May 15, 2023Liked by el gato malo

You ok, gato? All the capital letters in this post are freaking me out.

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I will never have one iota of trust or faith in public health authorities, or, to be quite honest, in any authorities ever again. There is no coming back from this. I will automatically assume that they are lying to me on any subject. The "experts" are self-interested liars, frauds and cowards, and nothing anyone can ever say or do will restore my trust. I have seen through them all. Sorry, but it's over.

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"The covid vaccine will make the vaccinated a dead end for the virus.”

This claim unfortunately turned out to be true for many of them. Depends on your interpretation of "dead end."

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What about Walensky warning of a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’? Where is the data for the Winter of Death for pure bloods? She is nothing more than a shyster and a compromised puppet for those who control the levers of society.

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You already know the answer to these questions. And you know what that means: there will be zero accountability.

ZERO. Zip. Zilch.

There will be The Empty Set of Accountability.

It involved DoD and its research arms, plus Pfizer moving up into the Big Time of government contracting grifts - the Mil-Industrial Complex - with the really big boys, like Raytheon, Northrup-Grumman, Boeing, GD, etc.

Now the BioDefense-Pharma Mafia-FedGov knows it can make up "the science" and a big enough chunk of the NPC Rubes will go full East German Stasi on their neighbors in about a half-hour.

That's what the future holds.

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Has Public Health ever been more than a medical industrial complex and industrial food grift? I don’t think so. Even under the best of circumstances, what value does the field hold? It is founded on the principle of convincing the public to do something they wouldn’t otherwise do. Public Health is propaganda. It is going to be employed by the government and corporations to spread propaganda.

The change with Covid is that we foolishly gave Public Health power over our lives. In the past, we just ignored them and their propaganda. We need to go back to ignoring them. The best way to do that is to abolish the CDC and strip power and funding from the FDA and NIH.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

No one will be held accountable. We don't do that anymore. We haven't done that in a generation or two now. {Which might explain our current situation...but I digress.)

At best these villains will become victims of an incompetent bureaucracy, thieving/lying big pharma, and their own good intentions as they tried to save humanity.

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This is exceptionally well-written, as always, thus ensuring that its intended audience will never read it.

My super top secret day job requires me to interact with The Borg on a regular basis. I am consistently ASTOUNDED by the ability of the government and its mega-corporate extensions to string together vast sums of words with absolutely ZERO actual content or meaning.

Recently, I encountered an example so egregious that I could not let it rest. It came in the form of the opening sentence of an email purportedly explaining the reasons for a meaningless and expensive change in corporate data exchange. There was literally no explanation in the sentence, however; it was word garbage. In general, I do not like to make waves with these Borg minions; this one was just too extreme, so I wanted to see how they justified it.

The response was more of the same. Garbage in ... Garbage out. Rinse, later, repeat until the shampoo is gone and your hair's fallen out -- "But, but, but ... The directions never told me I should stop!"

At some point, one must assume that one's hair is clean enough without the metaphor, and simply choose to get out of the shower.

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Trust is like virginity. Once lost, it is never to be regained.

The question must be why did we value trust over rational thought to begin with?

Or why do some value virginity over integrity and soulmates??

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Pfizer published in late 2020 that the vax neither stopped transmission nor protected from getting covid. Why did the populus ever believe otherwise?

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I recently had a (rather heated) discussion with my brother about how I had lost all trust in public health authorities over how they pushed the "vaccine" on us -- lying to us about how it would stop infection and transmission.

He said that they didn't know at that time if it would stop infection and transmission and were just trying to get everyone vaccinated to stop the virus. So they weren't lying, they just didn't know.

So then I asked him if he thinks it's OK for the authorities to tell you something is a fact if they don't know if it is or not. He said yes, in the case of a pandemic because the downside is limited (he doesn't know the facts about adverse events).

His blind trust remains intact.

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Event 201 figured out how to take the public willingly to Room 101 with only 1 or 2 out of a 100 having the intestinal fortitude to resist the "love" of Big Brother.

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Considering the $32,000,000,000,000 and growing national debt, I would suggest “public health” be put into the non-essential scrap heap along with the Dept of Education and the myriad other bureaucratic money pits that make up too much of our federal govt.

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Wait when did cats figure out how to use capitalization? That's it, humans are doomed, the caps key was our last advantage.

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It will all come down to "this was a completely novel disease and we were learning as we went along". And most people will buy it and parrot it.

**If they were learning as they went along, why weren't they open to learning about effective early treatments and prevention, which were discovered very early in the pandemic?

**Why did they BLOCK the use of these safe early treatments?

**Why did they PROMOTE an experiment over a known, readily available treatment?

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What we are witnessing is the end of an almost fifteen year debt binge at 0% interest rates, which was capped off by the pandemic stimulus consumption orgy. Attended by the belief that we successfully borrowed our way out of the 2008 debt crisis.

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