I think going along to get along is a big part of it. People are fearful to speak their minds. I do think many people are still under a delusion. Some are apathetic. Others just want to get on with their lives and pretend like things are normal, which in some ways I can't say I blame them. I never thought I would see such powerful propaganda brainwash so many minds. That's hard to come back from. With the vaccines, people are afraid to speak out because most of the population took them. The people who took them don't want to hear about it. The people who didn't take them are not allowed to talk about it. They are immediately met with vitriol. Then we have war on multiple fronts. People don't know what to believe. When you've been continuously lied to, you can't take anything at face value. Hence, the demoralization. I guess that's the point.

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they are not trying to convince you of their facts.

they are trying to convince you that they have convinced others of their facts.

the purpose is not to win hearts and minds but rather to place you in an asch conformity experiment rooted in false premises.

they do not seek to make you see the clothes of the emperor, they seek to make you too alienated to speak of his nudity.

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This reminds me of the quote about the lie circling the globe before the truth gets its pants on. They can't stop individuals from learning the truth, but they can endeavor to demoralize them into silence by convincing them that the truth will inevitably drown under tsunamis of lies.

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At what point in life do some people reach their master class level? Schools out. I'll be on Mars.

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In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or the propaganda might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies - the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions.

In the past most people never got a chance of fully satisfying this appetite. They might long for distractions, but the distractions were not provided. Christmas came but once a year, feasts were "solemn and rare," there were few readers and very little to read, and the nearest approach to a neighborhood movie theater was the parish church, where the performances though frequent, were somewhat monotonous. For conditions even remotely comparable to those now prevailing we must return to imperial Rome, where the populace was kept in good humor by frequent, gratuitous doses of many kinds of entertainment - from poetical dramas to gladiatorial fights, from recitations of Virgil to all-out boxing, from concerts to military reviews and public executions. But even in Rome there was nothing like the non-stop distractions now provided by newspapers and magazines, by radio, television and the cinema.

In "Brave New World" non-stop distractions of the most fascinating nature are deliberately used as instruments of policy, for the purpose of preventing people from paying too much attention to the realities of the social and political situation. The other world of religion is different from the other world of entertainment; but they resemble one another in being most decidedly "not of this world." Both are distractions and, if lived in too continuously, both can become, in Marx's phrase "the opium of the people" and so a threat to freedom. Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.

A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those would manipulate and control it.

- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

People have an unquenchable and irresistible capacity to take extended vacations from reality.

The propagandist preys on this with distractions. Because they know as powerful as truth may be; silence about truth is more powerful.

They seek to limit a person's ability to "know" themselves in relation to the total available experiences because this limits a person's ability, deep down inside, to know who they are. This is a surefire way of divorcing people from themselves which becomes a shortcut for manipulation and dogma.

With the ultimate goal to make one group of people forget that another group of people are human.

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“With the ultimate goal to make one group of people forget that another group of people are human.”

And it looks like the group targeted for dehumanization has been described as Raging, White, and Rural as evidenced in recent publications.

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exactly. i've just started mocking the term "white rage", etc. with my Left leaning friends...they're all white....lol...silence...:)

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Perfect. I so tire of the liberal who knows nothing of other races pretend to be their protector.

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Your closing comment--for sure in 2021.

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As well as today

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"They seek to limit a person's ability to "know" themselves in relation to the total available experiences because this limits a person's ability, deep down inside, to know who they are."

The most important line in this excellent comment. And knowing who you are deep down inside is not something you figuring out by staring into a screen. It starts to happen when you know when to put the screen down.

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"With the ultimate goal to make one group of people forget that another group of people are human."

Oh, it's even simpler and more seemingly benign than that:


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exactly. a picture is worth a thousand words!

"Pushing" us against each other; not pulling us apart. As they sit in their ivory towers watching the peasants scramble for "arrows", all the while the "bullseye" peer down laughing in sublime peace at us.

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This: "A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those would manipulate and control it."

Some of the most profound words ever written. Pure truth.

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This is just so spot on!

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Nobody can believe that they are being gaslighted and lied to about nearly everything important. While trying to live a relatively normal life, it is exhausting to discern truth from so much bs. Your establishmentarian friends and family have the farthest to travel to see a glimmer of Truth and that is way too far for many of them. And when you are one of the ones who question things, people begin to roll their eyes and shut their minds to the questions that the headlines of their news sources already emphatically answered.

