Per the WaPo website, Dino Grandoni has an "MA in science journalism", whatever that entails.

I am guessing the curriculum is a series of seminars like this:

SC 201- Intro to cutting and pasting government press releases

SC 230- Stats are for losers

SC 231- Stat graphing is all about axis manipulation

SC 232- Stat time series, how to make the window smaller, for your pleasure

SC 275- Sources are not to be questioned

SC 286- Fieldwork at the EPA, a primer on how to sleep under your desk.

Remeber, Science Journalism dies in the darkness, of stupidity.

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Don't forget SC 301 - Only those scientists who agree with the desired narrative can be called experts. Everyone else is a "skeptic" or "denier".

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That would be in the advanced study for the PhD :-)

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Stat 302 -- Surveys: how to phrase & order questions to lead subjects to correct conclusions

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Accredited Scholars of Schadenfreude

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Seems a bit of an oxymoron. Science and journalism don’t mix these days.

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But “The Science” and journalism do.

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You mean “The $cience”

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No, they're inextricably linked. The presstitutes are the Science. We are living in the enlightenment period of the Fast Moving Science, so eloquently described at the podium by Peppermint Patty. It is a much more versatile than the anachronistic scientific method.

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Well . . . Guess I am old fashioned. Better catch up, huh?

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no. you're wise!

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Ah you said "these days". Trick questions. The correct answr is "science and journalism have never mixed well" :-).

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Jun 6, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Good point, I might have been optimistic or naïve

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Journalism 303: how to make shit up with conviction (follow on to 302)

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I wish I could heart this over and over, but you'll have to settle for some comment hearts! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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SC 301 Taking dictation from dictators. Why information feels so authoritative coming from authoritarians.

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What do you think of malignant a**holes?

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lol, literally that graph is measuring two cents

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They got in their two cents worth!

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Diesel price here in California (at my local station) just rose 65 cents per gallon in the last TWO DAYS. Amazing! Let's Go Brandon...so glad we aren't energy independent anymore, because that was really crappy...all Trumps fault of course!

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Yeah that was really unfortunate for the Russians. Knocking Russia out of the top 3 and breaking the lock OPEC+Russia had on the international energy markets was really a bummer for Vlad. He had to cut back on his efforts to "re-unify" the former soviet holdings in Eastern Europe. Imagine the burden on Europeans, having less than 100% dependence on a single source for oil and natural gas? All that competition, driving prices down, it was confusing. Now they're back to depending completely on Russia in most of Europe. Soooo much better for those kids in Ukraine, too....

[do I really need the "sarcasm" sign]??

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Just paid $5.99 for regular unleaded at OC Costco-so you know that was a “deal”. 🤬

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It hit $7 at a station near me LAST WEEK when I bought gas. Haven't looked yet this week...probably $7.50 by now :-(.

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Over a week.

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yeah. oh shit, that really is two actual cents!

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That's sure a convenient statistical window they chose. Two cents over what looks to be a two-week period? Now add Trump's full term in.

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Leave Biden alone! Him and his experts couldn't have anticipated any of this inflation stuff, nobody could have. Besides, it's not like him and the Democrats have full control over both houses of Congress and the executive branch. If they did then they could fix all this stuff that Trump and those evil obstructionist Republicans caused. Also, high gas prices, a war in Ukraine, billions in military equipment left in Afghanistan with an abandoned strategic military base, and no baby formula for post uteran clumps of cells are totally worth no more mean tweets from bad orange man.

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I literally know Democrats who believe what you just wrote. Russia man bad. President Grandpa Ped0 good.

BTW... they're lining up for their next booster.

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Oh, thanks for reminding me. I forgot about Putin. He is almost as bad as Trump.

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You just can't say that. How can you compare a psychopath who is willing to murder millions to restore a former empire to a guy who tweets mean stuff? Not even the same thing. Of course we had to give up economic prosperity, energy independence, elections free of ballot cleansing and fundamental liberty to get rid of that mean guy. No extreme is too great to keep him out.

Remember all those folks who swore up and down that Trump would get us into a nuclear war? Well....

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You are SO right! Yesterday a friend, a covidian, told me that it wasn’t Bidens fault that gas prices are so high….. It’s some other reason, they’re not sure what, but the NYSlime said so….. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Good. Perhaps it will further cull their herd...

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Jun 6, 2022·edited Jun 6, 2022

Yes, I apologize. Even if I don't tweet (mean or otherwise). I did detect a touch (tiny, microscopic barely measurable) hint of sarcasm. I'm sure with more practice you can say that with total conviction and then you're ready for your CNN or WH press corps (same thing) interview. :-).

It has been entertaining to listen to the absurd arguments that all this is Trump policy consequences: things like energy independence, explosive growth in "on shore" investment, a relatively contained Putin, OPEC+Russia no longer in control of the world's energy supply, orderly draw down of troops in the middle east and all those other terrible things that happened between 2017 and 2021 that set us up for runaway inflation and $10/gal fuel, doubling of food bills, shortages of everything, and of course COVID! Entertaining the twisted depths to which true believers have to go. None of it has anything to do with executive policy shutting down production, cutting energy exports or congress passing $13 trillion in new spending.

