they could be burning those trees for warmth in germany

i smell a deal!

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At least Mordor had an actual plan. CA has virtue signaling and wishful thinking.

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Would it be cruel to say the quiet part out loud - Californians are simply getting what they voted for. They're like folk that atr trying out suicide without actually dyin'.

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This is why I refuse to vote for anyone with the dreaded “D” next to their name. They will destroy everything and everyone just to maximize their chances of re-election.

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I seriously like the way your brain works

Great analogy gato

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Damn . . . good one! clap, clap, clap : ) you rocked it today el gato malo.

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I can commiserate… Here in Washington state we have horrific air quality from smoke at the moment. Thank you for all you do by the way. You are greatly appreciated!

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I swear I just read the headline first and the first following thought was the cat's giving us a little Tolkien today...

Were only more men of the Dunedain kind among us, heartened by wave upon wave of Felidae of the best and most noble sort.

The things we've lost, I'm amazed we've got the strength to endure it.

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We can’t breathe here in Washington either, both sides of the state, ughhhhh!

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"A Tolkien of our appreciation" -

could be the start of a pundemic!

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I have that on my general BINGO card. Every. Year. Practically any state. Some states are actually good about doing controlled burns and even they can get major fires that happen - but it's far worse in the states that DON'T do them.

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You do have to give then credit for their immaculate planning. The covid plandemic was just a trial....

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1. The first to die from the vaccines will be those susceptible to blood clots. The spike proteins these vaccines cause the body to produce attach to endothelial ACE2 receptors. They act as a partial agonist (stimulator). In turn, the cells’ mitochondria spin up ATP production, but imperfectly. This causes errors in the reactions involved, resulting in the production of rogue hydroxyl groups instead of ATP. This can and usually does kill the cell. This happens all over the body, resulting in invisible and unperceived systemic cardiovascular inflammation. Clotting ensues, either on the micro or macro level.

2. mRNA is absolutely reverse transcribed to DNA. We have known this is potentially fatal since 1998 when the University of Pennsylvania killed a kid using a chimp-gene modified adenovirus to cure a rare disease in which the body cannot reduce levels of ammonia. The kid was cured, and then went into liver failure. The chimp genes inserted into the viral vector were reverse transcribed into his liver cells, and his immune cells destroyed them – killing him.

3. The mechanism is Line 1 retrotransposons. These are ancient retroviruses and genetic junk that is spooled up and inactive 99.9% of the time. Introduction of viral mRNA is an adjuvant that causes these genes to unwind and express, including viral reverse transcriptase. Studies have since confirmed that this is happening with the vaccines.

4. Line 1 retrotransposons are a matter of chance. Sometimes they will reverse transcribe to Line 1 itself, creating useless chimeras that do not express. Sometimes they will write to active DNA segments. Sometimes in doing so, it will overwrite a necessary gene, killing the cell. Sometimes it will write to active DNA, and the former mRNA will express it as if it was your own gene. Sometimes the immune system will then kill these cells. Sometimes, they will not.

5. For reference, one shot of the Moderna vaccine contains 40 trillion packets of mRNA in their peg-ylated shells. If Line 1 retrotransposons successfully reverse transcribe even .05% of the time – then 200 billion cells will have the gene for creating the covid spike protein inserted into them. These cells will then occasionally produce the covid spike protein – for the rest of the recipient’s life.

6. The number one place the vaccine mRNA ends up is the thymus, the second is the liver, and the third is female ovaries. KEEP THIS IN MIND. They knew about this. It was revealed in the most recent Pfizer document dump, and in fact was known well before then for those of us paying attention. I will come back to this.

7. Aside from causing progressive cardiovascular damage that a recipient would never feel or know about because it is painless and largely symptomless, the spike protein inhibits v(d)j recombination. When your immune cells create new antibodies, they do not have a gene that codes for that creation. So, they split their DNA, pluck out sequences that partially could create the necessary sequence, splice them together and insert them, and then fix the DNA that was damaged in this process. This is v(d)j recombination. Only 2% of killer T cells are successful in doing this, which is why people who are seriously ill start to rapidly lose weight. The body needs resources to fuel this very important process. In the vaccinated, this process is now further impaired to the point where their immune systems cannot keep up. Their levels of CD4 and CD8 cells will progressively decline, leadings [sic] to vaccine induced AIDS. Mind you, this can take between 5-10 years to progress to the point where symptoms show in those infected with HIV.

8. Back to the ovaries. v(D)j recombination is used by immune cells, but the proteins involved – BRCA1 and 53BP1 – are used in every cell for routine DNA repair. BRCA1 zips up double-stranded breaks in DNA. 53BP1 acts as a goalpost, directing where DNA repair occurs. Both of these proteins are named after their involvement in cancer research. If either of these proteins are not present, such as in the case of people who do not have working copies of genes to create these proteins, the risk of cancer increases exponentially with age.

9. Not only will those who received the vaccines have an increased risk of every type of cancer, but women will start to enter menopause earlier and start giving birth to children with more birth defects. Women only have so many eggs, and their exposure to these vaccines and suppression of BRCA1 and 53BP1 means these eggs [sic] cells can no longer engage in routine DNA repair from everyday exposure to oxidative stress. These eggs will either die prematurely, or result in a viable pregnancy but with damaged offspring.

10. Line 1 retrotransposons can and will transcribe the vaccine mRNA to somatic cells. The egg cells. This means that children born to vaccinated mothers will produce the covid spike protein every day of their lives. Their expression of BRCA1 and 53BP1 will be inhibited from the day of their birth until they die. v(D)j recombination will be inhibited from the day of their birth until the day they die. Not only are they likely to get cancer early and often, but they will be immune compromised and unlikely to be able to mount successful adaptive immune responses to common pathogens. They will be sickly and short lived.

11. When the medical community cannot hide this anymore, it’s all over. The ramp up in deaths, cancer, and the pending MASS vaccine induced AIDS epidemic is being swept under the rug for now.

12. Eventually, there will be no more hiding it. The attempts to cover things up as long as possible was anticipated since doctors and academics are arrogant, self-righteous psychopaths who could be expected to protect their reputations regardless of the cost. This will simply result in even more anger.

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The vaxx bio weapon program has opened my eyes to some of the other types of evil that governments and global predators work together on to keep us under their thumb. I have had to let my mind ponder that there exist people who claim to “love” humans and who know that their programs are killing people and they don’t care. It has to be on purpose.

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So exercise bikes connected to dynamos is not an option? Could solve homelessness and immigartion in one fell swoop, not to mention people being disgustingly fat.

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CA, OR, WA, CO, NM, IL, MI, MN, THEN NY & New England, PA, NJ, MD, are either BOLSHEVIK democRat or heavily contested, destined for internal dissolution as the Remainder of the Country divides as well along hopefully Intact State lines.

Another 9/11 Will Not Produce National Unity this time; DisUNION will be the Result. CYA.

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