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They just can’t deal with it. They are not equipped emotionally or mentally maybe. At least that’s what I figure. It’s like we know that the Chinese use slave labor- that’s why the stuff is so cheap. It’s one thing if you can’t afford anything else or if there’s no alternatives, which is the case sometimes, but I know people who could afford more expensive goods made elsewhere and yet they’ll rail about slaves dead a hundred fifty years, but they’ll buy cheap Chinese goods without batting an eye.

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yes, to know the truth, is to know the truth will make you "mad" - in both senses of the word.

As you say; people just can't deal with it.

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Yes. In Montana we have a Senator Jon Tester, a Democrat running for re-election in 2024. On his right hand he rails against China as our nation's greatest threat. On his left hand he votes for every deficit spending, continuing resolution to keep Federal spending high. This hand leads to inflation and motivates all to buy Chinese goods. Which enables China to be our greatest threat.

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It is also hard to find the truth easily. You really have to dig around and find sources you trust. Then you have to vet their sources and trust your gut. I don't watch the news, read a newspaper, buy media info on the internet (speaking here of WP, NYT or local news)while I have always loved current events, what is being posed as reality isn’t. What wakes me up, shakes me to my core is when I have to buy anything. Grocery shopping, getting gas, going to a movie, eating out brings reality upfront and personal. I am retired and I’m okay for the time being. I also skip going out to dinner and movies. Reading and watching old movies is fine for me now. Will have to cut back more, health insurance just went up by $100, and they are merging.

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Yes, it is so overwhelming. And it really isn’t healthy for any of us to think about evil constantly. That’s why the Bible tells us to think on noble things, things of good report. Because there IS good- that’s part of reality too. Ultimately, the true Good is MORE real, because one day the evil will all pass away, but the good will remain. God, who created everything, and Who is purely good, will make it happen. Remember that evil is not equal to good, it is a corruption of what is good. I like the analogy of a rotten apple- you can have an apple without the rot, but you can’t have the rot without the apple.

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yup. and this is why the more authentic and "powerful" a mind, the more predisposed it is towards a state of "seclusion".

I think we're all intelligent enough to see that hasn't worked out so well.

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" With the vaccines, people are afraid to speak out because most of the population took them" is to my mind, perhaps the reason why Mr. Trump has not yet spoken out against those beautiful injections.

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Also, you know that your loved ones took them out of fear and so are susceptible to fear, so you walk the line - gently warning and informing them without sending them into a total panic-which won’t help their health. Of course, many have superior powers of self-delusion, but it takes a lot of courage to take that red pill ( and MAN, what a pill!), and that quality is in short supply it seems. Many who seem courageous are just ignorant. They don’t comprehend the true cost. Hm, I guess that’s why they say, “Ignorance is bliss”. It doesn’t lead to bliss, however.

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Yes--I just avoid talking about it with family.

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How horrific, as a parent, to find out you succumbed to the fear-mongering and gaslighting at the expense of your children and conceivably your future grandchildren. And that you yourself may not be here to help them either.

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If you read my other reply I'm this sub thread, it really wasn't all that horrific.

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I’m very happy your family isn’t experiencing any problems with the Covid vaccine. And I can understand the desire to be able to meet your Lucy. But there are too many who were told these were 100% safe dealing with the fallout from vaccine injuries and mandates. We have a client who lost her healthy 17 year old son to a sudden cardiac “event” after his booster. I can’t imagine that pain.

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I know those cases exist and vaxxing young males was quickly on the suspicious list.

For me it was a personal decision - as they all should be - based on my own health, understanding of the risk, an desire to meet my granddaughter.

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I got the first dose (two shots a few weeks apart) because my now 3 year old granddaughter was newly hatched and my daughter demanded that all visitors must be vaxxed.

I would not have otherwise, and truly didn't feel it risky just mostly inconvenient. I would have preferred not to have had been jabbed but there was no way I was going to miss meeting Lucy. ❤️

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Trump should focus on getting all mRNA-based injections OFF the market until a thorough analysis by third-party/independent scientists can be done. He needs to be careful of making Pharma his enemy. But he could work towards dismantling the CDC, NIH, FDA as we know them in order to empower the truth-seekers (i.e. Drs. McCullough, Ryan Cole, Jessica Rose, Paul Marik, Urso et al). THIS is the swamp that I would love to see being drained. Ban all pharma ads from public spaces, too. This step would free msm from undue influence and boased reporting.

