feedback loops from driving everyone insane again (admittedly just not censoring dissenting opinions will go a long way towards achieving that).
You cannot use logic and reason to change the minds of people whose beliefs were never based upon logic and reason. They are never going to say "thank you for showing me the error of my ways". So instead I mock them relentlessly, I think it's more effective.
"So instead I mock them relentlessly, I think it's more effective."
Meh - even if it doesn't help them it's still fun.
You’re my kindda guy!
"Rational engagement with this is a mistake."
I can't find the words to express how true that is (learned the hard way).
I gave up trying rational engagement in 2020 with someone who literally thought that Trump suggested people should drink bleach and stick light bulbs up their butts...and also believed that people had actually done so.
I had an acquaintance ghost me for calling them out on that.
Same here. 😳
I have never heard of the Abilene Paradox before, but can definitely identify it in both our social and professional cultures. It’s time to bite the bullet and speak out about accepted norms these days. Literally taking one for the team requires courage, and I’m not sure many have that these days, with the exception of the few gifted communicators like the naughty feline.
Thanks for the ongoing education!
I’ve had toddlers and puppies... I was the “mean mom.” I’ve taught my kids about “crazy makers” thanks to a teenage friend of my daughter’s many years ago. My husband is the same. I think we must out off that vibe because I never get the craziness. Of course we’re in a much more sane state, also. As my son told a friend once (age about 10): “My mama don’t play.”
Hey - I was the MEAN MOM here in my community too when I told my kid we weren't gonna follow any of the so-called hip mores (like teen-age booze parties in the rec room & co-ed sleepovers in high school) that "everyone else's parents are allowing". Follow the Leader sucks.
Better a mean mom than a sad one. Love "My mama don't play!" & good on you Mean Mom.
haha you too!
A few months into Covid when I was talking about masks not being affective in my community I was told that I wasn’t taking this seriously. I said that I can believe Covid is a concerning virus, especially if it was genetically engineered. And I can also believe that masks will not stop it. Those two beliefs can coexist.
It is another logical argument that would be ignored but why design a bio weapon that can be stopped by a simple mask?
Actually C19 is not a virus, there are no viruses & the entire medical mafia are degenerate liars.
Watch "The Viral Delusion" (5-part documentary) Part 1 here if you haven't seen it yet. Stunning.
> "In this extraordinarily revealing opening episode, a group of biologists, chemists, doctors and journalists take apart the SARS-COV-2 narrative piece by piece - from the non-isolation of the virus, to the hidden problems with purported photographs of the virus, to the claims that it has been genetically sequenced, to the invalidity of the PCR “covid-test.”
From the treatment protocols for COVID to the assumption of its transmission, Episode One unpacks the science of the claims that changed the world - in which these doctors and scientists make the case that every single claim the authorities made about the so-called SARS-COV2 virus has been based not on evidence, but pseudoscience."
My family gave me a hard time for not masking/vaxing. Then when things began to come out about both being ineffective, they were silent, and never did apologize for their actions. I didn't say anything and let it be, and they don't bring it up anymore. They're also the most informed people I know re: the whole debacle, yet I'm the crazy one. I'm sure ya'll have similar experiences. Btw, I spent five working at a genomics company and research the hell out of everything, but it's ones own family that ends up letting you down. Go figure.
(Boy, this bad cat can sure write! A joy to read these kitty posts!)
as an "upper aged lady human" I have learned to just stay away from these people.
This past 8 years has really changed me.
For my own sanity, and in order to enjoy the last couple dozen years of the life I have left
.... well, you just have to laugh at what these people have created, which is horrible.
I refuse to comply
They will keep lying until they run out of lies and then they will lie some more, no matter how fanciful.
This reminds me of a LtCol who was a bit of a legend in the community of helo pilots I was once a part of. He was an old-timer when I was a new lieutenant and was prone to sitting in the Ready Room sharing his wit and wisdom. My favorite was his advice about what to do in case you were in a mishap and questioned about events:
"You know what I always tell folks to do, Lieutenants... (long dramatic pause)...
LIE, LIE, LIE! And if they catch you in a lie? Tell another one!"
Then he would cackle and go off to make mischief elsewhere.
Yeah, but who really likes liars, wants to work for one, be friends with 'em or marry one? Nobody.
