Look, even N95 masks do not prevent transmission of respiratory viruses.

We might think ā€œthey ought toā€.

Ok then, empirical evidence will show it.

Itā€™s been a year since I looked at the literature, including at Prof Tom Jefferson at U Oxfordā€™s Centre For Evidence-Based Medicine (is there another kind??) & several meta analyses.

Even N95 masks, as worn ā€œin the fieldā€, had no impact whatsoever on respiratory virus transmission.

It may be that ā€œthey got infected when they took their masks off in the staff roomā€ or ā€œthey got it from granny who popped over for tea & biscuitsā€. Perhaps ā€œtheir masks were a poor fit to their face, or they had a beard, or they contaminated themselves by poor donning & doffing techniqueā€. I really donā€™t know.

Thatā€™s the entire point of science. It proceeds via observation, hypothesis, empirical testing capable of falsifying the hypothesis & when falsified, we say ā€œthat wasnā€™t correct; whatā€™s next?ā€

If the hypothesis is NOT falsified, we say that the hypothesis is consistent with the evidence.

Where we are now is that N95 masks arenā€™t going to make any difference except the following:

-someoneā€™s going to make a packet of money

-some people will probably be made ill by masking (itā€™s definitely true of cloth masks; people experience much higher rates of unusual bacterial pneumonias).

-respiratory virus transmission wonā€™t change.

The best way to nearly arrest respiratory virus transmission isnā€™t difficult & weā€™ve known this for decades.

Those with symptoms should voluntarily minimise close contact with anyone.

We know - again, from empirical study - that asymptomatic transmission is nearly impossible & is certainly epidemiologically irrelevant.

Almost all transmission is from a SYMPTOMATIC person to a susceptible person. It almost never happens outside or in well ventilated spaces.

The bulk of transmission occurred & is still occurring in care homes & hospitals and to a limited extent in the domestic setting.

All the masking people without symptoms is a PsyOp, designed to keep our lizard brains fearful & alert for a hazard, which is absent.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

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i'm not at all convinced these people think they do.

the evidence that they do not is pretty overwhelming.

this is just the next performative hoop to jump through as pretext for control, justification for past failure, and blame shifting to the victims.

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In Germany now the N95 is mandatory. Clearly there are some twits out there that think these are going to work. I've had to work in facilities that required a fit tested respirator - and the particles the respirator is designed to block are orders of magnitude larger than viral particles - so a respirator is not capable of blocking viral particles but that N95 is?

I think what these cowards really need is a bubble helmet that seals at the neck with a fresh air feed they can strap on their back, perhaps then they can feel safe again. I know this would make me feel safer - I will know who the lunatics are to stay away from.

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For them, a plastic bag and a ziptie will do.

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Oh crap, they have gone back to this idiocy? Not just in crazy Bayern? I had the misfortune of flying through MUC in July on National Socialist Airlines. On the way back on Swiss via ZRH it was much more civilized......

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Theres a helluva lot of people out there who truly believe they are protected. I walk close to or crowd them in the produce aisles. Some are terrified, but many just go about their business. Actually I believe a great deal of them are realizing that masks don't work but don't have the fortitude to not wear them and go against the mob. I want to say I go in places everywhere and I'm prepared with zingers or to have a discussion but I haven't been actually accosted for not wearing a mask anywhere for weeks now. So I make a conscious effort not to make the 1st insult. Even tho I want to walk in with a bullhorn and proclaim that they are all brainwashed and are making it take longer to pass.

And it pisses me off to travel by air. I sot in the bar closest to the gate so I can nurse a drink or 2 with no mask before hopping on the cattle car.

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Wow! Iā€™m with you. Iā€™m in Buffalo this Christmas and I walk into a store, maskless, proudly showing my bare face. So far, no problems. But Iā€™m prepared for confrontation. Home Depot and Lowes, hardly a mask in sight other than staff.

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Yup. Panic mode for sure. They've got nothing but re-runs from last season. Add to that the triple-jabbed being told they're still going to die. I can see kids being sent to school in diving bells by end of February.

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It's their cult ritual. Everybody must do this or else! Now it's everybody must take the "holy sacremental injections" even if they've already had it or are at zero risk. It is total CULT behaviour at this point. They passed "cult-like" at shunning and have been a full blown CULT since they crossed that Rubicon.

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It is so nice to see you here, Dr. Mike Yeadon. Thank you for your courage.

The problem with masks is double, in my opinion: first, to pull off such unprecedented social engineering operation, people was exposed to a psychological warfare from the media that ended up provoking a subconscious damage that no logical reason could face. So scientific data has little value to convince a scared individual, in the same manner than a logical argument canĀ“t convince a deeply traumatized individual of the absurdity of his/her fear. Constant fearmongering has triggered a Pavlov dogĀ“s reaction in the people, a deep concern that gets activated when they see an uncovered face. So we fight both the authorities that tell us that we must wear one and the slaves who feel nude without their chains.