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alas, he won't.

he views them as one of his great achievements.

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hear! hear!

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Fair point

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I think most people are not information junkies (as many of us readers and commenters here are), so they are completely ignorant/uninformed on most issues (even if they are highly educated in their field). After a long day of taking care of kids, commuting, working, and mowing the lawn, they just want to go online to see if their team won last night. They might be nominally "pro-Israel" or "pro-Palestine" or pro or anti C19 Vax, mostly based on their overall life experience. But in the words of the theme song to the old sitcom Good Times, they are just "keeping your head above water; making a wave when you can..."

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You're right on point, Tim. Most people are not information junkies. We are. For me, it started in 2020. I knew in my gut the world was changing before our eyes and not for the better. I saw the scam early on. I had several friends die in hospitals and were denied other treatments. They were put on remdesivir and a ventilator. One became septic and died. I have had a thirst for information ever since. I feel like I'm an investigator working an important case. It's only the most important case possibly in modern history. Many have lost their lives and it's ongoing.

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Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.

Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

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I watched V for Vendetta when it was originally released and then a second time nearly two decades later, during Covid. It really hit home. It was almost like it was prophetic in some ways; especially regarding the vaccines, etc.

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So true.

However, Elon Musk, the military contractor is building the digital prison with his version of WeChat. Whistle-blowers are already being de-banked. Elon's digital payment system will only exasperate this injustice. Also, Neurolink is a psyop. They've been able to read our minds for years thanks to Professor Ian. F. Akyildiz's nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)



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George Orwell had this to say about how the mass media information eco-system works in creating a hive mind in large parts of the population: “people will believe what the media tells them they believe.” It's a good epigram (although possibly an apocryphal one: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL2N2VZ236/)

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It has become "go along to keep from getting your head chopped off, or you ass tossed in jail, or worse". The fear comes from very real risk that even appearing to challenge the authority can have dire consequences. It is very hard to come back from - fear is incredibly powerful.

Add it up and ignoring the facts in front of you becomes the most compelling course of action.

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The night is darkest before the dawn. We must stop self censoring in real life and keep shouting truth on the interwebs. Subscription revenue is the true subversive business model, delivering freedom from demoralizing agendas.

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this 100%

Not making a choice (to speak your mind) is still a choice. Make no mistake those who wish to hide the truth are more than willing to make your choice their priority.

It took regular people 30 years to start speaking up about this type nonsense. Which is exactly why c19 proto-totalitarianism was so easily implemented.

So the question is who among us here would have the cojones to say (for example) what you just said when (for example) at lunch with colleagues? For example, the vast majority of people don't think mutilating children is acceptable. Why do these people not say anything? For a lot of reasons; in this case, it's because you'd almost certainly jeopardize your career if a benign statement like that was associated with transamania.

At the very least; the "process" is the penalty to speak of such verboten topics. Why would the obvious be verboten? Wokefication has ascended, exponentially, primarily due to 30 years of tacit assent, self-censorship and apathy. A positive exponent is simply "repeated multiplication of the base". So, just like bacterium or the classic tech "adoption" curve (e.g., black/white TV's to color TV's), every time we fail to speak out, we allow the "penalty" for non-conformity to exponentially increase and for the curve to become "calcified" in one direction. And just like bacterium, the "body" of acceptable language and public discourse is "infected" by the few zealots that approve of this nonsense - which of course, are the very same people who patrol and penalize unacceptable speech/dialogue. They're emboldened, in a progressive fashion, to distribute penalty to the point of plateau.

When do we plateau? I don't know, but I can tell you this; for every time we fail to dissent the plateau becomes more recalcitrant to change. The only remedy to this infection is to stop self-censoring and to speak out. The cure is readily available. Will it be administered? WE must help the masses to feel comfortable with open agreeance of the dissenters or to dissent themselves. There is always a "price" to be paid with dissension.

Who's paying for lunch?

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Just want to add that many believe that this issue of self-censoring and wokeism started recently when in reality it started about 20 years ago IN THE CLASSROOMS. I am witnessing the attitudes and thought processes through my children (21 & 19). Fortunately, I grew up in the 60s-70s, and was very close to my grandfather who lived through the great depression. I learned the value of living within your means, saving, and hard work.

