You can't comply your way out of tyranny.

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The masks are a brilliant psyop tool, great visual, great way to identify non-compliant, great way to divide and fracture society. As we know from totalitarian societies, the more absurd and and counter-logical the dictat, the more humiliation it causes in the obedient. I think it was Pol Pot who ordered the deaths of anyone who wore glasses to better get to "Year Zero." But to get to masks, you need both the shit PCR test and, even more so, you need the fully unsupported claims of pre- and asymptomatic carriers being the main drivers of spread. And to get to those, you need WHO to more loosely redefine "pandemic" just in time, for better psyop, financial, and legal leverage. Someone put a lot of time lining all the needed pieces together.

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Yes, someone put the pieces together "just in time" to run this psyop. Who? And why?

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As I understand it, the world is shifting in ways that can't be changed or even altered by humanity and certainly not by the "who," meaning the corporate oligarchy, or, if you like, the technocratic elite. As such, they are desperate and doing everything in their power to cling to a rapidly vanishing status quo. This is a "by any means necessary" project for them. But the more they squeeze and exploit and kill, the more their goal recedes. Call it diminishing returns, but it is more than that, it is something entirely different.

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Off topic, an inquiry por el gato:

How can I give you my money? Less valuable sources of edutainment already take my money. Why won't you?

I don't think to speak for anyone else here, but I suspect there are a fair few dogs and cats here that would like to show support.

If you feel weird about it, give us some junk like a t- shirt or an official hairball or something. But I'd be happy just to be a supporting reader.


La perra pastor.

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just laugh at the bad cat jokes.

that's enough.

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If you say so. :)

Just know you're doing a lot of good out there, and if paying the bills ever got in the way of that, there's a lot of people that would step up.

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merck's molnupiravir look promising if given early to knock out the virus itself. molnupiravir proved less effective on hospitalized patients bc by then the pathogen is less the trouble than the immune inflammation effects of the protein or the immune response.

we need less fauci and more therapeutics, less vaxxing and more curing

the big rip off.....

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Ivermectin. It has decades of safety data, is on the WHO list of essential medicines, has been prescribed billions of times, and is off patent and cheap.

Merck and Pfizer are trashing other potential therapeutics to make way for their experimental oral therapeutics...and people are dying.

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The problem with simply "not complying" is that the Regime (politicians, bureaucrats, corp media, and woke corps) have effectively deployed the workers as their enforcers. The burden's on hourly workers to encourage or soft-enforce compliance on behalf of the bosses. And we really don't want to get into pushing, shoving, and shouting matches with them. So not complying only goes so far. They're making it very difficult to participate in normal life and not comply. We need more DeSantis-caliber political leaders and more private sector leaders willing to tell politicians, "get out of my business." Oh, and many, many more healthcare professionals and healthcare execs saying they're done with the federal teet and will get back to the business of healthcare.

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Cool, so everyone's got a good reason not to resist. Better not, then. It'll probably get better on its own.

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Get used to feeling uncomfortable and unliked if you want your freedom back.

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My antennae are vibrating. 87% of the 800+ Provincetown cases (where about 75% were fully vaccinated) ARE MEN. For those of you not in the loop, Provincetown, aka "P-town" is a homosexual male paradise, in the summer it's full of all night parties and raves. Serious question, were they kissing, body surfing, or in orgies? and based on this ultra narrow and skewed populace, which we do not know how many have chronic treatment for HIV, the CDC is in hysterics and the senile puppet wants national masks and lockdowns? READ BETWEEN THE LINES PEOPLE AND CALL THESE CLOWNS OUT. WE AREN'T BUYING WHAT THEY'RE SELLING ANYMORE.

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Just got back from Post Office and two stores. Change in mask wearing because of this crap that people are still listening to this idiot about the "variants" out there. My line is going to be "I burned mine".

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"whole" -> "who"

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Based on what I’m hearing from a nurse practitioner on Zoom calls with Top Men at a prestigious hospital network, I get the sense the people with access to the real data are scared of the Marek’s disease scenario. There is genuine fear of what could happen if *everyone* doesn’t get vaxxed. I’m trying to fill in the blank, but it feels different than a power play or profit motives. I think they may be worried they have unleashed evolutionary hell.

Meanwhile, ADE signal flares are going up - low Ct counts in infected vaxxed. (Does the vaxx enhance viral replication?)


(See appendix)

I’m with you Bad Cat, but we may need to hold on to our butts while not complying.

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"There is genuine fear of what could happen if *everyone* doesn’t get vaxxed."

"Meanwhile, ADE signal flares are going up - low Ct counts in infected vaxxed. (Does the vaxx enhance viral replication?)"

Unless you're attempting to argue that vaccines are part of a strategy to legit kill off lots of people, these two statements seem contradictory.

Also, what Top Men at a "prestigious hospital network?" The same one that had a psychotic woman teach the necessity of killing all whites as continuing ed credits for psychiatrists?

Skeptical reader is skeptical. :)

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I’d feel the same way. No reason to trust a random internet stranger.