Second, in order for the plot to not get old, it needs the power of symbols. Right now, the mask is the symbol that means we still are amidst a pandemic, that we better leave our lives in the hands of "those who know". It is of extreme value for the transhumanist tyrants, and they wonĀ“t let them go easily.

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Wow. Great response!! I agree 100%. šŸ‘

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"those who know". For example someone who read something a few years back but doesn't recall all the details?

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"All the masking people without symptoms is a PsyOp"

Just so.

If there were no masking, no one would know there was a pandemic.

After two years of this ceaseless nonsense one can be certain that the primary function of The Scienceā„¢ for leftists is to cherry-pick support for their political agenda, which is everywhere and always an increase in State power at the expense of liberty.

These people don't care (or likely even know) anything about the scientific method. They take the bounty it has provided for granted, or are even hostile to it, except to the extent that they can twist it to suit their agenda or loot it to finance their harebrained schemes and boondoggles.

They have no principles, and not an iota of shame. They are the modern barbarians and they must be defeated.

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"if there were no masking, no one would know there was a pandemic."

Well, if there were no testing, then there would be no pandemic.

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Just think of it. If there were no testing covid-19 would be over and done and omicron would be an entirely different entity, likely confused with and accepted as a common cold.

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I agree. I was anti testing from the beginning. Does nothing but skew the numbers.

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IM Twitter has been charting most countries case rise, specifically Germany who's been using n95s and cases are hundreds of percent higher... As we've learned science and data mean nothing to these people šŸ„“

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Maybe in GermanyĀ“s case theyĀ“re resorting to a semi-scam which is going on, for what I know, here in Spain: As the Omicron variant has as a peculiarity the lack of spikes or a decrease in its number, the tests are first taking into account whether the sample has spikes or not. If it does have them, it goes to the Sars-CoV-2Ā“s other variants "box". If it does not, it is directly tagged as Sars-CoV-2, Omicron variant, without searching for the other two parameters, nucleocapsid and envelope, that could confirm it... Which is totally nuts, since other viruses donĀ“t have spikes yet. So how many non-Covid related are being diagnosed as Covid?

This guy, whoĀ“s twitter account is pure gold, and I recommend it dearly, explains it in this thread: https://twitter.com/plaforscience/status/1473589117304950788

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"Those with symptoms should voluntarily minimise close contact with anyone."

We should be shouting this from the rooftops. When did this ever need to change!!! The old adage "if sick, stay home". I've tried to hammer this home with the union at work, who are just playing dead after rolling over to management mandate edicts. For crying in a leaky vaccine bucket. We have lost all common sense.

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Forgetting whether n95 masks are effective or not, in fact let's assume they are for a second, they are NOW saying cloth and surgical masks don't work against Omicron. My answer is, just Omicron? Of course it's all BS. Cloth and surgical masks NEVER worked against any variant.

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Virus is .125 microns , mask pore size 300microns at best. Masks don't block viruses. Period.

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The most bizarre thing to me is, if it's now accepted as going endemic and everyone is destined to make contact with it, why on earth are they even encouraging masks at all? They should be encouraging people to remove their masks post-vax (for those who jabbed) so that they can expose themselves to this milder omicron before their induced "advance-protection" (I won't call it immunity, because it isn't) starts wearing off! Given that the now modified objective of this injection is to minimise hospitalisations/death, why push out your date with Covid destiny even more? Carpe Virus!

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My family has medical personnel who would take a bullet before going out without a mask or pass up a free Covid test or skip a jab. Beyond saving.

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Dr. Yeadon- is there any scientific reason why transmissions from asymptomatic people and/or children would be more common after vaccine? Anecdotally, watching the spread where I live, it *feels* different than a year ago.

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I am not aware of any evidence that transmission from people without symptoms is other than very rare.

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Dr. Paul Alexander just published a piece on (the nonexistence of) asymptomatic spread:


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Fantastic paper, thank you for linking it here!

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Thank you. The importance of a huge organization, with extremely big visibility as the NFL has, recognizing that there is a direct relationship between symptoms and capability to infect is not to be underestimated. It might be the best news since the beginning of this sad circus.

LetĀ“s not forget that for example the argument in favor of the use of masks is rooted in asymptomatic spreading...

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Thanks Margaret, I am gonna keep digging...

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Perhaps vaccinated people have a false sense of security, downplating their symptoms and going about in public more than they would have prior to being vaxxed.

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They were also told they couldnā€™t spread after they got shot. I think that is still part of the message here in NY though it is clearly spreading to everyone.

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The question is what is being spread, and how.

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I believe that. People I know that were vaxxed almost a year ago, so you know know they have NO protective juice. But docs,dentists, and covidiots welcome them with open arms, usually untested.