Schools have dedicated two decades to indoctrinate our kids into the current victimhood/socialist model we see today. A while back, my oldest mentioned how "privileged we are"! I almost flipped. In a matter of seconds I had to explain to her that the JUST REWARDS for hard work and personal responsibility ARE NOT privilege. Two Puerto Rican adults who went to college, paid their student loans, lived within their means AVOIDING DEBT got married, had 2 beloved children, and chose to live frugally. We chose to own only 1 tv, drive 1 car (paid off) while husband took public transit, and live on one income because I chose to be a full-time mother and homemaker. Lesson for my kids is THIS IS NOT PRIVILEGE!! We have been making intelligent choices about our family and finances so that we can enjoy a few frivolous things now. It's called reaping the benefits of FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, of thinking long-term. I despise the school system that led my children to believe that brown people who enjoy a modicum of success are "privileged". Trust me when I say that my focus in the last 4 years of covidian manipulation has been to open their eyes. I worry about their peers with much younger parents who grew up glued to their cell phones.

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agree. this is why they've made the classroom the vehicle for tyranny; not the war room.

If you're told how to think then you can never really experience anything. If you don't accumulate "experience" you can not accrue wisdom.

We are living through the biggest war in humanity; the war against wisdom - ergo the experience of experiencing wisdom through thinking for yourself.

Without wisdom you can't experience much - to the point that they don't even know they are not having individual experiences.

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your spell-check put "greta depression" where you wanted "great depression"

I find that kinda funny

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I noticed that after the fact...LOL

I just found the edit button...will fix it asap... he he he

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i meant to tell you....but it was just too perfect! thx for the smile this morning.

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LOL...you're welcome 😊

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I am still having issues with self-censoring, because it's a fine line between always inserting my opinion where no one needs it, or being perceived as consenting to something that I do not agree with.

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Yeah I hear you. I think it takes nuance, timing and humor.

Humor, after all, is the shortest distance between two people.

What I have found is that the fear of saying something produces more anxiety then actually saying it.

You'd be surprised of how many people agree with you but are imprisoned by this mentality.

As Gato says; we have to bring others to the dance floor.

I know of no other way than to speak freely.

Look for small "wins"...there are no knockout punches...just millions of jabs that will get us the big WIN.

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"just millions of jabs that will get us the big win" ....💉

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Finding the balance between "I need to say this" and "People need to hear this" is nigh-on impossible, but to do as you do - perceive that there's a line and that it needs to be considered - is half the battle won.

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yeah. agree.

I would also add, humans are allergic to change - because change means "instability".

And just as history, nothing changes, yet everything presents itself "differently", ergo humans have an enigmatic ability to forget history; to remember is to cause a state of "instability".

The key is to figure out a way to get people to see that it is exactly this mentality that ultimately leads to real instability.

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Yeah - dad once remarked that it took him until he was 50 to realise that most people, when they tell you about a problem, aren't asking for help or looking for a solution - they're talking about their emotional state but in terms of "why must X always Y?".

And that they get angry when you try to advice them on how to maybe solve things.

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I suspect most people do NOT really want to "solve things". Most people have no absolutely NO interest in either attempting to define the actual problem, or in taking any steps to address that problem.

Because "ALL change is bad, and change that affects me personally is intolerable".

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"when they tell you about a problem, aren't asking for help or looking for a solution"

I had always heard that this was a female trait but have since discovered it's pretty universal.

Except for me. If I ask, I want solutions.

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Allowing people to vote with their dollars is the most reliable way to separate wheat from the chaff.

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and another reason why government spending needs to be reigned in. Budgets unconstrained by taxation results in tyranny. Look at government funded "NGO's" as a prime example.

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Even that market signal is distorted when we have political, NGO and other groups funnel money from who knows where into their mouthpiece journalists to scream the current agenda

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This is exactly what I saw growing up in a communist country: everyone saw the party apparatchiks driving around in Mercedeses while telling us the stores are empty because of the evil capitalists and the victory is right around the corner.

This country is fast approaching the same state of corruption and animosity.

Interesting times are coming!

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People just don't seem to understand this. They rage against "capitalism" thinking communism/equity is the answer to everyone's problems. These people recieved an "F" in history class. It will he different this time, they say. We just haven't done it right in the past. 🤡

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consider the possibility that very few people actually think this and that they are just being made to seem like a meaningful contingent.

this is how the bolsheviks subdued the far more numerous mensheviks.

they are doing it again. the lie is not just that "communism fixes this" it's that "any meaningful number of people actually believe that."