Check out leaky vaccines and Marek’s disease. I think it’s beyond dispute we’ve got a leaky vaccine. What worries me is the panic I’m seeing from officials - you don’t have to credit my anecdote; watch how public health officials are behaving right now. If we know the vaccinated carry the virus, what’s the goal? Profits, power are possible, but the panic I sense is something more primal.

Check out ADE and what early signals would be. Are the vaxxed showing high viral titers? They appear to be increasing from ‘peak efficacy’ a few months back. Are they higher than unvaxxed? Will they keep increasing? That would be an indication the vaccine enhances viral replication.

Both Marek’s disease and ADE were disaster scenarios spoken of by vaxx skeptics. They are both in play, and the data is accumulating rather than receding.

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Delta IFR is 75% lower than early Covid. Is Delta evading vaccines or is VE simply decaying? Is it a combo of both.

The best answer isn't vaccinations, its getting enough natural immunity. That is coming. Delta is weak - like near cold weak - and VE still applies to severe Covid (although close to 70% than 95%).

Delta will help along the natural immunity. But yeah, vaccines suck, Covid passports suck and public health officials blew it.

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Yup. Delta is proving this acts like every other respiratory virus in the universe- more contagious and less lethal, and will hand out naturally-acquired immunity to its (laughably) deadlier cousins like candy.

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Or did we stop throwing covid patients into nursing homes, speeding up the curve by infecting all the at-risk at once?

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Por que no los dos? :)

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I don't think any of these are out-of-line crazy, but again, they appear contradictory.

If the vaccine "enhances viral replication," and this is known by Important Medical People In Important Places, why, simultaneously, is there "genuine fear of what could happen if *everyone* doesn't get vaxxed?" Again, these are your words, and again, they are logically contradictory (unless you believe they are attempting to kill us all), and were blown past entirely in your response.

Please address how these competing positions (vax being dangerous, wanting everyone to be vaxed) coexist if you care to keep this going.

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You are right in that the policy response to each scenario would point in opposite directions, *if* the disease had already evolved to go hot (Marek’s). See this report on vaccines and evolutionary pressure and ask yourself if moar vaxx makes a bit of sense:


Yet, here we are.

I don’t think the two scenarios are mutually exclusive. If not, the decision would require a balancing of risks. Really, the answer now would be stop the vaccines (if vaxxed have higher viral loads and virus hasn’t gone hot). I have a hard time imagining that happening any time before The Walking Dead rise.

It could just be a matter of which data is more mature at the moment. Breakthrough signals have been coming through for longer than high viral loads in vaxxed; maybe the breakthrough problem is the 5 meter target.

As our favorite feline says, the data is a hash (paraphrasing). I am probably attributing rational decision-making to a world where the gods must be crazy. And, we haven’t added the conflicts of interest to this confection.

I do sense flop sweat panic. I hope I’m being alarmist, and it’s a reaction to power slipping away. I love being right, but I want to be wrong about these concerns.

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CNN citing Nature? Yokay.

I grazed on the study it links to. There sure are a lot of nice diagrams with lots of arrows pointing in lots of directions. I skipped to the math. I could make those numbers mean something else, if you bought me a few beers.

Hospitals aren't overwhelmed. Deaths are still plummeting. Excess deaths are STILL (not now- STILL) normal. Fill up those whiteboards all you like- it's still true.

None of this means anything. This isn't about a virus- maybe never was. This is a bunch of people in a bunch of disciplines getting paid for whatever they write that helps their friends.

Delta is incredibly catching and not-scary at all. The vaccines are probably doing a shittier job than your worried Important Friends In Important Medical Institutes bet they would (literally or figuratively) and the asses they're worried about are their own.

In the US, as a disease, this shit is over. It's just over. Polio left people with scars, COVID left us with biofascism. That's what's up.

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I’m not crediting the models in the Nature study at all. The conclusion on its face is nonsensical: vaxx causes evolutionary pressure to mutate, so vaxx more. Yet, that’s the policy we are pursuing, and the reason offered.

I think you missed the sarcasm of Top Men.

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It is far more likely, imo, that they are leaking the "rumor" about a Marek's effect to scare people into the jab.

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I would not put it past them at all.

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And the data from Public Health England do not support the claim that the Delta variant is more virulent than the Alpha variant (a.k.a., the UK variant).

Delta in England as of 7/19/2021...

Unvaxxed: 121,402 cases/165 deaths/0.1359%

Unvaxxed <50: 119,063 cases/34 deaths/0.0286%

Unvaxxed 50+: 2,337 cases/131 deaths/5.606%

Fully Vaxxed: 28,773 cases/224 deaths/0.7785%

Fully Vaxxed <50: 15,346 cases/4 deaths/0.0260%

Fully Vaxxed 50+: 13,427 cases/220 deaths/1.6385%

24,952 Unlinked Infections

54,091 Partially Vaxxed Infections

28,773 Fully Vaxxed Infections

121,402 Unvaxxed Infections

There were 59 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed.

124 more deaths of fully/partially vaxxed than unvaxxed.


CFR for Delta in England as of July 5, 2021 was 0.2% (0.2 to 0.3%). By contrast, the CFR for the Alpha variant was 1.9% (1.8 to 2.0%).


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Dr. Robert Malone is concerned about ADE, but his advice is to stop the vaccinations.

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