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Asymptomatic transmission is a very troublesome topic. According to the studios cited here pre-symptomatic transmission exist. https://swprs.org/pre-symptomatic-transmission-is-very-real/

I am remain unsure, what would be your opinion about it? Thank you very much.

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Very rare. Asymptomatic people are generally not sick! Think about it.

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The trick is if transmission can occur before the onset of symptoms. Would easily explain why a lot of people don't have a clue of where they caught it...

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Thank you for weighing in on this. "Science" coming from you, I trust.

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You can be certain Iā€™m not being paid to get myself abused.

Iā€™m not interested in the publicity. Itā€™s horrible.

I am not disgruntled with anyone & left Pfizer on excellent terms in 2011. We went into collaboration from 2012-17 & made their venture arm a tidy profit (me also).

So no motive other than to tell the truth is at play here.

That cannot be said for my many critics.

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Thanks for your voice. Saving many lives I'm sure. Be safe.

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Great to see your comments. We trust you. Thanks.

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Clearly shown in Bavaria where N95/FFP2 was compulsory even outdoors and the Krauts don't mess around. This went on from like Jan to the summer. Data show the exact same curves of infection as the rest of Germany.

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"Thatā€™s the entire point of science. It proceeds via observation, hypothesis, empirical testing capable of falsifying the hypothesis & when falsified, we say ā€œthat wasnā€™t correct; whatā€™s next? If the hypothesis is NOT falsified, we say that the hypothesis is consistent with the evidence.ā€

Ahh, the good old days before science =Fauci and clinical trial data could be sealed for 75 years. Doctors were allowed to practice medicine, not consult the Silicon Valley mafia to see if discussing peer reviewed science offends their moderators' beliefs.

Back when patients presenting with illness could be treated without fear that safe & effective drug regiments would be blocked by the PhARMA cartel and hospitals ordered to deny care until patients were critical.

Before the world watched dirtbag Bill Gates coordinating w his web of toxic accomplices & high time we returned to science and freedom for us to the gallows for our oligarchs. Big time kudos and thanks for being on the leading edge of the resistance and inspiring so many with your courage.

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Doctors were allowed to practice medicine, not consult the Silicon Valley mafia to see if discussing peer reviewed science offends their bank accounts.

Fixed it for you.

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If you put every Medical Doctor's business card in a hat and drew one out, what are the odds that his opinion on any Covid question you may have for him will be something he read online at the same places you have read? Or maybe he's got access to the secret and private "fact checker's site" used by the media?

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Some of the docs Iā€™ve seen have been independent minded.

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Me too. My doctor is quiet, professional, has a very busy practice and while he always has time for his patients he doesn't have time to spout things online or in interviews. He spent considerable time explaining why covid vaccines were contraindicated for me. He has saved my life before, is a pulmonologist as well as an internist and has not lost one patient to covid.

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Thatā€™s so good to hear.

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My FL cardiologist is one of the exceptions. Doesnā€™t push jabs and masks. Focused on exercise, nutrition, sleep, and mental health.

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Only clear way of preventing transmission is to stop breathing, if I can paraphrase you, Dr Yeadon. Thank you for always adding to our community conversations.

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Perhaps those ICU/healthcare workers that have been meticulous regarding their PPE and masking are also proficient at building and maintaining a strong and healthy immune system.

I have several family members that work one on one with covid patients (nursing home, post hospital rehap care facility, ICU) and none of us are vaccinated nor have we had covid. They always wear n95s and have noticed their coworkers not practicing meticulous PPE protocols nor wearing n95s. They've assumed it's better masking but really there are endless other factors that may be responsible.

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That was my question: Is asymptomatic transmission for real. Thank you for answering that question.

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Itā€™s not real. Last year, two colleagues, Dr Clare Craig (a diagnostic pathologist) & Dr Jonathan Engler (medical doctor / lawyer) reviewed ALL the literature on Asymptomatic transmission (AT) of this virus.

There was no more than six case reports involving seven people plus one obviously fraudulent claim made loudly on TV by Christian Drosten, who coincidentally coauthored the paper describing the first PCR test for this virus: look up the Corman Drosten Review, where a large, international team, pulled it to pieces for the worthless untrustworthy piece of **** that it is).

Their conclusion: the evidence for AT was ā€œwoefulā€.

If youā€™re proposing to change the near-laws of biology, the burden is on you to show the phenomenon is beyond reasonable doubt, not to cheat, lie & fool people with appalling propaganda.

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Thank you. This is sooo helpful. Basically if someone is sick they should stay home. The lies around Covid are sooo troubling.

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Dr. Yeadon, is the PCR test able to distinguish between variants or does something called 'sequencing' have to be done in order to make the distinction?