I think a lot of women want to marry liars. They just want to marry liars that tell the right lies. (No that dress doesn’t make your butt look big, I love it when your mom comes to visit. No I didn’t notice that woman with the giant rack, was she the one with the orange sunglasses?) Most women don’t want complete honesty in a man.
Um, I think it was more of a professional inside joke about how to avoid getting RR'd at an aircraft mishap board subsequent to a crash. Sorry - that probably wasn't quite clear from the context.
It was absolutely clear to me it was a joke but not feeling that joke right now.
You prob meant it as a lighthearted example & "just kidding around" manner, but nevertheless I decided to make the un-funny point that lies are usually corrosive (not talking about lil white lies about your butt Dr Tara!) & it seemed old jokester military guy thought lying would work out fine as a dodge strategy.
Kidding huh? Maybe the ole guy had a moral screw loose? "What's wrong with peeps today?" is a constant refrain I hear over & over on stacks from "truthers'. Guess it's not just peeps today.
One lie always leads to another as we see play out in govt agencies, officials, administration, BOTH parties' & YES the military, & the false flags & political cover-ups. Specifically, military lies from Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiments to Agent Orange & later on the Gulf War Syndrome to radiation laden weapons.
The buck never stops anywhere & no one ever pays except for whistleblowers.
Lie, lie, lie. But yeah, it's funny when an ole guy jokes about not admitting to a mistake. My laugh-o-meter is tapped out Abject. No dif between military or C19 lies imo cuz both erode moral judgement & kill people's souls, if not lives.
Too many poison jabs, died suddenlys, military rapes & lying globalist weasels for me to laugh about lies in the military (or elsewhere). Of course, maybe you (or peeps here) also don't have any inveterate liars in your families so lying seems okay, face-saving or a necessary pretense. Not to me. Sorry (not really) for being such a dang comedy buzzkill here regarding military lies of any kind.
"the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they become, the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they must call us in order to avoid the self-examination."
Exactly. The self-righteous are not into self-reflection.
Truth and reality will exert themselves eventually against the lies that surround leftist ideology. That's why we must always speak out and poke holes in their civilization-destroying beliefs. The problem is that a whole generation (at least) has been raised on these absurdities. And, as the saying goes, those who can be made to believe absurdities...
Something people need to understand. This type of insanity, this mind virus, this inability to see reality, will affect all unbelievers in God eventually. If Covid didn't get you, one of their next crises will. All unbelievers will fall to the deception. This is because the lies will be so total that only those who are guided by the spirit of God will be able to tell the difference. Here is how it works. We have a brain and we think with it. But our brains are only so good at separating lies from truth. Our SPIRITS are not physical. They are literally connected to God. The spirit can discern the truth even when the BRAIN cannot. We are not pure material. If you do not believe this, you ,too, will be deceived in the end. We are living in an age of deception.
Disagree that you have to be a full-fledged God believer (traditional God believer) to be saved from this mind virus or insanity. I used to be a traditional God believer as a young 'un but no more & yet I'm seeing through all the BS & lies just fine. If you & others believe that only God believers will win out over this evil authoritarian cult, theyn y'all are simply cutting off many of us supporters of truth & beauty in the world. We can be spiritual souls with our own understanding of this realm without bowing down to traditional religious beliefs, cults or orgs.
So, to each their own, & let's fight the evil-doers together without any religious requirements.
I don't mean to be nosey, but since you mentioned that you are spiritual soul, but not a God believer, I would be curious to know what that means. Do you believe in a created world, an afterlife, good and evil, an unseen reality? Because for there to be people who 'fight evil' there has to be such a thing as 'evil'. And if evil exists, that reality had to start somewhere, otherwise it's just manmade. And if evil exists, but there is no creator, how do we know what is evil and what isn't? Are we born knowing what is good and what is evil? How is that possible?I am sincerely asking. If you care to share.