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You are quite possibly correct. And I appreciate you saying it. However universities have become (allegedly) centres for growing indoctrinated left leaning non critical thinkers who now so believe in their causes they are willing to censor others because of it. And this will possibly sound harsh but so much of todays young people are not mentally healthy, autistic children, are now young adults and most youth /young adults seem to admit they have something wrong with them whether it’s anxiety or depression or add or adhd. Are these people more susceptible to mental games and propaganda? How many are on prescriptions just to cope with life? Idk just my thoughts. But maybe they are like any one else idk.

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Not harsh, just true.

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I'm afraid there are millions on indoctrinated young adults who were taught that profit is the source of all social inequities. Sigh.

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Because they see that grievance and victimhood have value.

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At least none of us believed the rest of the population wanted or liked the Party, and we didn't even have the internet to teach us how and what to think 🤣

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Possibly /because/ you didn't have the Internet, maybe?

I know I never met a russian, a polack, a czech or a serb or whatever that actually believed in communism.

(I'm not counting border guards or officials, for obvious reasons - still remember my fear when an East German border guard casually aimed his submachine gun at me while his colleague checked my paperwork.)

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The petty, officious and psychopathological always seek those jobs. As someone said it is a civilizational problem to solve, that dark tetrad and Cluster B people seek and get into power. That sounds terrifying, though it makes me think of a story in Thomas Friedman's From Beirut to Jerusalem, in which Thomas is trying to get through a checkpoint, and a border guard sticks an AK47 (or something like it) through the window into his face where he was sitting in the back seat and says "Who shot JR?"

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"consider the possibility that very few people actually think this and that they are just being made to seem like a meaningful contingent."

*rolls eyes*

Puh-lease. Next you'll try to convince us that the Emperor's Outfit isn't Just the Most Dazzling.

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People were taught the greatest evil of all time was Hitler's crimes in WW2, while the far more murderous history of the Communists is never mentioned in school.

Communism appeals to intellectuals because it proposes a "scientific" way of achieving utopia. Intellectuals are flattered into believing they can solve all the problems in the world. See: climate change, vaccination, etc.

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exactly. and for the normal person they are not aware they are being manipulated. In fact, they believe they are "freed" by pursuit of a utopia established by intellectuals/technocrats.

They are walled off from themselves and only an observer can see that their servitude is strictly objective.

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Even more perverse, so did fascism and national socialism (proposed a scientific frame for their ideas).

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Capitalism is the worst form of economy. Except for all the others.

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By which you mean free trade on an open market, I guess? That's what I'm about: free trade and open markets.


I see capitalism as just as bad as communism, since the -ism makes it into an ideology and ideologies are essentially systems of describing and proscribing society using specific morals and ethics.

And the sum total of the ethos of capitalism is "Does it profit >me< now with little or no risk, then it's a moral good": aka psychopathy.

For capitalism (free trade et c) to work, it must be under some other moral system and it must be adapted and adjusted to realities: consider the scene in "Dr Strangelove" when Group Captain Mandrake tells Colonel Bat Guano to shoot the lock off of a Coca Cola-machine.

"That's private property" says Colonel Bat Guano.

A nice mirror to the scene in the War Room when the soviet ambassador rejects cigars made by "capitalist stooges", making an american quip: "Oh, only commie stooges, eh?"

It's not communists using child slaves to make iPhones. It wasn't communists that used four year old children for chimney sweeps bareely a century ago. It is and was liberal democratic christian capitalists, precisely because they put the making of monetary profit before all other ethical concerns.

Radix malorum est cupiditas.

(Disclaimer, not for Pi Guy's sake but as a general caveat: the ills of captialism/communism doesn't excuse the failures of the other.)

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Academia/elites were bored with facism, since scientific racism does not offer nearly the opportunities to tinker with humanity.

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And they wouldn't see any real results in your own life-time, since gene-editing (CRISPR f.e.) wasn't a thing then.

Imagine a dr Mengele or Shiro Ishii with today's technology.