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Sequencing is required. More than that, serious computing power is needed. Something called next generation sequencing (NGS) & the person who described it to me told me about the assumptions made, many of which havenā€™t been tested & may well not be true.

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Thanks very much. The first video I watched of you speaking about covid lifted my spirits a lot and I am forever grateful. Might have been the first one you made; it looked like you were sitting in your garage. I expected things to turn around and reason to take hold, sadly, that has not happened yet.

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Thanks for this explanation...this is exactly what I'd been wanting to know about.

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I get the feeling that man's knowledge of viruses is somewhat sketchy. I was thinking about how in certain conditions of sunlight shining down, you can see that little "stuff" is floating in the air. Since viruses would likely be microscopic enough that in the same sunlight you wouldn't detect them, the idea that they could be floating around in air all over the place unseen, and which are so microscopic they could pass through most all masks, would mean any viruses in the air could easily be inhaled through a mask, or get into your eyes, etc. Add to this question about the length of time such viruses floating around could remain viable and contagious....now THAT appears to be something no one can answer. I'd like to find a photo of a virus and an equivalently magnified mask (or different sorts of masks) and see the two side by side, and I think it would be apparent how easily an incredibly microscopic virus could get passed around. But then maybe I'm all wrong about this....I keep looking for more information. I remember in the beginning people were hysterical about sterilizing surfaces and wiping everything down incessantly, and then at some point it was determined that no, this wasn't necessary. I'd just like to see some good, clear, illustrated explanations about all this stuff I've mentioned.

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Masks and Breathing Deeper:

Thank you for your comment!

Tidal volume increases in response to the obstruction of air flow, as each breath must be longer to pull in fresh air from outside the mask or respirator. It seems possible a person could actually be pulling unwanted pathogens further into their respiratory tract when wearing a mask or respirator.

The greater the "protection", the more it obstructs air flow and the longer and deeper breathing becomes.

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What fools mankind was to invent face masks. Firefighters, spray painters, take note of this wisdom.

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There's a time and a place. When working around dust or particles (sanding, grinding, cutting) a mask will keep nasty crap out of your nose and mouth. Against smoke and viruses, not so much.

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The cat bases his evaluations on lots of data, so here's some for my mask (https://envomask.com/why-envo-mask/)


Summary from page 3:

"Filter Test Procedure: Prior to testing, respirators were taken out of their packaging and placed in an

environment of 85 Ā± 5% reiative humidity (RH) and 38 Ā± 2,5Ā°C for 25 Ā± 1 hours.

The filter tester used in testing was a TSIĀ® CERTITESTĀ® Model 8130 Automated Filter Tester that is

capable of efficiency measurements of up to 99.999%. It produces a particle size distribution with a count

median diameter of 0.075 Ā± 0.020 microns (pm) and a geometric standard deviation not exceeding

1,86 pm. The mass median diameter was approximately 0.26 pm, which is generally accepted as the

most penetrating aerosol size. The reservoir was filled with a 2% NaCI solution and the instrument

allowed a minimum warm-up time of 30 minutes. The main regulator pressure was set to 75 Ā± 5 pounds

per square inch (psi). The filter holder regulator pressure was set to approximately 35 psi. The NaCI

aerosol generator pressure was set to approximately 30 psi and the make-up airflow rate was set to

approximately 70 liters per minute (L/min).

The NaCI concentration of the test aerosol was determined in mg/m^ by a gravimetric method prior to the

load test assessment. An entire respirator was mounted in the sponsor-supplied test fixture, placed into

the filter holder, and the NaCI aerosol passed through the outside surface of the test article at a

continuous airflow rate of 85 Ā±4 L/min. In accordance with NIOSH policy, three respirators were

challenged until 200 Ā± 5 mg of NaCI had contacted each test article. Based upon the load pattern of

NIOSH Type 2, the initial penetration reading of the remaining 17 respirators was recorded"

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Great to see you here Mike, Iā€™d be interested to see a list of analyst sources recommendations (like Igor) you think are worth reading.

Do you have a substack yourself?

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Or, you could just get covid, blow your nose for a couple days, and get on with life.

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I am thinking of all the years we went past sneezing in coughing people without a thought. It has been around for quite some time, you know, coughing and sneezing.

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But if I get Covid, then I'm no longer morally superior to mere mortals!

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Ben Shapiro today capping on a psychologist trying to pre-emptively counsel people for just such traumatizing disillusionment.

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Couldn't find it and would like to see that, do you have a link? Thanks!

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šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. Too funny!!! Honestly, that what I told my family šŸ¤Ŗ

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Don't discourage them, I like being able to identify the crazies and manipulatable in our society this easily.

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Ohhhh so sneaky omicron has figured out how to slip through the fabric that stopped delta in its tracks...? Boy, this virus really IS smart! šŸ™„ I think we better just go straight to 24/7 hazmat suits for all...

