I think going along to get along is a big part of it. People are fearful to speak their minds. I do think many people are still under a delusion. Some are apathetic. Others just want to get on with their lives and pretend like things are normal, which in some ways I can't say I blame them. I never thought I would see such powerful propaganda brainwash so many minds. That's hard to come back from. With the vaccines, people are afraid to speak out because most of the population took them. The people who took them don't want to hear about it. The people who didn't take them are not allowed to talk about it. They are immediately met with vitriol. Then we have war on multiple fronts. People don't know what to believe. When you've been continuously lied to, you can't take anything at face value. Hence, the demoralization. I guess that's the point.

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The night is darkest before the dawn. We must stop self censoring in real life and keep shouting truth on the interwebs. Subscription revenue is the true subversive business model, delivering freedom from demoralizing agendas.

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This is exactly what I saw growing up in a communist country: everyone saw the party apparatchiks driving around in Mercedeses while telling us the stores are empty because of the evil capitalists and the victory is right around the corner.

This country is fast approaching the same state of corruption and animosity.

Interesting times are coming!

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I agree with almost everything J.D. listed but take umbrage at his flippant use of quotation marks around “genociding.” I for one find nothing lighthearted about the murder of more than 10,000 children (https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/israel-war-on-gaza-10000-children-killed/) out of 25,000 civilians (https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145742) in what has been credibly described as the “world’s most documented genocide in history” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/141143880/world-court-to-israel-abide-by-genocide-convention).

As Denis Rancourt recently tweeted:

“I am in maybe a minority of people on ‘Team reality’ regarding covid who is informed and sane on Palestine. I am disappointed by the ignorant stance and championing and condoning of murder/genocide I see from many people who I mostly agree with on covid. Seriously. It’s the same Deep State folks. Ibid. China! How can independent thinking be so absent on select topics?” (https://twitter.com/denisrancourt/status/1764377266618785921 + https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1764481657837588707)

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it is hard to really think for yourself, you have to get the information somewhere, and how reliable is the information? in case of war it is simple for me - what have these people done to you that you go out to kill them? if the answer is nothing (which it always is), no one should go out killing others. Wars are always fought because Big Fellows want something from that country and don't want to die themselves, so they let their army, the plebs, fight and then they can confiscate the land.. is what is going on in Gaza, it was very obvious from the start for me. And the gates of this world rub their hands, because there go another few hundred thousand useless eaters.... everyone wins except those that were killed, and in the middle ages, the clergy would say, they will now be in heaven. (or in hell, depending on who they fought for)

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Yes, the discovery of the “unofficial (censored) histories” movement has been incredibly disorienting. Federal reserve, WW2, JFK, 9/11 are the big ones, but so much more, even to the realm of “accepted truths” in science and medicine. At this point, I’m assuming that whatever “everyone” believes about the last 150 years is the opposite of the truth. Read the truly dissident lit, like Laurent Guyot “JFK and 9/11”, Ron Unz (esp “American Pravda” series at unz.com), Liam Scheff “Official Stories”. Much to reconsider.

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you've described a great path forward in your column. and i am convinced that you are right, because i find myself unable to begin sentences with capital letters. if we do away with punctuation we'll have the controlling bastards by the throat.

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I'd be a little more amenable to the idea of DARPA-contractor Elon actually championing free speech if he'd installed a free speech promoter as CEO instead of that WEF tool with her "speech not reach" ideas.

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twitter hasnt changed as much as people think.

i recently got a week where no one could see anything i did at all. comments, posts, zero.

there was no message or email to tell me i had been naughty or anything, just silenced so even a person i directly replied to could not see it.

twatter is not our saviour

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Indeed, it's in the protocols.

I realize not many people are aware because protocol development is a niche and techy thing, but new protocols have been developed. How many people understand TCP/IP, SMTP, HTTP, etc. but yet they are what the modern Internet experience are built upon and people use them all day every day?

People need to unlearn the user account + password model of doing things. Decentralized protocols are using the private+public keypair (cryptography) model. The biggest developments I can think of (and that I use daily).

Decentralized note posting protocol: NOSTR (mostly used for Twitter-like apps right now with Damus on iOS and Amethyst on Android).

Peer-to-peer communications: Holepunch on Pearl runtime (similar to how torrent works, but better. Keet app, in Beta, on all platforms is akin to Discord/Telegram/Slack/etc for peer-to-peer chat with E2E encryption and no centralized servers)

Decentralized monetary system/protocol: Bitcoin.

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Damn, your writing is just a delight.

Sometimes it feels like you are articulating - so clearly - my innermost thoughts, perceptions and beliefs - but then you expand on them in a natural, logical direction.

Melikes the way yethinks.

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Yes Yuri!! I agree, we EACH need to speak the Truth at every opportunity.

If each of us tended to our own relationships and interactions on a daily basis, 100% of the time speaking the Truth, it would cause a narrative busting groundswell/Tsunami.

We can each be like Nehemiah and the people rebuilding the walls of Jericho.

Courage is contagious. Humor is powerful.

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Yesterday's lies were at least plausible. Today almost none of them are.

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If Gatopal JD doesn’t think Israel is attempting genocide than HE’S in the delusional camp.

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(i suspect this playbook is especially successful on “intellectuals” because they so desperately fear not been seen as “au courant” or “in the know” while being so dependent upon tribal membership to have access to tenure and publication.) YES. I think you've hit the nail on the head here. That feeling of being privy to some knowledge the out-group doesn't have is very seductive. It's something you need to be able to see and fight against. And, I suspect that once you've started down the 'I'm part of the in-group' road, it's helluva hard to admit that it's a scam, even when you finally get it. And then there's the job security ...

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I have always been an agoraphobe. I have no issue "being morally and socially isolated or ostracized or deemed stupid or defective" as I don't give a rat's ass what society thinks of me. As my mother often said, "The people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter".

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