You might find a book called The Way of the Pilgrim interesting. It is about a man in Russia who is born with a withered arm. As he is not suited for farm work he learns how to read and reads the Bible a lot. He comes across a phrase which recommends to “pray without ceasing” and he wonders how such a practice could be possible. He asks every priest he encounters but no one can answer satisfactorily. Finally he encounters a figure now called Saint Seraphim of Sarov who instructs him in something called “The Jesus Prayer” which he practices, as instructed, until he experiences a transition from willing himself to repeat it from the mind to it descending and establishing itself in his heart area where it seems to repeat endlessly. Saint Seraphim was revered in his tradition as a “staretz” who was a powerful transmitter of blessing force, such that hundreds of people would file past his door every day to receive his blessing. I mention him because it seems like your exposure seems to be coming from a Christian perspective, but the practice of “Darshan” in some yogic traditions is similar. In the yogic traditions there is the practice of “Japa Yoga,” which is repetition of the name of God in some form as a practice for hopefully entering into a similar condition.
Well, Paula ... all of your questions here are lengthy answers & I don't have the time right now to fully explicate them. I don't mind your asking at all but don't think my answers will satisfy you tho. I'll try to get back to you later on this as I've already used up prob waayyy too much of Cattitude's comment thread today as it is. Stay tuned. :-)
If I may chime in from the peanut gallery, I feel spiritual but I don't worship or believe in a traditional God figure. To me the universe has a harmony to it, and disharmonious acts ("evil") break the peace, or smoothness, of the universe around me. The greater the discord ("evil") the more abrasive the discordant "noise" is. Sometimes I can ignore the bad notes, other times great upsets in the balance of the world around me require action, lest the noise becomes overwhelming. Note that even my own violence also creates bad waves for me, unless it calms the situation around me, in a "making the world feel right" kind of way.
Of course, I may be weird, or somewhat crazy, but I call 'em like I see 'em.
Thanks for the chime. That is a poetic way of looking at it. But does it explain how you know when the music is discordant? What I mean is, I understand the idea of 'vibes' or energy or whatever you want to call that sense that we all have when someone or something is wrong or bad things happen to disturb our peace. But do you ascribe that to an evolutionary sixth sense or something supernatural? And when you do something wrong, how do you make it right? I think the difference for me is that I think that God is a person versus an energy. A different kind of person than us, but one who makes choices and creates and judges and gives mercy.
re: "music is discordant": I wouldn't call it a supernatural sense per se. I'm kind of dense reading most emotions, and I learned slowly to be more sensitive to stress and anxiety around me (maybe due to the stupid, inadvertently hurtful things I said to people when I was young and naïve?). Combined with that dysfunction, I score exceptionally well on IQ-type tests, which may be why I often foresee the great harms coming down the pipes from evil/stupid/malevolent/(or whatever their problem is) people and organizations that incite/spark the larger evils enacted on a population at large. Once I intellectually grasp the likely misery that will result to ('upon'? (awkward sentence)) the victim population, my weird empathy for the distressed feels like they are victims of "evil" to me. I may be back to clarify that further. I will stew on the "make it right" part for a bit, get back to you later - short version: I think I usually figured out how to 'make it right' too late to actually make it right; and it festers on my soul ever after when I think on those mistakes. ... Bonus answer re: God. You're right, I do think of spirituality as more of an energy, with a dash of Karma thrown in. Aha! I have a decent analogy. Kind of an opposite to the law of thermodynamics regarding entropy; a balancing force creating good and beautiful things instead of ever increasing chaos entropy inevitably creates. God as person? - Nope, my little head tries to explode just grasping the idea of a mind that can be omniscient; I can't honestly grasp that kind of intellectual power, and my spiritual side isn't strong enough to overlook that disconnect between my rational side and what I'm expected to believe (in most major religions).
You don't sound weird to me. Maybe because I am weird, too! We are all just trying to make sense of it with our limited understanding. But I think as far as 'religions' go, Christianity is by far the most reasonable and best case scenario for us as fallible humans. And with so many eyewitnesses, I do believe that Jesus was a real person who did miracles. And this person, Jesus, claimed to have come from 'the Father', aka God, and he knew a lot of stuff and did a lot of stuff that provided credibility to his claims. The more we learn about quantum mechanics, the more credible it all becomes. I was thinking the other day that it is very likely that science will actually prove the existence of God, or at least prove that there is another plane of reality that we can't see, which would open up the possibility that everything in the Bible is true. But I already believe it anyway, based on faith and how the Holy Spirit helps me. Cheers!
100% Hard-Core Atheist here. Also Hard-Core Covid Hater. From the get-go.
Not a single god influenced my conclusions, which were swift.