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I mean the virus does know whether you're eating or going to the bathroom at a restaurant. It's very courteous too.

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Maybe the virus identifies as Miss Manners (she had a newspaper column on etiquette).

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8mil plastic. Proven to completely prevent covid, the flu, and colds.

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And oxygen!

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Purely coincidental. Besides, covid is worse than everything else!

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Just put a Black Label warning on it. Good to go, says the FDA.

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With really cool guy goggles, blue blocking please!

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Maybe those really big ones with lights at the top and bottom?

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Shush. Somebody's likely to actually DO THAT!!

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Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

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Oceania has never been at war with Eurasia.

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D'oh! Silly me. So grateful my chocolate ration has never been reduced.

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My good friend Dr Paul Elias Alexander wrote this compendium of mask studies. The third one is by Prof Tom Jefferson. Go check his publications. A no BS empirical scientist.

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"Grandpa, when did you know for certain the US was in terminal decline?"


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Can't blame them. If forced to appear in that, I would want to wear a mask too.

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Ouch. I'm grateful to be hipped to the insanity, but...ouch.

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"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..." That was painful muted. Can I unwatch that?

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Holy shit! I kept wanting to click it off once it started but couldn't bring myself to avert my eyes and ears from the dystopian horror show. What is going on with people?!?

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I managed to close it at about 1:30. Couldnā€™t make it all the way through. My mind was numb but I think dystopian horror show is what I was trying to think

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Why do 2 of them get to not wear masks?

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According to the comments, it's because they had solos. Because covid is only transmitted by the chorus. Because.

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We must be getting close to the peak of the psychosis now, surely?

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Let's hope!

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...or by standing up if in a restaurant. I guess that's why they have to keep jogging up and down - to dodge the viral particles? Whack me with a plank of wood and wake me up FFS! :-/

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Although I know the is absolutely no logical answer to that!

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Sure there is.

Some swine are simply more equal than others.

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Beyond cringeworthy. Embarrassed to be an American at this point.šŸ„“

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You're right! Stricter and purer masking is what we've been missing these past couple of years! However, it's my patriotic duty to not buy N95 masks since the hospitals are overrun and I'm sure that there's a shortage of PPE for the nurse's dance routines. lol

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This is a good development and we should encourage people to comply (those who would otherwise wear cloth anyway). It won't take quite as long for them to realize it's harder to breathe when a mask does any kind of filtration. Maybe enough of them will collapse and we can end the charade.

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To that same end, I've been hoping that the Narrative will encourage the True Believers to create masks out of plastic wrap, fitted tightly over the nose and mouth.

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Yes, there's no way compliance will get to appreciable levels with N95s, so maybe that will finish this idiocy.

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I wonder if any of the maskholes will begin to experience mask fatigue now that they can't wear cutesie or corporate-branded masks?

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They will wear them on top of their N-95s, yes?

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Yeah, it is a tough call, because if no one actually SEES the magic "N95" or "KN95" stamped on the mask, the virtue signaller runs the risk of NOT SIGNALLING. Which would be like, a fate worse than Covid death. At least Covid death can be blamed on the anti-maskers (now to include cloth-only-peeps) or the unjabbed. But not signalling virtue? That one's on them.

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Oooh. Major dilemma.

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Excellent point.

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LOL - they will! Or they will decorate their N95s.

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I've yet to see any decorated N95s and I've seen quite a few N95s. I wonder why? Is the shape too difficult to work around?

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Could well be. Or they like the serious 'look' of an N95.

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Yes, "more serious than thou".

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LOL! Naked N95, there is no greater virtue signal.

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Pshaw...you wear the n95 OVER the cloth mask! Gotta show the n95, it's trendy now and harder to get, but the cloth next to your face is nicer on the skin and easier to wash, that way you can re-use your disposal one use n95.


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Not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to the new forms of maskception that the True Believers will create.

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Hmmm, maybe.

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Masks are MAGA hats for Democritters.

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Except it's MAQA - make America quake again...

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Except they force you to wear their colors because there aren't enough true believers out there.

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I've been duct-taping eight Hefty bags around my head for 2 years now. Only been infected five times. Still can't figure out why this sore on my left buttock won't go away.

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No mask, even in a store full of people wearing them. I am polite wherever I go, and no one is yet asking me to wear one. But enough is enough.

Remember when they told us masks didnā€™t work? The good old days!

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I often wonder what Leonard thinks about all this Covid stuff. I can't imagine he likes it too much.