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I agree with almost everything J.D. listed but take umbrage at his flippant use of quotation marks around “genociding.” I for one find nothing lighthearted about the murder of more than 10,000 children (https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/) out of 25,000 civilians (https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145742) in what has been credibly described as the “world’s most documented genocide in history” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/141143880/world-court-to-israel-abide-by-genocide-convention).

As Denis Rancourt recently tweeted:

“I am in maybe a minority of people on ‘Team reality’ regarding covid who is informed and sane on Palestine. I am disappointed by the ignorant stance and championing and condoning of murder/genocide I see from many people who I mostly agree with on covid. Seriously. It’s the same Deep State folks. Ibid. China! How can independent thinking be so absent on select topics?” (https://twitter.com/denisrancourt/status/1764377266618785921 + https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1764481657837588707)

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Absolutely correct. Neither side is without blood on its hands, and America should divorce itself from that conflict, but ethnic cleansing and genocide are occurring. And America sits by and lets it happen. Shame.

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At the risk of opening The Big Ol' Worm Can, I don't think this is America's fight, which you note on the 'Divorce' Hand, but then swing back with the 'America Sits By' Hand. Do you really think The US should do anything more than we are currently?

I'd suggest that, if we had to take sides, I don't expect adherents of Islam, were they to complete their mission of genocide of the Nation of Israel, would stop there. They'd just move on to Us. *considers how to remove some commas, throws hands in air, ignores it*

They might be content for some time to ignore us, or exploit us if they can, but they just postpone their mission of genocide on we, the next non-believers on their list.

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Pi Guy, Israel had the right to respond, of course, but this has gone far beyond the Old Testament proscription of exacting disproportionate revenge for October 7. An eye for and eye? More like a leg for a foot.

If Biden (just play along and pretend he's in charge) picked up the phone and told Netanyahu to rein it in, the destruction in Gaza would stop. With entire blocks devastated, it sure looks to me that Israel has every intention of moving in after tidying things up a bit.

Frankly, I don't think we have allies on either side of this tussle. As a Christian, I know that both sides hold me in contempt. Why am I asked to care about this and not the injustice going on in Armenia?

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"but this has gone far beyond the Old Testament proscription of exacting disproportionate revenge for October 7. An eye for and eye? More like a leg for a foot."

The Old Testament isn't short on "Driving your enemy before you" full-on assault stories. It's pretty brutal before Jesus is on the scene, and Hebrews don't recognize more recent "resist violence" parts of the Gospels.

I think that they think that this is what they must do to end the attacks for good.

Note that I take the position that I wish all the suffering would end immediately but I don't think that's a truly sensible approach on Israel's part. The violence in the Middle East won't end until Moslems stop wanting to kill All the Jews, and the Jews are keenly aware of this. I do not envy any involved who must decide how to behave. There are no winners, only survivors.

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You lost me at the word "but". Serbia was accused of enthic cleansing in Kosovo. NATO got involved and solved nothing. Albanians just walked across the border at Tito's invitation. If the US starts sending illegal immigrants back, will that be considered ethnic cleasing? Should China get involved and stop us. You should really examine that can of worms before you open it.

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The reason the “genociding”comment is applicable is because many of the Palestinians openly say that they want to kill every Jew. “From the river to the sea” means “wipe the Jews off the map”. There is corruption and evil in Israel too, but Gaza has it worse, they are out of their minds with hate. If you had a neighbor who was out to kill you and regularly lobbed bombs at your house, but your other neighbors said that you were in the wrong and should give your neighbors your yard, you might have more sympathy for Israel. As far as all the “news” sources, they are almost all propaganda from Hamas and antisemites. I don’t trust the news from either side, but I think Israel has a right to exist. And notice- very many people have traveled to Israel, a place with people of many nationalities and religions, but people do not visit Hamas-controlled areas. Hamas has destroyed that area. They do not care about the people.

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“From the river to the sea” means that was their land until the UN, UK and US took it from them, and they want it back. Imagine being told you have to leave your home to make room for a group that was victimized by someone else. You’d be pissed too.

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Hey, Israel has ancient documentation that that area is their homeland. They are indigenous to that area. I am not an expert on the history, but I know enough to not believe the propaganda. Also, Israel became a nation over 70 years ago and has shared land and even their capital, with Muslims, Christians and Palestinians. The Palestinians do have land, children and money aplenty, but they sacrifice it all on the altar of hate and destruction. How horrible! There are many Palestinians who live and work in Israel- but not vice versa. If Israel is destroyed, the people of Palestine will not be better off, because they are basically being oppressed and indoctrinated by a bunch of bloodthirsty thugs. Unfortunately, most countries are headed that way, including ours, because God has been black-listed. Behold the future: suffering, blood, death and more death. Until God finally says, “Enough.”