Entertaining in deed. Also sad and scary.

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OMB for sure. Is baby food shortage hitting rock bottom? It sure seems like they're "chasing the dragon" for another failure "fix".

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Ya, monkeypox fix/vaccine rollout was a dud due to the virus link to gay raves. They are working hard to fix gun violence in schools by targeting law abiding citizens fundamental rights while ignoring hard to fix aspects like locking doors and proper police response.

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No joke. Got a call last week from an otherwise sentient person asking me if I was finally ready to give up MY guns and related civil liberty such as the right to ask mean questions like "when has banning a thing really solved a problem?". Because all these deaths apparently are due to my guns, under my control, 2000 miles away. I said "hold on a minute" and paused for 30 seconds then "I just checked, all my weapons are where they should be, none got up and made it's way to Texas or anyplace else to commit murder without me, so they're all good".

I have too many friends anyway.

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Guns are obviously the problem and nothing else. That's why every gun show always turns into a massacre.

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Yup it must be the things. It always is best to focus on the things. It is existence of things that make people murderous. Citing that ultimate authoritative source "everyone knows" ;-).

Look at all the problems we've solved by focusing on the things misused:

1. Prohibition of alcohol

2. The war on drugs

3. Lawn darts

All of these raging success how can we argue with the notion that THIS TIME we'll ban the right guns and all murder will cease.

Feel free to share your own list of successful prohibitions ;-)

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Ok, I was up all night trying to figure out how we can get rid of these evil guns, especially the scary looking ones with the higher power, and all of a sudden it hit me. We need to give children the right to vote! I'm thinking we go as young as two years old because that is when a child is responsible enough to make important life choices like gender, sexual identity, and participate in harmless pass times like getting lap dances from drag queens and receiving experimental vaccines without their parents knowledge or consent. Anyway, if we can get them to vote we might have a chance at making sure no more weapons of war are allowed, or, at the very least, raise the age to purchase scary guns to age 26 when a person's brain is fully developed.

Then we can move on to banning blunt objects which kill way more people than guns every year!

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True. They've spent 70 years of creating solutions to problems they created in order to just sweep them under the rug.

It's baffling that half the country doesn't see this. Theres an abundance of evidence over a very long time. In fact, it has accelerated lately. It seems like the solutions keep getting worse and the problems bigger.

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Sweep? Nope. Trot out at election time with promises of solutions carefully crafted to perpetuate and escalate so next election there's even more to "solve".

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Sad but spot on.

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I'm waiting for the rest of the story: how did we become so totally dependent upon manufactured formula to feed our babies? And why is having the government in charge of the supply "progressive"??

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“How did we come so dependent on formula to feed our babies?” Some thoughts, as a mom of young kids and observing other moms:

1. Some women try really really hard to breastfeed, and due to various reasons it just doesn’t work. They can’t produce enough milk no matter what they do, or trying stresses them out so much it ruins their bonding experience with baby. (Interesting: a woman’s body makes milk in a closed feedback loop— the more baby consumes, the more her body is supposed to produce, and vice versa.)

2. It’s really really hard for working mothers. You have to lug a pump to work and take multiple 20-minute (minimum) breaks per day to pump milk, store it in a fridge, and bring it home. Your supply shrinks because the pump is less efficient at extracting the milk than a baby is. How many women who work in a fast food restaurant or Amazon warehouse have the luxury to do this?

3. Even mothers who do breastfeed often supplement with formula (see #2).

4. There may be a cultural component too… Here I am really ignorant, just recalling a story my former nanny told me about her sister. Something about the doctor giving her something to stop her milk when the baby was a few weeks old.

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Thanks. Being not biologically equipped as a supplier, only dimly aware ;-).

So the remaining question - why are we suddenly dependent on the federal government to provide it? Is it a coincidence that with so many working mothers dependent on formula that we have a crisis of supply that only the government can fix?

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Glad to help. Re the federal government’s role, I ask that question about many, many things they shouldn’t have their tentacles in but do anyway.

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it's just plain stupid on both accounts. yes I know exceptions exist for some mothers with formula. otherwise babies need colostrum for an optimal immune system

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Some one call the cops I just witnessed a murder

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Yup. Cat swallowed the tweeter. 🪶

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Hit him hard enough that his grandma felt it

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I was eating an extremely tardy breakfast while reading the first paragraph.

Thank you for reminding me to strive for better morning habits.

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bad cattitude accepts no liability for readers choking on food or spitting beverages.

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Damn. I was just about to sue you for lost coffee gulps.

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My own culpability here is manifest.

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Sadly, I have done that a number of times both original post and very clever comments.

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Funny, thanks

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Ugh stop being so negative. Be grateful to the government for that $0.16 they so graciously allowed you to save on your 4th of July cookout last year.

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I don't know about you losers but I've got my $0.16 squirreled away for emergencies. THAT IS how we move this country forward. $0.16 at a time.