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And moving somewhere may or may not help. The masking is everywhere and as soon as these governors are told to they will, once again, "mandate" them. The key is, and always has been, to STAND YOUR GROUND. Stop letting politicians and Karens tell you what to do. It's difficult, but I live in a so-called "red" state and when things were full bore around the country, all of the same things were implemented here as well. The difference? We kept telling them to F off. Courage doesn't magically happen by moving somewhere. Courage is a choice one makes where they are and in their circumstances. If we aren't brave where we are now, we won't be brave when we move somewhere else and the same policies are mandated. We must start standing our ground. Be willing to be inconvenienced. Be willing to get the dirty looks and the comments. Be willing to drive somewhere else, get black market food, grow our own, do without etc. Be willing to say no. Period.

The mask is my pet issue. As someone who wore them for over 30 years and was trained every year about the right kind to wear for what situation etc, it's been something that has stuck in my craw. But you know what? I said NO. I was willing to be fined or whatever it took to stand my ground. If we are still complying with this one we have no hope. Just don't wear it. If a business requires it, tell them you don't wear them and if they insist, just walk out after telling them you won't ever spend money there again. This is the *easiest* issue we have and people are willing to pack up and move for masks? We have to start being better than this if we are ever going to stop this stuff. Apologies for the rant.

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I love your rant. Well said. If tomorrow, everyone just didnā€™t wear a mask, itā€™d be over. It really would. That is why I now get annoyed whenever I see folks wearing them.

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A measurable fact about N95 (even fitted and tested for fit):

C-19 virus size: 100 nanometers (1nm=0.000000001 meter)

N95 breath hole size: 300 nanometers

How does even the N95 mask become the optimum air borne defense? Even projected spittle landing on a N95 will evaporate leaving C-19 to inhale or blow to someone else as, really, it does on all mask types.

source: Dr. Robert W. Koops: search: The Year of Disguises - AIER; 10/20/2020


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The most clown part of it is that they donā€™t even understand that the n95 is not a mask at all. Fuckin morons.

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I saw a thread on a private group Iā€™m in of a bunch of telecommuting Teslacrats discussing how to redesign N95s so they donā€™t fog your glasses.

I thought about commenting that instead of reinventing the wheel they could just get one that fits properly. But I knew thatā€™s not what they cared about.

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Theyā€™re too stupid to know theyā€™re ignorant twits.

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Of course, N95s require medical clearance and professional annual fit testing. Lockdown until we train a hundred thousand new professional fit testers!

Never attentive to malice what can be attributed to stupidity, but can people really be this stupid?

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Haha, autocorrect. That should have been ā€œNever ATTRIBUTE to maliceā€

Sorry, a little lightheaded from the three fit tested N95s I wore to bed last night.

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Won't all men with beards have to shave them off to get the correct fit?

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I always get a chuckle at bearded men wearing masks.

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Dec 23, 2021
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Yes it's outright unbelievable, 'til you see it.

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Yes. Canā€™t get a seal with a beard

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Look I am no maskologist, but before Covid anytime I was serious about say, not inhaling PVC glue fumes, etc., I would put on one of those $80 respirators with the two filtration canisters, and strap it on tight. Even with that you might get a little whiff here and there if the contours didnt alight during movement. It has seemed to me that anything less than that level of protection is not going to cut it when it comes to the tiny covid particles.

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How many fool-meā€™s does it take for the Covidians to develop any shame?

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It has to be Stockholm syndrome at this point, they can't peel their minds off the lie quite yet...

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This must be the next phase of the coordinated messaging campaign since it is being disseminated by multiple propaganda outlets as they inch the screws ever tighter:


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Governor Gruesome Newsom is doubling down again, matching the party line coming out of D.C.

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Iā€™m normally a live and let live kinda guy, libertarian you do you and Iā€™ll do me.

But I find myself wishing ill will upon these authoritarian clowns more and moreā€¦

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Wishing for bad things to happen to tyrants is not in conflict with Libertarianism. This is a self defense mechanism, not an aggression response.

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Don't forget that they are the aggressors. WE are defending against THEM.

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Food for thought. Human beings and household pets (especially dogs) have been living together in close quarters for millennia. Yet, none of the viruses that cause the common cold or flu in humans has mutated so as to be able to infect our pets despite literally billions of opportunities to do so. Nevertheless, the Science is telling us that a bat virus, which has undoubtedly had extremely limited opportunities to mutate so as to be able to infect humans has done so.

Wake up, folks! The species-jumping virus is a lie. Viruses do not "learn" how to infect other species. If they do jump species (i.e., gain function they did not previously have), it is only because they were modified in a lab.

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This just doesn't make sense and everyone sees it. You can't scream bloody murder about a virus for two years, fail to contain it every single time you try, then explain later that you were recommending inferior protection because... why exactly? What is the argument for withholding better protection, if it would have worked? Quebec had a curfew for 5 months in 2020, and *now* they want to worship at the alter of N95 masks? No. Just no.

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Is OSHA now going to do their actual job and get involved with the legal requirements of N95 masking if these respirators (and yes, N95 are respirators under OSHA) become mandated? Because we all know how Blue States/checks love mandating BS NPIs that don't work, aren't enforced for the beautiful elite, and are onerous on the proles. And if these jackals require N95 for kids...