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If they really want to put their money where your mouth is, then they should go to a tall building in Gaza and hold hands with the next victim these savages throw off buildings.

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What would you have Israel do?

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Issue a ceasefire; depose Netanyahu; engage in diplomacy; and stop funding Hamas and murdering innocent people who have nothing to do with the initial attacks, which Israel itself orchestrated to excuse the ethnic cleansing agenda articulated in its own documents.

For supporting evidence, see the extensive documentation available at the following sources for starters:






Additional resources also available in these (apologies as they are part of my series for paid subscribers):




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You are starting from a false premise - the idea there is a 'good side' and 'bad side' in this conflict.

The government of Israel was formed by outsiders and imposed on the people who lived in the area already. Problem was there was a whole lot more muslims living there than jews and you can't have a jewish state without there being a jewish majority, so you got to get rid of those muslims somehow....that is the birth of this conflict.

The powerful side today engages in atrocities because they historically have been able to get away with it by virtue of controlling the narrative.

The weak side today engages in atrocities because they do not have the power to confront their powerful enemy head on.

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Where do ethnic Arabs originate?

Where do ethnic Jews originate?

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Exactly pertinent to the issue.

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no its not

you want to claim it as pertinent because it is impossible to justify the methods used to create of the modern secular state of israel as being based in modern western (classicly)liberal tradition of governance of and by the people because the state of israel had to be imposed on the existing residents of the land

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Dave.....no one cares what you think. The Jews have their own state. Deal with it.

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i wouldn't care about the secular state of israel were it not for the fact that money is stolen from us to give to the secular state of israel

it makes us citizens participants in a conflict that has nothing to do with us

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What is Palestine? Where is the ethnic homeland of Arabs? Where is the ethnic homeland of Jews?

Why do so many countries now speak Arabic? What happened to their indigenous languages? Who have been the most rapacious settler-colonialists in history?

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I get your point, but I believe I read somewhere that around 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire are provably descended from Genghis Khan, so if we are using the term "rapacious" here, I don't know if the answer to your latter question isn't "the Mongols."

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How many peoples speak Mongolian today or follow animist religions?

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it is hard to really think for yourself, you have to get the information somewhere, and how reliable is the information? in case of war it is simple for me - what have these people done to you that you go out to kill them? if the answer is nothing (which it always is), no one should go out killing others. Wars are always fought because Big Fellows want something from that country and don't want to die themselves, so they let their army, the plebs, fight and then they can confiscate the land.. is what is going on in Gaza, it was very obvious from the start for me. And the gates of this world rub their hands, because there go another few hundred thousand useless eaters.... everyone wins except those that were killed, and in the middle ages, the clergy would say, they will now be in heaven. (or in hell, depending on who they fought for)

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Yes, what was done on October 7?

Hamas started a war it couldn't win and have been counting on the West to stop it. They wanted their propaganda victories and the usual gangs of idiots are happy to oblige.

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Yes, the discovery of the “unofficial (censored) histories” movement has been incredibly disorienting. Federal reserve, WW2, JFK, 9/11 are the big ones, but so much more, even to the realm of “accepted truths” in science and medicine. At this point, I’m assuming that whatever “everyone” believes about the last 150 years is the opposite of the truth. Read the truly dissident lit, like Laurent Guyot “JFK and 9/11”, Ron Unz (esp “American Pravda” series at unz.com), Liam Scheff “Official Stories”. Much to reconsider.

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Some additional reading recommendations:

"180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You've Been Taught To Believe" - Feargus O'Connor Greenwood

"Call It Conspiracy" - Gary Allen & Larry Abraham

"The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality" - John Hamer

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you've described a great path forward in your column. and i am convinced that you are right, because i find myself unable to begin sentences with capital letters. if we do away with punctuation we'll have the controlling bastards by the throat.

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capital letters are the tool of the oppressor.

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I detect a precrime capital punctuation riot about to begin. Off to the digital dungeons of the Stanford Laboratory with you all. It is just lucky you are not in Canada.