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Nice rainy day fund to pay more for smaller packages. You just might weather the impending decade long financial free fall

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That's the plan - $0.16 at a time. Under the steady guiding hand of the Biden administration.

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Remember to account for inflation during this transitory period

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oh shit I forgot that part!

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Invest it in twitter stock and you'll be OK ;-).

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:) :) :)

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Good thing everyone wants your change. There's a shortage, ya know

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When I first started seeing those signs about a "coin shortage," I went to my credit union to see what was up. They said there was not a "coin shortage" and banks/businesses order the denomination of bills and coins they wish. If they haven't done that, that's on them.

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Yeah, clearly we are asking for too much. Let us eat cake!

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Yeah, sending the kid to college on that...

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I think the 16¢ will cover that Junior Year Abroad year of study.

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Oh, niiiiice!

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It all makes much more sense when you replace the word expert with haruspex.

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i would much rather trust the entrails of that parakeet i ate this morning than any of these guys...

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New Purina line?

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I wish the NWS would use haruspicy for weather prediction, they'd do a much better job.

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Reading entrails of sacrificial animals might just increase the success rate. Although I am definitely against sacrificing animals. Maybe we should just stick to sacrificing human with untested “vaccines”?

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At least we’re not lacking in volunteers.

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I can’t believe you said that! Quick, very quick. Alas it is true.

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And it's fairer to the animals.

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Use bass. Holding up a fresh caught bass against the sun and looking through its spinal fin is an ancient method for discerning the future. As the fish is supposed to be alive (how would a dead fish know anything about the future, let alone be able to communicate it?) you can practice catch-and-release.

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That's pronounced "b-ah-ss" not "b-A-ss"...I was about to sacrifice a bass player to predict the future but then I remembered how hard it is to find a good one of those. I know nothing about the fish ;-).

I don't practice catch and release with bass players. I was told it was cruel. But if you feed them regularly and offer random praise they stick around on their own.

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Unlike drummers, who tend to spontaneously combust... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stO7xvQHsy0&ab_channel=DennisBleck

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Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022

Been meaning to go bass fishing, I'll have to give that a try. The rustling of the leaves of Zeus' sacred oak at Dodona was pretty accurate, and certainly harmless. Though nothing came close to those toxic vapors at Delphi...

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Best be quick, hear they’re dropping like flies

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Ouch-a bit on the nose, doncha think?

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Actually - they were more on top of it.

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True. The Pullarius, the keeper of the sacred chickens, was in for a rough ride if a battle went sideways.

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Yeah, the whole deal was sorta chickenshit, huh.

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That graph is full of ripe chuckles...

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Overripe - its starting to smell bad!

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Wait - are you telling me that the Experts are wrong?

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NFW. They're experts!

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you said the quiet part out loud.

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Of course not! They're what ya call "experts"!

Definitely do NOT try this at home, kids!

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Whatever this administration says, the opposite will happen. Time and time again. Maddening.

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Hey, at least it's predictable. And no more mean tweets! Oh, wait...

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It's the Administration of George!

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YES—“We don’t care…and it shows”

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Totally not true and not fair. During the latter days of the campaign in 2020 Joe Biden promised (several times) that 'it has to get worse' and that promise has been kept.

Credit where due.

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"We are in a great period of transition". Pain for the People will be permanent

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Most people have no idea that we're transitioning from a fairly free society to a corporatist oligarchy where they are the serfs.

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I'm beginning to believe that's what the sheople prefer

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They may believe that's what they prefer, but they will eventually realize they are living a nightmare. Either that, or they will live out the remainder of their lives numb, pretending they are living in a free society...

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Yes. Socialism/Communism is the equivalent of public bathrooms. With the exception, that Socialism/Communism is more malodorous.

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Right up to the point when they wake up and realize it has affected them, too.

It's always easy to give up someone else's rights for the promise of something for you. It's always "someone else" until it isn't.

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Sorta like the whole covid bullshit.

Sympathy is when you're neighbor gives up their rights . Enslavement is when you lose yours...

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Nice and precise

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Are there any experts with expertise left?

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Consult the experts for your answer

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Can't say I'm not an expert

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Remember about this time, maybe a couple of weeks later, how Raggedy Jen proudly spun how the cost of a July 4 hot dog was down 16 cents?

Good times.

Not even hot dogs are in short supply, not to mention really spendy!

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And remember she said the supply chain problems only applied to people waiting for their Pelotons. Somebody pass me some of that cake!

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I call it "spendcraft". Its a required skill set to overcome the "spincraft". You gotta out work the competition. Otherwise you're lucky if you get the generic brand. At times it's a contact sport. We'll be breaking kneecaps in a couple months. Not sure what to call that?

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Righteous factpushing?

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The world we knew wasn’t perfect by any means.

But even if it deserved a death sentence, who is this complicit crowd of conspiring and covetous clowns to pass such a judgment.

But they’ve essentially killed it. And they’re not quite finished.

I could’ve gone the rest of my life without having to deal with this.

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