Employers will have to fit test, Spirometry test (this will be fun for those out of shape, probably 60% of the work force, no work for you), supply and maintenence of the respirators, plus all of the tracking.

This is literally opening up Pandor's Big Box of Stupidity, on a national scale, again.

Pretty sure Newsom out here in Calif is poised to pounce on this ASAP.

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Newsom will pounce on any restrictive idea he sees.

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There was a poster in a comment section last week or so, here or berenson or kirsch maybe, who said he monitored gov't auctions for his job, and said there were warehouses FULL of PPE, even entire factories dedicated to making masks, up for sale. Hmm. Timing is nice, anyway.

And yeah, if Gavin can find a way to turn this into 8 more illegal edicts, he will....

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They have to devote what little brainpower they have to figuring out how to draw this whole thing on and on and on and on....especially up until fall of 2022.

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Oh, but they were only noble-lying about the cloth masks to make sure the health workers could get the N-95s, so itā€™s okay and they were right to lie and we should always and forever keep trusting what they say!

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"I suffocate you to protect you."

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Whatever happened to double masking? šŸ¤”

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You have to admit it is kind of brilliant to implicitly admit their face covering edicts were complete BS by leveraging the advent of a new variant as the smokescreen. I mean, most people are going to buy this as the facts changing because the virus is changing even though how the virus responds to masks hasn't changed since the days when it was accepted science that masks don't work against airborne viruses.

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Yes. They blithely state that it's needed for Omicron while failing to mention that the virus size hasn't changed (at least significantly). And they hand wave about transmissibility to explain it away. Blatant liars, as usual.

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But itā€™s a *novel* variant!

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Whatever happened to the Anal-Covid tests ? I'm sure they'll finally be released soon ! And with the attendant ass-masks to go with ! But most importantly, I want a 'Believe, Chairman Meow' T-shirt !!! How can I get one ?

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Leftists would enjoy the anal swabbing too much

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I mean, I do think itā€™s smart to mask up around leftists but thatā€™s usually because they are pooping on my sidewalk

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Just saw a woman in a very expensive car stop where there was no sign, then proceed tentatively. As I waited at the actual stop, I saw she was wearing a mask. Alone. No wonder. Toonces knows better.

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My personal favorites are the people riding bikes with no helmets but with masks. How the heck are we going to make it as a species?

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Think Darwin....survival of the fittest (in this case, mentally fittest).

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Iā€™m in Florida, and the grocery this morning was lousy with diapers. Neighborā€™s daughter is visiting from UK but would not let them visit her there months ago without the jab. Sheā€™s home for holidays and guess who has it.

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LOL....I haven't thought about Toonces for a long time. Perfect analogy!

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It's not only a way to gauge subservience and train people, it's also a way to give them brain damage. Do you know what an N95 worn for 8 hours can do? Even the cloth ones are bad news. The good thing is even though I see people masked, I see mostly the cheap throwaway ones, that (I hope) most people understand do nothing, but they're just complying. Now if we can just get them to stop doing even that.

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My daughter is a nurse in a rehab and nursing home facility. Much of the time everyone there had to wear N95 masks, and everyone was forced to drop the mask down below their nose a LOT (when no one was looking) because it was suffocatingly horrible to wear them for long periods of time.

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They are addicted to masks. I saw 2 females wearing them outside, temp was 28, as I finished my run. I blurted out to them, "how's that going?" as I thought maybe they were wearing them to keep their faces warm? Me...I have my running tights , jacket on, hat so I guess to them I looked cold. Nope not at all..burning that ATP. I got a glare as I ran by. No, I don't move off the sidewalk ever!

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They wear them without knowing what they are doing to themselves. It's just a trend for them now I guess.

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One of my sons is always cold when no one else is. We keep the thermostat at comfort for everyone else, he has a space heater in his room and layers. I caught him wearing an N95 mask in the house the other day, said he loves them because they keep his face warm.

Was making fun of him to another son. That son confessed he loves wearing them snowboarding, keep his face so toasty warm

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Havenā€™t they ever heard of ski masks?

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People just assume masks must work because they do not understand.

I "assume" that the sun goes around the world once a day. It's obvious, I see it with my own eyes. Apparently, though, some guy called Galileo says the earth goes around the sun. What nonsense is that! He should be censored for misinformation.

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He was.

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Yup. He was nearly burned at the stake.

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Yo fuck NPR. Why do people model their lives after this garbage

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Correct. A handful of self serving, egotistical clowns handing down orders from the top, and doubling down on their incompetence because they are too prideful and corrupt. Centralized control exactly like weā€™d expect to see under Marxism, and it fucking sucks.