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"if we do away with punctuation we'll have the controlling bastards by the throat."

Or roasting our ancestors on spits, if we're not careful. *shrug*


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*nods* Good answer.

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I'd be a little more amenable to the idea of DARPA-contractor Elon actually championing free speech if he'd installed a free speech promoter as CEO instead of that WEF tool with her "speech not reach" ideas.

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No kidding.

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twitter hasnt changed as much as people think.

i recently got a week where no one could see anything i did at all. comments, posts, zero.

there was no message or email to tell me i had been naughty or anything, just silenced so even a person i directly replied to could not see it.

twatter is not our saviour

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In the words of Linda Yaccarino, "You were "de-amplified."

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im always de-amplified, from day one. (because i speak my mind)

this was a different level and nothing to tell me, just initially found peoples lack of response weird

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Indeed, it's in the protocols.

I realize not many people are aware because protocol development is a niche and techy thing, but new protocols have been developed. How many people understand TCP/IP, SMTP, HTTP, etc. but yet they are what the modern Internet experience are built upon and people use them all day every day?

People need to unlearn the user account + password model of doing things. Decentralized protocols are using the private+public keypair (cryptography) model. The biggest developments I can think of (and that I use daily).

Decentralized note posting protocol: NOSTR (mostly used for Twitter-like apps right now with Damus on iOS and Amethyst on Android).

Peer-to-peer communications: Holepunch on Pearl runtime (similar to how torrent works, but better. Keet app, in Beta, on all platforms is akin to Discord/Telegram/Slack/etc for peer-to-peer chat with E2E encryption and no centralized servers)

Decentralized monetary system/protocol: Bitcoin.

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That sounds great. You should write a substack to explain how to do this. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

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I don't have a Substack, and I'm quite sure there's someone who has already put this together. I'll do some digging and see if I can find something.

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Damn, your writing is just a delight.

Sometimes it feels like you are articulating - so clearly - my innermost thoughts, perceptions and beliefs - but then you expand on them in a natural, logical direction.

Melikes the way yethinks.

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people underestimate the therapeutic value of cats.

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Yes Yuri!! I agree, we EACH need to speak the Truth at every opportunity.

If each of us tended to our own relationships and interactions on a daily basis, 100% of the time speaking the Truth, it would cause a narrative busting groundswell/Tsunami.

We can each be like Nehemiah and the people rebuilding the walls of Jericho.

Courage is contagious. Humor is powerful.

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Amen. Preach it brother (or sister).

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Yesterday's lies were at least plausible. Today almost none of them are.

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the important part is recognizing the big lie:

that other people are believing the other lies and that you are alone in seeing through them.

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It always seems to go back to "The Emperor's New Clothes." Who would have though that a story read to me as a child would be the most honest thing I've ever learned.

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yes the Big Lie is built on a foundation of everybody pretending that nobody is pretending.

Seems implausible but this is what eventually makes the pretend "real".

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Unfortunately, the 'Big Lie' is the holocaust, which makes western countries think that 'nationalism' is bad and that 'multiculturalism' is good.

Get rid of the 'Big Lie' and a certain group of people are really going to regret it!

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Yes. I understand and that's exactly why they used that phrase

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If Gatopal JD doesn’t think Israel is attempting genocide than HE’S in the delusional camp.

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(i suspect this playbook is especially successful on “intellectuals” because they so desperately fear not been seen as “au courant” or “in the know” while being so dependent upon tribal membership to have access to tenure and publication.) YES. I think you've hit the nail on the head here. That feeling of being privy to some knowledge the out-group doesn't have is very seductive. It's something you need to be able to see and fight against. And, I suspect that once you've started down the 'I'm part of the in-group' road, it's helluva hard to admit that it's a scam, even when you finally get it. And then there's the job security ...

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But the other side, of the same coin, is that their biggest fear is to be the last to know when being "in the know" indicates they know nothing at all about that which they thought they knew.

C19 being a perfect example. Hence the speed of which they tried to change jerseys and the galactic gaslighting required to distance themselves

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Yes, guffaw, it's a bind, isn't it? Asses.

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I have always been an agoraphobe. I have no issue "being morally and socially isolated or ostracized or deemed stupid or defective" as I don't give a rat's ass what society thinks of me. As my mother often said, "The people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter".

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You have answered a higher calling and followed the beat of a different drum.

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From birth!

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