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Is it time to get out the pitchforks yet?

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Germany enters the chat

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I tried N95 masks last year in Melbourne when they were 'compulsory'. The trial lasted about 3 minutes in 30Āŗc + weather.

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But did you FEEL safe . . . that's the important thing

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osha suggests n95 for dust, "n95 masks do NOT protect you against chemical vapors, gases, carbon monoxide, gasoline, asbestos, lead or low oxygen environments."

omicron smalled than asbestos!!!

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Nowhere in that NPR story does it actually say that any type of mask will protect you from Covid. It does say something about the electrostatic charge in medical masks acting to trap viral particles while breathing. Of course, real world use means the effect is probably minimal. The story implicitly concedes that cloth masks are useless and surgical masks have too many gaps to be effective. If masking was actually about protecting vulnerable people, these stories would firmly tell people that general mask practice and cloth masks were doing nothing and they were putting themselves at risk in public. But masks aren't about health.

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Can no longer have any trust in NPR. Lotsa funding by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Captured.

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From this study, the stats regarding effectiveness at stopping COVID aerosols are:

* 10% - Cloth

* 12% - Surgical

* 46% - N95 (requires professional fitting)

* 60% - R95 (requires professional fitting)

Ventilation is the best defense against aerosols (vs Plexiglas airflow blockers).

Ref: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0057100

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What kind of mask is the dude in the background wearing? Military grade haz mask? Thatā€™s likely what uncle Joe will be buying for all of us next.

Hey wait? I thought weā€™d return to normal if we only took the ever-changing requisite jabs.

I suspect next weā€™ll be told to wear masks with 6 foot Pinocchio style extensions so we ā€œkeep the recommended safe distanceā€œ.

Date night going to get real interesting.

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this is literally the epidemiology equivalent of capitalists standing in the smoldering ruins of their one time economy say, after the Great Depression which required a world war to recover from , and saying

"That wasn't real capitalism.

We just need more exploitation next time."

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No, you see, when a few people control the entire economy, that's called socialism. It doesn't matter whether it came about through a violent power grab or the natural progression of the capitalist system.

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This is only the first step in moving us to this kind of mask - World Economic Forum Promotes a Mask That Can Diagnose You With COVID, Send Result ā€˜to Your Smartphoneā€™ https://anti-empire.com/world-economic-forum-promotes-a-mask-that-can-diagnose-you-with-covid-send-result-to-your-smartphone/

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Just for kicks, I looked up home testing for both antigen and antibody tests. All of the antigen tests required a smartphone connection component, and the antibody test had to be shipped to a pre-approved business/healthcare partner. Am I wrong? I wouldn't do either.

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Time to jack the price on dumbphones....

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Already happened I think.

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no doubt. I have a "Light Phone", but can switch the SIM card to my Motorola if needed.

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So much for not being contact traced then.

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Dec 23, 2021
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That sounds familiar! - as I think you were alluding to? :-)


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Already these masks are polluting the ocean, with the micro plastics in them. I heard that if they get wet they discharge toxic stuff. So letā€™s fill up landfills, our water supply, and the oceans with more waste just do the N95 makers get to make a bundle.

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This has nothing to do with socialism. No self-respecting socialist would lame the economy and put everyone on welfare. And the social democratic Swsedes have remained sane. Phil Devine

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When people tell obvious lies which can easily be seen, it means they have only contempt for others and certainty they will not be held to account.

If masks, except N95, wonā€™t stop Omicron, then they wonā€™t stop all the other mutations which of course we were told they could and would - the mutants are all the same size or has Omicron suddenly mutated back into a bat?

A virus is not more transmissible because of its physical characteristics or which masks are being worn, but because it produces near unnoticeable symptoms leaving its hosts highly mobile.

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Weā€™ll, this article induced panic in my house! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø My liberal partner (yikes, I know, whatā€™s a conservative coupled with a lib? But I love him) he ran right out and got a box of N95, citing info from NPR. Good Lord. Me, I go maskless and never bought into this whole Covid crap. But at least I talked him out of a booster, one battle won.

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This is just breath taking. (Ha! Literally at times!)

Seriously. Why now? Why are they doing this now? We have had N95s for ages. If they feel so strongly about this issue, why didnā€™t they recommend these masks back when we didnā€™t have the glorious vaccines?

Itā€™s garbage. All of it. Garbage. Just a joke.

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Where can I get Chairman Meow's Little Red Book?

I want to carry it with me always.

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What we really need is an RCT on the effectiveness of N95s against COVID.

Oh wait!


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ok, so I was using a cloth mask, didn't get sick... but now I have to use a N-95 not to get sick again?

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I think many do not appreciate the real purpose of a high quality mask. It is a place to maintain a fresh supply of infectious agents in warm snot to keep from getting the dreaded lazy nasal passage syndrome.

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